Take it to the Bank

Consumer Aware - Buyer Beware Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cordell Thomas


Series Code: TITTB

Program Code: TITTB000034

00:01 On Take It To The Bank,
00:02 you'll find ways to get out of debt.
00:09 Solve your credit card problems.
00:14 How to make and stick with the budget?
00:19 Simple ways to save.
00:24 Buying or selling a home
00:26 and many more financial matters on Take It to The Bank.
00:32 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas,
00:33 and welcome to Take It to The Bank.
00:36 I'm excited that you're here and a lot of your questions
00:38 have been coming through via email, via phone calls.
00:41 And some of the things I think are very important
00:43 as that you're talking about.
00:44 We had a couple of questions that I thought
00:46 we should address and I think we'll do that today.
00:49 Today we're gonna talk a little about consumer awareness,
00:52 buyer beware and this has to do more
00:56 so with some of those things that are out there
00:59 that we've always had questions about.
01:01 Many of the things that we talk about
01:04 and that we hear about have to do with gifting
01:07 and or multilevel marketing
01:10 and has to do more so
01:11 with how we develop a small business.
01:14 And there are, those that are out there
01:16 that are predatory in nature
01:18 that would like to get us involve in something
01:20 that's not necessarily a legitimate business.
01:24 And the question comes across,
01:26 what is legitimate?
01:27 Well, let me start with the small,
01:29 a short, short story.
01:30 I was online and a good friend of mine,
01:33 I hope that they don't really know
01:34 who that person is,
01:36 sent an email to me saying,
01:38 "Hook up with him
01:39 on this specific type of gifting project
01:44 that they had."
01:45 Now there are a variety of different schemes
01:49 that are out there and you have the first question
01:51 that you should pretty much ask is,
01:53 what is this thing called and its surrounding its all,
01:57 surrounding this thing gifting or giving type of program?
02:02 So as I asked the question I said, if it's gifting then
02:05 why are you expecting
02:06 some type of return on investment?
02:08 And that was my simple question to the individual.
02:10 Now the feedback or the answers that I got at the time
02:14 when I asked the question was simply this.
02:16 Why are you worried about return on investment
02:18 that's, that's not it.
02:19 You're missing my point
02:21 because if you can give you'll get money back
02:23 and then I said, that's still my question.
02:25 My question is,
02:27 if you're gifting something to someone,
02:31 why do you expect a return on investment
02:33 and that's simple question,
02:35 the critical question that you should pretty much ask,
02:38 because it's legitimate.
02:39 I'm getting money back.
02:41 I'm getting to tune of almost $2,000 a month back right now
02:44 and it will constantly grow.
02:45 Okay, so the first thing I did
02:48 was I took a step back
02:49 and I said, let me take a look at it
02:51 but still you haven't answered my question
02:53 because if it's truly gifting,
02:56 then you shouldn't be expecting anything in return.
02:59 And that's what we as individuals
03:01 should be thinking about
03:02 when we look at being good stewards
03:06 and when we give something to Christ,
03:09 it's not we expect anything in return.
03:11 It's a fact that He blesses us
03:13 but we give to Him willingly and knowing that,
03:16 that money is actually His.
03:19 So I went and did some research on this thing.
03:21 And there was some interesting information
03:23 that popped up.
03:25 It showed that this thing goes in cycles
03:28 and the gifting thing has targeted
03:30 many different demographics.
03:32 So there's issues about
03:34 gifting for a different type of group here
03:37 and gifting over here and giving over here,
03:40 many different groups have been targeted
03:42 and all of them have gotten involved
03:44 in their specific type of programs
03:48 that benefit the people at the top.
03:50 Now the first, first issue
03:52 that I asked people to look at
03:54 is when you take a look at any of these projects,
03:56 do the research.
03:58 There are several things I'm going to talk about,
03:59 the first of which is, I made a call
04:02 and talked to the IRS about this.
04:04 Give me the parameters on gifting.
04:07 They explained that you can gift
04:09 up to approximately 12 to $13,000
04:12 on an annual basis
04:14 without having to take any type of penalty or tax
04:18 on that amount and the person receiving,
04:22 and that person that's received the funds
04:24 can receive it willingly
04:25 and it shouldn't be a major issue.
04:28 But then I asked an additional question
04:30 about this type of program
04:32 and the person on the end of the line made this comment,
04:37 that they know that this program is ongoing.
04:41 And they understand and it's being watched
04:45 by those in certain levels of government
04:49 as those who are very interested in taxing
04:51 and getting funds back from any type of profit gained.
04:56 One of the major concerns
04:57 about this gifting type of situation
05:00 is that it comes in cycles and we can explain
05:03 what I mean by cycles
05:04 but gifting in and of itself
05:05 is something that is promoted by,
05:08 it's in IRS form 950
05:10 that if you, you can gift up to $13,000 a year
05:14 and by doing so,
05:16 you are able to get a return on that investment.
05:20 You get money back
05:21 because you are now building a team,
05:23 you bring six people on to a team
05:26 and your team of gifting starts spinning
05:30 that money back towards you in the form of cash.
05:33 So my first question again was, well, if it is gifting,
05:38 what does it have to do with return on the investment?
05:42 Now if you make a gift to someone,
05:44 the annual gift exclusion via the form IRS 950
05:48 tells you that you can gift up to a certain amount
05:50 which is how they promote this type of thing.
05:55 Now I also have many different questions
05:58 about the gifting I don't know
06:00 as much as I should but I will tell you this,
06:03 that it has everything to do with building a team,
06:07 building a pyramid
06:09 and there is no product to be sold,
06:11 it has everything to do with money transaction.
06:14 And based on you giving a certain pool,
06:17 the greater the team under you,
06:19 the larger the amount of money
06:21 that you can get back in your pocket.
06:24 So now I did the research,
06:26 I went back online and I asked several questions
06:29 through different search engines
06:30 and basically said,
06:32 what is this thing called gifting?
06:33 And what has been the ramifications
06:35 over the past several cycles,
06:37 because that's the other element to this.
06:40 Many different pyramid schemes go through their cycles.
06:46 Their yearly cycles can range between three and five years
06:49 depending on when and this is a critical term,
06:52 critical mass happens.
06:54 Make sure you ask that question
06:55 because they will always tell you,
06:57 "Oh, we have not yet reached critical mass."
07:00 Critical mass basically is when you go up to someone
07:03 and tell them about this specific thing
07:05 and ask them to join.
07:07 And if you go to that next person
07:09 and they'll typically say, "I've already heard of it,
07:11 someone's already talked to me about it."
07:13 And it's at that point in time
07:14 when you have asked 10 people
07:16 and 9 out of those 10 already know,
07:18 you begin to get discouraged
07:20 because you cannot build your team
07:23 because everyone already knows about the same thing
07:25 and have made their own decision.
07:27 Now whether or not you like that approach
07:30 I thought it beneficial to talk about the comparison
07:35 between multilevel marketing, network marketing
07:39 and this thing called pyramids.
07:44 So as we look at what a pyramid actually is.
07:48 I thought it unique to compare multilevel marketing,
07:52 network marketing and assess that based on pyramid.
07:58 Now I mentioned to you earlier about critical mass,
08:01 why is that so important?
08:03 Because as you build the pyramid,
08:05 you have a person at the top
08:06 that's built his team
08:08 and that team has built their team
08:09 and that team has built their team.
08:10 So now you have exponential growth
08:12 in how they can get their message out there.
08:16 But what's wrong with that?
08:18 Because in any type of legitimate business
08:21 the first thing that arises is, what is their business focus?
08:25 When you have a multilevel marketing,
08:27 you are building a business based on a specific product
08:31 and or service that you have
08:33 and that you can give to someone else.
08:36 In a pyramid it's about recruiting other members
08:40 and there's not necessarily any legitimate business
08:43 and or service and if product and or service,
08:46 and if there is a product
08:48 you haven't really heard about it
08:49 and haven't really understood,
08:52 you know, what that product actually is,
08:54 because from my standpoint
08:55 if they have a really good product,
08:56 why isn't it well-known in the marketplace?
08:59 And when you ask those type of questions,
09:02 then you begin to understand
09:04 that the business in and of itself
09:07 has nothing to do with a legitimate product,
09:09 that product is only a sideline.
09:11 And what I've also found out is the business in and of itself
09:14 does not necessarily own the product itself.
09:18 They're actually selling a product
09:21 for some other legitimate business.
09:23 So now you begin to get a context
09:25 that it really has nothing to do
09:27 with some tangible product or service.
09:29 It has everything to do with building a team.
09:33 The other area is profits.
09:35 Number two, profits basically say
09:38 they're primarily based on the sales
09:40 of a product or service is a legitimate business.
09:43 You know, you have something
09:44 that you have to give to somebody,
09:46 someone or, or give them a service or product,
09:48 but in a pyramid
09:50 it's primarily based on membership fees
09:53 which can be very substantial.
09:55 And that's the other thing to look for is,
09:57 asking that, that specific question
09:59 that can give you the answer that you need,
10:02 or you can see that
10:03 they are avoiding answering that question.
10:06 I've been to several, I'm not going to label
10:08 which ones I went to but I've been to many.
10:11 I don't know if I have this thing on my forehead
10:13 where that guy will be a great business person
10:15 in our specific scheme.
10:17 So let's ask him to come and sit in on our presentation.
10:21 And their presentations are fantastic.
10:23 The presentations are though all about
10:25 and I saw the best one yet is has a product,
10:28 it does have a product which I've never heard about.
10:30 And then the product is set
10:32 to deliver something that has never,
10:34 I've never heard has been studied
10:36 or any results of any studies about
10:38 how that kind of thing can work itself out.
10:40 But when they get into it, the product is minimized,
10:43 the product is not a part of their overall sale scheme.
10:47 What they're advertising is a specific about membership,
10:53 membership growth and a substantive fee
10:55 they can get for bringing in five or six individuals
10:59 to that membership.
11:01 Now what's quite interesting in all of this, is a fact that
11:05 when you look at a community of individuals
11:08 who get involved in gifting or get involved
11:11 in any type of multilevel marketing or pyramid,
11:16 you begin to understand the distinctions
11:17 between the two
11:19 when you ask specific questions
11:22 and some of those questions include,
11:24 okay, what is my support system?
11:26 What is a product or service that I have?
11:28 What's a startup cost that I have?
11:29 And when you see a pyramid scheme
11:33 versus multilevel marketing or network marketing,
11:35 you begin to see little differences
11:38 and nuances in how they approach thing.
11:40 For example, household goods or services
11:42 that consumers typically use
11:43 in an everyday life in business,
11:46 that's considered of more multilevel marketing
11:48 where, hey, I'm happy with what I bought
11:51 at this retail,
11:52 I'm going to go to a friend of mine
11:53 and say, hey, guys you know, you got to get this product
11:55 because it's a really good product.
11:57 I would recommend you go to that retailer
12:00 and buy the product,
12:01 so now I can go to a specific place,
12:03 see a specific product
12:04 and get good feedback about the product
12:07 and that's why I buy that product or services,
12:10 that's where network marketing or multilevel marketing
12:13 comes into play,
12:15 where you have a group of people
12:16 who are sold on a product
12:17 that you need to use that you bought,
12:22 purchase for your home or your business
12:25 and you're happy with how it performs
12:27 and you go to somebody else
12:28 and say, I have a great referral for you,
12:31 you should try this out.
12:32 And your neighbor or friend don't have to go through you,
12:36 they go directly to that legitimate business
12:38 and purchase that product
12:40 that's how more so network marketing goes.
12:43 Now how does it work?
12:46 Well, sometimes there's kind of like a finder's fee.
12:49 You go out and market for that organization,
12:52 then of course there's a legitimate fee
12:55 that can be paid to someone
12:56 that is bringing in business for you.
12:58 On the flip side of that air,
13:01 the pyramid schemes have a product
13:03 that's not necessarily the priority.
13:07 It's thinly veiled as a good product or whatever
13:10 but you never hear
13:11 about any kind of quality research done
13:13 on that product and you don't hear
13:15 that product being prioritized in the presentation.
13:18 What you hear is an individual talking
13:21 about your development of a team.
13:24 It's based more so on bringing somebody in
13:28 and it was interesting
13:29 because I had a great conversation
13:30 with an individual.
13:32 I was asked to come in and I sat in on the meeting,
13:34 I saw, this is actually not too bad
13:36 and I couldn't see through it
13:38 until I actually talked to one of their major directors
13:42 or VPs or whatever the level they were at.
13:45 And I asked the question is,
13:48 what is your focus?
13:50 What is the benefit of joining this business?
13:52 And he answered me in the way
13:55 that helped me make my decision.
13:57 He basically said, "I don't focus on any product."
14:03 I just focus on building my team,
14:05 there's my answer.
14:07 There is nothing in there legitimate for me to purchase.
14:10 It's all about a membership fee
14:12 and that membership fee can be substantive,
14:15 can be between 249.
14:17 And right now I think the price point
14:18 has worked itself down to like
14:20 299 or 249 with some incentives,
14:23 they're doing a point based system.
14:24 All of these kind of things come into your mind
14:26 and you get so confused with the point base
14:28 and the legitimacy of the business
14:31 and how much money you can actually make,
14:33 you start, you start getting so enthused
14:35 about the possibility of becoming a director
14:37 by bringing on a total of about 20 recruits
14:41 and that's how you make your business,
14:43 how much you make your money.
14:44 Now the next step is support.
14:47 Most of the time it's low pressure
14:49 from a legitimate business it's low pressure,
14:52 it's not a major issue, you go out, you say,
14:54 hey, look I'm happy with the product,
14:55 you can buy it if you'd like to, it's up to you,
14:58 but I'm giving you a good recommendation
15:00 on the product.
15:01 If it's a pyramid,
15:02 there's a lot more pressure to sell,
15:05 there's a lot more pressure.
15:07 They are involved in the recruiting cost,
15:11 there's a cost to build your team.
15:14 There's a pressure to teach you
15:16 how to sell this product a lot more.
15:19 There's a lot of pressure involved
15:21 when it comes to pyramid
15:23 versus an actual network marketing scheme.
15:27 Now there are some other elements
15:29 because if you go to the Better Business Bureau,
15:32 you can pretty much get a context
15:34 of what the concern is may or the concern may be
15:37 with this type of organization.
15:39 For example, the Better Business Bureau
15:43 may have a report on a, on a pyramid.
15:48 But the report may not be very good
15:50 and they're typically not registered,
15:53 that organization is not registered
15:55 with the Better Business Bureau,
15:57 but the product that they sell with comes from a company
16:00 that may be registered with the Better Business Bureau,
16:02 and it was interesting to me as you look
16:04 at some of that information
16:07 that, that you saw that they didn't have that product
16:12 and the manufacturing organization
16:14 didn't have a very good quality commitment performance
16:19 to their consumers.
16:23 So those are the little things that you can start looking
16:25 and saying, wow, am I being pressured?
16:28 Do I have to build a team?
16:30 Is that the legitimate way
16:32 that I grow my business
16:33 versus selling a legitimate product
16:36 and or service?
16:37 And one of the things is always coming my way,
16:39 many times it's...
16:41 well he's a Christian or he's of this
16:44 or he's a part of the church community.
16:47 That's why you should get involved in it.
16:49 Look, if you're going to glorify your Father
16:53 which is in heaven by looking at,
16:54 you need to look at all aspects of what's going on.
16:58 As God gives you wisdom
17:00 and I keep coming back to Psalms 90:12,
17:03 "Teach us to number our days, so that we gain wisdom."
17:07 If we now see something
17:10 that mirrors something in the past,
17:12 it's incumbent upon us to study it
17:14 to make some kind of right decision upon it
17:17 and also be able to distinguish
17:20 so you can walk away from it
17:23 knowing that it's not something
17:25 that you should be necessarily involved in.
17:28 Merchandise buyback.
17:31 In a regular business, a legitimate business,
17:33 you can always buyback the merchandise
17:36 or return the merchandise
17:37 if it's not working correctly for you.
17:40 In a pyramid,
17:41 it's typically never possible to return
17:45 or it's hard to return or get your money back from that.
17:49 Typically in any type of pyramid
17:51 they ask you to give them a cashier's check,
17:54 cash a check or debit card.
17:57 So watch that carefully
17:58 because if it's too good to be true.
18:02 And once they have access to your account,
18:04 the money is gone
18:05 and it's very difficult to get that money back.
18:09 Next one would get to be,
18:12 if you want to get out of the project.
18:14 The project, getting out of any type of project,
18:17 it should be or getting out to any type of business
18:19 should be relatively easy
18:21 if you're not comfortable with it.
18:22 And any type of legitimate business offer,
18:24 you can typically get out of it
18:26 if you necessarily have to but getting out,
18:28 it's difficult or hard to do
18:31 and you're put through sales pressure.
18:33 I mentioned about some of the experiences
18:35 I've had dealing with sales of vehicles.
18:39 I went in and had to buy a vehicle
18:42 or try to purchase a vehicle from a company,
18:46 a car company that had a bad reputation
18:48 and it was very difficult to leave that organization
18:51 because they put you under a lot of pressure
18:53 to buy the car,
18:55 the same thing is involved here.
18:56 In any type of pyramid
18:58 you're going to find it very hard,
19:00 very difficult to get out of that environment
19:05 because they'll put a lot of pressure on you,
19:07 and remember I mentioned this issue
19:09 called critical mass.
19:11 Critical mass is when everyone knows about this legitimate,
19:14 this type of business project.
19:16 And if everyone knows about it,
19:18 what happens at the bottom of that pyramid
19:21 is when everyone that has come in
19:22 and they found it now at the bottom hard
19:25 to bring more people on to this,
19:27 this pyramid that the bottom of that pyramid
19:30 begins to crumble because, you know
19:32 it's not easy for me to bring anyone on,
19:34 this business is not going to work for me,
19:36 I've given up my $250 my $500
19:40 and I'm not seeing that return on the investment
19:42 'cause everyone else has been reached
19:44 that could be reached on this in my region.
19:47 So that's why you find all of these,
19:50 these pyramid schemes you have there directors and VPs
19:53 they're flying all over the country
19:54 because they're trying to get into markets
19:57 that has not been absorbed by this deal
20:02 and so they can build their team in those areas.
20:04 They fly everywhere and then critical mass happens.
20:07 What happens at critical mass is,
20:10 I no longer can bring anyone on board
20:12 and if I can't bring anyone on board,
20:14 the pyramid starts to collapse at the bottom
20:17 and then it begins to go away,
20:19 so the people at the top have made their money
20:21 and the people at the top then make a decision.
20:25 Make a legitimate decision
20:27 to cut this organization as it is,
20:30 therefore the three to five year cycle
20:32 then goes away and comes back in a different form.
20:37 They studied again to see what happened
20:39 and bring in a different product
20:41 and bring in a whole different pyramid
20:43 that they need to build
20:45 and then the thing takes off again.
20:47 Cycles of three to five, three to six years
20:50 and you'll see that in many different situations.
20:53 But what people don't realize
20:55 and what people don't begin to understand
20:57 is that there are repercussions
21:00 even in gifting or in other pyramids,
21:05 there have been people that have gone to jail
21:08 but we don't remember it
21:09 because it happened six to eight years back.
21:12 As you do your research, you can find that
21:14 some of these have had people that have been incarcerated
21:17 or have been charged certain fees through the IRS
21:21 because it has not been found to be legitimate
21:24 and of course those things take time.
21:28 So you understand why they're not worried.
21:31 Those people in government are seeing these things
21:33 that are going on and not worried.
21:34 They're monitoring it
21:35 and they'll handle it at the right time.
21:37 So you can begin to understand
21:39 why it's important to study something,
21:42 to ask the right question
21:44 and to begin the process of realizing
21:46 that if you get involved in something
21:49 that's not legitimate,
21:51 it begins that spiral of wasting your time.
21:54 And remember this, you are a demographic
21:59 that is looking at finding ways to get access to funds,
22:03 because remember we're spending what we make
22:05 and they know that's what's going on.
22:08 So they target those type of individuals
22:11 and say, hey, you look like you need some money
22:13 and if you get involved in this business,
22:17 then you will make a ton of money
22:18 by building your team.
22:20 Watch what they say, listen to what they say,
22:23 understand that it's not necessarily
22:26 something you should get involved in,
22:28 if it has to do more so with building a team
22:32 and not selling and or promoting
22:35 a legitimate product and or service.
22:37 And then of course there are those issues
22:41 about how long the business lasts.
22:43 There's cycles, three to five and then they go away
22:46 and they come back
22:48 as a different type of business.
22:51 Profits, the time and effort to sell a product or service,
22:55 a legitimate product or service,
22:57 there's always profits in doing that
22:58 and if you manage your business well you'll do okay.
23:02 But in reference to pyramid scheme,
23:05 the majority of the people
23:07 in any type of pyramid will lose money.
23:11 You invest your money, you buy into the business,
23:14 you are told that you'll make a lot of money
23:17 and all the time in their presentations,
23:19 no, no we have not yet reached critical mass
23:22 because they want you to join.
23:25 The moment you join,
23:26 everyone at the top of this pyramid
23:29 makes a ton of money,
23:30 those towards the bottom
23:32 that have come in towards the end
23:34 find it difficult to sell to somebody else
23:38 and find it difficult to generate
23:40 any type of income.
23:42 So all I can really tell you is that
23:45 return on that investment is low to none.
23:49 So the majority of people will lose money,
23:52 you are less likely to have any type of turnaround.
23:56 You can know a pyramid by the fact
23:58 that they don't focus
23:59 on a specific product or service
24:02 but they look at building a team.
24:06 The bottom line in all of this is this.
24:08 A product or service based organization
24:12 that's been incorporated the right way
24:14 as a sole proprietor, as an S-Corp,
24:16 as a corporation, as a nonprofit
24:18 is in business to provide a service or product.
24:22 If it's a pyramid,
24:24 it's all based on building that pyramid, that's it.
24:28 If their focus is on building a team
24:31 and not selling a product,
24:33 it's not really a legitimate business
24:35 that you should get involved in.
24:36 You're most likely to waste your time,
24:40 take it from me.
24:41 I have been involved in it in the past.
24:44 And many of those didn't work out.
24:46 Unless I came in at the top,
24:48 that's why they press the urgency
24:51 of getting involved in this
24:53 of doing this quickly getting included in this
24:56 and now what they're doing
24:57 is they're reaching out to faith based organizations
25:00 or coming into different facilities,
25:02 come into your home,
25:04 they do these great presentations.
25:05 But they will not answer
25:07 the legitimate questions that you ask.
25:09 They will actually put you off,
25:11 the question, we don't need to address
25:12 that question right now.
25:14 We'll deal with it then.
25:15 Do they ever deal with it at the end, not necessarily.
25:18 There are other issues that you should be aware of.
25:22 This is quite critical
25:23 because there are concerns that you should have
25:26 when an individual ask you to sign up
25:29 and then they at that time say, look,
25:31 if you can sign up 15 to 20 people
25:33 over the next two or three weeks,
25:35 I will give you your money back, is that,
25:39 is that a legitimate way to do business?
25:41 Is that a legitimate way
25:44 of bringing somebody into an organization
25:47 without a typical product,
25:48 without a typical service that you can provide?
25:52 And all you're focused on is building a team
25:55 because for each person you bring on your team,
25:58 you get a commission.
26:00 You get an incentive
26:01 and that was quite interesting to me
26:03 because the individuals now as you study it
26:06 that get targeted in any type of pyramid scheme
26:09 whether it be gifting,
26:10 whether it be any type of other organization is this,
26:15 they target you because you want money
26:17 which goes back to my initial thought.
26:21 If you're not budgeting,
26:23 if you don't know where your money comes from
26:25 and where your money goes,
26:27 then you're having a specific problem
26:30 because you're likely to be spending everything
26:32 that you make.
26:34 They know that.
26:35 People who research your marketing data
26:38 that they get on an ongoing basis
26:40 know that you spend what you make.
26:43 So we begin to get into these lottery type of things.
26:47 We try to get into fast cash
26:48 and they know that will be sucked
26:50 into any type of fraud or scam that's out there.
26:54 And if you do that,
26:55 you're the one that gets caught in that
26:57 because you don't necessarily have the money to, to do it
27:01 but you find it.
27:02 And when you get into it,
27:03 you find that you've lost the capacity
27:06 to gain money or a return on that investment
27:09 because it was set up in a fraudulent way,
27:12 it's something that you should not get involved in
27:16 if you ask the right questions.
27:19 If you set up a budget, if you live by that budget,
27:23 if you have excess income that you put into savings
27:28 and you put into investments, you would be far better.
27:32 You would be much happier if you took that investment,
27:36 that savings and put it into a legitimate nonprofit
27:39 like 3ABN and gave to those type of organizations
27:44 that are gifting the gospel.
27:48 I'm enthused about this program
27:50 because pyramid schemes
27:52 and multilevel marketing schemes
27:53 are things you should look at,
27:55 ask the right questions about
27:58 and begin the process of thinking critically.
28:00 Take that to the bank, God bless.


Revised 2017-02-21