3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Common Parents?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210031B

00:01 Glad you decided to stick around with us.
00:03 I'm going to open up the floor for any final thoughts.
00:05 Pastor Rafferty?
00:07 Well, just a quick thought in Isaiah 66.
00:08 You know, I didn't touch on one point
00:10 that was asked in the question about,
00:12 you know, those going forth to the men
00:14 that have transgressed
00:15 and seeing that their worm shall not die,
00:18 neither shall their fire be quenched.
00:19 That terminology is simply talking about
00:22 ultimate complete destruction.
00:24 The fire can't be quenched, the worm doesn't die.
00:25 Those are two elements that destroy.
00:27 Worms eat our bodies, the fire burning up.
00:30 And what it means is,
00:31 is that those elements are going to be in place
00:33 until there's nothing else to be consumed,
00:35 nothing else to be destroyed.
00:36 So this is definitely talking about
00:38 that final second death.
00:39 And it's simply referring to the fact
00:41 that that's going to take place post the thousand years.
00:45 You know, Pastor James did such a phenomenal job
00:47 explaining the 666 identification
00:48 of a man.
00:50 And I remember years ago, I worked at a grocery store.
00:52 People would come in and their total was $6.66.
00:55 Take some gum, throw some gum on there.
00:57 Or their change back was $6.66.
01:00 Oh, keep a penny, you know.
01:01 The superstitions around this.
01:02 It's not the number of the devil,
01:04 like some people think, it's a number of a man.
01:06 And so that man happens to be the leader of this...
01:10 System.
01:11 Antichrist system of Bible prophecy.
01:13 Don't get confused, it's a number of a man.
01:15 Good.
01:17 We just want to tell you all that we love you,
01:19 and we thank you so much for sending in your questions.
01:22 This is such a privilege to have the opportunity
01:25 to study and to share with you.
01:27 And we do it because of you.
01:29 So we're so glad you tuned in.
01:31 Amen. Amen.
01:33 Thank you all for your firm studying of the Word
01:37 and providing us with these answers.
01:41 And just want to thank you for taking the time
01:43 to send in your questions,
01:45 to write down your questions, to send them in,
01:47 to join us as we study the Word of God.
01:51 Remember, knowledge without application is dead,
01:54 just like faith without works is dead.
01:56 Study God's Word and live a changed life.
02:00 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2024-07-15