3ABN Today Bible Q&A

When God Seems Silent

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210024B

00:01 Thank you for being our family.
00:02 Thank you for sending in your questions.
00:04 Thank you for giving us the opportunity
00:06 to open up the Word of God and study together.
00:09 I want to give our panel one more opportunity
00:11 to share a closing thought.
00:13 Jason, we'll start with you and go around the table.
00:15 Well, in sharing the Word of God,
00:16 just remember to share it from a place of love,
00:20 share it from a place of love.
00:21 It'll go a much longer way.
00:23 Amen.
00:24 I was just thinking about the little girl,
00:27 talking to children about death.
00:29 Children do grieve differently.
00:31 They process information differently
00:33 when you're working with really young children,
00:35 you'd want to let them know it's okay to be sad.
00:38 It's okay to cry what to do,
00:40 but check on them frequently.
00:42 Don't just have a conversation and not,
00:44 you need to follow up frequently
00:46 over the next few months.
00:48 Amen.
00:50 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
00:53 This is a bright light.
00:54 It's a bright lamp.
00:56 And sometimes we can take this bright lamp
00:58 that we mean to be for good and shine.
01:00 It really brightens somebody's face
01:02 that's not quite ready for it.
01:03 Whether it's LGBTQ, bisexual granddaughter,
01:07 an atheist friend of ours, a family member, my friends,
01:10 the most important principle to learn is that
01:12 while we should most definitely
01:14 share the principles of God's Word,
01:16 we most definitely need to win them
01:18 over with our love, our compassion.
01:20 We need to meet their needs,
01:21 simplifies with them,
01:23 mingle with them,
01:24 get, invest our time and resources in them
01:26 so that they see Jesus in us.
01:28 And when they see Jesus in us and they see our light,
01:31 which is a lesser light,
01:32 then we lead them to the greater light
01:34 of God and His Word.
01:35 Amen.
01:37 Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan, Sister Shelley, and Jason.
01:39 Thank you for your knowledge of the Word of God
01:41 for your study
01:42 and for sharing with our family at home.
01:44 I want to close with this scripture.
01:46 This is a couple of verses later
01:47 than the one I opened with.
01:48 This is 1 Peter 1:24-25,
01:53 "The grass withers, the flower fades,
01:55 but the Word of God, it will stand forever."
01:59 Put your faith in the unchanging Word of God.
02:02 Amen.


Revised 2024-05-28