3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Is The Secret Rapture Real?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210025A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:14 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
01:18 I'm Jason Bradley, and I'm so glad
01:20 that you decided to join us.
01:23 And I hope that you are as excited
01:25 about this program as I am.
01:27 You know, I love to learn from the Word of God.
01:31 And when there are questions, guess what I want?
01:34 I want answers.
01:35 And so our panelists are going to answer your questions
01:39 from the Word of God.
01:41 But if you haven't submitted your questions,
01:43 I want to share with you how you can do so.
01:46 You can text them to (618) 228-3975,
01:51 or you can email
01:53 them to BibleQA@3abn.tv
01:58 And I want to share a scripture with you as we open up here.
02:03 It's taken from 2 Timothy 2:14-15.
02:08 And it says this, "Remind them of these things,
02:12 charging them before the Lord not to strive
02:15 about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.
02:18 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
02:22 a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
02:25 rightly dividing the word of truth."
02:29 And that's what we want to do,
02:30 we want to rightly divide the word of truth.
02:33 And so I want to introduce our panelists to you.
02:35 We have Sister Jill Morikone.
02:38 It's great to have you here, Jill.
02:39 Thank you so much, Jason.
02:41 I love Bible Q and A, because I get to learn
02:42 so much from everyone and study the Word of God.
02:46 So I'm excited. That's right.
02:47 And we have Brother Ryan Day. I'm here and accounted for.
02:51 I'm excited to be a part of this program
02:53 and to answer these rapid fire questions.
02:57 Yeah, they are rapid fire.
02:58 You only have two minutes to answer...
02:59 That's right.
03:01 You got to get it all in two minutes.
03:02 One question is a three minute one so...
03:04 That's right. And then we have Shelley Quinn.
03:06 Thank you for explaining
03:07 why we talk like an auctioneer sometime.
03:10 That's right.
03:13 So yes, we're gonna jump into these questions.
03:15 But, Jill, would you have
03:17 a word of prayer for us, please?
03:18 Absolutely.
03:20 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
03:22 We're grateful for Your Word,
03:24 Your Word is the lamp to our feet
03:26 and a light to our path.
03:28 Your Word is quick and active
03:30 and brings conviction to our hearts.
03:32 And we ask right now would You open up Your Word before us?
03:36 We ask for the anointing of Your Holy Spirit,
03:40 and that we would not just be hearers
03:42 of what your Word says, but that would we,
03:44 we would walk in obedience.
03:47 We thank You in Jesus' name. Amen.
03:49 Amen. Amen.
03:51 Amen. Ryan, I'm gonna start with you.
03:54 All right.
03:56 Again this comes from Tony out of New Jersey.
03:58 "Can anyone explain
03:59 why most Christian denominations
04:01 believe in a pre-tribulation rapture
04:04 when the Bible says otherwise?
04:06 What scriptures are they reading
04:07 to believe this?"
04:09 Well, I used to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture.
04:11 Not that I was completely convinced,
04:13 but it was taught to me growing up
04:15 and where a lot of people get this from
04:17 is really just a misinterpretation.
04:19 And in many cases, a misapplication of Scripture.
04:22 This pre-tribulation rapture idea came really
04:24 the idea of it stemmed or the seed was planted
04:28 from a Jesuit Catholic priest back in the late 1500s,
04:32 by the name of Francisco Ribera.
04:33 He kind of, he kind of is known as the father
04:36 of what is known as the futurist approach
04:38 of Bible prophecy or the futurist interpretation.
04:41 And then, of course, many, many people played their role
04:44 in carrying out this message to bring about
04:46 this pre-tribulation rapture theory idea,
04:49 but it was a man by the name of John N. Darby from Scotland,
04:53 he was a Scottish gentleman from Europe
04:55 and he really exploded,
04:57 he was the one that really came up with the concept
04:59 on the pre-tribulation rapture idea,
05:01 but you know how he got it, how he really came about these,
05:05 what he believed the inspiration
05:07 was a young girl in his congregation
05:09 had a speaking in tongues, babbling type experience,
05:12 you know, where she said she went into a trance
05:15 and God showed her that this was the right
05:17 application of the Scripture.
05:19 And so many people believe this stemmed from that event,
05:23 about 100 and I don't know past 160, 180 years.
05:27 Of course, this same concept of the pre-tribulation
05:29 rapture idea was put in popular study Bibles like
05:32 the original which was probably be the Scofield Study Bible,
05:36 Cyrus Scofield, when he released that
05:37 and it was published, many of the pastors of the day
05:40 just begin to adopt this thinking.
05:42 The scriptures that they get it from,
05:44 well, we know it's a misapplication
05:45 and the misinterpretation.
05:47 They take 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and 5,
05:49 and they say, that's the rapture.
05:51 And they take the passages like Matthew 24,
05:53 and they say, that's the second coming.
05:55 And where they get their seven years
05:57 of tribulation that separates it again,
05:59 pre-tribulation rapture, rapture, 1 Thessalonians 4,
06:03 it happens before the seven years of tribulation.
06:05 They go to that 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel chapter 9.
06:09 And they manipulate that last week
06:11 at this called the Gap Theory.
06:12 They separate it from the other 69.
06:14 They bring it way down here at the end of time,
06:16 and they apply it to an Antichrist
06:18 after the church is raptured.
06:20 So that's where they get it from.
06:21 It's not biblical.
06:23 And I encourage you to look into it
06:25 and study it for yourself,
06:26 because there's only one return of Jesus.
06:28 And He's coming back soon. Amen.
06:30 Wow. That's a juiced version.
06:33 That's a powerful juiced version there.
06:35 We should do a program on that, Bible prophecy.
06:39 We'll talk about that one.
06:41 "Jill, why have we heard nothing from God
06:44 since Jesus in the Bible?"
06:46 This comes from Susan out of Arizona.
06:48 Thank you so much, Susan, for that question.
06:49 I would say we have heard from God,
06:51 we hear from God every day.
06:53 And I want to give you four ways
06:54 that we hear from God,
06:56 there's of course more than this.
06:57 But four ways that God still speaks to us,
07:00 speaks to you and I even today,
07:01 and the first is through His Word.
07:03 Now, you might be saying, wait a minute,
07:05 where we had Jesus isn't alive,
07:06 He hasn't been alive for 2,000 years.
07:08 And the last book of the New Testament,
07:11 Revelation was written what AD 95.
07:13 So we haven't heard from Him in a long time.
07:15 But Romans 15:4 says,
07:17 "Whatever things were written aforetime or before,
07:20 were written for our learning, that we through patience
07:24 and comfort of the Scriptures, we might have hope."
07:27 That means that everything in the Word of God
07:30 was written not just for the people of that time,
07:33 but it's written down through the centuries for you
07:36 and me today.
07:37 All Scripture is written by inspiration of God
07:39 and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction,
07:42 instruction in righteousness that we might be perfect.
07:45 The second way that we hear from God today
07:47 is through the fulfillment of prophecy.
07:50 In John 14:29, Jesus speaking, "He says,
07:53 'I told you before it comes
07:55 that when it comes to pass, you may believe.'"
07:59 This means that when we see the signs
08:01 of the times happening all around us,
08:04 God is speaking to us.
08:05 I am coming soon, we see that fulfillment
08:08 of prophecy take place here today.
08:12 The third way that God speaks to us today
08:14 is through creation, through His nature.
08:17 Romans Chapter 1 talks about
08:19 the ungodly or unrighteous people,
08:22 but yet they still sense
08:24 and know God in Romans 1:20 through creation.
08:27 It says, "For since the creation of the world,
08:30 His," that's God's, "invisible attributes are clearly seen,
08:34 being understood by the things that are made even His eternal
08:37 power and Godhead."
08:38 So they're without excuse.
08:40 That means even if you don't have the Word of God,
08:42 creation speaks to you every day
08:45 of God's power and might.
08:47 Finally number four,
08:48 God speaks to us through the convicting power
08:51 of the Holy Spirit.
08:52 So the prophets of old might not be alive today.
08:56 But God still speaks to us today.
08:58 Amen. I'm so glad that He does.
09:00 Amen.
09:02 "Shelley, my question is about the names
09:06 ascribed to the Messiah by the Prophet Isaiah
09:08 in 9:6, where He is also called the Everlasting Father.
09:14 We know that the Messiah, Jesus Christ
09:16 is the second person of the Godhead,
09:19 where God the Father is the first person.
09:22 Can you clarify why He is given this title
09:25 which may confuse others?"
09:26 This is from Ferdinand out of the Philippines.
09:28 Wonderful question, Ferdinand.
09:30 In Isaiah 9:6, you are right, this is about the Messiah,
09:34 He is the second person of the Godhead.
09:37 We have a tendency to think that the Messiah
09:40 was the Son of God before He arrived on earth
09:44 and was in it.
09:45 Actually He wasn't the Son of God
09:49 until He came to earth.
09:50 Let's look at this. Isaiah 9:6.
09:53 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given,
09:57 the government will be upon His shoulder.
09:59 His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor."
10:03 That is a term used in parallel with a king.
10:08 Micah 4:9 says, "What you cry aloud,
10:11 is there no king in your midst as your counselor perished?"
10:17 So the council of our all knowing all powerful king,
10:22 His namely be called Mighty God.
10:25 This is a term in the Hebrew that was never used of man,
10:29 only of the deity of our Creator God.
10:34 So a child that was born to us was God Himself.
10:39 We know that God condescended
10:42 and took on the flesh of man.
10:46 Read Philippians 2:5-8,
10:49 the eternal Creator God was incarnated
10:54 as a person of Jesus Christ.
10:57 Now here's your question.
10:59 Everlasting Father, literally, is the Father of eternity.
11:03 In Micah 5:2, it's talking about,
11:06 "Out of Bethlehem shall come forth
11:09 the one to be the ruler in Israel,
11:11 whose goings forth are from of old,
11:13 up from everlasting."
11:16 And Isaiah 63:16 says,
11:20 "You O Lord, are our Father, our Redeemer,
11:24 from everlasting is Your name."
11:27 So Jesus is the author of eternal life,
11:31 our Creator who condescended
11:35 and took on our flesh to be our Prince of Peace.
11:39 Let me add this real quick.
11:40 Shalom is more than absence
11:45 when it says Prince of Peace.
11:46 It's not just absence of conflict.
11:49 Shalom is the idea of completeness
11:53 and perfection, healing, soundness, well-being,
11:57 prosperity, good relationships, all that come from our Messiah.
12:02 Amen.
12:04 Amen. Thank you for that explanation.
12:06 Pastor Ryan Day,
12:08 you'll have three minutes for this question.
12:10 This comes from Manuel out of Virginia.
12:13 "Could you explain
12:18 about the 2,300 days,
12:21 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
12:24 Is this the heavenly sanctuary?"
12:27 Three minutes. All right.
12:28 Pray for that clock. Here we go.
12:31 All right, so Daniel 8:14, the Bible says,
12:33 "And he said unto me, 'For 2,300 days,
12:36 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.'"
12:38 So we get the idea that at the end
12:41 of the 2,300 days, because it says,
12:42 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
12:45 Of course, we're talking about judgment here.
12:47 The concept of the cleansing of the sanctuary,
12:50 if you're studying Scripture, you have a knowledge
12:51 of Old Testament Scripture,
12:53 then you know that this language,
12:54 in fact, most of the language of Daniel Chapter 8,
12:57 starting with the goat and the ram,
12:59 that's what was those, the goat
13:00 and the ram was used in the morning
13:01 and evening offerings of the sanctuary service.
13:04 And, of course, you have all of this sanctuary
13:06 language that's added throughout this chapter,
13:08 for instance, the daily, that's the daily service
13:11 of the sanctuary, this yearly service,
13:13 which is wrapped up in the cleansing
13:14 of the sanctuary, it's the holiest day
13:16 of the year in the Hebrew sanctuary
13:18 known as Yom Kippur.
13:19 It's a Day of Judgment,
13:21 a day in which God will atone for all
13:23 of the sins that have been brought into the sanctuary.
13:25 So that being said,
13:26 when, how do we explain this timeframe with this prophecy?
13:29 We know for sure that it's not talking about
13:31 2,300 literal days, because notice Daniel 7:18,
13:35 toward the end of that verse there it says,
13:37 "Understand, son of man that this vision
13:39 refers to the time of the end."
13:41 So wasn't talking about Daniel's time.
13:43 Again, Daniel 8:19.
13:45 He says again, "Look, I'm making known to you
13:48 what shall happen in the latter time."
13:50 And he says again, a third time in Daniel 8:26
13:53 toward the latter part, it says,
13:54 "A seal up vision for it refers to many days in the future."
13:58 We have three indications that this is not talking
14:00 about 2,300 literal days,
14:02 we apply the day-year or the year-day principle here.
14:05 Again, you get that from Numbers 14:34, Ezekiel 4:6,
14:09 where we take a day, a prophetic day,
14:12 and it becomes a year.
14:13 So we're talking about 2,300 years.
14:16 And so how do we get this timeframe?
14:17 How do we know when it begins and what it is?
14:19 Daniel knew the bulk of what this prophecy was about.
14:23 Because in Daniel 8, the Angel Gabriel tells him
14:25 what all of these different elements
14:27 mean within the vision.
14:29 There's a part of the vision in the original Hebrew
14:31 known as the mareh.
14:33 He didn't understand the mareh which was the time aspect.
14:36 And so by the time you get to the end of Daniel 8,
14:39 Daniel faints, and the only thing
14:41 he didn't understand
14:42 about it was he needed to know the time,
14:43 when does this thing begin, and when does it end?
14:45 Because when it ends, judgment begins.
14:48 When we go to Daniel Chapter 9,
14:50 notice what it says in Daniel Chapter 9.
14:52 It says, "He meets Gabriel again,"
14:54 and then notice what Gabriel says to him in verse 23
14:56 of Daniel 9.
14:57 He says, "At the beginning of your supplication,
14:59 the command went out that I have come to tell you,
15:01 for you are greatly beloved, therefore consider the matter
15:03 and understand the vision."
15:05 But the word for vision there is the same word
15:08 used in Daniel 8, the mareh, dealing with the portion
15:11 of the vision of the time.
15:13 And so how, we just need to know the beginning of this,
15:16 the beginning of it, of course,
15:17 is the same start point as the 70 weeks prophecy.
15:21 And we know that the 70 weeks prophecy begin historically
15:24 when the decree went forward to rebuild and restore
15:27 the government in Jerusalem.
15:29 We find that in Ezra 7:13 and onward,
15:32 and we know that that happened in 457 BC.
15:37 If you count from 457 BC, 2,300 years,
15:41 you have to come to 1844.
15:44 My friends, it was an 1844 that judgment began.
15:48 That's what this prophecy is about.
15:50 It's telling us that judgment begins in 1844.
15:54 2,300 days, years,
15:56 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.
15:59 That's the juiced version of the 2300 years.
16:02 Only you can do that. Good job.
16:05 We're juicing today. Okay, I love it.
16:09 Jill, this comes from Christina out of India.
16:12 "Can the Holy Spirit leave a person in both,
16:15 leave a person in both the Old Testament
16:17 and New Testament?
16:19 Is there a verse that talks about that
16:22 in the New Testament?
16:23 A non-Adventist preacher here says that the Holy Spirit
16:27 could leave a person in the Old Testament,
16:29 but can't leave a person in the New Testament.
16:32 If the Holy Spirit is the same in both testaments,
16:34 I find it a bit cold.
16:37 Can you help with some Bible verse that talks about this?
16:40 Thank you so much, Christina. It's a great question.
16:42 And I would say our God is the same yesterday,
16:45 today and forever, and He does not change.
16:47 So the God of the Old Testament
16:48 is the God of the New Testament,
16:50 and the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
16:51 is the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.
16:54 But let's look at that a little bit.
16:55 Of course, there's some very clear references
16:58 in the Old Testament, that the Holy Spirit
17:00 can depart from a person.
17:02 We see in Genesis 6:3, He says what?
17:04 "My spirit will not always strive with men."
17:06 Of course, this is just prior to the flood.
17:09 Within 1 Samuel 16, remember, Saul,
17:12 anointed king of Israel had turned his back on God,
17:15 and had disobeyed persistently the voice of God.
17:19 And then it says, "The Spirit of the Lord
17:20 departed from Saul."
17:22 But where do we find some
17:24 of these contexts in the New Testament?
17:27 You know, we've seen the New Testament
17:28 with the story of Ananias and Sapphira
17:30 that clearly we can lie to the Holy Spirit.
17:33 Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan
17:34 filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit,
17:37 and keep back part of the price for yourself."
17:40 We see in Ephesians 4:30,
17:42 that you and I can grieve the Holy Spirit.
17:46 In Ephesians 4:30, it says,
17:47 "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by which you
17:50 were sealed for the day of redemption."
17:52 We see in Mark 3:28 and 29,
17:55 we see this sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
17:59 That's what we call the unpardonable sin,
18:03 which is really just simply the persistent
18:05 refusal or rejection of the Holy Spirit.
18:09 So the bottom line, we also see in Revelation,
18:12 you can see that the angels holding back the winds
18:15 of strife will be released at the end time.
18:18 And we see that the Holy Spirit will be withdrawn
18:22 from this earth.
18:24 But the bottom line is that
18:25 the Holy Spirit doesn't leave us.
18:27 We choose by deliberate, persistent refusal to turn
18:31 our back on the Holy Spirit.
18:33 If in your heart, you have any desire for God,
18:36 if you're even worried about that,
18:37 well, that clearly has not happened to you,
18:40 because that's evidence that the Holy Spirit
18:42 is still working in your heart and in your life.
18:44 Very good. Excellent answer.
18:47 Excellent answer.
18:48 Now, if you're just joining us,
18:50 and you're wondering
18:51 how you can submit your questions,
18:53 you can text them to (618) 228-3975
18:58 or you can email them to
18:59 BibleQA@3abn.tv
19:05 Shelley, I want to come to you on this question.
19:08 This comes from Pat out of Oregon.
19:11 And it says, "God knew man and woman
19:15 could not keep the Ten Commandments.
19:16 So why would He create failures?"
19:19 I love this question, Pat.
19:21 God did not create failures,
19:23 He created perfection in His image.
19:28 And the image of God is, He is love.
19:32 So the image of God is love.
19:35 But what happened, Adam,
19:39 I guess you could say that he violated
19:41 the sacred gift of free will.
19:45 And so had humanity remained loyal to God,
19:50 and in that love,
19:52 they would have been able to keep the commandments
19:54 and you know what?
19:55 God Himself descended
19:57 and became a person to show us
20:00 proof to us that it was possible
20:02 the person of Jesus Christ had no advantage over us,
20:06 He never used His godly powers.
20:10 Hebrews 2:17-18 says,
20:13 "Therefore, in all things
20:15 He had to be made like his brethren,
20:16 that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest
20:19 and things pertaining to God, to make
20:22 propitiation for the sins of the people,
20:24 for in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted.
20:29 He's able to aid those who are tempted."
20:32 Hebrews 4:15 says,
20:34 "We do not have a high priest
20:36 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
20:39 but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin."
20:45 Yes, because God is omniscient, all knowing,
20:50 He knew we would fall.
20:54 But He had the Calvary plan in mind from before
20:59 the foundation of the earth.
21:01 Revelation 13:8 talks about
21:05 the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
21:08 And Romans 5:8 says,
21:10 "He demonstrates His love for us,
21:13 that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
21:16 And now here's the good news, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says
21:20 that "If we are in Christ, we're new creations,
21:24 the old is gone, the new has come."
21:27 And Romans 8:37 says,
21:29 "In all these things,
21:31 we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus."
21:36 So you're not a failure. You're born again,
21:39 you're a new creation. Amen.
21:40 Amen. Praise God.
21:42 That was beautiful.
21:43 Pastor Day,
21:45 "The Bible says that every eye will see
21:47 Jesus at His second coming.
21:49 Does that mean that the righteous
21:52 and unrighteous dead
21:54 will be resurrected in the first resurrection?"
21:56 Actually, no.
21:58 So when it says, "Every eye will see Him,"
21:59 it's talking about every eye that will see Him that's
22:02 alive when He returns, as well as those people
22:05 who will be resurrected.
22:06 Now, who will be resurrected when Christ comes?
22:08 Let's go to John 5:28-29 makes it very clear.
22:12 Jesus says, "Do not marvel at this, for the hour
22:14 is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear
22:17 His voice and come forth,
22:19 those who have done good, to the resurrection of life."
22:22 That's the resurrection at the Second Coming.
22:24 And then it goes on to say, "And those who have done evil,
22:27 to the resurrection of damnation."
22:29 All right.
22:31 Now, when we see these two resurrections,
22:32 resurrection of life, resurrection of damnation,
22:35 these are two separate resurrections.
22:37 So the resurrection of life is at the Second
22:39 Coming of Jesus, we see this in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17,
22:43 where it says that, you know,
22:45 Jesus comes forward with a shout,
22:46 with the voice of an archangel, with the trump of God,
22:49 and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
22:51 That's the resurrection of life.
22:52 If we die in this lifetime, we want to make sure we're part
22:54 of that first resurrection.
22:55 All right?
22:57 We see this even put into greater
22:58 perspective in Revelation 20:6,
23:00 where it says, "Blessed and
23:01 holyA isA he who has part in the first resurrection,"
23:03 again at the Second Coming of Jesus,
23:05 "over such the second death have no power,
23:08 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
23:11 and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
23:13 All right, that's verse 5.
23:15 So the righteous resurrected at the Second Coming of Jesus.
23:19 But notice verse 5,
23:20 the previous verse in Chapter 20, it says,
23:22 "But the rest of the dead did not live again until
23:25 the thousand years were finished."
23:27 So the unrighteous that are in the graves
23:30 at the Second Coming of Jesus, they remain in the grave,
23:32 except for a special group.
23:34 We are told in Matthew 26, by Christ, when they were,
23:37 when they were basically putting Jesus through a trial.
23:41 Jesus told Caiaphas, He says he will see
23:43 the Son of Man coming back,
23:45 on the right hand of power in the clouds of heaven.
23:48 And in Revelation 1:7, it does say, "Behold,
23:50 He cometh with clouds, and every eye will see Him,
23:53 even they who pierced Him."
23:55 So the only unrighteous
23:56 who will be resurrected at the Second Coming
23:58 of Jesus is that special group, all those people that actually
24:02 participated in the resurrection,
24:04 or excuse me, the crucifixion of Jesus.
24:06 They'll be resurrected to see Jesus come in the clouds,
24:09 and then they'll be slain at the presence of the Lord.
24:11 But yes, there's two resurrections,
24:12 one at the Second Coming, the resurrection of life,
24:15 and then the, all the dead that are in the graves
24:17 remain in the graves until
24:19 the thousand years are finished,
24:20 and then the unrighteous will be resurrected at the end
24:22 of the thousand years.
24:24 Well said. Well said.
24:25 Jill, "How do you worship in spirit and in truth?"
24:29 I like this question a lot.
24:30 This is probably a topic I feel really passionate about.
24:32 Amen.
24:34 There's two extremes in Christianity.
24:35 You have on the one side feelings,
24:37 emotionalism and I call it a false type of grace,
24:42 because grace doesn't land in that side,
24:44 but a false type would.
24:45 On this side, we have formalism
24:47 and intellectualism and even legalism.
24:51 You know, 2 Peter 3:18
24:53 is probably one of my newest favorite scriptures,
24:57 and it simply says, "Grow in grace
25:00 and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
25:04 So what does that mean?
25:05 We are called clearly to grow in knowledge,
25:07 we are called to grow in understanding of His Word
25:11 and an intellectual understanding of truth.
25:14 In Acts 17, you see the Bereans,
25:16 who searched the scriptures daily,
25:19 to confirm whether what Paul was teaching was actually true.
25:23 But we don't just grow in knowledge,
25:25 we also grow in grace.
25:27 That is an experiential understanding of Jesus.
25:32 You know, the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians
25:33 5:22, love, joy, peace, long suffering.
25:36 So some people only grow in knowledge.
25:39 Have you ever met a person like that?
25:42 I call them intellectual infidels,
25:45 meaning you can know the Scripture,
25:47 you can claim the 2,300 days,
25:49 you can worship on the seventh day,
25:51 and you can still not even know Jesus.
25:54 If you don't have love in your heart for other people,
25:57 if you don't express patience and joy in Jesus,
26:01 you are not a Christian.
26:02 That's right.
26:04 And on the flip side, if all you do when you
26:05 go to church is love, love, joy
26:08 and the Holy Ghost,
26:10 you are missing an integral part of worship,
26:14 which is the intellectual understanding
26:17 of the Word of God.
26:18 So both are to be married together.
26:21 Jesus explained it this way to the woman at the well.
26:23 This is in John Chapter 4.
26:26 He said, "God is spirit,
26:27 and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit
26:29 and in truth."
26:31 You see, you and I are called to love the Lord our God,
26:33 not with just all our heart, and soul, but also our mind.
26:38 That's the connection again, between the emotional
26:41 and the intellectual understanding.
26:43 We are called to worship in spirit and in truth.
26:46 Oh, wonderful.
26:48 I loved that, you covered both sides of the coin there.
26:50 That's right. That's really, really good.
26:53 Shelley, "The Bible says
26:54 that we are saved by grace in Ephesians 2:8-9,
26:58 "For by grace, you have been saved through faith
27:00 and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God
27:03 not of works, lest anyone should boast."
27:06 What does this mean and how can this reflect?
27:10 Or yeah, reflect my life."
27:13 This is from Wessie out of New Mexico.
27:16 Oh, this is one of my favorite topics about
27:20 which I'm passionate.
27:21 Salvation belongs to the Lord.
27:24 Salvation is a gift,
27:26 there is nothing that you can do to earn it.
27:30 It's a gift of His goodness and you see in that scripture,
27:33 even faith is a gift because it says,
27:36 you're saved through faith that not of yourselves.
27:39 The object of our faith is the person of Jesus Christ.
27:43 In 2 Corinthians 5:21, it says, "He made Him Christ,
27:48 who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might
27:51 become the righteousness of God in Him."
27:56 So righteousness by faith is the only kind
27:58 of righteousness there is.
28:01 And what this does is it prevents
28:04 self-righteousness and pride.
28:06 No one can boast.
28:08 In 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, it says,
28:11 "But of Him, you are in Christ Jesus,
28:13 who became for us wisdom from God.
28:18 "Righteousness, our sanctification,
28:22 our redemption, that as it is written,
28:26 He who glories for the glory of the Lord.
28:28 The application is this.
28:31 If you are abiding in Christ,
28:34 if you've received Christ as your Savior,
28:36 and you remain in Christ,
28:38 you can have assurance of your salvation,
28:41 you can rest in that assurance.
28:43 In 1 John 5:11-12, it says, "This is the testimony.
28:48 God has given us eternal life,
28:51 this life is in His Son,
28:53 He who has the Son has life.
28:57 He who does not have the Son does not have life."
29:00 So what is our part?
29:02 Our part is to believe, to receive
29:05 and believing is more than mental assent,
29:08 even the demons believe.
29:10 It means to be living in Him, walking in loyalty,
29:16 walking in love, and that means we obey His commandments.
29:20 If you continue on Ephesians 2:10 says this,
29:24 "We're His workmanship,
29:26 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
29:29 which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
29:33 Amen. Amen.
29:35 I love that how you stated what it means to believe,
29:38 yeah, because I think
29:39 a lot of people get hung up on that.
29:41 That's right.
29:42 Pastor Day, "I was wondering when in the Bible did church
29:44 denominations start and what denominations
29:47 were they before knowledge
29:48 of the Sabbath had been changed?"
29:51 Jennifer, this is from Jennifer out of Colorado.
29:53 That's a great question.
29:54 There's actually not any specific text that explicitly
29:57 talks about denominations or multiple denominations
30:00 in the Scripture.
30:01 We know that you know Bible makes it clear
30:02 that there's one Lord, one faith, one baptism, right?
30:05 That's a famous scripture, Paul quotes
30:07 there in counseling to the church.
30:09 We have to understand that when it comes to Scripture,
30:12 we see that we have God's people
30:14 and we have really the enemy's seed, right?
30:17 The woman seed and all the way back to
30:19 Genesis 3:15
30:20 where Jesus promised that there would be enmity
30:23 between the woman seed and, of course,
30:25 the seed of the enemy, the seed of the serpent.
30:27 We know that that woman is not necessarily
30:29 referencing Eve specifically, but rather a continuance
30:32 of the church because a woman in Bible prophecy represents
30:35 a church or a woman in the Bible
30:37 is likened unto a church.
30:38 And so we get that from, of course, Jeremiah 6:2,
30:43 and also 2 Corinthians 11:2
30:46 where the church is likened into a woman.
30:48 And so we see biblically speaking,
30:50 God has always had just His people.
30:52 And then the enemies of the church or the enemies
30:55 of God who did not fall in line with that faith
30:58 that God had called His people into.
31:00 Now, where denominations come in,
31:01 of course, specifically,
31:03 is from the Reformation, the Reformation time period,
31:06 which is around the early 1500s AD.
31:09 We see out of that Reformation,
31:10 at one time there was only one Christian church,
31:14 and that was the Catholic Church,
31:15 in fact that's what Catholic means universal,
31:17 there was only one universal church.
31:19 Out of that Reformation came many different denominations.
31:23 And I don't think it was God's plan for there to be all
31:25 these different divisional denominations.
31:27 But that is the reality.
31:29 In fact, today, there's more than
31:30 40,000 different
31:32 Protestant denominations in the world today.
31:34 But let's put this in perspective here.
31:36 You know, this is,
31:37 this multiple denomination thing,
31:39 you know, people breaking away
31:40 and starting their own movement.
31:41 Of course, we know prior to the giving
31:43 of the Sabbath message,
31:45 or as the question is stating here,
31:47 there was only that one true faith that came
31:50 from the apostles, from the leadership of Christ,
31:52 and they were Sabbath keepers.
31:53 But within the first three to four centuries,
31:56 after Jesus had died, after the apostles had died,
31:59 all the way up till about the 300s AD
32:02 is when we start to see the breaking away
32:04 of Sabbath keeping,
32:06 the ushering in of Sunday keeping.
32:07 And we start to see that universal church being set up.
32:10 And, of course, by the 1500s,
32:12 there comes all the different denominations.
32:14 There's a whole lot more I could say about it,
32:15 but my time is out.
32:19 You gave us a quick history.
32:22 That's good. That's good.
32:24 Jill, you will have a little bit
32:26 more time to answer this one.
32:27 This is a three minute deal here.
32:30 "Hebrew states that God chastises those He loves.
32:33 How does He do that?
32:35 And with what based on your experience or hearing?"
32:40 Thank you so much, Karen, for that question.
32:43 The verse, of course, it's been referenced as Hebrews 12:6,
32:47 "For whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges
32:50 every son whom He receives."
32:53 Now, your question was not
32:54 I read it three times to make sure I got it.
32:56 But your question was not specifically,
32:58 why does He chasten us, but really,
33:00 how does the chastening process occur.
33:03 So if you want the answer to the why,
33:05 we can address that on a different question.
33:07 I'm not even touching that in this answer,
33:09 but we're looking at the how, how does He chasten us?
33:11 I would say, there's four ways that God chastens us.
33:14 Way number one is through His Word.
33:17 Hebrews 4:12,
33:18 "The Word of God is living or quick and powerful,
33:21 and sharper than any two-edged sword,
33:24 piercing even to the division of soul
33:26 and spirit of joints and marrow,
33:28 and is a discerner of the thoughts
33:30 and intents of the heart."
33:32 So the Word of God brings conviction us in,
33:34 I don't know about you, but I've opened up my Bible.
33:37 And I've read scripture just in my morning devotion,
33:40 and instantly God speaks to my heart and mind and say,
33:43 "Jill, you're out of line here."
33:44 That is the chastening
33:46 of the Lord coming from the Word of God.
33:49 Amen.
33:50 The second way He chastens us, is through life's trials.
33:54 Now we're not looking at why or who causes
33:56 the trials, we're just looking at the how.
33:58 How does the chastening occur through life's trials?
34:02 I would tell you that trials are only redemptive
34:06 if we surrender, and we receive them.
34:10 You know, 2 Corinthians 4:17 says,
34:12 our light affliction which is but for a moment,
34:14 works for us an eternal of...
34:17 Works for us a far more exceeding
34:19 and eternal weight of glory.
34:21 You know, trials can make us bitter.
34:22 Have you ever seen that?
34:24 Have you ever seen someone go through a trial
34:26 and they turned against God?
34:27 They became a bitter person, they became resentful,
34:30 they became unforgiving.
34:31 That is when we receive trials in the wrong spirit.
34:35 But if we open up our hearts to God in the midst of pain,
34:40 God can use those trials to work
34:42 redemptively in our lives.
34:45 I think we need to receive trials with joy.
34:47 Now this is a hard thing.
34:49 James Chapter 1,
34:50 we're supposed to count it and joy
34:52 when we go through that.
34:53 That doesn't mean that the trial is a good thing,
34:55 but it means God can bring something good out of it.
34:58 We're supposed to ask God
35:00 what we can learn in the midst
35:01 of the trial and allow Him to teach us.
35:04 We're supposed to allow Him to work redemptively
35:06 in our hearts and lives.
35:08 The final two ways, trials,
35:10 how God chastens us through that.
35:15 Number three is through our interactions with others.
35:18 You know, Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron,
35:22 so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
35:25 In other words, the natural rub we have with other people.
35:28 That's the way that God uses to chasten us
35:31 or to grow us to become more like Jesus.
35:35 And the final way is through the convicting power
35:37 of the Holy Spirit.
35:38 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come,
35:41 he will convict you and I of truth,
35:43 righteousness and judgment."
35:45 So the Holy Spirit chastens us as well.
35:47 So we are chastened by the Word,
35:49 we're chastened through life's trials.
35:51 We're chastened through our interaction
35:53 with other people,
35:54 and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
35:56 Amen. Wonderful.
35:57 Amen. Amen. Great list too.
35:59 Yes, great list.
36:01 Shelley, you have, how many minutes?
36:04 Three minutes for this question.
36:06 "How is the Holy Ghost God?
36:09 Just need an explanation." Woo-hoo, okay.
36:12 The second fundamental belief
36:13 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
36:15 is in the Trinity and it says, there's one God, Father, Son,
36:19 and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal persons.
36:23 Why do we believe this?
36:25 Because there are 58 triadic scriptures in the Bible
36:30 that support Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
36:35 The Word of God unequivocally teaches that the Holy Spirit
36:40 is as much a personality as the Father
36:44 and the Son.
36:45 And he has all of the elements of personhood.
36:49 He's ascribed to have wisdom, understanding, authoritative
36:54 will, emotion in speech.
36:56 And then Jill referred this earlier,
36:58 Acts 5:3-4, when Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit
37:04 or to about his,
37:07 Ananias and Sapphira had lied.
37:10 What Peter said is,
37:13 "You have lied to the Holy Spirit,"
37:16 and then he says,
37:17 "Ananias you haven't lied to man, but to God."
37:22 In John 14:16,
37:24 this is one of my favorite proof text if you will.
37:28 Jesus is speaking.
37:30 He says, "I will pray to Father
37:31 He will give you another helper
37:35 that He can be with you
37:39 or abide with you forever."
37:41 Another helper in the Greek it is allos parakletos.
37:47 A parakletos is only a person,
37:50 it is a person.
37:52 And it's only used, it was used of the Messiah,
37:54 Jesus is now our advocate, our parakletos,
37:58 our helper in heaven.
38:00 But what we see here is that he says allos parakletos.
38:06 There's two words in the Greek heteros and allos,
38:10 which mean another.
38:11 Heteros means like, if I give you a bowl of fruit,
38:15 or you've had a banana, I said,
38:16 you want another piece of fruit,
38:18 heteros, you might choose an orange,
38:20 just another of a different kind.
38:23 But allos means one who is exactly like Me.
38:28 And that's what Jesus is saying is,
38:31 this advocate is of the same quality,
38:34 the same character as Me, He is God.
38:38 There is no comparison between Christ
38:43 and just abstract influence.
38:48 So we see that the Holy Spirit
38:50 is God's advocate for man on the earth
38:56 when Jesus returned to heaven.
38:59 God came down in as the Holy Spirit
39:04 to be with us to abide in us.
39:07 And we see Acts 13:2
39:09 the Holy Spirit chose church leaders.
39:13 In Acts 15:28, He led in church decisions.
39:18 Acts 16:6-7,
39:20 He led in the direction
39:22 of where the gospel would be preached.
39:25 He is God. Amen.
39:27 I'm gonna have to brush up on my Greek
39:28 and my 58 triadic scriptures.
39:31 That was a good work. That's going to have to.
39:34 I've to work on that. There you go, that's right.
39:36 Pastor Day, on Psalm 150:4,
39:42 "Praise him with the timbrel and dance,
39:44 praise Him with the stringed instruments and organs."
39:48 Psalm 150.
39:50 Is it possible to worship and praise with timbrel?
39:52 If not, why?
39:54 Why is dance not permitted in worship?"
39:57 Okay, well, let's read, let's read what Psalm 150:3-6,
40:01 let's put it in perspective.
40:02 It says, "Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet,
40:04 praise Him with the lute and the harp!
40:06 Praise Him with the timbrel and dance,"
40:08 there's the verse there, verse 4,
40:09 "Praise Him with
40:11 stringed instruments and flutes!"
40:12 Verse five, "Praise Him with loud cymbals,
40:15 and praise Him with clashing cymbals!"
40:17 Right?
40:19 And so it goes on to say in verse 6,
40:20 "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."
40:23 And so the question here is,
40:24 you know, can we and should we use,
40:26 like the timbrel, is it appropriate?
40:28 I'll tell you, it's in the Bible,
40:30 it's appropriate.
40:31 I think when we start to get into our own theories
40:33 and ideas, that's where we start to mess up.
40:35 If it's in the Bible, it's appropriate
40:37 and we have to put it in proper perspective.
40:39 I was at a meeting recently in Alabama,
40:42 and I was out in the hallway and they were there leading
40:44 music before my meetings began or my sermon began.
40:47 And I heard a tambourine.
40:48 Somebody had a tambourine,
40:49 which is a timbrel is basically a tambourine.
40:51 It's a type of percussive instrument that gives
40:53 a little bit of a rhythmic aspect to the music.
40:57 So somebody was in there, you know,
40:58 playing I can hear the timbrel or the timbrel
41:00 or the tambourines, keeps going.
41:03 And so you know, some of the people are a little
41:05 uncomfortable, because, again, you know,
41:06 it's a house of God and we should be,
41:08 you know, we should be reverence.
41:09 And certainly, we absolutely
41:11 should be reverential in the presence
41:13 of God and in God's house.
41:14 But yet when we're worshiping God,
41:15 we do have clear counsel given in God's Word
41:19 where we can use these certain instruments to praise God
41:21 and we should not withhold it.
41:23 If there's an opportunity
41:24 and whether someone can play it skillfully and that's the key,
41:26 skillfully and appropriately.
41:28 We don't just want somebody in there just shaking stuff
41:30 around causing havoc or chaos,
41:33 but skillfully playing these instruments.
41:35 That's the key.
41:36 As far as the dancing, you know, that's the thing,
41:38 you know, it's in the Bible, we certainly can't deny
41:41 the fact that there were individuals who,
41:43 especially with David in 2 Samuel Chapter 6,
41:45 where it says David danced before the Lord.
41:48 Now there have been done some research where it says,
41:49 where David wasn't out there doing the, you know,
41:51 it wasn't like he was out there doing the cha cha slide,
41:53 or the electric slide or gyrating, you know,
41:56 to, you know, in kind of a nightclub type way,
41:58 you know, like what you might see in an area like that,
42:01 but he was leaping, he was twirling,
42:03 he was dancing, in a sense, because he was happy
42:06 that the Ark of the Lord had been returned.
42:08 So I'm not going to go as far
42:09 as to say that dancing is wrong.
42:11 But we certainly aren't talking about like nightclub dancing
42:14 or choreography dancing, like what you see in a music show
42:17 or a music award show or something like that.
42:19 We have to put that in perspective.
42:21 I'm going to leave it to that, because I believe
42:24 we need some more study in that area.
42:25 So maybe our scholars or somebody will come out
42:27 with some appropriate studies on what does it mean to dance
42:31 before the Lord, that's something
42:32 we need to put in proper context,
42:33 but we know for sure they weren't out there gyrating
42:36 and shaking things that they probably shouldn't
42:37 and in an inappropriate way.
42:39 We have to be appropriate and reverential.
42:42 Be respectful to our Lord, when we're worshiping Him.
42:44 I have to add this comment.
42:46 In the Hebrew rejoice, the literal meaning
42:50 of rejoice is to spin and turn around
42:55 just like a calf that's been released from stall.
42:59 Kicking up the heels.
43:00 It is, it's kicking up their heels.
43:02 Amen.
43:03 I'll be interested in seeing that dance there.
43:06 Jill, this comes from Shelley out of Jamaica.
43:12 "In Mark 16:7,
43:14 is there a reason why Peter's name
43:16 was called in particular?"
43:18 Thank you so much, Shelley, for that question.
43:20 Of course, this is resurrection morning
43:22 and the woman go with the spices to anoint
43:24 Jesus' body, but He's not there,
43:26 because He is risen.
43:28 And the angel instructs them that Jesus is risen
43:31 and then what does the angel say?
43:33 This is in that Mark 16:7,
43:36 "Go tell the disciples and Peter,
43:39 that he's going before you into Galilee,
43:41 there you will see Him as He said to you."
43:44 So I think initially, we could,
43:47 for sure say that this expresses
43:50 our Lord's love for Peter.
43:51 Remember, Peter had denied Jesus,
43:53 right before the crucifixion, and Peter is in anguish,
43:56 and Peter's in agony.
43:57 And the Lord knows that and the Lord specifically
44:01 wanting to express His love, His care, His forgiveness,
44:04 His compassion for Peter.
44:07 And He reminds Peter that again, in John 21,
44:09 thereby the Sea of Galilee,
44:11 and when He asked him three times,
44:13 "Simon, son of Jonas,
44:14 do you love Me?"
44:16 I also think if we look at it a little bit deeper,
44:18 I believe that God deals with us all individually.
44:22 You know, if you were to call a doctor,
44:24 and you were to express your symptoms,
44:25 what if the doctor gave the same prescription?
44:28 And he said, "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning."
44:30 If you have a headache, it works really well.
44:32 If you had a ruptured appendix, you might die.
44:35 If you are a parent,
44:36 you do not treat all of your children the same.
44:39 You know, Moses took a 40 year timeout.
44:42 Esther fasted for three days.
44:44 Joshua marched around Jericho for seven days.
44:47 God wrestled with Jacob, argued with Job,
44:50 whispered to Elijah, and comforted Hagar.
44:54 Jesus was stern with a rich young ruler,
44:57 tender with a woman caught in adultery,
44:59 patient with the disciples, blistering with the Scribes,
45:03 gentle with the children,
45:05 and forgiving with a thief on the cross.
45:07 So you know what that tells me?
45:09 Our Lord deals with each one of us individually,
45:12 because He knows us, because He made us
45:15 and because He wants to restore our relationship with Him.
45:19 That's right. That's right.
45:21 Oh, beautiful. I love those examples.
45:22 And it's, oh, that's exciting,
45:24 and it's comforting to know that He
45:26 has that relationship with each other.
45:28 It's beautiful. Amen.
45:29 Amen.
45:30 Shelley, "Did God know ahead of time
45:32 that Jesus would be killed on a cross?"
45:35 This comes from Alba out of Nicaragua?
45:38 Oh, Alba, I'm gonna just answer you directly from Scripture.
45:43 I'm just gonna read you a number of scriptures.
45:44 Let me say this,
45:46 the second person of the Godhead,
45:50 before He was incarnated, He was eternally
45:54 the Lamb of God.
45:56 And we know that because Revelation 13:8
45:59 speaks of the Lamb of God,
46:02 who was the foundation,
46:04 or who was slain from the foundation of the world.
46:07 So He was in the anticipation of His incarnation,
46:13 He was eternally the Lamb of God.
46:15 1 Peter 1:18-21 says
46:19 that we weren't redeemed with corruptible things
46:23 like silver or gold, but with the precious blood
46:27 of Jesus Christ, the Lamb without blemish or spot.
46:32 And verse 20 says,
46:33 "He indeed was foreordained before
46:38 the foundation of the world."
46:42 Ephesians 3:8-12,
46:45 Paul says, hey, "I'm least of the saints,
46:47 but this grace was given to me,
46:50 so that I can preach to you
46:51 the unsearchable riches of Christ."
46:57 And then he goes on in verse 11,
46:59 he says,
47:00 "According to the eternal purpose,
47:05 which he accomplished in Christ,
47:08 our Lord."
47:09 And then Philippians 2:5-8,
47:12 which was probably one of my favorite passages.
47:16 It says, "Let this mind be in you,
47:18 which was in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God,
47:22 He was God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
47:27 because He was God.
47:29 But He made himself of no reputation."
47:31 Think of the humility that our God
47:36 had to have to come down
47:39 and take on the flesh of a man.
47:43 And then it says,
47:44 "And He humbled Himself,
47:46 and became obedient to the point of death."
47:50 Even the death of the cross.
47:52 So all along, God knew, yes,
47:57 that He would have to come down here
48:00 and sacrifice the way He did to save His people.
48:05 Thank you for that explanation, Shelley.
48:07 Amen.
48:08 "In the gospels, Christ refers to those
48:10 who are first will be last, what does that mean?
48:14 I understand the meaning in Mark Chapter 9 to the apostles.
48:18 It is in other places, I am not sure.
48:20 Do they all have the same meaning?"
48:22 Okay, so it must be an extra question.
48:24 Yeah, anybody can answer. All right.
48:26 All right.
48:28 So yeah, I'll jump in here
48:29 and then you guys can add anything you want.
48:31 Obviously, Christ repeats this many times
48:33 throughout the record of the gospels.
48:35 I'm going to use for example today,
48:39 what we find in Matthew Chapter 19,
48:40 and also Matthew Chapter 20.
48:42 Because this comes within the context in Matthew 19,
48:45 Jesus has just had this encounter
48:46 with the rich young ruler who comes to Him
48:48 and says, "What do I do to have eternal life?"
48:50 And Jesus begins to name off some of the commandments.
48:54 And he says, "Oh, Jesus, you know,
48:55 I've kept those from my youth, we're all good there.
48:58 So what else must I need to do?"
48:59 He says, "Okay, well if you've kept them off
49:01 and go sell all that you have and give to the poor
49:03 and come follow Me."
49:04 So in the aftermath of that,
49:06 we see that the rich young ruler
49:08 walks away sorrowful,
49:10 okay, he couldn't do it.
49:11 He couldn't give away his belongings
49:12 because he had an abundance of wealth, right?
49:15 Out of that Jesus has this conversation
49:17 with the disciples and disciples say, "Lord,
49:18 we've given up everything for You.
49:20 So then what does that mean for us?"
49:22 And so Jesus says this at the end of Matthew 19,
49:24 so I'm looking at chapter, excuse me, Matthew 19:29-30.
49:29 It says, "And everyone who has left houses
49:31 or brothers or sister or father or mother or wife or children
49:34 or lands, for My namesake, shall receive a hundredfold
49:38 and inherit eternal life."
49:40 And then verse 30,
49:41 "But many who are first will be last,
49:43 and the last first."
49:44 Within this context, what Christ is pointing out
49:47 is that there are individuals
49:48 who put themselves first before anyone else.
49:51 In other words, they have kind of this selfish outlook
49:53 of the opposite of what Christ said,
49:55 "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."
49:57 These individuals are looking for itself first to basically
50:02 have an abundance of what they want rather
50:04 than what their fellow brother wants.
50:05 And so Christ is basically, within this context.
50:08 He's saying, look, those who are first
50:10 will be last those who make themselves first will be last.
50:13 And those who are last will be first.
50:14 That's exactly what the disciples had done.
50:16 They had given away everything,
50:17 they had walked away from everything,
50:19 and they put God first,
50:20 therefore putting their fellow man first.
50:22 We also see this in the very next chapter,
50:25 within the context of the parable
50:26 of the workers in the vineyard.
50:28 Some of the workers are hired on earlier,
50:30 and you know, the first part of the day,
50:32 and then some are hired in the 11th hour.
50:33 And then, you know, the master begins to hand out
50:36 the payment for the day.
50:37 And the ones that were hired first said whoa, whoa, whoa,
50:39 you can't give them the same that you're giving us.
50:42 In other words, putting themselves first
50:44 before the others, wanting what they thought
50:46 was best for them over what was,
50:48 what the master wanted for those
50:50 who were hired in the 11th hour.
50:52 And Jesus again repeats in verse 16 of Matthew 20.
50:55 "So the last will be first and the first last,
50:57 for many are called and few are chosen."
50:59 The concept to this I believe very clearly
51:01 is that we need to have the mind of Christ,
51:04 the mind of Christ is to love your neighbor
51:06 as you love yourself, putting someone else
51:08 above your own for the sake and the love of others.
51:11 Amen. Amen,
51:12 Well said.
51:14 Anything, Shelley, you want to...
51:15 Go ahead.
51:16 I was just, I was thinking, you know,
51:18 when you look at the Word of God, Isaiah 14,
51:20 Ezekiel 28, we see Satan
51:22 and him saying the whole essence
51:24 of his kingdom itself in self-seeking.
51:26 But when we look at Christ,
51:28 His kingdom is built on self-sacrificing love,
51:32 and we see that exemplified here in this passage.
51:34 Amen, absolutely.
51:36 Thank God for that self-sacrificing love.
51:38 We are getting ready to take a short break.
51:41 We're going to show you how you can submit
51:43 your questions, we're going to check out
51:44 a little news break, and we will be right back.
51:48 So don't go anywhere. Stick around.
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Revised 2024-06-03