Timeless Healing Insights

Healing Insights from the Gospel of Mark: Requirements for Healing: Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: THI

Program Code: THI000038S

00:27 Welcome to
00:28 Timeless Healing Insights.
00:29 I'm Dr. David DeRose.
00:31 We are on a journey
00:33 through the gospel of Mark,
00:34 and I know
00:35 you could pick up that gospel
00:36 and read through it
00:36 very quickly.
00:37 But there's a depth,
00:39 there's a power there
00:40 that I believe
00:41 God wants to continue
00:42 to use to heal us
00:44 as we go on this journey.
00:45 Let's pray together.
00:47 Father in Heaven,
00:48 we long for Your healing power
00:50 to be poured out
00:51 through Your Holy Spirit.
00:52 Please, as we open Your word,
00:54 honor
00:55 Your promise
00:56 that Your word
00:57 never returns to You void.
00:59 But it always accomplishes
01:00 Your purpose.
01:01 May it do that in our lives.
01:03 As we engage
01:04 with the Scriptures today
01:06 we ask, In Jesus name, Amen.
01:10 We're walking
01:12 through the Gospel of Mark
01:14 and we're looking at
01:15 an amazing setting.
01:17 Jesus is reestablishing
01:20 His church.
01:21 He's building it on 12 fallible
01:24 creatures.
01:25 In fact,
01:26 if you looked at these 12
01:28 and you read through the list,
01:29 and that's where
01:30 I'm turning in my Bible to Mark
01:31 3, and you look at this
01:33 list of 12 disciples,
01:35 you would realize that there's
01:37 some real problems
01:38 with this group. Okay?
01:40 As you read
01:41 through the Gospels,
01:42 you see that
01:42 one of the problems they had
01:44 is they were arguing
01:46 about who was greatest.
01:47 Mark records it in his gospel,
01:49 and he speaks about it
01:50 in terms of all of them
01:52 being involved.
01:53 So we could say
01:54 it seems that
01:54 on a certain level
01:55 they were all ambitious.
01:57 They're all arguing about who's
01:58 going to be the greatest,
01:59 but it's worse than that.
02:00 Look at this list.
02:02 I know
02:02 this is not a new observation
02:04 for many of you,
02:04 but every time I read
02:06 this list of disciples,
02:07 my mind is kind of swimming.
02:09 Look at this.
02:10 On this list,
02:11 let me just highlight
02:12 two of them.
02:13 Verse 18 of Mark
02:14 3 mentions Matthew by name.
02:17 We know
02:17 Matthew or Levi was a what?
02:21 He was a former tax
02:22 collector, a publican.
02:24 And then you see there's
02:26 a Simon identified there,
02:27 not Simon Peter,
02:29 but at the end of verse 18.
02:30 Simon
02:31 some translations say
02:33 the Canaanite, others
02:34 render it Simon
02:36 more accurately many believe,
02:37 the zealot.
02:39 What was a zealot?
02:42 They were individuals
02:43 that were pledged
02:45 to overthrow
02:46 the occupying Roman power.
02:49 They were killing people like
02:51 soldiers of Rome and publicans.
02:56 How well do you think
02:57 this is sounding like a fit
03:00 in this group of 12?
03:01 I mean, if you just
03:02 look at the,
03:03 we're not going to
03:04 take time to do it.
03:05 But this is a prescription,
03:07 not for unity,
03:10 but for division, it seems.
03:12 But look, look at what
03:13 Jesus is calling them
03:14 to notice the progression
03:15 in Mark 3:14.
03:17 He first calls them
03:19 to be with Him.
03:23 If they're going to all be
03:24 with Jesus,
03:25 they're going to
03:26 all be together.
03:27 And only then
03:28 will they go out healing.
03:30 They must first spend time
03:32 with Jesus
03:33 and spend time together.
03:37 We're talking
03:37 about requirements for healing.
03:39 One of those requirements
03:41 is to come close to Jesus
03:42 to respond to His call.
03:44 But no one responds
03:45 to that call
03:46 unless they recognize
03:47 their own need. Right?
03:49 Lest we realize there's a
03:50 there's a place in our heart
03:51 for Jesus.
03:52 Jesus is inviting us all
03:53 to come to Him.
03:55 And then as we see
03:56 with the disciples,
03:57 He gives them an education
03:59 by being with Him.
04:01 And we'll see later
04:01 as we go through Mark's gospel.
04:03 Then they get an experience
04:05 as guided by Jesus.
04:07 So let's apply this
04:09 now to our personal healing.
04:10 We've talked about
04:11 healing ministry.
04:12 How does this apply to us?
04:14 You're dealing
04:14 with a physical problem.
04:16 You're dealing
04:16 with a spiritual problem.
04:17 It starts the same way.
04:19 First, you have to
04:19 recognize your need.
04:22 I've shared this principle
04:23 with you before,
04:23 but one of the things
04:24 that was drilled into me
04:25 as a young physician
04:26 is when it comes to treatment,
04:29 there is one step
04:32 that has to precede treatment.
04:34 And that step is diagnosis.
04:37 Diagnosis always has to occur
04:40 before treatment.
04:41 Now you might have
04:42 a working diagnosis
04:44 and we say we're treating
04:44 empirically thinking
04:46 maybe that's the problem,
04:47 but you have to
04:48 have a diagnosis
04:49 before you treat.
04:51 If you don't have that,
04:52 you're liable
04:53 to make some terrible mistakes.
04:54 And I've seen it
04:55 as a physician.
04:57 They're often the patients
04:58 that diagnose themselves.
05:00 Okay?
05:02 You know,
05:03 they're having a sense
05:03 of heaviness in their chest
05:06 and they say,
05:06 well this must
05:07 have been something I ate.
05:09 And so they look up heartburn,
05:11 you know, online.
05:12 But they're not
05:13 having heartburn.
05:13 They're having what?
05:15 A heart attack. Okay?
05:17 How many of you think there's
05:18 a different treatment
05:19 for heartburn
05:20 than for a heart attack?
05:21 Yeah.
05:22 You don't need a medical degree
05:23 to figure this out, right?
05:25 So here's the point.
05:26 Diagnosis comes first,
05:27 but you say,
05:27 wait a minute, though.
05:29 Personal healing.
05:29 Yes, yes, yes.
05:30 If I've got a problem,
05:31 I need to be diagnosed.
05:32 But what if I don't
05:33 have a problem yet?
05:35 How many of you think
05:35 it's better
05:36 to avoid problems
05:37 altogether than to have them
05:39 and diagnose them early.
05:41 Which is better,
05:41 to avoid it completely?
05:44 Of course.
05:45 Right?
05:45 By the way,
05:46 if you don't know this
05:48 terminology that we use
05:49 in the preventive medicine
05:50 community,
05:51 I'll share it with you.
05:52 We talk about primary versus
05:54 secondary prevention.
05:56 A lot of the
05:57 preventive activities
05:58 that we talk about
05:59 are really secondary
06:00 prevention.
06:01 Let me tell you about one.
06:03 Just this week
06:04 I was talking with a patient
06:06 and she was telling me,
06:07 I always have a fear
06:09 when I'm recommending
06:10 secondary prevention.
06:11 These are screening tests.
06:12 I always have this fear
06:13 that someone's
06:14 not going to do it.
06:15 And one of the screening tests
06:17 that I often recommend
06:18 that I would say there's
06:18 a high rate of people
06:20 don't follow through with
06:21 is something called
06:22 a colonoscopy.
06:24 Okay?
06:24 I see some of you smiling,
06:26 others of you
06:26 nodding your heads.
06:27 You understand why
06:28 people may not comply
06:29 with that.
06:30 Well, this particular woman
06:31 who I was visiting with
06:32 this week
06:33 had complied
06:34 with the recommendation,
06:35 and I was telling her
06:36 how excited I was
06:37 because on that colonoscopy,
06:39 they removed
06:40 five adenomatous polyps,
06:43 five pre-cancerous polyps.
06:46 And I told her,
06:47 if you hadn't
06:48 had that colonoscopy
06:49 and you just kept
06:49 going on with your life,
06:51 those would over time
06:53 likely have become cancer.
06:55 So that's secondary prevention.
06:57 She already had a problem,
06:59 but they took care of it
07:00 during the screening, okay?
07:02 Primary prevention
07:04 is you prevent the problem
07:05 from ever occurring.
07:06 You never get the polyps
07:07 even in the first place.
07:10 So we all agree
07:11 primary prevention is best.
07:14 With that in mind,
07:14 I want to tell you a story,
07:17 and the story has to do
07:19 with Jesus Himself,
07:20 because this is
07:21 the big challenge for us.
07:22 If you don't have
07:23 a problem already,
07:24 why would you change anything?
07:26 I've even had physicians
07:27 tell me.
07:27 Well, I know
07:28 that's a better way to live,
07:30 but if I have a problem,
07:31 then I'll change my lifestyle.
07:33 Well, sometimes
07:33 thatoo late. Okay?
07:36 So here's the thing.
07:37 Jesus promises
07:38 to show you all that
07:40 you need to do
07:41 to be in the happiest,
07:42 healthiest position.
07:44 Are you aware of that?
07:45 There's all kinds
07:46 of Bible promises.
07:47 One of my favorites
07:48 is in Jeremiah 33:3.
07:51 And yes, it's
07:51 not speaking directly
07:52 about lifestyle and healing,
07:54 but the principle is there.
07:56 Jesus is saying there,
07:58 call to Me and I will what?
08:00 I will answer
08:01 you and show
08:02 you great and mighty things
08:03 which you do not know.
08:05 We could just as well
08:06 have quoted James 1
08:07 right where he promises
08:08 what wisdom if we ask in faith.
08:12 So God promises to
08:14 give you light
08:15 on the healthiest way to live.
08:17 With that in mind,
08:18 let me tell you another story.
08:22 And this
08:22 story was inspired
08:23 by something else
08:24 that took place this week.
08:26 I had the privilege of
08:27 interviewing a gentleman
08:28 by the name of Doug Zegel
08:30 for our weekly radio show.
08:32 Doug's stepson.
08:36 His name, Patrick Risha.
08:38 I learned that
08:39 Patrick was featured
08:40 in The New York Times,
08:42 and he was the inspiration
08:43 behind a foundation
08:45 that's been set up
08:45 that bears his name.
08:48 Patrick, as I learned about
08:50 his story, is as Doug
08:51 shared it on air.
08:53 And then I read more about it
08:54 afterward.
08:55 Is just an amazing young man,
08:57 warm, cheerful personality,
08:59 was a gifted musician,
09:00 talented writer,
09:02 honor roll student.
09:04 He also grew up
09:05 in a football home.
09:06 His biological father
09:07 was a football coach,
09:09 and you may have guessed it
09:10 growing up
09:11 in that kind of environment.
09:13 Well,
09:14 some of you
09:15 can see the picture right?
09:17 From an early age,
09:18 what did Patrick
09:19 have in his hands?
09:20 A football. You got it.
09:23 He grew up in
09:24 the Pittsburgh area.
09:27 They tell me
09:27 that's called Steeler country
09:29 and he was a successful
09:32 athlete.
09:33 Now, I don't know
09:34 how to evaluate high school
09:36 statistics well,
09:36 that's
09:37 not an area of expertise,
09:38 but just reading
09:38 it sounded impressive to me.
09:40 He gained nearly 4000 yards
09:42 throughout his high school
09:43 career.
09:44 He set school records
09:46 for the most career
09:47 yards, most touchdowns,
09:48 most rushing attempts
09:51 and a set season,
09:52 a single season records
09:54 in those categories as well.
09:56 So he was this
09:57 excellent athlete.
09:59 But it wasn't
10:00 just his athletic prowess,
10:01 it was his character,
10:03 as you read about him.
10:04 He was a hard worker,
10:06 he encouraged people
10:07 to be good sports.
10:08 He was called the horse
10:11 by his coach.
10:13 Listen, listen to this.
10:14 He became known
10:15 for never letting the first hit
10:18 take him down.
10:20 So you might think
10:21 that's very admirable.
10:23 All kinds of awards.
10:24 I read about them online.
10:26 Successful young man.
10:28 He goes on
10:29 to college playing football.
10:31 Goes to the Ivy League.
10:32 He's at Dartmouth, Dartmouth
10:33 College there in New England.
10:35 And
10:37 quote,
10:38 Although so much of Patrick's
10:39 life focused on football,
10:41 he was much more than
10:42 a football player.
10:44 He was a man of character.
10:45 Here's statements
10:46 from people about him.
10:47 He was kind to every person
10:49 he encountered.
10:50 He was extremely generous
10:52 and loyal.
10:52 He could make anyone
10:54 feel important.
10:54 Are these great qualities?
10:56 Sure.
10:57 I wish we had more
10:57 people around like that.
11:00 But then something happened
11:01 after he graduated from school,
11:03 he went back to Pittsburgh.
11:06 And this is how the New York
11:07 Times wrote about him.
11:09 A once
11:10 gregarious guy
11:12 was now reclusive.
11:14 He had been a student
11:15 who could write a lengthy paper
11:17 with ease.
11:18 Now he struggled
11:19 to jot down notes.
11:21 He started taking medications
11:23 for attention deficit disorder,
11:26 but nothing was helping
11:28 his focus.
11:30 He started gambling.
11:32 He started spending money
11:33 that he didn't have.
11:34 This this was all
11:35 totally out of character.
11:37 As I talked with Doug,
11:38 he said his son's personality
11:40 completely changed.
11:41 He had fits of anger,
11:44 and most
11:45 of all, he was
11:45 just overwhelmed
11:47 by little things.
11:49 What was going on?
11:51 The new York Times story
11:54 actually chronicled his last
11:56 phone call to his mother.
12:01 Patrick is 32 at the time,
12:04 and as his mother
12:05 hears him
12:06 talking, his his affect,
12:08 his communication
12:10 is totally flat.
12:11 There's no emotion there.
12:13 And he says, I'm
12:14 standing on a ladder
12:17 with his dog's
12:18 leash around his neck
12:21 and his mother's, you know,
12:23 pleading with him.
12:24 You know,
12:24 think about all the
12:25 good things in life.
12:26 I mean, she was I mean, what is
12:27 is he really
12:28 I mean, he just
12:29 kind of like
12:30 matter of fact saying
12:31 this is he really talking about
12:33 taking his life?
12:34 Is this is he just bluffing?
12:35 Is he just saying
12:36 a bunch of nonsense?
12:39 And that was the last
12:40 she heard from him.
12:43 Patrick had taken his own life,
12:47 and when they
12:48 did autopsy
12:49 studies on his brain,
12:51 they found he had chronic
12:53 traumatic encephalopathy.
12:54 Many of you've heard of
12:55 it, CTE.
12:57 It's a degenerative disease
12:58 caused by repeated
13:00 blows to the head.
13:02 You've heard this covered a lot
13:03 among certain athletes.
13:05 But it's true in other realms
13:07 where people are taking
13:08 a lot of head trauma.
13:10 It's been linked to depression,
13:11 impulsive actions, short
13:13 short term memory loss
13:15 and other symptoms.
13:16 Now, here's
13:17 the question for you.
13:18 Would Patrick
13:19 Risha ever have played football
13:21 if he knew he
13:22 would develop CTE?
13:24 Now, now, before you jump to
13:26 do an answer,
13:26 I will tell you,
13:27 I've read a lot of
13:28 medical studies on this
13:30 looking at athletes.
13:31 And years ago, they asked elite
13:34 athletes, would you take a drug
13:37 if you knew
13:37 it would not be detected
13:39 and it would help
13:40 you win the Olympics
13:41 even if it killed you
13:42 in like five years?
13:44 And a shocking,
13:45 shockingly high
13:46 percentage of athletes
13:48 said they would do it.
13:49 Okay?
13:50 I'm just letting you know
13:50 some of your athletes
13:51 who say, I can relate to that.
13:53 I'm just telling you
13:55 so.
13:56 So and this is not to pass
13:58 judgment on Patrick
13:59 or on his family.
14:00 Okay?
14:01 But I'm just saying,
14:03 prevention is better than cure.
14:04 But once
14:05 Patrick has the condition, it's
14:08 not something that's
14:08 felt to be reversible.
14:11 Now, let me ask the
14:12 question another way.
14:14 There are literally millions
14:15 of people
14:16 who've walked on planet Earth
14:17 who have died from lung cancer
14:19 because of cigarette smoking.
14:21 How many people do you think
14:22 start smoking
14:23 saying, well, I'm smoking
14:24 because I want to die of lung
14:25 cancer one day.
14:27 What are they thinking?
14:29 Not going to happen
14:30 to me, right?
14:31 I mean, it doesn't happen
14:32 to everyone.
14:32 You know,
14:33 grandpa lived to be 99
14:34 and he smoked
14:35 the whole time and,
14:36 you know, got hit by a car
14:37 while he was jogging.
14:38 Okay, that's not my grandpa.
14:40 But, you know,
14:40 you've heard those stories,
14:41 right? Okay?
14:42 So it doesn't matter what I do.
14:45 What about
14:46 the millions of people
14:48 who've had cirrhosis
14:49 of the liver?
14:50 By the way,
14:51 you can't live without a liver
14:53 and cirrhosis a bad disease.
14:56 I've had a lot of patients
14:56 who've dealt with it.
14:57 It can go on to
14:58 to liver cancer.
14:59 You die
15:00 just from the cirrhosis.
15:01 You get something called
15:02 hepatic encephalopathy.
15:03 The liver isn't cleansing
15:05 the blood appropriately and
15:07 it's bad.
15:08 Okay?
15:09 But how
15:10 do you think
15:11 some of them wouldn't
15:11 have taken that first drink
15:13 if they knew
15:14 they were going to end up
15:15 with cirrhosis,
15:16 maybe even at a young age
15:17 or lung cancer in the case
15:19 of smoking at a young age.
15:21 I think the youngest patient
15:22 I've had that died from lung
15:23 cancer linked to smoking
15:24 was in his thirties.
15:26 Itot just something
15:27 that happens
15:27 when you're 60 or 70.
15:30 So
15:31 what does it mean
15:32 when we talk about
15:33 cooperating with God?
15:35 Well, my point is simply this.
15:36 I don't know what
15:37 any of these individuals
15:38 should do.
15:39 I don't know
15:39 what would Patrick's
15:40 life would have been like.
15:41 And for all I know, he was a
15:44 asking God to guide his life.
15:46 So it's not to judge
15:47 any of these people,
15:48 but it's just to say
15:50 that I believe
15:51 God wants
15:51 to individually guide you.
15:54 And the way it starts,
15:56 the way it starts
15:57 is He convicts you about things
15:59 and He asks you to respond
16:00 to that conviction.
16:02 Now, having said that,
16:04 Mark 3
16:06 continues
16:06 with two additional stories.
16:08 And they're very interesting
16:10 in the context
16:10 that we're looking at.
16:11 Remember,
16:12 Jesus has just called
16:14 the 12 disciples.
16:15 What happens right after that?
16:17 Right
16:18 after the calling of the 12.
16:19 We read this vignette.
16:22 It says The multitude
16:23 comes together again.
16:25 They're flocking around Jesus.
16:27 So many
16:28 that Jesus couldn't even eat.
16:32 And when His own
16:33 people heard about it,
16:35 they're determined to grab
16:36 Jesus
16:37 and get Him out of
16:37 the environment, for
16:38 they say He's out of His mind.
16:41 Now, who are His own people?
16:42 We're going to answer
16:42 that question in just a moment.
16:44 But I've got to tell you,
16:44 this hits close to home.
16:46 Years ago,
16:47 as a young college student,
16:49 the Holy Spirit was getting
16:50 my attention
16:51 and I was reading the Bible
16:52 and I was learning about
16:54 what God wanted me to do
16:55 as far as my own health.
16:57 And I believe that
16:58 God was asking me
16:58 to get away from
17:00 a lot of the foods
17:01 that I was eating,
17:02 you know,
17:02 heavy sugar diet and heavy
17:04 animal product diet.
17:06 And I was going to become
17:08 a vegetarian. In fact, I had.
17:10 And I noticed something
17:11 interesting happen with
17:12 my mother's recipes.
17:15 Her recipes changed.
17:18 At the time,
17:18 at first
17:19 I was a lacto ovo vegetarian.
17:20 She used to make something
17:21 called french toast
17:23 and she would put some egg
17:24 in this.
17:25 Well,
17:26 I noticed the french toast
17:27 recipe changed.
17:28 And now
17:29 maybe instead of one egg
17:30 in the batch,
17:31 it seemed like there were four.
17:31 It was more like
17:32 a bread omelet.
17:33 Okay?
17:33 Because she was so worried
17:35 I wasn't getting enough
17:36 nutrition.
17:37 Now, so
17:37 this is understandable, right?
17:39 If your family thinks
17:40 you're making bad decisions,
17:42 they're going to
17:42 try to intervene.
17:43 And we'll look more at this
17:45 in a moment.
17:45 But there is
17:46 something that happens after
17:47 we were introduced to the worry
17:49 about Jesus놻mily.
17:49 And what are they saying
17:50 of Jesus?
17:51 Are they saying
17:52 Jesus is the Messiah?
17:53 He's fulfilling Daniel 9.
17:54 Is that what they're saying?
17:56 They're saying He's crazy.
17:57 Okay? He's crazy.
18:01 Here's what
18:02 interrupts that story.
18:03 It
18:04 says in verse 22
18:06 The Bible tells us
18:08 the scribes
18:09 come down from Jerusalem
18:11 and they start accusing Jesus.
18:13 He has Beelzebub
18:15 by the ruler of the demons
18:18 He casts out.
18:19 He's casting out demons.
18:21 Beelzebub,
18:21 literally, is the
18:22 lord of the Flies.
18:25 It was a
18:26 derogatory name
18:28 it seems, for Satan.
18:29 They're saying
18:30 Jesus by the power of Satan
18:32 is doing these miracles.
18:34 Now, wait a minute. Wait.
18:35 We already saw
18:36 things were not looking good up
18:38 to the time
18:38 He calls His disciples.
18:39 If you had any doubts,
18:41 if Jesus needed
18:43 a new nucleus upon
18:44 which to build the church,
18:45 maybe this is removing
18:47 some doubts.
18:48 But something
18:49 very interesting happens.
18:51 Jesus, it
18:52 says, answers with parables.
18:55 And you often, as you read Mark
18:56 3, most people
18:57 don't think of this
18:58 being a parable, but
18:59 Mark says it's a parable.
19:02 Some of you
19:03 may have seen
19:03 this classic definition.
19:05 You can just put it in
19:06 Google or something.
19:07 You'll find,
19:08 you know,
19:08 hundreds of people
19:09 refer to this.
19:11 C.H.
19:11 Dodd, a
19:11 scholar of yesteryear wrote
19:13 a book called
19:14 The Parables of the Kingdom,
19:15 and this is kind of
19:15 a classic definition
19:17 of parables.
19:18 Let me read it for you.
19:19 At its simplest,
19:21 the parable is a metaphor
19:22 or simile drawn
19:24 from nature or common life,
19:26 arresting the hearer
19:27 by its vividness
19:29 or strangeness,
19:31 and leaving
19:32 the mind in sufficient doubt
19:33 to its precise application
19:36 to tease the mind
19:37 into active thought.
19:39 So what is this parable
19:41 that Jesus employs?
19:42 Well, there's
19:43 several aspects to it.
19:44 But when He's speaking
19:45 to these religious leaders,
19:46 He calls them and He says this.
19:48 How can Satan cast out Satan?
19:51 If a kingdom is divided
19:52 against itself,
19:53 that kingdom cannot stand.
19:55 And then He gives this picture,
19:56 this word picture.
19:57 No one can enter
19:59 a strong man's house
20:00 and plunder
20:02 his goods unless he does what?
20:06 That's right.
20:06 Unless he first
20:07 binds the strong man.
20:09 And then he will
20:10 plunder his house.
20:11 What is Jesus
20:11 trying to engage them with?
20:13 He's trying to help them
20:14 to see
20:15 that Satan's kingdom
20:16 can't be attacking itself.
20:18 He's not working
20:19 miracles by the power of Satan.
20:22 But then He turns
20:23 the discussion
20:24 to this very important point.
20:26 We have to touch on this
20:27 because some of you,
20:28 if you haven't
20:29 been worried about this,
20:29 you may be
20:30 and you shouldn't be.
20:33 Verses 28 and onward.
20:34 Assuredly, I say to you,
20:36 all sins
20:37 will be forgiven
20:38 the sons of men and whatever
20:40 blasphemies they may utter.
20:42 Let's just stop right there.
20:43 What kind of sin
20:46 can you commit that
20:47 God will not forgive?
20:51 I mean, it says here there are
20:53 other translations
20:54 say all manner of sin.
20:55 Okay? All sins.
20:57 There is no kind
20:58 of sin, no kind of
21:00 blasphemy even.
21:02 Whatever blasphemy
21:03 they may utter,
21:05 all sins will be forgiven.
21:08 I mean, of course
21:09 you have to repent.
21:10 Come to Jesus.
21:11 But you say, Wait a minute.
21:13 Wait, wait, wait.
21:14 That's not where it stops.
21:15 It says,
21:15 But he who blasphemed
21:17 against the Holy Spirit
21:18 never has forgiveness,
21:20 but is subject to
21:23 eternal condemnation -
21:24 because they said
21:27 he has an unclean spirit.
21:28 What's going on here?
21:31 The sin against the Holy Spirit
21:33 is where you attribute
21:34 the work of the Holy Spirit,
21:36 the work of God to the devil.
21:37 Okay?
21:38 The Holy Spirit
21:39 convicting you of something
21:40 could be in your lifestyle.
21:41 It could be moral things.
21:43 You're being convicted.
21:44 And what are you saying?
21:45 Oh, no, that's not God. That's.
21:46 That's.
21:47 It's Satan
21:47 that's convicting me of that.
21:49 Now, most people.
21:50 And if you come in a church,
21:51 most people,
21:53 you're at least
21:53 conscientious enough
21:55 that you're
21:56 trying to follow God.
21:57 If you're worried
21:58 about having committed
21:59 the sin
21:59 against the Holy Spirit,
22:00 the the the odds are
22:02 I have never met anyone
22:04 who I thought
22:04 had committed the sin
22:05 against the Holy Spirit
22:06 who was worried about it.
22:07 Now, that's not to say,
22:08 I suppose, that
22:08 someone couldn't be.
22:10 Um, it seems like
22:11 Judas seemed to recognize
22:13 that at some point, but.
22:14 But the point is simply this.
22:17 If you come to Jesus asking
22:19 forgiveness, He says,
22:20 Whoever comes to me,
22:22 I will in no wise cast out.
22:25 He's made provision
22:26 for every sin. Okay?
22:28 Don't say your sins are too bad
22:29 for God to forgive.
22:30 You can come to Him
22:31 just as you are.
22:33 But if God's appealing to you
22:35 to come and you say, No way.
22:39 That's where the problem is.
22:42 What does this episode
22:44 interrupt?
22:45 It interrupts
22:46 who Jesus떸n people are.
22:48 It says.
22:49 Then His brother, brothers
22:52 and His mother came
22:54 and they're standing outside
22:55 and they send to Jesus
22:56 calling Him.
22:57 And a multitude
22:58 was sitting around Jesus. Okay?
23:00 Get the picture, remember?
23:02 So
23:03 Jesus has called the 12.
23:06 Special intimate relationship.
23:08 They're going to follow Him.
23:08 They're going to be with Him.
23:09 He's going to equip them
23:10 to do healing ministry.
23:12 And He is healing them
23:13 spiritually.
23:14 He's healing them socially
23:15 as they fellowship with Him.
23:17 But now what we see,
23:18 those around Him
23:19 are not always
23:20 welcoming His ministry.
23:22 Even His family
23:23 now, they come
23:24 to try to take care of Jesus.
23:27 And the message comes to Jesus.
23:29 Look, your mother
23:31 and your brothers are outside
23:32 looking for you.
23:33 What is Jesus뛳sponse?
23:35 It is a shocking response.
23:36 I know you've read the gospel,
23:37 most of you, but it's shocking,
23:39 especially in that culture.
23:41 Your mother's here for you.
23:42 What would I do
23:43 if you said your mother's here?
23:44 She's out in the lobby Dr.
23:46 DeRose, waiting for you.
23:47 I mean,
23:47 I might be even tempted to say,
23:48 well, wait lets,
23:49 you know,
23:49 put things on hold, and,
23:50 you know,
23:51 my mom's in the lobby.
23:51 Why isn't she coming in?
23:52 Is she okay? But
23:55 hopefully I would
23:55 follow Jesus녣ample,
23:56 just for the record.
23:58 Jesus is ministering
23:59 and what He says is this.
24:02 Who is My mother
24:03 or My brothers?
24:04 And He looks around the circle
24:07 at those around Him,
24:08 presumably
24:08 not just His disciples,
24:10 but others,
24:10 not just the 12,
24:11 but other disciples,
24:12 other followers of His.
24:14 And He says
24:14 here are My mother
24:16 and My brothers.
24:18 For whoever does
24:19 the will of God
24:20 is My brother
24:21 and My sister and mother.
24:25 Now, if you're not catching
24:26 the profound
24:26 implications of this,
24:28 Jesus is inviting you
24:30 to be His follower
24:30 and be a part of this family.
24:32 Okay?
24:34 Just like the 12.
24:34 You say, but I don't fit in.
24:35 The 12 didn't fit in.
24:37 None of those guys
24:38 fit in together.
24:40 Note the context.
24:43 It's not to spend time
24:44 with Jesus alone.
24:46 That's important.
24:47 It's critical.
24:48 We saw that earlier
24:49 in this series.
24:50 But it's to spend time
24:51 with Jesus in community.
24:54 Jesus, yes,
24:56 called the
24:56 disciples individually.
24:58 But then He calls them
25:00 as a body of believers.
25:02 Now, I hope you realize that
25:04 social connectedness
25:06 transcends bloodlines.
25:07 Okay?
25:08 In every family though,
25:10 there are expectations.
25:12 And I hope you realize
25:13 that as well.
25:14 And I want to draw
25:15 your attention
25:16 to something again,
25:17 a medical illustration.
25:19 You know, people can go through
25:21 all the training
25:21 they want
25:22 to become a nurse or a doctor,
25:25 physical therapist,
25:27 speech pathologist,
25:30 cytotechnologist, okay?
25:33 Respiratory therapist.
25:34 So we don't have
25:35 to go down the whole list.
25:36 Okay.
25:36 Everyone that works
25:37 in the health care community.
25:39 But every place
25:40 where I've worked
25:40 is a credentialing process
25:42 and a re-credentialing process.
25:44 So it's not just enough
25:47 to have the training.
25:48 It's not just enough to
25:50 to respond to the call
25:52 to get the education,
25:54 but then you have
25:55 to be committed
25:56 to working as part of the team.
25:59 Do you know there are stories
25:59 about rogue
26:00 health professionals
26:01 that have even taken
26:03 the lives of their patients?
26:04 You've heard stories
26:04 about that, right?
26:07 How does that happen?
26:09 It happens because
26:10 what, they don't recognize,
26:12 they're part
26:13 of a healing community.
26:14 The only reason they're there
26:17 is to work together
26:18 in ministry.
26:19 I want to tell you,
26:21 Jesus is giving
26:22 a profound call in Mark 3.
26:24 He's telling you
26:27 calling you
26:28 to be one of His followers.
26:30 He offers you forgiveness
26:31 for whatever you've done.
26:32 He offers you
26:33 to be part of His family.
26:35 But then He says, Press
26:36 together, work together,
26:38 come close together,
26:40 and He will work
26:41 His Ministry of Healing,
26:43 not just through
26:44 you individually,
26:45 but through His church,
26:46 collectively.
26:50 Jesus is the great physician.
26:53 He's not only the
26:53 master healer,
26:55 but He is also
26:56 the master diagnostician.
26:58 Ask Jesus to show you
27:00 what needs to be different
27:01 in your life.
27:02 And the beautiful thing
27:03 about Jesus눾idance
27:05 is He'll never show you
27:06 anything
27:07 that needs to
27:07 change in your life
27:08 unless He is fully committed
27:11 to giving you the power
27:13 to make that change.
27:14 That's one of the things that
27:15 encourages me as a physician.
27:17 And if you haven't
27:18 checked it out yet,
27:19 visit
27:20 our website
27:21 at TimelessHealingInsights.org
27:24 There we have a full 30 day
27:26 lifestyle program,
27:27 Life changing program
27:29 in 6 minutes a day, roughly
27:31 short videos,
27:33 health videos
27:34 that give you insights
27:35 into things
27:36 that well, God
27:37 may be calling you to change
27:40 and to give you the power
27:41 to do it. Let's pray together.
27:43 Father in heaven,
27:44 we thank You for all that
27:45 You show us in Your Word
27:46 and how You work
27:47 through Your church,
27:48 how You point us to people
27:50 who can help us on our journey
27:52 to whole person health.
27:53 Father, please
27:54 help us
27:55 to see exactly
27:56 how You're leading us
27:57 to have the strength
27:58 to follow You wherever You go.
28:00 We ask it all.
28:01 In Jesus name.
28:03 Amen.


Revised 2023-05-15