3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Prophetic Judgments

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210030B

00:01 Well, this one hour Bible Q and A programs
00:02 always go by really quickly for us,
00:04 here on the set.
00:06 Any closing comments, Pastor James, start with you.
00:08 Well, they did ask for a Bible reference,
00:10 they want it from the Bible so...
00:11 Yep, for the...
00:12 We recognize each other in heaven.
00:14 Yes, Mark Chapter 9,
00:16 and specifically verse 4 talks about,
00:18 there appeared Elias,
00:20 which is Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus.
00:22 So, obviously, these men are glorified.
00:24 They're in heaven, they come to this earth,
00:26 they're recognized.
00:27 You know, that's just beautiful.
00:29 You think about the family of God,
00:30 we talked about the family of God,
00:31 but family usually recognize our family members, so...
00:33 And Jesus... Oh, yeah, that's right.
00:34 Jesus, of course,
00:35 was recognized by His disciples.
00:37 But you know what?
00:38 There is still that thing there because He was glorified.
00:40 And they didn't kind of, but then they did.
00:42 Oh, that, yeah, that is, oh, that's Jesus.
00:44 So there's gonna be definitely some changes,
00:46 which is kind of cool, right?
00:48 It is. Oh, yeah.
00:49 No wrinkles.
00:51 Looking forward that for me.
00:52 All right, Jason?
00:53 Well, I just want to share that,
00:55 you know, the world is watching.
00:56 And so that we need to be aware as Christians of our actions
00:59 and let our actions speak louder than our words.
01:01 Let's minister to others by how we treat them.
01:05 Good. Thank you, Jason.
01:07 I know I rushed through my last answer,
01:08 because I thought we were completely out of time.
01:10 Okay. I forgot we went to a break.
01:12 What qualified Jesus?
01:15 When God became a person, what qualified Him
01:18 is, 2 Corinthians 5:21.
01:21 It says that, "God made Him, Jesus,
01:24 who knew no sin to be sin for us
01:27 that we might become the righteousness of God
01:30 in Christ Jesus."
01:32 Hallelujah.
01:33 Praise God.
01:34 That's a two-hander.
01:36 Yeah, I was gonna put both hands up to and sing.
01:37 Yeah, praise the Lord.
01:39 Thank you, Pastor James, for being with us today,
01:40 Jason, Sister Shelley,
01:41 what a blessing to study the Word of God.
01:43 And thank you as our family for joining us today.
01:44 I always like to read.
01:46 2 Timothy 2:15,
01:47 "Study to show thyself approved unto God,
01:50 a workman that needed not to be ashamed,
01:53 rightly dividing the word of truth."
01:55 I encourage you today to open the Word of God,
01:57 study and make it a part of your life.
01:59 God bless you. We'll see you next time.
02:00 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2024-07-08