3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Common Parents?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210031A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
01:18 I'm Jason Bradley, and I'm so glad
01:20 that you've decided to study the Word of God with us
01:24 and get some questions answered that perhaps you submitted,
01:28 but definitely people like you submitted.
01:30 And you're...
01:32 If you didn't submit your questions,
01:33 well, let me tell you how you can do that.
01:35 You can send them to 618...
01:37 Text them to (618) 228-3975,
01:41 or you may email your questions
01:43 to BibleQA@3abn.tv
01:49 Or if you have Instagram,
01:51 you can go on Instagram@3abn_official
01:56 and send your questions that way as well.
01:59 I want to share this verse with you.
02:01 It's found in Psalm 119:105.
02:04 And it says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet
02:08 and a light to my path."
02:10 With that, there's no reason to be walking in darkness.
02:13 Let me introduce you
02:15 to our wonderful students of the Word.
02:17 We have here, Shelley Quinn.
02:19 It's a joy to be here.
02:20 Oh, it's great to have you here.
02:22 And I'm looking forward to hearing the answers
02:24 that you provide from the Word of God.
02:26 Got some difficult questions this time.
02:28 Yes.
02:29 We've got Pastor Ryan Day.
02:31 It's great to have you here.
02:32 Man, I'm blessed to be here.
02:34 I love the Word of God,
02:35 and I love giving truthful answers from His Word.
02:37 Amen. Amen.
02:38 And Pastor James Rafferty,
02:40 Mr. 112 episodes of Salvation in Symbols and Signs.
02:44 It's great to have you here.
02:46 I thought he was going to say Mr. 112.
02:50 That'd be cool.
02:52 It's good to be here, Jason.
02:53 Good to be here with the team.
02:54 Good, good.
02:56 All right.
02:57 Well, before we dive into the Word of God,
02:58 I'd like to ask that we have a word of prayer.
03:02 And, Shelley, would you pray for us?
03:03 Absolutely.
03:05 Our loving heavenly Father, we come before You right now.
03:08 And, Lord, how grateful we are for Savior Jesus Christ,
03:13 for Your Holy Spirit, and Your Word.
03:15 And we ask now, Lord, that You would lead us,
03:18 guide us, send Your Holy Spirit
03:21 to be our teacher and help us to point out correct answers,
03:25 truthful answers from Your Word.
03:28 We pray for Your blessing over all of our viewers.
03:31 Thank you so much, Lord.
03:32 We get the privilege of doing this for Your glory.
03:36 In Jesus' name, amen.
03:38 Amen. Amen.
03:40 Shelley, I'm going to go to you first
03:42 with the first question.
03:44 "My question is about 2 Samuel 11:4.
03:48 How can Bathsheba be purified from her uncleanness
03:52 if she slept with David?"
03:54 This is from Tanya
03:56 out of Greensboro, North Carolina.
03:57 Okay, Tanya.
03:58 Let me tell a little of the backstory here.
04:01 2 Samuel 11, before this, God had selected David as king
04:06 because he said David was a man after His own heart.
04:10 And, boy, David had honors after honors
04:12 and successes after successes
04:15 right up till this time in 2 Samuel Chapter 11.
04:19 What happened?
04:20 He sent his men off to the battlefield.
04:23 He decided he was going to stay at ease in Jerusalem.
04:27 And so one night he's out...
04:29 Or at late afternoon, he's walking on his roof
04:32 and he glances over
04:33 and he sees a beautiful woman bathing.
04:36 And instead of turning his lustful eyes away,
04:40 he feasts on Bathsheba's naked body.
04:44 And he knew she was the wife of one of his noble soldiers.
04:50 But he stooped to a low that he had of degradation
04:55 and shame he never had before.
04:57 And here's what happened.
04:59 2 Samuel 11:4,
05:01 "Then David sent messengers and took her.
05:05 The messengers took Bathsheba and she came to him.
05:10 And he lay with her,
05:12 for she was cleansed from her impurity.
05:18 And she returned to her house."
05:21 She was cleansed before he laid with her.
05:24 What is it talking about?
05:25 In Leviticus 15:19-30,
05:29 it talks about the ceremonial ritual cleansing
05:33 that a woman went through after her menstrual cycle.
05:37 I think the reason
05:38 this is added in the story here,
05:40 she had been through...
05:42 Bathsheba had been through this ritual,
05:44 but this proves to us it wasn't Uriah's baby.
05:49 We know that when she laid with David,
05:52 it was his child.
05:55 And, you know, the rest of the story is this.
05:59 So your answer to your question,
06:01 she was purified before.
06:02 But the rest of the story is David repented,
06:05 God forgave him.
06:07 But the consequences were horrible.
06:09 God said that the sword shall never depart
06:12 from your house
06:13 and David's house had a lot of misery scandals.
06:17 It was awful.
06:19 Amen.
06:21 Thank God for His forgiveness, though.
06:22 Amen. Amen.
06:24 Thank God for His forgiveness.
06:25 Pastor Day, we're going to come to you next.
06:26 All right. All right.
06:28 "If we all come from Adam and Eve,
06:31 how do we get all the races in the world?"
06:35 You know, that's a really good question.
06:37 And I'll just be honest with you.
06:38 The Bible does not explicitly tell us
06:40 how we get all of these different skin tones
06:42 and the different races and whatnot,
06:44 but there are a few texts
06:45 that we can pull together to try to make sense of this.
06:48 Obviously, people try to use this question to try to,
06:51 you know, question the validity of Scripture.
06:53 You know, if all of us came from Adam and Eve...
06:55 In this case, we know we all came
06:56 from the family of Noah, right?
06:57 So where do all these different skin tones come from?
06:59 Well, the Bible must not be true, right?
07:01 Not necessarily.
07:02 When we get to Genesis Chapter 11,
07:04 which is not too long after the flood
07:06 and after Noah's time,
07:08 you get there to the Tower of Babel.
07:10 And we see there that they built this tower
07:11 to reach into the heavens.
07:13 Basically, it was Nimrod's project
07:15 shaking the fist at God,
07:16 because he did not like God for what He had done,
07:18 you know, with the flood and destroying,
07:20 you know, all of the people.
07:21 And so as a way to, you know, worship their false pagan gods
07:24 and also try to get one over on God.
07:26 But yet we know
07:27 that the Bible says in Genesis 11,
07:29 and I'm going to start reading in verse 7 here.
07:30 It says, "Come."
07:31 This is God speaking, the Godhead.
07:33 And it says here, "Come, let Us go down there
07:35 and confuse their language,
07:37 that they must not understand one another's speech."
07:39 So the Lord scattered them abroad
07:41 from there over the face of all the earth,
07:44 and they ceased building the city.
07:46 And therefore, after these different tribe,
07:49 after these different people
07:50 scattered all over to the different regions
07:51 of the earth,
07:53 they would have broken up into different tribes,
07:55 different clans.
07:56 You know, different...
07:58 And scattered into different nations
07:59 and broken open up amongst themselves.
08:01 And, of course, you know, this brought about
08:03 the intermarrying and intermingling,
08:05 which brought about different genetic forms
08:08 and different genetic traits
08:11 that became more predominant than others
08:12 in certain regions and certain ethnic groups
08:14 that we find today spring from that.
08:17 Now is there an explicit text that tells us all of this?
08:20 We have to kind of look back at the history.
08:22 We have to study it in accordance
08:23 with what the Scripture says.
08:25 How these different skin tones came about?
08:27 You know, there's again,
08:28 not an explicit text that tells us,
08:30 but you know, I believe
08:31 the Bible makes it clear that God...
08:32 And if you read this in Psalm 139:13,
08:35 God knits us in our womb, in our mother's womb.
08:38 And we see traits and things
08:39 that babies are born with today and it's like,
08:41 how in the world he didn't get that from his mom.
08:42 He didn't get that from his dad.
08:44 She didn't get that from, you know, their parents.
08:45 But nonetheless,
08:46 God knits us together in a womb.
08:48 And there's going to be one day we're going to get to heaven
08:49 and God is going to give us the answer to this question.
08:52 But I believe it springs from the nations
08:55 being scattered to these different regions.
08:57 And therefore, we get the different
08:58 predominant traits,
08:59 genetic traits, so forth and so on.
09:01 Yeah.
09:02 What a day that's going to be when we get to heaven
09:04 and we get to ask all of these questions.
09:06 We'll take our Bible Q and A up there.
09:08 Absolutely. Absolutely.
09:09 I love it.
09:11 Pastor Rafferty...
09:12 I like that.
09:14 "Kindly indicate
09:15 the biblical counsel given to assist
09:17 Seventh-day Adventist Christians
09:19 in selecting a spouse.
09:21 Also, please advice if a Christian has to consider
09:25 horoscope or Zodiac sign compatibility
09:28 of his or her potential spouse,
09:32 and if this is part of the biblical guidance
09:34 given by God."
09:36 This is from Brother Hale.
09:38 All right, Brother Hale.
09:39 Well, if we go to the Bible,
09:40 we're going to find in Genesis Chapter 2
09:42 that God says
09:44 that it is not good for man to be alone.
09:46 I will make a helpmeet for him.
09:49 And, of course, later on in that section,
09:51 we realize that God put Adam to sleep,
09:53 took a rib out of his side,
09:54 took that rib right out of his side and then,
09:56 of course, gave him his helpmeet.
09:57 So if you're a believer in the all powerful,
10:00 all knowing God,
10:01 you don't need to go to a horoscope.
10:03 You don't need to go to a Zodiac sign, you know?
10:05 We...
10:06 God doesn't want us to be alone,
10:08 so God is going to provide for us.
10:09 It's not a horoscope that provides for us,
10:11 it's not luck that provides for us,
10:12 it's not chance that provides for us,
10:14 it's God that provides for us according to Genesis.
10:16 And then what we need to realize is,
10:19 the Bible says in Proverbs 19:14,
10:22 "A prudent wife is from the Lord."
10:24 So the first step...
10:26 You wanted an outline, Brother Hale.
10:27 The first step in finding a wife
10:29 is to go to the Lord,
10:30 'cause a prudent wife is from the Lord.
10:32 So the wife is going to be with the Lord,
10:34 you need to go to the Lord.
10:35 You guys both connect to the Lord.
10:36 Give your heart to the Lord
10:38 and he's going to take you and put you together.
10:41 Number two, the Bible says, "Ask and it shall be given.
10:44 You seek and you shall find.
10:46 Knock and the door shall be open to you."
10:47 So in Matthew 7:7, we need to pray.
10:49 We need to pray and ask God.
10:51 That's what I did when I was looking for a wife,
10:53 and God gave me my wife, Rise.
10:55 We've been married now for 32 years.
10:57 We spent a lot of time praying for God's leading,
11:00 surrendering our hearts to the Lord.
11:02 And then I didn't just wait around
11:03 for a wife to pop up.
11:05 You know, I didn't just go to sleep
11:06 and wake up like Adam and expect,
11:07 oh, there's a wife going to be there.
11:09 I prepared myself to be able to take care of a wife.
11:12 I made sure I had an education.
11:14 I made sure I had practical skills,
11:15 vocational skills.
11:16 I was able to have a job, to work, to support a wife.
11:20 And that's really important.
11:21 And, of course, I also got counsel, you know?
11:23 It says in a multitude of counselors,
11:25 there is wisdom.
11:26 And if you don't get counsel, you fall in love.
11:29 And we don't want to fall into love,
11:30 we want to step into love.
11:32 So it's very important to get counsel,
11:33 to get preparation, to go to the Lord to pray,
11:37 and let God lead you and guide you and He will.
11:41 Wow.
11:43 I like that.
11:44 We don't want to fall in love, we want to step into love.
11:47 You were listening.
11:48 Yeah, I'm taking notes.
11:50 All right.
11:51 Maybe you're Brother Hale.
11:52 What, what, what.
11:54 Well, you never know. You never know.
11:55 All right. All right.
11:58 Shelley, you're going to have a little bit longer
12:00 to answer this question.
12:02 "Did the martyrs that died suffer?
12:06 I ask this because some were singing and smiling
12:09 as they were dying."
12:10 This is from Joel out of South Carolina.
12:12 Oh, Joel.
12:13 I've thought this...
12:15 I've asked this question myself.
12:16 Martyr in the Greek means to witness.
12:19 And the Christian use of the term martyr
12:21 came to be used of people
12:24 who witnessed their faith for the Lord.
12:26 I mean, of their faith for the Lord,
12:28 and then they would be put to death because of that.
12:31 And we know the first spirit filled deacon
12:35 of the church, Stephen,
12:37 was one of the first seven and he was martyred.
12:40 He was the first Christian martyr.
12:43 And as he's being stoned to death in Acts 7:16,
12:47 it's brought dying breath.
12:49 He just says, "Lord, don't charge this sin to them."
12:54 Boy, that's an amazing thought.
12:57 In AD 98 to 305,
12:59 thousands upon thousands were slain.
13:03 They were martyred by Rome.
13:05 And then we know that in the inquisition
13:08 of the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages,
13:11 we know that the mother church killed millions,
13:16 because they would not...
13:19 They killed them for the crime of heresy
13:24 because they would not agree
13:26 with the traditions of papalism,
13:29 but these people wanted to stay faithful to Christ
13:33 in the Word.
13:34 So it's interesting
13:35 because the persecution of these martyrs,
13:39 the effect on the church was that their blood
13:41 was like the seed for the church.
13:43 All these martyrs became overcomers and conquerors.
13:47 In Revelation 12:11, it says, "They overcame him,
13:52 the accuser of the brethren.
13:54 They overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb
13:57 and by the word of their testimony,
14:01 and they did not love their lives unto the death."
14:06 So he's saying they overcame for these three reasons.
14:10 They've got the blood of the Lamb
14:11 that justifies them before the Lord,
14:14 they've got the word of their testimony,
14:17 they're faithful witnesses to God's working act,
14:20 and they'd rather die than deny Jesus
14:23 'cause they didn't love their lives
14:25 to the death.
14:26 Now literary tradition does hold
14:32 that many of the martyrs sang
14:34 as they were burned at the stake.
14:36 I remember John Huss,
14:37 reading the story of him being in his prison,
14:40 trying to take a candle,
14:41 and he knew he was going to be burned at the stake.
14:43 And he tried to put his hand over it
14:45 and he just couldn't.
14:47 And so he was like, oh.
14:48 But then they sang, he sang.
14:50 Did they experience pain?
14:54 Did Jesus experience pain?
14:57 You know, you'd have to say
14:59 that they didn't have a natural response to pain.
15:04 So here's what I believe.
15:06 In 1 Kings 8:59, Solomon is speaking of God.
15:12 And he says that God maintains the cause of his servant
15:18 and the cause of His people Israel,
15:20 as each day requires.
15:23 So when Jesus said to Paul,
15:26 "My grace is sufficient for you."
15:28 When Paul was in prison
15:30 and he's singing and praising the Lord.
15:32 So I believe that God will give us
15:35 grace to meet need.
15:38 That's right. Absolutely.
15:40 Amen.
15:41 Thank you for that answer, Shelley.
15:42 Pastor Day, we're going to go to you on this question.
15:45 It's like a three minute question for you,
15:47 so you have a little bit longer.
15:49 It's like a longer question.
15:50 That's right. That's right.
15:51 "Can you explain Roman 14:2,
15:54 "Only the weak eat vegetables."
15:56 All right. All right.
15:58 So this is one of those questions that, again,
16:00 even many vegetarians, they read this and they think,
16:02 "What are you saying, Paul?
16:04 Are you calling me weak? Are you saying I'm weak?"
16:05 That's not technically what Paul is saying here.
16:08 To understand this verse 2,
16:10 we first need to back up to verse 1.
16:11 So let's read verse 1 and go on to verse 2 and 3.
16:14 So verse 1 says, "Receive..."
16:15 This is Romans 14:1,
16:17 "Receive one who is weak in the faith."
16:20 Okay, that's the key right there.
16:21 "One who is weak in the faith,
16:22 but not to dispute over doubtful things.
16:25 For one believes he may eat all things,
16:27 but he who is weak only eats vegetables."
16:30 And then verse 3, "Let him who eats despise him
16:33 who does not eat."
16:34 Not despise him.
16:35 Excuse me, "Not despise him who does not eat.
16:38 And let not him who does not eat judge him
16:41 who eats."
16:42 It's intricate 'cause it goes on to say,
16:43 "For God has received him."
16:45 This is important to understand,
16:46 this whole chapter.
16:48 Many people get confused on Romans 14.
16:49 And I'm sure we'll get many, many more questions
16:51 about Romans 14.
16:52 But this whole chapter actually has nothing to do
16:56 really with the preference of diet and foods.
16:59 This is not the central issue or thing
17:01 that Paul is addressing.
17:02 This whole entire chapter
17:04 actually is him writing as a part of his letter
17:05 to address some of the issues
17:07 that was going on in the church of Rome,
17:09 much like what's happening in the church of Corinth,
17:11 because in this chapter,
17:13 it comes up over and over again words like,
17:15 you know, not to dispute, not to judge.
17:18 You know, not to show contempt against your brother,
17:20 you know, give account to yourself not to judge,
17:22 not causing a...
17:24 You know, being a stumbling block
17:25 for your brother.
17:27 You know, make peace, edify one another,
17:28 do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.
17:31 These types of words
17:32 keep coming up over, and over, and over.
17:33 Your brother stumbles and is offended
17:35 or is made weak.
17:36 What Paul is addressing is the issue
17:38 that today we have here in every church.
17:40 And this still is true today.
17:41 In every church, there's those who are spiritually strong.
17:45 And by the way, Paul identifies himself
17:47 as the spiritually strong in Romans 15:1,
17:49 the very next chapter.
17:51 And so these weak are not weak in the sense that they're,
17:53 you know, horrible Christians or that they're not,
17:56 you know, real Christians.
17:57 It's just, they are...
17:58 They're not as spiritually mature
18:00 as some of the other brethren.
18:01 And so that's what Paul is addressing here.
18:03 He's saying, "Look,
18:04 some of you aren't spiritually mature brethren,"
18:05 allowing these contentions
18:07 and these divisional issues that are not really salvation.
18:10 It's not really big.
18:11 And some of these other weaker Christians,
18:13 these less spiritually mature brothers and sisters
18:16 are coming in as new believers into the church.
18:18 Maybe some of them had some,
18:20 you know, different aesthetic beliefs,
18:21 aestheticism, you know, preferences,
18:23 certain days that they ate
18:25 certain things here or certain things
18:26 they didn't eat over here.
18:27 And it was causing questions and divisions among the church.
18:29 So Paul is writing to the church and he's saying,
18:32 "Look, stop allowing these issues to divide,
18:35 you spiritually mature brothers.
18:36 They're strong.
18:38 You're going to end up causing the weak,
18:39 the spiritually immature, the less mature to stumble.
18:42 You're going to become a stumbling block for them,
18:44 and you're going to end up
18:45 pushing these brothers and sisters
18:47 out of the faith."
18:48 We kind of get an overall idea of this
18:49 when we get to Romans 15:1-6.
18:52 Notice what the Bible says.
18:53 This is the very next chapter.
18:55 And this is the response to the previous chapter.
18:57 He says, "We then who are strong
18:58 ought to bear the scruples of the weak,
19:01 and not to please ourselves.
19:02 Let each of us
19:03 please his neighbor for his good,
19:05 leading to edification.
19:07 For even Christ did not please himself.
19:09 But as it is written, 'The reproaches of those
19:12 who reproached You fell on Me.'
19:14 For whatever things were written down
19:16 were written in our learning,
19:17 that we through our patience and comfort and the scriptures
19:21 might have hope.
19:22 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be
19:26 like-minded towards one another,
19:28 according to Christ Jesus,
19:29 that you may notice with one mind and one mouth
19:32 glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
19:36 We know he's not calling vegetarians weak.
19:38 Otherwise, that would make Daniel,
19:39 Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
19:41 you know, weak Christians, right?
19:43 Or secondhand Christians.
19:44 That's not the issue he's dealing with.
19:46 He's simply writing to address the issues
19:47 that was dividing the new brothers and sisters
19:50 coming into the faith
19:52 from those who had been in the church for a while.
19:53 He's saying, "Look, don't let these issues
19:54 divide you.
19:56 Come together, edify one another."
19:58 Amen.
19:59 Thank you for that answer, Pastor Day.
20:01 Pastor Rafferty, we're going to come to you on this one.
20:04 How do we study the Bible, understand it,
20:06 and connect scriptures
20:08 from different books of the Bible?
20:11 I know Googling is not ideal,
20:13 but I often Google to understand passages
20:16 and see other scriptures that explain the passage.
20:20 I have a simple New King James Version Bible.
20:23 It's not a study Bible
20:24 nor does it contain cross reference verses."
20:26 This is from Addie out of Washington.
20:28 All right, Addie.
20:30 Well, that is such a good question.
20:31 In fact, learning how to study the Bible changed my life.
20:35 So I just want to give you one simple thing
20:37 that you can do that will absolutely explode
20:40 the way you study the Bible.
20:42 And that is, get yourself
20:43 a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
20:47 You can get it on an app.
20:48 I've got it on my phone.
20:49 You know, you can just download it,
20:51 you can get one for free.
20:52 I spent a little bit of money on mine
20:54 because it had some features,
20:55 some extra features that I really wanted to have.
20:56 And a Strong's Concordance
20:58 allows you to search the Bible, to search words,
21:03 word definitions in the Greek and Hebrew,
21:05 and then to connect those word searches
21:08 with other verses where that word is used.
21:10 It lets you go deep or shallow,
21:12 depending on what you want to do.
21:14 You just...
21:15 You might be looking up a word like
21:16 we just looked in Romans Chapter 14.
21:18 And it talks about, you know, meat there and vegetables.
21:21 And you could look up that word.
21:22 What does it mean? What's the original Greek word?
21:25 Where is it used in other passages
21:26 of the Scripture?
21:28 And that will really help you
21:29 to see how that word might be used somewhere else.
21:31 And it will bring out a little bit more
21:33 of the meaning there
21:34 when you look in those other verses
21:35 and compare the two.
21:37 Of course, when you transition
21:38 from the New Testament to the Old Testament,
21:40 you're going from Greek to Hebrew
21:41 and you won't necessarily
21:43 be able to cross reference those words in the Greek.
21:45 But you can sometimes cross reference them
21:48 when it's in the English,
21:49 because sometimes they'll use basically the same words
21:52 and have the same meaning.
21:54 So and then what you want to do is you want to get yourself...
21:58 I would encourage you to get yourself
22:01 as many different versions of the Bible as you can.
22:04 You might have an app that you can download them on.
22:07 I use every Bible that I can get my hands on.
22:10 I do have a King James
22:11 as my basic foundation study Bible,
22:13 and the New King James is great.
22:15 It comes from a different set of manuscripts.
22:17 And so there's some solidity there,
22:19 you're not going to find in some of the newer versions,
22:21 but there's a lot of the newer versions
22:23 that will help you with a text
22:24 that might be difficult to understand
22:26 in the King James or the New King James.
22:28 So I encourage you to study as many Bibles as possible.
22:30 Get yourself a Strong's app
22:32 or a Strong's Concordance, a hard copy.
22:34 I've got one of those.
22:35 And if you really need help with learning how to use it,
22:38 I've got some basic
22:39 how to study the Bible 101 lessons
22:41 that I can email you or send to you.
22:43 Just get a hold of us here at 3BAN.
22:44 I'd be glad to get those to you.
22:45 Amen.
22:47 Excellent answer, Pastor Rafferty.
22:48 I just want to take a moment to tell you how to reach out,
22:53 send in your questions because you have questions,
22:56 the Bible has answers,
22:57 and we want to answer them from the Word of God
23:00 and give you those answers.
23:01 You can text those questions to (618) 228-3975,
23:07 or you may email your questions
23:09 to BibleQA@3abn.tv
23:13 And if you have Instagram,
23:15 please go to @3abn_official
23:20 and send those questions in.
23:23 Time is moving along rather rapidly.
23:27 Shelley, we're going to go to you.
23:28 "The Bible says
23:30 that I should not covet the wife of my neighbor.
23:32 And yet God through the Holy Spirit
23:34 had Mary pregnant while she was with Joseph.
23:37 Did God violate His own law?
23:40 Were there no other women?
23:42 Why Mary?
23:44 This is from Anisio in Angola.
23:46 And I just have to say Anisio,
23:49 no, God did not violate His own law.
23:51 As a matter of fact, God's Ten Commandments
23:53 reflect His character of love and holiness.
23:59 In Exodus 20:17, the tenth commandment does say,
24:03 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house
24:06 or your neighbor's wife or anything
24:08 that is your neighbors."
24:10 But you've got to understand what the word covet means.
24:15 To covet is to have a wrongful desire.
24:20 This is a selfish heart,
24:24 that it's a greedy heart,
24:27 that it's the selfish heart
24:30 motive behind the outward act, you could say.
24:33 So people who covet
24:36 have an uncontrollable longing for more.
24:40 In James 1:13, Anisio, the Bible says, James 1:13,
24:45 "God cannot be tempted by evil
24:49 nor does he tempt anyone."
24:52 God cannot covet because He cannot sin.
24:56 Love does not sin.
24:59 So when in Luke 12:15 Jesus said,
25:03 "Take heed and beware of covetousness."
25:07 He's not going to warn us and then turn around
25:10 and do something himself.
25:12 For one's life does not consist
25:14 in the abundance of the things he possesses.
25:18 So you asked why Mary?
25:20 God had to have a virgin woman
25:25 for the mother.
25:27 When he came down to be incarnated,
25:29 the virgin woman had to...
25:32 It was going to be the seed of a woman,
25:34 is where the Messiah would come from.
25:36 And the seed of God
25:38 is the Holy Spirit overshadowed her.
25:40 The reason, I believe,
25:42 that God chose a woman who was betrothed,
25:45 is because he was making it easier for her
25:50 because she would have a husband to support her
25:54 and the Holy Child.
25:55 But God does not...
25:57 I mean, to me, the incarnation is the most unselfish act
26:02 of self-sacrificing love there is.
26:05 There's nothing selfish about it.
26:07 God did not covet.
26:10 Thank you, Shelley.
26:11 Thank you.
26:12 "Pastor Day, is it biblical, Sola scriptura,
26:15 to have national flags displayed
26:18 in the house of God?
26:20 What is its significance?
26:21 What purpose does this practice serve
26:24 in the worship of the Almighty in His sanctuary?
26:27 How did this practice evolve?
26:29 Why is no one in the SDA Church
26:32 taking a stand against this practice
26:35 if it is not biblical?"
26:36 And I'm just going to add this part.
26:38 How are you going to answer this in two minutes?
26:41 Well, there's no possible way I can answer
26:43 all of those questions in two minutes.
26:44 I want to address the central,
26:46 I guess, theme among all of those questions,
26:47 which is, you know, placing flags or in this case,
26:50 national flags in God's house.
26:53 You know, the simple answer is that the Bible says
26:55 absolutely nothing about placing flags,
26:59 national flags in God's house.
27:02 And so we can't simply go to the Bible and say
27:04 that it's wrong or that it's right.
27:06 We have to go by principle, right?
27:08 Just because the Bible doesn't specifically address
27:11 it does not mean that we can't follow certain principles
27:13 as found in there.
27:14 Now let me...
27:16 Before I get straight
27:17 into the particular scripture here, let me just make mention.
27:18 You know, I know I can speak from my country's perspective
27:21 as an American citizen
27:22 and as a patriot of this nation.
27:24 I had been to churches all my life
27:25 where I've seen flags,
27:27 the American flag displayed somewhere in the church,
27:29 and I've never once myself or seen anybody else
27:32 bow down and worship that flag.
27:34 I've never seen that.
27:36 Never have I witnessed that.
27:38 You know, the truth of the matter is,
27:40 many people think that it's an issue
27:41 because they think it's somehow a violation
27:43 of maybe the first or second commandment,
27:45 where it talks about worshiping other gods, or in this case,
27:48 bowing down to graven images
27:49 and worshiping idols of some such.
27:51 But I would say that, you know, in this case,
27:53 we have to apply principle.
27:55 And the truth of the matter is, to many people,
27:57 the American flag, for example, is a symbol of freedom.
28:00 It's a symbol of the freedoms
28:01 that they have to worship in that nation.
28:03 So when I used to look at that flag,
28:05 I don't worship it as a God or as an idol.
28:06 But you know what?
28:08 When I look at that American flag,
28:09 it reminds me that I'm in a church worshiping God
28:11 because that nation allows me
28:14 and grants me the freedom to be able to do so.
28:16 And so again, I think we have to check ourselves
28:18 in that manner.
28:20 Biblically speaking, yes.
28:21 If we're worshiping it or we're idoling it
28:23 in an unhealthy spiritual state,
28:25 then absolutely we need to be careful in that case.
28:28 You know, Jesus even also goes on...
28:29 Just to be balanced here,
28:31 Jesus does talk about rendering unto Caesar
28:32 what is Caesar and unto God what is God,
28:34 making sure that we have a safe separation
28:37 of church and state in this particular situation.
28:41 But at the end of the day, my friends,
28:43 I think we have to also apply the principles
28:45 found in Romans 14,
28:46 that if it's something
28:48 that's going to cause your brother
28:49 to stumble or to be made weak...
28:50 And for instance, I'm reading Romans 14:19 here.
28:53 It says, "Let us pursue the things
28:54 which make for peace and the things
28:56 by which one may edify another."
28:58 Verse 21, it goes on to say,
28:59 "Nor do anything by which your brother stumbles
29:01 or is offended or is made weak."
29:03 And, of course, in the last few verses,
29:04 he says, "Do you have faith?"
29:06 Right?
29:07 And in the last verse, he actually goes on to say,
29:09 "Whatever is not a faith is of sin."
29:10 So if this is something that bothers you,
29:12 bring it to the attention of your pastor.
29:14 Let your community, your church
29:15 make that decision based off the conviction
29:17 that the body of people have.
29:19 But at the end of the day,
29:21 we have to go back to the principles of scripture.
29:23 The commandments are not being violated
29:25 if someone is not worshiping,
29:27 or bowing down, or idoling that image.
29:30 It does represent freedom.
29:31 It does represent, you know,
29:33 the freedoms that we have to worship in this country.
29:35 And as long as there's not any worshiping,
29:37 we should be safe.
29:38 Good answer.
29:40 Good answer.
29:41 "Pastor Rafferty, historicism has the past record
29:44 that our Savior was crucified in the week of two Sabbaths.
29:48 Jesus uses the sign of Jonah
29:50 to describe a sign of his time in the earth.
29:53 I know Jesus was not born
29:54 on the literal Christmas day of the year.
29:57 Is the Good Friday wrongfully claiming His day
30:00 on the cross, like His birthday?
30:02 It confuses those who challenged me
30:04 about the authenticity of the Word."
30:07 This comes from Reggie.
30:08 Well, Reggie, actually, you've got it right.
30:12 Good Friday, which is what the Catholics call...
30:14 I was raised Catholic.
30:16 Good Friday was the day that Christ died.
30:17 And we find that in Luke Chapter 23.
30:20 If we just want to look there in Luke Chapter 23,
30:22 we're going to start in verse 52.
30:26 "This man went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus.
30:28 And he took it down and wrapped it in linen."
30:30 Verse 53,
30:31 "Laid it in a sepulcher that was hewn in stone,
30:33 wherein never a man was laid before was laid.
30:36 And that day was the preparation,
30:38 and the Sabbath drew on."
30:39 So the preparation is Friday.
30:40 Sabbath, of course, is Saturday.
30:42 And then it goes on to say, "The women also,
30:45 which came with him from Galilee,
30:47 followed after, beheld the sepulcher,
30:48 how his body was laid.
30:50 They returned to prepare spices and ointments,
30:52 and they rested on the Sabbath day,
30:53 according to the commandment."
30:54 So the Sabbath was drawing near
30:56 when Christ was taken off the cross.
30:58 That was preparation day. That was Friday.
31:01 The Sabbath was a high Sabbath.
31:02 That means that the Passover fell or another ceremony.
31:07 Normally, it was the Passover this time
31:08 fell on that same seventh day Sabbath day.
31:11 That's what made it a high Sabbath.
31:12 And then it says in verse 1 of Chapter 24,
31:15 "Now upon the first day of the week
31:16 very early in the morning, they came to the sepulcher,
31:18 bringing spices, which they prepared
31:20 and certain others, and they found
31:22 the stone rolled away and Christ,
31:23 of course, had resurrected.
31:24 That was Sunday.
31:26 So you've got Friday that He died,
31:27 Sabbath He rested in the tomb, just like He did at creation.
31:29 You know, He finished His work in creation.
31:31 He finished His work of redemption,
31:33 rested in the tomb on Sabbath, was raised on Saturday.
31:35 Now you might ask, "Well,
31:37 I thought He was going to be in the belly
31:38 of the whale, or like in the belly
31:40 of the earth like Jonah was in the whale's belly
31:42 for three days and three nights."
31:43 That began on Thursday night.
31:45 When he was at the last supper,
31:47 Judas was getting ready to betray Him.
31:49 He went out after dipping the sop with Christ
31:52 and it was night.
31:54 And that night, Jesus went to Gethsemane,
31:56 and that's when He first started feeling
31:57 the separation from God.
31:59 He first underwent that wrath experience
32:02 of being separated from God.
32:04 In fact, He almost died in Gethsemane.
32:05 So you've got Thursday night, Friday, Friday night,
32:07 Saturday, Saturday night.
32:09 There's the three days and the three nights.
32:10 Sunday morning He resurrects. Amen.
32:13 Thank you for unpacking that. Wonderful.
32:15 "Shelley, how does someone truly develop
32:19 a continuous attitude to rejoice in the Lord always,
32:23 Philippians 4:4,
32:25 especially during difficult and challenging times?
32:29 James 1:2."
32:31 And this comes...
32:33 The question comes from June.
32:34 And I just have to say, my sister June, I really...
32:37 God's been showing me
32:39 how to do this over the last couple of years.
32:40 There's been a lot of surgeries,
32:43 a lot of physical pain.
32:44 But Philippians 4:4, let's read that and look at.
32:48 It says, "Rejoice."
32:50 Now the Greek word, rejoice,
32:51 means to be in a state of wellbeing,
32:55 to experience joy.
32:57 But look what it says, "Rejoice in the Lord always.
33:03 And again I say, rejoice."
33:05 So how do you have joy?
33:08 The source of joy is your relationship with the Lord.
33:13 And it doesn't matter.
33:15 You know, actually, tradition says that Paul wrote
33:17 this during his first imprisonment in Rome.
33:20 So here he is in prison
33:22 and he's exhorting other people, rejoice!
33:26 As a matter of fact, the keynote of the whole book
33:29 of Philippians is joy.
33:31 He mentions joy, rejoice 12 different times.
33:35 Joy is a result of being at peace with God.
33:38 Romans 5:1-2 says,
33:40 "Therefore, having been justified by faith,
33:42 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
33:45 through whom also we have access by faith
33:48 into this grace in which we stand,
33:51 and rejoice in the glory of God."
33:55 "Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit,"
33:57 Galatians 5:22.
34:01 "We can have joy,
34:02 rejoice that God's mercies are new every morning,"
34:05 Lamentations 3:22-23.
34:09 Nehemiah 8:10 says,
34:11 "The joy of the Lord is our strength."
34:13 And when you think about God and what He does,
34:18 we can have joy.
34:20 Joy is not the absence of sorrow.
34:22 But even in the midst of our sorrow,
34:24 we can let joy be ushered in on the wings
34:28 of thanksgiving,
34:30 the wings of practicing God's presence.
34:34 And you can rejoice that your sins are forgiven,
34:37 rejoice that God never leaves you or forsake you,
34:40 rejoice the mission goes forward,
34:42 the gospel's being preached,
34:44 rejoice that this is not our home,
34:46 we're just passing through,
34:47 and rejoice that God has laid up
34:50 an eternal reward for you in heaven.
34:54 Amen. Praise God.
34:55 Praise God for joy.
34:58 "Pastor Day, is it wrong to play bingo,
35:01 half and half, or lottery ticket?
35:03 Where is the scripture?"
35:05 This is from someone in Illinois.
35:07 All right. That's actually a great question.
35:09 You know, I had to look up this half
35:10 and half and I wasn't able to find it.
35:12 Have anybody even heard of this half and half?
35:13 I've never heard of this game. So if it's...
35:15 Maybe it's a typo or maybe
35:16 the person has a game called half and half.
35:18 I don't know what it is, but I can address bingo.
35:20 Bingo is...
35:22 I don't think it is an issue.
35:23 I don't think it is a sin if someone plays the bingo,
35:26 because especially if you're not,
35:28 you know, gambling with it or,
35:29 you know, misusing
35:32 and abusing God's resources that He's blessed with you.
35:34 It's a simple game and many people play it,
35:37 you know, just to pass time or to have,
35:38 you know, a social interaction with other people.
35:41 But the last part of that question dealing with,
35:43 you said...
35:44 Lottery ticket. Lottery tickets, now that.
35:46 All right, so this is an issue. It's actually interesting.
35:49 I never, I've never dealt with this.
35:50 I've never had this issue, problem with gambling.
35:52 When I was doing some research on this,
35:53 it's interesting that the Bible does not explicitly address,
35:57 you know, the issue of gambling.
35:58 So in this case, just because it doesn't directly
36:01 address it does not mean that there's not
36:03 principles to build off of.
36:04 You know, the Bible also doesn't tell us
36:06 anything about smoking pot, or snorting crack,
36:08 or anything like that.
36:09 But we take the principle,
36:10 obviously, that our bodies are the temple
36:12 of the Holy Spirit and we don't want to put
36:13 anything in it that's going to damage it.
36:15 Right? We have to look at principle here.
36:16 In this case, there's a bunch of texts
36:18 that we can glean from.
36:19 I want to start with Proverbs 28:20.
36:21 It says, "A faithful man will abound with blessings,
36:24 but he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished."
36:28 You know, a lot of people with gambling and issue
36:31 of lottery tickets and,
36:32 you know, putting in a little money here
36:33 so that you can somehow play the game
36:35 of chance to try to get something else.
36:37 You know, a lot of times this comes,
36:39 this turns into an addiction for some people
36:41 and it destroys families.
36:42 It destroys lives.
36:43 And so this is what this principle is talking about.
36:45 Also 1 Timothy 6:10
36:48 reminds us that the love or the desire for money,
36:51 the abundance of money is the root of all evil.
36:54 And so again, this is an issue that can turn
36:56 into something much, much greater
36:58 if not kept in check.
37:00 Hebrews 13:5 says,
37:01 "Let your conduct be without covetousness.
37:04 Be content with such things
37:06 as you have, for he himself has said,
37:08 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
37:09 God has given you what you need.
37:11 But a lot of times in the world we live in,
37:12 we say, "We need more, we need more,
37:14 we need an abundance of more."
37:15 And it turns into a covetous heart,
37:17 wanting more, and more, and more and desiring more.
37:19 And it turns into sometimes, in this case,
37:22 playing the lottery, gambling away your resources
37:24 that leads to something horrible.
37:26 Proverbs 13:11,
37:28 "Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished,
37:30 but he who gathers by labor will increase doing it."
37:34 Honestly, God, you know, He pride...
37:36 He takes pride in that,
37:38 in the sense that we work hard for what it is that we get.
37:41 You know, your treasure, the Bible says is,
37:42 you know, "Where your treasure is,
37:44 there your heart will be also."
37:45 Matthew 6:21.
37:47 And, of course, Matthew 6:24,
37:48 Jesus also says, "No man can serve two masters."
37:51 You can't serve God and mammon,
37:52 or God and money.
37:53 And so in this case, we apply these principles
37:56 and make sure that we're following
37:57 the biblical principles God gave us.
37:59 You know, the principle of tithing.
38:01 You know, giving back to God what's already His.
38:03 The money, it's not yours. It's not yours.
38:05 Your resources is not yours. It's all His.
38:08 And we want to make sure as good stewards,
38:10 that we're not just throwing this away by chance.
38:12 So gambling, playing the lottery,
38:14 stay away from it because it's God's money,
38:16 it's God's resources.
38:17 And we want to protect that and be honest
38:19 with His resources.
38:20 Amen. Amen.
38:22 Pastor Rafferty,
38:23 you will have more time for this question here.
38:26 Five minutes? Yeah.
38:27 No, not five.
38:29 We'll, subtract two from that. I tried.
38:31 There you go. Three minutes here.
38:33 "Please explain Isaiah 66:24 about dead bodies burning
38:39 after the third coming.
38:41 I thought they with Satan were destroyed alive
38:44 when they tried to gain entrance to heaven by force."
38:48 This comes from Ken.
38:49 All right, Ken, this is a really good question,
38:51 Isaiah 66:24.
38:53 It's in the context of the new heaven and the new earth.
38:55 Verse 23 says,
38:56 "'It'll come to pass that from one new moon to another,
38:59 for one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come
39:01 the worship before me,' says the Lord.'"
39:03 And in verse 22, the new heavens and the new earth.
39:05 And then in verse 24, all of a sudden,
39:06 we have this ugly picture.
39:08 "And they shall go forth and look upon the carcasses
39:10 of the men that have transgressed against Me.
39:12 For their worm shall not die,
39:13 neither shall their fire be quenched.
39:16 And they shall be an abhorrent unto all flesh."
39:19 So the answer to this question
39:20 is actually found in the context
39:21 of the Book of Isaiah.
39:23 You go back to Isaiah Chapter 28.
39:24 That's where we find a special resurrection
39:26 of those who have really been working against God
39:30 and thinking that this life is all we have,
39:32 and there's not going to be any resurrection.
39:33 And God says there's going to be a resurrection,
39:35 there's going to be a judgment.
39:36 "And you're going to be brought
39:37 forth from the grave to give an account before me,"
39:40 thus says the Lord, therefore says the Lord.
39:42 Verse 16 of Isaiah 28,
39:45 "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief for a foundation stone,
39:50 a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.
39:52 He that believes shall not make haste."
39:54 That's talking about Jesus. And that word meant...
39:57 That phrase make haste is actually talking about
39:59 being anxious or stressed, being troubled.
40:03 And then in verse 17,
40:04 "Judgment also will I lay to the line,
40:05 and righteousness to the plummet.
40:07 Hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies
40:09 and waters shall overflow the hiding place,
40:11 for your covenant with death shall be disannulled.
40:14 Your agreement with hell shall not stand
40:16 when the overflowing scourge passes through,
40:19 then shall you be trodden down from it."
40:20 In other words, God's going to have a resurrection.
40:22 Nobody is getting away
40:24 with anything in relationship to God.
40:26 We're going to reap what we sow.
40:27 And the rest of this chapter, it's really interesting.
40:31 It talks about that specific work of executive judgment.
40:35 It talks about how God is going to resurrect
40:37 all of the wicked and bring them into an account.
40:40 And in Romans Chapter 2, it talks about
40:42 how that when we reject God's goodness,
40:44 we store up wrath against the day of wrath
40:46 of the righteous revelation
40:47 of God in relationship to this day.
40:50 It also describes it as His strange work.
40:53 God does not want anyone to be destroyed.
40:55 He doesn't want anyone to be lost.
40:57 But God is a God of love.
40:59 And love is both merciful and just.
41:02 Nobody who has committed anything horrific against
41:05 any other human being is going to be let off
41:07 the hook unless they put their faith in Jesus Christ.
41:10 So we asked the question, well,
41:11 how does this relate to the question about
41:13 the thousand years?
41:15 Well, this is how it works.
41:16 When the New Jerusalem comes down
41:18 and the resurrection takes place,
41:19 we're into the post a thousand years.
41:22 We're post thousand years.
41:24 New Jerusalem is on this earth,
41:26 the wicked come around the city.
41:27 So we're in that time when we're all worshiping God.
41:29 We're in that time when from one new moon
41:30 to another, one Sabbath to another,
41:32 we're all going to worship God.
41:33 That's the timeframe we're in.
41:35 But before we get to that time,
41:36 we're going to see the executive judgment.
41:40 And it says here, and this is just one verse
41:41 I want you to look at.
41:42 It says here that in verse 19,
41:45 "From that time that it goes forth, it will take you.
41:47 For by morning by morning shall it pass over, and day...
41:51 By day and by night,
41:53 it shall be a vexation to understand the report."
41:55 In other words, the destruction of the wicked
41:56 doesn't take place in 24 hours.
41:59 It doesn't even take place in 48 hours.
42:01 It takes time.
42:03 And that's what Isaiah 66 is talking about.
42:05 In that context,
42:07 there's going to be a time, a period of time.
42:09 I don't know if it's going to be a week,
42:10 or 10 days, or a month.
42:12 I don't know how much time it's going to be.
42:13 I do know this,
42:15 Satan is going to suffer
42:16 the longest because we're going to see
42:17 the whole history.
42:19 God is going to give us a whole video of the history,
42:20 and everyone's going to see their place.
42:22 And they're going to feel that wrath,
42:24 that rejection of God's goodness because
42:25 of the decisions they've made in relationship
42:29 to their rejection of God.
42:30 It's going to be a mental vexation,
42:32 and Satan's going to suffer the longest.
42:34 But like you said, it is going to be over.
42:35 It's going to end and the wicked are going to be ashes.
42:37 They're not going to be tormented for all
42:39 eternity forever and ever.
42:41 It's a certain amount of time and then it's over.
42:44 Amen. Amen.
42:46 "Shelley Quinn,
42:47 please explain Luke 16:19-31 in light of verses
42:52 like Ecclesiastes 9:10."
42:55 This comes from Joe out of Ontario.
42:58 Uh, Joe, this is a great one.
43:00 Ecclesiastes 9:10 says,
43:03 "There is no work, or device, or knowledge,
43:05 or wisdom in the grave where you are going."
43:09 So the dead know nothing.
43:11 That's what the Bible tells us, right?
43:13 They're asleep.
43:14 But now you come to Luke 16:19-31.
43:19 This is a parable of a certain rich man
43:23 and a certain beggar named Lazarus.
43:26 This isn't Lazarus, Mary and Martha's brother.
43:31 And Luke 16 is not talking about
43:36 what happens after death.
43:38 A parable is a short teaching
43:42 to bring about some kind of a moral teaching.
43:46 And what the moral teaching...
43:48 That if we follow this closely,
43:50 Jesus is saying to the Pharisees,
43:54 "Your money won't save you."
43:56 So let's look just a little bit in Luke 15.
44:01 Jesus used consistent parable language.
44:04 Luke 15:11,
44:06 the parable of the prodigal son.
44:07 He said, "A certain man had two sons."
44:12 In Luke 16:1,
44:13 the parable of the unjust steward.
44:16 There was a certain rich man
44:19 who had a steward.
44:21 So you see this is parabolic language.
44:23 Luke 16:19-20, there was a certain rich man
44:29 and a certain beggar named Lazarus.
44:33 So what happened
44:35 just before Jesus told this Pharisee this parable?
44:39 In Luke 16:13-14,
44:42 Jesus had told the Pharisees,
44:43 "You can't serve God and money."
44:48 And the Pharisees scoffed at Him.
44:52 You know, Pharisees believed that riches showed
44:56 the blessing of God.
44:57 They also believed...
44:59 They had a common parable that they told,
45:03 that there's kind of a Hellenistic influence
45:06 that had penetrated their belief system.
45:09 And they told this parable about the rich would die
45:14 and go to the bosom of Abraham to paradise.
45:17 You find that in the Talmud.
45:19 And that the poor,
45:21 oh, they were destined to go to the other place.
45:24 But here's how Jesus turns it around on them.
45:28 He reverses the role.
45:30 And in Luke 16:19-20,
45:33 he tells the parable saying that the rich man
45:36 who did not use his resources for good reasons.
45:40 I mean, the rich man's dining sumptuously,
45:43 and this certain beggar is lying at his gates.
45:48 And he's hoping
45:50 and praying for a few crumbs from the rich man's table.
45:53 And the dogs are licking his wounds.
45:55 Oh, my goodness, these Pharisees.
45:57 This would have made this man absolutely repulsive to them,
46:01 but Jesus has the beggar up in heaven
46:07 reclining next to Abraham.
46:08 He's got the poor...
46:11 The rich man down in Hades saying,
46:14 "Oh, send me someone to touch my finger with some water,
46:19 touch my tongue with some water and cool my tongue."
46:22 And he's simply...
46:24 He's not teaching what happens after death
46:27 because Jesus in John Chapter 11
46:29 teaches that death is a sleep.
46:33 But in Luke 16, when the young man says,
46:37 "Oh, Father Abraham,
46:38 send someone to my brothers that is...
46:42 So that they will repent."
46:43 'Cause if somebody rises from the dead and they repent,
46:46 all right.
46:47 And you know what he says? Nope.
46:49 If they don't... Abraham...
46:52 Father Abraham says back to him, "If they...
46:54 They've got the Word, they don't believe Moses,
46:57 they don't believe the Word,
46:59 then nobody's going to convince them."
47:02 Amen. Thank you, Shelley.
47:03 Pastor Day, we're going to go to you.
47:05 Time is running out here.
47:07 "I have met a young woman
47:09 who states she is a card reader.
47:10 Please give scriptures
47:12 I could share and hopefully lead her away from this.
47:14 I would love to have her friendship."
47:16 This is from Judy out of Texas. Yeah.
47:19 You know, card reading is absolutely a false practice.
47:23 These people that do this, they're crooks,
47:25 they're false, they can't tell the future.
47:27 But yet they're certainly not being led by the Spirit
47:29 of God, they're led by another spirit.
47:31 And so that being said, you know,
47:32 the Bible refers to words like, you know,
47:34 practicing divination, soothsaying.
47:36 This is what these type of card readers are.
47:38 You know, conducting or communicating with mediums,
47:40 familiar spirits, sorcery.
47:43 And so in this case, you know,
47:44 when you go to these card readers and they turn over
47:46 the cards and you see the symbols
47:47 and the different images and stuff,
47:49 and then they want to try to tell you, oh, you know,
47:51 I see in your future that you're going to do...
47:54 You know, something horrible is going to happen to you
47:56 or something bad is going to happen.
47:57 Ooh, something great is going to happen in your future.
48:00 And people buy into this stuff.
48:01 And really what it is,
48:03 is it's a spiritualistic practice.
48:05 It's... And the Bible forbids it.
48:06 Let me give you some scriptures here.
48:08 Leviticus Chapter 19, this is a big one.
48:10 Leviticus 19:26 and 31. This is God speaking.
48:14 He says, "You shall not eat anything with blood,
48:16 nor shall you practice divination or soothsaying.
48:20 Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits,
48:24 nor do not seek after them to be defiled by them.
48:27 I am the Lord your God." Right?
48:29 Leviticus Chapter 20, very next chapter,
48:32 he repeats it again.
48:33 Similarly, he says, "And the person
48:34 who turns to mediums
48:36 and familiar spirits to prostitute himself
48:38 with them, I will set my face against that person
48:41 and cut him off from his people."
48:43 And then verse 27 of Luke.
48:44 Excuse me, Leviticus 27 or 20. Luke 20:27.
48:49 It says, "A man or a woman who is a medium,
48:51 or who has a familiar spirit or has a familiar spirit
48:55 shall surely be put to death."
48:56 So this is how...
48:58 This is God's attitude towards it.
48:59 He doesn't want you communicating with these people
49:00 because who are they communicating with?
49:02 Not Him.
49:03 And if they're not communicating with Him,
49:05 who are they potentially communicating with?
49:07 The devil himself or demons.
49:09 And even Revelation Chapter 21
49:11 and 22 makes it very, very clear.
49:14 In fact, it says in Revelation 22:14-15,
49:17 it says, "Blessed are those who do his commandments
49:18 that they may have a right to the tree of life
49:20 and may enter through the gates into the city."
49:22 But then verse 15 says,
49:23 "But outside that city are dogs,
49:26 and sorcerers, and sexually immoral,
49:29 and murderers, and idolaters,
49:31 and whoever loves and practices a lie."
49:34 So do not, whoever you are,
49:36 don't go to these card readers.
49:37 They practice a lie, it is sorcery,
49:40 and it's not of God.
49:41 Thank you, Pastor Day.
49:42 Pastor Rafferty, this comes to us out of Florida.
49:46 It says, "I was watching the recording
49:48 of Pastor Rafferty mark or a mask of the beast.
49:52 My question is, among all the evidence
49:55 of the mark, why is nothing mentioned
49:58 about the number of the beast, the 666."
50:00 Yeah, that's a really good question.
50:03 Who is that? Mark out of Florida?
50:05 No, it's somebody else. It's out of Florida.
50:06 Okay. That's a really good question.
50:08 And I think sometimes we just run out of time.
50:10 You know, there are a number of characteristics
50:13 of the beast power in Revelation 13.
50:15 And there's also a number of characteristics
50:17 of the beast power identified in Revelation
50:19 or Daniel Chapter 7.
50:21 In Daniel 7, it's the little horn,
50:22 in Revelation 13, it's the beast out of the sea.
50:25 And one of those characteristics
50:27 is he has the number of a man, and his number is 666,
50:32 three sixes, 666.
50:33 You know, when I was...
50:35 Before I was really a devoted Christian,
50:36 I remember thinking about the mark of the beast, 666.
50:39 And I was curious about it. I want to study Revelation.
50:41 What does this mean? What does 666...
50:42 I used to watch movies, 666,
50:44 you know, what is it?
50:45 Well, it's simply the number of a man.
50:46 And what we do in Bible prophecies,
50:49 we let the Bible kind of interpret itself.
50:51 We look at all the characteristics.
50:53 This is one of them.
50:54 And this characteristic
50:56 is basically the title of the man of sin,
50:59 which is Filii Dei.
51:03 Excuse me. Felirious Dei...
51:06 Felirious Dei... Vicarius...
51:08 Vicarius Filii Dei. There we go.
51:10 I'm going to get there one day. Yes.
51:12 And that is the title of the papal,
51:16 the Pope, the head of the papacy.
51:18 And that is one of the many characteristics of the papacy.
51:21 I'm sorry for that.
51:23 I should have had this ready in my notes here.
51:25 I have it in my notes, Vicarius Filii Dei.
51:28 And when you calculate the numerical equivalent
51:31 of that name, every letter has a numerical equivalent.
51:34 You can do it in the Roman, you can do it in the Latin,
51:37 you can do it in the Greek.
51:38 Every row...
51:39 Every numerical equivalent, each one,
51:42 and you put it all together, it comes to 666.
51:46 Now we do not place the entire interpretation
51:51 of the man of sin on this one characteristic.
51:53 This is one of many characteristics.
51:56 And so if this one characteristic
51:57 is the only one that meets up with the papacy, with the Pope,
52:02 then that's not good enough for us.
52:03 So this is just one in a number of them.
52:06 We usually emphasize all of them.
52:07 Sometimes you don't have time for this one,
52:09 sometimes you don't remember how to say the title correctly,
52:12 but this is exactly what we understand it to mean.
52:14 Amen.
52:16 Wow, excellent, excellent breakdown of that.
52:20 We are just about to go to our break here.
52:24 I want to show you
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52:27 and we'll take a short break and we will be right back.
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Revised 2024-07-15