The Incredible Journey

Alleviating Anxiety and Depression

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TIJ

Program Code: TIJ003115S

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00:25 Stress and anxiety affect almost every one of us at some point in
00:29 our lives often keeping us awake at night with tense muscles and
00:34 a racing mind. A recent study shows that even our fur friends,
00:41 dogs can be kept awake at night after stressful experiences.
00:45 Anxiety. It's that inner voice that questions everything you
00:50 do, that makes your mind race uncontrollably causing you to
00:54 feel extremely nervous, restless and agitated. But that doesn't
01:01 have to be you because there is a way to deal with anxiety. Our
01:05 special guest today is going to share some simple but effective
01:09 steps to alleviating anxiety.
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01:33 According to large population based surveys up to 33% or one
01:38 in three people are affected by an anxiety disorder at some
01:42 point during their lifetime. However, a large percentage of
01:46 people affected never reach out for help or seek any treatment
01:51 perhaps because of the stigma attached to mental health issues
01:57 Prince Harry, on his recent visit to Australia opened up
02:00 about his own struggles with anxiety and depression that he
02:04 suffered for many years after losing his mother in a tragic
02:08 car accident when he was 12. This is what he said at a recent
02:11 press conference:
02:20 Seeking professional advice can certainly be helpful and today
02:25 we're going to meet a doctor who has created a lifestyle program
02:29 for anxiety that is changing lives around the world.
02:33 Dr. Neil Nedley is a practicing physician with an emphasis on
02:38 mental health and lifestyle medicine. He's the president of
02:41 Weimar Health Institute near Sacramento, California which
02:46 runs highly effective recovery programs. However, Dr. Nedley
02:51 is perhaps best known as the founder of the Depression and
02:55 Anxiety Recovery Program which empowers people all over the
02:59 world to recover fully from depression and anxiety and
03:03 experience a fulfilling life. Dr. Nedley thank you for joining
03:07 us on our program today. Can you begin by helping us
03:11 understand anxiety? In what way is anxiety different to stress?
03:17 You know, it's a great question and I'm so glad to be on your
03:22 program Gary, again. But yes anxiety is of course fear and
03:26 excessive worry and feeling on edge and all of us can have
03:31 those feelings once in a while. But when it starts impacting our
03:36 family life or our productivity or our work life, that's when it
03:41 becomes excessive and that's when it actually is a disorder.
03:44 It's a diagnosable mental illness. There's generalized
03:50 anxiety disorders. A lot of people think about that they
03:53 think about anxiety but panic disorder is also a type of
03:57 anxiety. Post-traumatic stress disorder. There can be phobias.
04:02 There can be obsessive compulsive disorder, social
04:08 anxiety. These are all forms of anxiety. For instance panic
04:13 disorder actually comes about suddenly and unexpectedly, this
04:20 overwhelming fear associated with physical symptoms. So you
04:25 might have crushing chest pain where you think you're having a
04:28 heart attack. You might have shortness of breath where you
04:31 just feel like you're being asphyxiated. You might have
04:35 dizziness, you might have severe headache, you might
04:37 have abdominal pain. There are 17 different physical symptoms
04:42 that can result from panic disorder and most of the time
04:47 these people feel that they are having physical issues and so
04:51 they go to the emergency room and they get checked out and the
04:54 doctor says there's nothing wrong with you. You're actually
04:57 experiencing a panic disorder or a panic attack. Those are fairly
05:03 common as far as anxiety goes. Past-traumatic stress disorder
05:07 is when you have had a very traumatic event happen to you
05:12 that just continues to come back with intrusive thoughts. It's
05:18 part of your memory. It might be like, you know, a trigger
05:21 where the movie replays, the whole traumatic event replays
05:26 with the sights and the smells and the sounds. And it can be
05:30 very crippling and disabling. Then there are phobias. There
05:35 might be a simple phobia of spiders, it might be a phobias
05:41 of buttons. More common phobias might be a fear of driving or
05:46 maybe a fear of flying. These are phobias that are irrational
05:52 but yet accompanied with those anxiety symptoms. Then with
05:57 obsessive compulsive disorder this is when you have obtrusive
06:02 thoughts that come in and then it's normally accompanied with
06:07 compulsions of having to do something. So it might be a
06:11 result of being fearful of germs and having to just wash your
06:14 hands and arms excessively or having everything be clean.
06:18 It is important for things to be clean but they put out of
06:21 proportion how important it is and everything else gets to less
06:26 importance than just cleanliness and that's when we get obsessive
06:30 compulsive disorder. There can be other obsessions and
06:33 compulsions as well. And then a very common one actually
06:36 dramatically increasing in our society is social anxiety.
06:40 It might be a particular social anxiety like a fear of public
06:46 speaking, but it could be a fear of even being in informal
06:50 settings. It could be a fear of eating in front of others.
06:53 Normally it's accompanied by a fear that you're going to do
06:56 something wrong and you're going to be judged by others as
07:00 a result of doing something wrong in social situations.
07:04 Social anxiety actually is becoming very common place
07:07 in our society today.
07:09 So what triggers anxiety?
07:11 You know, there's multiple factors coming together. What a
07:15 lot of people don't realize is it's not just one thing
07:18 necessarily that triggers it. Usually it's biochemical changes
07:23 that have taken place in the brain accompanied by some
07:27 irrational patterns of thinking. And what can set off those
07:31 irrational patterns of thinking are stressful situations or
07:35 prolonged stress. So if the person has the biochemical
07:40 makeup it might be a biochemical makeup because of genetics, it
07:43 might be due to even what they're eating. It could be due
07:46 to other lifestyle factors that are changing the biochemistry
07:50 and setting them up for anxiety and then when they have the
07:54 irrational thoughts that go with it, that's when it can tip over
07:57 the edge and you actually have an anxiety disease process.
08:03 Depression does play a role in regards to the anxiety. About
08:08 80% of the cases that I see that are severe in a residential
08:13 program are also accompanied by depression. And in an
08:17 outpatient setting at least half of anxiety patients also have
08:24 depression. What is interesting though and what a lot of
08:25 of people don't realize is that anxiety is known to be more
08:31 difficult to treat than depression. We think depression
08:33 is kind of the worst thing. No. The anxiety disorder is actually
08:38 known to be more difficult to treat. It takes double or triple
08:41 the doses of medicines. There are more side effects. It takes
08:45 longer often to recover. But actually if it's treated in the
08:49 right way, we can get the same dramatic improvement. In fact,
08:54 eradication of both depression and anxiety at the same rates
08:58 when we're taking care of the underlying issues bringing it
09:02 about. If we go the traditional route with just medicines, it's
09:06 very discouraging because these medicines not only don't work
09:10 that well, the ones that do work can be addictive and they can
09:15 actually set you up for even more anxiety because of the
09:18 addiction component. And that's why it's very good to address
09:21 this comprehensively and not just medicating it.
09:24 Dr. Nedley can you tell us more about the steps that are
09:28 included in the depression and anxiety recovery program that
09:32 has changed people's lives so much.
09:35 Yes. This comprehensive process involves a biochemical analysis
09:40 of what is happening in the brain and I'll just tell you,
09:43 most of the time the way anxiety is treated the doctor is
09:49 making assumptions about the biochemistry but not actually
09:53 measuring it and so they'll say try this, try that. And then the
09:58 patient comes back and says that made me worse. Or, you know, it
10:02 did help, but only a little bit. I actually don't want to play
10:06 that game. It's too long and anxiety is something that we
10:10 need to irradiate. So I actually, measure the
10:14 biochemistry and then there's personality traits that will go
10:18 along with that to give us confirmation. So once we know
10:22 the biochemistry, then we do an analysis on their thinking.
10:26 There are 10 different ways that anxiety patients can get into
10:31 distorted thoughts. There's over 100 causes of depression but
10:36 they can be categorized into 10 different categories. So these
10:41 are categories of causes and as I mentioned it's more than just
10:46 one category or one cause going on. When we do our workups we
10:50 find that the brain's pretty resilient. It can undergo one or
10:54 two or three of these pretty well but once the fourth hit
10:57 occurs, that's when anxiety or depression or another mental
11:01 illness is going to come about. So when our patients come in we
11:05 actually do an assessment, an assessment test, to see which
11:09 categories are operative. Those 10 categories of causes are
11:14 genetic causes, developmental causes. This has to do with
11:18 maybe being in a dysfunctional home or having severe stress and
11:22 maybe being abused growing up. Lifestyle causes which has to do
11:27 with not getting enough exercise or light or fresh air. Circadian
11:32 rhythm causes; this is our sleep wake cycles and our body rhythms
11:36 Often we're on schedules today with electronics, work schedules
11:39 where we're not on regular schedules as far as regular
11:43 eating and sleeping and that adversely affects the brain.
11:45 Then there's addiction causes. Addiction causes are at an all
11:49 time high. Nutrition causes. Toxic causes like mercury or
11:55 lead or excess copper or something along that line.
11:58 Social causes or stress or loss could fall into this category
12:06 where we have experienced a very stressful or very severe loss in
12:11 our life that we're not able to cope with very well. Then there
12:15 are medical causes like thyroid conditions or autoimmune
12:19 conditions. Head trauma; a blow to the head where you've been
12:22 knocked out. That can cause inflammation of the brain.
12:24 That's a medical cause. Then the 10th cause is
12:29 frontal lobe causes.
12:30 This is the area of our brain that's the analytical portion of
12:36 our brain but it's also where the spiritual part of our brain
12:39 is at. And that's where our overall meaning and purpose is.
12:43 And we will see many patients with anxiety, depression in
12:47 particularly that area of the brain. Fortunately all of those
12:51 categories can be reversed to some extent, even the genetics.
12:55 The genetics, of course, are going to stay the same but we
12:59 deactivate the active genes through these other categories.
13:03 So we can actually get the developmental and genetic causes
13:08 under control by getting these other eight categories under
13:12 control. So we work on the eight that we can do something about
13:16 and it actually helps the other two if they're present.
13:18 So in regards to the biochemical process what are some of the
13:22 things that we can do to actually help that process?
13:25 This is where nutrition comes in People with anxiety tend to have
13:31 low serotonin levels. That's one of the reasons why they tend not
13:35 to sleep very well associated with this and they're not able
13:40 to handle the common stressors around them very well. So we're
13:45 doing things to boost their serotonin level like pumpkin
13:48 seeds and tofu and gluten. That's one of the advantages if
13:55 you don't have gluten sensitivity of whole wheat. This
13:58 is one of the problems of a gluten free diet. If you don't
14:01 need to be on a gluten free diet Yes you can get tryptophan in
14:04 other foods but wheat is one of the good foods to get that in.
14:07 Then we utilize light therapy. Light through eyes actually
14:13 helps the brain to make serotonin. And then we'll
14:16 actually look at other chemicals Often their dopamine levels are
14:20 low and their norepinephrine levels are high and the
14:24 norepinephrine fuels this stress and fuels this anxiety. So we
14:29 we will do things to get that under control. If that's the
14:31 case, we see that their metals are not handled correctly.
14:36 Sometimes it's due to excess free copper and we have to give
14:38 them zinc and zinc can actually help to balance this situation
14:43 out in the right doses. Exercise is crucial for all anxiety
14:48 patients. Physical exercise actually works better on your
14:54 brain than it does your body. A lot of people think exercise
14:57 is just for body fitness. No it actually is more for your brain
15:02 than it is for your body and so we get our anxiety patients
15:05 starting to work on getting very fit physically. Then, we might
15:11 actually do, if they come to our residential program, some
15:14 contrast hydrotherapy. This helps the circulation of their
15:17 brain, helps to actually wash out the toxins. And after
15:22 several days of that, we're now ready to start working on the
15:25 thoughts. Then when we get to the thought issues along with
15:29 the improvement in biochemistry that's when we can see a
15:32 dramatic turnaround in as little as 10 days. It's amazing how
15:37 these symptoms that they've been putting up with for years are
15:41 just gone and they didn't think it was ever, they were ever able
15:45 to return to feeling normal again and feeling peaceful, but
15:50 it happens when we correct the underlying causes.
15:53 So Dr. Nedley I understand that you've been treating people with
15:56 anxiety for quite some time now with remarkable results. Can you
16:01 you tell us a little about that?
16:03 We've had thousands recover as a result of this program and
16:08 many examples. You know, I can just draw from the last caseload
16:14 that we just finished in doing a program at Weimar Institute
16:18 where we do our residential programs. But this was actually
16:21 a lady from Australia that had severe obsessive compulsive
16:26 disorder. Her arms and hands the flesh was just gone. She
16:30 was actually taking a scrub brush and just incessantly
16:34 trying to keep things clean. She was actually working as an
16:39 executive secretary for a corporation and it was just
16:42 destroying her life. She couldn't even go to work anymore
16:47 for this obsession that she continued to have to repeat.
16:51 And she thought she was beyond help. She had gotten all of the
16:53 medicines treated for it. She had been to all the
16:56 psychotherapy techniques and she heard about the program and came
17:02 She told us just like many that nothing's going to work for me
17:06 I've been through it all, but this is my last hope. And when
17:11 we went through that systematic approach with her it was amazing
17:17 In 10 days she no longer had those thoughts coming in and of
17:23 course she was a little fearful going back to a reentry to her
17:26 environment but with the biochemical changes as well as
17:29 being tooled up in regards to now thinking rational and
17:34 majoring in majors now instead of majoring in minors. This is
17:38 where you know people with obsessive compulsive disorder
17:41 they major in minors and they minor in majors. So she got that
17:45 all sifted out and she has done wonderfully well. She is back
17:50 to work and she has full success in fact she's trying to become
17:56 an executive secretary over here now because she'd love to be
18:00 acquainted and helping some of the other people that have the
18:03 anxiety level that she had. We also had in the same program
18:07 an individual who could not go to work anymore. He had to you
18:13 know resign from work, became unemployed. Just driving caused
18:18 him severe stress. And he would try to get out in his car and he
18:24 couldn't even move his car past the driveway because of this
18:27 severe anxiety. He'd have to go back into his house and even
18:31 tell his wife he wasn't going to work. He knew how upset she
18:35 would be but then she came home and found-What are you doing?
18:38 Well, I had to miss work. My anxiety level is so high.
18:42 He came to our program and had that same level of success and
18:48 he's back to work. He's back to being productive. His anxiety is
18:53 gone and they had tried him on Ativan, lorazepam, Zanax, all
18:58 of these types of things. We had to actually withdraw him from
19:02 that to help his frontal lobe but then we found the
19:04 biochemical issues as well as him being stuck in his
19:08 irrational thoughts and he was transformed as well. Those were
19:11 just two very severe cases, just from our last program. It's
19:17 actually great. If our patients would allow your film crew in
19:23 there they tell the stories a lot better than I do. But it's
19:29 exciting to be involved in this line of work.
19:31 What are your other secrets to recovery?
19:33 Other secrets of recovery center in enhancing the frontal lobe,
19:38 some techniques that can really help our circulation up here.
19:42 You know, for instance relaxing and melodic classical music has
19:47 been shown to enhance the frontal lobe. Actually
19:51 developing a meditative prayer experience where you combine the
19:57 spiritual with the meditation and reflection aspect of things
20:01 can help the frontal lobe. Then actually reading of certain
20:06 books where we're illustrating principles of irrational thought
20:10 along with case reports on how this worked actually can
20:16 actually improve our frontal circulation and those principles
20:21 get into good analytical subsets and then people can
20:24 start practicing that and their frontal lobe will actually get
20:28 better.
20:30 I understand that you've created an eight week depression
20:34 and anxiety lifestyle recovery program that can coach people
20:37 who would like support to implement these principles and
20:41 help them recover from anxiety. Can you tell us more about that?
20:44 Yes we have developed an eight week program for both depression
20:49 and anxiety recovery. This takes the participant through step by
20:55 step this process that I have elucidated. It starts out of an
21:00 assessment of those 100 causes and which categories are
21:04 operative. It actually starts out with an assessment to see
21:07 what type of anxiety they might have, how severe it might be
21:11 and then they are given suggestions and recommendations
21:16 through even health coaching on what they can do differently
21:20 as far as what they're putting into their body and what
21:22 they're doing with their body as well as how they're utilizing
21:25 their brain to produce the
21:28 significant results that we know will happen when we get rid of
21:33 the underlying causes of anxiety. There is hope for
21:37 people suffering from depression and anxiety. Every case of
21:42 depression and anxiety actually can be reversed and can be
21:50 eradicated if the person has a desire to get better and then
21:54 implements the changes that are recommended to transform their
21:59 brain. There may be a very select case extremely rare of
22:03 somebody who has secondary gain for staying in anxiety
22:08 depression. Maybe they're getting attention from their
22:11 spouse or maybe they're getting disability payments or something
22:16 like that, but even those type of people who their families
22:19 think they're getting secondary gain, most of the time, it's not
22:22 that they're wanting to stay that way. They would actually
22:25 prefer to get better. If people really want to get better they
22:28 can get better. There is not a case that can actually not
22:34 improve with depression/anxiety. The nice thing about our brains,
22:37 Gary, is that their malleable. The brain chemistry is
22:42 changeable. Our patterns of thinking can be completely
22:46 changed and gone from irrational to rational. So all of us have
22:50 these wonderful brains that are capable of changing. But when
22:54 you're in depression and anxiety you think there's no way your
22:57 brain can change. You're stuck. You know, these diseases
23:00 actually seem know, you're against a brick wall.
23:02 You're just totally stuck. But, no. Even those brains can
23:07 dramatically improve utilizing the principles that we talked
23:11 about today.
23:13 Dr. Nedley, it's been a pleasure to have you on our program today
23:17 Thank you so much for sharing this vitally important
23:20 information with us. Thank you.
23:22 Gary, it's been great being here. Thank you.
23:25 God wants us to enjoy life to the full. Suffering from stress
23:29 and anxiety are not part of God's plan for you and me.
23:34 He wants us to experience peace in spite of the pain and
23:38 problems we may have in our lives. The Bible has a lot of
23:43 encouraging words and support for us when we are feeling
23:46 anxious and troubled. Here's what Jesus says in Matthew
23:50 chapter 11:
24:12 Yes, God loves us and wants to help us. He invites us to bring
24:16 our burdens and anxiety to him, to share them with him and allow
24:20 him to carry them and take responsibility for them. We are
24:24 not left to struggle alone. God cares. Listen to what the Bible
24:29 says in I Peter chapter 5 and verse 7:
24:38 God wants us to have the assurance that he is with us.
24:42 He doesn't want us to be anxious. He wants us to
24:46 experience the lasting peace, fulfillment and happiness that
24:51 he alone can provide. Notice what the Bible says in
24:56 Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7.
25:17 God invites us to share with him those thing that weigh heavy on
25:21 our hearts and minds. If you would like to experience God's
25:26 peace that passes all understanding, I invite you to
25:30 join me now as we pray. Dear Heavenly Father
25:35 thank you for your love and for the many blessings you give us.
25:39 Thank you for your promise to be with us and for your offer to
25:43 take care of our problems and anxieties. Lord, we want to give
25:48 them all to you. Help us to trust you and give us your
25:53 peace in our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.
26:00 Dr. Nedley has shared some valuable suggestions today on
26:05 how to alleviate anxiety in our lives. These principles have
26:10 helped thousands of people alleviate stress, depression and
26:14 crippling anxiety. If you are looking for lasting peace and
26:19 would like to better manage stress and anxiety in your life
26:22 then I'd like to recommend a free gift we have for all our
26:26 viewers today. It's a booklet called How to Cope with Anxiety.
26:32 This booklet is our gift to you and is absolutely free. There
26:36 are not costs or obligations whatsoever. So make the most
26:40 of this wonderful opportunity to receive the gift we have for
26:44 you today. Here's the information you need:
26:47 Phone or text us at 0436333555 in Australia or
26:55 0204222042 in New Zealand or visit our website to
27:04 request today's free offer and we'll send it to you totally
27:07 free of charge and with no obligation. Write to us at:
27:24 Don't delay. Call or text us now
27:28 If you've enjoyed today's program on the challenges of
27:33 depression and anxiety be sure to join us again next week when
27:37 we will share another of life's journeys together. Until then
27:42 remember the ultimate destination of life's journey.
27:45 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth. And God will wipe away
27:49 every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death nor
27:53 sorrow nor crying. There shall be no more pain for the former
27:57 things have passed away.
27:59 ♪ ♪


Revised 2020-07-30