3ABN Today Bible Q&A

How to Study The Bible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210023A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:14 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
01:19 I get so excited about this program
01:21 because I get to look at questions
01:23 that you have sent in.
01:25 And we have a group of panelists
01:27 that will answer those questions
01:29 using scripture, going to the Word of God
01:32 and providing you with those answers.
01:35 And if you haven't sent in any questions,
01:39 I want to tell you how you may do so.
01:41 You can text your questions to (618) 228-3975.
01:47 Or you can email them
01:49 to BibleQA@3abn.org
01:54 I'm gonna share our opening scripture with you
01:57 before I introduce the wonderful panelists here.
02:00 And it's coming from James 1:22.
02:05 And it says, "But be doers of the Word
02:07 and not hearers only deceiving yourselves."
02:11 We must be doers of the Word.
02:13 It's just like, you know, you can have the knowledge
02:15 but without the application,
02:17 it's just like faith without works is dead.
02:19 So let me introduce you to my very alive panel,
02:23 who are doers of the Word.
02:25 We have Sister Jill Morikone.
02:27 So glad to have you here.
02:29 Thank you, Jason.
02:30 I love Bible Q and A, because we open up
02:32 the Word of God and I get to learn a lot.
02:34 So I'm so thankful. Amen.
02:35 Amen. Amen. We have Pastor Ryan Day.
02:39 It's a blessing to be here always.
02:40 I love Bible Q and A as well.
02:42 And I love it because it even allows me
02:44 to go back to the Bible and learn things
02:47 that I may not have known before.
02:48 And so, absolutely, it's a blessing.
02:49 Amen.
02:51 And we have Shelley Quinn,
02:52 another wonderful student of the Word.
02:54 It's great to have you.
02:55 I'll tell you what? These...
02:56 You all are keeping us on our toes.
02:58 We just want to thank you so much for your questions.
03:02 And I'm impressed by the level of these questions.
03:06 Often it's really interesting, so we love it.
03:09 Yes, and the challenging part is you only have two minutes
03:12 to answer each question.
03:14 And you get three minutes, there's one question you get
03:17 that can be three minutes long.
03:18 So that's the challenge.
03:20 But before we dive into the Word of God
03:22 and answer these questions, let's have a word of prayer.
03:25 Pastor Day, will you pray for us?
03:26 Absolutely, let's pray.
03:28 Father in heaven, Lord, on this blessed day, Lord,
03:31 we give You glory, and we give You honor,
03:33 we praise You, Lord, because You are worthy.
03:36 And here we are on another episode of Bible Q and A, Lord,
03:38 and we just not dare go any further without asking
03:42 for the leadership and guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
03:44 Help us, Lord, to have the spiritual mind of Jesus
03:47 to be able to rightly divide your word of truth
03:49 during this time, and the answers
03:51 that we provide, Lord, may they be accurate.
03:53 May they be according to Your will and Your plan
03:55 and more than anything, Lord,
03:57 may these question and answers draw people to You.
04:00 This is a program not to just tickle our ears, Lord,
04:03 but to draw us to Jesus Christ by providing answers
04:07 into who He is, and His plan for our life.
04:10 So thank you, Lord, for this opportunity.
04:12 And we ask this in Jesus' holy name, amen.
04:15 Amen. Amen, and amen.
04:17 Jill, we're gonna go to you first,
04:18 and you have three minutes for this question.
04:21 Yay.
04:22 The question comes from Zane out of California, and it says,
04:25 "How can I study the Bible better?
04:27 Sometimes I struggle in understanding
04:29 and in many things,
04:32 but what are some biblical steps
04:34 to understanding God's Word in a greater way
04:38 that I focus and find truths correctly?"
04:41 Thank you so much, Zane, for that question.
04:43 You know me, I like lists.
04:45 So I'm gonna give you six keys to understanding
04:48 the Word of God to studying the Word of God,
04:50 the six keys are more theological,
04:52 and then we'll do a couple of practical steps at the end.
04:55 So key number one is to allow God
04:57 to open your mind and heart.
04:59 That is so very important.
05:01 I think of Acts 16:14,
05:04 "Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us."
05:06 Of course, Paul was talking about this.
05:08 "She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira,
05:11 who worshipped God.
05:13 The Lord opened her heart
05:16 to heed the things spoken by Paul."
05:18 In other words, you and I could be hearing the Word of God.
05:20 We could even be reading the Word of God, but unless God
05:23 opens our hearts to understand, we won't understand.
05:27 Key number two,
05:29 pray for that divine understanding.
05:31 David the Psalmist said in Psalm 119:18,
05:35 "Open my eyes that I may see
05:38 or behold wondrous things out of Your law."
05:41 So go before God and pray for divine understanding.
05:45 Key number three,
05:46 ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
05:49 John 16:13, "However, when He, Jesus is speaking,
05:53 when He the Spirit of truth has come,
05:55 He will guide you into all truth."
05:59 So do you want to know truth?
06:00 Do you want to understand the Word of God?
06:03 Ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
06:06 Key number four is to understand
06:08 that Satan can cause confusion,
06:10 and he can actually block our minds
06:13 from understanding the Word of God.
06:15 We see this in 2 Corinthians 4:4-6,
06:19 "Whose minds the god of this age has blinded,
06:23 who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel
06:27 of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God
06:29 should shine on them."
06:31 So what is Paul saying here?
06:32 He's saying that Satan can literally blind people's minds,
06:37 so they do not understand truth.
06:40 This is why asking God to open your mind and heart,
06:42 praying for divine understanding,
06:44 asking for the illumination of the Holy Spirit
06:46 is so vitally important.
06:48 Number five, God revealed spiritual truths and not man.
06:52 Matthew 16:16-17, "Simon Peter answered and said,
06:56 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'
06:59 Jesus answered and said, 'Blessed are you,
07:01 Simon Bar-Jonah,
07:03 for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you,
07:05 but My Father who is in heaven.'"
07:08 That means God reveals it.
07:10 Key number six, the Holy Spirit definitely speaks
07:13 through human agents.
07:15 And He conveys truth through other people.
07:18 We won't read it, but you can find
07:19 that in Acts 26:17-18.
07:24 Then some practical steps in the closing seconds I have.
07:28 Read scripture in context, always look at context.
07:32 Compare scripture with scripture.
07:35 Study to find Jesus.
07:36 When you read the Word of God, look to find Jesus.
07:39 And finally, this is just a personal preference.
07:42 I love Bible hub.
07:43 It gives you great commentary.
07:45 It gives you all the translations
07:46 of the Word of God
07:47 and you can study the Greek and Hebrew in there as well.
07:49 Amen.
07:51 Amen.
07:52 Excellent growth principles in there.
07:53 I see that.
07:55 Pastor Day, we're gonna jump over here to Sister Shelley,
07:58 because chivalry is not dead.
08:00 So we'll go to Shelley real quick.
08:01 That's right.
08:03 Shelley, you said, this comes from Natalie out of New York,
08:05 now there's a couple questions in here.
08:07 And Larry and Yvonne sent one in here, "Shelley Quinn,
08:10 you said that the angels were men but in the Bible it says
08:14 they are neither male or female.
08:16 Can you please explain?
08:18 Also we are taught that
08:20 there are angels watching over us
08:22 and our great messengers.
08:23 So my question is more clarity on what are the two types
08:28 of angels and what are their duties?"
08:30 Okay.
08:32 Well, boy, you all really scared me for a second I had,
08:35 I know what the comment was generated
08:37 from a worship hour sermon I did on Michael the Archangel,
08:41 and I had to go back and make sure
08:43 that I had not misspoke, misspoken.
08:47 Let me tell you what I did say.
08:50 I said, unlike popular images, this is a quote,
08:53 "Bible texts always identify angels as men,
08:58 never as women or children."
09:00 So the Bible doesn't comment on angels
09:03 being neither male nor female.
09:06 In the Greek the word pnevma is Spirit, pnevmata,
09:12 the Greek, it's neuter.
09:13 And the Bible says that
09:15 all angels are ministering spirits.
09:17 Well, that means neuter gender is for God as well.
09:21 God is Spirit, but we refer to God in the masculine.
09:24 In Mark 12:25, the Bible says when they raise from the dead,
09:29 and here's where you got the idea that the Bible said
09:31 they're neither male nor female.
09:34 "When they rise from the dead,
09:36 they neither marry nor given in marriage
09:39 but are like the angels in heaven."
09:43 You see God instituted marriage
09:46 for companionship and for procreation,
09:49 and marriage isn't gonna be necessary in heaven
09:52 because it's gonna be something so much more special.
09:56 But Hebrews 1:14 says,
09:58 "They're all ministering spirits,
10:00 sent forth to help those,
10:03 minister to those who are gonna inherit salvation."
10:06 So it's interesting in the Greek an angel
10:11 can is means messenger, and it can even be a man.
10:15 There's several orders of angels,
10:18 the two that are named are cherubim,
10:21 they serve at God's throne.
10:23 And then there's seraphim.
10:24 They're the only two orders of angels that are winged.
10:27 And the only two named.
10:29 Guardian angel doesn't occur in the Bible.
10:31 But Matthew 18:10 says,
10:34 "Take heed that you did not despise
10:36 one of these little ones before I say to you,
10:39 that in heaven, their angels always see the face
10:42 of my father who is in heaven."
10:44 So their angels are watching the Lord continually.
10:47 And as soon as He makes a command,
10:49 they're there to fulfill it.
10:51 Amen.
10:52 Thank you for that explanation, Shelley.
10:54 Pastor Day, we were coming to you as promised.
10:57 "If you are not a practicing Adventist in dietary
11:01 and Sabbath observance,
11:03 but you have received His Spirit,
11:06 how will you fare in knowing you are prepared to meet God?"
11:09 This is from Josephine.
11:11 Sure, absolutely.
11:12 Well, this question we could talk a lot about.
11:14 But I'm gonna give you kind of the, the general basics
11:17 of how I would respond to this.
11:18 And obviously, I think it comes down
11:20 to the person's heart
11:22 and what they know, what do they know
11:24 and what do they not know, I'm talking genuinely?
11:26 Has this person been, you know, basically,
11:30 have they come in contact with truth?
11:32 Have they been expressed truth in some kind of way?
11:34 James 4:17, gives us a beautiful principle,
11:38 "Therefore to him who knows to do good
11:41 and does it not to him, it is sin."
11:43 So if a person is aware of truth,
11:46 but yet they're not living that truth,
11:47 and I can honestly say that person is not led
11:50 and does not have the Holy Spirit,
11:51 because they have received the light of truth
11:53 and they're not following it.
11:54 Also, Romans 7:7, Paul makes the same point very clear.
11:58 He says, "What shall we say then is the law of sin?"
12:01 Certainly not.
12:02 On the contrary, I would not have
12:04 known sin except through the law,
12:06 for would not have
12:07 for I would not have known covetousness,
12:09 unless the law had said, "You shall not covet."
12:11 So again, that knowing factor, even Jesus in both John 9,
12:16 and John 15, I'm not gonna read both,
12:18 but I'll reference John 9:41, where he talks about,
12:21 you know, reference to the Pharisees here, he says,
12:24 "If you were blind, you would have no sin.
12:26 But now you say, we see, therefore, your sin remains."
12:30 So the question here is,
12:32 if they're not a practicing Adventist in dietary
12:34 and Sabbath observance, but have received His Spirit,
12:37 how will you fare knowing you are prepared to meet God?
12:39 That is, if you're living up to all the truth that you know,
12:42 if you are following God according
12:44 to what you know at that time,
12:46 then you are living genuinely in God's Spirit
12:48 according to the leading guiding power of His Spirit.
12:50 But we also have to be reminded that John Chapter 14,
12:53 as well as John Chapter 16,
12:55 reminds us that the Spirit is the Spirit of truth,
12:58 and that He leads and guides us into all truth.
13:01 And so God will show truth to you.
13:03 And when the truth comes by the power of the Spirit,
13:05 it's our job to make sure that we receive that truth.
13:09 Acts 5:32, got to get this one in there,
13:12 "And we are His witnesses of these things,
13:14 and also is the Holy Spirit
13:16 whom God has given to those who obey Him."
13:19 So just because someone may not be
13:21 a practicing Adventist we need to keep in mind,
13:23 if they know the truth about the dietary laws,
13:26 they know the truth about the Sabbath observance,
13:29 and they're not following it, then they do not have
13:31 the Spirit of God because the Bible says
13:32 God only gives it to those who, who are, who obey Him.
13:37 But if that person is following God in all that they know,
13:40 and yet they're not necessarily following those, perhaps it's
13:42 because they haven't really heard that truth just yet.
13:45 We got to be careful in how we judge people.
13:47 Yeah, very, very, very good point.
13:50 Jill, this comes from Glenn out of Texas.
13:53 "Please explain.
13:55 Many are called but few are chosen.
13:56 Please answer with text from the Bible."
13:59 Thank you so much, Glenn, the verse you're referencing
14:02 is Matthew 22:14,
14:04 "For many are called, but few are chosen."
14:07 I'm gonna give you the short answer,
14:08 and then we'll go back and look at the context.
14:10 The short answer is many are called.
14:11 The calling, the invitation that is the invitation
14:15 is extended to everyone to the wedding feast.
14:18 But what does it mean few are chosen.
14:20 The chosen are those who accept the invitation
14:24 and comply with the condition,
14:26 meaning they need to put on that wedding garment.
14:30 So in other words, we could say all are called,
14:32 all are invited, but not all choose to accept
14:36 and comply with a condition.
14:38 If you look at the context,
14:40 the parable of the wedding feast,
14:41 you can read it in Matthew 22:1-14.
14:44 You see Jesus telling several parables here
14:46 toward the end of Matthew as the conflict intensifies
14:50 between Jesus and the religious leaders.
14:53 He tells a series of parables to demonstrate
14:55 what we call the great reversal
14:57 of the expected response to the coming Messiah.
15:00 The leaders of Israel end up rejecting Him,
15:03 while the outcasts and the unacceptable
15:05 end up accepting Him.
15:07 Those who are expected to be saved will be lost.
15:10 And those who we think are untouchable or sinners,
15:14 they will be saved.
15:16 So if you look at the context,
15:17 you see the king arranging a marriage for his son,
15:20 and he extends an invitation to the wedding guests
15:23 to please come, and they all sent declines back.
15:25 In fact, some of them killed the very servants
15:28 who would send the invitation.
15:30 Then the king sends out a second invite and says,
15:33 "Go to the highways and hedges go everywhere,
15:35 everyone is invited."
15:38 And they come but one guest does not appear
15:41 with a wedding garment.
15:43 We don't have time to go into that.
15:45 But that is represented by the righteousness of Christ,
15:48 both the imputed righteousness of Christ,
15:51 which is justification, our title for heaven,
15:54 and the imparted righteousness of Christ,
15:58 which is sanctification, that is our fitness for heaven.
16:02 So the bottom line is that all are called,
16:05 all are called to accept Jesus, but not all will accept Him
16:09 nor comply with those conditions.
16:11 Amen.
16:13 Excellent answer, Jill.
16:14 Shelley, we'll come to you.
16:16 This is your three minute question here.
16:17 Okay.
16:19 "May you please explain to me why we don't enjoy our tithe,
16:23 but give it to the church?"
16:24 Okay.
16:25 I believe that you're probably looking into the Old Testament
16:29 about the ceremonial tithing that they had.
16:34 In the rabbinical teachings, they understood tithing,
16:37 the Rabbis, to refer to three different ties.
16:41 There was the Levitical tithe
16:43 to support the synagogue church,
16:45 God's work.
16:47 And then there was a tithe that was spent by the family
16:50 celebrating when they went to Jerusalem for the feast.
16:53 And there was a charity tithe.
16:56 And I've read a lot of Jews,
16:58 the Jews were tithing 20 to 30%,
17:02 most of the time, yes, we.
17:05 So it's no longer required
17:07 to set aside the ceremonial tithe.
17:09 In Leviticus 27:30, the tithe, it says,
17:13 "It's holy and it belongs to the Lord.
17:15 It says all the tithe of the land,
17:17 whether the seed of the land
17:19 or of the fruit of the tree is the Lord's.
17:21 It is holy to do, it is holy to the Lord.
17:26 And it is to support the Lord's work."
17:28 We see that in Numbers 18:21, Nehemiah 10:37- 39.
17:34 And I want to say this,
17:36 there were certain sacrificial offerings
17:40 that were symbolized in the Old Testament,
17:44 there were symbols of Christ's atonement on the cross,
17:48 and they ended at the cross.
17:51 But tithing is not in that classification.
17:56 So tithing did not end.
17:58 It was practiced by Abraham.
18:00 It continued through, throughout the Old Testament
18:04 and into the New Testament throughout the New Testament.
18:07 The New Testament upholds and validates
18:11 the practice of tithing.
18:12 It just assumes it as a divine institution of worship.
18:18 And no New Testament writer relaxes its obligation.
18:23 Jesus said in Matthew 23:23,
18:25 "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
18:28 You pay tithes to mint, anis, cumin,
18:31 and have neglected the weightier matters
18:34 of the law, justice and mercy and faith."
18:38 Now, then he says something interesting,
18:40 "These you ought to have done,"
18:42 he's talking about their tithes,
18:44 "without leaving the others undone."
18:46 So He's encouraging tithing,
18:49 but the Pharisees were strict in their tithing,
18:52 and they missed the weightier matters
18:55 of that God had commanded.
18:57 Here's, we're not gonna take time to read it.
18:59 But Hebrews 7:1-8.
19:02 Read Hebrews 7:1-8.
19:04 It's a somewhat casual reference to tithing,
19:08 and it indicates that tithing was already an established
19:14 custom in the New Testament Church.
19:16 It's talking about Melchizedek and just as Abraham tithe
19:21 to Melchizedek, then it says,
19:23 "We likewise pay tithe to Christ.
19:27 Our tithe is returned to Christ, for His church,
19:31 and the glory of the Lord."
19:32 Wow. Amen.
19:34 Amen.
19:35 I'm still kind of stuck on the 20 to 30%,
19:36 and I'm like watching there like, wow, okay, all right.
19:40 Amen.
19:42 But 10% of that that was something
19:44 that the family enjoyed at the feast at the ceremonial.
19:48 Got you. Yeah.
19:49 We're gonna continue in this tithing conversation here.
19:52 Pastor Day, we're gonna come to you this question
19:56 they're asking, "Can you please explain tithing?"
19:59 Okay, so separate from the multiple examples
20:02 that she gave, but also inclusive and one of them.
20:04 Obviously tithing literally in the Bible means 10th.
20:08 And so all of the, all of your income
20:11 that you receive the principle of tithing in scripture,
20:13 especially referring to returning it to the storehouse,
20:16 which we're gonna talk about in just a moment,
20:18 that is referring to a 10th of your income.
20:20 And here's the thing we have to remember,
20:22 none of our money and our belongings
20:24 that we have is ours.
20:25 It's all God's, it all comes to God.
20:27 It's all God's.
20:28 And He's, God is so good to us that He says,
20:30 I'm gonna give you everything.
20:31 And I'm just gonna ask you to return to me a 10th
20:34 for the foregoing and advancement of My work.
20:36 And so I'm gonna go to the probably
20:38 the most famous passage dealing with tithing
20:40 that really instills within us the clear principle
20:43 of what it means and the importance of tithing.
20:45 And that's Malachi 3:8-10.
20:47 I love how God starts this off,
20:49 because He's actually rebuking
20:50 the house of Israel at this time,
20:52 because they weren't tithing properly.
20:54 And He says, "Will a man rob God?
20:56 Yet you have robbed me."
20:58 But you say, "In what way have we robbed you?"
21:01 And he makes it clear, "In tithes and offerings.
21:03 You are cursed with a curse and you have robbed me,
21:05 even this whole nation."
21:07 And here comes the principle, verse 10,
21:09 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
21:11 that there may be food in My house."
21:14 Okay, we're gonna come back to that,
21:15 "And try me now on this."
21:17 He says, "Test me, put me to the test." I love this.
21:20 He says, the Lord, He says, "I will not open for you
21:22 the windows of heaven and pour out for you
21:24 such a blessing that there will not be room enough
21:27 to receive it."
21:28 So a lot of people say well, what is the storehouse, right?
21:30 Well, the storehouse is
21:32 what I want it to be not necessarily
21:33 because God clearly says right here
21:35 in the same sentence,
21:37 He says, "Bring the tithes into the storehouse,
21:38 that there may be food in My house."
21:40 The storehouse here is His house,
21:42 the temple, the church.
21:44 And so we give a 10th.
21:45 And when I say give, we're returning,
21:47 we're not paying tithes.
21:48 We don't pay tithes, we return tithe
21:50 because it's already God's, right?
21:52 And God promises as He says, "Please do this.
21:54 And watch me pour out a blessing upon you
21:56 that you can't even receive it."
21:58 That's the principle of tithing.
22:00 And it's simply just as it was originally was established
22:05 in the Old Testament, all the way back in Genesis.
22:07 A lot of people try to say this is a Jewish thing.
22:09 It was for the house of Israel, for that Old Testament
22:12 Church of Israel, but it's not for us today.
22:13 But yet you can find
22:15 all the way back in Genesis 14:20,
22:17 also Genesis 28:22, where Abraham and Jacob
22:21 also gave a 10th of their income, they tithed.
22:24 And so this is not a Jewish thing.
22:25 It's all inclusive as Shelley beautifully brought out,
22:28 it goes over even into the New Testament.
22:29 I love it.
22:31 Here's another thing I've had people say, "Well, Ryan,
22:33 I don't mind tithing and giving a 10th.
22:34 But I don't want to give it to the church
22:36 because well, I don't know what they're doing with it."
22:38 Well, I love the story of the little widow woman
22:41 that brought her two mites.
22:43 It said, she brought it to the treasury of the church.
22:45 Now Jesus, you just read from Matthew 23:23,
22:48 where He told those leaders of the church
22:51 who potentially would have misused that tithe,
22:53 what did you call them?
22:55 You hypocrites, okay.
22:56 But it's interesting that this little widow woman comes
22:58 and she puts all that she had,
23:00 Jesus said she gave more than anyone.
23:02 There would have been an opportunity for Jesus
23:04 to say, "Oh, no, no, no, no, woman, don't do that.
23:06 Don't give your money to these hypocrites,
23:08 to this bad church, because they're bad people.
23:09 They're hypocrites.
23:11 They're gonna misuse and abuse it."
23:12 But He didn't. He commended her for it.
23:14 And I just say that in closing here
23:16 to say that tithing is a blessing.
23:18 It's not for us to judge where it,
23:19 where it's gone, or how it's used.
23:21 That's between those who have it
23:22 and use it within the church,
23:24 but we are to be faithful to God
23:26 and return to Him,
23:27 what is His and that's a 10th of our income.
23:29 It's already His, just give it to Him for a blessing.
23:31 Amen.
23:32 I love that. I love that.
23:34 It's a blessing.
23:35 Absolutely.
23:37 You're probably sitting at home right now,
23:38 if you just join, if you're just joining us,
23:40 and you're wondering, "Well, how do I submit my questions?"
23:43 Well, there's two ways that you may do so.
23:46 You can text your questions to 618-228-3975.
23:51 Or you can email your questions
23:53 to Bible QA@3abn.org
23:59 This is an exciting programs thus far.
24:04 These questions that have been coming in
24:08 have been really, really good.
24:10 We're gonna go to this question for Jill.
24:12 This comes from Kathy out of Pennsylvania.
24:15 And Kathy wants to know, she says,
24:17 "The disciples addressed their letters
24:19 to Jesus' followers back then, how do we know
24:22 that we can apply God's Word to our personal lives today?
24:27 Is there a verse to support it?"
24:29 Thank you, Kathy.
24:30 I would say there's two verses initially right off the bat
24:32 that jumped to my mind.
24:33 First is Romans 15:4, "For whatever things
24:36 were written before were written for our learning."
24:40 It doesn't say for the Romans' learning,
24:42 because of course, the Epistle of Paul
24:44 to the Romans was written to the Roman Church.
24:45 It doesn't say that, it's written for our learning,
24:48 that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures
24:50 might have hope.
24:52 Another scripture I think of is also in Paul's writings.
24:54 This is 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
24:58 All scripture, now that word all in Greek is pas.
25:01 It means each and every one.
25:03 Not all scripture in general,
25:06 but it means each and every individual scripture
25:09 is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine,
25:13 for reproof, for correction,
25:15 for instruction in righteousness,
25:18 that the man or woman of God may be perfect or complete,
25:23 thoroughly equipped for every good work.
25:25 Everything we find in the Word of God
25:28 is helpful for us today.
25:30 I want to give you a couple of keys to understanding
25:33 and interpreting and implying the Word of God.
25:36 Key number one is intention determines meaning.
25:41 The interpretation must be based
25:42 on the author's intention of meaning,
25:45 not the readers understanding.
25:47 Unless you learn the intended meaning of the text writer,
25:50 you will not be able to properly convey the message.
25:53 Number two, context determines meaning,
25:57 interpretation must be done on the context of the passage
26:02 that you were reading.
26:03 Number three, it's important to understand the difference
26:06 between literal interpretation and times
26:09 when there's a symbolic interpretation of the passage.
26:13 Number four, the genre of biblical literature
26:16 that determines meaning.
26:19 Number five, other scriptures, they determine meaning.
26:24 Use the Bible to interpret itself.
26:27 Number six,
26:28 separate interpretation from application.
26:31 We can look first at the local historical context.
26:35 Then we need to determine the application
26:37 for you and I today.
26:39 Wow.
26:40 Amen, amen.
26:41 Thank you, Jill.
26:43 Shelley, what did Jesus mean when He said,
26:45 "I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it?
26:49 It seems a little confusing.
26:51 What does it mean that He fulfilled the law?"
26:54 This is from David. Okay.
26:56 This is where David boy,
26:57 I'll tell you the Greek really helps us understating,
27:00 seeing the original language.
27:02 Your question is from Matthew 5:17.
27:04 Jesus says, "Do not think that I came to destroy the law
27:07 or the prophets."
27:08 This is the twofold division of the Old Testament Scriptures,
27:11 that proves your point
27:12 that Jesus is validating all Scripture.
27:16 And He says, "I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."
27:22 I believe in the context, here He is, most specifically,
27:26 because we're looking at the Sermon on the Mount.
27:28 He's talking more specifically about the moral law,
27:32 but we're gonna hit on this.
27:34 Fulfill in the Greek means to make a full,
27:38 to fill it full.
27:41 You're gonna fill it up.
27:43 And Isaiah 42:21, it says, "The Lord is well please
27:48 for his righteousness sake, He will exalt the law."
27:51 He's gonna magnify the instructions
27:54 and make it honorable.
27:56 This is part of why Jesus came and in this same chapter
28:01 on Matthew 5 where we find the Sermon on the Mount.
28:03 Jesus says in verse 21-22, hey, you've heard it said,
28:07 You shall not murder but I say, okay,
28:11 here's what the letter of the law says.
28:13 But the spirit of the law, I say to you,
28:16 if you hate your brother, you're in danger of judgment.
28:20 In verse 27-28,
28:22 you've heard it said you should not commit adultery,
28:24 I say to you, if you look at a woman,
28:27 you lust after a woman,
28:29 you've already committed adultery in your heart.
28:32 So Christ is fulfilling the moral law.
28:37 He's filling it up to the fullest understanding,
28:40 magnifying the law in its spiritual application.
28:45 Now we take that same word when we say Christ fulfilled
28:50 the ritual ceremonial laws
28:53 that are pointed to Him,
28:57 He was the embodiment of everything that the law,
29:03 the old law was the types and shadows of
29:07 so that did cease at the cross but the moral law He magnified.
29:12 Amen. Thank you for that explanation.
29:14 Amen. Yes.
29:16 I start watching that clock and then...
29:21 It flies by, doesn't it?
29:22 It does. Yes, yes. Right, I know.
29:24 Pastor Day, this comes from Kimberly out of Florida.
29:27 She wants to know, "Is it okay for Seventh-day Adventist
29:30 Christian women to wear clear polish fingernail
29:34 and natural soft colored fingernail polish.
29:38 And is it okay to braid your hair?"
29:40 Well, the quick clear answer is yes.
29:45 And I know right when I just said that.
29:47 There's probably a bunch of people
29:49 who just went you know, what did he say?
29:51 Apostasy!
29:53 You know, there's a lot of misunderstanding
29:56 and just misapplication to many texts in Scripture
30:01 and also I think when we're talking about a subject
30:02 such as this, we need to ask ourselves this,
30:04 what, let's consider what the Bible doesn't say
30:07 on these subjects before we draw a conclusion.
30:09 Many times we assume that
30:11 because we might have heard a preacher
30:12 or we might have read something,
30:14 you know, in some books somewhere about this
30:16 that the Bible's just flooded with so much information
30:18 on this, and in reality
30:20 there's not one text in all the Bible
30:22 that says it's wrong to, you know, wear some type of,
30:25 you know, makeup applicant or to braid the hair.
30:28 There's not that there.
30:30 But what we often do is we go and find a text, for instance,
30:32 1 Timothy 2:9, let's just go there
30:35 and read that one where Paul says,
30:37 "And like men are also
30:38 that women adorn themselves in modest apparel
30:40 with sobriety, or excuse me, with propriety and moderation,
30:44 not with braided hair, or gold or pearls, or costly clothing."
30:48 Notice how that's all in connection,
30:50 not with braided hair, gold, pearls or costly clothing.
30:55 What, it's interesting here that that word braided
30:57 in the original King James says with broided hair.
30:59 And it's interesting that broided
31:01 as the root word of embroidery.
31:02 And so what would happen often in this context,
31:05 and you'd have to study historical context.
31:07 You have to practice proper biblical hermeneutics,
31:09 when you're looking into subjects such as this,
31:11 because oftentimes,
31:13 the biblical writers would write things,
31:14 and they're writing from within the personal issue
31:17 that was happening in their day,
31:19 in this case, 2000 years ago, 2500 plus years ago.
31:23 And so we often want to read and say, "Oh,
31:25 it's a sin if the woman braids her hair."
31:27 Well, what the women were doing back in those days
31:29 in a broidered type way,
31:31 is not only were they braiding the hair,
31:32 but they would often, you know, weave in gold and pearls
31:36 and different things within their hair.
31:37 And there was different social classes
31:39 and economic classes,
31:41 that they were literally trying to get one up in the church
31:43 on one or the other women in the church
31:44 by looking fancy and flashy, and it became almost a contest.
31:48 That's what Paul's addressing here
31:49 as far as the braiding of the hair.
31:50 Not that it's, not that it's a sin
31:52 that if a woman takes
31:53 two or three strands of hair and goes
31:56 and weaves it together, oh, you've somehow sin.
31:58 We can be very pharisaical about this,
32:00 and we need to be very careful on how we address it.
32:02 As far as the clear nail polish
32:04 or the fleshly colored nail polish.
32:06 You know, there is some counsel
32:08 that are given to us in Scripture about you know,
32:10 not wearing you know, flashy bright colors,
32:13 painting of the face like Jezebel.
32:15 We have to be very, very careful about that
32:16 because often that is associated
32:18 with pagan religions and pagan practices.
32:20 But you know what I'm wearing right now I'm wearing makeup,
32:23 I have to wear makeup because these bright lights if I did,
32:25 my face would light up like a, like the sun, right?
32:27 Yeah.
32:29 And so, you know, it's not a sin
32:30 to put on these things in light and moderation,
32:32 but to go all out like the world would,
32:34 that's when it becomes a problem.
32:36 And that's what we have to keep it
32:37 within its proper context.
32:38 Wow.
32:40 Excellent, excellent explanation there, Ryan.
32:44 We will go to Jill, "Jill in Luke 23:34,
32:48 Jesus states on the cross,
32:50 "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
32:53 Did God honor Jesus' request on the cross
32:57 by forgiving them?"
32:58 This is from Hermiston out of Oregon.
33:01 That's a great question
33:03 and one I've actually wondered myself,
33:05 Forgiveness is not vicarious.
33:07 It cannot be applied because someone else asked,
33:10 no more than it can be given through someone else.
33:13 You know, we know that we do not ask for forgiveness
33:17 for ourselves through a priest.
33:18 We know that very clearly.
33:20 1 Timothy 2:5-6, "There is one mediator.
33:24 We have access to God through the mediator,
33:26 the man Jesus Christ,
33:27 but neither can we ask forgiveness for someone else."
33:32 The requirement for forgiveness is repentance.
33:35 We cannot repent for someone else.
33:38 We can however, intercede for someone else.
33:42 There's a difference between intercession and repentance.
33:46 You know, 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
33:49 He God is faithful and just to forgive us,
33:52 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
33:54 That means I need to come before God personally,
33:56 and repent of my sin and say, "I did this, I'm sorry,
34:00 would you forgive me?"
34:01 And God extends forgiveness.
34:04 However, we see wonderful examples in the Word of God
34:07 of intercession on behalf of someone else.
34:12 I can think of four right off the bat.
34:14 There's more, but the four I think of the first one,
34:16 of course, would be the one that was referenced
34:18 in this reference Jesus,
34:19 His arm stretched out at the cross,
34:21 "Father forgive them,
34:23 for they know not what they do."
34:24 Now did every man who crucified Him,
34:26 were they all repentant?
34:28 Were they all forgiven?
34:29 No, we see in Revelation 1:7, "Every eye will see Him
34:33 and those also who pierce Him
34:35 and all nations will wail because of Him."
34:38 We know that some of those who crucified Jesus
34:40 will not be in the kingdom.
34:42 I think of Steven when he's been stoned to death.
34:45 And what did he say,
34:46 "Lay not this sin to their charge."
34:49 Does that mean every single one of those priests were forgiven?
34:51 No.
34:52 Of course, Saul turned Paul was definitely forgiven.
34:55 He met Jesus on the Damascus Road.
34:57 He repented of his sin, and he was forgiven.
35:01 I think of Moses interceding for the children of Israel
35:04 after the golden calf experience.
35:07 Does that mean they were all forgiven?
35:09 No, it means they had to repent themselves.
35:12 I think of Daniel asking for forgiveness for the people
35:16 of Israel, asking for that forgiveness.
35:19 But yet we still individually need to ask for forgiveness
35:23 and repent ourselves.
35:24 Amen. Beautiful answer.
35:26 Wonderful. Absolutely.
35:28 Shelley, "What law is Galatians 3
35:31 talking about in general and full context?"
35:35 All right. I love that question.
35:37 It is so easy to see right within the context
35:42 Galatians Chapter 3 is talking about the book of the law.
35:47 Let's go ahead and read that.
35:48 In Galatians 3:10-14, it says,
35:51 "As many as are of the works of the law
35:55 are under the curse, for it is written,
35:56 'Cursed is everyone
35:58 who does not continue in all things
36:02 which are written in the book of the law to do them."
36:06 That's a direct quote from Deuteronomy 27:26.
36:11 So we, He tells us what works He's talking about.
36:16 Then he goes on and says,
36:17 "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law."
36:20 Now, let me back up just a moment.
36:23 In Exodus 24:3-8,
36:27 we see that God had already spoken the Ten Commandments.
36:31 Moses went up the mountain for 40 days,
36:33 God speaks to Moses.
36:36 And Moses comes down and he shares it
36:38 with all the people all the words.
36:40 They say, okay, he writes them in a book.
36:43 And then he builds an altar.
36:46 It's a covenant, what is written in this book,
36:50 and it's actually called it says,
36:52 "He took the book of the covenant."
36:54 Exodus 24:7, "He read it in the hearing of the people.
36:59 And then he sprinkled the people
37:01 in the book with blood."
37:03 So this was not the everlasting covenant
37:06 of redemption by grace.
37:08 It was a temporary covenant.
37:10 It was like constitution for Israel.
37:14 Then Moses, when he got the people
37:16 to the next generation
37:19 was standing at the edge of promise.
37:22 And Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy expands
37:25 on this covenant from the book of the covenant.
37:28 And now he calls it the book of the law.
37:31 And he puts it, the Lord tells him,
37:33 Deuteronomy 31:26,
37:36 "Take this book of the law,
37:37 put it beside the Ark of the Covenant,
37:40 which is a witness against you."
37:43 And so, you know, in Colossians 2:14,
37:45 what it's talking about, it was nailed to,
37:48 what was nailed to the cross?
37:50 It was that which was contrary to us, the witness against us.
37:56 But I have to give one more scripture,
37:58 in Galatians,
37:59 this book of the law, in Galatians, 3:19, he says,
38:03 "What purpose then does the law serve?"
38:06 He's talking about the book of the law,
38:08 the Deuteronomy was the second giving of the law.
38:11 It was added because of transgressions
38:14 till the siege should come to whom the promise was made.
38:18 And it was appointed through angels
38:20 by the hand of the mediator,
38:22 therefore the law that old covenant,
38:25 the book of the law, the book of Deuteronomy
38:28 was our tutor to bring us to Christ
38:30 that we might be justified by faith.
38:33 But after faith is come, we're no longer under a tutor.
38:36 Amen and amen.
38:38 You know, I love when you get questions on the covenant.
38:42 And I know you do too. And I know you do too.
38:44 Yes.
38:46 Pastor Day, "Will people who have identified
38:49 with the LGBTQ group be considered sinners?
38:52 Will they have an opportunity to be saved
38:55 since the Bible speaks against this lifestyle?
38:58 Also, should they be allowed to hold church office positions?"
39:02 This is from Linda.
39:04 That's a great question.
39:05 I'll try to address each one of those questions.
39:07 I'll start with the first one.
39:08 Now, will people who have identified with the LGBTQ group
39:11 be considered sinners?
39:13 I know very clearly, let me make this very clear
39:16 that the Bible makes it very clear that
39:17 that type of mentality and that lifestyle
39:20 is an abomination to the Lord.
39:22 You can read that in Leviticus 20:13.
39:25 Now when we talk about, you know,
39:27 coming to the point to say, well,
39:29 that person's a sinner, or that person's a sinner.
39:31 We're all sinners.
39:32 We've all fallen short of the glory of God.
39:33 And so we have to be all inclusive in that sense.
39:36 But you know, we also kind of goes back
39:37 to what I made earlier,
39:39 we have to be careful and understand
39:40 that, you know, every person is on a journey.
39:43 And a person may not always be aware
39:46 of the will of God for their life,
39:47 until a certain time in their life.
39:49 And so we have to be careful how we identify,
39:51 so that person is a sinner.
39:52 That person is a sinner.
39:54 That's between them and the Lord
39:55 and for God to make that call.
39:57 Is that is the lifestyle that mentality is sin?
39:59 Absolutely.
40:00 In fact, Romans 1:26-27 says this, it says,
40:03 "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions,
40:07 for even their women exchanged the natural use
40:09 for what is against nature.
40:10 Likewise, also the men leaving the natural use
40:13 of the woman burned in lust for one another,
40:16 men with men committing what is shameful,
40:18 and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error
40:20 which was due."
40:22 So we know God's attitude towards these practices.
40:24 It's not good, and God does frown upon it.
40:26 But certainly, we have to also understand
40:28 that a person may not be aware of these truths,
40:31 and we have to take that in consideration.
40:33 Will they have an opportunity to be saved?
40:36 You know, even though the Bible speaks against it, of course,
40:38 right now, God, the heaven's doors wide open,
40:41 God is knocking on the door of their heart,
40:42 just like anyone else.
40:44 And so absolutely, if they're open,
40:45 Jesus Christ is there to save them and redeem them
40:48 from that lifestyle.
40:49 And, of course, should they be allowed
40:51 to hold church office positions.
40:53 An absolute no.
40:54 And the reason why that is,
40:56 is because when we open that door
40:59 to allow that to come in, what we're doing
41:01 is we're opening the door to a leavening process.
41:03 A compromise that is against the will of God.
41:06 That doesn't mean we don't love the people,
41:08 because we love them, we should love them,
41:09 no matter what type of lifestyle they choose,
41:11 because they are creation of God.
41:14 But at the same time, we need to, we need to protect
41:16 the sanctity of God's Church
41:18 and the unity of God's Church in that sense.
41:21 Amen. Amen.
41:22 Well said. Absolutely.
41:24 Jill, is there power in prayer?
41:26 Yes, absolutely we can be done right there
41:28 by just saying that.
41:29 Yes there's power in prayer.
41:31 I want to give you, if I have time nine things
41:33 that prayer accomplishes and of course,
41:35 there's many more than that.
41:36 Number one, prayer brings you and I closer to God.
41:39 Psalm 145:18, "The Lord is near to all who call on him
41:44 to all call on Him in truth."
41:46 Number two, prayer, it brings peace.
41:49 Philippians 4:6-7, "Be anxious for nothing
41:52 but in everything by prayer and supplication
41:55 with thanksgiving.
41:56 Let your requests be made known to God.
41:58 And the peace of God
42:00 which surpasses all understanding will keep
42:02 or guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
42:05 So prayer, it brings peace.
42:07 Number three, prayer brings healing.
42:10 It brings physical healing, and it brings spiritual healing
42:13 and emotional healing.
42:15 James 5:16, "Confess your trespasses to one another
42:18 in praying for one another, that you may be healed."
42:22 Number four, prayer brings conversion,
42:25 this is one of my favorites, Luke 22:31-32.
42:29 Jesus is speaking.
42:31 "And the Lord said Simon, Simon, Satan has asked for you
42:34 that he may sift you as we, but I, I have prayed for you.
42:39 And when you have returned to me, or King James says,
42:41 when you are converted, strengthen your brethren."
42:45 Prayer, it brings conversions in other people's lives.
42:48 Number five, prayer effectuates change.
42:52 James 5:16, "The effect of fervent prayer
42:54 of a righteous man avails much."
42:57 Prayer brings change.
42:58 Number six.
43:00 Prayer teaches surrender.
43:02 1 John 5:14,
43:04 "This is the confidence we have in Him,
43:06 if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
43:10 It is so important when we pray that we surrender,
43:13 not my will, God but Yours be done."
43:16 Number seven, prayer brings forgiveness.
43:20 Look that up 1 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people,
43:24 who are called by my name
43:25 will humble themselves and pray," what happens?
43:28 "He will forgive."
43:30 Number eight, prayer brings understanding.
43:33 Psalm 119:18, "Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things
43:37 from Your law.
43:38 And we'll save number nine for another time.
43:43 You're gonna leave us on that cliffhanger?
43:44 Oh, yes.
43:46 Oh, man!
43:47 That was good.
43:49 All right, Shelley, we'll go to you on that note,
43:52 "What does the Bible mean when it mentions a cloud
43:55 of witnesses and who are they?
43:57 Can you please explain this so it is clear that loved ones
44:00 are not looking down from heaven
44:02 but are asleep in the grave?"
44:03 That's from Louis.
44:05 Absolutely.
44:06 And your reference is from Hebrews 12:1,
44:10 but I'm gonna kind of backup.
44:11 Remember when the Bible was written,
44:14 there was no vision of chapter and verse,
44:17 it all went together, and even no punctuation.
44:21 But let's in Hebrews 11, the Bible says
44:24 that, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
44:27 the evidence of things not seen."
44:29 Verse 2 says, "By it the elders obtained a good testimony."
44:33 So chapter 11 is the hall of faith.
44:37 And it mentions Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham Sarah, Isaac,
44:41 Jacob, Moses, Rehab, and the New Testament believers
44:44 who were martyred.
44:47 They were equipped by faith.
44:49 They were motivated by faith.
44:50 They were aroused to action by faith,
44:53 and they were sustained by their faith,
44:56 and they all obtained a good testimony,
44:59 but then in verse 13 of Hebrews 11, it says,
45:03 "They all died in faith,
45:05 but not having received the promise,
45:07 because they saw them from afar of.
45:10 They embrace them.
45:11 They confess that they were strangers
45:14 and pilgrims in this world."
45:15 Now look in Hebrews 11:39-40.
45:18 These are the last two verses of Chapter 11.
45:21 It says, "All these,
45:23 having obtained good testimony through faith,
45:27 did not receive the promise God having provided
45:30 something better for us,
45:32 that they should not be made perfect depart from us."
45:35 In other words, we're all gonna go into His presence
45:37 at the same time.
45:39 And the very next verse, which is Hebrews 12:1.
45:42 Remember, no divisions, no chapters,
45:46 no verses in the original.
45:48 It says, "Therefore we also since we're surrounded
45:52 by so great a cloud of witnesses."
45:55 Referring to all of these deceased saints
45:59 that we've just read about,
46:01 "Let us lay aside every weakness
46:03 in which so easily ensnares us
46:06 and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
46:10 They bore witness to us."
46:13 And we're supposed to follow their example.
46:15 Amen, Shelley. Amen.
46:17 Wonderful.
46:18 Pastor Day, "Can you please explain where does it say
46:21 that some individuals resurrected with Jesus,
46:25 and that they went to heaven with Him."
46:27 All right, I took a few seconds on my previous,
46:29 little more time on my previous ones.
46:31 I think I can answer this one in under two minutes,
46:34 the only reference Glenny,
46:35 I think this comes from Glenny in New York.
46:37 The only reference in all the Bible
46:39 on this is Matthew 27:52-53.
46:42 So if you go back to Matthew 27
46:44 and read verses 50 and 51.
46:46 Jesus has just given up His spirit on the cross,
46:48 He's died, that there's a great earthquake in the temple is,
46:52 the veil in the temple is torn from top to bottom.
46:55 And in verse 52 says,
46:56 "And then the graves were opened
46:58 and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep
47:01 were raised and coming out of the graves
47:03 after His resurrection, they went into the holy city
47:06 and appeared to many."
47:07 So there was a resurrection there,
47:10 at the time that Jesus had died with the earthquake,
47:13 and then those people who were resurrected
47:14 they appeared into the city of Jerusalem,
47:16 or they showed themselves after Jesus' resurrection,
47:20 but as right in reference to,
47:21 you know, them going to heaven with Jesus,
47:23 I can say this very clearly, biblically speaking,
47:26 there is no explicit text it says there were those
47:28 who ascended with Christ when He ascended into heaven.
47:31 There's some that go to Ephesians 4:8 where it says,
47:34 you know, he led captivity captive
47:36 when He ascended on high.
47:37 There it is.
47:39 I didn't say it's not possible and I didn't say
47:40 that there weren't people that did not ascend
47:42 when Jesus had his ascension.
47:43 But there's not an explicit text
47:44 in the Bible that says,
47:46 you know these amount of people or these kinds of people
47:48 ascended with Jesus at His ascension.
47:51 Thank you for that explanation there.
47:53 We are going to go into our bonus round.
47:56 So we've got a couple of bonus questions for you.
48:00 And I'm just gonna toss
48:02 these out there and whoever wants
48:03 to answer these questions may do so.
48:07 "When I praise God, I give Him honor.
48:09 When I thank God I give Him gratitude.
48:12 When I give God the glory I give Him what?
48:17 Go ahead.
48:18 Okay, well the text that comes to my mind
48:20 is when we give God glory, what are we giving to Him?
48:23 I think of 1 Corinthians 10: 31.
48:26 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Therefore whether you eat
48:29 or drink or whatever you do, I love this,
48:33 do all to the glory of God."
48:35 So do all to the glory of God.
48:37 When you give God glory, you're giving Him your all.
48:40 You are giving Him every single aspect of you.
48:42 Romans 12:1,
48:43 you know, present your bodies as a living sacrifice.
48:46 You're giving your whole self to Him
48:48 when you are giving God glory.
48:51 And I think of 1 Chronicles 16:29, it says,
48:54 "Give to the Lord the glory to His name,
48:59 bring an offering, come before Him.
49:01 Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
49:06 And you know, I think, to give God the glory, is to extol Him,
49:12 to magnify His name.
49:13 I think, King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:37 says,
49:19 he says, now I Nebuchadnezzar,
49:22 who was had been
49:23 such a proud person and God had to,
49:26 you know, if you exalt yourself,
49:28 God will humble you and God had humbled him.
49:30 But now he says, "Now, I Nebuchadnezzar
49:33 praise and extol and honor
49:38 the King of heaven.
49:40 All of whose works are truth, and His ways are justice.
49:45 And those who walk in pride,
49:47 He is able to put down."
49:51 So God says in Isaiah 42:8,
49:56 I'm the Lord.
49:58 God, that's my name.
50:00 I'm not gonna share My glory with another."
50:03 In other words, He was saying, these wooden idols,
50:07 these stone idols that can't talk,
50:09 can't do anything.
50:11 If you bow down for them, if you're giving them worship
50:15 and honor and extolling their name.
50:20 You know, you're giving them the glory that's due to Me.
50:24 So I like the fact that when I give God glory,
50:29 I'm giving Him what's due Him.
50:34 Amen. Amen.
50:36 I would just add to that, I love what you said talking
50:39 about giving Him glory and honor
50:41 as far with the words.
50:43 But I would extend it into actions as well.
50:45 When I think about Exodus 33,
50:47 Moses said, "Show me your glory."
50:50 And what did God show him?
50:51 His character.
50:53 Yes.
50:54 "The Lord, the Lord gracious and long suffering and merciful
50:57 and unbounded in goodness and truth."
50:59 And so to me when we give God glory we don't just extol Him,
51:02 we don't just give Him everything.
51:04 But we actually represent His character to other people.
51:10 So by our actions, we give Him glory.
51:12 Amen. That's wonderful.
51:14 That is very well said.
51:15 Yes.
51:17 And imagine doing that in the midst of a trial.
51:20 Yes.
51:21 Amen. That's right.
51:23 I don't have to imagine it.
51:24 There we go. There we go.
51:27 Well, all right, yes, I'm glad. I'm glad.
51:30 I can't believe our time is flying by like this,
51:34 and you're probably sitting there like,
51:36 man, these were some great questions.
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Revised 2024-05-20