3ABN Today Bible Q&A

The Sin That Can't Be Forgiven

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210027A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, I'm Jill Morikone,
01:16 and we want to welcome you to another 3ABN Today,
01:19 Bible Q and A.
01:21 You know, I love these programs because we open up
01:23 the Word of God,
01:25 and we get to take your questions
01:27 and the Word of God answers them.
01:29 We have, of course, our panel here,
01:30 which I'll introduce in just a moment,
01:32 but we don't possess wisdom.
01:33 God has wisdom and His Word is living and powerful,
01:37 as it tells us in Hebrews 4:12,
01:40 sharper than any two-edged sword,
01:42 and it pierces our hearts and the Holy Spirit
01:45 uses the Word of God to bring conviction.
01:47 So we just thank you for tuning in.
01:49 We thank you for being part of our family.
01:51 Want to encourage you to send in your questions,
01:54 which we will answer on an upcoming
01:56 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
01:58 You can send in those questions two ways.
02:00 You can text us at (618) 228-3975.
02:05 That number again is (618) 228-3975.
02:09 Or you can email us at 3ABNâ |
02:13 BibleQA@3abn.tv
02:16 Let me get that email address correct.
02:18 It's BibleQA@3abn.tv
02:23 Wanna introduce our family to you right now.
02:25 At the far end, we have Pastor James Rafferty,
02:28 3ABN Director of Discipleship.
02:29 I'm so glad you're here. Good to be here.
02:32 And sitting next to you Pastor Ryan Day,
02:35 3ABN pastoral department,
02:36 and we could say singer in Israel
02:39 and very glad you're here, brother.
02:40 Amen.
02:41 It's a blessing to be here as always.
02:43 And I'm excited to answer some questions.
02:44 Amen.
02:46 Last but not least, sitting next to me,
02:47 my sister, Shelley Quinn.
02:49 And we're so glad that you're here.
02:50 You know, I love this program.
02:52 I love being here. There's only one thing wrong.
02:54 I love it when you're answering Bible Q and A,
02:57 and you're hosting today.
02:58 All right.
02:59 Well, today I get to hear the answers from you all.
03:02 So, they're all students of the Word,
03:04 but most importantly, the most important thing
03:06 we can study, and it means nothing
03:08 unless we seek to find Jesus.
03:09 Amen.
03:11 And unless we seek to when we study
03:13 and what we learned, we wanna put it into practice.
03:15 We don't want to just be a hearer of the Word,
03:18 but we want to be doer as well.
03:20 So before we go to the first question,
03:22 let's go to the Lord in prayer.
03:23 Pastor James, would you pray for us?
03:25 Yes.
03:26 Father in heaven, thank You so much
03:27 for the opportunity we have to open Your Word.
03:29 There are many questions that have
03:30 come in that we are privileged to seek
03:33 answers for our viewers.
03:35 And I pray that Your Spirit will guide us
03:36 and them as they listen, and as we share from Your Word
03:40 the answers to these important questions.
03:43 Be with those who are struggling,
03:46 maybe some of the questions we're not able to get to,
03:48 or they're still struggling with maybe some of the answers,
03:52 guide their hearts to You, give them more light
03:54 and understanding, comfort and direction.
03:56 We pray in Jesus' name.
03:58 Amen. Amen.
03:59 Thank you so much.
04:01 First question coming to Pastor Ryan.
04:02 All right.
04:04 "What is the unforgivable sin exactly?
04:07 I feel like I've committed it.
04:08 Can you do it in your mind?" All right.
04:11 Well, I can tell you straight up the person
04:13 who submitted this question,
04:14 the fact that you're asking about it,
04:16 that you're concerned about it is a great sign because someone
04:19 who has committed this unforgivable sin or the,
04:22 as the Bible puts it blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
04:25 Of course, this is a person
04:26 who has completely resisted the Holy Spirit.
04:28 And that's what we're gonna get into right now.
04:30 Let's go to Matthew 12:31-32.
04:33 Of course, this is where Jesus references that unforgivable,
04:35 and you call it a sin, but notice what it says here.
04:38 It says, "Therefore I say to you,
04:39 every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men,
04:41 but the blasphemy against the," notice this,
04:44 "the Spirit will not be forgiven men."
04:46 This is blasphemy of the Spirit.
04:49 Now, we have to understand
04:51 and connect this with 1 John 1:9.
04:53 Because in 1 John 1:9,
04:55 it reminds us that if we confess our sins,
04:58 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
05:00 to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
05:01 Now that text tells me that there's any sin that you
05:05 confess, Jesus Christ.
05:06 If you are sincere,
05:07 He will not only forgive your sins,
05:09 but He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
05:12 So that lets me know that this blasphemy
05:13 of the Holy Spirit is not a type or kind
05:16 of sin in the way that murder is a sin or stealing is a sin.
05:20 But rather it is, as you put in your question,
05:22 can you do it in your mind?
05:23 Yes, it is a state of mind.
05:24 It's a state of being.
05:26 It's when a person reaches the point
05:28 where they resist
05:29 the Holy Spirit's work in their life,
05:31 where they don't fully surrender to Jesus Christ.
05:34 Acts 7:51 gives us a hint.
05:36 It says, "You stiff necked
05:38 and uncircumcised in heart and ears.
05:40 You always resist the Holy Spirit
05:43 as your father did, so do you."
05:45 This is Stephen preaching to the Sanhedrin court there,
05:48 and he's telling them, you resist
05:49 the Holy Spirit in a sense that resisting
05:51 of the Holy Spirit, it's very much
05:53 a blasphemous act because they're rejecting
05:55 the power of God in their life.
05:57 The Holy Spirit is to teach us all things,
06:00 to bring all things to our memory,
06:01 to convict us of sin and to bring us into all truth,
06:05 as well as to glorify Christ.
06:07 We get that from John 14:26,
06:09 as well as John 16:8 and verse 13.
06:12 We need to allow the Holy Spirit
06:13 to work in our lives.
06:15 So, God cannot forgive us if we don't ask forgiveness.
06:19 So a person who has committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
06:22 is in a state of resistance.
06:23 They're resisting the Holy Spirit.
06:25 As Paul would say, they're quenching
06:26 or they're grieving the Holy Spirit.
06:28 And we need to make sure that we're surrendering
06:30 our life to Jesus and allowing that
06:32 Holy Spirit to work in our lives.
06:34 Amen. Thank you.
06:35 I think if you have any desire or inkling for God,
06:38 then you know, you have not committed that sin, you know?
06:40 Absolutely.
06:41 "Shelley, Matthew 18:18, are these powers literal
06:45 and given to the 12 apostles or just Peter.
06:48 And if so, can they be handed down to successors?"
06:51 This question comes from Duke in California.
06:54 Duke, Matthew 18:18.
06:56 Jesus is addressing all of the disciples, not just Peter.
06:59 And He says, "Assuredly I say to you,
07:01 whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
07:04 whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
07:06 In context, He's talking about dealing with an erring brother.
07:10 He says, first, if a brother errs against you,
07:13 go to him personally.
07:14 Won't listen, take a couple of people with you.
07:16 So in the mouth of two or three witnesses,
07:18 it can be established.
07:20 And then he says, if he still won't prepare,
07:22 then take it to the church because the church
07:25 has the corporate responsibility to deal
07:27 with this, to try to restore an individual.
07:31 Now let's talk about what binding and losing is.
07:35 To loose means that it's an agreement.
07:39 Their behavior is lined up into agreement
07:42 with God's standard and they can be forgiven
07:46 and restored to full fellowship.
07:48 To bind means, hey, you're still bound in your sin,
07:52 according to heaven, according to the Word of God.
07:55 So, what we know
07:57 is that the literal translation
08:02 is whatever you bind on earth must be bound in heaven,
08:07 whatever you loose on earth must be loosed in heaven.
08:12 It's not that we're making the decision,
08:14 it's that God's will is ratifying
08:17 the church's decision.
08:18 All sin is confessed before the throne of God.
08:21 1 John 1:9,
08:23 "We confess our sins,
08:24 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins."
08:27 The release of sin only comes through the work
08:30 of Jesus Christ in His mediation.
08:33 We cannot substitute human authority for the authority of
08:37 Jesus Christ because God's never
08:39 delegated that prerogative to mankind because man
08:45 errs and he needs grace himself.
08:47 So believers can't forgive sins
08:50 aside from what God's Word says.
08:53 Now, Matthew 16:19
08:55 is where Christ responds directly to Peter.
08:58 He says, and I've got to read this 'cause He says to Peter,
09:02 "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven
09:04 whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
09:06 whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
09:09 In context, Peter has just recognized
09:12 and confessed Jesus as the Christ,
09:15 the Son of the living God
09:17 and Jesus is saying to him on that knowledge,
09:21 on this rock of truth, I will build My church.
09:26 The keys to enter the kingdom of heaven is knowledge.
09:29 And let me prove that to you.
09:31 And in Luke 11:52, Jesus said,
09:33 "Woe to you lawyers!
09:35 You have taken away the key of knowledge.
09:38 You did not enter in yourselves,
09:40 and those who were entering in you hindered."
09:44 So it's all about knowledge.
09:46 And, you know, in Matthew 28:19,
09:51 Jesus said that we are to teach the converts,
09:56 go baptize, teaching them to obey
09:59 all that He has commanded.
10:01 The church cannot require
10:05 more than what God's words require.
10:07 In other words,
10:08 as it has to be clearly revealed in the Word of God.
10:12 Amen. Thank you so much, Shelley.
10:14 And if you think that was too fast for me,
10:16 here's what you can do.
10:18 You can watch it on YouTube.
10:19 So just check out 3ABN's YouTube account,
10:21 type in the Bible Q and A.
10:22 You can pause it anytime you want,
10:25 and then you can rewind and watch it again
10:27 and get your notes in that way.
10:28 Pastor James, we are coming to you.
10:30 This is, "What is the best way to study the Bible.
10:34 My problem is I don't remember
10:36 what I read, what I read when I read it.
10:39 I can explain stuff, but I can't tell exactly
10:41 where things are taken from to give
10:42 the verses or books."
10:44 And this question comes from Montego Bay in Jamaica.
10:47 All right, from Montego Bay in Jamaica.
10:49 Well, the things that have helped me in studying the Bible
10:52 and remembering is number one to study for a present need.
10:56 So, a lot of times when you study the Bible,
10:59 if you're studying a subject that is meaningful to you,
11:02 like I became an Adventist.
11:04 I was raised Catholic, became an Adventist.
11:06 And one of the key verses that completely transformed
11:11 my understanding was Daniel 7:25.
11:15 He shall think to change times and laws.
11:17 Can't forget that verse, you know,
11:18 because that's a verse that just, wow,
11:21 God predicted this ahead of time.
11:23 I mean, it was catalystic to me.
11:26 So one of the things that we need to do
11:29 when we study the Bible that will help us to remember
11:31 is to study for a need.
11:33 I remember when I gave
11:35 my first testimony in church ever.
11:37 2 Peter 3:9, God is long suffering to us,
11:39 not willing that any would perish,
11:41 but that all will come to repentance.
11:42 That meant a lot to me.
11:43 And that's the verse I've never forgotten.
11:45 Another one was Matthew 6:33,
11:46 you know, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God."
11:49 And a year ago, I couldn't remember that.
11:50 And I thought it was Matthew 5:33.
11:52 So Bible study is like exercise.
11:55 You know, your muscles have memory.
11:57 And if you get out of exercise for a while,
11:59 and Hebrews 4:5-6 talks about exercising in the Bible.
12:02 If you get out of for a while, muscle memory will come back.
12:05 So I went where is that verse Found it again and now,
12:07 here it is, I'm sharing it with you
12:09 right from heart.
12:10 Another thing that is really helpful in remembering
12:15 the Bible, remembering is to study
12:17 the Bible to help somebody else.
12:19 So if you're struggling with an issue
12:23 and somebody else helps you
12:24 or you're helping somebody else,
12:26 many times, you're gonna remember it
12:27 because it was practical in the way that you
12:29 were able to help somebody else,
12:31 you know, with that struggle or issue.
12:33 Another thing is scripture songs.
12:36 I have so many scriptures memorize from scripture songs.
12:39 1 Corinthians 13 is a scripture song to me.
12:41 And then studying to share with others.
12:44 Generally speaking, preaching, teaching, doing Sabbath school
12:47 many times, that's how we remember the scriptures.
12:49 Beautiful. Amen. That's powerful.
12:51 I love that list.
12:52 Shelley, we're coming back to you.
12:54 Okay. This question is from Australia.
12:56 "If not the angels nor the Son know the date of His arrival,
13:00 how does that put us on an equal footing with the Father,
13:02 given that the Son and the Father are one?"
13:05 Okay.
13:07 Let's start with Mark 13:31,
13:10 'cause your question's in here.
13:12 It says, "Heaven and earth will pass away,"
13:13 this is Jesus speaking, "but My words will by no
13:16 means pass away."
13:18 So that witness is His divine nature.
13:22 Then verse 32, "But of that day and hour,
13:25 no one knows," he's talking about the second coming,
13:29 "not even the angels in heaven nor the Son,
13:31 but only the Father Himself."
13:33 That clearly witnesses His human nature.
13:37 We know Philippians 3:6-8 says that God came down.
13:42 He was in the form of God.
13:44 He took on our flesh and He died for us.
13:47 So our Creator God came down
13:51 and He became the covenant Son of God.
13:56 He was perfectly human, perfectly divine,
14:00 and He purposely laid aside
14:03 the exercise of the glory of His deity.
14:06 He laid aside His omniscience, His all-knowing.
14:09 He laid aside His omnipresence.
14:11 You know, the Bible says in Luke 2:52 that Jesus
14:16 had to grow in wisdom and stature.
14:19 And as God's ambassador, He only communicated
14:23 what the Father committed to Him.
14:25 I personally believe if He'd asked the Father,
14:27 the Father would have told Him when would be the date.
14:32 But I think it's because of man's propensity
14:35 toward procrastination that they both knew.
14:38 All right, this would be good for man to know.
14:42 John 17:5 says,
14:44 this is Jesus right before He was crucified.
14:47 He says, "Now, oh, Father, glorify Me
14:50 together with Yourself with the glory
14:54 which I had with You before the world was."
14:58 So our risen Savior is the exalted Savior.
15:04 His glory has been restored.
15:06 I know that God had has no secrets.
15:10 So I'm sure now He knows the time of His return.
15:13 Good point. Amen. That's good.
15:15 We're going to Revelation for a couple of questions here.
15:17 This one's for you, Pastor Ryan.
15:19 "How do you interpret Revelation10:9."
15:24 All right. This is a good one.
15:25 Well, first of all, to understand verse 9,
15:27 we have to also back up and read verse 8.
15:28 So let's start there first, Revelation 10:8-9.
15:32 It says, "Then the voice which I heard from heaven
15:34 spoke to me again and said, 'Go, take the little book
15:37 which is open in the hand of the angel
15:39 who stands on the sea and on the earth.'"
15:41 First of all, pause there
15:42 and take in the fact that that book,
15:44 he could have easily said,
15:45 go take the book from the hand, but go get that little book
15:47 and read it or go get the little book.
15:49 And as we're gonna find out, eat it.
15:50 But yet it's interesting that he adds the word here, open.
15:54 That means if it's open, that implies that it had
15:57 previously been what?
15:58 Closed, sealed, shut, right?
16:00 And so, notice as we continue reading in verse 9.
16:02 "So I went to the angel and said to him,
16:03 'Give me the little book.'
16:05 And he said to me, 'Take and eat it,
16:07 and it will make your stomach bitter,
16:08 but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth."
16:11 That little book.
16:12 Okay, the fact that it's open means that it was
16:14 previously closed.
16:15 There's only one other little book in all
16:17 the Bible that the Bible specifically tells us
16:19 was shut or sealed.
16:21 And, of course, that is in connection with
16:22 the Book of Daniel.
16:23 Daniel's that little book.
16:25 And we find this in Daniel 12:4 and 9.
16:27 Notice what the Bible says in Daniel 12,
16:29 I'm gonna read verse 4 and 9.
16:30 It says, "But you Daniel shut up
16:32 the words and seal the book," there it is,
16:34 "until the time of the end,
16:37 many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase."
16:40 Daniel 12:9.
16:41 And he said, "Go your way, Daniel,
16:43 for the words are closed up and sealed,
16:46 again till the time of the end."
16:48 So this little book that it's in the angel's hand and,
16:51 of course, this angel is none
16:52 other than Jesus Christ Himself.
16:54 That's a whole another question.
16:55 Send in a question about that,
16:57 how we can prove that to be Jesus,
16:58 but nonetheless, the little book is Daniel.
17:00 So the Book of Daniel was sealed up,
17:01 but the question is in connection with verse 9,
17:05 what does it mean that he said, take it and eat it.
17:07 It'll make your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet
17:09 as honey in your mouth.
17:11 This comes within the historical context
17:13 coming out of the dark ages,
17:14 coming out of that enlightenment period,
17:16 out of that French revolutionary time period
17:18 of the late 1700s.
17:20 We know that the time
17:21 of the in pertains to the time from 1798 and onward.
17:24 In other words, after 1798.
17:27 And what's interesting is coming out
17:28 of that French revolutionary time period
17:30 where the Bible and Christianity was being
17:32 basically completely cast down
17:35 and it was being attacked by the enemy.
17:37 Out of that, it's brought about a spark
17:39 and a response of deep, deep Bible study by Protestants
17:42 all over the world.
17:44 And it brought about what was known
17:45 as a course in history, the great Millerite movement,
17:48 William Miller and his Millerites, of course,
17:50 this Millerite movement started studying
17:52 the great time prophecies of the Book of Daniel.
17:55 And it led them to study the great time prophecy
17:57 of the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14 specifically.
18:02 And it led them to believe that Jesus was gonna come back.
18:04 When they studied that timeframe,
18:06 it led them to believe that Jesus was gonna come
18:08 back in 1844, more specifically,
18:10 October 22nd, 1844.
18:13 And out of that, of course, came a great disappointment.
18:16 Now, as they're studying these texts, guess what?
18:18 The Word was so sweet to their taste.
18:20 Oh, they're just enjoying the study of the Word
18:22 of the Lord, because they believe that Jesus
18:24 is coming back, but came October 22nd,
18:26 1844, Jesus did not return.
18:29 And therefore it launched them into a bitter disappointment,
18:32 which is why it says there in verse 9,
18:33 it says, but it says, it will make your stomach bitter.
18:37 So in this case, that's how we understand historically
18:40 and prophetically that this particular verse
18:42 pertains to that
18:43 great disappointment time period
18:44 when they were so excited about the scriptures,
18:46 it was sweet as honey in their mouth,
18:48 the beautiful prophecies of Daniel,
18:50 but out of that came a great disappointment.
18:52 Amen. Thank you. That's a juiced version.
18:54 It's fabulous.
18:56 That's really good in three minutes.
18:57 Wanna encourage you, if you wanna know
18:59 what actually happened, October 22, 1844,
19:01 we know Jesus didn't come, but what actually happened,
19:04 then send in that question
19:05 and we'll answer that in an upcoming Bible Q and A.
19:08 Pastor James, we're staying in Revelation.
19:10 "Considering that Revelation is a figurative book,
19:13 the writings are figurative in Chapter 16,
19:15 which speaks to the plagues, are those figurative?
19:19 So are the plagues figurative? Yeah. Good question.
19:21 So, we know the Book of Revelation
19:23 is filled with figurative language,
19:24 but the whole book is not figurative.
19:27 In other words, there's a lot of places in Revelation
19:28 that are actually literal.
19:30 The first chapter, the introduction
19:31 is very literal up to about verse 10 or so.
19:34 A lot of Revelation's
19:36 seven churches is literal language.
19:38 Revelation 5 has a section there where they praise God,
19:41 it's all literal toward the end and the Lamb.
19:43 Revelation Chapter 6
19:44 has a latter portion that's literal.
19:46 Revelation7, the whole back end of that is little Chapter 7.
19:50 Revelation 21 and 22.
19:52 Most of that is literal.
19:54 So the Book of Revelation is written with symbols
19:58 and in symbolic language, but a lot of it is literal.
20:01 But then that question, it's a good question,
20:04 it comes, well then how do we discern
20:06 what's literal and what's figurative.
20:08 How do we know between the two, right?
20:10 You moving through the Book of Revelation,
20:11 you're thinking, well, the 144,000 are,
20:13 you know, virgins that are males.
20:16 They, so that must be literal, the 12 tribes,
20:19 little Jewish male virgins, right?
20:21 How do you know what's literal and symbolic?
20:24 And so, there are some principles
20:25 that are prophetic interpretation
20:27 that we use to understand
20:28 how we can know if it's literal or symbolic.
20:31 We call these William Miller's
20:34 principles of interpretation, contrainterpretation.
20:38 And principle number 11
20:40 specifically applies to Revelation
20:42 and the symbols of Revelation as well as Daniel.
20:46 I'm just gonna read it to you here.
20:48 It says, "If a word makes good sense
20:50 as it stands
20:51 and does no violence to the simple laws of nature,
20:54 it is to be understood literally,
20:56 if not figuratively."
20:57 Now, when you go into the seven last plagues
21:01 and you read that these people that have the mark
21:04 of the beast are gonna get sores or ulcers.
21:06 That makes sense, literally.
21:07 When you read that the blood and the water
21:09 is gonna become like the blood of a dead man,
21:11 which is lack of oxygen.
21:12 That makes sense. We have that today.
21:14 Red tide is what we call it.
21:15 When you see that the sun is gonna scorch men,
21:17 ozone layer evaporating.
21:19 That makes sense.
21:20 So these plagues definitely make sense, literally.
21:23 And that's how we take them because of this principle
21:25 Amen.
21:27 So you references the follow-up question
21:28 to what you just shared.
21:30 You referenced William Miller's principles
21:31 of prophetic interpretation.
21:32 If people wanna find all of them, do you know
21:34 where they could find them?
21:36 They are in a book that was written by James White
21:40 called Life Sketches.
21:41 So James White, and then I have them outlined too,
21:44 in a little study note thing that I could send to 3ABN
21:46 and they could make them available.
21:48 It'd be nice to just put them in a little set up,
21:49 you know, they'll print them up in a set up
21:51 and have them available for people to grab this book.
21:54 Google's a great tool too. I love that.
21:55 Google's a great tool too. That's true.
21:57 Google's a great tool. So let's...
21:59 This is a good time to remind
22:00 you to send in your Bible questions.
22:02 And at the same time, if you're interested in this,
22:04 we'll make this available.
22:05 You can just email us at BibleQA@3abn.tv
22:10 That's BibleQA@3abn.tv
22:13 So if you want William Miller's principles
22:15 of prophetic interpretation,
22:17 we'll make sure we have that and we can send it to you.
22:18 Or if you have a Bible question that you wanna
22:20 send in for the panel to answer on an upcoming Monday,
22:24 you know, we do these programs every Monday.
22:26 So, you can always email that or you can
22:28 text us those questions, (618) 228-3975.
22:33 That number again is (618) 228-3975.
22:39 Pastor Ryan, we're coming back to you.
22:40 All right.
22:42 My question is, "Is the 2520 a sound doctrine?
22:44 Is it relevant to our salvation?"
22:47 And this one comes from Jamaica as well.
22:49 All right.
22:50 Well, I can give you two simple
22:52 answers to that two-part question.
22:53 And that is, is the 2520 a sound doctrine?
22:55 No. And is it relevant to our salvation?
22:58 No. Let me support that.
23:01 In fact, there may be someone watching this wondering
23:02 what in the world are you talking about, 2520?
23:05 Back in the day, again, early to mid 1800s.
23:08 Again, this Millerite time period.
23:11 They had come to the conclusion that out of some texts
23:13 found in Leviticus Chapter 26,
23:15 more specifically verses 27 and 28,
23:18 talking about how God would chastise
23:20 the Israel seven times for their sins
23:23 while they applied the year day principal to that seven times,
23:25 'cause seven times, 360 days in a biblical year,
23:29 and it came, comes to 2,520.
23:31 And so, they basically built a prophecy out of that,
23:35 even though it's technically not a prophecy.
23:37 And so, basically they came to the conclusion
23:40 that from about 677 BC, all the way to 1844 AD
23:45 satisfies that 5,200 and excuse me,
23:48 2,520 year time prophecy
23:51 of what they believe to be a time prophecy.
23:53 Since then, this thing has been put through,
23:55 I mean, a ton of different study
23:58 by many, many different people.
23:59 Even within the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
24:01 early on Ellen White's husband, James White.
24:03 I mean, he just publicly out, he wrote an article,
24:05 submitted articles about this in which he very much
24:08 put it through and found it wanting.
24:09 He said, this is not a time prophecy.
24:11 There was some charts made 1843, 1850, but by the time
24:15 you get to 1863,
24:17 in which the Seventh-day Adventist Church
24:18 was formulated and formally organized
24:21 as a church that on their prophetic charts,
24:23 they had removed that 2520 time prophecy
24:26 because they found that it was not legitimate.
24:28 And so, there's a lot that can be said,
24:30 we can go chase down these little rabbit holes
24:32 of the 2,520 year prophecy.
24:36 Really it's not a prophecy at all.
24:37 In fact, it's a non-prophecy,
24:39 and that's why I wanna refer you
24:40 to a couple of sources
24:42 you can study this further to kind of,
24:44 you know hone in that knowledge.
24:45 And, of course, Steven Bohr has a great paper called
24:47 the 2520 non-prophecy and our very own brother,
24:50 James Rafferty has also written a paper
24:52 called a response to the 2520 movement.
24:55 It's a great paper
24:56 and I encourage you to read those,
24:57 study it for yourself,
24:59 and you'll find that it's not a prophecy at all.
25:00 It does not pertain to our salvation
25:02 and it's not a sound doctrine.
25:04 Amen. Thank you. Anything you want to add?
25:06 Yeah. Well, no, not really. I mean, that was excellent.
25:09 So, no, good.
25:11 I was just taking him by and say, yeah, that's good.
25:14 There you go.
25:15 Yay! Praise the Lord.
25:16 Shelley, we're coming to you.
25:18 This is from Dave.
25:19 "Concerning the investigative
25:21 judgment, if my case has already been decided,
25:23 does that mean after living a lost life,
25:25 I cannot be saved even after turning my life back to God?"
25:30 Dave, I'm just really worried about your question,
25:33 whether you are being presumptuous,
25:36 or if you think maybe probation's
25:37 already closed for you, which it hasn't.
25:39 In Revelation 14:7 the first angel says,
25:43 "Fear God and give Him glory,
25:46 for the hour of His judgment is come."
25:49 Now, the investigative judgment.
25:52 This is the act of judging the works of the people.
25:56 It began in 1844.
25:58 There will be an executive judgment that carries
26:02 out the sentence of the judgment,
26:06 but that's after it's not till after God's
26:10 probation closes and probation has not closed for you.
26:15 It closes for all when the latter rain...
26:20 This is after the latter rain has been poured out.
26:22 The loud cries been given
26:24 and the saints have been sealed.
26:26 The investigative judgment
26:29 is over just before the return...
26:34 The probation closes before the return of Christ.
26:37 It's announced with this decree in Revelation 22:11,
26:41 "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still.
26:43 He's filthy, let him be filthy still.
26:45 He who is right, just let him be righteous still.
26:48 He is holy, let him be holy still.
26:52 So everybody's case
26:54 will have been concluded at that time and decided,
27:00 and then Jesus says in the very next verse,
27:02 "Behold, I'm coming quickly.
27:04 My reward is with me to give to every man
27:08 according to his work."
27:09 So you see that the investigative
27:11 judgment has to be done
27:13 before He returns because He's got
27:17 the rewards with Him.
27:18 But here's what I want to say to you.
27:21 No one knows the day or the hour that they will die.
27:24 None of us is guaranteed tomorrow.
27:27 And so, until we breathe our last,
27:30 I mean, that would be the close of probation for you
27:33 or until the saints are sealed.
27:35 The one thing that you can know
27:37 is that our gracious God will have mercy on you
27:42 if you confess your sin.
27:43 2 Corinthians 6:2, says,
27:45 "Behold, now is the day of salvation."
27:48 Psalm 95:7 and 8 says,
27:51 "Today, if you hear His voice, don't harden your heart."
27:54 So don't risk hardening your heart against
27:58 the Holy Spirit, becoming guilty
28:02 of the unpardonable sin.
28:04 Repent today, let God love you,
28:07 receive His love and His forgiveness.
28:09 Amen. I love that.
28:10 Let God love you. It's powerful.
28:12 Pastor James, and this is from Art,
28:15 "Who well is Melchizedek in the Bible?"
28:17 All right, Art.
28:19 Well, Melchizedek
28:20 is identified in scripture in about three places.
28:23 He's identified in Genesis.
28:25 That's the first place we hear about him.
28:27 And then he's identified also in the Psalms.
28:30 And then finally in Hebrews.
28:31 Hebrews 5, and 6, and 7.
28:33 He's really emphasized there
28:35 because the Book of Hebrews
28:36 is basically taking the Old Testament scriptures,
28:39 especially when it comes to the sanctuary
28:41 and the priesthood and the sacrifices
28:43 and making sense out of them as they relate to
28:46 and are fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
28:48 And guess what?
28:49 Melchizedek is just such a symbol,
28:52 a representation of Jesus Christ.
28:54 We read about Melchizedek first of all, and we'll just
28:56 look at these verses here in Genesis 14:18-19.
29:01 So Genesis 14:18-19 says,
29:03 "Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread
29:06 and wine and he was the priest of the Most High God.
29:10 And he blessed him that as he blessed
29:11 Abraham and said, 'Blessed be Abraham
29:13 of the most high God possessor of heaven and earth.'"
29:16 So, according to the Bible,
29:19 Melchizedek is king of peace.
29:23 That word peace, king of Salem,
29:25 that word Salem means peace.
29:27 So he's king of peace.
29:28 And secondly, he is the priest of the Most High God.
29:30 So he's a king and he's a priest.
29:32 All right.
29:34 And that happens to be the same designation
29:36 is given to Christ in Hebrews 5, 6 and 7.
29:41 Christ is a king priest.
29:42 Now that is a unique position for Christ to occupy.
29:46 You know, there's the Old Testament priesthood,
29:49 the Aaron, how do we say it?
29:51 The... Levitical?
29:53 Levitical priesthood, excuse me,
29:54 the Levitical priesthood.
29:55 And I was slipping there.
29:57 And so, the Levites were priests,
29:58 but they weren't kings and kings in the Old Testament
30:01 could be kings, but they couldn't be priests.
30:03 I mean, Saul tried that.
30:04 Asa tried that, didn't work, but Christ is a king priest
30:08 and He's a king priest after the order of Melchizedek.
30:12 And that designation is found, of course, in Hebrews 7
30:16 and based on Genesis Chapter 14.
30:20 So, that is, I hope
30:21 that's a good answer to your question.
30:22 Melchizedek was a king priest and a type of Christ.
30:25 Amen. That's a great answer.
30:27 Pastor Ryan, coming back to you.
30:29 "Please explain Matthew 10:34-36."
30:33 This is from Riva in Rutherford, New Jersey.
30:36 All right. Well, let's read it.
30:37 Let's go right there. Matthew 10:34-36.
30:40 Jesus says, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth.
30:44 I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
30:46 For I have come to set a man against his father,
30:48 a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law
30:50 against her mother-in-law
30:51 and a man's enemy will be those of his own household.
30:55 He who loves father or mother more than Me
30:56 is not worthy of Me.
30:58 And he who loves son or daughter more than Me
31:00 is not worthy of Me.
31:02 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me
31:04 is not worthy of Me.
31:05 He who finds his life will lose it,
31:07 and he who loses his life for My sake will find it."
31:09 I think the key to all of what we just read
31:11 is really once you fully understand those first few
31:14 words that Christ says, because that's what really
31:16 throws people.
31:17 When He says, do not think that I've come to bring peace.
31:19 I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
31:21 A lot of people go, wait a second,
31:22 He's the Prince of peace.
31:24 And He's come to bring peace. And this is confusing.
31:26 The key word here, I think is the word earth.
31:28 He's not come to bring peace on earth.
31:30 We know that Christ wants to bring peace to men
31:33 individually, but we have to understand
31:35 that right there at the end of that,
31:37 it says, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
31:39 It's in connection with this sword talk.
31:41 Now we know the Word of God brings division.
31:44 When Jesus come to speak, He was the living word.
31:46 And that word that He brought to the political arena
31:50 of His day was very much among the earth.
31:52 It was very divisional.
31:53 And so, we have to remember, it's been quoted already,
31:55 Hebrews 4:12 where the Word of God says,
31:58 "For the Word of God is living and powerful,
32:00 and sharper than any two-edged sword,
32:02 piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,
32:05 and to the joints and marrow, and is a discerner
32:07 of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
32:09 So the Word of God brings division.
32:11 We even see right there in Revelation 19,
32:13 Jesus coming back on a white horse.
32:15 And what does it say there in verse 15?
32:17 It says, "Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword
32:20 with which He should strike the nations."
32:22 So the Word of God brings divisions.
32:24 So Christ does wanna bring peace.
32:26 But oftentimes what happens
32:28 is when the Word of God is preached that individual
32:31 as an individual, we have responsibility to receive
32:34 the truth of God's Word.
32:36 When we receive that truth of God's Word,
32:37 oftentimes it will bring division
32:40 even among our own families, even among our household,
32:43 our mothers and our fathers.
32:44 And that's why Christ is stating below that.
32:46 You know, if you love your father,
32:47 your mother more than you love Me,
32:49 then you're not worthy of me.
32:50 So, again, what is being emphasized here
32:52 is the truth of God's Word.
32:53 Christ wants to bring peace individually.
32:55 When we accept that truth, when we accept salvation,
32:58 we have that inner peace.
32:59 But, of course, the Word of God for sure
33:01 brings division among this dreadful world.
33:05 It's a good answer. Absolutely.
33:06 We think about the great controversy.
33:07 You know, there's a great deal of division
33:09 because of Satan
33:10 and what he's brought to this earth.
33:12 Pastor James, we're coming back to you.
33:13 This is from Salvation in Symbols and Signs,
33:16 which is an incredible program.
33:18 If you have not checked it out, we encourage you to watch it.
33:22 They've done the entire, Pastor James, Pastor Ivor.
33:25 Of course, our own Jason Bradley
33:27 and Yvonne Shelton have done
33:28 the entire books of Revelation and Daniel.
33:31 Yeah.
33:32 "So on Salvation in Symbols and Signs,
33:34 Daniel 105, Pastor James mentioned near the end,
33:37 talking about Augustus and Tiberius.
33:39 And then he says 1813 to 1814.
33:43 What does that mean years?
33:44 He said, Augustus died in 1813
33:47 and Tiberius rose in 1814.
33:50 What does this mean?"
33:51 This comes from Marianna. Okay.
33:54 Well, Marianna, basically,
33:56 I think there's been a little bit
33:57 of a misunderstanding on that phrase or terminology.
34:03 We're dealing with not 1813 and 1814,
34:06 but AD 13 and AD 14.
34:10 So, this study that we're talking about here
34:13 is based on Luke Chapter 3.
34:15 And in Luke Chapter 3 we have kind of a timeline.
34:17 The whole Bible is all of it is focused on Christ.
34:21 And in Luke Chapter 2,
34:23 Christ is born under Augustus Caesar.
34:25 In Luke Chapter 3, He's baptized.
34:27 And that baptism event
34:29 is actually historically dated for us.
34:31 It's the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar.
34:34 So Tiberius Caesar in AD 13
34:36 became co-ruler with Augustus Caesar.
34:39 In AD 14, when Augustus passed to rest,
34:41 Tiberius is sole ruler, but his rulership
34:43 begins in AD 13.
34:45 Fifteen years later, you have AD 27.
34:48 And that is when Jesus Christ is baptized.
34:52 And when He's baptized, He's anointed with
34:53 the Holy Spirit, that's what the word Messiah
34:55 or Christ means to be anointed or the anointed one.
34:58 And so, in the prophecy in Daniel Chapter 9,
35:01 which is a takeoff on Daniel 8:14,
35:04 we have Christ being anointed 483 years.
35:08 That's a time for a day for a year prophecy,
35:11 483 years after the decree of 457 to restore
35:14 and rebuild Jerusalem.
35:16 Well, in the New Testament, you actually have
35:18 a date for His anointing.
35:19 It's the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar.
35:21 It begins in AD 13 with this co-rulership
35:24 with Augustus Caesar, and it takes us to AD 27.
35:27 And guess what?
35:28 When you walk back from AD 27,
35:30 which is a biblical date for the baptism
35:33 or the anointing of Christ.
35:35 When you walk back 483 years,
35:38 guess where you come to Shelley?
35:40 457 BC.
35:42 So now we have a New Testament verse.
35:45 We have New Testament evidence for the establishment
35:48 of the 2300 day prophecy.
35:49 Amen. That's powerful.
35:52 I like that.
35:53 Shelley, "Please explain 2 Peter 2:4."
35:57 This comes from David in Maryland.
35:59 Oh, David. Okay.
36:01 2 Peter 2:4 says,
36:02 "If God did not spare the angels who sinned,
36:05 but cast them down to hell, delivered them
36:07 into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment."
36:11 I'm gonna add another verse to this because Jude 6
36:15 kind of goes along this line.
36:17 Jude writes the angels
36:19 who did not keep their positions of authority,
36:21 but abandoned their own home.
36:23 These, He has kept in darkness bound
36:25 with everlasting chains for judgment on that great day.
36:29 This is the day that God's executing His judgment.
36:33 In context, both Peter and Jude are talking
36:35 about false teachers.
36:38 And basically what they are pointing out
36:41 is that God's judgments are inevitable.
36:44 If God did not forgive the angels,
36:47 He ain't going to forgive the sinners
36:48 who don't repent.
36:50 So in Revelation 12,
36:51 we see that war broke out in heaven.
36:54 Lucifer blasphemed God
36:58 and he led this rebellion
37:01 and a third of the angels joined him.
37:03 And what happened?
37:04 These angels who had had these positions of authority
37:08 and walk in the presence of God,
37:10 well, guess what?
37:11 They all committed the unpardonable sin,
37:13 and God kicks them out of heaven.
37:16 The Satan and his followers were hurled to the earth,
37:20 cast out of heaven.
37:22 Now the word here for hell,
37:24 the only use of it in the Bible,
37:27 in the New Testament, this Greek word.
37:29 But let me just tell you
37:30 what it means that they were incarcerated symbolically.
37:35 They were in a place of death and darkness.
37:38 It's not literal incarceration for these angels because
37:43 we know that angels are still there or the demons.
37:46 These fallen angels are very active among men.
37:49 So chains of darkness, this is figurative language,
37:54 the angels can't, they've been cut
37:56 out from the presence of the Lord in His life.
38:00 And these everlasting chains for judgment can't be escaped.
38:05 They've already been, a sentence has been pronounced
38:10 and they're being reserved for the day
38:14 of judgment when the sinner is executed,
38:17 and we find it in Revelation 20:10.
38:20 Satan and his unholy angels are gonna be finally executed,
38:24 cast into the lake of fire at the end of the age.
38:28 Thank you, Shelley.
38:29 Pastor Ryan, "Why do we use Daniel,"
38:32 but I think they mean the name Daniel,
38:34 "but refer to his friends by their Babylonian names?"
38:38 Yeah.
38:39 Well, you know, I've wondered that same
38:40 question for many, many years.
38:42 In fact, I've actually stood up
38:44 publicly in many of my evangelistic series.
38:46 And when I refer to Daniel and his three friends,
38:49 I always use their Hebrew names.
38:51 Let's go to Daniel 1:6 and 7, and this is what it says?
38:55 It says, "Now from among those of the sons of Judah
38:58 were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
39:01 To them the chief of the eunuchs gave names."
39:04 And this is the Babylonian system
39:05 giving them Babylonian
39:07 pagan names and, of course,
39:08 "he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar,
39:10 and to Hananiah, notice, to Hananiah,
39:12 Shadrach, to Mishael, Meshach, and to Azariah, Abednego."
39:16 And so, yeah, oftentimes we hear so,
39:18 many people they'll refer.
39:19 You never hear anyone say,
39:21 well, you know, if you go over and read,
39:23 Belteshazzar, Belteshazzar tells us,
39:25 we don't refer to Daniel as Belteshazzar.
39:27 We refer to him as,
39:28 as Daniel and that's to the person's
39:30 point who wrote this question.
39:31 I'm glad this person submitted this question
39:33 because when we speak of the other three friends,
39:35 we often say, you know, Shadrach, Meshach,
39:37 and Abednego in the fiery furnace,
39:38 you know, and truthfully,
39:40 we should try to get away from that.
39:42 I have a theory as to why we do that,
39:45 a couple of reasons.
39:46 For one, it just kind of rolls off the tongue,
39:47 you know, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
39:49 It just kind of goes along the tongue, right?
39:51 Versus Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah doesn't roll off
39:55 the tongue as easy.
39:56 And plus we've just heard it ever since
39:58 we were children, right?
39:59 I remember when I was a Sunday keeper, Sunday school,
40:02 and even in Sabbath school, when I went,
40:04 you know, just hearing people say again,
40:05 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
40:07 but we should use their real Hebrew
40:10 names because those names have meanings.
40:12 For instance, Daniel means,
40:13 God is my judge and Hananiah means,
40:15 Yahweh has been gracious.
40:17 Mishael means, who is like the mighty one.
40:20 And, of course, Azariah means, Yaweh has helped or will help.
40:24 So all of these have great, beautiful meanings.
40:26 When we get over to these other names,
40:27 given to them Babylonian names,
40:29 it's all names pertaining to the Babylonian
40:32 false pagan gods,
40:34 the God of the sun and the God of the moon
40:35 and all of these other pagan false gods.
40:37 So, yes, let's get into the practice
40:39 of using their real names.
40:41 Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.
40:45 Boy, there's a sermon there, brother.
40:46 Oh, man, absolutely.
40:50 Pastor James, this is from Rich in New Jersey.
40:53 "Why do Catholics still have Christ on the cross
40:56 while Christians have an empty cross?"
41:00 Very good question.
41:01 Being a Catholic coming from Catholic background.
41:04 This question means a lot to me.
41:05 So, Rich, there are a couple of reasons that we can
41:08 look at here that are specific.
41:11 Now, there may be more than this,
41:12 but there's two that are specific.
41:14 One of them is that many Protestants
41:17 don't like the emphasis of Christ on the cross
41:21 because it deemphasizes the resurrection
41:24 of Jesus Christ.
41:25 And we serve a risen Savior who's in the world today.
41:29 We believe that Christ not only died,
41:31 but also resurrected and that cross that is empty,
41:34 reminds us of the resurrection.
41:37 The early church felt that the resurrection
41:39 was really important.
41:41 We don't emphasize it as much today, perhaps
41:44 as the early church did, but Paul really put a lot
41:48 of weight on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
41:51 In fact, let's look in 1 Corinthians Chapter 15,
41:53 this is a powerful chapter that emphasizes
41:56 the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
41:59 Paul says here beginning with verse 12.
42:00 "Now, Christ be preached that He rose from the dead,
42:03 how say some among you that there is no
42:06 resurrection of the dead.
42:07 And if there be no resurrection of the dead,"
42:09 verse 13, "then Christ is not risen.
42:10 And if Christ be not risen, then our preaching
42:13 is in vain and your faith is in vain."
42:15 What, Paul?
42:17 What are you saying here?
42:18 That if there's no resurrection,
42:21 we're preaching for nothing.
42:22 And our faith is for nothing.
42:23 You see how much emphasis he's placing on this.
42:25 And so, Protestants think it's really
42:27 important for us to emphasize the empty cross,
42:30 to emphasize empty cross that symbolizes
42:33 the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
42:34 Now there's a second reason.
42:36 One, which is probably more dear to us
42:38 as Seventh-day Adventists, because we have such
42:40 a strong emphasis on the Ten Commandments.
42:44 Image worship is forbidden
42:45 in the Ten Commandments of the Bible.
42:47 Now being raised a Catholic, I worshiped images,
42:50 I worshiped images of Mary and images of Jesus,
42:52 and images of saints, and Christ on the cross
42:55 was an image of reverence and worship.
42:57 I was an altar boy, that was part of my life
42:59 as I grew up in London, England.
43:01 And so, for Christians who are Catholics
43:05 who believe and follow the Catholic faith,
43:08 this is not a problem.
43:10 But for those of us who are Protestants,
43:12 this is a violation of the second commandment,
43:14 which by the way
43:15 has been removed from Catholic catechisms,
43:17 Catholic teaching.
43:18 And the last commandment, the 10th commandment
43:20 has been split into to make up the number,
43:22 to make sure there's still 10.
43:23 So this is a serious issue for us as Protestants.
43:26 We do not believe in image worship.
43:27 We do not believe that it's right for us,
43:31 according to the commandments of God to be worshiping images
43:33 of Mary or Jesus or the saints.
43:35 And Christ on the cross
43:37 is an image that can be worshiped and is worshiped.
43:40 At least it was in my home
43:42 and in my experience
43:44 because it's an image of Christ.
43:46 And so, that is the second reason.
43:48 So for these two reasons, Rich, number one,
43:50 we just want to place a proper emphasis
43:52 on the resurrection
43:53 and emphasize that truth, which means so much to us.
43:56 According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15,
43:57 and the number two,
43:59 we want to avoid making idol worship
44:01 and the veneration of images by having Christ on the cross.
44:04 It's very good. Thank you.
44:06 That's powerful. Shelley, this is for you.
44:09 "What does Jesus mean in Matthew 9:5
44:12 when he asked the question, which is easier,
44:14 what is he asking?"
44:16 Okay.
44:17 I want to go to this story, but the parallel
44:20 account in Mark Chapter 2, because it gives us
44:24 a little more information.
44:26 Mark 2:5,
44:29 the men bring a paralytic to Jesus.
44:32 And Jesus says to the paralyzed man,
44:35 son, your sins are forgiven you.
44:38 And in some of the scribes who were sitting there
44:41 and they started reasoning in their hearts and they said,
44:45 "Why does this man speak blasphemy like this?
44:48 Who can forgive sins, but God alone."
44:52 So the scribes were accusing Jesus of blasphemy
44:57 when He claimed the power to forgive sins.
45:00 And really Jesus was putting Himself in God's place
45:03 because only God can forgive sins.
45:07 These words of Jesus
45:09 were a claim of divine authority.
45:13 He was claiming equality to God.
45:16 Now in verse 8, Mark 2:8 says, "Immediately,
45:21 when Jesus perceived in His spirit
45:23 that they reasoned within themselves,
45:25 He said to them,
45:27 'Why do you reason about these things in your hearts?
45:30 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic,
45:33 'Your sins I forgive you,' or to say, 'Arise,
45:37 take up your bed and walk'?
45:39 But that you may know that the Son of Man
45:41 has power on earth to forgive sins' as God.
45:45 He said to the paralytic, 'I say to you,
45:49 arise, take up your bed, go to your house.'"
45:52 Which is easier is a rhetorical question.
45:58 It has an obvious answer.
46:01 Forgiveness is a spiritual miracle
46:04 from God.
46:05 Healing is a physical miracle.
46:08 Both can be accomplished by God and God only.
46:11 And if Jesus couldn't do both, then He couldn't do either.
46:15 So Christ was proving His messianic power
46:19 as God and you know what?
46:22 The scribe should have fallen down
46:25 and worshiped Him.
46:26 Amen.
46:27 I've learned a lot just sitting here,
46:29 listening today to each one of you
46:30 and we hope you have as well.
46:32 Y'all are excellent students
46:34 of the Word and teachers, so thank you for that.
46:36 Praise the Lord.
46:37 This is one of my favorite parts
46:39 of the program because it's the bonus round.
46:41 We're gonna toss out the questions
46:42 and you all are welcome to jump in
46:44 and whoever wants to answer or all of you answer.
46:47 This one says,
46:49 "How many times did Jesus go to heaven
46:51 after His resurrection?
46:53 Where is the other text
46:55 besides Acts 1:9-11?"
46:59 Well, I guess I'll jump in here.
47:01 And if somebody wants to add to it, they can.
47:04 I guess it really depends on
47:05 how you interpret particular scripture.
47:07 I'm gonna go to John Chapter 19 'cause when you get to,
47:10 excuse me, John Chapter 20, let's go to John Chapter 20.
47:12 This is in the aftermath of the resurrection of Christ
47:15 and Jesus has that encounter with Mary Magdalene.
47:18 And so, we find there in John Chapter 19,
47:21 particularly verse 17,
47:23 Mary has just realized that it's Jesus talking to her
47:27 and she kind of runs at Him or launches herself at Him
47:30 I suppose.
47:31 And notice what Jesus says in John 20:17,
47:35 "Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to Me,
47:37 for I have not yet ascended to My Father,
47:40 but go to My brethren and say to them,
47:42 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father,
47:44 and to My God and your God.'"
47:46 Now, that I just read the New King James version,
47:48 which says do not cling to me
47:49 and if you read the King James version,
47:52 King James version uses the word
47:54 and I'm reading it here it says,
47:56 "Do not touch me, for I've not yet ascended to My Father."
47:59 So depending on how you interpret that you can get,
48:02 some would argue, say, oh, no,
48:03 He didn't go to heaven until after He had met the disciples.
48:08 But yet there's a possibility that Jesus went to heaven
48:11 after this event, because notice how He says
48:14 do not touch Me, do not cling to Me.
48:16 But yet later on, when He on that same very day,
48:20 He appears to the disciples in the closed room upstairs,
48:23 He allows Thomas to touch Him.
48:26 So there are some very clear explanations
48:28 that interpret these texts that say
48:30 Jesus would have went to heaven
48:31 before His afternoon meeting or His evening night meeting
48:35 with the disciples.
48:36 And then, of course, obviously at His ascension
48:39 40 days later.
48:40 And so, if anybody wants to add to that,
48:42 so I personally believe that it's a very much
48:44 a possibility that Jesus would have went to heaven right after
48:47 His meeting with Mary Magdalene
48:50 and then came back that same day
48:52 and then He had an evening or night meeting
48:54 in which He allowed Thomas to touch Him.
48:56 But He wouldn't allow Mary to touch Him
48:58 or to cling to Him that very same day.
49:00 Yeah.
49:02 In fact, I would just affirm that,
49:03 take out the word possibility
49:04 and just add the word surety, because He's being partial.
49:07 If He's not gonna let Mary touch Him,
49:09 but then He lets Thomas touch Him
49:11 and He hangs out with all the others
49:12 and don't hinder me.
49:13 That's another translation, don't hinder me.
49:15 Well, what in the world? So then He's there for 40 days.
49:18 That would be impartial also because in Acts 1:3 it says,
49:21 and He spent 40 days with the disciples.
49:24 So definitely John Chapter 20, He's going to heaven.
49:27 I said possibly because I've heard people
49:30 explain this text and they'll say, well,
49:32 one says touch, one says cling.
49:33 He said not to cling, in other words,
49:35 not to hold on to Me,
49:37 but He would've allowed her to touch Him, right?
49:39 These are people talking,
49:40 so they twist the Word of God there.
49:41 But I do agree with you.
49:43 I believe Jesus very much did go to heaven that day and,
49:45 of course, 40 days later, so two times.
49:47 Amen. Amen. Yeah.
49:48 Well done. Anything else you wanna add?
49:50 Oh, that's well covered. We got time.
49:52 I think just a few seconds for one more question.
49:54 Let's see if we can get it in.
49:56 "In Genesis 19, how does Lot recognize
49:58 the two men as angels?
50:00 Were these the same men that appeared to Abraham
50:02 in Chapter 18?
50:03 If so, where is the third one of them?"
50:05 This comes from Australia. Absolutely.
50:09 Yeah.
50:10 Genesis 18, we see, but basically called
50:12 a Christophany here where actually Jesus
50:14 appears in the flesh as an individual.
50:16 It's very much, I believe there's these two angels
50:19 and Jesus speaking to Abraham in Genesis 19,
50:22 but then, of course, Jesus sends on
50:24 the two angels to Sodom and Gomorrah,
50:25 and He hangs back and He has this conversation
50:28 with Abraham you know, the 50 and the 40.
50:30 If there's 10 people, Lord, will you save them?
50:31 He says, "Even if there's 10, I'll save Sodom and Gomorrah."
50:35 But when you get to Chapter 19,
50:37 I believe there's some clear scriptures
50:38 here that indicate that once they came out of the city,
50:41 prior to the fire and brimstone coming down,
50:43 there's very much a possibility that this very much
50:46 could have been Jesus
50:48 and the angels based on a text here.
50:49 Notice John Chapter, excuse me, Genesis Chapter 19.
50:53 And I'm gonna read verse 24.
50:55 It says, "Then the Lord rained brimstone
50:58 and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah,
51:00 from the Lord out of heaven."
51:01 Notice, it almost like there's a presence here,
51:03 the Lord's here and the Lord's there,
51:05 but He's raining fire and brimstone.
51:06 We know the angels,
51:08 two men were angels because He just
51:09 understood them to be angels.
51:11 But there's an indication here that even Jesus
51:13 was still there outside of this city,
51:15 as He called for fire
51:17 and brimstone to come down out of heaven.
51:18 So that would've been in the aftermath
51:20 of Sodom and Gomorrah.
51:22 A few seconds something you want to add.
51:23 Well, just to say that Lot didn't know that the angels
51:25 that went, went to him were angels
51:27 until they manifested themselves as angels.
51:29 Some entertained angels unawares as Hebrew says,
51:32 and Lot was one of those people.
51:33 Yeah. Yeah. Amen.
51:35 We thank you so much for turning in your questions.
51:37 We love to take your questions here at 3ABN
51:39 and to answer them on 3ABN today, Bible Q and A.
51:42 So what we're gonna do right now
51:44 is give you one more opportunity,
51:45 so that you can jot down those questions
51:47 and send them in to us.
51:49 And we'll be right back.
51:51 If you're enjoying our 3ABN Bible Q and A,
51:54 then tell your friends,
51:56 each Monday we'll bring you a fresh program,
51:58 answering the Bible questions you send us,
52:01 using God's Holy Word to shed light
52:03 on those texts that seem difficult to understand.
52:06 To have your questions answered on a future program,
52:09 just email them to us at BibleQA@3abn.tv
52:14 That's BibleQA@3abn.tv
52:18 You may also text your questions to (618) 228-3975.
52:24 That's (618) 228-3975.
52:27 Be sure to include your name and where you live,
52:30 and then watch 3ABN
52:31 Bible Q and A for answers from God's Word.


Revised 2024-06-17