3ABN Today Bible Q&A

The Sin That Can't Be Forgiven

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210027B

00:01 We thank you for joining us for 3ABN Today,
00:03 Bible Q and A.
00:04 We just have a few moments left at the end of the program.
00:06 I want to give each one of you an opportunity
00:08 for final thoughts.
00:09 We'll start with you, Pastor James.
00:11 Well, I love, this is my first program.
00:12 You all know that. So I love this program.
00:14 I love questions and answers.
00:16 One of the things that really hit me
00:17 as I was listening 'cause you know,
00:19 these guys went first, which really helped me too was,
00:21 we have such a variety of approaches to the scriptures
00:26 and the way we answer scriptures.
00:27 A number of the questions that you guys answered,
00:29 I wouldn't have approached it that way,
00:31 but I was so blessed by the approach
00:33 and by the thoughts you were bringing out.
00:34 And I just thought, you know, the Word of God
00:35 is so beautiful in that way that you can have
00:38 different personalities approaching it
00:39 from different angles and coming up with insights
00:42 that can really be a blessing.
00:43 Amen. Beautiful.
00:44 Amen. Yeah.
00:46 So Jesus says in John 14:6,
00:47 "I am the way, the truth and the life."
00:49 And it's interesting because three times,
00:50 John 14, 15, and 16, He refers to the Spirit
00:53 as the Spirit of truth.
00:55 And back to that question regarding the blasphemy
00:58 of the Holy Spirit.
00:59 You know, when we reject truth,
01:00 that is the truth of God's Word,
01:02 we are ultimately rejecting Christ
01:04 and our conscience is slowly becoming seared
01:08 and sealed by deceiving spirits.
01:10 Of course, I'm referencing 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
01:12 So, we've got to make sure that our conscience
01:14 doesn't become seared with the devil's deceptions,
01:17 but be intact with the Holy Spirit's guidance.
01:20 Amen.
01:21 I just want to remind you that we cannot substitute
01:23 human authority for the authority of Christ.
01:26 Only God can forgive sin.
01:29 And Micah 7:18 says,
01:32 "Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity
01:34 and passing over the transgression
01:37 of His heritage?
01:39 He will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea."
01:44 Amen. What a promise.
01:45 That's beautiful.
01:47 I love what you shared Pastor James,
01:48 'cause I liked that about Bible Q and A,
01:50 because we get to learn from each other.
01:51 What a gift that is.
01:53 Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge
01:54 of the Word and your knowledge of Jesus.
01:56 And we thank you for joining us.
01:58 We'll see you next Monday.


Revised 2024-06-17