Take it to the Bank

Financial Problems - What Can They Cause?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cordell Thomas


Series Code: TITTB

Program Code: TITTB000014

00:01 On Take It To The Bank,
00:02 you will find ways to get out of debt...
00:09 solve your credit card problems,
00:14 how to make and stick with a budget...
00:19 simple ways to save...
00:24 buying or selling a home
00:26 and many more financial matters on Take It To The Bank.
00:33 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas
00:34 and welcome to Take It To The Bank.
00:36 We're glad that you're here
00:38 and I'm glad that you're looking in another program
00:41 that we have for you.
00:43 This is an exciting program.
00:44 This whole series is gonna exciting
00:45 because it's led by you.
00:47 I received several emails and in context
00:51 of your Facebook about the program
00:52 and there were some very good feedback
00:54 and some of them actually provided me
00:56 ideas of the direction we could take
00:59 with this specific program.
01:03 So here's what we're going to do.
01:04 I would like to start out with a Bible verse.
01:07 If you look in your Bibles, Hebrews 12.
01:09 Hebrews 12:1 says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded
01:12 by so great a cloud of witnesses,
01:14 let us lay aside every weight,
01:16 and sin which cling so easily to us,
01:18 and let us run with endurance, the race that is set before us,
01:22 looking to Jesus,
01:23 the founder and perfecter of our faith,
01:26 who for the joy that was set before Him
01:27 endured the cross, despising the shame,
01:31 and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."
01:34 I think it's a very intriguing verse
01:36 because it tells us that we have a group of witnesses,
01:39 not in this world, but they are watching
01:42 and rooting for us and asking us
01:43 or hoping that we can be successful.
01:45 And some of these things
01:49 that God would like us to be successful.
01:50 In this specifically is finance.
01:53 And one of the context I was driven to was, was--
01:59 A short story that I'll tell you.
02:01 I was taking care of some dry cleaning
02:04 before I came out to this area and, and the dry cleaning
02:08 of course, is making sure everything is in place.
02:09 I was missing a couple of buttons on a suit,
02:12 I was missing a couple of things
02:14 and some of the things need to be repaired.
02:16 And, and as I took them in,
02:18 I talked to the owner of the drycleaner
02:20 and I said I need a button sewn on here.
02:22 He said no problem. He put a little safety pin there.
02:25 And I asked him to take care of the dry cleaning
02:28 in a specific way.
02:29 Not a problem at all.
02:30 As I was leaving I said, "So, what is the cost?"
02:33 As he filled out my little receipt,
02:35 and he said the cost is $16.
02:37 I said $16 for the suit, the four pieces,
02:40 as well as the buttons.
02:42 And he said sure.
02:43 And of course, I will add on,
02:45 I will sew on one of the buttons for you.
02:48 No, problem.
02:49 So I left and I came back to pick up the dry cleaning.
02:52 Now it's interesting because he wasn't there.
02:55 And someone else delivered the dry cleaning to me.
02:59 But when it was delivered, the buttons weren't there,
03:02 it wasn't sewn on
03:03 and I was still charged the $16.
03:05 And then when I asked about the dry cleaning,
03:08 the young lady that provided the dry cleaning bag said,
03:11 oh, that will be extra.
03:12 No, I said but, he didn't say it was extra.
03:15 It was a part of the total cost of dry cleaning.
03:19 So it should be just $16.
03:21 Oh, no, I'll have to charge you
03:22 two extra dollars for two buttons
03:25 and they still didn't sew it on the suit.
03:27 I was so irritated.
03:29 I couldn't believe that in an era right now,
03:32 we're down economy
03:33 and you need every kind of client that you can get,
03:36 that they are willing to lose a client over $2.
03:39 Yes, I was upset. It was an irritant to me.
03:41 It's something that I shouldn't have to go through
03:43 when I'm giving them my hard earned cash
03:46 $2 extra for a couple of buttons
03:48 that I could have bought for 50 cents somewhere else.
03:51 And that's where I am going to come from.
03:53 That was a minor stressor in my life.
03:56 And that is what you all came back to me about.
04:00 What, what can happen if financial issues
04:05 become a major concern in your life,
04:07 if you are not in control of your finances?
04:10 A lot can happen. Stress.
04:13 So we're gonna take our time over the next few programs
04:18 and talk a little about stress
04:20 and what stress has to do with finances.
04:23 Did you know
04:24 that there was a study done by Holmes and Rahe,
04:27 University of Washington in 1967.
04:29 And they came up with--
04:31 at that time a total of 55 stressors,
04:34 55 stressors that can be associated
04:37 with outside activities in your life,
04:41 things that are associated
04:43 with external circumstances in your life.
04:46 They said that stress is the reason
04:49 for 2/3rds of the total visits to the physician, 2/3rds.
04:53 It's also the leading cause of coronary artery disease,
04:57 cancer, accidents, respiratory diseases
05:00 besides many others.
05:03 Stress aggravates
05:04 the following type of illnesses,
05:06 hypertension, insomnia, diabetes,
05:10 Herpes, multiple sclerosis etcetera,
05:12 besides, stress that continues for a long periods of time
05:17 can lead to poor concentration, irritability, anger
05:22 and poor management or poor judgment.
05:24 Stress leads to marriage breakups.
05:27 We're gonna touch on some of that a little later on.
05:30 Family fights, road rage, suicides and violence.
05:35 What are the biggest causes of present day stress today?
05:39 We're gonna lay that out for you.
05:41 I'm gonna give you the top five causes of stress
05:47 in our lives today.
05:49 The number five cause for stress in our lives
05:52 are irritants in our daily life, irritants.
05:55 Number four on the list is health,
05:58 medical concerns, long term care.
06:01 Number three on the list is personal relationships.
06:05 Number two is workplace stress
06:09 and number one reason for stress in life
06:13 is financial problems, financial problems.
06:17 When you take a look at financial literacy,
06:19 and what we're all dealing with,
06:20 from the context of understanding
06:22 and communicating our personal finance,
06:24 financial concerns, it provides us an opportunity
06:28 to address how finance is impacting our daily life
06:32 and how it's stressing us out.
06:34 We're all being stressed.
06:35 I told you a story about myself.
06:37 I go into a dry cleaner and the stress involved there.
06:41 A small stress.
06:42 It's a $2 overcharge, but yet, it's the fairness
06:46 that should have been there for them
06:47 in treating a client as a client
06:49 and following through on their word.
06:51 But we're all dealing with stress.
06:53 All you have to do is go to your mailbox
06:55 or talk to different individuals
06:57 about the different things that are going on.
06:59 We have to watch ourselves on the internet.
07:01 There's insurance fraud that is going on right now.
07:04 The insurance industry is a big industry.
07:07 They are close to 7,000 companies
07:08 collecting over one trillion dollars
07:12 in premiums of the course of a year,
07:13 one trillion dollars.
07:15 And I guess, you now know
07:16 the context of a trillion dollars.
07:19 One dollar being paid out every second
07:22 over the course of 31,000 years and gives you an idea
07:25 of how much money and what size this industry is.
07:29 Insurance also has to deal with fraud.
07:31 There is approximately $80 billion in fraud,
07:35 non-health based insurance being estimated
07:37 at approximately $80 billon per year.
07:40 80 billion, we have to concern ourselves
07:42 with mass marketing fraud.
07:44 We have to concern ourselves with identity theft.
07:48 Everything in our daily lives is stressing us out.
07:51 What we put on the internet is no loner our information,
07:54 it's out there permanently and it's gone.
07:56 We have major web portals right now that are telling us
08:01 that the information you put on that can be used
08:03 and sold as a profit to that organization.
08:06 And some of them,
08:08 even if you delete your account,
08:10 your information remains.
08:12 It causes you stress to understand the images.
08:15 And personal information can be used
08:17 and shared to develop profiles about you,
08:20 so that people can mass market to you
08:22 on a more strategic basis.
08:25 So you take a look at being financially literate.
08:26 It has a whole host of issues,
08:29 a whole host of relevant concerns
08:31 that we need to address on a personal basis.
08:34 When you look at what's going on
08:36 from the government standpoint of a very specific debt,
08:40 you understand why we should address this concern.
08:43 There's some statistics out there
08:45 that U.S. National debt
08:46 rises in average of $3.8 billion per day.
08:50 The U.S. Government borrows
08:53 approximately $5 billion on every business day.
08:57 Our current debt limit
08:59 or debt ceiling is at $15.3 trillion.
09:03 $15.3 trillion
09:05 can equate to approximately $50, 000 per man,
09:08 woman, and child in the United States
09:10 or approximately $135,000 per tax paying individual.
09:14 That's a lot of money and you understand that our nation,
09:18 as well as the globe is dealing with economic
09:21 and financial issues.
09:22 You hear about crisis in different countries.
09:24 You hear about small countries that are unable to even keep up
09:29 with the interest payment on their debts.
09:31 And you begin to understand
09:32 what type of setting is happening
09:35 in and around the globe.
09:38 And then you begin to talk about personal finance
09:41 and that is a reason why we're discussing this issue.
09:44 We are in a race.
09:45 We're in a race for the long haul.
09:47 And we have to understand that this race has to do
09:52 with understanding how we fit in the scheme of things.
09:56 And as Christians we understand that this race--
09:58 As we've talked about in Hebrews 12,
10:00 also has a lot to do with another verse in Luke 12.
10:04 Luke 12:15 talks about,
10:06 "Take care and guard against greed,
10:10 because life does not consists in the abundance
10:14 of what one person possesses."
10:16 So it's not about what you possess,
10:18 it's what you do with it,
10:19 because the story about the rich young man
10:22 and how he dealt with all of his asserts that he had
10:26 and God held him accountable.
10:28 And that's the same thing that we should be thinking about
10:31 as we look at what God has blessed us with.
10:33 However much or however little we have,
10:36 we have to use it in a way that God can bless us.
10:43 And so we look at a variety of things
10:45 and how we can alleviate some of that stress
10:48 and we can get those specific issues very soon.
10:52 Now, I took some time to ask people
10:55 in Venice Beach, California, about this issue called stress.
11:00 I'd like to take you to my intro
11:01 and show you Venice Beach and what several questions
11:06 we're planning to discuss with these individuals
11:11 Hey, y'all, this is Cordell Thomas.
11:12 I'm here at Venice Beach, California.
11:14 It's a wonderful place to be,
11:16 where you would think that most people are relaxed.
11:18 You know, those individuals here
11:20 walk in up and down the stretch.
11:21 As I'm looking up and down and looking out at the beach,
11:23 the wonderful blue water
11:25 and you think that most people are in great shape,
11:28 crisis aren't happening, stress, life is stress free,
11:31 but that's not necessarily the case.
11:33 When you take a look
11:34 at the big picture of United States debt
11:37 or deficit this past year, in 2012 was $1.33 trillion,
11:42 one trillion dollars.
11:44 Do you have a concept of what one trillion is?
11:46 Well, here's one way of figuring it out.
11:48 If you spent a dollar a second,
11:50 you could spend a million dollars in 12 days.
11:53 You would spend a billion dollars in 31 years.
11:56 You would spend one trillion dollars
11:58 in 31,000 years.
11:59 That is the key
12:01 to understanding the volume of one trillion.
12:03 Yet, the United States debt, United States deficit
12:06 at this point in time, in 2012 is $1.33 trillion.
12:11 And that puts you a perceptive
12:13 on what's going on a national perceptive of national debt.
12:17 Bring it down to the family level,
12:19 and you begin to understand
12:20 that there's a lot of things going on.
12:22 This year with Take It To The Bank,
12:25 we'll be talking about a variety of issues that,
12:27 that delve into the top causes of stress in people's lives.
12:31 We'll also talk about the top causes
12:34 of financial problems
12:35 and we're going to be delving into those issues.
12:37 We are now at Venice Beach and we're gonna talk
12:40 to a variety of people today about stress.
12:42 What is stress? How do you deal with stress?
12:45 Who do you go to for advice
12:47 when you are in those kinds of stressful situation?
12:49 And we like to develop
12:51 a top ten list of stress causers in our life.
12:55 As we talk through those issues,
12:56 we'll begin to explain and answer questions
12:59 over this next quarter of sessions
13:02 with Take It To The Bank.
13:04 So we are here.
13:05 We're gonna be talking to few people.
13:06 I hope you will enjoy this series
13:08 and enjoy this segment.
13:12 How you doing?
13:14 I'm doing great, my friend.
13:15 Thanks for helping us out. No problem.
13:16 What would you consider
13:18 the biggest stress in your life right now?
13:19 Probably the biggest stress in my life
13:20 will be work most likely.
13:22 Okay.
13:23 And dealing with all the nonsense
13:25 and I work with family, so that's kind of--
13:28 Well, you already how that could be?
13:30 I understand that clearly.
13:33 Catherine, what would you consider
13:34 the biggest stress in your life and why?
13:37 I would like to say the biggest stress in my life
13:39 would be my job.
13:41 Mainly the economy is, you know, it's still been bad
13:45 and continue to have more and more work,
13:48 especially as companies cut down
13:49 and things are continuing to try and progress, so.
13:55 What would you consider the biggest stress in your life
13:57 right now and why?
13:59 Financial, because I don't have enough of it.
14:01 Really? Yeah.
14:05 What you consider the biggest stress
14:06 in your life and why?
14:07 One of the biggest stresses in my life
14:09 I say is money right now
14:10 because there's a lot of great depression
14:11 and stuff like that is going on.
14:13 So money is a big issue in my life.
14:15 All right.
14:17 Next question would be, what would you consider
14:19 the biggest stress in your life and why?
14:22 My mom, because she stresses everything I do.
14:25 And she stresses that shouldn't be stressed
14:29 and I don't like to be stressed.
14:31 Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's bad.
14:34 First question to you is, what would you consider
14:36 the biggest stress in your life and why?
14:38 The biggest stress in my life today will be,
14:41 maybe a financial situations that I went through a family,
14:45 me raising two kids, being young, married guy,
14:48 you know, in the society.
14:50 So that will be a stress.
14:53 What would you consider the biggest stress
14:55 in your life today?
14:56 I think money will be the biggest stress.
14:59 Why? Because you need money.
15:01 I mean, people say money is not everything,
15:02 but it is everything.
15:04 You need to move around and stuff so--
15:06 Okay.
15:08 Well, Linda, what would you consider
15:10 the biggest stress in your life?
15:12 My daughters.
15:14 Why?
15:17 I don't know. My daughters-- Because I care.
15:19 Because you care.
15:20 If I didn't care I wouldn't stress.
15:21 Exactly.
15:24 Stress, a major part of life. And guess what?
15:27 You guys cause me a little stress
15:29 because you respond sometimes to several of the programs
15:32 that we have placed on 3ABN.
15:35 It's quite interesting some of things you said.
15:36 One of the comments was--
15:38 "Cordell, you look like you're having too much fun up there.
15:41 It doesn't look like you're serious."
15:43 Take me seriously.
15:47 This thing is more serious than you would ever think it is.
15:49 Debt is causing a lot of death, destruction,
15:51 and taking families apart
15:53 because people are not in control of their finances.
15:56 Remember, when we talked about,
15:57 when we said about being financially literate.
15:59 Being financially literate says that I know
16:01 where are my revenue is coming from.
16:03 Where are my pay check? Where are my money is coming?
16:05 I know where my expenses are. I have developed a budget.
16:08 I know exactly what I need to do
16:10 for future expenditures that I'm not aware of,
16:13 such as emergencies that come up.
16:15 Those emergencies can be as simple as a home fixture
16:19 that goes bad or a broken water heater,
16:22 to as much as a major medical bill
16:24 or even an emergency such as a job loss.
16:27 Many of these things can come in to take,
16:31 take a lot out of you and out of your funds
16:34 if you are not careful.
16:36 Many people are looking to get access to your money.
16:38 I'm getting calls at this point in time
16:41 because I actually took it upon myself to invite my wife
16:44 to go to one of these Timeshare things,
16:47 where you go and sit for 45 minutes to an hour,
16:50 turns out to be an hour and a half.
16:52 And then afterwards,
16:53 they try to hard sell you on something
16:55 you don't really necessarily that you don't need.
16:58 And then of course, they offer you this,
17:01 this enticement with a trip.
17:03 I tried it one time. And guess what happened?
17:06 That trip actually ended up costing more
17:09 because it really wasn't free.
17:10 You had to pay for certain items.
17:12 You had to pay for a couple of other things
17:13 and that could be considered fraud in certain areas.
17:17 We took much care in understanding now,
17:19 that when people call us, we don't answer them,
17:22 we don't take them seriously
17:24 unless we do our own due diligence on our research.
17:27 It's important that you do it and I take this very seriously
17:30 because many lives are being changed--
17:33 We are not taking for, taking seriously
17:37 the impact that debt has on our lives
17:40 and we are looking at stress.
17:41 What was the top cause of stress?
17:43 As we saw in some of our takes on,
17:45 in Venice Beach, many of them mirrored the statistics
17:50 which said the number one cause of stress is finances.
17:53 Personal relationships is on number three.
17:56 And then work related stress is number two.
17:59 So, yes, I am having fun.
18:01 I have the sense of peace in my heart
18:04 and I always try to have a smile on my face.
18:06 Really, is it all that serious? But, yes, it is.
18:08 And I'm trying to convey that.
18:10 So the comment was very well taken.
18:12 That I don't want you to think that I'm sitting here
18:14 having a lot of fun, making light of this serious issue.
18:18 But my countenance is this. I'm at peace.
18:21 My life is not as stressful as most.
18:24 I try to take the Sabbath day off
18:26 and relax from all my duties and forget about debt
18:29 and management and finances.
18:31 And I think you should too,
18:32 in managing stress and understanding
18:34 how that stress impacts your life.
18:37 When I was a child,
18:38 I didn't have these issues of called stress.
18:41 My son doesn't worry about certain issues,
18:43 but he does see what his friends get.
18:46 And so I remember the conversation I had
18:49 when he decided to say, "Dad, I want to get a bike.
18:52 Can you just put on your credit card?
18:54 Can you buy it for me?"
18:55 Oh, it'd be easy to do when buying the gift.
18:57 But in teaching a lesson about what it means to buy something,
19:01 I gave him the goal of raising the $70 and 65 cents
19:05 to pay for the bike.
19:07 And he did. He worked hard.
19:08 He worked hard and he bought the bike.
19:10 I remember that day
19:12 and he walked proudly out with his bike
19:13 that, that the manufacturer put together for him.
19:16 And guess what? That bike is well taken care of.
19:19 It's always clean. He maintains it well.
19:22 He watches to who rides his bike.
19:25 And he makes sure
19:27 that everything is where it needs to be.
19:29 I don't know if he would have felt the same way
19:32 if we have just bought it, and there hadn't been any work
19:36 or labor involved in his acquisition.
19:39 So those are the major things I would like to convey to you.
19:41 This is a serious issue.
19:43 As we look at debt, as we look at stress,
19:48 I want you to know
19:49 that this issue takes a lot of energy out of a family.
19:54 It takes a lot of energy out of the setting,
19:57 the personal relationships that we do have.
20:00 And I suggest that you consider very seriously the needs,
20:05 the wants that you have.
20:06 It takes us back to expenses and financial literacy 101,
20:12 understanding where your money goes.
20:13 Understanding where your money comes from
20:15 and understanding that there are many things in life
20:18 that want to cause you stress.
20:20 Credit card ID theft, I showed you several of them.
20:23 But did you know avoiding holiday
20:26 spending blues is a major issue
20:29 that causes stress in people's lives?
20:32 I've received this in the mail.
20:34 And this is very interesting, I didn't even know this.
20:37 But avoid Christmas heart attacks.
20:39 Avoid Christmas heart attacks and the statement goes.
20:43 More Americans die from cardiac arrest
20:46 on Christmas day than any other day of the year.
20:49 Doctors have long speculated
20:51 on the cause for this holiday heart syndrome
20:55 attributing it to everything from cold weather,
20:58 and get this, to financial and family stress
21:02 to excessive eating and alcohol consumption.
21:06 You can avoid a great deal of stress
21:09 if you plan for those expenditures.
21:12 Plan for what you're gonna do at Christmas time.
21:14 Plan in January for your early budget
21:16 and figure out, I've allocated this amount of money
21:19 to be saved for expenses around Christmas time
21:22 during the holidays.
21:24 It will save you a lot of stress.
21:29 Now reasons for financial problems is threefold.
21:33 I will choose to talk to him in this manner.
21:36 One of the problems is
21:38 not learning from your past mistakes,
21:39 repeating the same thing over and over again,
21:41 by not developing the budget and adhering to it
21:44 and making sure it's a part of your life.
21:47 That is number one. So we repeat the same mistake.
21:49 We go into a store and we, oh, my goodness,
21:52 I need this right now,
21:53 they are having a fantastic sale.
21:54 Let me just put it on the credit card
21:56 and there we go again.
21:57 The cycle starts all over again.
22:00 I think it takes a certain level of interest
22:03 and concern for your family and for yourself to avoid this,
22:09 these stressful issues.
22:10 Number two is not understanding
22:13 that I am not the expert in finance
22:15 and seeking out someone's advice
22:18 on how to handle these type of issues.
22:22 The other issue surrounding that
22:24 is taking the advice of non-experts,
22:26 such as friends.
22:29 We go to friends and you will see
22:30 also in some of the footage that we took
22:33 that many of the people are gonna tell you
22:35 that the people like to seek, from my personal advice,
22:38 is my family or myself.
22:40 I take internalize and I come to a Zen moment
22:43 where I figure, I can make my decisions,
22:46 when I've been making the same mistakes in the past.
22:48 Look, if you want to get bread baked,
22:50 you don't go to a building builder
22:52 or someone who builds buildings.
22:54 You go to a bakery. You go to a baker.
22:56 The same issue about finances.
22:58 If you need expert help, go to someone
23:01 that knows about what you're talking about.
23:04 And the third issue is,
23:05 specially to what is your financial problem.
23:08 Is it taxes? Is it budgeting?
23:12 Are there liabilities and leans in your life?
23:14 Do you need consultation
23:16 on how to take care of credit issues?
23:20 Well, figure out what that expert,
23:22 who that expert is and go and talk to them.
23:26 It's very important that you do,
23:28 because not seeking the advice of the experts
23:31 will create a bigger problem
23:34 and exaggerate the simple problem
23:36 that could have been fixed,
23:41 So we take a look at the five major causes of stress
23:48 and I mentioned them earlier in the program.
23:50 Those started out as Number five, irritant.
23:54 What is an irritant in your life?
23:56 You know parent-teacher conferences.
23:59 It could be that long drive to work.
24:02 It could be as simple as dry-cleaning issue,
24:06 those things in life that just happen each and everyday.
24:10 Those are major irritants
24:12 and that is a number five cause of stress
24:15 that was taken in the specific poll.
24:17 People don't realize that stress,
24:20 not only impacts you as an individual,
24:22 it impacts your whole family.
24:24 There is this statistics that's out there,
24:26 statistic that's out there that says that,
24:29 families that have stress,
24:31 have teenagers that have stress.
24:34 And in fact, teenagers aged 13 to 17
24:38 are 45 percent likely to say
24:40 they have excessive stress in their lives.
24:42 And the parents, accordingly
24:44 think that the stress in their children's life
24:46 are not that high.
24:49 These things impact children.
24:50 There are stories that are out that tell us
24:53 some of the same exact things.
24:55 For example, the grip of poverty spans generations.
24:59 If we don't fix the problem now
25:02 and give our children a good example
25:04 of what to do in certain situations,
25:08 who to go to in crisis situations,
25:11 and the fact that budgeting and managing your money well
25:14 will solve a lot of their future concerns,
25:18 I think that we then can alleviate a lot of problems,
25:22 not only now in our lives, we as examples can show them
25:26 what to do and how to do it
25:27 and take care of a lot of those concerns.
25:29 That was number five, irritants in you life,
25:31 those little things that happen on a daily basis.
25:34 And then we go to number four
25:35 which is health, health concern.
25:37 Maintaining your health.
25:38 Taking care of yourselves, losing weight,
25:41 gaining weight, maintaining your weight, eating healthy,
25:45 taking care of medical issue, seeing your doctor,
25:49 and then of course, stress can happen
25:51 if you find a lump or something that shouldn't be where it is.
25:56 Those are concerns from a health based basis.
25:59 So that's the fourth major concern
26:02 and a cause of stress.
26:04 The number three cause of stress
26:06 comes down to personal relationships.
26:08 Studies show that children-- There's studies on children
26:12 of course, attitude towards the relatives,
26:14 arguments with the spouse on finances,
26:16 arguments with the spouse on children,
26:19 and rearing your children.
26:20 Should we spank? Should we timeout?
26:23 Placing illness that comes into relationships
26:27 and who takes care of your parents
26:29 and all of these issues become relevant
26:32 to the personal relationships.
26:33 You saw in some of our, our interviews
26:38 that stress was caused by personal relationships.
26:41 You saw the gentleman that talked about his mom.
26:43 You saw the gentleman that talked about
26:45 just the things that happen on a daily basis
26:47 because he works with family.
26:50 Those are major concerns and that is a top,
26:54 the third most prevalent reason for stress in people's lives.
27:00 Number two, workplace stress. We all know what it's like.
27:04 You hear about issues concerning your next promotion.
27:09 You hear issues concerning what you do
27:12 in reference to a employee evaluation,
27:17 all of these things can have a major issue on stress.
27:22 Number two is workplace stress
27:25 and you should it look at it seriously
27:27 because it doesn't go away
27:29 and, especially if you're looking at a job layoff,
27:32 there are issues that need to be addressed.
27:33 The number one reason, finances, financial issues.
27:38 Now we're gonna take finance to a whole different level
27:40 as we talk about how finance and stress
27:43 impact personal lives?
27:45 It's very interesting
27:47 to take a look at this issue caused stress.
27:48 You guys gave us the idea to do this program on stress.
27:53 Let's take a look at it as we Take It To The Bank
27:57 and save.
27:58 Thank you all for being here.


Revised 2016-01-14