The Incredible Journey

Sir Edmund Hillary – Reach The Summit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TIJ

Program Code: TIJ006124S

00:24 It's over 70 years since one of the most amazing
00:28 achievements on earth occurred, it's an accomplishment
00:31 that is spoken of remembered and for many is often given
00:37 as a gauge of success.
00:38 And so, it's no surprise that the name of this one man
00:42 is carved indelibly in history.
00:46 In fact in his home country he is considered a hero
00:50 and is being voted the most admired person in the nation.
00:53 He even has a commemorative five stamp series
00:57 to honor his status and achievements.
00:59 In fact, he's the best known New Zealander in all the world.
01:04 But it's not just his achievement as a mountaineer
01:09 the conqueror of Mt. Everest, the first man with
01:13 Tenzing Norgay to climb to the top of the highest mountain
01:16 in the world that he is honored for.
01:19 It's because Edmund Hillary showed us how an ordinary
01:23 life can become a truly extraordinary one.
01:27 He has shown us that greatness is possible as he said in his
01:32 1975 autobiography...
01:42 So, join me, Gary Kent on an Incredible Journey
01:47 as we follow in the footsteps of Edmund Hillary the legendary
01:51 mountaineer who rose from humble beginnings
01:54 to reach the lofty heights of success
01:57 and in a sense lifted the world with him.
02:00 Edmund Hillary a man who inspired a nation and the world.
02:20 Edmund Percival Hillary was born in Remuera, Auckland
02:25 on the 20th of July 1919 he was the son of Percival and
02:30 Gertrude Hillary. His mother was a teacher and his father
02:35 published a newspaper The North Auckland Times.
02:38 The Hillary family moved to Tuakau 70 km south of Auckland
02:44 here on the banks of the Waikato River in 1920.
02:48 Percival who had served at Gallipoli during the I World War
02:53 was allocated a return serviceman's land allocation.
02:57 Percy also used the Veteran's Assistance to train as a
03:02 beekeeper and established a weekly newspaper
03:05 The Tuakau District News.
03:08 Edmund remembers that his early years in Tuakau were happy ones
03:13 as he roamed through the fields and along the banks of the
03:16 Waikato River near his home. The local Tuakau Primary School
03:21 was one kilometer from the Hillary home and Edmund
03:24 used to walk bare feet to school each day whether
03:28 it was raining, sunny, or frosty.
03:31 Edmund's mother was determined that he would get a good
03:35 secondary education and so at 13 he was enrolled at Auckland
03:40 Grammar School even though it meant long 12-hour days for him.
03:44 He had to travel the 2 hour train journey to school
03:48 every morning and afternoon.
03:50 Coming from a small country school Edmund found the large
03:55 boys school in the big city a terrifying experience.
03:58 He felt lost and alone in his new environment and as he said,
04:03 often munched on his sandwiches in solitary fashion.
04:07 But worse was to come, in the first week of high school
04:11 a physical education teacher looked at his small and
04:15 scrawny physique, rolled his eyes and muttered
04:18 "What will they send me next?
04:21 Edmund felt humiliated and said he developed a feeling
04:26 of inferiority but the gangly teenager did grow to a height
04:31 2 meters or 6'5" tall. He grew an incredible 22 cm
04:37 or 9" in one year and even though his daily commute
04:42 didn't allow him to participate in after-school sports,
04:46 he found another way to stay fit and active.
04:50 When the train is traveling slowly Edmund would
04:54 run alongside the train and would leap on at the last moment
04:58 when it started to increase it's speed.
05:00 He soon became very fit and was able to excel in all
05:05 sports classes but his life would change forever
05:09 when he was 16 years old and in his last year at
05:13 Auckland Grammar.
05:14 He went on a school trip to Mount Ruapehu,
05:17 the mountain is actually a volcano with world-class
05:21 ski fields in winter.
05:22 Edmund was enchanted by the glistening snow,
05:26 the frozen streams and the vistas in this strange and
05:29 exciting new world. Edmund enjoyed 10 glorious days of
05:35 skiing and playing on the lower slopes of the mountain.
05:39 But this visit to Mount Ruapehu did spark his interest in
05:44 mountaineering. On completing school Edmund enrolled in
05:48 Auckland University to study mathematics and science
05:52 but found it hard to settle and make friends with the
05:56 with the students.
05:57 So after two years he dropped out to work full-time for the
06:01 family bee-keeping business with his father and
06:04 younger brother Rex.
06:06 He also joined a tramping club, now that's the New Zealand name
06:10 for hiking and spent his Sunday's walking in the
06:14 Waitakere's, a range of mountains just west of Auckland.
06:17 Edmund soon found that he had more physical energy than most
06:21 and reveled in driving himself to the limit.
06:26 Edmund became passionate about mountain climbing
06:30 and during his early 20's he traveled to the Southern Alps
06:33 of New Zealand twice a year. In February for rock climbing
06:38 and then again in September to improve his ice work.
06:41 In 1939 Hillary was thrilled to actually climb his first peak
06:47 Mount Olivia, a mountain of nearly 2,000 meters near
06:52 Mount Cook in the Southern Alps.
06:54 As his skill and confidence grew he conquered peak after peak
06:59 and particularly enjoyed discovering new
07:02 climbing tracks up the rugged mountain ranges.
07:05 Edmund was so keen to equip himself with the best advice
07:10 and training that he would save his pennies to pay for
07:13 the very best guides. He soon developed a reputation
07:17 as a skilled safe and cool-headed climber.
07:21 The World War II Japanese threat in the Pacific and the arrival
07:27 of conscription changed Edmund's earlier Pacifist inclinations.
07:31 Although his father had applied for him to be excused from
07:35 enlisting on the grounds that honey production was
07:38 an essential service, he finally allowed Edmund to join
07:42 the New Zealand Royal Air Force.
07:44 Edmund's initial training was in Marlborough in the
07:49 south island New Zealand, here Hillary would spend all of his
07:53 free time mountain climbing
07:55 His first solo ascent was at Mt. Tapuacruku at 2,885 meters,
08:02 it was the highest mountain outside of the well-known
08:06 Southern Alps. In the last year of the war Edmund
08:11 was serving as a flying-boat navigator near Figi and
08:15 the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
08:17 When he was severely burnt in a boating accident when a broken
08:21 petrol tank on a motorboat burst into flame Hillary
08:25 braced himself to leap over- board but the boat suddenly
08:29 hit a big wave and he was thrown backward onto the sizzling
08:33 engine cover. Even though he was in pain and badly burned
08:38 Hillary then had to swim 500 meters to shore
08:41 and walk another kilometer to get medical help.
08:45 The New Zealand Air Force sent a message to his parents warning
08:50 them that their son was critically ill and would be
08:53 discharged on sick leave.
08:55 They were told Hillary would need many months to recover
08:59 but three weeks later Hillary chose to convalesce in the
09:05 Southern Alps finding a friend and mentor in Harry Ayres
09:09 New Zealand's most outstanding climber at that time.
09:12 The years between 1946 and his first trip to the Himalayas
09:17 was spent conquering every notable peak in the
09:21 Southern Alps.
09:22 Now, the best-known peak here is Mount Cook renowned for its
09:27 panoramic Alpine beauty and remote wilderness
09:30 a rugged land of rock of ice.
09:33 1948 became a memorable year for Hillary when he made his
09:39 first ascent of Ayer Rocky, Mount Cook,
09:42 the highest mountain in New Zealand at 3,724 meters
09:47 or 12,218 feet. Then a year later in 1949 Edmund Hillary
09:55 along with Harry Ayres made the first descent up the
09:59 challenging south ridge of Mount Cook and completed the
10:03 Grand Traverse as well.
10:04 Hillary was now involved in serious mountain climbing
10:09 he had met George Lowe a fellow mountaineer while
10:13 climbing Mount Cook and two years later in 1951
10:17 Hillary and Lowe took part in a New Zealand expedition
10:21 to the gavel Himalaya where they climbed five peaks
10:25 over 6,000 meters or 20,000 feet high.
10:29 Then in 1952 Hillary and Lowe joined the 10-week British
10:35 Cho Oyu expedition, now Cho Oyu is 20 kilometers west of
10:41 Mount Everest and is the world's 6th highest mountain,
10:45 it's also considered the best practice mountain before
10:49 attempting the world's highest peak, Mount Everest.
10:52 Now Mount Everest is not just the highest mountain in the
10:56 world but to climb this formidable mountain is
11:01 considered the pinnacle of human achievement.
11:03 At 8,848 meters or 29,031 feet high, this mountain is usually
11:12 covered by hurricane-force winds and sub-freezing temperatures.
11:17 Back in 1953 Hillary and Lowe received the invitation that
11:22 they'd been hoping and dreaming for, they were invited to join
11:26 Colonel John Hunts 1953 British Everest Expedition.
11:32 It was the 9th British expedition to Mount Everest
11:36 and Hunt was given a special leave from the British Army
11:40 to organize a military-style expedition in the hope of
11:44 successfully reaching the summit of Mount Everest.
11:47 It was a massive undertaking with weeks of detailed planning
11:53 and intense training and preparation.
11:55 There were 350 porters, 20 Nepalese mountain guides
12:00 called Sherpers and tons of supplies to support the
12:05 chosen ten climbers.
12:07 The climb to Mount Everest takes many days, the trek to
12:12 Everest Base Camp is between 10 to 14 days and then it takes
12:16 another 39 to 40 days to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
12:21 Now, the reason it takes so long to summit Everest
12:25 is so that the human body can adjust to the extreme altitude,
12:30 the higher the altitude the less oxygen there is in the air
12:35 compared to sea level.
12:36 So climbers normally use bottled oxygen to help them withstand
12:42 the effects of the extreme high altitude.
12:45 From the ten climbers Colonel Hunt chose the two climbing
12:50 groups that would be given the opportunity to reach
12:53 the summit. The first group of Tom Boudillian and Charles Evans
12:58 came so close to being the first ones to reach the South Summit
13:03 on the 26th of May, 1953.
13:06 Though just less than 100 meters or around 300 feet away from
13:12 the top when unfortunately due to a malfunction of their
13:16 closed circuit bottled oxygen breathing apparatus
13:20 the pair had to reluctantly turn around and descend
13:24 without reaching the summit of Everest.
13:27 Then the second climbing group of Edmund Hillary and his
13:32 sherpa companion Tenzing Norgay were now directed to try
13:36 for the summit.
13:41 Snow and wind held the pair back at their base camp at South Col
13:46 for two days, the next morning on the 29th of May 1953
13:53 Edmund found that his boots had frozen solid outside the tent
13:57 it took two hours to warm them before he could put them on
14:01 and then set out for the summit.
14:04 The two climbers soon faced a nearly vertical rock face
14:09 of 12 meters or 40 feet, the last real challenge
14:13 before reaching the summit. Edmund found a narrow crack
14:18 in the rock and managed to wedge his way up
14:21 between the rock wall and ice.
14:24 Later this section of the mountain would be named
14:28 Hillary Stick. Tenzing then followed and climbed through
14:33 the gap and it was just a few more steps and they stood
14:37 on top of the mountain.
14:40 Tenzing and his 1955 autobiography wrote that
14:46 Hillary took the first step onto the summit and he followed.
14:50 They reached Everest's summit the highest point on earth
14:54 at 11:30 a.m. on the 29th of May, 1953.
14:59 They stayed only 15 minutes at the summit
15:03 Edmund Hillary took the famous photo of Tenzing posing
15:08 with his ice ax. He also left a cross up there he'd been given
15:13 by John Hunt and Tenzing left some offerings of food.
15:17 Hillary and Tenzing were the first men to stand on the roof
15:22 of the world on the top of Mount Everest.
15:25 The news of their achievement raced quickly around the world
15:31 the world's highest mountain had finally been conquered,
15:36 it was a pinnacle of human physical achievement and
15:40 endeavor.
15:42 The final frontier of earthly exploration had been reached.
15:46 There was a frenzied celebration throughout the
15:50 British Commonwealth as news reached London,
15:52 It arrived just in time for Queen Elizabeth the 2nd's
15:57 Coronation on the 2nd of June, 1953 and as one of her first
16:03 acts, the young queen awarded Hillary The Knight Commander
16:08 of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
16:11 he was now Sir Edmund Hillary.
16:14 Hillary returned home to New Zealand in triumph
16:21 a celebrity and hero. Hillary married Louise Mary Rose
16:27 a few months later on the 3rd of September 1953.
16:32 Together they had three children, Peter, Sarah, and
16:36 Belinda but Edmund Hillary had experienced the taste of
16:42 adventure and the thrill of conquest and was soon involved
16:46 in another expedition.
16:47 He led the New Zealand component of the Commonwealth
16:51 Tran-Antarctica Expedition in 1957, and 1958 which was under
16:57 the overall command of the British explorer
17:00 Sir Vivian Fuchs.
17:02 Hillary set out from Scott base on the edge of the
17:06 Ross Ice Shelf driving a modified Ferguson Farm Tractors
17:10 they headed south to establish food and fuel depo's
17:14 for the British group which had left from the continent's
17:18 opposite coast. Hillary was rent to turn back to Scott Base
17:23 after laying the supplies.
17:25 But when the New Zealand Antarctic Committee
17:29 gave Hillary permission to carry on further than planned,
17:33 Fuchs welcomed Hillary's offer to scout a route through the
17:38 crevices and then lead to Hillary's last supply dump.
17:42 But instead of testing only part of the route Hillary
17:47 and against the instructions of the British Rough Sea Committee
17:51 forged on.
17:53 By the 4th of January 1958 Hillary's party became the
17:58 the first to reach the South Pole over land since
18:02 Robert Filkins Scott ill-fated journey in 1912.
18:06 In the decades after his Everest Ascent Hillary published
18:12 several best-selling accounts of his exploits and received
18:15 big fees for his product endorsements,
18:18 personal appearances, and lecture tours.
18:22 So, in 1964 with these funds Hillary created the
18:28 Himalayan Trust, he said...
18:38 over the next 30 years with the help of the donors and
18:43 volunteers from New Zealand and other countries
18:46 the Trust built more than a dozen schools, two airfields,
18:51 two hospitals, and several medical clinics.
18:54 These efforts became Hillary's greatest contribution
18:59 to the region he loved and helped earn Hillary the title
19:03 "Burra Sahib" meaning Big in Heart among the
19:08 Nepalese Sherpa people but it also led to the most
19:11 tragic event in his life.
19:13 On the 31st of March 1975, his wife Louise and younger daughter
19:20 Belinda were flying from Kathmandu to Phaphlu
19:24 where Edmund was helping to build a hospital in Nepal.
19:28 Sadly, the small plane crashed soon after take-off at
19:34 Kathmandu Airport with all lives lost.
19:38 The deaths of his wife and daughter were a shattering blow
19:43 to Hillary, then tragedy struck again in 1979
19:49 when Hillary's close friend Peter Mulgrew who had been
19:54 with him on the Commonwealth Tran-Antarctic Expedition
19:58 of 1957, 1958 was killed in the plane crash at
20:03 Mount Erebus in Antarctica when New Zealand flight TE901
20:09 crashed into Mount Erebus killing all 257 passengers
20:14 and crew.
20:15 Edmund Hillary received many awards for his outstanding
20:24 achievements. In 1987, he was among the first 20 people
20:29 selected as members of the Order of New Zealand
20:32 his home country's highest honor.
20:35 The same year, Hillary was honored to be the only
20:40 living person to feature on a New Zealand Bank Note.
20:43 Sir Edmund Hillary died in Auckland on the
20:49 11th of January, 2008 aged 88, he was honored by a funeral
20:55 on the 22nd of January, the same year and then on the
20:59 29th of February his ashes were scattered on Hauraki Gulf
21:04 by his wife, Lady Hillary and children Peter and Sarah.
21:08 On the 2nd of April the same year Queen Elizabeth II
21:13 hosted a special memorial service for Hillary
21:17 at Windsor Castle near London.
21:20 Edmund Hillary had stood on the roof of the world
21:24 and both the North and South Poles as well, not bad for a
21:29 New Zealand beekeeper.
21:31 In addition to his remarkable achievements as a mountaineer,
21:37 adventurer, diplomatic philanthropist,
21:40 and the most well-known New Zealander in the world
21:43 Edmund Hillary is also remembered for his humility
21:48 and generosity and in particular his humanitarian contribution
21:53 to the Sherpa people of the Himalayas.
21:55 You see, the higher he climbed, the further he could see,
21:59 he could see the needs of those less fortunate than himself
22:04 and determined to make a difference.
22:07 He turned success into significance.
22:11 Hillary credited his achievements to a combination
22:16 of his Christian beliefs, positive attitude, grit and
22:19 determination, health and fitness.
22:22 He believed it was the secret to his life of purpose,
22:26 a life that went beyond the mediocre to new heights
22:30 to a successful life. His own assessment of his life of
22:35 adventure on his 85th birthday was typically modest
22:39 when he said.
22:44 Christianity and a faith in God gives us meaning and
22:48 purpose in life, it brings peace, happiness, and hope
22:52 it also helps us cope with the challenges, tragedies, and
22:56 disappointments in life, this was the foundation
23:00 that brought Hillary success in his life and it can do the same
23:04 for us today.
23:06 It's the kind of strength that God loves and gives us,
23:10 you see, you don't have to necessarily be athletic
23:14 nor do you have to be naturally strong because God has
23:18 promised
23:26 A faith in God means knowing about God, have a relationship
23:31 with Him and accepting all He has to offer us.
23:35 He wants to see us succeed and wants to bring meaning and
23:40 purpose to our lives.
23:49 Before you were born God knew what your life had in store
23:53 for you, both here on earth and forever and eternity
23:57 commit your life to Him and He will guide you and teach you
24:02 to live out our true purpose in life, He will teach you to
24:06 recognize and know your true self and most importantly
24:10 your creator in order to live your life to the fullest.
24:15 You see, unlocking your true purpose will reduce your stress,
24:20 simplify your decisions, increase your satisfaction,
24:23 and most importantly, prepare you for eternity.
24:28 Sadly most people don't know what confess really is,
24:34 some people think it means you make a lot of money,
24:38 but you can make a ton of money and be an absolute failure.
24:43 Some people think it means being famous but you can be famous
24:48 and totally miss the point of life.
24:51 So, what is real success?
24:55 Well the Bible says real success is being who God made you to be.
25:02 It means you are not trying to be someone else
25:05 or what someone else wanted you to be.
25:08 You'll only find real success when you spend your life
25:13 as the person God created you to be.
25:16 Here's what the Bible says...
25:32 God came to earth in human form 2,000 years ago
25:36 so you could be made complete in Christ,
25:40 that means you have everything you need through Jesus'
25:44 authority and power.
25:45 You lack nothing to be a success in life
25:49 because success is being you.
25:53 In other words, being successful in life means you are being
25:57 yourself, the person God made you to be.
26:00 Don't get hung up on what other people think about you,
26:05 instead, focus on the one who matters most, God.
26:11 God shaped you and equipped you and in Christ has given you
26:17 everything you need to be successful.
26:19 Would you like to get to achieve more in life?
26:23 If you'd like to find true meaning and purpose in your life
26:28 then I'd like to suggest that the best place to start
26:31 is to have a genuine relationship with Jesus.
26:35 You're made complete through your union with Christ,
26:39 get close to Him through Bible study and prayer.
26:43 If you'd like to find out more about how you can do this,
26:48 then I'd like to recommend a free gift we have for you today.
26:52 It's the booklet Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life
26:56 this booklet is our gift to you and is absolutely free
27:00 I guarantee there are no costs or obligations whatsoever.
27:05 So, make the most of this wonderful opportunity to receive
27:10 your free gift today.
27:11 Phone or text 0436.333.555 in Australia, or 020.422.2042
27:23 in New Zealand, or 770.800.0266 in United States or
27:31 visit our website or simply scan the QR Code
27:36 on your screen and we'll send you today's free offer
27:39 totally free of charge and with no obligations.
27:42 You can also write to us at the addresses on your screen
27:46 or email us at, don't delay call or text us now.
27:54 Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you for the inspiring
27:59 life of Edmund Hillary and the example he provides
28:03 in finding meaning and purpose in life.
28:06 May we always put our faith and trust in you, our God,
28:10 creator, and redeemer. Please bless us and our families
28:15 we pray in Jesus' name. Amen!


Revised 2024-05-06