Timeless Healing Insights

Healing Insights from the Gospel of Mark: Controversies and Healings: Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: THI

Program Code: THI000031S

00:22 Welcome to
00:23 Timeless Healing Insights.
00:24 I'm Dr. David DeRose.
00:26 As we continue our journey
00:28 through the Gospel of Mark,
00:29 let's pray and ask
00:30 God to be our guide.
00:32 Father in Heaven,
00:33 as we open Your Word,
00:36 we are mindful of our need
00:37 for Your Holy Spirit
00:38 to guide us.
00:39 Thank you
00:40 that You have promised Him
00:42 to be our Teacher.
00:44 We long for that
00:45 instruction today.
00:47 We ask it all in
00:48 Jesus name, Amen.
00:52 Well,
00:53 I don't know if there's
00:53 anything more dramatic
00:55 in world history
00:56 than a regime change.
01:00 You've heard
01:00 that term used many times.
01:02 When you hear about a regime
01:04 change, there's
01:05 conflict, armed
01:06 conflict involved.
01:08 But other times
01:09 there are regime changes
01:12 without a single shot
01:14 being fired.
01:15 That was the case
01:16 when the Iron Curtain fell.
01:18 In most of those countries,
01:19 there was no actual conflict.
01:23 But there was dramatic
01:25 regime changes
01:26 in the countries
01:27 of Eastern Europe.
01:28 They had been under the control
01:30 of the Soviet Union
01:32 and now they were
01:33 independent again.
01:34 Countries like Poland
01:36 and Czechoslovakia,
01:37 which is now the Czech
01:38 and Slovak republics.
01:40 And the list could go
01:41 on and on.
01:43 The Bible
01:43 is actually full
01:45 of regime changes.
01:46 In fact,
01:47 if you think about
01:48 one of the books
01:48 that we've referred
01:49 to recently,
01:50 the Book of Daniel,
01:51 it is really largely
01:52 the prophecies of Daniel
01:54 are structured around
01:55 regime changes.
01:57 As you begin reading in Daniel
01:59 2 and onward, into Daniel
02:01 7 and 8 and forward,
02:03 you hear about a series
02:04 of regime changes.
02:06 There is one country
02:07 that's ruling the world
02:09 and then another is.
02:11 But we're looking today,
02:12 as we go
02:13 through the Gospel of Mark,
02:14 at perhaps
02:15 the most powerful regime change
02:18 that's described in the Bible.
02:20 And it's really,
02:20 you could say a regime
02:21 change more in perspective,
02:23 but it is also a regime
02:24 change in reality.
02:27 For when Jesus
02:28 came to this earth,
02:29 when His ministry began,
02:31 it seemed from
02:32 many perspectives
02:34 that God was not in
02:35 control of planet Earth.
02:37 Things had gotten so bad
02:38 that it seemed like
02:40 Satan was in charge.
02:42 He, of course, never was,
02:43 even though he's called
02:44 the ruler of this world,
02:46 even though he's referred to
02:47 as the prince
02:48 of the power of the air,
02:49 he was never
02:50 ultimately in charge.
02:51 God was always ultimately
02:53 the ruler.
02:54 But as Mark 1 opens
02:56 up, we've seen as we've
02:57 been going through this study,
02:58 that from the very beginning
03:00 we're hearing
03:01 about a regime change.
03:03 There is good news,
03:04 glorious good news,
03:05 because Jesus is coming,
03:08 walking on planet Earth.
03:10 He is
03:11 the Christ, He's
03:12 the Messiah, He's
03:13 the Anointed One,
03:14 and He is the very Son of God.
03:17 As Jesus begins His ministry,
03:19 we saw how He referred
03:21 to the Book of Daniel,
03:22 and especially the ninth
03:23 chapter of Daniel,
03:24 when He said what?
03:25 The time is fulfilled.
03:28 The Kingdom of God is at hand.
03:30 It is a new regime.
03:33 Jesus꘎ngdom is reigning here
03:36 on Earth.
03:36 And as we look at that,
03:38 we say, Yes,
03:38 but God was in charge
03:39 from the very beginning.
03:41 Nothing was happening
03:42 on this earth
03:42 without His permission,
03:44 or at least
03:44 without His allowing it, right?
03:49 But very distinctly,
03:50 when Jesus walked on
03:52 planet Earth,
03:53 He heralded a new era.
03:56 He said, The time is fulfilled,
03:58 the kingdom of God is at hand.
04:01 And we saw as that began
04:04 that kingdom, His reign
04:05 began to be demonstrated.
04:07 We saw that people were being,
04:09 well, impacted.
04:10 Fishermen like James and John,
04:12 Peter and Andrew,
04:13 When Jesus spoke the word,
04:15 that active word in Greek,
04:17 Euthes, immediately.
04:19 What do they do?
04:19 They leave their professions
04:21 and they follow Jesus.
04:22 When Jesus speaks to demon
04:24 possessed individuals,
04:25 they are healed.
04:27 When He speaks His word
04:29 to those
04:30 who are dealing with
04:30 physical illness,
04:32 they are cured.
04:34 As we get down to Mark 1:34,
04:37 we see
04:38 a summary
04:39 of what Jesus did in Capernaum.
04:42 It says that He healed many
04:44 who were sick
04:45 with various diseases,
04:47 and cast out many demons.
04:52 Right after all that action,
04:56 we segued in our last
04:57 time together to something
04:59 that's very quiet
05:00 and very unobtrusive
05:01 and we want to
05:02 focus on it again right now.
05:05 Because Jesus
05:06 is the center of attention
05:07 in Capernaum.
05:08 He gets up after a
05:09 very busy day
05:11 and it says rising very early
05:14 in the morning
05:15 while it was still dark.
05:17 And I'm told
05:18 by the Greek scholars
05:19 that this is redundant,
05:21 it's it's really making a point
05:23 by expressing the same thing
05:25 in multiple words.
05:27 Jesus gets up before anyone
05:30 is trying to keep track of Him
05:34 and He heads out
05:35 to pray in a desolate place.
05:39 Why is this so important to
05:40 Jesus?
05:42 Jesus is getting instruction
05:45 from His Father.
05:48 A friend of mine, Dr.
05:49 Tim Arnott,
05:51 put it this way once, a policy
05:54 that I think
05:55 every one of us as
05:56 believers should have.
05:59 Talk to God
06:00 before talking to man.
06:02 When you get up in the morning,
06:03 who's the first person
06:04 you talk with?
06:05 Talk to God
06:07 before talking to man or woman
06:09 or child, okay.
06:12 And then read
06:13 God's Word
06:14 before reading man's word.
06:17 Now, this might have been
06:18 a challenge
06:18 20 years ago,
06:19 but it's even more
06:20 challenging today
06:21 for many of us, right?
06:23 Because maybe
06:24 very close to you,
06:25 maybe even arousing you in
06:26 the morning
06:27 is a device
06:28 that may look something like,
06:31 oh,
06:32 let's see what
06:32 I've got here in my pocket.
06:35 I've got a device here.
06:37 And how many of you
06:39 have a device
06:40 that looks something like this?
06:42 Yeah, a so-called smart phone.
06:46 And with these smart
06:49 phones, what
06:52 what happens
06:53 if you get up
06:54 and you look at
06:55 the time on your phone?
06:57 Do you get notifications
06:59 on your phone?
07:00 Will you see some
07:00 breaking news story
07:02 that maybe you missed?
07:03 It happened at two
07:04 in the morning
07:04 while you were sleeping
07:05 and it shows right
07:06 up on that phone.
07:08 Okay.
07:09 So you can relate.
07:10 So the challenge is to do what?
07:13 Read God's Word
07:15 before reading man's word.
07:19 I think it is a powerful,
07:20 a powerful concept.
07:22 And I appreciate Dr.
07:23 Arnott
07:24 for reminding us
07:25 all of what
07:26 Jesus was doing, right?
07:28 Jesus early in the morning
07:30 connected with the Father.
07:32 He got that divine instruction
07:34 for His day.
07:37 Well, right after that,
07:40 you see,
07:41 Jesus is, well, He's in demand.
07:44 And people
07:45 are already looking for Him
07:47 early in the morning;
07:48 He had slipped away
07:49 before anyone noticed.
07:50 But finally it says, Simon
07:52 and those who were with Him
07:53 searched for Him.
07:54 And when they found Him,
07:55 they said,
07:56 Jesus,
07:57 every body is looking for You.
08:00 And He says to them,
08:02 Let us go in to the next towns
08:05 that I may preach there also,
08:08 because for this
08:09 purpose I have come forth.
08:12 Now, some of you may think
08:14 that sounds a bit strange.
08:16 If we hadn't just read
08:17 verse 35,
08:19 it would sound very strange.
08:20 Because why would
08:21 you want to leave a place
08:22 where you're having
08:23 a powerful ministry, right?
08:25 But the Father is telling Him
08:27 to go.
08:30 Jesus is setting a
08:31 powerful example.
08:32 We notice this
08:33 the last time we were together.
08:35 Jesus is going to tell
08:38 all His followers
08:42 to go.
08:43 He gives that great commission,
08:45 you know, multiple times.
08:46 You read about it in Mark 16.
08:48 We'll get there ultimately,
08:49 the Lord willing.
08:50 But in Matthew 28, very clearly
08:53 Jesus uses the word go
08:56 as the single word
08:57 that encapsulate, encapsulates
09:00 what He's calling
09:01 believers to do.
09:02 To go and teach, go and preach,
09:04 go and baptize.
09:06 You get the picture?
09:07 And so Jesus is modeling that.
09:09 He just doesn't
09:09 tell others to go,
09:11 but He goes Himself.
09:13 Now, let me ask
09:14 you the question.
09:15 Do you think it would
09:16 have been easier for Jesus
09:17 just to have
09:18 continued His ministry right
09:19 then and there in Capernaum?
09:22 I think it would have been.
09:23 I don't know about you,
09:24 but I enjoy, I especially enjoy
09:27 doing ministry where people,
09:29 you know, appreciate it.
09:30 Things are, lives are changing.
09:33 People are being healed.
09:34 I mean, as a physician,
09:35 I like that
09:36 in the medical clinic.
09:37 I like people to
09:38 come back and see me
09:39 and they say, Oh, Dr.
09:40 DeRose,
09:41 we did what you said
09:42 or we took
09:43 the remedy that you advised
09:45 and we're healed.
09:46 Praise the Lord.
09:47 Right?
09:49 It's much harder
09:50 to deal with it
09:51 when someone comes in
09:52 and says everything you did
09:53 did no good and I'm feeling
09:54 worse, right?
09:56 It's the same in
09:56 spiritual ministry, right?
09:58 Whether we're talking
09:59 about community services
10:00 or whether we're talking about
10:02 medical ministry
10:03 or whether we're talking
10:04 about Bible studies,
10:06 we want people to
10:09 to feel blessed, to feel
10:10 that God has worked through us.
10:12 But it doesn't mean
10:13 that God isn't
10:13 working through you
10:14 if you don't see
10:15 those kind of results.
10:18 And so Jesus is told by the
10:20 Father through the Spirit
10:21 to leave Capernaum and He goes.
10:24 And the Bible says
10:26 He travels throughout
10:27 that whole region of Galilee.
10:30 He leaves those people
10:32 that are flocking to Him.
10:33 Now, just stop here
10:34 just for a minute, though.
10:35 And I want you to think
10:36 about something.
10:38 As I've been in many churches
10:40 throughout the country,
10:41 throughout the world even,
10:43 and I've heard things
10:44 from many people's lips
10:45 that goes something like this.
10:48 You know what?
10:49 I have stopped
10:50 going to church because,
10:53 you know that sister,
10:54 she knew what I
10:55 was going through
10:55 and she didn't do X,
10:57 Y, or Z for me.
10:58 Or that brother didn't do this
11:00 or the church
11:00 didn't do this for me.
11:03 Now, wait a minute.
11:04 Think about this for a minute.
11:06 Jesus left Capernaum
11:08 and there were people flocking
11:10 to Capernaum to see Him.
11:12 Did Jesus leave an area
11:14 where there was needs
11:15 that He could have met?
11:17 What do you think?
11:18 It's clear right
11:19 in the context.
11:22 So here is the point.
11:24 Sometimes when you're tempted
11:27 to focus on
11:28 what someone else isn't doing,
11:31 maybe,
11:32 maybe it's
11:33 because you're
11:34 supposed to be doing it.
11:36 You say, Wait a minute.
11:36 But no,
11:37 but I'm talking about
11:38 my needs that aren't being met.
11:39 Well, maybe your needs aren't
11:40 being met
11:41 for the same reason
11:42 that other people's needs
11:43 aren't being met.
11:43 And your recognition of that
11:45 is not the reason
11:46 you're supposed
11:46 to leave the church,
11:48 but it's the reason
11:49 God is allowing you
11:50 to see ministries in the church
11:52 that are not being addressed.
11:53 And that's why
11:54 you're in the church.
11:56 Wouldn't that be revolutionary?
11:57 If that was our framework.
12:00 I'll tell you,
12:00 it would be incredible.
12:02 And I know there's
12:02 a number of you
12:03 that are in that mode already
12:05 and you're doing things
12:06 and you're active.
12:07 In fact maybe it's all of you.
12:08 Okay,
12:09 so I'm not sharing
12:09 this in this context
12:11 because there's
12:13 some special need
12:14 for you to hear that.
12:15 But I know as believers,
12:16 where we tend to be,
12:18 we tend to get rewards
12:19 from that
12:20 which
12:21 emotionally encourages us.
12:24 And sometimes we need to wade
12:26 like Jesus did into areas
12:27 that are not as comfortable.
12:29 And so we read
12:30 what Jesus does do.
12:31 He starts to go all throughout
12:33 Galilee. It's a large region.
12:35 He's preaching
12:35 in their synagogues,
12:36 He's casting out demons.
12:39 We don't really read much about
12:41 what happens.
12:42 There's only a single example
12:44 of Jesus ministry
12:45 that is recorded
12:46 on that whole Galilean tour,
12:48 if you will, and it's found
12:49 right here in Mark 1:40 and
12:53 onward.
12:53 It says, A leper came to Him.
12:56 Now let's just pause
12:57 right there,
12:59 because in Mark's gospel,
13:00 this is the very first leper
13:02 that we are introduced to.
13:04 And if you compare the gospels,
13:05 some have concluded
13:06 that this is the very,
13:08 very first leper
13:09 that Jesus healed.
13:10 Now, I can't make that case
13:11 definitively.
13:12 But the point is, at least
13:13 as Mark tells the story,
13:15 here, is someone with leprosy
13:17 who's coming to Jesus
13:18 to be healed.
13:19 Now, the question is, would
13:21 this have been
13:21 an easy thing to do?
13:24 Well,
13:25 how was leprosy
13:26 regarded in the days of Jesus?
13:29 Yes, it was dreadful.
13:31 It was a death sentence.
13:33 You were cut off
13:33 from your family.
13:34 You were cut off from society.
13:36 But it was more than that.
13:37 Leprosy was equated with sin.
13:41 And you could just
13:41 think in your own minds,
13:42 go back
13:43 to biblical stories
13:44 about leprosy.
13:46 Think of Miriam, right?
13:48 Miriam is contesting
13:50 Moses leadership.
13:52 She and Aaron.
13:53 And what happens to Miriam?
13:54 What is the
13:55 judgment of God on her sin?
13:58 Yes.
13:59 She becomes leprose.
14:01 How about King Uzziah?
14:02 Amazing king.
14:03 Following God,
14:04 He was mightily helped.
14:05 The Bible says
14:06 God blessed his ministry
14:08 and then
14:09 he tries
14:10 to take the prerogatives
14:11 of the priest.
14:13 And what happens?
14:15 He is stricken with leprosy.
14:17 It is a judgment on sin.
14:20 And so it was easy
14:21 in the Jewish mind
14:22 to connect leprosy with sin.
14:24 If you have leprosy,
14:26 you must have been
14:27 a really bad sinner.
14:28 And so
14:29 although Jesus
14:29 in the gospel of Mark, He's
14:31 healing all these people.
14:32 He's casting out demons.
14:33 But a leper.
14:35 A leper.
14:36 Would Jesus heal a leper?
14:40 We see this in the
14:41 very words of the man.
14:43 In Mark
14:43 1:41,
14:47 he comes to
14:47 Jesus with a question.
14:50 You saw it right there. Right?
14:52 If you are willing in verse 40,
14:55 you can make me clean.
14:57 Why does he say that,
14:59 if you are willing?
15:02 Because it seems he's thinking
15:03 in his own mind
15:04 that he's gone too far.
15:06 Mean he's got leprosy. See?
15:07 How can God help him?
15:09 And I don't know what
15:09 Satan's telling you or what
15:11 he's told you in your past.
15:13 Maybe he's told you
15:13 you're not worthy
15:15 of being forgiven
15:16 because of X, Y,
15:17 or Z that you did.
15:18 Can any of you relate to that?
15:20 The point of this story,
15:21 though, is even
15:22 the one who
15:23 in society is
15:24 seems most cut off,
15:25 even in his own eyes,
15:27 Jesus has forgiveness for him.
15:29 And it says here, Mark
15:30 does something interesting
15:31 that many of the other
15:32 gospel writers don't do.
15:33 Mark often shows us
15:35 the heart of Jesus
15:36 as many of the other
15:37 gospel writers don't.
15:38 He adds this detail.
15:40 When the leper comes to
15:41 Jesus, it
15:42 says that Jesus is moved
15:44 with compassion.
15:46 His heart goes out to this one
15:48 and He does what?
15:50 He reaches out His hand
15:52 and He touches him.
15:53 Now we're already
15:56 on thin ice, aren't we?
15:58 Because how close
16:00 were you supposed
16:01 to get to a leper?
16:03 You weren't even supposed
16:04 to be exposed
16:05 to the breath of the leper.
16:07 Are you aware of this?
16:08 You were supposed to stay
16:09 as far away
16:10 as possible, basically.
16:12 Jesus comes
16:13 not only close to him,
16:14 but He touches him.
16:16 What does a touch indicate?
16:20 Yeah.
16:20 Yes, it indicates
16:21 a number of things
16:22 in this story, right?
16:23 It indicates
16:24 His compassion, right?
16:26 That He's
16:26 not afraid to come close
16:28 to the one
16:28 who has been judged by society.
16:31 But also in
16:32 the minds of the
16:34 Jewish leaders,
16:35 it would indicate
16:36 He's being contaminated.
16:38 But I would like
16:39 to suggest to you
16:40 there is no indication
16:41 in this account
16:42 that Jesus becomes
16:43 contaminated.
16:44 It goes the other way.
16:46 His purity
16:48 infuses through Him
16:50 into the body
16:50 of the leprosy of the leper.
16:52 And it says,
16:54 as soon as He had
16:55 spoken, immediately
16:57 the leprosy left him,
16:59 and he was cleansed.
17:01 He's healed.
17:02 He's totally healed.
17:04 And can you imagine
17:05 what that did?
17:06 Not only, it's
17:06 not just talking
17:07 about his physical healing.
17:08 He is back
17:09 as a member of society.
17:11 Well, not yet.
17:13 Not yet.
17:16 We have to ask this question.
17:17 Why this single example
17:19 of healing from this whole
17:20 Galilean tour,
17:21 why was this so important?
17:22 What is God
17:23 wanting us to take away?
17:25 Here's a beautiful expression
17:27 I think of one of
17:28 the main lessons.
17:29 It's from a book called
17:30 The Desire of Ages page 266.
17:32 In some instances of healing,
17:34 Jesus did not at once
17:36 grant the blessing sought.
17:37 But in the case of leprosy,
17:39 no sooner was the appeal made
17:42 than it was granted.
17:43 When we pray for earthly
17:45 blessings,
17:46 the answer to our prayer
17:47 may be delayed,
17:49 or God may give us something
17:50 other than we ask,
17:52 but not
17:52 so when we ask deliverance
17:54 from sin.
17:56 You see this
17:56 equating of sin and leprosy.
17:59 Jesus is showing us
18:02 how He deals with our sin
18:03 as He deals with this leper.
18:05 It's Jesus will
18:07 to cleanse us from sin,
18:08 to make us His children
18:09 and to enable us to live
18:11 a holy life.
18:12 Christ, the Bible says,
18:14 gave Himself for our sins
18:16 that He might deliver us
18:18 from this present evil world,
18:20 according to the will of God
18:22 and our Father.
18:24 So this is the kind
18:25 of God that we serve.
18:26 If you came here today,
18:28 if you're viewing today
18:29 with a heavy heart,
18:31 God is telling you what?
18:33 That He is reaching out to you
18:35 to heal you.
18:36 He's reaching out
18:37 to give you forgiveness
18:39 and cleansing.
18:43 Well, there's another dimension
18:45 to Christ healing
18:46 of this leper.
18:48 It was not just enough
18:49 to cleanse the leper.
18:50 Jesus, it says,
18:53 in the Gospel of Mark,
18:55 the word of inspiration,
18:57 verse 44
18:58 Jesus strictly warned him
19:00 and sent him away at once
19:02 and said to him,
19:03 See that you say nothing
19:06 to anyone.
19:07 See that you see, say what?
19:10 Nothing to anyone.
19:13 Why?
19:14 And by the way,
19:15 we touched on this earlier.
19:16 This is not the first example
19:18 in Mark,
19:20 even only in the first chapter,
19:22 there are multiple examples
19:24 where Jesus is what some say is
19:28 speaking about
19:29 messianic secrecy.
19:31 He doesn't want people to know
19:32 all the details
19:33 about His ministry.
19:34 We saw it in Mark 1:23 and 24.
19:39 What happened?
19:39 When Jesus comes in contact
19:41 with this man, demon
19:43 possessed man,
19:45 what does Jesus do?
19:47 Jesus says,
19:48 Be quiet, to the demon,
19:51 and come out of him.
19:52 You say, Well,
19:54 straightforward enough.
19:55 But as you read on through
19:57 Mark 1,
19:58 you read this in Mark 1:34
20:01 We looked at this summary
20:03 of Jesus ministry in Capernaum
20:05 that night after He healed
20:07 Peter's mother in law,
20:09 and it says He did
20:10 not allow the demons to what?
20:13 To speak.
20:13 Because they knew Him.
20:14 You say, Well, why not?
20:16 Wouldn't
20:17 this be a compelling testimony
20:18 if the demons
20:20 testified to Jesus?
20:22 Wouldn't it be?
20:25 Some of you know,
20:25 I've had the opportunity
20:27 to work on a number of books
20:28 over the years,
20:30 and there's a saying
20:31 in the publishing
20:33 field, it goes like this.
20:35 There's
20:36 no such thing as bad publicity.
20:39 There's no such thing
20:40 as bad publicity.
20:41 You say, what do you mean?
20:42 Well,
20:43 how about if someone says,
20:44 this is a lousy book,
20:45 this is terrible,
20:45 don't buy this book? Well,
20:48 in the
20:49 publishing industry,
20:50 they say
20:50 that's actually good
20:51 for your book.
20:53 Okay?
20:53 If all the media outlets
20:55 are saying don't buy this book,
20:56 this is a terrible book,
20:57 that actually
20:58 more people will buy it.
21:01 Now, whether you believe that
21:03 or not,
21:03 that's the saying, okay,
21:04 there's no such thing
21:05 as bad publicity.
21:06 Well, is it true
21:07 when it comes
21:07 to preaching the gospel,
21:09 if the gospel being preached,
21:10 if someoneaying
21:11 this is the Son of God,
21:12 this is the Messiah,
21:14 how could that be
21:15 bad publicity?
21:17 Well,
21:19 let me ask you the question.
21:20 Could someone give you
21:22 an endorsement,
21:23 that you would
21:23 not like to have?
21:26 I mean, we hear about it
21:27 in the political realm,
21:28 don't we?
21:28 Have you heard
21:29 stories like, oh,
21:30 please don't come
21:31 and endorse me
21:32 in this community,
21:33 because you're really not
21:34 all that popular here
21:36 and this will hurt
21:37 my candidacy.
21:38 Have you heard of examples
21:39 like that? Yeah, it happens.
21:41 And so
21:42 an endorsement
21:42 is not necessarily good.
21:44 So if a
21:44 demon is endorsing you, well,
21:49 that may or may not
21:51 enhance your ministry.
21:52 The bigger question is might
21:54 Jesus
21:55 want to have revealed
21:56 His ministry on His own terms?
21:59 Why is He telling
22:00 the demons to be quiet?
22:02 Why does He not want the word
22:03 to get out
22:04 about His healing power?
22:05 The Desire of Ages
22:06 actually
22:07 has more to say about this.
22:09 But before we go there,
22:10 I want you to notice something.
22:12 There are many people
22:13 that I've met over the years
22:14 that they think somehow
22:15 you've got to tell it all.
22:16 That's how you're
22:17 preaching the truth.
22:18 If you tell
22:19 everything to people,
22:20 then you're telling the truth.
22:21 Well, Jesus didn't even
22:25 want this to happen
22:26 in His ministry.
22:27 There is a right time
22:28 and a right place
22:29 to share things.
22:30 In fact, Jesus Himself
22:31 in John 16,
22:32 said,
22:33 I have much more to say to you,
22:35 more than you can now bear.
22:37 Jesus withheld truth
22:40 because the audience
22:41 could not handle it.
22:43 So let's be careful
22:45 that we don't think
22:46 that the only judge
22:47 of our ministry
22:48 or your ministry
22:49 to your neighbor.
22:50 You say,
22:51 But I haven't given my neighbor
22:53 all 28 Bible studies
22:54 that we have in the
22:55 in the in the series.
22:56 I've you know,
22:57 I've alluded to some things,
22:58 God will reveal, too,
22:59 just like
23:00 if you're doing what Jesus did,
23:02 spending time
23:02 with Jesus
23:03 first thing in the morning,
23:04 He is going to guide you
23:06 as to
23:07 what you need to share
23:08 in an appropriate time.
23:11 Let's take a look now
23:13 at what
23:14 Jesus actually told this man.
23:16 He said
23:17 strictly warned him
23:18 and sent him away at once.
23:20 There's that word again,
23:21 immediately euthus.
23:23 And He said to him,
23:24 See that you say
23:25 nothing to anyone;
23:26 but go your way,
23:27 show yourself to the priest,
23:29 and offer
23:30 for your cleansing those things
23:32 which Moses commanded,
23:33 as a testimony to them.
23:37 What's going on here?
23:38 Desire of Ages,
23:39 I think, makes it very clear.
23:40 I really appreciate the clarity
23:43 of this commentary.
23:44 Jesus charged the man
23:46 not to make known the work
23:48 that had been wrought,
23:49 but to straightway immediately
23:51 euthus,
23:52 to present himself
23:53 with an offering at the temple.
23:55 Such an offering
23:55 could not be accepted
23:57 until the priests
23:57 had made examination
23:59 and pronounced
24:00 the man wholly free
24:01 from the disease,
24:03 however unwilling
24:04 they might be to perform
24:05 this service,
24:06 they could not evade
24:07 an examination
24:08 and decision in the case.
24:10 They had to do it.
24:12 But here's the point.
24:13 The words of Scripture show
24:15 with what urgency
24:17 Christ enjoined
24:18 upon the man
24:19 the necessity of silence
24:21 and prompt action.
24:22 He straightly charged him
24:24 and forthwith sent him away
24:26 and said, See, you say what?
24:28 Nothing to any man.
24:30 Why? Why?
24:32 The reason why
24:34 is had the priests
24:35 known the facts
24:37 concerning the healing
24:38 of the leper,
24:39 their hatred of Christ
24:40 might have led them
24:42 to render a dishonest sentence.
24:46 You know,
24:46 our biases
24:47 can affect our diagnosis.
24:49 By the way,
24:49 we know this as physicians.
24:51 So if we're doing
24:51 a clinical study,
24:53 we always try to have it
24:54 be a double blinded study.
24:57 If you're not familiar
24:58 with that term,
24:59 that means the patient is blind
25:02 to the treatment
25:02 they're getting,
25:03 and the doctor is blind
25:05 to the treatment
25:06 that their patient is getting.
25:07 Let me make it
25:07 practical for you.
25:08 Let's say
25:09 we're evaluating an herb
25:11 to help
25:11 with rheumatoid arthritis.
25:13 What we do is
25:15 we have two sets of pills.
25:18 one has the active herb
25:19 that we think is
25:20 the active herb,
25:20 the other has
25:21 what we call a placebo, okay?
25:23 Maybe it's
25:23 just some
25:24 grass in it or something,
25:25 not the,
25:26 you know,
25:26 not the
25:27 the grass
25:28 that's prohibited
25:29 in some jurisdictions.
25:30 But some,
25:31 some of your lawn
25:31 clippings, okay?
25:33 And anyway, so,
25:34 so you think this is inactive
25:36 and you give the patient
25:39 this set of pills,
25:40 you don't know which one
25:41 you're giving him
25:42 as a physician,
25:42 the patient doesn't know. Why?
25:44 Because if the patient thinks
25:47 they're getting
25:47 or they know
25:48 they're getting this herb,
25:49 they could say,
25:50 Oh boy,
25:51 I just took the first pill.
25:52 I'm already feeling better.
25:54 That's what
25:55 we call the placebo effect.
25:56 And if I, as the physician,
25:57 think I've given
25:59 this new potent
26:01 remedy to the patient,
26:02 when I'm evaluating them
26:03 I say, Well,
26:03 how are you feeling?
26:04 You've been taking this
26:05 this pill
26:06 for several weeks now.
26:07 Well, I don't know that
26:08 I'm feeling any different.
26:09 Are you sure
26:10 you're not feeling
26:11 any different? You're you're.
26:12 How about
26:13 when you get out of bed?
26:13 Well, you know,
26:14 maybe it is a little bit
26:15 better this morning.
26:16 Oh, amazing.
26:18 It's already working for you.
26:19 It's helping you so much.
26:21 Well, I guess.
26:22 I guess it is, you see.
26:23 So you blind the examiners.
26:26 And this is what Jesus wanted.
26:28 You know how far it is
26:30 from Capernaum to Jerusalem?
26:32 Even by roads today,
26:34 it's over a hundred miles.
26:36 Okay?
26:37 This is the long way.
26:38 This is a long way.
26:40 So here's the message.
26:42 Jesus is desiring the man
26:44 to get a full
26:45 and fair evaluation.
26:47 So that he can be reunited
26:50 to his family and friends.
26:52 One of the reasons for what
26:53 the Bible calls is
26:54 messianic secrecy, yes,
26:56 it's for Jesus ministry,
26:58 but it's also because
27:00 He wants to heal people.
27:02 He wants to put you and me
27:04 in the best situation
27:05 to receive His healing.
27:09 Jesus wants to
27:10 answer your deepest prayers.
27:13 And it's so wonderful
27:14 that He comes close to us.
27:16 He's not contending with us.
27:18 He's seeking to draw us
27:19 close to Him.
27:20 Let's pray with that in mind.
27:22 Father in Heaven,
27:24 even though You were assailed
27:26 as You walked
27:27 on planet Earth, we thank You
27:28 that You come close to us
27:30 to try to help us
27:31 just where we need it most.
27:33 May we find that help
27:34 and healing on a daily basis
27:36 as we come to You
27:37 and to Your Word is our prayer.
27:40 In Jesus name, Amen.
27:43 Don't forget,
27:44 you can get free copies
27:45 of our handouts.
27:46 There's a handout
27:47 that goes along
27:47 with each of the episodes.
27:49 You can get it
27:49 by going to our website.
27:51 www.TimelessHealingInsights.org.


Revised 2023-03-30