3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Gentiles with the Gift of Tongues?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210029B

00:01 Thank you for staying with us.
00:02 I can't believe our time is just about up.
00:04 But I want to open the floor for some final thoughts and,
00:07 Pastor Lomacang, we'll start with you.
00:09 Yes. I would recommend that you really do some good
00:11 homework on those forgotten books,
00:14 those books that we talked about the Apocrypha,
00:16 the Septuagint, not the Septuagint,
00:17 but the Apocrypha.
00:19 And you'll find that the education
00:21 is good but continue to place your implicit
00:24 trust on the Word of God, the 66 books,
00:27 the Canon of Scripture.
00:28 And also I would strongly recommend
00:30 Dr. Ranko Stefanovic's book, Revelation Made Simple.
00:33 I found some wonderful light there,
00:35 and I think it will really enhance your understanding
00:37 of the Book of Revelation.
00:39 And, Ryan, you also made a recommendation about
00:42 somebody that you're reading.
00:43 Yeah, Austin Cooke,
00:45 an Australian theologian that has a wonderful book
00:46 out there, commentary on the Book of Revelation.
00:49 So look it up, Austin Cooke, beautiful book.
00:51 I just also want to say, you know,
00:52 I was thinking about the 10 virgins.
00:54 We've talked about in Matthew 25.
00:55 You know the most important thing is that we can watch
00:57 these programs and we can gain
00:59 all the wonderful answers from the Bible and have knowledge.
01:02 But, my friends, if we don't have the Holy Spirit,
01:04 none of it matters.
01:05 We need to have the Holy Spirit in us,
01:07 being led by the Spirit,
01:08 so that we have relationship with Jesus Christ.
01:11 Amen.
01:12 And to that end, if you need the Holy Spirit,
01:15 you need a new outpouring, a new refreshing.
01:20 I encourage you to go to Romans Chapter 8.
01:25 Read through that, pray for the Holy Spirit,
01:28 ask God to help you understand His ministry
01:31 and your need in your life.
01:34 You will be blessed.
01:35 One of my favorite chapters of the entire Bible.
01:38 Amen. Amen.
01:39 Thank you all so much for what you've contributed
01:41 to the program answering these questions.
01:43 And hopefully, you will see the fruits
01:46 of the Holy Spirit in your life.
01:48 Continue to study the Word of God.
01:50 Continue to grow closer to Him.
01:52 Just like faith without works is dead
01:54 so is knowledge without application.
01:56 Until next time, may God richly bless you.
02:00 That's good.


Revised 2024-07-01