3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Prophetic Judgments

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210030A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today
01:17 Bible Q and A, Bible question and answer.
01:20 We're so glad that you have joined us this day.
01:22 We look forward to spending one hour with you each Monday,
01:25 spending time in the Word of God.
01:27 What an incredible blessing.
01:29 And thank you for being a part of our family.
01:31 We enjoy spending this time with you,
01:34 because it's that relationship building time
01:36 with our Lord Jesus Christ,
01:37 but also with you.
01:39 Well, how's that being done?
01:40 Well, you're sending us your questions and comments.
01:42 We love hearing from you each week,
01:44 and we received an enormous amount of questions
01:47 coming in here to the Ministry of 3ABN.
01:49 And it's a blessing to be able to answer these questions.
01:51 We call it kind of rapid fire.
01:55 I don't want to call them the panelists,
01:56 but those that are answering the questions
01:58 have maybe two minutes, sometimes three.
02:00 So this hour goes by in a hurry
02:02 and we try to answer maybe 15, 16,
02:04 maybe even 20 questions.
02:06 Very rarely do we get to 20 questions,
02:08 but it's a blessing to open the Word of God.
02:11 You know, as a kid, I enjoyed collecting stickers,
02:14 I was probably five, six years of age,
02:16 and I would always have the gift
02:18 from time to time the special stickers called
02:20 Scratch and Sniff, you remember those?
02:23 Well, I remember that maybe 40 years ago or so.
02:26 And the one that I really liked
02:28 was one that when you scratched it,
02:30 it would smell like strawberries and cream.
02:33 Well, I like strawberries and I like cream.
02:36 But the problem is it smelled so good
02:38 that when I would taste the edge of the sticker,
02:42 it didn't taste like strawberries and cream.
02:45 Pretty disappointing to a little fellow.
02:47 But I'm...
02:48 You're saying, well, how does that correlate
02:49 to Bible Q and A?
02:51 Well, let me encourage you because the Word of God
02:52 in Psalms Chapter 34, I think verse 8 says,
02:56 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good."
03:00 Right?
03:01 So we can taste and see that the Lord is good.
03:03 A lot of times we can take Bible knowledge in,
03:05 just Bible knowledge in,
03:07 but to experience the Lord Jesus Christ,
03:09 that's something different.
03:11 So these Bible Q and A programs,
03:13 it's great to get the knowledge and to just have it all inside,
03:15 but we also must share it,
03:17 but also experiences so that Christ becomes a part
03:20 as we become a part of Jesus Christ.
03:23 I want to encourage you today to taste and see
03:26 that the Lord is good.
03:28 Well, my name is Greg Morikone,
03:29 and I'm joined here on the set with Pastor James Rafferty.
03:32 So good to have you here with us today, Sir.
03:33 Good to be here, Greg, pleasure.
03:35 It's a blessing to open the Word of God, isn't it?
03:37 Amen, so powerful, so beautiful.
03:39 Why does the Word of God mean something to you?
03:41 Word of God mean something to me
03:42 because it's transformational, it changes our lives.
03:45 You know, the words do change our lives, they impact us,
03:48 you know, people speak words, and they do impact us.
03:50 The Word of God is more powerful
03:52 than anyone else's words
03:54 to transform and change our lives in our hearts.
03:55 Incredible, isn't it?
03:57 The Word of God.
03:58 Praise the Lord.
03:59 Sitting next to you is Jason Bradley.
04:01 Good to have you here with us, neighbor, my neighbor.
04:04 Our offices are diagonal from each other.
04:05 That's right. It's great to be here.
04:07 And, you know, when you taste and see that the Lord is good,
04:10 you end up being just blown away
04:12 in such a good way
04:14 because the Word of God is so much better
04:17 than what we could ever think or imagine.
04:19 Absolutely.
04:21 You know, when we ingest food,
04:22 I'm taking just food 'cause I know you like food.
04:23 I love it. Yeah.
04:25 Okay. No to smell it, that's good.
04:26 But actually have it part of you.
04:27 It gives you nutrition, right?
04:29 It makes you who you are.
04:30 That's right. That's right.
04:32 Sitting next to you is Shelley Quinn.
04:33 Good to have you here with us, Sister.
04:34 It's so wonderful to be here.
04:36 I think of your conversations
04:37 making me think of when Jesus said,
04:40 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
04:42 but by every word of God."
04:46 And you know, the wonderful thing
04:47 about God's Word to me is it's inexhaustible.
04:51 I could study the same chapter.
04:53 You could stay in Romans 8 for a year
04:55 and be learning something new every day.
04:58 Yeah. Isn't that amazing?
04:59 It is.
05:00 It's inexhaustible,
05:02 I think was beautiful too as, as a child
05:03 my parents would read the Bible to me.
05:05 And I could understand some of the stories
05:06 right as a small child,
05:07 but yet it also challenges the greatest scholar,
05:09 the Bible.
05:11 So it's just absolutely incredible.
05:12 So we're encouraging you again to study the Word of God.
05:15 Make it a part of your life.
05:17 I want to encourage you to send your questions
05:19 or comments to 3ABN.
05:20 You can do it several different ways.
05:22 One is through BibleQA@3abn.TV that's email.
05:26 BibleQA@3abn.TV email
05:30 or you can text us your questions
05:32 or comments at (618) 228-3975.
05:40 And I also have the Instagram.
05:41 We do have some even today
05:43 that have come in through Instagram.
05:44 That's 3abn_official
05:49 So we encourage you to send in your questions
05:51 and comments here to 3ABN,
05:53 but before we open the Word of God,
05:55 let's open with word of prayer.
05:57 Brother Jason? Yeah.
05:58 Thank you,
05:59 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You
06:01 for the wonderful privilege and opportunity
06:03 that we have to go to Your Word for instruction.
06:06 Father, there's so many answers found in Your Word,
06:09 principles that we need
06:11 and, Lord, we just ask that You would guide us
06:14 and give us a clearer mind as we share the answers
06:18 from Your Word with our viewers.
06:20 We thank You for hearing this prayer.
06:21 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
06:22 Amen.
06:24 Thank you so much, Jason.
06:26 Pastor James, gonna start with you.
06:28 Okay.
06:29 Now, this question comes from Boston.
06:31 So must be the state of Massachusetts, says,
06:33 "Can you please explain Ezekiel Chapter 9,
06:37 and Revelation 16-18.
06:39 Are these two prophecies different judgments poured out
06:43 on the earth and when?
06:44 Okay, really good questions, Ezekiel 9 and Revelation 16-18
06:49 are actually parallel prophecies.
06:51 Ezekiel 9 is talking about the seven last plagues
06:55 from a different perspective
06:57 than Revelation Chapters 15 and 16,
07:00 17 and 18 are kind of supplemental to 15 and 16,
07:03 15 and 16 are talking specifically about the plagues
07:06 barring the song of Moses and the Lamb.
07:08 And then 17 and 18 give us some specifics about
07:12 the powers that are going to receive these plagues.
07:14 Specifically, the powers of Babylon
07:16 and those who received the mark of the beast
07:17 were deceived by them.
07:19 Ezekiel 9 gives us a different perspective.
07:20 So we're going to look there in Ezekiel 9,
07:22 just read a few verses together.
07:24 Ezekiel 9 beginning with verse 1,
07:26 "He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying,
07:28 Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near,
07:32 even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand."
07:34 Those destroying weapons are symbolic of the plagues.
07:37 "And, behold, six men
07:39 came from the way of the higher gate,
07:40 which lies toward the north,
07:42 every man a slaughter weapon in his hand,
07:44 and one man among them was clothed with linen,
07:46 with a writer's inkhorn by his side:
07:48 and they went in, and stood beside the brazen altar."
07:52 So you got the writer's inkhorn here
07:53 that's not really in 15 and 16.
07:56 When the plagues are poured out,
07:57 the writer's inkhorn work has already taken place.
07:59 That writer's inkhorn work is Revelation Chapter 7,
08:03 the seal of God.
08:04 "And the glory of the Lord of Israel
08:06 was gone up from the cherub,
08:08 whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house.
08:10 And he called to the man clothed in linen
08:11 which had the writer's inkhorn by his side.
08:13 And the Lord said unto him,
08:15 Go through the midst of the city,
08:16 through the midst of Jerusalem,
08:17 and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men
08:19 that sigh and cry for all the abominations done
08:22 in the midst thereof."
08:23 That's the sealing of God's people
08:24 who are faithful to Him,
08:26 and then the others follow.
08:27 "And he said in mine hearing destroy,
08:29 and slay utterly old."
08:31 Ezekiel ends up crying out,
08:33 can you not spit pity and spare some?
08:36 And God says, No, nope,
08:37 they passed their probation, it's closed.
08:40 Everyone is going to be staying that doesn't have the seal,
08:43 the writer's inkhorn mark,
08:44 the word for mark is also the same word in Exodus 20,
08:49 where it says, "Remember the Sabbath day,
08:50 mark the Sabbath day."
08:52 So the seal of God, the mark of God,
08:53 here synonymous with the Sabbath,
08:55 and those who are sealed in Jerusalem in the church
08:58 who come into the church or a part of the church
09:00 are not going to be slain by the seven last plagues,
09:02 or symbolized here by destroying angels.
09:06 Pastor James, praise the Lord, in two minutes.
09:09 Yeah, that's incredible. Thank you, though.
09:10 Great answer, and good question.
09:12 Thank you so much.
09:14 Jason, this is a neat question.
09:15 This comes from South Africa.
09:18 And this is really neat, because we do hear from you
09:20 from all over the world.
09:21 So South Africa, and it says,
09:23 "My wife and I have decided not to have children
09:27 because of a number of reasons.
09:28 One being that since we married late,
09:30 me being 35 years of age, and she 38.
09:33 We feel we're too late to have children
09:35 and also the instability of the current world
09:38 makes life too uncertain.
09:40 I wish to know if making that decision is a sin
09:43 against maybe being that we don't have faith in God
09:47 that He will take care of us or something.
09:48 Please help!"
09:52 Well, I can say that I am the same age as you.
09:55 I'm 35 years old and I definitely understand
09:58 your concern regarding having children
10:00 at this time in earth's history.
10:03 I often find myself contemplating the same thing
10:06 if I want to bring kids into this wild,
10:09 wild world.
10:12 And I don't know, but I think that
10:15 you and your wife have some legitimate concerns.
10:17 You've got some health concerns with the age
10:19 and all of that stuff as well.
10:21 But having said that, whether you have kids or not,
10:25 it's not a sin to forego having children.
10:29 So let's take a look at what sin is.
10:31 1 John 3:4 says,
10:34 "Whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law:
10:39 for sin is the transgression of the law."
10:43 Well, what is God's law?
10:45 The Ten Commandments.
10:46 Nowhere in the Ten Commandments does it say
10:49 that you have to have children.
10:52 Some people aren't able to have children,
10:54 some people choose not to get married,
10:56 and it's not a sin not to get married,
11:00 and forego having children.
11:02 Now notice I didn't say not to get married
11:04 and then have children.
11:05 That's not right. That is a sin.
11:08 It's not a sin to forego getting married
11:11 and not having children either.
11:14 Another thing to consider is what Jesus says
11:17 in Matthew 24:19,
11:21 "But woe to those who are pregnant,
11:23 and to those who are nursing babies in those days."
11:27 Now, when parents get kids ready
11:29 to travel and all of that stuff.
11:31 It's a huge task preparing them for that.
11:35 So I can't even imagine trying to prepare a child to flee
11:40 during the Great Tribulation,
11:41 time of trouble and all of that,
11:43 that would be incredibly tough.
11:44 Not to mention that a mother who's pregnant and nursing,
11:48 she's eating for two,
11:50 so that his food's kind of hard to come by at that time, too.
11:54 But it's a decision that must prayerfully be considered,
11:57 but know that you're not breaking
11:59 any of God's law
12:01 by not having children.
12:02 Okay. Yeah.
12:04 Thank you so much, Jason, for that answer.
12:05 And yeah, good question, as well.
12:08 Shelley, this comes from London,
12:11 and from Shireen.
12:13 "I've been told that the Godhead and divinity
12:16 are not one in the same.
12:18 I thought that the Godhead is divinity.
12:20 I was given the following scriptures
12:22 to read and here they are, Acts 17:29,
12:26 Romans 1:20, and Colossians 2:9,
12:31 and they say in the Strong's Concordance
12:33 the Greek shows the words as slightly different
12:36 but meaning from divinity or godlike in one.
12:39 Could you please explain?
12:40 Now I'm confused."
12:42 Well, let's see if I can confuse you more.
12:45 Now I studied this for 90 minutes
12:48 to get a two minute answer.
12:49 Let me give you the Greek, theos in the Greek.
12:54 T-H-E-O-S means God.
12:57 Theiotes is the divine personhood,
13:01 the Godhead.
13:03 And that's derived from theos, then theios,
13:09 T-H-E-I-O-S is the divine nature.
13:14 This is the word that divinity,
13:17 theiotes is the divine nature,
13:21 and qualities or properties of God.
13:23 So let's look at this.
13:24 Colossians 2:9,
13:26 "In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead, bodily.
13:30 This is theiotes, this is the Godhead,
13:33 it speaks that of Christ.
13:37 It speaks of the essential, divine essence of the Godhead,
13:42 that is in Christ, the divine personality of God,
13:46 the very essence of God was in Christ
13:49 before He was coroneted
13:51 during His incarnation and still.
13:54 Then we get to Romans 1:20.
13:57 This is theiotes and it's talking about,
14:02 Paul's declaring how much God can be known
14:07 by the revelation of His divine characters,
14:11 His divinity is.
14:13 You see the vestige of His divine nature
14:16 and everything that He can create,
14:18 and we can trace that.
14:20 Divinity is theiotes,
14:25 and it's derived from theios
14:28 which is means divine.
14:30 Am I confusing you yet?
14:32 So theiotes is the attributes of God.
14:35 Then Acts 17:29,
14:38 Paul's speaking to the Greek philosophers
14:41 on Mars Hill, and the word is theios,
14:45 which means divine.
14:47 And he uses the article the,
14:50 which shows that this is the Godhead,
14:53 the deity, the one true God.
14:57 So the actual word is to theion
15:02 which is divine nature.
15:04 Bottom line is you're right.
15:07 The Godhead and divinity,
15:09 divine nature are,
15:13 all of these three scriptures are talking about God.
15:16 Yeah, that's right.
15:17 All those three that she mentioned there.
15:18 Yeah, absolutely.
15:20 Thank you so much, Shelley.
15:21 Pastor James, question here from Lorenzo,
15:24 coming from Oregon,
15:25 which is kind of your stomping grounds territory.
15:28 Yeah, that's right.
15:29 "In 1 Peter 3-19,
15:31 what is meant by the spirits in prison
15:34 who were formerly disobedient?"
15:36 That is challenging question, Lorenzo.
15:40 So these spirits are actually talking about people.
15:43 Prison is talking about a certain time frame
15:48 where we have captivity taking place.
15:50 And so this is specifically talking about
15:52 the antediluvian age.
15:53 And it's talking about the time
15:55 when the Holy Spirit was seeking
15:57 to convict the antediluvians
15:59 to listen to the message of Noah.
16:01 Let's just read the scriptures, starting in verse 18,
16:03 "For Christ also has one suffered for sins,
16:06 the just for the unjust,
16:08 that he might bring us to God being
16:09 put to death in the flesh,
16:11 but quickened by the Spirit."
16:12 Verse 19, here's the key transition,
16:14 "By which, that is, by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit
16:18 also he went and preached under the spirits in prison."
16:21 So this is going back to the antediluvian age.
16:25 We'll see that in a minute.
16:26 And it says in verse 20,
16:27 "Which sometime were disobedient,
16:29 when once the longsuffering of God
16:32 waited in the days of Noah."
16:34 So that's where we get the antediluvian connection
16:37 from, right there the days of Noah
16:39 is when the Holy Spirit was preaching,
16:41 that God Christ sent His Holy Spirit to preach
16:44 to those who were disobedient
16:47 to those who were imprisoned in this disobedience
16:49 back in the days of Noah,
16:51 while the ark was preparing were in few that is eight souls
16:55 were saved by water.
16:57 So if you go back to Genesis 6:3,
17:00 we have this connection that's being made here.
17:03 God is speaking to Noah and the Lord said,
17:05 "My Spirit shall not always strive with man,
17:09 for that he is also flesh,
17:10 yet his days will be 120 years."
17:13 Noah preached for 120 years through the Holy Spirit,
17:16 excuse me, yes, through the Holy Spirit.
17:17 God's Holy Spirit worked through Noah
17:19 to preach for 120 years to those who are captive,
17:22 who imprisoned, the antediluvians.
17:25 He was, 2 Peter 2:5 says,
17:27 "He was a preacher of righteousness."
17:28 So you want Genesis 6:3, 2 Peter 2:5.
17:32 And, of course, humans are often likened to spirits,
17:35 good spirits, bad spirits.
17:37 We see that in John Chapter 3, where Christ says,
17:40 "He that's born of water,
17:42 and he that's born of spirit, etc."
17:43 And then we see.
17:45 And by the way, I wish I had time to cover all this,
17:47 but then we see
17:50 the word for...
17:54 Let me just go back here.
17:55 The word for...
17:59 The word for prison is watch,
18:01 and it comes from a root, root meaning root word,
18:03 meaning race or clan.
18:05 So the prison is not just this, like place
18:08 where people are thrown into with bars.
18:10 It's talking about the clan,
18:12 or the race of the antediluvian.
18:14 So I hope that answered your question.
18:15 Wow! It's good.
18:17 Thank you so much. That's a good answer.
18:18 Yeah, absolutely. Good question.
18:19 You know, it's, I have to say it's encouraging
18:21 to receive these questions
18:22 and people are studying the Word of God have questions.
18:24 And thank you for submitting them
18:26 to us here at 3ABN.
18:27 Jason, this one comes from the Instagram,
18:30 one of our social media sites.
18:32 And Abigail, thank you so much for submitting this.
18:35 Why did, what did excuse me,
18:37 "What did Christ mean when He said to the Jews,
18:39 you will not see me again until you say
18:42 blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?"
18:46 All right.
18:48 Abigail, let's look at the preceding verses
18:50 to gain some context.
18:52 Good.
18:53 Matthew 23:1, where we see Jesus
18:56 speaking to the multitudes
18:58 and to His disciples calling out the scribes
19:01 and Pharisees.
19:02 We're going to jump down to Matthew 23:34-39,
19:08 "Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets,
19:11 wise men, and scribes:
19:14 some of them you will kill and crucify,
19:16 and some of them you will scourge
19:18 in your synagogues
19:19 and persecute from city to city,
19:22 that on you may come
19:23 all the righteous bloodshed on the earth,
19:26 from the blood of righteous
19:28 Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah..."
19:32 I might be saying that wrong.
19:33 You're saying right.
19:35 Okay, well, we'll go with that.
19:36 "Whom you murdered
19:37 between the temple and the altar.
19:39 Assuredly, I say to you, all these things
19:42 will come upon this generation."
19:45 In Matthew 23:37-39
19:51 speaks of how Jesus wanted to protect the people
19:54 of Jerusalem, but they rejected Him.
19:57 So He told them that He was going to be leaving
20:00 through His crucifixion
20:02 and they would not see Him again until His return.
20:06 Let's look at verse 37 through 39,
20:08 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
20:10 the one who kills the prophets
20:12 and stones those who are sent to her!
20:14 How often I wanted to gather your children together,
20:18 as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,
20:21 but you were not willing!
20:23 See!
20:24 Your house is left to you desolate;
20:26 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say,
20:30 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!'"
20:34 So at the time of His Second Coming,
20:36 He's kind of talking about His Second Coming there.
20:39 And, you know, it's in trust,
20:41 like Jesus wants to save so many people
20:44 as many people as possible.
20:46 We shouldn't reject Him.
20:48 That's right. Amen.
20:49 Yeah.
20:50 Thank you, Jason.
20:52 Shelley, this one comes from Jacqueline in Indiana.
20:55 "If it was prophesied that Christ would be crucified
20:58 in the middle of the week,
21:00 would that not be Wednesday
21:01 opposed to Friday, as believed?"
21:03 Oh, Jacqueline, that's a good...
21:05 I'm glad you brought this question out,
21:07 because some people get confused
21:09 about the prophecy of Jesus dying
21:12 in the middle of the week,
21:14 and the actual day of the crucifixion.
21:16 So let me just start here, Daniel 8-14.
21:19 There's a 2300 year prophecy in Daniel.
21:22 And we believe...
21:23 It's, the Bible shows
21:25 the, it's a day for a year principle.
21:27 So 2300 day prophecy is a 2300 year prophecy.
21:33 Well, in Daniel 9-24-27,
21:36 70 weeks are cut off from this prophecy
21:40 that would be 70 times 7, 490 years
21:44 that are allotted to the Jews and their earthly sanctuary,
21:49 then the rest of the 2300 days are allotted to the Christians
21:53 and the sanctuary in heaven.
21:56 In Daniel 9:24, the angel Gabriel says,
22:00 "Seventy weeks are determined, decreed, cut off,
22:04 for your people and your holy city."
22:08 So what they were supposed to do in these 70 weeks
22:11 is finish the transgression.
22:13 Make an end of sins, bring in righteousness,
22:17 seal up the vision and anoint the Most Holy.
22:21 So this is prophesying
22:24 on this 2300 day timeline.
22:29 The first 490 years,
22:32 we're going to be looking at 69 weeks and then a week,
22:35 and we'll get there.
22:37 So what's happening in Daniel 9:25,
22:41 Gabriel says from the going forth of the command
22:45 to restore and build Jerusalem,
22:48 that happened in 457 BC.
22:52 Until Messiah the Prince,
22:54 there's 7 weeks plus 62 weeks,
22:58 that's 69, 7 plus 62,
23:02 it's 69 of the first 70 weeks.
23:04 So we only have one week that is remaining
23:09 and if you add the first 483 years
23:14 of those 69 weeks to 457 BC.
23:17 You know what it brings us to?
23:19 Right to AD 27 when Jesus was baptized.
23:23 So Daniel 9:26 says, "After the 62 weeks,"
23:27 that's 7 plus 62, "Messiah shall be cut off,
23:33 but not for Himself."
23:34 So this is referring to the 70th week
23:38 of that 490 year prophecy
23:42 that centered on Christ and what happened on Calvary.
23:45 And Jesus was cut off not for His own sins
23:49 because He was sinless.
23:51 He was cut off for the sins of others.
23:54 Daniel 9:27,
23:56 once again is talking about this final week.
23:58 And it says, "He shall confirm the covenant
24:01 with many for one week,
24:03 but in the middle of the week,
24:05 he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
24:09 So that 70th week,
24:12 Jesus minister three and a half years,
24:16 He was crucified
24:18 that the whole Old Covenant system
24:21 of sacrifice came to an end because Hebrews 13:20
24:25 said that He ratified the New Covenant
24:30 with His blood of the eternal covenant.
24:33 Then what happened all that sacrifice,
24:36 all of that was completed and He died
24:41 once for all to bring reconciliation to us all.
24:46 The veil's torn from top to bottom.
24:48 But here's, you know, people say
24:50 what if it's cut off in the middle of the week,
24:52 how do we finish the 70 weeks?
24:54 Hebrews 2:3 says, "How shall we escape
24:58 if we neglect so great a salvation,
25:01 which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord,
25:04 and was confirmed to us by those who also heard Him."
25:09 So after Jesus was crucified
25:12 that remaining three and a half years
25:15 of that 70th week,
25:17 the first evangelist went out there
25:19 still preaching to the Jews.
25:22 And at the end of that 70 weeks,
25:24 that time's cut off,
25:26 and I guarantee you the gospel went to the Gentiles.
25:29 All right.
25:30 Thank you, Shelley.
25:32 Some of these questions require
25:33 more than two minutes, don't they?
25:35 Just, you know, I don't know
25:36 if you like behind the scenes stuff or not.
25:37 But we do have our little cards here.
25:39 And we've got a couple little marks
25:40 for the Bible scholars here.
25:42 So you know, we didn't just give us three minutes
25:44 just a little bit more for some of these,
25:45 so we allow that, of course.
25:47 Pastor James, good question here.
25:49 This has to do with perfection.
25:51 Julie from South Dakota,
25:52 "Can we as Christians keep God's law perfectly?"
25:57 That is a great question, Julie from South Dakota,
26:00 and the answer to that question is, yes, emphatically, yes.
26:04 If we can't,
26:05 then this whole great controversy
26:07 that we're involved in is worthless,
26:10 because that's the whole point.
26:13 Satan has brought this accusation
26:14 against God, against Christ,
26:16 that we cannot keep His law perfectly,
26:18 that we can't keep the law of God.
26:20 And the Bible responds, God responds,
26:23 My grace is sufficient for you.
26:25 However, I think there's more to it than that,
26:28 you know, Job was called the perfect man in Job 1:1.
26:32 But in Job Chapter 9, he said,
26:34 you know, if I call myself perfect,
26:37 if I justify myself, my own mouth shall condemn me."
26:40 This is Job 9:20, "If I say I'm perfect,
26:43 I shall also prove me,
26:45 that will also prove me perverse."
26:47 And we see the same basic theme throughout all of the Bible.
26:50 You know, we have men like Isaiah,
26:52 who are prophets of God.
26:54 But when they saw God,
26:55 they felt like they were lost, undone.
26:58 Daniel, a man that was blameless
27:00 even before his political enemies.
27:01 When he saw God, he fell on his face.
27:03 He said, you know, there's nothing good in me.
27:05 John the Revelator saw Jesus Christ,
27:08 he felt and he said, I'm a dead man.
27:11 I'm lost.
27:12 And so we see this dichotomy, if you will, yes,
27:15 we can be perfect, we can keep God's law.
27:17 But when we say we're perfect, when we look at ourselves,
27:21 all we see is imperfection.
27:22 We're overwhelmed with ourselves.
27:24 And that's why we need the righteousness
27:26 of Jesus Christ.
27:27 Yes. Amen.
27:28 That righteousness is our perfection.
27:30 That's why we have perfection before God.
27:33 And if you look through the Bible,
27:35 going toward the end there,
27:37 you're going to find in 1 John 1:6-10 and 2:1-2,
27:42 this balance between not saying that we're without sin,
27:45 because we make Him a liar, and we deceive ourselves.
27:47 But if we confess our sins,
27:49 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
27:51 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
27:53 1 Corinthians 1:29-31.
27:56 Christ is our justification,
27:57 sanctification and glorification.
27:58 He is our complete righteousness.
28:01 But we of course, live out that righteousness
28:03 by being obedient to Him and keeping His commandments.
28:06 Great answer.
28:07 That was a great answer.
28:09 Yeah, praise the Lord.
28:10 You know, Pastor James,
28:11 I've seen a lot of people get discouraged.
28:13 There's no way so why even try,
28:15 I mean now and then.
28:16 Yeah.
28:18 That's why I tell them, eat the gospel sandwich,
28:19 1 John 1:8-10.
28:22 That's the gospel sandwich.
28:23 Amen.
28:24 It's a beautiful nugget of truth
28:26 that tells us not to be discouraged.
28:28 But have Christ cleanse us from all our sins
28:30 as we confess them to Him.
28:32 And yet at the same time,
28:33 not to deceive ourselves into thinking
28:34 that we're not sinners, we haven't sinned.
28:36 You know, and that's freeing, isn't it?
28:38 I mean, it takes the burden, the pressure off of ourselves
28:40 because we ourselves can't do anything,
28:42 where our righteousness is as filthy rags,
28:44 Christ's righteousness, absolutely perfect.
28:47 So I want to encourage you, you're watching 3ABN.
28:49 Today Bible Q and A.
28:51 You can send your questions or comments here to us.
28:54 Couple of ways you can do that.
28:55 You can email them BibleQA@3abn.TV
28:59 That's BibleQA@3abn.TV
29:02 You can also text us your questions.
29:04 That's (618) 228-3975.
29:08 (618) 228-3975.
29:11 We mentioned Instagram earlier,
29:13 you can send us your questions that way as well.
29:15 That's 3abn_official
29:18 through Instagram you send us your questions or comments.
29:21 It's a blessing to hear from each one of you.
29:23 Wow, time is going by in a hurry.
29:26 Jason, good question here.
29:29 No name, but says, "I know that it says
29:32 to get out of the large cities,
29:34 especially when we see the implementation
29:36 of Sunday laws.
29:38 But financially I'm not able to do this.
29:41 I live in the suburbs in Pennsylvania.
29:44 Am I considered out of the big cities?
29:46 I'm very worried about this and need clarity."
29:50 Okay.
29:51 Wow.
29:52 Well, the short answer is there's no scripture
29:54 that talks about country living being a mandate.
29:58 There are a lot of reasons why country living
30:01 is strongly recommended though,
30:02 so let's look at a few of those,
30:04 better air quality due to less pollution.
30:07 And number two, more room to grow your own food.
30:10 Revelation 13:17, says,
30:13 "And that no one may buy or sell,
30:16 except one who has the mark
30:18 or the name of the beast or the number of his name."
30:23 Since we won't be able to buy or sell,
30:24 being able to grow our own food is important.
30:29 Less distractions which makes it
30:30 easier to focus on God.
30:34 Mark 4:18-19,
30:37 "Now these are the ones sown among thorns,
30:41 they are the ones who hear the word,
30:43 and the cares of this world,
30:45 the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires
30:48 for other things entering in choke the word,
30:51 and it becomes unfruitful."
30:53 In the cities, it's a little bit more tempting
30:57 to keep up with the Joneses, as they say,
31:01 or you see that Ferrari going down the street
31:03 or the Bentley, or you see,
31:05 you know, a lot of money and all of these things,
31:08 and you get caught up on the shiny thing.
31:10 So in the country, there's more nature,
31:13 it's a little bit more peaceful,
31:15 which brings us to our fourth point,
31:17 more natural beauty that points us to our Creator.
31:21 Job 37:14-16,
31:26 "Listen to this, O Job,
31:28 stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.
31:31 Do you know when God dispatches them,
31:33 and causes the light of His cloud to shine?
31:36 Do you know how the clouds are balanced,
31:38 those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?"
31:44 I'll leave you with this final thought.
31:45 I don't know the ins and outs of your particular situation.
31:48 But God delivered the children of Israel
31:50 out of the hands of the Egyptians.
31:53 Philippians 4:6-7, says, "Be anxious for nothing,
31:58 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
32:01 with thanksgiving,
32:02 let your requests be made known to God,
32:05 and the peace of God,
32:07 which surpasses all understanding,
32:09 will guard your hearts and minds
32:12 through Christ Jesus."
32:13 Amen.
32:14 Good answer, Jason.
32:16 You live in the suburbs of Thompsonville.
32:18 The booming metropolis.
32:19 That's right.
32:22 But I have to say though, you're right.
32:23 There's a blessing that we have of working here at 3ABN,
32:26 we're in the country.
32:27 And that does, I like nature.
32:29 There's a lot to learn from nature. Yeah.
32:30 But I like what you said too,
32:31 you know, someone just says, God, here I am.
32:34 Lead me and guide me.
32:35 Yes. He won't leave you.
32:36 So, yeah, thank you for that question.
32:38 Shelly, this comes from Vancouver, Washington.
32:40 "Hello.
32:42 Please help me understand Colossians 2:16."
32:46 Oh, Paul, I am so excited you asked this question.
32:49 This was life changing for me.
32:51 But I'm going to back up
32:53 from verse 16 to Colossians 2:14
32:57 to explain this.
32:59 In Colossians 2:14, it talks about
33:02 that "Jesus wiped out the handwriting of requirements
33:05 that was against us,
33:07 which was contrary to us.
33:09 He's taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross."
33:14 This handwriting in decrees the darkness's
33:19 was the undoubtedly the Old Covenant.
33:22 We find the Old Covenant,
33:24 the Book of the Covenant, Exodus 24.
33:27 We find it it's a repeat and enlarge in Deuteronomy.
33:31 That's the Book of the Law
33:32 that's also known as the Book of the Covenant.
33:35 And in the Old Covenant,
33:37 there were these curses
33:39 in Deuteronomy 27:14-26.
33:44 He says in Deuteronomy 31:26, "Take this Book of the Law,
33:49 put it beside the ark of the covenant of your God,
33:51 that it may be there as a witness against you."
33:55 That's what God took, Jesus took out of the way.
33:59 There's a parallel passage in Ephesians 2:15 that says
34:03 that Jesus abolished the enmity in His flesh,
34:08 that is the law of commandments contained in ordinances.
34:12 So what got nailed to the cross?
34:15 The Old Covenant.
34:16 Now, Colossians 2:16, your question,
34:19 "Let no one judge you in food or in drink,
34:21 or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths."
34:24 The Old Covenant had a ceremonial system
34:28 of drink offerings and food offerings, festivals,
34:32 annual Sabbaths, like the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
34:36 Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets and Atonement.
34:39 And look what verse 17 says about these.
34:43 They were all a shadow of things to come,
34:47 but the substances of Christ.
34:49 All these annual feast days, all the drink offerings,
34:52 everything about the Old Covenant system
34:57 of worship pointed to Jesus Christ,
35:00 and it ceased when He ratified
35:02 the New Covenant with His blood.
35:04 Amen, Shelley.
35:05 Wow, great answer.
35:06 Thank you so very much.
35:08 Pastor James, this comes from Donna.
35:10 Thank you, Donna.
35:12 You live in Iowa.
35:13 This is your question.
35:14 "Can you explain the Thousand Years of Peace?"
35:17 All right, the Thousand Years of Peace
35:19 is explained to us in Revelation Chapter 20.
35:22 Let's just read a few verses there in Revelation Chapter 20.
35:25 John says, verse 1, "And I saw another angel
35:28 come down from heaven having a key,
35:30 the key of the bottomless pit,
35:32 and a great chain in his hand."
35:33 Verse 2, "He laid hold on the dragon,
35:35 that all serpent which is the Devil and Satan
35:36 and bound him a thousand years, there it is,
35:39 and cast him into the bottomless pit
35:40 and shut him up and set a seal upon him,
35:42 and that he should deceive the nations no more,
35:45 till the thousand years should be fulfilled.
35:47 After that he must be loosed a little season.
35:50 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them,
35:52 verse 4, and judgment was given unto them.
35:54 And I saw the souls of them
35:55 that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus
35:57 and the word of God,
35:58 which had not worshiped the beast,
36:00 neither his image,
36:01 neither received his mark upon their foreheads,
36:03 or in their hands.
36:04 And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
36:06 But the rest of the dead lived not again
36:09 until the thousand years were finished.
36:11 This is the first resurrection.
36:13 Blessed and holy is he that has part
36:15 in the first resurrection.
36:17 On such the second death hath no power,
36:19 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
36:22 and shall reign with Him a thousand years.
36:24 And when the thousand years are expired,
36:26 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
36:28 and will go forth to deceive the nations
36:29 which are in the four quarters of the earth,
36:31 Gog and Magog and gather them together to the battle:
36:34 the number of whom is as the sand of the sea."
36:36 Yes.
36:38 So there's no peace in the thousand years,
36:41 because there's nobody on planet earth
36:42 during the thousand years.
36:44 Basically, at the Second Coming of Jesus,
36:46 the righteous are resurrected, and the wicked are slain.
36:50 And all you have left on this earth
36:53 is the devil to look over all of the destruction
36:55 that he's committed
36:57 until the thousand years are over.
36:58 Once the thousand years are over,
37:00 the New Jerusalem city comes down to this earth.
37:02 It is, a second resurrection takes place
37:05 and the wicked surround that city,
37:06 that's why it says Satan goes out to deceive them
37:08 after the thousand years.
37:10 And He surrounds the city with the wicked,
37:12 and then fire comes down from God
37:13 out of heaven and destroys them.
37:15 And that's what the rest of Revelation 20 says.
37:17 The idea that there's going to be thousand years of peace
37:19 on this earth with humans alive is not a biblical teaching.
37:22 It's a very strong teaching of the Catholic Church,
37:24 the one that I was raised in,
37:26 and it fits the agenda that a lot of people have
37:28 for what's going on planet earth right now.
37:30 But it's not in the Bible.
37:32 The thousand years of peace is going to be when we...
37:35 Well, actually let me put it this way
37:37 just to close this out.
37:38 Why would God give us a thousand years of peace
37:40 when He wants to give us an eternity of peace?
37:42 Amen.
37:43 Thousand years is a temporary entrance
37:45 and that eternity of peace
37:47 that we're going to have on this earth
37:48 when the New Jerusalem comes down
37:49 after the thousand years.
37:51 Amen. Wow.
37:52 Oh, that's excellent. Thank you very much.
37:53 Praise the Lord. Good question too.
37:56 Jason, this comes from Neil,
37:58 lives in Los Angeles, California.
38:00 "I've been a Christian for many years.
38:02 In the past, I have backslid.
38:04 And I feel as though my witness to people
38:06 that know me has basically rejected
38:08 because I probably look like a hypocrite,
38:11 beside my own personal seeking of the Lord
38:14 and building back that relationship with Him.
38:16 What can I do to be more effective witness
38:18 to those that don't believe I'm very sincere?
38:21 Many do not understand repentance, forgiveness,
38:24 and the new life that Christ can give,
38:26 even to the backslider?"
38:30 Thank you for your sincere question, Neil.
38:33 Happy that I get a little bit more time
38:35 to spend with you on this one.
38:37 Okay.
38:38 The short answer is, it's going to take time and consistency.
38:41 I'm sure, you've probably heard the saying
38:43 actions speak louder than words.
38:46 We can also see an example of this principle found
38:49 in James Chapter 2.
38:51 James 2:14-19,
38:55 "What does it profit, my brethren,
38:58 if someone says he has faith but does not have works?
39:02 Can faith save him?
39:04 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food,
39:08 and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace,
39:11 be warmed and filled, '
39:14 but you do not give them the things
39:16 which are needed for the body, what does it profit?
39:19 Thus also faith by itself,
39:22 if it does not have works, is dead.
39:25 But someone will say,
39:26 'You have faith, and I have works.'
39:28 Show me your faith without your works,
39:31 and I will show you my faith by my works.
39:34 You believe that there is one God.
39:37 You do well.
39:38 Even the demons believe and tremble!"
39:41 So you kind of have to ask yourself
39:44 what separates us.
39:45 Do we believe and do we act on that belief?
39:47 So our actions louder, speaking louder than our words.
39:52 Our Christian walk should be abundantly evident
39:57 in the way that we choose to live our life.
39:59 We no longer live for ourselves,
40:01 we live for Christ.
40:03 Galatians 2:20,
40:05 "I have been crucified with Christ,
40:07 it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me,
40:12 and the life which I now live in the flesh
40:14 I live by faith in the Son of God,
40:17 who loved me and gave Himself for me."
40:21 So I just want to encourage you,
40:23 you know, people have gone down the wrong path,
40:26 you know, we fall down, but we got to get back up,
40:29 we have to get back up.
40:31 And 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
40:36 He is faithful and just to forgive us
40:38 our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
40:42 So stay consistent,
40:44 living out the principles in the Bible,
40:47 and your associates will see
40:49 that you are a new creature in Christ.
40:52 Amen, Jason.
40:54 Wow. Praise the Lord.
40:55 Great answer. Praise the Lord.
40:57 Well explained.
40:58 Shelley, this comes from Susan, and she lives in Oklahoma.
41:04 Says, "My brother is a devout Baptist
41:06 and believes all a person needs to do
41:09 is believe in Jesus to be saved.
41:11 No obedience to God's law.
41:13 They believe the commandments were nailed to the cross,
41:16 which I know is not truth.
41:18 I know keeping the commandments doesn't save us.
41:20 But I know the New Covenant states
41:22 God will put His law in our minds
41:24 and write them in our hearts.
41:26 Please explain in better detail
41:28 for I pray daily and I'm sorrowful
41:30 because I truly want people to see,
41:33 believe and follow, and she has in caps,
41:35 all caps, FOLLOW THE TRUTH."
41:37 Amen, Susan.
41:39 As we already looked, it was the Old Covenant
41:42 that was nailed to the cross.
41:44 We find that in Exodus 24, in the Book of the Covenant,
41:48 in the Book of Deuteronomy, we've been through that.
41:52 Christ, when Christ ratified the New Covenant.
41:56 Let me ask you a question.
41:58 Did Jesus obey God to become the Son of God?
42:04 Or did He obey God, because He was the Son of God?
42:07 See, we have to realize
42:12 Ephesians 2:8-10 says,
42:14 "We're saved by grace through faith,
42:15 not of works that any should boast,
42:17 but we are saved for good works
42:19 that God prepared in advance that we should do."
42:22 We don't obey to be saved,
42:25 but we obey because we are saved.
42:28 Unfortunately, your brother doesn't understand
42:31 covenant relationship.
42:33 When we look at the Ten Commandments,
42:36 they were the heart of the Old Covenant.
42:38 Everything was, all their civil laws
42:41 or ceremonial laws,
42:43 everything was built around these,
42:45 but they're the heart of the New Covenant,
42:47 Hebrews 8-10 says, this is God speaking.
42:50 "I'm gonna make a covenant with the house of Israel
42:53 after those days.
42:54 I'll put My laws in their mind, write them on their hearts.
42:56 I will be their God, they shall be My people."
43:00 Here's what your brother needs to read,
43:03 1 John 2:2-4.
43:05 By this 1 John 2:3-4, just think,
43:10 1 John 2:3-4.
43:12 I love it.
43:13 Yeah, we need to remember.
43:14 Yes. And it's important to remember.
43:17 By this we know that we know Him
43:19 if we keep His commandments.
43:21 He who says I know Him,
43:23 and does not keep His commandments
43:26 is a liar and the truth is not in him.
43:29 See, God calls us into covenant relationship.
43:32 He makes all the promises.
43:34 But He asks that we reciprocate His love
43:38 that we obey, motivated by love.
43:41 This shows our covenant loyalty.
43:43 Jesus said in John 14:15-17,
43:47 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
43:49 And if you do this, that's a conditional cause.
43:53 "I will pray the Father,
43:54 He will give you another Helper
43:57 that he may abide in you forever,
43:59 the Spirit of truth."
44:01 God gives the Holy Spirit.
44:02 Acts 5:32 says, "To those who obey Him."
44:06 Amen.
44:07 Shelley, wow, praise the Lord.
44:09 Great answer from the Word of God.
44:10 Pastor James, good question here.
44:13 Basically, they're talking about
44:15 who are asking, "Who are the beasts
44:17 of Revelation Chapter 13?"
44:19 Well, that's a big question.
44:22 Let's just jump right in.
44:23 I see the expression on your face, I know.
44:24 You can two, three minutes.
44:27 Revelation 13:1, I saw another beast... Okay.
44:29 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea
44:31 and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea,"
44:33 and here's the clues that we're going to get now,
44:35 "having seven heads and ten horns,"
44:36 you got ten horns,
44:38 "and upon his horns ten crowns,"
44:39 he got crowns on the horns,
44:41 "and upon his head the name of blasphemy.
44:43 And the beast which I saw was like a leopard,
44:45 his feet were as the feet of a bear,
44:47 his mouth as the mouth of a lion,
44:48 and the dragon gave him his power,
44:50 his seat and great authority."
44:52 Right. So this beast is Rome.
44:54 We know it's Rome,
44:56 because it goes back to the Book of Daniel,
44:58 a beast in Bible prophecy in the Book of Daniel
45:01 represents an earthly kingdom or power, Daniel 7:17, 23.
45:05 So we know this is Rome,
45:07 because it talks about the lion,
45:10 and the bear and the leopard.
45:11 And all of those beasts were identified
45:13 in the Book of Daniel,
45:14 as kingdoms representing Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece,
45:18 and then we have this dragon beast,
45:19 this terrible beast,
45:20 and that represented the power of Rome
45:23 in its first stage.
45:24 Now, in Revelation 13,
45:26 you have a transition from that Roman power
45:29 in its pagan stage to a Roman power
45:32 in a papal stage,
45:34 because we know from history, that when pagan Rome fell,
45:38 there were 10 kingdoms that rose up with crowns,
45:40 so they were monarchies.
45:42 And in that nation in that place of Europe,
45:44 that populated place of Europe also rose a little power,
45:47 a little horn that plucked up three
45:50 and became the papacy that we see to this day.
45:53 In 1798, the papacy received the deadly wound,
45:56 that's what's described in Revelation 13:3.
46:00 Then we move to the second beast,
46:02 it's coming up out of the earth,
46:03 not out of the sea.
46:05 So the first beast comes up out of the sea,
46:07 which represents peoples, nations,
46:08 multitudes and tongues,
46:09 populated area of the earth.
46:11 The second beast comes up out of the earth,
46:13 representing a less populated
46:15 or more sparsely populated area of the world.
46:18 And that second beast, it says in Revelation 13:11,
46:22 has two horns like a lamb, and he speaks like a dragon.
46:26 So the second earthly power is lamblike,
46:30 that means it's a Christian nation,
46:32 has lamblike principles.
46:33 Two, notice there's no crowns
46:35 on the horns of this lamblike horns.
46:36 But these two principles represent civil liberty
46:39 and religious liberty that identifies a power
46:44 that was raised up as a Christian nation
46:46 that had these two principles foremost in its establishment,
46:50 and also rose up in an unpopulated area
46:53 of the earth.
46:55 And that power is going to transition
46:56 to speak like a dragon,
46:58 a power that's going to enforce on the world
47:01 the mark of the beast.
47:02 We believe this power represents
47:03 the United States of America.
47:05 Why? Well, it fits the description.
47:07 It comes up at the right time when the papacy is going down.
47:09 It has the Christian principles of civil and religious freedom.
47:12 It's lamblike in that sense.
47:14 It came up in a less populated area of the world.
47:17 And it's the only power today
47:18 that actually could fulfill the prophecy
47:20 of forcing the whole world,
47:21 in other words, having the military might
47:23 and the economic might to enforce upon the whole world
47:26 the mark of the beast.
47:27 Is that happening today? Well, we're seeing mandates.
47:29 We're seeing the loss of freedom taking place today.
47:32 We're seeing a transition right now,
47:34 to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:11.
47:36 Of course, we're in the first stage
47:38 of that transition.
47:39 There's going to be a lot more coming
47:41 as we keep our eyes on Bible prophecy.
47:42 Amen.
47:44 Oh, that has to be a record
47:45 explaining the beast of Revelation 13
47:46 in three minutes.
47:48 Praise the Lord. The beast, the fourth one.
47:49 Yes, that's right.
47:51 Thank you, Pastor James.
47:52 Praise God.
47:53 Jason, this comes from David from Cadillac, Michigan.
47:56 "Does it say in the scriptures
47:57 that we have to kneel every time
47:59 we pray in church?"
48:02 That's a question a lot of people have, David.
48:04 No, it doesn't say that we have to kneel every time
48:07 we pray in church.
48:09 There are a lot of examples in the Bible of people
48:11 kneeling during prayer, or kneeling before the Lord.
48:15 But it's not a mandate that we kneel to pray.
48:18 I think whenever possible, we should kneel.
48:22 But let's look at some of the instructions
48:26 Jesus provided us with in Matthew 6:5-8,
48:31 "And when you pray,
48:32 you shall not be like the hypocrites.
48:34 For they love to pray standing in the synagogues
48:37 and on the corners of the streets,
48:39 that they may be seen by men."
48:41 I just want to stop right there for a second and say that
48:44 it's not a problem that they were standing.
48:47 It's the motive behind it.
48:48 They wanted to be seen by men.
48:51 "Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.
48:55 But you, when you pray, go into your room,
48:57 and when you have shut your door,
48:59 pray to your Father who is in the secret place,
49:02 and your Father who sees in secret
49:04 will reward you openly.
49:06 And when you pray,
49:07 do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do.
49:11 For they think that they will be heard
49:14 for their many words.
49:15 Therefore do not be like them.
49:17 For your Father knows the things
49:18 you have need of before you ask Him."
49:21 Notice that nowhere in the model prayer
49:25 does it specify that we must get on our knees
49:29 to pray to God.
49:30 We can talk to God in our car.
49:31 We can talk to God
49:33 while we're walking through nature and getting exercise.
49:37 We can talk to God while on our or in bed.
49:41 Psalm 63:6 says, "When I remember you on my bed,
49:47 I meditate on you in the night watches."
49:51 We can talk to God
49:52 while we're in the shower, et cetera, et cetera.
49:56 But more important than our physical position
50:00 is the condition of our heart.
50:02 Amen. That's great, amen.
50:04 Amen. Yeah.
50:05 Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jason.
50:07 Excellent.
50:08 Shelley, "The Bible says, No man can die for your sins.
50:12 What qualifies Jesus to do this then?"
50:15 Well, I couldn't find anywhere in the Bible that says,
50:18 no man can die for your sins.
50:19 What it does say in Deuteronomy 24:16,
50:22 is the father shall not be put to death for the sins
50:24 of the children or the children
50:26 put to death for the sins of their father.
50:28 But we know Revelation 13:8,
50:30 Jesus was the Lamb that was slain
50:33 from the foundation of the world.
50:35 We see throughout the Old Covenant,
50:38 the Old Testament, the substitutionary,
50:41 system for transgressions,
50:43 it all pointed to Jesus.
50:44 We also see in the Old Covenant,
50:47 the kinsman redeemer,
50:50 so this concept of a kinsman redeemer
50:52 in Philippians 2:6-8,
50:54 God came down and became one of us
50:57 to become our kinsman redeemer.
50:59 In Galatians 4:4-5, it says,
51:02 "When the fullness of time had come,
51:04 God sent forth His Son, born of a woman,
51:07 born unto the law to redeem those
51:10 who were under the law
51:11 that we might receive the adoption of sons.
51:13 He had to be born into the law.
51:15 He had to be a person
51:17 who would keep it perfectly to redeem those
51:20 who were born into the law.
51:21 And no human could have done this
51:24 because it says all humans have sinned.
51:26 So He became part human, fully human, fully divine,
51:31 and He was qualified
51:34 as that perfect sacrifice
51:37 because He was sinless.
51:40 God demonstrated His love
51:42 by sending His Son to die for us.
51:44 Amen. Wow.
51:45 Shelley, praise the Lord. Great answer.
51:47 Thank you so very much.
51:48 We've got just a few seconds left.
51:50 I'm going to left,
51:51 I'm going to put one more question on the table.
51:53 Okay, before we go to the break.
51:54 All right.
51:55 Let's do this from Alice
51:57 from North Chesterfield, Virginia.
51:58 "Will we know one another in God's kingdom?
52:02 Please cite it in the Bible."
52:04 Well, I won't give you the exact reference.
52:06 But we do, we can say yes to that,
52:09 because Elijah is in heaven, Moses is in heaven.
52:11 And when they came down to this earth,
52:13 and they were with Christ glorified there
52:14 on the Mount of Transfiguration,
52:16 the disciples recognize them, oh there's Elijah,
52:18 and there's Moses, Father, let's set up a monument.
52:20 No, don't need to set up monuments for them.
52:22 But yes, even though we're going to be glorified,
52:24 there's going to be character recognition.
52:27 We're gonna recognize each other
52:29 in the new heaven and new earth.
52:30 Any comments on that. That's perfect.
52:32 I agree with you 100%.
52:34 Praise the Lord for that.
52:35 What a wonderful day that would be.
52:36 We're going to take a quick break.
52:38 We'll be right back with some closing comments.
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Revised 2024-07-08