The Incredible Journey

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TIJ

Program Code: TIJ007112S

00:23 Moses, Born a slave, but destined to rule over
00:28 Egypt's Empire, rescued from the river, adopted by a princess
00:33 and raised to be Pharaoh instead leads a nation of slaves to
00:40 freedom and changes the world.
00:43 Moses, a hero for our time.
00:53 [Chanting]
00:57 A fugitive on the run with nothing but the clothes
01:01 on his back, Moses was in serious trouble.
01:06 The prince of Egypt now found himself an outcast and a pauper
01:13 as he stumbled through the desert kilometer after weary
01:17 kilometer melted away separating him not only from the
01:22 adoptive grandfather who now hunted him but also from
01:26 the people he loved, his own people, the Hebrews.
01:30 Before an unfortunate series of events branded Moses
01:34 a traitor and a criminal, he was a man who had a clear vision
01:38 and a plan, he saw the oppression and slavery
01:42 of his people and wanted to do something to alleviate their
01:46 suffering but his plans fell to pieces and he found himself
01:51 adrift in the desert with no plans at all.
01:54 Where could he go? What could he do?
01:58 Stripped of his sense of purpose and of his identity as a member
02:02 of the Egyptian royal family the only thing Moses had left
02:07 was his identity as a descendant of Abraham and a follower
02:11 of Abraham's God.
02:13 Lacking a plan, Moses wandered in the wilderness till he
02:18 settled down to rest beside a well in Midian.
02:20 As it happened, the well was a watering hole for a group of
02:25 young sisters and some rough shepherds.
02:27 The shepherds were a bunch of bullies intent on chasing
02:32 off the young women and refusing them access to the well
02:36 to water their animals
02:37 Moses quickly rushed to the defense of the young women
02:41 chasing off the shepherds, he rescued the sisters and
02:46 helped them to water their animals,
02:48 his simple act of kindness earned him the gratitude
02:51 of the girl's father Jethro who was not only a generous man
02:56 but a man who worshiped the same God Moses did.
03:00 Suddenly the stageless fugitive wandering in the desert
03:04 had a home and a job. But what did the future have in store
03:09 for Moses, was he destined to live his life
03:13 in the wilds of Midian?
03:14 Join us this week as we continue on our Incredible Journey
03:19 through the life of Moses, one of the greatest men
03:23 who have ever lived.
03:55 During the reign of the Pharaohs of 18th Dynasty, the Hebrews
04:00 or children of Israel were slaves in Egypt, their lives
04:05 were hard but they became a nightmare when
04:09 Pharaoh Thutmose I issued a devastating decree.
04:13 In an attempt to cull the number rising of Hebrew slaves
04:17 who in Pharaoh's mind posed a serious threat to
04:21 Egyptian National Security.
04:23 The Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew baby boys
04:27 were to be thrown into the Nile River,
04:29 defying the Pharaoh's decree, Jochebed, a Hebrew slave
04:34 who had recently given birth to a baby boy crafted a
04:38 reed basket, covered it with pitch to make it waterproof
04:42 and hid her baby in the bulrushes on the banks of the
04:46 Nile. The baby was discovered by Pharaoh Thutmose I
04:52 daughter Hatshepsut who read the situation in a heartbeat
04:57 when she saw the child cradled in a basket, she adopted him
05:02 as her own son and handed him over to his birth mother
05:05 to care for him until he was old enough to come to the
05:09 palace. Hatshepsut named the baby Moses because she had
05:14 drawn him out of the river.
05:16 In fact it is possible she believed that he was a gift
05:20 from the gods she worshiped because Egyptians venerated
05:24 the Nile as a deity and the baby was brought to her
05:27 by the river.
05:36 Moses grew up surrounded by the opulence and wealth
05:39 of one of the most powerful empires of the ancient world.
05:43 In fact, it's hard for us in this modern world to grasp
05:47 the extent of the wealth and power of ancient Egypt.
05:51 One way we can fathom it is through archeological discoveries
05:56 that have uncovered the tombs of the Pharaohs in
06:00 The Valley of the Kings.
06:01 One such discovery is the tomb of Tutankhamun which was
06:07 discovered in 1922. Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaton
06:12 and was one of the last kings of the 18th Dynasty.
06:16 His tomb was one of the few chiefly intact tombs
06:20 discovered in The Valley of the Kings and was filled with
06:23 thousands of precious artifacts.
06:25 The tomb was a veritable cache of buried treasure.
06:30 The most significant find inside the tomb was the mummy
06:34 of the young king which was encased in a nest of
06:37 three coffins. The innermost coffin was made of solid gold,
06:42 while the two outer ones were wood overlaid with gold.
06:46 Over the head of the kings mummy was a breathtaking
06:50 gold portrait Death Mask, an assortment of jewelry
06:55 and amulets also laid on the mummified remains.
06:58 The coffins and the stone sarcophagus were surrounded
07:03 by four wooden shrines covered with text and overlaid
07:07 with pure gold. The rest of the tomb was filled with a
07:12 wide array of furniture, chariots, weapons, and statuary
07:17 all inside the tomb of a dead pharaoh.
07:21 A small glimpse into the kind of lavish lifestyle that the
07:26 Pharaoh's of Egypt led..
07:27 Archeologists have also discovered the tomb of
07:31 Thutmose III who was co-regent with Moses' adopted royal mother
07:36 Hatshepsut. When Thutmose the third's father died
07:40 he was just a toddler and his step-mother Hatshepsut
07:44 ruled as co-regent. She reigned as co-regent but beside him
07:49 until her death and was the first female to rule over Egypt.
07:54 After Hatshepsut's death Thutmose the third became
07:58 sovereign over Egypt and ruled for a period of 54 years.
08:02 Thutmose the third's tomb is one of the largest tombs
08:06 in The Valley of the Kings, the tomb has an elaborate
08:10 labyrinth series of hallways that lead into the
08:13 burial chamber where the rose stone sarcophagus of the king
08:17 rests. Moses was surrounded by all of this
08:22 incredible architecture and wealth
08:24 and it would have taken a lot of conviction
08:27 on his part to choose to walk away from it in order
08:31 to follow the god of his fathers and join a desperate group of
08:35 despised slaves.
08:37 But the Bible describes exactly what Moses did,
08:41 Hebrews 11: 24, 25 says...
09:07 Moses' faith in the unseen invisible God of his father's
09:12 compelled him to choose a different path.
09:15 Though Egypt offered him wealth, power, and influence,
09:19 he understood that the offering was fleeting at best,
09:24 Moses recognized that what God offered him was eternal.
09:30 Though faced with a choice of a nation of slaves
09:33 and the most powerful nation on earth, he chose the former
09:38 his choice cost him the affluence of Egypt
09:41 perhaps even the throne.
09:51 Leaving the royal palaces of Egypt behind,
09:54 Moses started a new nomadic life for himself
09:57 within the family of Jethro.
10:00 He became a shepherd living in tents, tending flocks
10:04 in the rugged mountainous region near the Gulf of Aqaba.
10:08 It was in Midian that Moses married Zipporah
10:11 the daughter of his generous benefactor and employer
10:15 and they had two sons. His life in Midian was a far cry from
10:20 the one he had led in Egypt. It was also in Midian that Moses
10:24 under the inspiration of divine guidance commenced writing
10:29 the first five books of the Bible.
10:31 It would be easy to dismiss Moses' time in the wilderness
10:36 as nothing more than an inconvenient interlude
10:40 on the road to something greater.
10:42 After all, Moses is not known for his time in the wilderness
10:46 he's known for liberating and leading the nation of Israel.
10:50 But the truth is that Moses' time in the wilderness
10:55 shaped him into the kind of leader he needed to be
10:59 in order to lead a rag-tag group of slaves out of bondage
11:04 and into the land God had promised them.
11:06 While tending sheep in the wilderness Moses learned
11:10 the valuable lessons of patience and gentleness.
11:14 Characteristics that helped him to be the patient and wise
11:18 leader who helped Israel navigate numerous crises.
11:28 But his time in the wilderness also helped him to grow
11:32 spiritually communing with God in the wilds of Midian,
11:37 Moses learned the important lesson of relying on divine help.
11:41 As a young Egyptian prince it was easy for Moses to see
11:47 himself as the answer to the problems these people faced.
11:50 As a man haunted by regret fleeing his past mistakes
11:56 Moses learned about God's mercy and grace.
11:59 Sometimes we face wilderness moments in our own lives
12:04 times when our lives seem barren and directionless when life
12:09 seems to have lost meaning and purpose,
12:11 when nothing seems to make sense or go right.
12:15 But the truth is, when we give our lives to God,
12:19 even our most barren experiences can work out for our best good.
12:24 In Romans 8:28 the Apostle Paul writes...
12:39 The Bible promises that all things work together for our good
12:44 not just the moments we celebrate but also the moments
12:48 that generate the most pain and despair.
12:51 Placing your life in God's hands guarantees that not
12:56 none of your pain will be wasted because there is hope
12:59 even in the trials of life when we place our lives
13:03 in God's hands.
13:05 But Moses' time in the wilderness didn't last forever
13:09 forty years after he first arrived, God called him
13:13 out of hiding and gave him a special mission.
13:16 A mission that reflected the original vision he had
13:20 for both himself and his people.
13:22 It was a day like a thousand others, awake at dawn
13:27 and chasing after sheep, but on this day while
13:31 chasing after his sheep, Moses encountered something
13:35 that stopped him in his tracks.
13:37 While navigating the rocky terrain of the wilderness
13:42 Moses stumbled on a site that caught his attention
13:46 and set his pulse pounding.
13:48 He saw a bush crackling with flames but not consumed
13:52 by their intense heat, forgetting all about his
13:56 flock of sheep Moses paused to take in the sight
13:59 curious and disbelieving. How could a bush be
14:03 so thoroughly engulfed in flames and yet not be burnt
14:07 and charred beyond recognition?
14:09 While he marveled at the site, he heard a voice
14:14 the voice of God spoke to him from the bush.
14:17 At first all Moses heard was his name being repeated
14:22 to which he responded, here I am, and then God said.
14:27 Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet
14:33 for the place where you stand is holy ground.
14:36 I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham,
14:40 the God of Isaac and the God or Jacob.
14:44 Terrified Moses immediately complied...
15:07 When Moses heard these words, his terror faded to shock.
15:20 He asked, shrinking from the enormous responsibility
15:23 of such a task.
15:25 Forty years before when he was young and a lot more
15:29 self-confident Moses was ready to take on the armies of Egypt
15:35 and deliver his people in a spectacular military coup.
15:39 Age and experience had humbled him and tempered his confidence
15:44 but God persisted. As a pledge of his presence and support,
15:49 God performed miracles before Moses.
15:53 First, He turned Moses' staff into a serpent, a snake,
15:58 and then back again into an inanimate piece of wood.
16:02 Next, He made Moses' hand leprous before restoring it
16:07 back to health again.
16:08 But still Moses hesitated under the weight of the responsibility.
16:13 Finally after a good deal of hesitating and excuse-making
16:18 Moses agreed to go trusting completely in God's provision
16:24 and power to carry him and the Hebrews through the
16:27 challenges that lay ahead.
16:29 On his way into Egypt God sent his brother Aaron
16:34 to meet him in the wilderness. Moses was terrified of speaking
16:39 before Pharaoh and so as a concession God agreed
16:44 to allow Aaron to act as his spokesman.
17:00 When Moses entered Egypt a thousand memories
17:04 would have come flooding into his mind
17:06 there would have been a lot that he recognized
17:09 but there also would have been a lot that had changed.
17:11 So, what had taken place in Egypt during the 40 years
17:16 that Moses was in the wilderness?
17:18 Well, Moses's adoptive mother Hatshepsut had reigned as
17:23 go-regent for a period of time alongside her stepson Thutmose III
17:27 who was only two or three years old when he ascended the throne.
17:32 However when Thutmose came of age, Hatshepsut continued
17:37 to rule as co-regent cementing her place as the first female
17:41 Pharaoh of Egypt. And in an attempt to appease the young king
17:46 she made him commander of the Egyptian armies.
17:49 While Thutmose III was actively working on expanding
17:54 the Egyptian Empire, Hatshepsut remained in Egypt and governed
17:59 the affairs of state.
18:00 During his lifetime Thutmose III conducted 17 military campaigns
18:06 in Canaan alone.
18:08 Now, one scholarly perspective on Thutmose III's numerous
18:13 campaigns into Canaan is that he may have been
18:16 searching for someone he knew.
18:18 Though there are no conclusive answers to this question,
18:22 could it be that Thutmose III was looking for Moses the fugitive
18:28 prince? It's certainly an interesting idea to consider,
18:32 but whatever the case may have been, Thutmose III
18:37 was familiar with Canaan and the surrounding region.
18:40 When Moses came back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites
18:44 under God's direction his adoptive mother Hatshepsut
18:48 was dead and Thutmose III was Pharaoh.
18:52 Thutmose III reigned from 1504 to 1450 BC.
18:58 and is widely considered by scholars to have been
19:02 the military genius given the number of military campaigns
19:05 he engaged in during the years of his co-regency
19:09 with Hatshepsut.
19:10 In fact Thutmose III is often referred to as the
19:16 Napoleon of Egypt conquering 350 cities in the space of just
19:21 30 years. Much of Thutmose's military exploits including his
19:27 campaigns in Canaan are recorded on the walls of the
19:30 Temple of Karnak.
19:33 The Egypt that Moses was introduced to after a 40-year
19:40 absence in the wilderness was an International Super Power.
19:44 So it's no surprise then that Thutmose III was
19:49 less than agreeable to Moses' demand to set the Hebrews free
19:53 in fact he was strongly opposed to the idea.
19:57 When Moses and Aaron faced the warrior Pharaoh
20:01 and presented the command of God, Thutmose III bristled.
20:06 Exodus 5:2 records Pharaoh's initial response...
20:23 God had already warned Moses that he would not be welcomed
20:28 by the Egyptian monarch and God's predictions certainly
20:33 proved to be accurate.
20:35 Thutmose III obstinately refused to acknowledge God
20:40 and in so doing, he brought death and destruction
20:43 over his whole empire.
20:45 But God encouraged Moses to continue with his mission
20:49 no matter how bleak the circumstances seemed.
21:06 What followed was a parade of destructive plagues
21:11 that struck at the very heart of Egyptian ideology.
21:14 Like most empires of the ancient world Egyptian life
21:19 revolved around their religious beliefs.
21:22 Every facet of Egyptian life from birth to death
21:26 from the flooding of the Nile, to the growth of their crops
21:30 were regulated by a Pantheon of God's most of whom
21:34 took on the forms of animals.
21:39 The plagues of Egypt struck at the very heart of
21:43 Egyptian religion demonstrating
21:44 to the Egyptians in general and Pharaoh
21:48 in particular that their gods' were inferior to the
21:52 God of the Hebrews, their slaves.
21:55 The Nile was worshipped as a god, but the God of the Hebrews
21:59 demonstrated His power over the Nile by turning it
22:03 and all other water sources in Egypt to blood.
22:07 The Egyptian worshipped the world in many aspects
22:16 but the God of the Hebrews demonstrated His power
22:19 over nature by causing plagues to fall upon the Egyptians
22:23 in the form of natural disasters.
22:26 Frogs overran Egypt in a scourge,
22:30 ironically Egyptians worshipped frogs, then came lice,
22:35 flies, disease on the cattle, and painful boils,
22:40 then huge hailstones, swarms of locusts, and total darkness
22:45 that covered the land.
22:47 Egypt was brought to its knees and still Pharaoh
22:52 refused to let the Hebrews go.
22:55 With every plague Pharaoh relented and made
23:01 empty promises, he pleaded with Moses to pray to God
23:04 and asked that he restrain the plague, but the moment
23:08 the plague lifted Pharaoh's heart hardened.
23:11 Pharaoh refused to acknowledge the superiority and authority
23:16 of the God of the Hebrews, his pride just wouldn't yield.
23:20 Then the final plague was announced,
23:24 this plague would be more devastating than any other
23:28 that'd gone before it and it would reveal something
23:31 that both Egyptian and Hebrews needed to understand,
23:35 God's plan of salvation.
23:38 The final plague was absolutely devastating,
23:41 it was the death plague and involve the death of all
23:45 the firstborn in Egypt.
23:47 The only way to avoid it and save their lives was to take
23:51 the blood of a slain lamb and smear it on the lentil and
23:55 doorpost of a home. All the Hebrews were commanded
23:59 by God through Moses to do this,
24:01 and they were also commanded to prepare to leave Egypt.
24:05 Prior to their departure they were to eat the flesh of
24:10 the lamb they had killed together with unleavened cakes.
24:13 When the day came, every Hebrew household
24:17 sacrificed a lamb and then painted the blood on the
24:21 lentil and doorposts of their homes
24:23 then they went inside and waited for the angel of death
24:28 to pass over them.
24:33 It was here in Egypt that the first Passover was celebrated
24:38 that night the angel of death visited Egypt. Exodus 12:29
24:44 describes what happened that night in these words.
24:55 The heartrending cries of grief rang out through Egypt
25:02 but in the land of Goshen under the protection of the
25:05 Lamb's blood, not a single firstborn died.
25:08 The lesson is powerful in it's simplicity,
25:12 the first Passover lamb represented Jesus the Messiah
25:17 and His sacrifice for us on the cross.
25:19 Because of the blood of the lamb on that first Passover
25:24 countless lives were saved.
25:26 Because of the blood of Jesus countless people can have hope
25:31 for salvation and eternity.
25:33 In order for the Hebrews to truly escape the angel of death
25:38 on the fateful night in Goshen, they had to exercise their faith
25:43 in God, their faith led to action and their faith and
25:47 action combined, saved their lives and the lives of their
25:50 children.
25:54 If you'd like to find out more about Moses and other
25:59 Patriarch's in the Bible, then I'd like to recommend a
26:03 free gift we have for all out Incredible Journey viewers today
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26:56 You can also write to us at GPO Box 274 Sydney NSW 2001
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27:30 If you've enjoyed our journey to ancient Egypt
27:33 during the time of the plagues, and our reflections on
27:36 the meaning of the Passover, then be sure to join us again
27:40 next week when we will share another of life's journey's
27:44 together. Until then, let's pray to the Almighty God of the Bible
27:49 and ask for His blessing on us and our family.
27:52 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love
27:57 guidance and protection. We thank you for Jesus
28:00 our Passover Lamb to whom we have salvation and
28:04 eternal life. Please bless us and our families,
28:08 we ask in Jesus' name. Amen!


Revised 2025-02-12