3ABN Today Bible Q&A

When God Seems Silent

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210024A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, I'm Jill Morikone.
01:16 We just want to welcome you
01:18 to another 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
01:21 This I think is one of my favorite programs
01:23 because we open up the Word of God.
01:25 Why is the Word of God important?
01:27 We know in 1 Peter Chapter 1, this is our opening scripture.
01:31 1 Peter 1:23,
01:34 "Having been born again, not of corruptible seed,
01:37 but of incorruptible
01:39 through the word of God,
01:41 which lives and abides forever."
01:43 The Word of God is life changing
01:45 when you open it,
01:47 when you discover Jesus, when you study it,
01:49 your life will be transformed.
01:52 I want to introduce to you our family
01:55 around the table here
01:56 that will be taking your Bible questions
01:58 and answering them in two minutes.
02:00 And a couple of them have three,
02:01 which is a blessing.
02:03 We're going to start at the end here.
02:04 We have Jason Bradley.
02:05 Always good to have you here, Jason.
02:07 It's always great to be here.
02:08 And I love getting these questions
02:09 because I have to study them out
02:11 and find the answer.
02:12 So I'm excited about it. Amen.
02:14 And sitting next to you is Shelley Quinn, my sister,
02:16 delighted to have you here.
02:18 It's always fun to do this program
02:20 because we get to dive into the Bible
02:22 and do a little deeper study.
02:23 Amen.
02:24 I love that, last but not least sitting right here next to me,
02:27 Pastor Ryan Day.
02:28 So glad you're here. Amen.
02:29 It's always a blessing to be a part
02:31 of this wonderful program,
02:32 answering Bible questions.
02:34 And we're certainly going to do that
02:35 from the Bible today.
02:36 Amen.
02:38 Speaking of Bible questions,
02:39 we want you to send in your Bible questions to us.
02:40 There's two ways that you can do that.
02:42 First you can text them.
02:43 You can text (618) 228-3975.
02:48 That number again is (618) 228-3975
02:52 or you can email your Bible questions
02:55 to BibleQA@3abn.tv
02:59 That email address again is BibleQA@3abn.tv
03:04 And we would love to answer your questions
03:07 on an upcoming Bible Q and A program.
03:10 We do this every Monday.
03:12 It's also available on YouTube or on our 3ABN+ on demand.
03:16 So you have many options to watch it
03:18 and rewatch and watch again.
03:20 Before we go to the first question,
03:22 let's go to the Lord in prayer
03:23 and, Shelley, would you pray for us?
03:24 Absolutely.
03:26 Our loving heavenly Father, we come before You,
03:29 oh, Lord, with hearts that
03:32 overflow with thanksgiving and praise for You.
03:36 Oh, how we thank You Lord,
03:38 for not only for Jesus and Your Holy Spirit,
03:41 but we thank you for Your Word.
03:43 You didn't leave us as orphans, Lord.
03:47 We know the mind of Christ.
03:50 We know Your mind because You inspired this Word
03:53 and we pray that today.
03:55 Lord, help us, I pray that each one of us have already
04:00 been led by You in our study,
04:02 but help us to express ourselves
04:05 by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
04:07 Give us all ears to hear what You are saying
04:12 and, oh, Lord, by the power of Your Holy Spirit,
04:17 help us to put it into practice.
04:19 We love You, Lord.
04:21 And we want to do what pleases You.
04:24 We give You all the glory in Jesus' name.
04:27 Amen. Amen. Amen.
04:29 We're going to start with you, Jason.
04:31 This is from Sherry in Antigua.
04:33 "What do you do when seeking God's direction?
04:36 And He seems eerily silent.
04:39 What do you do when God is silent?"
04:42 Sherry, this is a question that a lot of people have
04:45 and you know, one of the hardest things
04:47 for human beings to deal with is tolerating uncertainty.
04:51 And so I like to define faith
04:52 as the ability to tolerate uncertainty
04:55 while trusting in God.
04:56 And that requires some exercise.
04:58 But let's look at how the Bible defines faith.
05:02 Hebrews 11:1
05:04 says, "Now faith is the substance of things
05:07 hoped for the evidence of things not seen."
05:10 In those silent moments,
05:12 we need to maintain our faith in God.
05:15 Isaiah 55:8-9,
05:18 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
05:21 nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord.
05:24 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
05:27 so are My ways higher than your ways,
05:30 and My thoughts than your thoughts."
05:32 In those silent moments, we need to recognize that
05:35 God's ways are not our ways.
05:38 And His vision is beyond 2020.
05:41 He has eternity in view.
05:44 Psalm 27:13-14,
05:48 "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
05:52 that I would see the goodness of the Lord
05:54 in the land of the living.
05:56 Wait on the Lord, be of good courage,
05:59 and He shall strengthen your heart,
06:02 wait, I say, on the Lord!"
06:04 In Jeremiah 17:7-8,
06:07 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
06:10 and whose hope is the Lord.
06:13 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
06:16 which spreads out its roots by the river,
06:19 and will not fear when heat comes,
06:22 but its leaf will be green,
06:24 and will not be anxious in the year of drought,
06:27 nor will cease from yielding fruit."
06:30 So in the moment when the heat comes,
06:33 when there's drought,
06:34 when there's silence,
06:36 you know, sometimes silence leads
06:37 to an uncomfortable situation,
06:39 but use that time for a moment of preparation,
06:42 whatever it may be.
06:44 If you're looking for a job, sharpen your skills,
06:46 anytime, while you're in that waiting period,
06:49 you should be studying the Word of God
06:51 and drawing closer to Him.
06:52 You can't go wrong with that.
06:54 Amen. Thank you, Jason.
06:55 Wonderful answer.
06:56 Wonderful things to do
06:58 while you are in that silent time.
06:59 Speaking of silence,
07:01 we're coming to you, Pastor Ryan.
07:02 "Why was there silence in heaven
07:05 and what's the implication for us
07:07 as it relates to end time prophecy?"
07:09 Absolutely.
07:10 So the specific reference that is given
07:13 in regards to the silence in heaven is,
07:15 of course, Revelation 8:1,
07:18 and it's in the context
07:20 within the context of the seventh seal,
07:21 so there are seven seals in Revelation.
07:23 This is the seventh seal.
07:25 And it says, and when he opened the seventh seal,
07:26 there was silence in heaven for about a half an hour.
07:30 Okay. And so what is this silence?
07:32 Well, if you go back not to the previous chapter,
07:35 because we were in Chapter 8 now.
07:37 The previous chapter, Revelation Chapter 7
07:39 is actually talking about the 144,000,
07:41 it's introducing us to that.
07:43 But if you go back to the previous chapter
07:45 before that Chapter 6,
07:46 the last thing happening there in Chapter 6
07:48 is the sixth seal that's been opened.
07:50 And if you read what's happening
07:52 at the latter part of that sixth seal,
07:53 you cannot miss what event this is talking about.
07:56 Revelation 6:14-17.
07:59 And the Bible says,
08:00 "Then the sky receded as a scroll
08:02 when it is rolled up,
08:03 and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.
08:06 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men,
08:08 the commanders, the mighty men,
08:10 every slave and every free man,
08:11 hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks
08:14 of the mountains,
08:15 and said to the mountains and rocks,
08:16 'Fall on us and hide us from the face
08:19 of Him who sits on the throne
08:21 and from the wrath of the Lamb!
08:23 For the great day of His wrath has come,
08:26 and who is able to stand?'"
08:27 This is no doubt the Second Coming of Jesus.
08:31 So immediately
08:32 within the context of this ending portion
08:35 of the sixth plague now transition, excuse me,
08:37 sixth seal now transitioning to the seventh seal
08:41 and the very verse 1 of Revelation Chapter 8,
08:45 the opening of the seventh seal.
08:46 This half hour silence in heaven
08:48 is dealing within the context
08:50 of the Second Coming of Jesus.
08:51 Why is there silence in heaven for a half hour?
08:54 Because there ain't nobody in heaven,
08:56 but we get this from Matthew Chapter 25 as well.
08:59 When it says Jesus comes back in all of His glory
09:02 and all the holy angels with Him,
09:05 we know that heaven is emptied.
09:07 There's no one there.
09:08 Some people argue is the Father there
09:09 or does the Father come back with Jesus?
09:11 That's not the con, that's not the subject in fact,
09:13 it'd be another good question to ask.
09:14 Does the Father come back with Jesus?
09:16 Somebody ask that question
09:18 and we'll answer that next time,
09:19 but there's silence in heaven because no one's in heaven.
09:21 It's quiet
09:23 because Jesus has come back to get us.
09:24 Amen. What a wonderful promise.
09:25 He's coming again.
09:27 Shelley, we're coming to you.
09:28 This is from Sherry in Antigua.
09:30 Please explain the passage which says,
09:32 "Some of you standing here will not see death
09:34 until you, see me coming in the clouds of heaven.
09:37 These people are not alive today.
09:39 So please explain?
09:41 Okay, Matthew...
09:43 Sherry, this is from Matthew 16:28.
09:46 Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say to you,
09:49 there are some standing here who shall not taste death
09:51 till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
09:55 First I have to point out kingdom here
09:57 can be translated as royal power or splendor.
10:03 And then it is also significant.
10:05 All three of the synoptic, gospels,
10:08 Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
10:09 all Jesus makes this statement
10:12 just prior to the transfiguration
10:17 and the disciples Peter, James and John
10:21 were on the Mount of Transfiguration
10:24 and saw Jesus' splendor and glory, let's...
10:28 So here's what it says in this same account,
10:32 Matthew 17:1-8,
10:34 "After six days
10:36 Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother,
10:38 led them up to high mountain by themselves,
10:40 He was transfigured before them.
10:42 His face shone like the sun,
10:44 His clothes became as white as the light.
10:47 Behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them,
10:50 and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud,
10:52 saying, 'This is My beloved Son,
10:54 in whom I am well pleased.
10:57 Hear Him!"
10:59 So some of the disciples that Jesus said,
11:02 you're going to not die before you see
11:04 me come in my kingdom.
11:06 They saw this transfiguration,
11:08 they were eye witnesses to the glory of God.
11:11 They got a glimpse of Christ glory
11:14 and what it will be like at His Second Coming.
11:17 And that's how Peter understood it.
11:19 Because look at 2 Peter 1:16-18.
11:26 Peter says, "We didn't follow cunningly devised fables,
11:29 when we made known to you the power and coming
11:32 of our Lord Jesus Christ,
11:34 but we were eye witnesses to His majesty.
11:38 For he received from God the Father
11:41 honor and glory
11:42 when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory:
11:46 'This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.'
11:50 We heard this voice which came from heaven
11:53 when we were with Him on the holy mount.
11:57 '" So I believe that Jesus placing this
11:59 within the narrative,
12:01 Him saying this and then the transfiguration,
12:04 the transfiguration was the fulfillment.
12:07 Amen. Thank you.
12:08 Ryan, we're coming back to you.
12:10 "What is a clear physical
12:12 manifestation of the Holy Spirit?
12:14 At Sinai when it happened,
12:15 there was a mighty wild and thunderous wave.
12:18 In the upper room of the Acts of the Apostles
12:20 there was tongues of fire
12:22 followed by noise of diverse tongues.
12:25 Does it still occur like that now
12:27 or has he changed the mode of operation?"
12:30 This is from Jaycee Bright.
12:32 I'm not sure how you pronounce it.
12:33 Yeah, no, this is a great question.
12:35 First of all, I never am without exact explicit
12:41 information from Scripture
12:43 going to ever put God in a box and say,
12:44 God can or cannot do this.
12:47 Obviously God moved in mighty ways
12:48 in these instances
12:50 that is mentioned here at Sinai
12:51 and obviously on the day of Pentecost.
12:53 But then also, we also have to keep in mind
12:55 that in these two instances,
12:56 you know, God was moving in a mighty way
12:58 because He was pouring out His Spirit
12:59 and He was manifesting Himself
13:01 to multitudes of masses of people.
13:04 Now, could God do that today? Of course He could.
13:06 And does God do that today? Perhaps He does.
13:09 I will say though,
13:11 we don't need to really get so much caught up
13:12 in the physical manifestation of the spirit
13:15 because there's multiple instances in Scripture
13:17 where God gives His Spirit to someone
13:19 and it isn't all flashy and,
13:21 you know, the earthquakes and the shaking
13:23 and the thunderous noises.
13:24 For instance, John Chapter 3,
13:25 Jesus likens the spirit into the wind.
13:28 And he says here that,
13:30 "Which is born of flesh is flesh, and that
13:31 which is born of spirit is spirit."
13:33 And then verse 8 of John Chapter 3,
13:34 "The wind blows where it wishes,
13:36 and you hear the sound of it,
13:37 but cannot tell where it comes from
13:39 and where it goes.
13:40 So everyone who is born of the Spirit."
13:42 So again, the wind can sometimes blow hard
13:45 and sometimes it doesn't.
13:47 For instance, in John 20:21-22,
13:50 Jesus tells His disciples in the upper room.
13:53 Again, this is some 50 days before Pentecost
13:56 and He says, receive you the Holy Spirit.
13:59 And the Bible says He just breeze on them
14:02 and there was no big showiness there.
14:05 And so going back to my point,
14:07 could it happen?
14:09 Yes. Does it happen as much back then?
14:10 Maybe, maybe not,
14:12 but I will say we also need to make sure
14:14 that the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit,
14:16 the, how we tell if someone has received the Holy Spirit
14:19 is not so much by some outward physical manifestation,
14:21 but we follow what we see in Galatians 5:22.
14:25 And that is how does, how do we know
14:26 someone has received the Holy Spirit
14:29 or is being led by the Spirit?
14:30 And, of course, that's the fruits of the Spirit there
14:32 again in Galatians 5:22.
14:35 Amen. Great response.
14:36 The internal is even more important than the external.
14:39 That's right, absolutely.
14:40 Jason, this is from Jack.
14:42 "Are Catholics who confess their sins
14:44 to priests, really forgiven
14:46 if they are living up to all the truth they know,
14:48 or would God reject their plea for forgiveness
14:51 since they are not using Jesus as their mediator?"
14:56 Yes, Jack, if they're living up to what they know.
14:59 Let's look at the scriptures right now.
15:01 Acts 17:30,
15:04 "Truly these times of ignorance,
15:05 God overlooked,
15:07 but now commands all men everywhere to repent."
15:11 Although God winks at our ignorance,
15:13 He expects us not to stay in it.
15:16 Romans 3:25 says.
15:18 "Whom God set forth as a propitiation
15:21 by His blood through faith
15:23 to demonstrate His righteousness
15:26 because in His forbearance,
15:28 God had passed over the sins
15:31 that were previously committed."
15:32 If someone really wants to know the truth,
15:34 the Holy Spirit will lead them into all truth.
15:38 That's one of his jobs.
15:39 John 7:17,
15:42 "If anyone wills to do His will,
15:45 he shall know concerning the doctrine,
15:48 whether it is from God
15:50 or whether I speak on My own authority."
15:53 2 Corinthians 8:12,
15:56 "For if there is first a willing mind,
15:59 it is accepted according to what one has,
16:03 and not according to what he does not have."
16:06 John 10:16,
16:09 "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold,
16:13 them also I must bring and they will hear My voice
16:17 and there will be one flock and one shepherd."
16:21 So the answer is yes
16:22 with the caveat
16:24 that we have a personal responsibility
16:28 to seek truth.
16:29 We must not be willfully ignorant.
16:31 There's so much out there for us to grab hold of.
16:35 There are Bibles everywhere.
16:37 There's Bibles on our cell phone,
16:39 we can download the app.
16:40 There are so many ways
16:42 that we can learn the truth that is found in God's Word.
16:46 And when we know better, we must do better.
16:49 Amen. Amen. Good answer.
16:52 We must know, understand and practice the truth.
16:56 Shelley, we're coming to you.
16:57 "If there are no tears and sadness in heaven,
17:00 will we know if someone we love is not there?
17:03 And would we be sad
17:04 or how will we in spirit emotionally respond?"
17:08 This is from Debbie in Colorado.
17:10 Debbie.
17:11 Okay. This is a great question.
17:13 The Bible clearly says there are two resurrections
17:16 and there's a thousand years in between
17:19 and the righteous dead, and the righteous who are alive
17:24 at Christ's return
17:25 go to heaven for that thousand years.
17:29 In Revelation 20:1-3,
17:31 it talks about Satan being bound for the thousand years
17:35 and then released for a little while.
17:37 And in Revelation 20:4,
17:40 it says that the saints are seated on thrones
17:43 and judgment is committed to them.
17:45 They're going to live and reign for a thousand years
17:48 with Christ.
17:49 And verse 5 identifies the saints
17:53 that they are of the first resurrection
17:55 saying that the rest of the dead
17:57 don't actually get resurrected
18:02 until after the thousand years.
18:05 So God allows us
18:08 to thoroughly investigate these records
18:11 during these thousand years.
18:13 And basically Daniel 7:22 said,
18:16 "Judgment is given to the saints of the Most High."
18:19 1 Corinthians 6:2-3,
18:21 Paul said, "Do you not know
18:23 that you're going to judge the world?"
18:25 So what's going to happen for that thousand years?
18:27 We're sitting here examining these books.
18:29 We're going to understand and agree
18:32 with God's judgment on the wicked,
18:35 and we will pass the Senate.
18:37 So can I say this, in heaven
18:40 I think there's going to be a tear or two.
18:43 I don't think it's going to be,
18:44 you know, the promise for no more tears doesn't come
18:50 until the new heavens and the new earth.
18:53 Revelation 21:1-4.
18:56 He says, "Now I saw a new heaven
19:00 and a new earth,
19:01 for the first heaven
19:04 and the first earth had passed away
19:06 and there was no more sea.
19:07 And I, John saw the holy city,
19:09 New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God
19:12 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
19:16 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
19:19 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men
19:22 and He shall dwell with them."
19:24 They will be His people.
19:25 God will be with them. He'll be their God.
19:28 And verse 4, Revelation 21:4,
19:31 "He'll wipe away every tear from our eyes,
19:33 no more death nor sorrow nor crying,
19:36 no more pain,
19:37 for the former things have passed away."
19:40 Thank you, Shelley.
19:41 I agree with that too. Absolutely.
19:43 New earth, there will
19:44 be no more pain and sorrow and crying.
19:47 Speaking of sorrow, we're coming back to Jason.
19:49 "Why does God allow so much suffering
19:52 around the world?"
19:54 This is from Rodney, who is from Kingston, Jamaica.
19:58 Well, Rodney, I'm not sure if you have kids or not,
20:01 but I'd imagine that,
20:03 you know, you wouldn't want your kids to touch a hot stove
20:06 and you don't want them to get burned by a hot stove.
20:08 So you'd probably tell them not to touch it,
20:11 but if they chose to touch that hot stove,
20:14 they would experience
20:16 the painful effects of their disobedience.
20:19 They would experience, you know, getting burned,
20:22 but that was never your intention.
20:24 And like that example,
20:26 that was never God's intention for mankind to suffer,
20:30 to experience, you know, sin, pain and suffering.
20:34 Sin, pain and suffering came from the devil.
20:37 1 John 3:8 says,
20:40 "He who sins is of the devil,
20:42 for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
20:45 For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested
20:48 that He might destroy the works of the devil."
20:51 God is a God of love.
20:53 And as such, He doesn't force us
20:55 to worship Him.
20:56 So if we look at suffering
20:58 from the perspective of the great controversy,
21:00 we see that God has His form of government
21:04 that has laws that are protective of mankind.
21:08 And Satan has his rule of thumb,
21:10 which is do as thou wilt.
21:12 The outcome for the suffering that is caused
21:15 as a result of Satan's government
21:17 is destruction.
21:19 However, the outcome of God's government
21:21 is salvation,
21:23 but even through suffering,
21:25 God can turn the outcome of your trial
21:29 into a testimony
21:30 despite everything
21:31 that we're facing on this earth,
21:33 I find great hope
21:35 in a verse that Shelley just shared,
21:37 Revelation 21:4,
21:39 and I'll read it again.
21:41 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
21:44 there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
21:48 There shall be no more pain,
21:49 for the former things have passed away."
21:52 So although we're going through such a difficult time,
21:55 sometimes in life and their suffering and pain,
21:58 hold on.
21:59 Hold on to God.
22:01 Amen.
22:02 Not only do we want you to hold on,
22:04 we want you to send your questions into us,
22:07 so you can text us your Bible questions.
22:09 What's been on your heart and your mind
22:11 and those things that you would like answers to,
22:13 text us at (618) 228-3975.
22:18 That number again is (618) 228-3975,
22:22 or you can email your questions
22:25 to BibleQA@3abn.tv
22:28 That address again is BibleQA@3abn.tv
22:33 And we would love to answer your questions
22:35 on an upcoming edition of 3ABN Today, Bible Q and A.
22:41 We're going to Pastor Ryan now.
22:42 Pastor Ryan spoke about the end times,
22:45 and this is one of your three minute questions.
22:47 "What are the seven last plagues?
22:50 Are we in them now with this virus
22:52 and nation against nation?
22:54 I'm speaking of Israel and Palestine.
22:56 There's a brother in the church
22:57 that doesn't think we are in the end times,
22:59 but I read that we are.
23:01 Where and what are these plagues
23:03 in this time?"
23:05 This is from Shirley, there's a lot of questions in there.
23:06 Sure.
23:08 Well, I think I can answer a couple of them
23:09 really quickly.
23:11 First of all, we are not in these seven last plagues.
23:12 I can assure you that.
23:14 We are most definitely living in the end times.
23:17 I don't know who this brother is,
23:18 but sign him up for Bible studies
23:21 because I would love to have Bible studies with that brother
23:23 to show him we are living in the end times.
23:26 There's no doubt about that.
23:29 As far as where we are,
23:31 we're not quite to those seven last plagues yet,
23:33 but we are fast approaching I believe the end of time,
23:36 we're living in the time of the end.
23:37 And so what are the seven last plagues?
23:39 Well, this is the seven last plagues
23:41 are referenced or listed in order
23:44 in Revelation Chapter 16.
23:45 But before we go there,
23:46 I want to make sure that we understand that
23:48 this is the great final universal
23:52 great tribulation time period
23:54 mentioned in the Bible when Jesus said,
23:56 you know, there would be great tribulation
23:58 like no other.
24:00 Even Daniel talks about it
24:01 in the 12th Chapter of Daniel verse 1,
24:03 notice what it says here.
24:05 When Jesus stands up, it says, "And Michael shall stand up,
24:07 that great prince who stands
24:09 and watches over the sons of your people,
24:10 and there shall be a time of trouble
24:12 such as never was since there ever was a nation,
24:15 even to that time.
24:16 And at that time, your people shall be delivered
24:18 everyone who is found written in the book."
24:21 So there's going to be a time of trouble like no other,
24:24 of course, this is the great
24:25 and final global tribulation time period
24:28 that happens right before the second coming of Jesus.
24:30 And, of course, it happens to be
24:32 in Revelation Chapter 16,
24:33 where we find this tribulation time period
24:36 spoken of in detail.
24:37 And that is, of course, the seven last plagues.
24:40 And you'll know that we're not in the seven last plagues yet
24:42 just by reading the very first plague.
24:43 Okay.
24:45 The very first plague,
24:46 tell me if you've seen this lately,
24:47 this is going to happen to all the wicked on the planet.
24:50 Everyone who is wicked
24:51 and does not have the seal of God.
24:53 It says verse 2.
24:54 So this is Revelation 16:2,
24:56 "So the first went out
24:57 and poured out his bowl upon the earth,
24:59 and a foul and loathsome sore
25:01 came upon the men who had the mark of the beast
25:03 and those who worshiped his image."
25:05 I mean, these are not just going to be
25:06 some little bumps, some little mosquito bites.
25:08 We're talking about horrible, horrible, painful sores.
25:11 That is going to be global.
25:13 Number two here. This is verse 3.
25:14 It says, "Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea,
25:17 and it became blood as of a dead man,
25:19 and every living creature in the sea died."
25:21 Have we seen that lately?
25:22 Certainly not on a global scale.
25:24 We know that we're not in that time just yet.
25:27 Number three here.
25:29 This is the third bowl in verse 4.
25:31 "Then the third angel poured out his bowl
25:32 on the river and springs of waters,
25:34 and they became as blood."
25:36 And in the course, it talks about
25:37 you are righteous, oh, Lord,
25:39 and basically God gives them blood to drink
25:42 because they had received the mark of the beast.
25:43 They shed God's, the God's people's blood.
25:46 They shed the blood of the martyrs
25:48 and God says, I'm going to give you blood to drink.
25:49 So on the fresh water sources, they become like blood.
25:52 We haven't seen that happen yet.
25:54 And the fourth is men are scorched with fire,
25:56 as it says that the, is poured out upon the sun
25:59 and the power was given to him to scorch men with fire.
26:01 That's global, that hasn't happened yet.
26:04 Number five, of course, is darkness
26:06 falls upon this earth upon the seat of the beast,
26:08 the sun does not give its light.
26:10 We haven't seen that yet globally.
26:12 These are all global destruction.
26:15 This is the last thing that happens
26:17 prior to the Second Coming of Jesus.
26:19 We are living in the end times
26:20 and we are fast approaching this time,
26:22 but you know, praise the Lord.
26:25 As long as we're in Jesus Christ
26:26 we'll be sealed.
26:27 And the Bible says that He will make sure that
26:29 no plague comes near us
26:31 and He will give His angels charge over us
26:32 at Psalm 91.
26:34 Amen. Thank you so much, Ryan.
26:36 We could use another 10 minutes at least on that.
26:40 Miss Shelley, we're coming to you.
26:41 This is Darlene.
26:42 "Could you please explain Luke 22:35-38?
26:47 I don't understand the reference to the swords."
26:50 Okay. Luke 22:35-38, Darlene.
26:54 Jesus said to them,
26:56 He's talking to His disciples in the garden.
26:59 When I sent you
27:00 without money bag, knapsack sandals.
27:03 Did you lack anything?
27:04 This is what he's referencing when he sent them out
27:07 two by two.
27:08 They said, no, we didn't lack anything
27:09 because their needs were sovereignly met
27:14 when Jesus sent them out,
27:16 but now there's going to be a reversal.
27:18 And He says, now,
27:21 if you have a money bag, take it,
27:23 a knapsack, take it.
27:26 And he who has no sword,
27:28 let him sell his garment and buy one.
27:30 What Jesus,
27:31 these are figurative expressions saying,
27:34 hey, you've got to provide your own support
27:37 and protection from now on.
27:39 And let me say, the sword was in the Greek.
27:42 It's just a short little dagger.
27:44 It's more like a knife.
27:46 Now it's interesting in verse 38.
27:49 They said, look, Lord, here's two swords,
27:52 two little knives.
27:53 And he said to them, it is enough.
27:56 Now I believe he's saying enough of such foolish talk.
28:00 And I'll tell you why?
28:02 In the same account,
28:04 see, Jesus wasn't literally telling them
28:07 to pick up a sword.
28:09 In the same account, as it is told in Matthew,
28:14 same thing in the garden,
28:15 Matthew 26:50-53,
28:20 the Judas is leading the soldiers to Jesus.
28:24 They came and laid hands on Jesus.
28:26 They took Him
28:27 and suddenly one of those who were with Jesus,
28:30 we know this was Peter according to John's account,
28:34 stretched out his hand, drew his sword,
28:36 struck the servant of the high priest
28:38 and cut off his ear.
28:40 Did Jesus say, oh, good for you, so.
28:42 In verse 52 of Matthew 26, Jesus said,
28:46 "Put your sword in its place,
28:48 for all who take the sword will perish by the sword."
28:54 So the interesting thing is in the Book of Acts,
28:58 which is the first 30 years of the church history,
29:02 not one apostle, not one disciple
29:06 ever, there's no record of any of them carrying a weapon.
29:09 Christ died.
29:12 The gospel is a life-giving gospel.
29:14 He doesn't want us killing people
29:16 for whom He died.
29:18 Amen. Thank you.
29:19 Pastor Ryan, this is from Chandler.
29:21 "Pastor Ryan, please explain
29:22 how the Israelites got separated into two kingdoms,
29:25 Israel and Judah.
29:26 When did the separation happen and why?"
29:28 Absolutely.
29:30 Okay, So the separation of the two kingdoms,
29:32 you can read all about it in 1 Kings Chapter 11.
29:34 So I would definitely encourage you
29:39 to go read that entire chapter.
29:40 1 Kings Chapter 11.
29:42 It starts with talking about the fall of Solomon,
29:44 with the decline of Solomon in his latter years,
29:47 this brother went out
29:48 and started marrying into every woman,
29:50 you know, not just any kind of women.
29:52 He basically done what the men had done
29:55 or the people in the church had done
29:56 during the times of Noah.
29:58 When the sons of God
29:59 began to intermarry with the daughters of men,
30:01 the church started going out into the world
30:03 and marrying them, intermarrying themselves,
30:04 unequally yoking themselves with women
30:07 and men who were not of the Lord.
30:08 That's basically what Solomon had done.
30:10 And because of this, it brought about an apostasy,
30:14 not only in Solomon's heart,
30:15 but also many others
30:17 as they begin to serve the Ashtoreths
30:18 and the Baals and all these false gods,
30:21 because of it, they made the Lord anger or angry.
30:24 And the Lord basically declared a judgment upon the house,
30:27 upon the finishing of Solomon at his death,
30:30 his son Rehoboam would take over
30:32 two of the Southern kingdoms
30:34 because most there was two that were
30:36 very, very much loyal to Jeroboam,
30:39 excuse me, Rehoboam
30:40 and basically those two kingdoms
30:43 were Judah and Benjamin.
30:45 They were very, very loyal to Rehoboam,
30:47 which was the son of Solomon.
30:48 But there was another man who was a servant of Solomon.
30:52 His name was Jeroboam
30:53 and the Lord basically sent a prophet to Jeroboam
30:56 and said, look, I'm going to deliver
30:57 10 of these kingdoms into your hands.
30:58 And if you keep all My commandments
31:00 and lead Israel,
31:02 that's what they basically became
31:03 known, the Northern 10 tribes of Israel,
31:05 which became known as the Northern kingdom
31:07 was Israel, the Southern kingdom
31:09 became known as Judah.
31:10 And basically the Lord gave the same stipulation to both.
31:13 You follow Me and keep My commandments,
31:15 then I will be with you and I will bless you,
31:17 but I promise you, you read the record
31:19 of what happened from Jeroboam all the way through to the end,
31:22 it was not a pretty picture.
31:23 The Northern kingdom did not follow the Lord.
31:26 They had mostly all bad kings who led Israel into apostasy.
31:30 And, of course, they would fall about 135 years
31:32 or so before the Southern kingdom.
31:34 But even Judah, the Southern kingdom
31:36 would fall as well because of their apostasies.
31:38 When did this happen?
31:40 It happened probably around the mid to late 900s BC.
31:44 And, of course, both kingdoms ended up falling into the hands
31:47 of their enemies because they did not follow the Lord.
31:52 Thank you.
31:53 That's a good history lesson and a good lesson for us today
31:55 to follow the Lord.
31:57 "Jason, since I started taking care of my client,
32:00 I introduced him to Jesus.
32:01 He is 91 years old,
32:04 never read the Bible or even attended church.
32:06 Now he can't wait for devotion in the morning
32:09 and prays really powerful prayers.
32:11 Do you think he needs to be baptized?
32:14 I am a born again, Seventh-day Adventist
32:16 and was told by a sister
32:17 to introduce him to Bible workers
32:19 so that he can be baptized.
32:20 What do you think?"
32:22 Well, first off, I just want to say praise God.
32:25 Amen.
32:26 Praise God. Praise God.
32:28 You know, it sounds like
32:29 God truly blessed your witnessing efforts
32:33 to your 91 year old client,
32:35 and that is incredible.
32:37 In regards to whether or not he should get baptized
32:39 if he is physically able to do so.
32:42 The short answer is yes, he needs to get baptized.
32:46 You know, and as Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
32:48 we believe in baptism by immersion.
32:51 But let's look at the example that Christ set,
32:53 Matthew 3:13-15,
32:57 "Then Jesus came from Galilee
32:59 to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.
33:03 And John tried to prevent Him, saying,
33:05 'I need to be baptized by You,
33:07 and are You coming to me?'
33:10 But Jesus answered and said to him,
33:12 'Permit it to be so now,
33:14 for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.'"
33:19 Then he allowed Him.
33:21 So we should also take heed
33:23 to what Peter said in Acts 2:38.
33:28 Then Peter said to them,
33:29 repent and let every one of you be baptized
33:33 in the name of Jesus Christ
33:35 for the remission of sins.
33:36 And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
33:41 And the last passage I'd like for us to consider
33:44 in the essence of time is Romans 6:3-4,
33:50 "Or do you not know
33:52 that as many of us as were baptized
33:55 into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?
33:58 Therefore we were buried with Him
34:01 through baptism into death,
34:03 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
34:06 by the glory of the Father,
34:08 even so we also should walk in newness of life."
34:13 Baptism is very, very, very important,
34:17 and it's not something that we should neglect to do.
34:20 So if he's physically able,
34:22 he should definitely get baptized.
34:24 I mean, he could get baptized in the bathtub if necessary.
34:27 So yes, he should get baptized.
34:29 Amen. What an incredible experience.
34:32 Praise the Lord for that.
34:33 "Shelley, what do you tell a three-year-old
34:36 when she asks for deceased grandma,
34:39 she's resting until Jesus comes back to this earth.
34:41 How do I explain this to a child?"
34:44 You know, that is such a complicated conversation
34:49 to have with children.
34:51 I have no children.
34:52 I have to say that right up front,
34:53 but I have dealt with a lot of children
34:55 and what I have found is that
34:58 children respond well to honesty.
35:01 And if I know what I would do,
35:04 I'm just going to suggest what I might do.
35:07 If my, first of all,
35:08 if your daughter is asking about her grandmother,
35:12 if she didn't understand what's happened to her,
35:14 she could think grandma doesn't love me anymore.
35:16 Why's grandma disappeared?
35:18 So what I would do would be to sit my child down
35:23 and in a simple way as possible,
35:26 I would just say,
35:28 honey, I've got some really sad news
35:32 and I would tell her grandma is dead.
35:36 And then I pause and wait for her reaction.
35:41 And let her ask a question, do you understand.
35:45 You know, children understand
35:46 more than what we think they do.
35:48 And quite often when we don't tell them the truth,
35:50 they resent it later.
35:51 But pause, don't,
35:53 sometimes people give kids too much information.
35:57 So pause and say, do you understand?
36:00 And let her ask a question and then give her reassurance
36:05 and just be calm, be steady.
36:08 I would talk about
36:09 how this is going to change the routine.
36:11 If she's asking about grandma,
36:13 maybe you went over there every weekend
36:15 and say, you know,
36:17 we won't be going to grandma's house
36:18 on the weekends.
36:20 I would explain that to her,
36:22 but I'd only give her little bits at a time.
36:24 And then I would pause and let her ask questions.
36:27 Because you don't have to give her
36:29 everything at once.
36:30 One thing I will say real quick,
36:32 I wouldn't tell her grandma's sleeping
36:35 because she's not old enough to understand
36:38 the doctrine of sleeping
36:41 or death being compared to asleep.
36:43 You'd make a child afraid to go to sleep,
36:45 they be afraid to take a nap.
36:47 So I would just be very simple, but I'd also tell her that,
36:53 well, you know what, when Jesus comes back,
36:57 Jesus is going to make grandma well and resurrect her.
37:00 And we'll all go to heaven together.
37:02 I would give her some promises from the Word of God.
37:06 Amen. Good advice, Shelley, thank you for that.
37:09 Jason, this is your three minute question.
37:11 This is Emily from Arkansas.
37:14 "How do I explain to a friend
37:16 that one can only be saved through Jesus
37:19 and having a relationship with Him and the Father?
37:22 If they believe you only have to be a good person
37:24 and that's good enough.
37:26 I want to defend my God,
37:27 but I also don't want to discourage my friend.
37:30 So they resent the idea of Jesus more."
37:35 Hi, Emily.
37:36 You know, of course, just like any other time
37:38 that we share our faith,
37:40 we want to come from a place of love.
37:43 Having said that, let's look at some scriptures.
37:46 We're going to go through quite a bit of scripture here.
37:50 John 3:16-17 says,
37:53 "For God so loved the world
37:56 that He gave His only begotten Son
37:58 that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
38:02 but have everlasting life.
38:04 For God did not send His Son into the world
38:07 to condemn the world,
38:08 but that the world through Him might be saved."
38:11 So who's the world going to be saved through?
38:14 Jesus.
38:15 Romans 5:6-8,
38:18 "For when we were still without strength,
38:20 in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
38:24 For scarcely for a righteous man
38:26 will one die, yet perhaps for a good man
38:28 someone would even dare to die.
38:31 But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
38:33 in that while we were still sinners,
38:36 Christ died for us."
38:38 So it was Christ that died for us.
38:40 John 14:6 says, "Jesus said to him,
38:44 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.
38:48 No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
38:52 Hebrews 11:6.
38:54 This is important.
38:56 "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him,
38:59 for he who comes to God must believe that He is,
39:04 and that He is a rewarder of those
39:06 who diligently seek Him."
39:08 We're going to go to Romans 6:23,
39:11 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of," who?
39:17 God.
39:18 "The gift of God is eternal life
39:20 in Christ Jesus, our Lord."
39:24 Ephesians 2:8-9,
39:27 "For by grace you have been saved
39:30 through faith, and that not of yourselves,
39:33 it is the gift of God,
39:35 not of works, lest anyone should boast."
39:38 So just being a good person and,
39:40 you know, doing good things while that's good,
39:44 you can't work your way into heaven.
39:46 So you can share that as well.
39:49 Acts 4:12 says,
39:51 "Nor is there salvation in any other,
39:56 for there is no other name under heaven
39:59 given among men by which we must be saved."
40:03 1 John 5:13 says,
40:06 "These things I have written to you
40:08 who believe in the name of the Son of God,
40:12 that you may know that you have eternal life,
40:15 and that you may continue to believe
40:17 in the name of the Son of God."
40:19 There is no escaping Jesus.
40:22 And why would you want to, if you just,
40:24 if you share the Word of God with her or him,
40:29 whoever your friend is,
40:32 they will fall in love with Christ.
40:34 Share it from a loving place.
40:35 Amen. Great Bible study.
40:37 Thank you, Jason.
40:39 "Pastor Ryan,
40:40 my granddaughter who will be turning 14 soon
40:42 just told me she is bisexual.
40:44 I know all the Bible texts that are against it.
40:47 I am praying it's just a phase
40:48 because unfortunately
40:50 it is the cool thing in school now.
40:52 But she asked me if God made her that way,
40:54 why is it a sin?
40:56 I told her, God did not make her that way.
40:58 Also would I attend her wedding years from now,
41:00 my first reply was no.
41:02 Then I thought about it.
41:04 Would I not turn a lot of people
41:06 who know I'm a Christian
41:07 away from Jesus by thinking I am cruel.
41:10 How do I talk to a 14 year old
41:12 who knows almost nothing
41:14 about the Bible on this subject?"
41:16 This is from Kathleen in Connecticut.
41:19 Kathleen, your question is a fantastic one.
41:22 And I think it's one that many parents
41:24 and grandparents across this world
41:26 also have to ask,
41:27 especially in the times that we're living in.
41:29 I just want to address a couple of things from here.
41:31 First of all, yes you have,
41:34 I think clearly major point with your granddaughter
41:37 as to how you feel about this lifestyle.
41:39 Obviously she believes she's made that way,
41:41 but you've made it very clear to her
41:42 that she is not made that way.
41:44 But your question here,
41:46 would I attend her wedding years from now,
41:48 and you again when question about that.
41:50 Would I be cruel and would I come across cruel
41:53 by not supporting my granddaughter?
41:56 I would say that's not the case.
41:58 You are a Christian and you have to be consistent
42:01 in your belief.
42:02 We also have to do this in love,
42:04 we have to also express love to one another.
42:06 Let's always keep that in mind.
42:08 But at the same time we have to be consistent.
42:10 Jesus says in John 17:17,
42:12 "Sanctify them by thy truth. Thy word is truth."
42:16 And again, if we start to compromise in any way,
42:19 even by because we love the person,
42:21 maybe it's our granddaughter, our son or daughter,
42:23 or our loved one.
42:25 Then what we are often communicating
42:26 is a sense of inconsistency.
42:28 And we don't want to do that.
42:29 Again, love the person,
42:31 but also take your stance in a loving way
42:34 and just simply communicate to her that
42:36 while I, and of course in this case
42:38 you would, you wouldn't probably have a problem
42:40 going to her wedding if she was marrying a guy,
42:41 because she said, she's bisexual.
42:43 So who knows, she might marry a guy.
42:44 We hope that's the case
42:46 in the sense that it may,
42:47 in the case that it may be a girl
42:48 obviously you would simply say,
42:50 I love you to the moon and back,
42:51 but I cannot support this just simply
42:53 because I have to follow
42:55 my personal Christian conviction.
42:58 How do you talk to a 14 year old girl
43:00 who knows nothing about the Bible?
43:01 You don't yet,
43:04 you build her confidence in you.
43:07 You have to build her trust in you.
43:09 You have clearly shared her what you believe
43:10 according to your Bible convictions,
43:12 but sometimes beating them over the head
43:14 with the Bible and your convictions
43:15 in the beginning is not the best thing to do.
43:18 Again we have to make sure
43:19 that we're consistent with what we believe
43:22 in our lifestyle and our beliefs,
43:24 but you need to give yourself to her,
43:26 spend time with her, win her confidence,
43:29 sympathize with her, meet her needs,
43:31 show her the Jesus in you.
43:33 And when she sees
43:35 the genuineness of Jesus in you,
43:37 then she will be more open to listening to grandma
43:40 about who this Jesus is and the plan for her life.
43:43 Thank you so much.
43:45 Shelley, this is Barbara from Oregon.
43:48 "There was a question answered about
43:49 eating anything you want
43:51 because of a text in Deuteronomy.
43:53 Please clarify the New Testament text
43:55 in Acts 10:10-16.
43:58 Many people are as confused about this one
44:00 as the one in Deuteronomy."
44:03 Okay, we're going to get to Acts,
44:05 but let me first just say
44:07 there are four cornerstone scriptures
44:11 that guide us in health matters.
44:13 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
44:16 talks about our body being the temple of God.
44:20 And our mind is the command center.
44:22 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 basically says,
44:26 don't destroy this temple.
44:27 1 Corinthians 10:31 says,
44:30 everything you do what you eat or drink do for God's glory.
44:34 And then in Romans 12:1-2, Paul says,
44:39 let your mind be renewed
44:41 and follow the perfect will of God.
44:43 We know that.
44:44 I mean, that's the health message too.
44:46 In a nutshell, this is how we follow God's plan
44:50 as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit
44:52 and grow in grace.
44:54 The original diet,
44:57 simple grains, nuts, fruits, legumes.
44:59 We see that in Genesis 1:29,
45:02 after the fall of man,
45:04 he added every herb of the vegetable.
45:07 You know what?
45:09 Of this every herb of the field,
45:11 which is vegetables.
45:14 God is our creator.
45:16 He knows how to make us strong, right?
45:18 So we should kind of look at what He's saying here.
45:21 And God did identify clean and unclean animals
45:27 way before Leviticus with Noah.
45:30 He instructed Noah
45:32 the difference between the clean and the unclean
45:35 and taking them on the ark and they only ate.
45:38 I mean, he allowed eating of meat after the flood,
45:43 but they only ate the clean meat
45:46 and Noah passed that on to everybody.
45:48 So let's look at what Paul is saying.
45:51 In Acts Chapter 10,
45:53 we've got Paul, he's on the rooftop.
45:56 He's praying. He has a vision.
45:58 He sees a sheet that is filled with unclean animals
46:03 and the beast of the air.
46:05 And here's what it says, Acts 10:13 and 15,
46:09 a voice came to him.
46:10 This is Peter, not Paul.
46:12 Rise, Peter, kill and eat.
46:14 But Peter said not so, Lord,
46:18 I've never eaten anything common or unclean.
46:20 Now, remember he walked with Jesus
46:23 for three and a half years.
46:25 He knew that clean and unclean
46:27 wasn't done away with at the cross
46:28 because he's still not doing it.
46:31 He says, and a voice comes to him again
46:33 the second time
46:35 and it says what God has cleansed
46:37 you must not call common.
46:40 Well, it perplexed Peter, let me tell you.
46:43 But he finally understood
46:45 and he gives the meaning of this vision in Acts 10:28.
46:51 He said, you know how lawful it is
46:53 for a Jewish man,
46:55 unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with a goat
46:58 to one of another nation.
47:01 But God has shown me in this vision
47:04 that I should not call any man common or unclean.
47:10 It wasn't about food.
47:12 It was about his bigoted prejudice.
47:16 Yeah, Absolutely.
47:17 It was about people, not food, right?
47:19 That's right.
47:20 Now we have some bonus questions.
47:21 So I'm just going to toss it out.
47:23 And whoever wants to jump in, go ahead for it.
47:25 This is from John Taurius.
47:27 I hope I pronounced the name right in Tennessee.
47:30 "How can we prove that God exists to an atheist?"
47:36 Excellent. I've shared this story before.
47:39 I remember I was in an Uber, right?
47:42 And we were riding back to the hotel.
47:44 I think we're in California or something at camp meeting.
47:47 And I remember, he asked me like,
47:49 what are you doing? What are you doing here?
47:51 My driver, he said, what are,
47:52 you know, what are you doing in town?
47:53 So I told him, you know, we're here for the camp meeting
47:55 and all of that stuff.
47:57 And I told him what that was.
47:58 And he said, no offense, but I'm an atheist.
48:00 And I said none taken
48:02 the same guy that I believe in
48:04 is the same guy that gave you the choice,
48:05 whether or not to believe in Him
48:07 out of that love.
48:09 So, you know, we had that conversation
48:10 and then I just listened to him.
48:12 I asked him questions and I started listening.
48:14 So, you know, I think that we need to start by listening
48:18 to people, establish those relationships
48:20 and we need to behave like a Christian.
48:22 They need to notice something different about us
48:26 than what they're used to dealing with in the world.
48:29 And so we got to the hotel,
48:31 we got out of the car, we had the conversation.
48:34 I talked about, I gave an example
48:37 and I'll share that in just a second.
48:38 But we got out of the car and he shaked,
48:40 shook my hand and he said, thank you.
48:42 And I said for what?
48:44 He said,
48:45 "Because I encounter a lot of Christians
48:46 that only want to preach me,
48:49 but they don't take the time to listen.
48:50 And you took the time to listen."
48:52 So we need to take the time to listen.
48:54 But you know you can go up to an atheist
48:56 and you can take a book
48:57 and you can give them a book and you can say,
48:59 hey, you turn to page five, turn to page seven.
49:02 What do you see on those pages?
49:04 Okay. What do you see?
49:06 I see words. I see letters.
49:08 Right? Those letters make up words.
49:09 Right. Okay. There's pictures.
49:11 Okay. That's all coming together.
49:13 So do, are the words
49:15 or are the letters on the page, do they make sense?
49:18 How are they flowing?
49:19 Does, is it a cohesive?
49:20 Is it a good thought that's there?
49:23 Okay. Well, yeah.
49:24 So how do you think it got there
49:26 that it just come together?
49:27 Did those letters just come together
49:29 and form words just out of the blue,
49:31 out of nowhere.
49:32 No, it had an author. That's right.
49:35 Somebody wrote that book.
49:37 Somebody put those words together.
49:39 The human body is more intricate
49:41 than a book.
49:43 So wouldn't you say that there's a designer?
49:46 Yeah, absolutely.
49:47 So, you know, things like that
49:48 and you can share the love of Christ with them
49:51 through God's work.
49:52 That's right.
49:54 You know, I just want to add to that
49:55 because what you described there was really nice.
49:56 You need to get to the source of their atheism.
49:59 And, of course, what Jay said was beautiful.
50:01 And that's the fact that you need to listen to them.
50:03 Talk to them.
50:04 All, a lot of times we want to have,
50:06 when we find out somebody is atheist,
50:07 we have all these plans and these,
50:08 you know, these plans in our mind,
50:10 well, I'm going to approach him with this scripture
50:12 and this idea and this thought,
50:13 I'm going to come to him and show him
50:15 this, you know, scientific evidence.
50:16 But you know, all that, a lot of times they,
50:18 you know, they already know a lot
50:20 more than you think that they know
50:22 and then most times honestly, nine times out of 10,
50:24 most people are atheist because of Christians.
50:27 They're not atheist because they can't see
50:30 the intelligent design or something,
50:31 they're atheist because of Christians.
50:33 They don't want to serve the God.
50:34 If that kind of God exists that they see in that person,
50:36 they don't want to serve that kind of God,
50:38 listening to them, talking with them.
50:40 But what comes to my mind is the scripture
50:41 in 1 John 4:19,
50:44 "We love Him because He first loved us."
50:47 You know, and so
50:48 we're not going to be able to introduce somebody
50:50 who disbelieves in God to a God of love,
50:52 unless they first see that God of love in us.
50:55 And that's, you know,
50:57 I'm not claiming to be a perfect person in that area,
50:58 but certainly striving to be a better person each day.
51:01 So that when someone sees me in my life
51:03 and my language and what my life represents,
51:07 that they see Jesus in me.
51:08 And that, that wants to draw them to Jesus.
51:10 Absolutely.
51:12 Just add one more thought on that.
51:13 When you're listening to find out
51:15 why they're atheist,
51:17 many people are atheist
51:18 because they have been given the false doctrine
51:22 of an eternal burning hell.
51:25 And they don't think that a God of love,
51:29 it's not, it can't be reconciled with that idea.
51:32 So that's a good place is to show them the truth
51:36 about what happens at the end of the world.
51:39 Amen.
51:40 We're going to go to a break right now
51:42 and we'll come back with some closing thoughts
51:43 from the panel.
51:45 For right now, we want to give you
51:46 one more opportunity to jot down
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Revised 2024-05-28