3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Why Is There Racism in the Church?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210022B

00:01 We want to give our family here an opportunity
00:03 to express a final thought for you at home
00:05 and, Pastor John, we'll start with you.
00:07 Well, whenever we get together to answer Bible questions,
00:11 it's a fun process, but it's a learning process.
00:15 And we want to encourage you
00:16 that if there's something we have said
00:19 that wasn't complete.
00:20 Also, remember we only have two minutes
00:22 and sometimes three for one time
00:25 each program for each one of us.
00:27 So receive what we share with you
00:31 out of humble hearts.
00:32 We don't want to come across as the authority,
00:34 the only ones with the answers,
00:35 but if there's something that needs to be clarified,
00:38 please get back to us in a nice letter.
00:40 And we'll try to readdress it.
00:42 We appreciate that.
00:43 Pastor Johnny?
00:45 You know, I want to say something
00:46 about the question about Horus.
00:49 Jesus was unique.
00:50 There may be a few similarities
00:52 perhaps to this fictitious individual,
00:55 but concerning Jesus,
00:57 He fulfilled over 300 prophecies
00:59 and there's a mathematician and astronomy professor,
01:02 Peter W. Stoner.
01:03 He made a statement that
01:04 the chances of just eight prophecies
01:06 coming true by sheer chance
01:09 is one to the 10th to the 17th,
01:13 that's 17 zeroes.
01:15 So Jesus is unique.
01:16 Praise be to His name, He's our savior.
01:18 Yes, I just want to tell Janice that in the Old Testament,
01:22 there is this beautiful word hesed in the Hebrew
01:25 and it means covenant,
01:29 a covenant faithfulness, mercy, grace.
01:32 It is a beautiful term and it's used 246 times.
01:37 Grace is in the Old Testament.
01:39 Amen.
01:40 Thank you all so much
01:41 for your study of the Word of God.
01:43 Pastor John, Pastor Johnny and Shelley, thank you.
01:45 Thank you for being our family.
01:46 Thank you for sharing your questions.
01:48 Thank you for sharing your concerns
01:50 and your praise reports.
01:51 And just for sharing your heart,
01:53 know that we love you,
01:54 that we pray for you
01:56 and that we encourage you
01:57 at home to dig deep into the Word of God
01:59 and find Jesus.
02:01 Amen.
02:02 Amen.


Revised 2024-05-13