3ABN Today Bible Q&A

How to Study The Bible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210023B

00:01 I'm so glad that you're still with us
00:02 even though our time is rapidly escaping us.
00:05 I want to open up the floor for any final thoughts
00:08 and, Jill, we'll start with you.
00:10 Well, I want to get on point number nine.
00:11 You've seen, I neglected point number nine.
00:13 This is nine things that prayer accomplishes.
00:15 Number nine, prayer brings deliverance from temptation.
00:20 Matthew 26:41, this is Jesus.
00:22 "Watch and pray,
00:24 lest you enter into temptation."
00:26 So what an incredible thought to know
00:28 that prayer can deliver us from temptation.
00:30 Amen.
00:32 I just want to highlight the fact
00:33 that when we return our tithes to Christ.
00:36 We're doing this for the purpose of sending it
00:38 to the storehouse for the building
00:39 and advancement of God's kingdom.
00:41 It also takes care of our pastors.
00:43 So when we choose not to return tithe,
00:45 we're not supporting our pastors or ministers
00:47 and their families and so, it's an encouragement
00:49 to return your tithe to the Lord,
00:51 so that His work can move forward in faith.
00:54 Amen.
00:55 And I just want to read Galatians 3:10 again,
00:58 because this is how we know what law in context
01:04 Paul's talking about, "As many as are under the works
01:06 of the law are under the curse, for it is written,
01:09 'Cursed is everyone
01:10 who does not continue in all the things
01:12 which are written in the book of the law."
01:15 The book of the law is Deuteronomy.
01:18 Amen, and amen.
01:19 Thank you so much for all of your wonderful insight.
01:23 Thank you, Shelley.
01:24 Thank you, Pastor Day.
01:25 Thank you, Jill, for what you have provided.
01:28 I'm so glad that we got to point number nine.
01:31 Oh, me too.
01:33 You had us on the cliffhanger but we made it.
01:35 We made it to point number nine.
01:37 And I want to thank you for taking the time to join us.
01:41 I hope that this has been a tremendous blessing for you.
01:44 I hope that you have learned something.
01:46 Remember to continue to study God's Word.
01:50 Don't just study it, but apply
01:51 what you've learned and live it in love,
01:55 make sure that love key
01:56 is a key component.
01:58 Until next time, God bless you.
01:59 Amen.


Revised 2024-05-20