The Incredible Journey

White Island - Surviving A Volcanic Eruption

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TIJ

Program Code: TIJ006126S

00:23 One hundred percent pure New Zealand.
00:28 It's unparalleled scenic beauty and amazing outdoor activities
00:32 make it one of the most desirable places to live
00:36 on earth. In fact Auckland the largest city in New Zealand
00:40 top set ranking but Auckland has an ominous secret.
00:46 Can you believe it sits on over 50 volcanoes?
00:51 New Zealand still has 10 active volcano's scattered across
00:56 it's North Island. You see New Zealand sits on the
01:01 Pacific Ring of Fire which is a 40,000 Km horseshoe-shaped belt
01:06 of the active volcanoes on the very rim of the Pacific Ocean
01:10 75% of the world's volcanoes are in this ring of fire.
01:16 All these volcanoes and thermal activity intrigue and
01:21 fascinate us. So join me on an Incredible Journey
01:27 as we look at some of the most devastating volcanic eruptions
01:31 to hit New Zealand in recent times of the warning signs
01:35 that were disregarded and of the bravery and heroism
01:39 of those who rushed to help even at the risk of
01:42 their own lives.
02:08 This is the steamy heart of the charming town of Rotorua
02:13 about three hour drive south of Auckland
02:16 and if you were born here in this city, you could boast
02:20 that you were actually born in a volcano.
02:23 You see, the city of Rotorua is actually built inside
02:28 the crater of a dormant volcano.
02:31 It's an amazing place of fire and fumes of spurting
02:36 volcanic craters and smoke belching thermals.
02:40 A place of bubbling mineral springs, therapeutic
02:45 hot mud pools, dramatic eases, and a buried village.
02:49 This famous geothermal activity simmers and belches
02:54 under approximately 12 square kilometers of the city
02:59 of Rotorua. This volatile place is created when rainwater
03:05 seeps down through the cracks and is heated by the
03:08 hot volcanic rock. The boiling water is stored underground
03:13 and bubbles up through the steaming hot pools, hot springs,
03:17 and geysers.
03:18 In fact the largest geyser in the southern hemisphere
03:22 is found here at Rotorua. Pohutu means big splash
03:27 or explosion and the Pohutu Geyser certainly lives up to
03:32 its name. The thermal activity is scattered all around Rotorua
03:38 steam can be seen rising from gutters beside the road
03:42 small steaming pools pop up in private and public land
03:47 and the distinct smell of sulfa is everywhere and it's important
03:53 to watch your step and be prepared for the unexpected.
03:56 In 2022, a tourist was walking along a footpath near
04:03 the Living Maori Village when a two-meter wide hole
04:07 suddenly opened up in front of her, she fell into
04:11 the sinkhole and her husband and others nearby rushed
04:14 to her rescue, they were able to pull her out but not before
04:19 she was badly burned by the boiling water.
04:22 Now a sinkhole is known as a fumarole, it belches out steam
04:28 and volcanic gasses. Often the temperature is up to
04:32 400 degrees Celsius.
04:39 Among the famous places known for their thermal activity
04:42 is the Wai-o-Tapu Thermal Wonderland featuring the
04:46 Lady Knox Geyser which bursts 20 meters or nearly 70 feet
04:52 into the air and erupts for an hour at a time.
04:56 There's a trick here though, the park ranger encourages
05:00 the Lady Knox Geyser to erupt at least once a day by
05:04 pouring a bag of soap down its vent. Warning signs are at the
05:10 entrance of the attraction and everywhere inside the
05:13 thermal wonderland park, fences surround the most dangerous
05:18 areas and people are warned to stay on the paths.
05:22 Every visitor coming in the gates is warned to obey the
05:26 signs and staff regularly walk the tracks to keep an eye
05:30 on things.
05:32 Amazingly, however, some people ignore the dangers,
05:36 they go into prohibited areas, they even climb barriers
05:41 either through ignorance or because they just don't care
05:45 and refuse to heed the warnings.
05:47 There was a volcanologist who ventured into a forbidden area
05:52 to take a close-up photograph and fell into a steaming pool
05:57 he was so badly burned that he spent three months
06:01 recovering in the Waikato Hospital.
06:04 Then in the early hours of the morning of the 10th of June
06:09 1886, Henry Roche, a surveyor camped at Te Puna a Tuhoe
06:15 he heard a mighty roar that he thought was an approaching
06:20 tornado, he looked outside to save his tent and was surprised
06:24 to see a clear sky. But then he saw a thin column of smoke
06:29 rising into the air from the direction of Mt. Tarawera
06:34 Roch was witnessing the eruption of Mt. Tarawera, the largest
06:40 volcanic eruption to occur in New Zealand.
06:43 The ground trembled at Te Wairoa on the other side of
06:47 Lake Tarawera and hot stones smashed the windows of the
06:51 local hotel. The mountain roared and scoria rained down on
06:57 the inhabitants, some buildings caved in or were set alight.
07:02 Men from Rotorua rushed to the scene and began digging out
07:08 those who had survived. A number of settlements were buried
07:12 and completely wiped out including Te Wairoa
07:16 which is now known as the buried village and a popular
07:20 tourist destination. It has been estimated that 120 people
07:26 died on that fateful night.
07:33 A volcano can be a temperamental creature and despite modern
07:38 detection systems and careful monitoring, it's still difficult
07:42 to know just when a volcano is going to erupt.
07:45 There are usually warning signs but they are sometimes ignored
07:50 and tragic consequences occur as happened in December 2019.
07:56 Whakaari or White Island is an active volcano in the
08:01 Bay of Plenty just here off the North Island of New Zealand
08:05 and has been a popular tourist destination eager customers
08:10 book a cruise or helicopter ride for the chance to see
08:14 an active volcano. Many find it really exciting to see the steam
08:19 vents and hot springs and to peer down into the throat
08:23 of a volcano that'd recently erupted.
08:26 In fact in December 2019 ash still covered the ground on
08:31 the island from the 26th steam eruption,
08:34 a grim reminder that this slumbering giant could awaken
08:38 at any moment.
08:40 Despite the obvious danger of an eruption leading up to
08:44 December 2019, more than 18,000 adventurous people visited
08:49 White Island every year and tourism was booming.
08:53 Scientists kept a close watch on the seismic activity
08:57 but the temperamental volcano seemed to be fairly peaceful,
09:01 however, there were some warning signs.
09:05 In October 2019 there was a marked increase in volcanic
09:10 tremors and sulfur dioxide gas levels and then a
09:15 strong earthquake shook the island a month later in November
09:18 and was felt even as far south as Christchurch.
09:22 Scientists elevated the danger level on the island to a
09:26 volcanic alert level 2 indicating moderate to
09:31 heightened volcanic unrest but as the island had been placed
09:35 on this level before and nothing had happened the tour operators
09:40 weren't overly worried and it was business as usual.
09:43 However, ignoring the warning signs proved to be a fatal
09:49 mistake. Helicopter excursions buzzed over the island,
09:55 small tourist boats circled the island and some even dropped
10:00 passengers on the shores of White Island.
10:02 On this particular day the cruise ship Ovation of the Seas
10:07 was anchored near the island and offered an on-shore visit
10:11 to White Island. Thirty-Eight passengers took the excursion
10:15 to the island on the morning of the 9th of December 2019,
10:19 once on the island tour guards led the people along the path
10:24 to the bubbling, steaming, crater pointing out the various
10:28 features of an active volcano. There was nothing unusual at that
10:33 point to indicate the impending disaster.
10:39 But at 2:11 p.m., tourists in the catamaran who were departing
10:46 from the island and heading back to the mainland saw to their
10:50 horror a white cloud of ash erupt from the crater
10:54 billow up into the sky and tumble over the edge
10:57 of the cliff. It engulfed the island and darkened the sky
11:01 as it rolled and rumbled into the sea.
11:04 The catamaran immediately turned back to help those
11:08 who were still on the island.
11:10 No one knew at that stage exactly how many people
11:14 were on the island but it was a terrifying thought to know
11:19 there must be people in the middle of that deadly cloud
11:22 consisting of steam up to 300 degrees Celsius.
11:26 Rocks flew into the air
11:28 traveling up to speeds of 100 meters or 300 feet per second
11:33 a helicopter on the island was blown off its landing pad
11:37 and lay in a mangled heap.
11:39 The island turned gray as ash rained down but despite the
11:45 danger tour operators launched inflatable dinghy's and
11:50 raced to the shore to rescue those waiting at the landing.
11:53 They returned with 23 survivors all of whom had been badly
11:59 burned by the steam. Mark Law a commercial helicopter pilot
12:04 from nearby Whakatane was driving along the coast
12:08 when he noticed the ominous column of cloud erupting from
12:13 White Island he knew straight away the volcano had erupted
12:17 and without a second thought, raced back to his helicopter
12:21 he was well aware of the danger but there were people
12:25 to be rescued and that's all that mattered.
12:28 Law was at White Island within an hour, he guided his helicopter
12:34 to the island's landing pad strapped on a gas mask
12:38 and leaped out into the deep ash.
12:41 He raced up to the crater and found 12 people,
12:45 sadly eight had already died. Two more helicopters arrived
12:52 piloted by Graeme Hopcroft, Cal Imillian and Sam Jones
12:57 and these brave men also leapt out to help 12 people
13:03 were gently loaded into three helicopters and taken to
13:07 were taken to Whakatane Hospital.
13:08 Unfortunately, only two survived the trip due to their
13:14 horrific injuries. It turned out that there were 47 people on the
13:19 island on that fateful day, most of them international
13:23 tourists, 22 of them didn't survive and the rest were
13:28 all injured in varying degrees by the boiling steam and
13:33 acidic fumes. It was such a tragic event comes the inevitable
13:38 questions, why were people still allowed on the island
13:42 when the warning signs indicated impending disaster?
13:46 No one knew just when the volcano was going to erupt
13:50 but there had been warnings, why were these warnings ignored?
14:00 What can we learn from this tragedy?
14:02 We live with warning signs every day,
14:04 these warning signs are there for our safety and protection.
14:08 Warning signs tell us a road is closed or that swimming
14:13 may be dangerous due to Crocodiles or strong currents
14:17 There are often warning signs before a heart attack or stroke
14:21 or before an accident occurs. It's important that
14:25 we pay attention to these signs and take action
14:29 before it's forever too late.
14:30 When Jesus was on earth He often talked about the
14:34 Kingdom of Heaven and how one day He's going to
14:38 come back again. The disciples were enthusiastic and impatient
14:43 and wanted to know just when this was going to happen.
14:46 In the Bible book of Matthew Chapter 24, it tells us that
14:52 one day the disciples came to Jesus as He was sitting on the
14:55 Mount of Olives and said...
15:05 Maybe they were hoping for an exact date or a specific sign
15:09 but Jesus dashed their hopes by saying...
15:20 We will never know the exact date but Jesus proceeded to
15:26 give His disciples specific signs that are like flashing
15:30 beacons for us today to tell us when the time His coming is near.
15:34 He says...
15:41 In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus gives His followers the signs,
15:46 warning signs that would immediately precede His return
15:51 at the end of human history as we know it.
15:54 Jesus divides these warning signs into four main categories
15:59 Firstly:
16:03 Secondly:
16:06 And then Thirdly:
16:10 And Finally:
16:13 Firstly, He focuses on the religious world
16:29 Jesus is telling us what's going to happen before He returns
16:32 three times he warns that false christs and false prophets
16:36 will become common just before He returns.
16:40 Further on He says...
16:47 And then thirdly...
16:58 Jesus says the last days will see the appearance of many
17:04 false religious leaders. The last days will be characterized
17:07 by voices coming from different corners of the religious world
17:11 saying follow me.
17:13 I'm a voice from Heaven, many people will claim divine light,
17:17 prophetic powers, and even to be Jesus Christ Himself.
17:22 That's exactly what we see happening today called groups
17:28 are springing up all over the world training to have
17:31 new divine messages.
17:33 Recently National Geographic Magazine published an article
17:37 on the modern phenomena of cult leaders around the world
17:41 claiming to be Jesus Christ
17:44 They featured individuals in Brazil, Japan, Africa, and
17:49 Russia who think they are the Messiah.
17:52 These individuals have gathered large groups
17:55 of followers around them.
17:56 Jesus warned us that this would happen. Jesus continued with
18:03 other warning signs and moved on to the second category.
18:06 The last days Jesus said would be characterized by worldwide
18:12 Political conflict. He said...
18:24 Jesus pointed to International War as one of the signs of
18:29 the last days. Now the last century has seen war on a scale
18:35 never seen before.
18:36 We've had two World Wars and an estimated average of 30 wars
18:42 on the planet every year.
18:44 Now, to give you some idea of just how nations are preparing
18:48 for war and engaging in it, world military spending
18:53 has reached an all-time high of over 2.1 trillion dollars
18:58 a year. There is a massive arms buildup taking place
19:01 and to put it into perspective in just one area consider this.
19:06 The world's nuclear arsenal is equal in destructive power
19:11 to four tons of TNT for every man, woman, and child on this
19:16 planet. The major powers alone have enough nuclear weapons
19:21 stockpiled to destroy every person on earth 150 times.
19:27 Jesus said that the last days will be characterized by
19:33 the nations preparing for war with nation rising against
19:36 nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
19:39 There will be wars and rumors of wars and the world will be
19:44 in turmoil.
19:46 Then Jesus moved on to the third category
19:50 It outlines Signs in the Natural World
19:53 that will multiply and causing suffering and anguish.
20:04 Here Jesus lists three particular signs in the natural world
20:08 that will occur with increasing frequency as we near the
20:12 coming of Jesus.
20:17 Jesus said that we will see an increase in these areas
20:21 as we near the time of His return.
20:24 Now, consider famine, the United Nations reports
20:28 that 45 countries today are facing severe food shortages
20:33 mainly due to famine. One billion people worldwide
20:37 are undernourished and chronically hungry every day.
20:41 And rising food prices may drive another one hundred million
20:45 into poverty and hunger. Every day 25,000 people including
20:51 10,000 children die from hunger and hunger-related causes.
20:56 Jesus also predicted an increase in pestilences in the days
21:01 leading up to His second coming.
21:03 Now pestilences are contagious or infectious epidemic diseases
21:09 that a virulent and devastating and kill large numbers of
21:13 people. They are diseases that devastate crops and herds
21:17 or that run rampant among human beings.
21:20 And then we just recently experienced a Coronavirus
21:25 Pandemic with 800 million cases worldwide and 7 million
21:29 deaths. Jesus said the last days would be characterized
21:35 by an increase in pestilences.
21:38 Jesus also mentioned frequent earthquakes in the last days.
21:42 Now there has been a huge increase in major earthquakes
21:47 in recent times.
21:48 Prior to the 20th century, they were relatively few
21:52 major earthquakes over six on the Richter Scale that had been
21:56 recorded. This century has seen the year with the largest total
22:01 of major earthquakes greater than or equal to magnitude seven.
22:06 In the past 20 years, we've seen four of the top earthquakes
22:10 ever recorded, the number of disasters caused by earthquakes
22:15 and the number of people affected by earthquakes
22:17 has been increasing.
22:19 This indicates that something out of the ordinary is going on.
22:25 Jesus then gave warning signs in the Social World.
22:30 Jesus said the last days will be similar to another period
22:34 in Earth's history.
22:42 Jesus said the last days would be like it was in Noah's day.
22:48 Well, what was it like in Noah's day?
22:52 We want to know because Jesus predicted that the last days
22:57 would be just the same.
22:58 To find out, let's go back to the very first book in the Bible
23:03 Genesis...
23:17 So what was it like in Noah's day?
23:19 Well, two things are implied here...
23:27 Jesus indicated that the last days would see a great population
23:32 growth.
23:42 Let's look at the population first. Did you know that it took from
23:46 Creation to the year 1800 AD to reach a world population of...
23:52 1Billion. Then it took 130 years to 1930 to reach 2 Billion.
23:58 It took 30 years 1960 to reach 3 Billion.
24:03 It took +14 years to 1974 to reach 4 Billion.
24:08 It took 13 years 1987 to reach 5 Billion.
24:14 It took +12 years1999 to reach 6 Billion.
24:18 It took +12 years 2011 to reach 7 Billion and now we have
24:25 reached over 8 Billion.
24:27 Jesus also indicated that evaluation of marriage
24:31 would occur just before He returns.
24:34 One area that highlights this is the divorce rate.
24:38 In 1870 there was one divorce for every 34 marriages,
24:44 by 1900 there was one divorce for every 12 marriages,
24:49 by 1930 there was one divorce for every six marriages,
24:53 and today, there is one divorce for every two marriages.
24:58 We are witnessing the warning signs that Jesus predicted.
25:03 They're happening all around us in the religious world,
25:07 the political world, the natural world, and in the social world.
25:12 Now these signs in this kind of society sounds frightening
25:18 but we don't need to be afraid these are the warning signs
25:23 that Jesus has given us to tell us that the end of this world
25:28 as we know it is near.
25:30 Luke Chapter 21 verse 28 says...
25:43 Jesus is our rescuer, He loves us and is longing to take us
25:48 home with Him to the mansion He is preparing for us
25:51 in Heaven. What a glorious thought as we look forward
25:56 to the second coming of Jesus. Take note of the warning signs
26:00 and recognize them as a loving yet urgent alert from
26:05 our Heavenly Father. It's time to Prepare.
26:09 If you'd like to learn more about the signs of Jesus'
26:15 return and ways to prepare for the second coming of Jesus,
26:18 then I'd like to recommend the gift we have for all our
26:22 Incredible Journey viewers today.
26:25 It's the booklet Signs of His Return.
26:29 You'll be astounded at the accuracy of these warnings.
26:33 This booklet is our gift to you and it is absolutely Free.
26:36 I guarantee there are no costs or obligations whatsoever
26:41 So, make the most of this wonderful opportunity to receive
26:45 your Free gift today.
26:47 Phone or text 0436.333.555 in Australia or 020.422.2042
26:59 in New Zealand, or 770.800.0266 in the United States.
27:05 Or visit our website at, or simply scan the QR code
27:12 on your screen and we'll send you today's Free Offer
27:15 totally free of charge and with no obligation
27:18 You can also write to us at GPO Box 274 Sydney NSW
27:24 2001 Australia, or PO Box 76673 Manukau Auckland
27:32 2241 New Zealand, or PO Box 888717 Atlanta, GA 30356 USA
27:41 You can also email us at
27:46 Don't delay, call or text us now.
27:49 Our Father in Heaven, We thank you for letting us
27:54 know that Jesus is coming soon. We are grateful that we don't
27:59 need to be afraid knowing that you will be with us to the end
28:03 of the age. We ask for under- standing and courage
28:07 as we face the future and pray that our loved ones will
28:12 all be ready for that wonderful day.
28:14 In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen!


Revised 2024-07-11