Take it to the Bank

Avoiding The Holiday Hangover

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cordell Thomas


Series Code: TITTB

Program Code: TITTB000013

00:01 On Take It To The Bank,
00:02 you will find ways to get out of debt,
00:09 solve your credit card problems,
00:14 how to make and stick with a budget,
00:19 simple ways to save,
00:24 buying or selling a home
00:27 and many more financial matters,
00:29 on Take It To The Bank.
00:31 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas
00:33 and this is Take It To The Bank.
00:34 And I'm here with you
00:36 and this program to talk to you
00:37 about a couple of things.
00:39 One is, Avoiding The Holiday Shoppers' Hangover,
00:42 if I could put it that way.
00:43 And of course, talk to you a little bit about
00:46 what it really takes to understand
00:48 your financial literacy and where you want to be
00:51 from a financial perspective.
00:53 The first thing I'd like to really talk to you about
00:55 is a personal experience of mine.
00:58 When I was younger,
01:00 I had an opportunity to get a job at a department store
01:04 and this specific department store
01:06 offered its own credit card.
01:07 I enjoyed it because I saw all the new designs coming out.
01:10 I saw the whole, the whole games that they play
01:13 with new-- new shirts,
01:17 clothing and all those type of things.
01:19 And what it got me into was this threshold of,
01:22 I need those items.
01:23 I want those new styles.
01:25 I want to start buying and I remembered
01:27 it clearly as I go each day to work.
01:30 I probably wouldn't leave, you know,
01:31 without buying something each and everyday
01:35 and running my debt to whole different levels.
01:39 And I remember the context very clearly.
01:40 I was dressing in very nice clothing,
01:42 but the thing that was really unique,
01:44 it was a higher end department store.
01:47 And a lot of the stuff that they had were
01:49 far more expensive than,
01:51 if I just bought it at some lower end store
01:54 that had the same type of quality.
01:56 But what was interesting is,
01:57 some of the clients that came in
01:58 and that I worked with, they bought, you know,
02:01 they would buy $5000, $6000, $7000
02:03 worth of stuff at one-- at one setting.
02:05 They would come in and they would have an idea
02:07 what they wanted to buy and you would go in and,
02:10 and help them decide what they should buy.
02:12 The only problem with that job is the fact that,
02:14 if I was paid a commission,
02:16 I would have made a ton of money
02:18 because of the type of clients that were there.
02:21 I got paid an hourly salary,
02:23 so I didn't have that much coming in.
02:25 And one of the major issues just coming out of college was,
02:28 I didn't decide on a specific budget
02:31 that I should be managing for myself.
02:33 It was a very interesting time because as I look back
02:37 from where I am now, I did everything wrong.
02:40 which is a key for me talking to you about this,
02:42 this experience, is as I went through that situation
02:46 at the department store,
02:48 I learned about debt from a real time perspective
02:52 and understood later on
02:55 that I was going to need help to get out of it.
02:59 I had a great father and he understood the situation
03:04 and he made it a learning experience,
03:06 of which I cycled through again in my life.
03:08 But the context is, at that time
03:11 I didn't know where I was,
03:14 I didn't know where I wanted to be,
03:16 I didn't know where I was heading
03:18 and so I was completely out in this landscape without a plan.
03:23 Consider me trying to find my way back to my home
03:27 in California without making a plan and getting there.
03:32 Was I gonna take a plane? Was I gonna drive?
03:34 What route would I take? Where would I go?
03:36 Which direction would I take?
03:38 Have I made out a map? Have I planned for the guest?
03:42 Have I made sure the car has enough oil?
03:45 Have I done all the necessary planning to get there?
03:48 No, I had done none of that planning.
03:50 And what I am choosing to tell you
03:51 through the experience is this.
03:54 Without a plan and without a destination,
03:59 you won't get there.
04:00 The key is, make the plan.
04:02 What is the plan? The plan is the budget.
04:04 The budget is key to understanding
04:06 where you want to go.
04:08 Sit down and write those priorities.
04:09 Write down those goals
04:11 and make sure you prioritize those goals,
04:12 so you have an understanding of the direction
04:15 I'm taking, where I'd like to be,
04:18 by when and giving yourself that goal to get there.
04:23 So I now know that if I want to save $10,000
04:27 for the plan to purchase of a new car,
04:30 I have to know how much money I have coming in.
04:34 I have to know how much I have to pay out in expenses
04:37 in a monthly basis.
04:39 And I also have to know how much money
04:41 I can plug into those accounts
04:45 for the specific savings of the car.
04:49 Without a plan you're going into disaster.
04:52 And I ran towards disaster.
04:54 I was running headlong into it
04:56 because I didn't know where I was at.
04:59 And the key to this, this testimony is this.
05:03 Make a plan. What is the plan?
05:07 Make a budget, that is your plan.
05:09 Stick with your plan. Don't deviate from your plan.
05:12 Ensure it's a reachable target and make sure
05:15 you're trying to make your way
05:17 through to a debt free type of lifestyle.
05:20 Planning is key.
05:27 So as I decided what I wanted to talk to you about today,
05:30 I decided to think about what is that gets people
05:36 around the holiday timeframe?
05:39 What is it about people that gets them caught up
05:45 in the frenzy of buying stuff,
05:48 of doing stuff, of getting stuff?
05:51 I mean I'm amazed at times about, you know, black Friday
05:54 and all of these labels they placed on major,
05:58 major shopping days that lure people in
06:00 and they line up and they campout overnight
06:03 and they do all of these strange things
06:06 just to be in the position to get something,
06:09 to get something that they may not necessarily need.
06:12 And it pushes me back to the context of that verse
06:15 about possessions.
06:16 What does it say? Is it Luke?
06:19 "A man's life does not consists
06:22 in the abundance of his possessions."
06:25 It's not about things. What is it about?
06:28 Well, we take a look at 1Corinthians 4:2.
06:31 Where is 1 Corinthians?
06:32 Again, it's the New Testament, after the gospels,
06:34 after Acts and Romans, you've come to 1Corinthians 4:2,
06:38 talks about an issue of what a steward is.
06:42 A good steward is found faithful.
06:43 It's someone that you can trust and trusts with money
06:46 and trust with a talent
06:48 and know that they are gonna take care of it.
06:50 And not only take care of it, they are going to make it work
06:53 and make it grow.
06:55 That is a concept that I like to deliver it to you today.
06:58 In that story in Luke,
06:59 if we go back to that specific chapter,
07:02 I'd like to point out one thing that many people
07:04 don't really get to when they read that parable.
07:08 It says that, after he said that it is not
07:10 about a man's abundance of his possessions.
07:13 He says, "There's a certain rich man
07:16 who produced a good crop.
07:18 He thought of himself and he thought to himself.
07:21 Hey, what shall I do?
07:24 I have no place to store all of my stuff,
07:26 all of my crops in this case.
07:29 Then he said, this is what I'll do,
07:31 I'll tear down my barns,
07:32 I'll build bigger ones and there I'll store
07:35 all my grain and my goods.
07:36 And I'll say to myself, you have plenty of good thing
07:39 laid up for many years.
07:41 Take life easy, eat, drink and be merry."
07:45 The next verse is very important to me
07:47 because as I read it,
07:49 I began to realize what was lacking in my life
07:51 and what God was doing to me in all of the situations
07:55 that I now look back on and I can recognize.
07:57 He says, "But God said to him, 'You fool, this very night
08:02 your life will be demanded from you,
08:04 then who will get what you have prepared for yourself.
08:07 This is how will be with anyone who stores up things
08:12 for himself, but is not rich towards God."
08:16 We have a responsibility.
08:19 If you take a look at the parable of the talents,
08:22 our responsibility is a talent that God gives us.
08:25 The Holy Sprit blesses us with specific talents.
08:28 We need to take those skills and make them work.
08:33 In the case of talent of money, each one of the servants
08:36 were given a certain amount of money
08:38 and two of the servants were able to double
08:40 that money on behalf of the master.
08:42 The third servant didn't do anything with it.
08:45 As a matter of fact, he buried it,
08:46 left it alone and came back with an excuse saying,
08:49 I didn't do anything with it.
08:50 I was too afraid so here's your money back.
08:53 The responsibility you have is now
08:55 to take and maximize those talents
08:58 the Holy Spirit is blessed you with.
09:00 And to take it and do as much as you possibly can
09:03 to bring about the kingdom of God.
09:04 That is your responsibility
09:06 and I think that is what the Bible is telling us
09:08 in reference to our responsibility
09:10 with the wealth that we're given.
09:12 It's not about the possessions.
09:14 It's about how we help in the overall process
09:18 of sharing the gospel with the globe
09:20 that is in need of it.
09:22 So as I've titled this program,
09:26 Avoiding The Holiday Shoppers' Hangover,
09:28 consumer awareness.
09:30 We're gonna talk about a few things
09:32 in reference to acquisitions.
09:33 And I will...
09:34 Acquisitions meaning you purchases,
09:36 those things you buy.
09:38 The first thing I'd like to do is share with you
09:40 a specific case scenario.
09:42 Case application.
09:44 Jim, Ron, Bill, could be anybody
09:48 recently purchased a sweater
09:49 for his wife over the phone, over the telephone.
09:52 When the item was received, it was lightly,
09:55 it was slightly damaged.
09:57 When he returned it, he received another sweater,
10:00 but also received another bill.
10:02 The company says he owes for two sweaters.
10:06 What would you do if you were Jim?
10:08 What's your process?
10:10 My question is, why did you buy over the phone?
10:12 Did you do any research about it?
10:14 Was it from a catalogue? Did you see it online?
10:16 There are many different questions
10:18 that I would begin the process of asking
10:19 because if you didn't do your due diligence,
10:22 and do some research about the process,
10:24 and even researched the company you're planning to buy from...
10:27 how did you-- what is their quality?
10:29 What is their respect around in the community?
10:32 Have you questioned?
10:33 Have you dealt with that type of research?
10:35 So he has now a sweater that was defective.
10:38 Was that what it said? It was damaged.
10:40 And then he returns it.
10:42 So number one, the quality of the product is not good.
10:44 Secondarily, he returns it and the company is not organized
10:48 enough to know that he returned one and bought another.
10:51 So just credit him for the amount or just not do anything
10:54 and just give him an even exchange.
10:55 That's all they would need to do,
10:57 but there seems to be a management issue,
10:59 and a process flow issue, as well as the concept of...
11:02 Hey, the quality of the product is not that good.
11:06 Now it doesn't talk about the new one he received.
11:09 Did he look at it? Is it the same quality?
11:11 Was it good? I don't know.
11:13 But the context is, as he got the second one
11:15 and then he got a second bill.
11:16 So he's paying twice for a product
11:19 that he only has one off.
11:21 Okay.
11:22 My recommendation is,
11:23 Jim should start by calling the company.
11:27 He should explain the situation
11:29 that he's in and next he should put,
11:32 put the explanation and the conversation
11:35 he's had with the company in writing
11:37 and show them that he's followed up
11:41 and done his due diligence.
11:44 Now if that doesn't work,
11:46 then he might contact a local state consumer group
11:50 or whatever the case maybe and take it a step further.
11:53 But the situation that you have to consider in all
11:56 of this is, over the holidays, does it make it harder work
12:00 if you buy something from a distance away
12:03 and it's shipped to you, bought it online,
12:05 bought it via mail-order.
12:07 And you don't have a personal connection.
12:10 You don't have someone to talk to you.
12:12 You don't have someone you can interact with
12:14 to straighten out the problem.
12:15 And when it comes to returning the item,
12:17 you're gonna have to ship it back,
12:19 you're gonna have to wait for three or four days,
12:20 you're gonna have to wait for them
12:22 to ship you the new product
12:23 and then all of a sudden you've been billed twice.
12:27 Now if it's negligible, some people would say,
12:29 ah, whatever.
12:30 You know 14 bucks I got when I need, it's a gift,
12:32 no big deal.
12:34 But it is a big deal, $14 is $14.
12:38 So as you consider these holiday shopping issues,
12:43 I think the key to this is knowing
12:47 how-- the approach you have for buying things,
12:52 how comfortable it is for you.
12:54 Do you need a tangible store of physical brick-and-mortar?
12:59 Or do you actually need an internet based store?
13:03 Of course, you can buy from major manufacturers online
13:06 and they have a local places
13:08 you can go to fulfill some of those orders.
13:11 You can purchase online and go
13:13 and pickup from a physical location.
13:16 They are many different alternatives,
13:17 but what the key to this is,
13:19 it's saying in this case is, when you go shopping
13:22 look at the alternatives, look at the capacity
13:25 for you to fulfill your needs.
13:26 Look at your capacity to get customer service
13:30 and customer satisfaction
13:31 because all it takes is one negative experience
13:34 in the situation that he is in.
13:36 Holiday shopping, you are right around the holidays
13:39 and guess what happens?
13:40 You're dealing with the hustle and bustle
13:42 and the volumes of traffic.
13:44 I personally don't like shopping around those type of,
13:47 those times. I don't like crowds.
13:50 I don't like the pushing and the mayhem
13:52 that happens at that time.
13:54 So I select a common time of year to do shopping.
13:57 And I personally now, don't like going into a store.
14:02 You should see me and my wife.
14:03 My wife used to look at me and see me tapping my toes
14:05 and twiddling my thumbs and trying to figure out
14:08 when are we getting out of here.
14:10 She is one of the best shoppers.
14:12 She looks for the best deals.
14:14 I shop online and go into the store.
14:17 I know what I want. I pick it up and I go out.
14:20 The least amount of time I spend in a store,
14:22 is the less time I have to be tempted
14:24 to buy something else.
14:25 I am very, very easily distracted.
14:28 And if I see something that pops up, it can pull me
14:31 and give me that temptation.
14:32 So I choose the process that's comfortable for me.
14:38 You find a process that's comfortable for you.
14:43 Avoiding holiday shoppers blues means avoiding
14:46 the things that bother you.
14:48 Customer service issues, the difficulty of returns,
14:51 the places you go to buy things,
14:54 the internet based possibilities,
14:57 all of these have a place to play
14:59 in your specific life.
15:01 And remember, if you have assessed
15:04 your position in life, and you've created a budget,
15:06 and you have cut your spending,
15:08 and you saved what you want,
15:10 it also gives you that added integrity now
15:15 to know that I am going to abide
15:18 by the budget I have set for myself
15:21 and I'm not going to deviate from it,
15:24 no matter what the temptation.
15:26 So for me, I go in...
15:28 Well, first of all I go online,
15:30 I shop. I compare.
15:32 I find out where the best price is. I call up.
15:34 Do they have an inventory?
15:35 And I go straight there, I go straight in,
15:38 I find the location of the product,
15:40 I pick it up, I go straight to the checkout
15:43 and I checkout and go because if I walk...
15:47 Oh, what's that? Do I need it?
15:49 And then I go through this conversation in my mind.
15:52 And if my wife is not with me, it's even deadlier.
15:54 If my wife is with me, it's a great situation
15:56 because she just looks at me and I know the look.
15:59 You know that look? Are you crazy? Okay.
16:02 So I turn around and say, let's go, honey,
16:05 there's no big deal.
16:06 The concept is yours. The context is this.
16:09 Find what fits your needs and abide by it. Okay.
16:15 So we've talked about Jim, Bill, Ben,
16:17 whatever the case be, it could be you.
16:19 Take it upon yourself to find what's comfortable.
16:23 Deciding what to buy, is it a want versus a need?
16:27 What are some of the strategies
16:29 that smart shoppers use?
16:31 Deciding what they want, shopping, researching,
16:34 and making those decisions.
16:36 And I would suspect one of those strategies is,
16:39 take a cool off period.
16:40 If you're going to buy a big screen TV,
16:42 if you're buying a big appliance, go in,
16:45 shop, do the research, shop around,
16:47 negotiate and go home for a couple of days
16:49 and think about it.
16:51 If you don't go by and buy it, you never really needed it
16:54 in the first place.
16:56 Take a look at what choices you make
16:58 and why you make those choices?
17:00 What's builds in? Is it about values?
17:03 Values is key.
17:05 We have led a generation to this issue of credit,
17:09 when credit is not necessarily that important.
17:12 What is important is, the savings aspect
17:16 and the planning process for the acquisitions
17:19 or the purchases that you make.
17:23 Is it a need?
17:24 What are the resources that are available
17:26 for that purchase?
17:28 What about quality? What is quality?
17:30 What does quality have to plan to it?
17:32 What are the pros and cons with different stores
17:34 that you use and that is deep.
17:37 I had an opportunity at one point in time
17:39 to purchase a camera.
17:43 And in making that purchase
17:45 I had the opportunity to either go into a store,
17:49 a physical store and a well known brand store
17:52 or I could buy that camera for a lot less via mail order.
18:00 Now here is the key.
18:02 There are mail order companies all over.
18:03 There's some of them
18:05 that are not that good from a customer service standpoint
18:10 and they are going to hammer you from the standpoint
18:13 of credibility and of course,
18:15 getting the product that you actually want.
18:17 Some are very misleading.
18:19 I went online and found a couple of great deals
18:22 on cameras, but when you
18:24 called up and did the research,
18:25 these companies had bad reputations
18:28 for customer services, terrible.
18:29 And you don't know if you're gonna get the camera
18:31 that you want.
18:32 And the other issue goes right back to the case scenario
18:34 we had before with Jim is, if you buy it mail order
18:39 I'm gonna have to ship it back across the country
18:42 to the people if I don't get what I necessarily wanted.
18:46 And number two, if they have bad customer service,
18:48 I'm putting myself in a very difficult situation.
18:51 So you consider all of these things in the research
18:54 that you do.
18:56 And then what I decided I do was to go into a well known
19:00 merchandiser and purchase the product there
19:03 because if there's a problem
19:05 I could just go right back to them
19:07 and return it with no questions asked.
19:09 They had that reputation
19:10 and I didn't have to worry about it.
19:12 The other issue is before I understood the context
19:14 of warranties and registrations
19:16 and those specific issues is,
19:19 they wanted a lot of information from me.
19:21 They wanted information that they didn't necessarily
19:24 need to have.
19:25 And one of the things, some of these smaller companies do,
19:27 is they need that marketing information and consumer based
19:30 information from you so they can make extra money
19:33 on the side by consumer data
19:35 that they can sell to marketing organizations
19:37 and database warehouses.
19:39 Key issue. Okay.
19:42 So we're dealing with other type of issues,
19:45 comparative shopping, looking around, research,
19:48 making sure you're comfortable with the process
19:51 that you have in place for making an acquisition.
19:54 All of these will make your holidays,
19:56 your birthday shopping,
19:58 your anytime shopping, a whole lot easier.
20:02 There are alternative forms of purchasing.
20:04 There are buying clubs. You now what those are?
20:08 You pay a fee and you get a chance to go in and buy
20:11 product in bulk or whatever the case may be.
20:14 Some feel good about it, some feel that you
20:16 can actually go out and make some acquisitions
20:19 in a less expensive manner by using coupons
20:22 and just by shopping on the right days.
20:25 That is up to you.
20:26 Again, I ask you to do the research.
20:28 Go online.
20:30 Search the newspapers, read, find out as much as you
20:33 possibly can because in doing so,
20:35 you're going to make the best value
20:38 for the dollar you're going to spend. Okay.
20:42 There are layaway plans that are out there.
20:46 Is layaway plan a good deal? I don't know.
20:49 If you can't buy it upfront, then why are you gonna lay
20:53 it away and buy it overtime.
20:55 The key that you need to know is this.
20:59 I believe that saving is key.
21:03 Plan for what you want and go back to your budget
21:06 all the time.
21:08 Have we planned? Have we set a goal?
21:10 Have we prioritized that goal?
21:12 Is it necessary for us to address our budget
21:19 and fine-tune it, looking at the trends that we have?
21:23 And as we prioritize the goals we have,
21:25 is it a part of our process for purchasing?
21:27 If I've saved $10,000 for my yearly holiday shopping,
21:32 I should actually take the time and go in detail
21:35 as to who I'm buying for.
21:37 How much I'm spending for each person?
21:39 And if you don't want to show favorites,
21:41 just take a number of people you're buying for
21:44 and split it into the amount that you have.
21:47 So you can't say I played favorite.
21:48 I spent the same amount for your gift
21:50 as well as for your sister's gift.
21:52 So you don't have to worry about it. Okay.
21:54 Those are little things that you should do.
21:56 One of the major issues that come up at holiday times is,
22:02 one of two issues.
22:03 One is, I purchased something that I didn't really need.
22:05 Goes back to the budget.
22:06 You didn't plan for it, so you don't have to worry
22:08 about that now.
22:09 But there's another thing you should be very much aware of.
22:11 There are scams and there are frauds that are out there.
22:15 You need to aware of that.
22:17 They are anything from telemarketing fraud.
22:19 People will call you, they will find your information,
22:22 if you shared too much information,
22:23 they may give you call.
22:25 There is an opt out website.
22:27 Do a search for that and go in there
22:29 and opt out from telemarketing calls
22:31 as well as-- it's get-- being sent all
22:33 of this stuff, collateral stuff in the mail.
22:36 Key, understand that.
22:38 But also understand that there are travel scams,
22:41 they are telemarketing scams, there's telemarketing fraud,
22:44 there are magazine telephone scams, there are things
22:50 that you can do to protect yourself
22:51 and I think you should do so, especially
22:53 as we're looking at the proliferation
22:55 of ID theft and fraud. Okay.
22:59 We asked a few people how they planned for shopping
23:02 and I want you to hear some
23:04 of what was said in our outing.
23:10 I like to plan of course, always,
23:12 but there are times when, you know, purchases weren't
23:17 necessarily planned, you now.
23:23 A little of both.
23:25 Sometimes if I have some extra cash,
23:26 if I've paid enough bills,
23:28 I know there have some extra cash over.
23:30 I would say to myself, oh,
23:31 let's go ahead and buy some stuff
23:33 because I have some extra money.
23:34 Sometimes, you know, depending on the situation
23:36 I see something I wanted, I'll go ahead and get it.
23:38 So it's a little bit of both.
23:39 Sometimes I plan it ahead,
23:41 another times depending on what it is.
23:42 I don't, I don't do a spontaneous spending
23:46 on big items, those types of things I save, TV's,
23:49 play stations, cell phones, all those different things.
23:51 But for small things like clothes or little CDs or DVDs
23:57 or drives, that can be impulsive.
23:59 I likes to over budget for any event and then I just spend
24:03 all the money that I plan for that event.
24:08 It's a wonderful situation
24:10 when you've planned for something,
24:11 you have the funds that purchase and use it
24:13 for the appropriate thing that you planned it for.
24:16 There are not any unexpected things that come up.
24:19 You can plan for things and you know exactly
24:21 what has to happen.
24:23 When you're in control, you are in control.
24:25 When Christ has your attention and you know that you're doing
24:29 everything to support His ministries, there are many
24:33 wonderful things that can happen in your life.
24:36 As you heard here with some of the individuals
24:38 that we talked to, they plan.
24:40 Sometimes you don't plan
24:42 and there's a spontaneity that happens.
24:44 Hey, there are times that I have to figure
24:47 a spontaneous thing for my spouse.
24:50 You know, I have cutback on taking my things
24:53 to the drycleaners because she's fantastic
24:55 in taking caring care of some of my shirts.
24:59 My shirts are really nice and they feel comfortable
25:02 because she knows exactly how much starch to put it
25:04 and what to do with the shirts,
25:06 but there is no free service in life.
25:09 Oh, she will say, oh, I love you
25:11 so I'm gonna do it on your behalf,
25:13 but I do pay it back.
25:14 So at times there's a spontaneity with a rose here,
25:17 some flowers there, and dinner outing here.
25:19 But it's a part of the savings process and the planning
25:22 process on our behalf to take care of her because I need her
25:26 attention and I want her to love me long term.
25:28 So anyway, I just thought I'd throw that in there.
25:30 Now we talked about a variety of things over this time about
25:34 what we're dealing with in holiday shopping,
25:36 how we should plan, how we should approach
25:40 these times of the year because they can get
25:42 very stressful, but you can control
25:44 that stress by handling the planning process.
25:48 What do we talk about in reference to,
25:50 to taking care with the planning process?
25:53 You should always go back to square one,
25:55 assess, assess your debt.
25:57 Do you have debt? Go in to creating a budget.
25:59 A budget will layout where your debt is,
26:02 what expenses you have, what income you have.
26:04 From there look at cutting the extra spending that you have.
26:07 Cut the expenses as far as you can and begin the process
26:10 of widening that margin of the savings that you can
26:14 potentially put away and begin the process of investing
26:17 and putting money back into your charity,
26:20 into sharing the gospel with the world.
26:23 And then of course, if you do have the debt
26:25 and you able to save a little bit of money,
26:27 you're able to now attack that debt and wipe it out.
26:31 But understanding that you have that budget,
26:33 now I can plan.
26:34 I can plan according to what things I have.
26:37 I can live within my means now.
26:39 I can actually plan for a future both financial
26:42 and other, whether it's educational
26:44 or whatever the case may be
26:45 because I have that as a priority.
26:50 I begin the process of avoiding chaotic situations,
26:55 handling situations that could be disastrous
26:57 in many other situations,
26:58 such as job loss, such as health and disability issues
27:03 and it helps me to prevent certain issues
27:06 such as bankruptcy, homelessness, welfare
27:09 and even the cost of dropping out of school.
27:12 We've talked about many different things
27:14 over this past half hour, 30 minutes.
27:17 What I'd like to say to you now is this.
27:20 The Bible verse that we talked about in James is a key verse.
27:24 The verse actually talks about treating people as equals.
27:29 You're going to develop wealth.
27:31 You're going to develop a context
27:33 of saving and investing.
27:35 You're going to show that Christ has blessed you
27:38 with this type of wealth.
27:40 Now take that wealth and treat people as a humble servant.
27:44 Treat-- you be that servant and bless others
27:48 with the abundance that God has blessed you with.
27:51 Read James 2:5-9, realize that you can take it
27:56 to the bank and save.
27:58 God bless.


Revised 2016-01-14