Timeless Healing Insights

Healing Insights from the Gospel of Mark: Hope for the Hopeless: Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: THI

Program Code: THI000047S

00:22 Welcome to
00:23 Timeless Healing Insights.
00:24 I'm Dr. David DeRose.
00:26 We're continuing
00:27 today our journey
00:28 through the Gospel of Mark.
00:30 We're especially
00:30 looking at healing insights,
00:33 things
00:33 that can make a difference
00:34 as far as your personal health.
00:36 Physically, mentally,
00:37 emotionally and spiritually.
00:39 We're going
00:40 to turn our attention right now
00:41 to the subject of hope.
00:43 Hope for the hopeless
00:45 as it comes to us
00:46 from the pages
00:47 of the Gospel of Mark.
00:48 May God bless you
00:49 as we study together.
00:52 Father in heaven.
00:53 We thank You
00:53 that You have
00:54 given us Your Word
00:55 and that You speak through it.
00:57 We look forward to You
00:58 doing that again
01:00 for us today
01:01 as we open the pages
01:03 of the Gospel of Mark.
01:05 We thank You.
01:05 In Jesus name, Amen.
01:10 Well, it seems like
01:11 we're surrounded by language
01:13 about epidemics and pandemics.
01:17 But one of the epidemics
01:18 that we often don't
01:19 speak about is one
01:20 that is also ravaging
01:22 the world.
01:23 It is an
01:24 epidemic of hopelessness.
01:27 That's right.
01:28 An epidemic of hopelessness.
01:30 There are many places
01:31 in the world
01:32 where hopelessness
01:33 is pervasive,
01:35 even in places
01:36 where you might think people
01:37 are extremely blessed.
01:39 Many people struggle
01:40 with hopelessness.
01:42 It's not just a
01:43 mental construct.
01:44 It's not just something
01:45 that we say, Oh, well, it's
01:47 an interesting topic
01:48 to discuss,
01:49 but hopelessness
01:50 has very real consequences.
01:52 If you look at the
01:53 medical literature
01:54 as it relates to suicide,
01:56 hopelessness is closely tied
01:59 to suicides
02:01 and to suicide attempts
02:02 in some of the data.
02:03 In the range of 90
02:05 to 94% of suicides
02:09 convincingly linked
02:11 to hopelessness.
02:13 And so the message is simple.
02:15 If we can address hopelessness,
02:17 we can address
02:18 one of the leading causes
02:21 of one of the leading causes
02:22 of death, which is suicide.
02:25 So hopelessness is something
02:26 that grabs people's attention
02:28 in the public health arena.
02:30 And it should grab
02:31 our attention
02:33 as individuals who
02:34 Jesus has placed here
02:36 on planet Earth
02:37 to make a difference.
02:39 Now,
02:39 when we speak
02:40 about hopelessness,
02:41 most people say, well,
02:41 I understand hopelessness.
02:43 It's the opposite of hope.
02:44 And you could
02:45 define it that way.
02:46 But when research scientists
02:48 look at this topic,
02:49 they say,
02:50 Oh, it's more than
02:50 just either or.
02:52 You're not just either
02:53 hopeful or hopeless.
02:55 There's a lot more
02:56 that goes into the equation
02:57 because you can be
02:59 hopeless
03:00 in a certain domain
03:01 of your life,
03:02 but you can still
03:03 have overall hope
03:04 or you can have
03:05 hope in other areas.
03:05 Let me give you an example.
03:07 Let's say
03:08 that in our midst today,
03:10 is an aspiring athlete, okay?
03:12 A professional athlete.
03:13 And some of you are smiling
03:15 because you think I must be
03:16 speaking about you.
03:17 Anyway,
03:18 if something were to happen
03:20 to you,
03:20 a catastrophic accident,
03:23 maybe a spinal cord injury,
03:27 you may never be able to play
03:28 that sport
03:29 of your choosing again,
03:30 at least not in the way
03:31 you envisioned it, right?
03:32 Yeah, there is Paralympics
03:34 and other things like that.
03:36 So you may lose hope
03:38 as far as your career
03:39 dream to be a NBA
03:42 basketball player. Okay.
03:44 But that doesn't mean
03:46 you have to descend
03:47 into hopelessness
03:49 as it relates
03:50 to your entire life.
03:50 Are you seeing that?
03:51 Now often
03:52 these things go together.
03:53 If it's a large,
03:54 if it's an important
03:55 area in your life,
03:55 if you see
03:57 hopelessness
03:58 in a certain domain
03:58 that can carry over,
03:59 but they're not
04:00 necessarily equivalent.
04:02 So you can be struggling
04:04 with hopelessness
04:05 in a certain area,
04:06 but you can still be hope
04:08 filled
04:09 in other aspects of your life.
04:12 So you say,
04:12 what does all this have to do
04:14 with the Gospel of Mark?
04:16 The Gospel of Mark,
04:17 whether you realize it or not,
04:18 the last story
04:19 that we looked at together
04:21 at the end of Mark 4,
04:22 is the first
04:23 in a series of four stories
04:26 where Jesus brings
04:28 hope to the hopeless.
04:30 Four stories
04:31 where Jesus brings
04:32 hope to the hopeless.
04:33 Now, if some of you are saying,
04:34 Oh, well,
04:34 this doesn't
04:35 relate to me at all,
04:36 I have no problems with this
04:37 at all.
04:38 I'm always filled with hope.
04:38 Well, just just wait a minute.
04:40 Let me remind you
04:42 that it doesn't
04:43 have to take
04:43 a major catastrophe
04:46 to induce
04:47 feelings of
04:48 hopelessness or to be
04:51 causing a response in someone
04:53 of being hopeless.
04:54 Story, some years ago,
04:55 I was lecturing
04:56 to a group of health
04:57 professionals in the southwest.
04:59 They were especially working
05:00 with a Native
05:01 American population.
05:02 And one of them shared a story
05:04 of how
05:05 they were working
05:05 with a young man
05:06 who was struggling
05:07 with hopelessness.
05:09 The reason for hopelessness,
05:11 he had been diagnosed
05:13 with diabetes.
05:15 Now, some of you say, Well,
05:16 I have diabetes,
05:17 I'm not hopeless.
05:19 That's a good thing.
05:20 I mean, most people
05:21 who have that diagnosis aren't.
05:23 But why was he struggling
05:24 with hopelessness?
05:26 As his story
05:27 played out, he saw in his mind
05:31 diabetes was associated
05:33 with two things.
05:34 He saw it
05:35 pervasively in his family.
05:37 It was associated with
05:40 dialysis and amputation.
05:44 So his mindset
05:45 as a young man in his teens,
05:47 he hears diabetes
05:49 and it doesn't matter.
05:50 His blood sugars are fine.
05:51 They're under control
05:52 with maybe one pill.
05:53 It didn't matter.
05:54 He hears diabetes,
05:56 and what is he thinking?
05:57 I'm getting ready
05:58 to go on dialysis
06:00 and to have my limbs cut off.
06:02 How would you feel 15,
06:04 16 years old,
06:05 if that's what you heard
06:07 when the doctor said
06:08 you have diabetes?
06:12 Now,
06:13 there's other diagnoses that
06:16 you might be
06:17 dealing with yourself
06:18 and you're going along
06:20 fine in life.
06:21 God's blessing, you.
06:24 There's there's one diagnosis
06:26 I really don't like.
06:26 When I, when I tell patients
06:28 they have this, I . . .
06:30 if I'm mindful,
06:31 I try to explain it to him.
06:32 It's it's
06:32 a terrible name, heart failure.
06:36 I mean, if you're a layperson,
06:37 you hear heart failure.
06:40 How about
06:40 if you go to the mechanic
06:42 and you said you've got
06:42 engine failure,
06:43 what are you thinking?
06:44 You're thinking,
06:45 oh, no big deal.
06:46 What oil do I need to change?
06:47 I need different oil.
06:48 No, what are you thinking
06:49 when you hear the word failure?
06:51 It's like over, right?
06:54 So heart failure,
06:55 though, you can
06:56 you know,
06:56 there are reversible
06:57 causes of heart failure.
07:00 If your heart is beating real
07:01 fast for some reason,
07:02 maybe you've got a heart
07:03 rhythm problem.
07:04 You can go into what
07:05 we call high output failure.
07:07 Your heart is not able to
07:09 pump enough volume out.
07:11 Heart failure
07:11 simply means there is
07:14 more work to do than your heart
07:16 is keeping up with,
07:17 and it can be
07:18 totally reversible.
07:20 But some people,
07:21 when they hear that diagnosis
07:22 or that a parent
07:23 who is diagnosed
07:23 with heart failure
07:24 and six months later
07:25 they were dead.
07:26 They hear heart failure
07:27 and what happens?
07:29 Hopelessness is what
07:30 they're struggling with.
07:32 So the reason
07:32 I mention that to you is
07:33 it doesn't matter what
07:35 the situation is,
07:36 whether it's financial,
07:37 whether it's career related,
07:39 whether it's
07:40 relational,
07:41 whether it's physical.
07:43 There are things that happen
07:44 that for some people,
07:46 when that happens to them,
07:48 they start struggling
07:48 with hopelessness,
07:49 where the other people
07:50 say no big deal.
07:53 So with that background, we
07:54 want to look at four situations
07:56 that are hard to argue
07:57 with anyone
07:58 not thinking that things
08:00 look hopeless.
08:01 So Jesus doesn't
08:02 give us any gray areas
08:03 as He lives out His life
08:05 and as Mark records it
08:07 in the fourth
08:07 and fifth
08:08 chapter of his gospel.
08:09 So just to remind you,
08:11 as Mark 4 closed,
08:13 we had this picture
08:14 of a violent,
08:15 despair inducing storm.
08:17 We might say a hopelessness
08:19 promoting storm.
08:20 And the reason we can say that
08:22 without equivocation
08:23 is these
08:24 are the very words
08:25 of Jesus냥sciples.
08:27 And I want to remind you
08:28 that we don't know a lot
08:30 about the careers
08:31 of many of the disciples
08:32 before they followed Jesus.
08:34 But we know
08:35 enough about a number of them
08:38 that we can say
08:39 there were plenty of disciples,
08:40 at least four of them,
08:42 who spent their lives
08:43 on the Sea of Galilee. Right?
08:45 James, John, Peter, Andrew.
08:47 They were all
08:48 fishermen, well,
08:50 well acquainted with that sea.
08:52 And we saw in Mark 4:38
08:54 that as one voice,
08:57 those 12 disciples
08:58 come to Jesus saying, Teacher,
09:01 don't You care that
09:02 we are perishing?
09:04 Was this a bad storm?
09:06 I mean, this is, this was
09:07 cataclysmic, okay?
09:08 They're going down. It's over.
09:11 These guys,
09:12 some of them all
09:13 their lives at sea.
09:14 It is over.
09:15 Jesus, don't
09:16 You care that this is the end?
09:18 They're saying
09:18 this situation is what?
09:19 Hopeless, humanly
09:22 speaking, it's hopeless.
09:24 And you know what happened?
09:26 Jesus gets up
09:28 and He simply says, Peace
09:30 be still!
09:31 The wind ceases
09:33 and there's a great calm.
09:36 They come to Jesus.
09:38 Jesus acts,
09:39 and it goes from hopelessness
09:44 to a future of hope.
09:47 Mark 5,
09:48 the second in these
09:49 four stories, begins this way.
09:52 Then they came
09:53 to the other side of the sea.
09:54 Jesus and His disciples
09:55 had been on the eastern shore
09:57 of the Sea of Galilee,
09:58 largely a Gentile, excuse me,
10:00 they'd been on
10:01 the western side,
10:02 largely
10:03 a Jewish side of the lake,
10:04 and now they've gone
10:06 to the eastern side.
10:07 I've got to be careful
10:07 with my gestures
10:08 because, of course
10:09 you're seeing things
10:09 at the opposite direction.
10:11 But they are traveling
10:12 from a
10:14 side where there is Capernaum
10:16 northwestern shore
10:17 of the Sea of Galilee,
10:18 traveling over to the east
10:20 where it's largely
10:21 a Gentile region.
10:22 And they come to this country
10:23 of the Gadarenes.
10:25 It says,
10:25 when He came out of
10:26 the boat, immediately
10:28 there met Him out of the tombs,
10:30 a man with an unclean spirit
10:33 who had his dwelling
10:34 among the tombs.
10:37 No one could bind him,
10:39 not even with chains,
10:40 because he had often been bound
10:41 with shackles and chains.
10:43 And the chains
10:43 had been pulled apart by him,
10:46 and the shackles
10:47 broken in pieces;
10:48 neither could anyone tame him.
10:51 As far as this man's future,
10:54 what kind of picture
10:55 are you getting?
10:56 Well, the Gentiles in general,
10:59 Paul even said,
11:00 they were without hope
11:01 and without God.
11:02 They didn't,
11:03 they didn't know
11:04 about Bible truth.
11:05 But it's worse for this guy.
11:08 I mean, he is,
11:09 he is ritually unclean.
11:11 You couldn't be in contact
11:12 with death, living in tombs,
11:15 and not be rendered unclean.
11:16 So he's spiritually unclean.
11:18 He's racially unclean.
11:21 He's not from
11:22 the people of God.
11:23 But what else?
11:24 His situation is so hopeless.
11:26 No one can bind him.
11:28 No one can even control him.
11:29 He can't control himself.
11:30 No one can control him.
11:32 This is a picture,
11:33 humanly speaking,
11:35 of hopelessness.
11:38 Now, if you'd
11:39 never heard this story before,
11:41 just what we've read in those
11:42 few verses, you would say
11:43 this is not an
11:45 ordinary individual.
11:46 We are dealing with someone
11:48 who has supernatural power.
11:49 You've already got the clue
11:51 that this man
11:52 is demon possessed.
11:53 And we soon find out
11:55 just how cruel Satan's rule is,
11:58 because Mark
12:00 continues in verse 5,
12:02 And always, night and day,
12:05 he was in the mountains
12:06 and in the tombs,
12:08 crying out
12:09 and cutting himself
12:10 with stones.
12:12 I mean,
12:12 what kind of a life is this?
12:13 I mean,
12:14 he just kind of picture
12:15 that for a minute.
12:16 What would it be
12:17 like to be living
12:18 in those circumstances?
12:21 Terrible.
12:23 Now, what's
12:24 so amazing about the story
12:26 is a lot of people,
12:27 as they read the story today,
12:28 they say,
12:28 oh, well,
12:29 that guy just had,
12:30 you know, mental illness
12:32 and they didn't know
12:33 what mental illness
12:34 was back then. So
12:36 they'd call it
12:37 demon possession.
12:38 There is no way you can read
12:40 Mark 5 and say
12:41 this man
12:42 was merely mentally ill.
12:46 How many times?
12:47 Well,
12:47 let me just put it this way.
12:48 I'll tell you
12:49 my own experience.
12:49 I've dealt with many people
12:51 who have mental illness.
12:52 I've never seen
12:53 a mental illness
12:54 go from one person
12:55 into one or more animals
12:57 and cause them to do something.
13:00 Now, you could say, well, you
13:01 know, animals can get
13:02 like their owners,
13:03 but no, we're talking
13:03 2,000 animals here.
13:05 As this story plays out, right?
13:07 Well, we'll
13:07 get there in a minute.
13:08 So this man is
13:09 what the Bible says,
13:09 demon possessed.
13:11 And the question becomes,
13:13 for a lot of thinking people,
13:14 they say, well,
13:16 how did he get demon possessed?
13:17 I mean, could
13:18 that happen to me?
13:19 And the question I
13:20 would ask you is, how did Satan
13:24 gain control
13:24 in the Garden of Eden?
13:27 Wasn't it
13:27 Adam and Evehoice?
13:29 And I would suggest to you
13:30 that's the essence
13:31 of demon possession.
13:32 It begins
13:33 when people give
13:34 Satan a place in their lives.
13:37 And speaking about Mark 1,
13:39 the demoniac
13:40 in Capernaum
13:41 that we studied earlier,
13:42 the book Desire of Ages
13:44 provides a scenario of demon
13:46 possession.
13:47 Let's walk through it
13:48 and see what you think.
13:49 The secret cause
13:51 of the affliction
13:51 that had made this man,
13:52 this demon possessed man,
13:54 a fearful spectacle
13:55 to his friends
13:56 and a burden to himself
13:57 was in his own life.
13:59 He had been fascinated
14:00 by the pleasures of sin,
14:02 and had thought to make life
14:03 a grand carnival.
14:05 He didn't dream
14:06 of becoming a terror
14:07 to the world
14:08 and the reproach of his family.
14:10 He thought his time
14:11 could be spent
14:12 in innocent folly.
14:14 But once in the downward path,
14:16 his feet rapidly descended.
14:18 Intemperance and frivolity
14:20 perverted the noble attributes
14:22 of his nature,
14:23 and Satan
14:24 took absolute control of him.
14:27 So did it start
14:28 innocently enough?
14:30 I mean, just
14:31 following his own decisions,
14:32 making his own decisions.
14:34 I'm not going to have anyone
14:34 tell me what to do.
14:35 Even if that person's God,
14:37 I'm going to have my fun
14:38 and he ends up
14:40 in the control of Satan.
14:42 Remorse came too late.
14:44 When he would have sacrificed
14:46 wealth and pleasure
14:48 to regain his lost manhood,
14:50 he had become helpless
14:51 in the grasp of the evil one.
14:53 He had placed himself
14:55 on the enemy's ground,
14:56 and Satan had taken possession
14:58 of all his faculties.
14:59 The tempter had allured him,
15:01 reeled him
15:02 in, with many
15:03 charming presentations;
15:05 but when once the wretched
15:07 man was in his power,
15:08 the fiend became
15:09 relentless in his cruelty,
15:12 and terrible
15:12 in his angry visitations.
15:14 So it will be
15:15 with all who yield to evil;
15:17 the fascinating pleasure
15:18 of their early career
15:19 ends in the darkness of despair
15:22 or the madness
15:24 of a ruined soul.
15:26 They say, Well,
15:26 but that didn't happen
15:28 in my life before Christ.
15:29 One of you might be saying
15:31 I didn't end up in
15:32 despair, but maybe you did.
15:37 You say, But
15:38 I've been around
15:39 a lot of people,
15:40 some of them obviously
15:41 not following Jesus,
15:42 and I've never seen anyone
15:43 acting like this
15:44 demon possessed man.
15:47 That's a thing of the past,
15:48 right?
15:50 Does demon
15:51 possession occur today?
15:52 That's the question.
15:55 And if it occurs today,
15:57 why does it seem
15:58 to look so different
15:59 or does it look different?
16:01 Here's the perspective
16:03 I'd like to share with you.
16:05 What we're seeing
16:06 in this battle
16:07 between the demon possessed
16:08 man and Jesus is an example
16:11 of what we call
16:11 the great controversy.
16:13 It's Satan
16:14 and his minions
16:15 fighting against Christ
16:18 and those who are loyal to Him.
16:20 And Satan is trying
16:21 to entice us
16:23 to choose his leadership.
16:24 And you see what
16:25 plays out in this story,
16:26 as in others,
16:27 that sometimes it ends up
16:29 in this overt possession.
16:32 But how does Satan
16:33 especially work today?
16:35 How is he
16:36 especially getting people
16:37 to join his ranks?
16:40 I would suggest to you
16:41 that one of the most
16:41 powerful influences
16:43 in today's world,
16:44 especially in the
16:45 Western world, is atheism.
16:48 When people give up on God,
16:49 they often
16:50 declare themselves what?
16:52 I'm an atheist.
16:53 There is no God.
16:54 There is no,
16:55 there is no spiritual realm.
16:56 There are no devils,
16:58 there are no angels.
17:01 It's all just humanity.
17:03 Okay?
17:04 And we're here
17:05 and there's no God.
17:06 So think about this
17:07 for a minute.
17:08 If Satan is working with
17:09 special force in our culture
17:12 to induce people
17:12 to throw God out and say
17:14 there is no God,
17:15 how effective
17:16 would it be for Satan
17:18 if he's possessing someone
17:20 to have them act in a way
17:22 that shows
17:23 there is no question
17:25 that there are supernatural
17:26 forces at work?
17:27 Would this be in his interest?
17:28 It doesn't make sense
17:30 for him to act
17:30 that way, does it?
17:31 He seems like he's
17:32 smarter than that,
17:34 because if he started having
17:35 people going crazy,
17:36 you know, and
17:37 and your pets all running out
17:39 and all the Fort
17:40 Wayne pets, you know,
17:41 running into one of the rivers
17:42 here, we'd say,
17:43 I mean, this is something
17:44 spiritual, right, going on.
17:46 But no,
17:47 how does Satan work today?
17:49 Let me go back
17:50 to that description
17:51 of Desire of Ages
17:52 that goes back to a demoniac
17:53 we mentioned earlier.
17:56 The same evil spirit
17:58 that tempted Christ
17:59 in the wilderness,
18:00 and that possessed the maniac
18:02 or demoniac of Capernaum,
18:04 controlled
18:06 the unbelieving Jews.
18:09 But with them
18:11 he, Satan,
18:12 assumed an air of piety,
18:15 instead of being crazy,
18:16 foaming at the mouth,
18:17 rolling on the ground,
18:19 cutting themselves,
18:20 living in the tombs.
18:21 It was an air of what?
18:23 Of piety.
18:25 Holiness.
18:27 Seeking to deceive them
18:28 as to their motives
18:30 in rejecting the Saviour.
18:32 Their condition
18:33 was more hopeless
18:34 than that of the demoniac.
18:37 Why?
18:38 Because they felt
18:38 no need of Christ
18:40 and were therefore held fast
18:42 under the power of Satan.
18:44 So two classes
18:45 of demon possession, right?
18:48 One looks like this
18:50 crazy thing.
18:50 Mental illness. It's terrible.
18:52 And others,
18:53 just these respectable
18:55 looking people.
18:56 It's sobering, isn't
18:57 it, to think about.
18:59 Well, back to Mark 5.
19:00 Because
19:01 even though
19:02 this man is inhabited,
19:05 as the account says, well,
19:06 turn there to Mark
19:07 5, if you will.
19:08 I want you to realize that
19:09 this is not just
19:10 a simple,
19:11 ordinary demon possession,
19:14 but is
19:16 this man in Mark 5,
19:18 this demon possessed
19:19 man sees Jesus.
19:21 The account tells us
19:23 that his response
19:24 is that he
19:25 sees Jesus from far away
19:27 and he runs.
19:29 And he does what?
19:31 He worships Him.
19:33 He worships Him.
19:36 Now, I don't know
19:37 what translation you have.
19:38 Some of the modern translations
19:40 take out that word
19:42 worshiped Him.
19:43 But Greek scholars tell us
19:45 this is a very accurate way
19:47 of translating what happens.
19:49 It's the idea that he falls at
19:50 Jesus놿et, okay?
19:52 So he's
19:53 coming to worship Jesus,
19:55 but he's possessed by demons.
19:58 And the account says,
19:59 if you look there in chapter 5,
20:00 it is not just a single demon.
20:03 Do you see what it says there?
20:05 What is this man dealing with?
20:07 He is dealing with demons
20:10 that identify themselves
20:11 as legion, in verse 9,
20:14 for we are many.
20:17 And so when he falls
20:18 at Jesus놿et,
20:19 instead of being able
20:20 to say, Jesus,
20:21 Lord, help me, here's
20:22 his prayer.
20:23 Now, think about this,
20:24 those of you
20:26 that are tempted to judge
20:28 other people's prayers,
20:30 what would you do
20:31 if you heard someone
20:32 pray this prayer?
20:34 How likely do
20:34 you think God would be
20:36 to answer it?
20:37 What have I to do with You,
20:38 Jesus,
20:40 Son of the Most High God?
20:42 I implore You
20:43 by God
20:44 that You do not torment me.
20:47 What would you think?
20:48 Would you think
20:49 this is a prayer
20:50 that Jesus is going to answer?
20:53 The demons are saying,
20:54 leave me alone. What is?
20:55 Why did the man run to Jesus?
20:58 Presumably he wanted
20:59 Jesus to heal him.
21:01 He wants the demons out of him.
21:02 And the demons are saying
21:04 no, get out of me.
21:05 So here's the deal.
21:07 The words coming out
21:08 of his mouth
21:08 don't seem like faith
21:10 filled words,
21:11 but his actions demonstrate
21:13 his faith.
21:14 He runs to Jesus,
21:19 unspoken cry.
21:21 And what does He do?
21:22 He frees him
21:24 from the demons
21:25 that have plagued his life.
21:27 As you read through
21:28 the account,
21:29 you see this amazing story.
21:31 Verse 15,
21:33 it says that after
21:34 Jesus ministers to him, that
21:37 demon possessed man is sitting
21:41 and clothed in his right mind.
21:45 But we don't want
21:46 to miss something in the story
21:48 because part of the drama
21:50 here is
21:51 the demons
21:52 make a request of Jesus.
21:56 Okay.
21:57 Look at it there with me.
22:01 In Mark's version,
22:03 verse 10, it says, he begs
22:06 Him, the demons
22:07 speaking through the man,
22:08 begged Him earnestly
22:09 that He would not send them
22:11 out of the country.
22:12 If you compare it
22:14 with other gospel
22:15 accounts, Matthew and Luke,
22:19 you'll find something
22:20 very interesting.
22:22 Luke 8:31 it says,
22:24 the New International
22:25 Version translates
22:26 it quite literally.
22:28 They beg Jesus repeatedly
22:31 not to order them
22:32 to go into the abyss.
22:35 The abyss.
22:36 Now some people read this
22:37 and they say, Oh, well,
22:38 they there's a place
22:40 where the demons dwell.
22:42 They might call it hell
22:43 or something else.
22:44 And they say the demons didn't
22:45 want Jesus
22:46 to put them in this
22:47 place of hell
22:48 that exists right now.
22:49 That is actually not
22:50 what the Bible teaches.
22:52 The Bible teaches
22:53 something quite different.
22:54 It does teach about an abyss
22:57 or a bottomless pit.
22:58 Same word in the Greek.
23:00 Look at with me Revelation 20.
23:04 Revelation 20.
23:06 John is giving this picture.
23:07 So this is after
23:08 all, the plagues on the earth.
23:11 Sin and sinners
23:12 are no more on planet Earth.
23:14 Jesus has come back.
23:16 And now the earth is left
23:18 in a state of
23:21 abyss
23:23 without form and void,
23:24 like the original pre
23:26 creative states.
23:27 I'm using this term
23:29 analogously not literally.
23:32 And so the earth is
23:33 without form and void.
23:35 Satan
23:35 and his angels are on planet
23:37 earth
23:38 bound by chains
23:40 of circumstances.
23:41 Let's see how John
23:42 was shown it in Revelation.
23:44 Then I saw an angel coming down
23:46 from heaven,
23:47 having the key to the abyss,
23:49 translated
23:50 in the New King James
23:51 as the bottomless pit.
23:52 Same word
23:53 that is used by the demons
23:55 in Luke's account in Luke 8.
23:58 Key to the bottomless pit.
23:59 A great chain in his hand.
24:01 He laid hold of the dragon,
24:02 that serpent of old,
24:03 who is the Devil and Satan,
24:05 and bound him
24:06 for a thousand years.
24:08 The point of Revelation 20 is
24:09 there is no abyss right now.
24:11 There is no bottomless pit
24:13 right now.
24:13 That's something that is formed
24:17 when Jesus comes back
24:19 and it exists on this earth
24:21 for a thousand years,
24:22 while the living righteous
24:24 and those who died with faith
24:26 in Jesus are resurrected,
24:27 they're reigning with Christ
24:29 for a thousand years.
24:30 But this planet,
24:33 the chaos of this planet,
24:36 Satan and his angels bound here
24:39 by their circumstances.
24:41 Here's
24:41 the interesting thing
24:42 about this dialog.
24:44 Some people say,
24:45 Well, the demon said,
24:46 don't cast us into the abyss.
24:48 That means
24:48 there must be an abyss.
24:49 How many of you think
24:50 demons have got
24:51 everything figured out
24:51 100 percent?
24:54 Did the Jews in Jesus냝y
24:56 have confusion
24:56 about what Jesus
24:57 讣rst coming would usher in?
25:00 They did.
25:00 They thought it was going
25:01 to usher in,
25:01 you know, the Messianic
25:05 kingdom, right?
25:06 Physically,
25:07 Jesus was going to reign.
25:08 They equated prophecies
25:11 that would be
25:11 ultimately fulfilled
25:12 at the Second Coming
25:13 with what would happen
25:14 at the first.
25:15 I would suggest to you
25:16 one reading of what's going on
25:17 here is
25:17 the demons were confused, too.
25:19 They thought
25:20 during Jesus듌nistry,
25:21 He's going to constitute
25:23 this abyss.
25:24 It has not happened yet.
25:27 So having said
25:28 all this,
25:28 how does the story conclude?
25:31 Well, it
25:31 concludes with,
25:33 as you see it
25:33 there, with pigs
25:35 jumping into the steep
25:38 place in the sea.
25:39 That's verse 13.
25:40 The unclean spirits
25:42 go out,
25:42 they enter the swine,
25:43 the herd runs
25:44 violently down the steep
25:46 place into the sea,
25:47 and they drown in the sea.
25:49 Now, you might say,
25:50 no big deal.
25:51 Who cares about pigs?
25:54 We are going to dive into that
25:56 a little bit deeper.
25:57 But at this juncture,
25:58 I want you to notice something.
26:00 Two stories.
26:01 The first two
26:02 in this group of four
26:03 showing the same thing,
26:06 that Jesus has power
26:08 to help people
26:09 in the midst
26:09 of their hopelessness.
26:11 I don't know what
26:11 your situation is,
26:13 but I know Jesus
26:14 wants to minister hope to you.
26:16 When we come to Jesus.
26:18 Even if we can't pray the way
26:20 we think we should,
26:21 even if our situation
26:22 looks hopeless,
26:23 we cry out to Him,
26:25 He speaks peace
26:26 and healing to every one of us.
26:30 The Bible,
26:31 especially Mark's
26:32 gospel, is indeed full of hope
26:33 for the hopeless.
26:35 With that in mind,
26:36 let me pray for you.
26:37 Father in Heaven,
26:38 I want to thank You
26:39 for each one
26:40 who has joined us today.
26:42 Father, this world is
26:44 greatly in need of hope.
26:46 And I just pray
26:46 that these words
26:47 that we've studied
26:48 today would continue
26:50 to minister
26:51 hope to each one who's tuned in
26:53 and that they would
26:54 take that hope
26:54 and share it
26:55 with those around them
26:56 so that the world
26:57 would be blessed
26:59 even more greatly
27:00 by Your Word
27:02 as it is shared with power.
27:04 We ask it all in
27:05 Jesus name, Amen.
27:08 Not only is God's
27:09 Word powerful
27:11 and ministering hope,
27:12 but we want to let
27:12 you know that
27:13 we're here to try to minister
27:14 Hope in practical ways.
27:16 In addition
27:17 to those that come directly
27:18 out of the Word of God.
27:20 Feel free
27:20 to drop by our web site
27:21 at TimelessHealingInsights.org.
27:24 You'll find a whole host
27:26 of helpful
27:27 resources there,
27:28 including a handout
27:29 that covers today's program.
27:31 And while you're there,
27:32 don't hesitate to join with us.
27:34 Help us to bring this content,
27:36 help it to go
27:36 out on the airwaves.
27:38 We value your prayers
27:39 as well
27:40 as your financial support.
27:41 You can make your donations
27:43 at that very same
27:43 website,
27:46 TimelessHealingInsights.org.
27:48 And if you haven't
27:49 taken advantage
27:49 of our free health programing,
27:51 it's all there for you as well.
27:53 TimelessHealingInsights.org.
27:57 I'll see you there.


Revised 2023-07-17