True Knowledge of Self

Traps of the Enemy - Appetite, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwayne Lemon, Lance Wilbur


Series Code: TKS

Program Code: TKS000018

00:30 Hello, my name is Dwayne Lemon.
00:32 And I'm Lance Wilbur.
00:33 And we like to welcome you to another program of TKS,
00:37 A True Knowledge of Self
00:39 where we get to know ourselves from a biblical perspective.
00:42 We've been having a wonderful time
00:44 studying the Word of God and learning so much.
00:46 We've been seeing over and over again parallels
00:49 from the times of the Old Testament
00:51 and seeing the experiences especially
00:53 and in particular to Daniel the prophet
00:56 and of course his comrades, Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael,
00:59 who were then named Belteshazzar,
01:01 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
01:04 We watch how Nebuchadnezzar
01:05 put together a threefold attempt
01:08 to try to unfit these men to be faithful followers of God
01:12 and we found that in Daniel Chapter 1.
01:15 Throughout that first chapter,
01:16 we find that there were two emphasis
01:19 that were given that we already addressed.
01:21 One was the effort of Nebuchadnezzar
01:23 to change their educational system.
01:26 But then we also found
01:28 that Nebuchadnezzar wanted to change their name.
01:30 Today's program, we want to talk
01:32 about that third attempt,
01:33 that third effort that Nebuchadnezzar did
01:35 because this is a very significant point to make
01:38 and it's a very crucial issue in urban society today.
01:42 And we want you to definitely join with us
01:44 as we prepare to dig into this topic.
01:47 Lance, once again it's a blessing
01:48 to always be back with you, brother,
01:50 and to go over the Word of God together and, you know,
01:53 we have something very special we wanted to talk about.
01:55 Now I wanted to address this one
01:57 because this is the third attack
01:58 of Nebuchadnezzar upon Daniel and his fellows
02:02 where we find that they also had to take a stand
02:05 but this stand is a little different.
02:06 Okay.
02:08 Because when we look at Daniel Chapter 1
02:09 and we look at Nebuchadnezzar
02:10 trying to change the educational system
02:12 of what Daniel had received as an education in times past.
02:16 The thing that I found that was very interesting
02:19 is that when it came to Nebuchadnezzar's effort
02:22 to change or to introduce this new learning,
02:25 you do not find from Daniel Chapter 1
02:28 all the way to Daniel Chapter 12.
02:30 You find no evidence of Daniel protesting.
02:33 In other words, Nebuchadnezzar introduces
02:35 false signs and false concepts
02:37 or a commixing of good and evil.
02:39 You don't find anywhere in the Bible where Daniel says,
02:42 "No, I won't accept this."
02:45 There's nothing that says that.
02:46 So therefore there is no open protest,
02:48 but nevertheless we know that Daniel followed the principle
02:50 or in fact, Daniel's parents
02:52 followed the principle
02:54 which tells us, "Train up a child
02:56 in the way he should go and when he is old,
02:57 he will not depart from it."
02:59 So we find that Daniel was holding to true education
03:02 and he demonstrated that.
03:04 But then the other thing is,
03:05 is that they wanted to change the name.
03:07 They said, "Daniel, your name is no longer Daniel.
03:09 Your name is now Belteshazzar."
03:11 And again no protest. No protest.
03:14 You don't find from Daniel 1 to Daniel 12
03:16 where Daniel says, "Listen, you know,
03:18 I don't accept what you are sharing with me."
03:20 But nevertheless you do see
03:22 that when Daniel has an opportunity to speak.
03:25 In Daniel Chapter 7 he says, "I Daniel."
03:28 Daniel Chapter 8. "I Daniel."
03:31 Daniel Chapter 9, "Me Daniel."
03:33 So over and over again,
03:35 even though he was given a new name,
03:36 Daniel did not have to openly protest
03:39 because at the end of the day Daniel knew his name
03:42 and therefore he stuck to his name.
03:44 But when it came to the third test,
03:47 we find that this is the one
03:49 where Daniel had to make an open protest
03:53 and it's found in Daniel Chapter 1
03:55 as we're gonna go ahead and consider verse 5.
03:59 The Bible says in Daniel 1:5.
04:02 "And the king appointed them
04:03 a daily provision of the king's meat,
04:06 and of the wine which he drank, so nourishing them three years,
04:10 that at the end thereof
04:12 they might stand before the king."
04:14 Verse 8,
04:16 "But Daniel purposed in his heart
04:19 that he would not defile himself
04:22 with the portion of the king's meat,
04:24 nor with the wine which he drank,
04:26 therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs
04:30 that he might not defile himself."
04:33 And then I would like to conclude
04:34 with verse 11 and 12.
04:37 "Then said Daniel to Melzar,
04:38 whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel,
04:40 Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
04:43 prove thy servants, I beseech thee,
04:45 ten days and let them give us pulse to eat,
04:49 and water to drink."
04:51 Here goes Daniel again, false education comes,
04:54 no open protest.
04:57 They try to change their name, no open protest.
05:00 They introduce a diet to him
05:02 and all of a sudden Daniel finds a need to say,
05:04 this one I cannot remain silent.
05:06 This one, I must open my mouth.
05:08 This one, I must openly protest.
05:11 And now we talked about
05:13 this just in short in our previous episode
05:16 but what in the world is this diet
05:19 that Daniel request in place of the meat
05:21 or the food from the king's table?
05:22 Yes.
05:24 And when he makes this protest,
05:26 he not only refuses the king's meat.
05:28 And by the way and I'm sure this will come up
05:30 but the word meat we know means food.
05:32 So it's not always referring to flesh.
05:34 Yeah.
05:35 But nevertheless, while he refuses
05:37 the king's food and wine and so on,
05:39 it says that and he wanted pulse to eat and water.
05:43 Now water we are very familiar with
05:44 but some individuals, some of our viewers,
05:46 they maybe wondering, well, that what is pulse.
05:48 So pulse is dealing with that which has been sown.
05:53 So in the original language.
05:54 So when we talk about pulse,
05:55 we are talking about things that had been sown.
05:57 And we know that what you sow are seeds.
05:59 And therefore, Daniel is talking about vegetation.
06:02 He is talking about the things that are plant based
06:06 and this was the diet
06:08 that Daniel wanted to have in comparison
06:10 to having the king's food and the king's wine.
06:13 Very interesting.
06:15 Now, Lance, you know, my question is this.
06:17 While we see, you know,
06:18 most people if you would ask someone
06:20 which one is most important.
06:21 Especially if you would go to someone,
06:22 let's say even in hip-hop culture today
06:24 or in urban society and you say,
06:26 "Which one do you think is more important,
06:29 education,
06:30 the importance of maintaining your name
06:33 or what you eat?
06:34 There is more than likely a good chance
06:36 that they are gonna put either education
06:39 or name on a higher level than what they eat.
06:42 There's a chance that, that would happen.
06:43 And I would think to say
06:45 that the modern day society would agree,
06:46 because when you look at modern day society
06:48 especially western culture,
06:49 we find that people pretty much eat just about anything,
06:52 everywhere, whatever moves.
06:53 But here it is that Daniel, he finds himself silent
06:57 on eating the flesh or eating the...
06:59 I'm sorry, silent on dealing with the education,
07:03 he is also silent on dealing with the name change,
07:06 but he is opening his mouth and protesting
07:08 when it came to the food that was given.
07:10 My question is,
07:12 "Why was it that Daniel took this so seriously?"
07:16 Well, we're gonna go into it and we're gonna look
07:17 and see what the Bible says,
07:19 but when we consider these great problems
07:23 that we've been identifying show after show.
07:27 We saw that sin was the problem that entered in,
07:31 Genesis Chapter 3.
07:32 We went back there
07:34 and saw that the origin of both true and false education
07:37 were also in the Garden of Eden
07:39 and we saw when we were discussing false education,
07:42 that origin was found in that exchange,
07:44 that dialog and ultimately the sinful act of Eve and Adam,
07:49 when they took of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
07:53 So I want to go back there
07:55 and kind of highlight some things
07:56 in Genesis Chapter 3 and show
07:59 what we're dealing with because again,
08:01 there is the principle that we need to identify
08:04 and establish, then we can get to the specifics.
08:06 So, God is going to layout the principle.
08:08 The Bible is going to layout the principle
08:10 that can be applied in every situation
08:12 and then He is gonna help us
08:13 with specifics and practical examples,
08:15 so we know to make a decision,
08:17 because God always puts as we saw in Deuteronomy
08:19 two decisions before us, life, death.
08:22 So, He is always gonna give us that option.
08:24 So, I'd like to turn at this time
08:26 to Genesis Chapter 3
08:28 and I want to look back again at verse 6.
08:31 So Genesis Chapter 3
08:32 and we're gonna be reading from verse 6.
08:36 Remember the dialog now.
08:39 Eve is dialoging with the serpent
08:41 and we saw that the serpent is the Devil
08:44 and Satan according to Revelation 12:9.
08:47 And now as I read Genesis 3:6,
08:52 we see something very interesting.
08:54 "And when the woman saw that the tree
08:57 was good for food,
08:58 and that it was pleasant to the eyes,
09:01 and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
09:03 she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat,
09:06 and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat."
09:10 And we identify, we talked about this.
09:12 We showed the connection between in 1 John Chapter 2
09:15 where you had that threefold challenge,
09:18 the things of the world that were called not to love
09:21 because if we do, we're an enemy of God.
09:23 The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,
09:27 and the pride of life.
09:29 And we see this now in Genesis 3.
09:31 So John is not grasping, the Apostle
09:33 John is not trying to reach for some new concept.
09:35 He is simply applying something
09:36 that was established in the very beginning.
09:38 Man fell on these three, very three points.
09:41 The lust of the flesh.
09:43 It says that Eve saw that the tree was good for food.
09:46 It says that she saw that it was pleasing to the eyes,
09:49 the lust of the eyes.
09:50 And then it says the pride of life.
09:52 She saw that the tree was a desire to make one wise
09:54 that she could be as God as the serpent had offered her.
09:59 The serpent had presented.
10:02 If we wanted to summarize
10:05 these three kind of categories or these three evils
10:09 or the three aspects of the love of the world,
10:12 we can summarize it with one word
10:14 and that word would be appetite.
10:16 That's right.
10:17 Man fell on the point of appetite.
10:20 And when we talk about appetite,
10:21 obviously we are talking in the context of food,
10:23 eating and drinking.
10:25 But appetite consists or addresses
10:28 every single need, want and desire of the human being.
10:32 So anything that I see,
10:33 we talked about the effect of the feelings and the senses
10:35 and how Eve allowed her rational combined with
10:39 what she was preserving through her five senses
10:44 to give her the safe felt feeling of safety
10:50 to make the decision,
10:51 to partake of that which God says
10:53 explicitly not to do, if you do, you will die.
10:56 So this appetite,
10:57 this desire to be like we saw with Lucifer,
11:01 like we saw with Herod,
11:02 like we saw with Nebuchadnezzar.
11:07 Yes.
11:08 The desire to be like God
11:10 or to claim the prerogatives of God
11:13 or to be something that we are not,
11:15 not realizing a true knowledge of self
11:17 and thinking that we can be as God.
11:20 Thinking that we can be greater than God.
11:22 Is this core idea and concept of appetite
11:27 and this appetite is most commonly expressed
11:30 through eating and drinking
11:31 because eating and drinking is something, you know,
11:33 there's three things scientifically
11:35 that we do in our lifetime, in our entire lifespan
11:39 more than anything else, sleeping, eating and drinking.
11:43 Sleeping and eating being the top two.
11:45 So of all the hours that make up the average lifespan,
11:48 most of our time is spent sleeping and eating.
11:52 So the Bible includes the idea of appetite
11:56 in all of these categories and all of these various ways
12:00 that this principle can play itself out,
12:02 but food is made prominent because we do so much of it.
12:08 And everything that we put into our body affects our body
12:12 and that's what we're gonna be talking about.
12:13 Everything that we insert, whether it's through the eyes,
12:16 ears, mouth, skin,
12:19 and just through nutrients, through food and drink.
12:21 Anything that goes into our body
12:23 has an affect on our entire body,
12:24 our entire physiology, our entire mind.
12:27 And does that indeed now have an effect on our spirituality
12:31 and I think that's something that we need to address.
12:33 Well, you know, it must have an effect upon our spirituality
12:36 and the reason why is because
12:38 the Bible tells us something that's very, very clear.
12:41 It's found in Romans the 7th Chapter.
12:43 When you look at Romans Chapter 7,
12:45 you are gonna find that
12:47 we know that God has called His people to honor Him
12:50 and also to obey His law.
12:52 Remember we talked about what sin was.
12:53 Sin was a transgression, the breaking of God's law,
12:56 His commandments.
12:57 God wants us to live a life that is harmonious
12:59 with His commandments, harmonious with His law.
13:02 Jesus showed us one of those secrets of how to do that.
13:05 He said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
13:07 So love for God will be demonstrated
13:09 in keeping God's commandments.
13:11 If I love my wife, I will clearly not commit adultery.
13:13 Right.
13:15 So, you know, love is that motivator
13:16 behind the keeping of God's commandments,
13:18 but God calls us to keep His commandment,
13:20 to keep His law.
13:21 Now in this reality,
13:23 the Bible tells us or it shows us
13:26 kind of like a means of how it's done.
13:28 It's found in the Book of Romans
13:29 the 7th Chapter.
13:31 In Romans 7:25
13:33 and I'm gonna look at a very key portion
13:35 that Brother Paul was talking about here
13:38 and I want you to notice this because what is the correlation
13:41 between diet and the law of God or us obeying the law of God?
13:46 Is there a connection? Let's notice.
13:48 The Bible says in Romans 7:25,
13:50 "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
13:54 So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God,
14:01 but with the flesh the law of sin."
14:05 So the Bible introduces that the means that God gives us
14:08 on how to serve or to obey His law
14:11 as He says we must do it with the mind.
14:14 And this is why often God's words
14:15 are the same throughout the Bible.
14:17 He said in Deuteronomy 30:19, 20 choose life.
14:21 So therefore, it's a choice,
14:23 and you use your mind to do that.
14:24 God says in Joshua 24:15,
14:27 He says, "Choose you this day whom you will serve."
14:30 Again choice.
14:34 Again we find Elijah reasoning with his own people
14:38 and he says, "How long halt ye between two opinions?
14:40 If the Lord be God, follow Him."
14:43 So over and over again throughout the Bible,
14:44 we find that God does not compel men,
14:46 He doesn't force men, He encourages men,
14:49 He strengthens men
14:51 and He encourages them to choose Him.
14:53 And you choose God with the mind
14:56 and therefore when God tells us that
14:57 we are to honor Him and to keep His law,
15:00 then we do that also with the mind.
15:02 It's the mind that makes the decision.
15:04 Now, understanding that does food affect the mind?
15:09 When we eat and when we drink,
15:10 does it have any bearing upon our mental state or condition
15:15 that can affect our decisions?
15:16 And you know what,
15:17 Solomon the wise man helps answer this question.
15:20 The Bible says in Proverbs the 30th Chapter.
15:23 And see, this is very important because I know growing up
15:25 in hip-hop culture and lifestyle
15:27 and this is way beyond hip-hop culture and lifestyle.
15:29 This is, you know, this is even in some of the most
15:32 highly professed religious worlds.
15:35 Even of the worlds that profess to follow Jesus Christ
15:37 and believe the Bible.
15:39 We know that indulgence and appetite
15:41 is a major issue in urban communities
15:43 and outside of urban communities.
15:45 So even though we know that our program,
15:47 we like to speak to the hearts of those
15:49 in the urban communities,
15:51 those who are affected especially by hip-hp culture.
15:54 And we'll be bringing out some things
15:55 as it relates to diet and so on and lifestyle
15:57 that is more pointed to hip-hop culture.
15:59 But right now this is something that's so general and broad
16:02 that it touches every class of people.
16:04 Right, because every human being, at least I know,
16:08 I'm just gonna speak from my experience.
16:10 Before I became a Christian,
16:12 as far as eating and drinking is concerned,
16:14 I did whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it.
16:17 You ate constantly.
16:19 You find yourself eating all day long.
16:21 You know, if I felt hungry at two in the morning,
16:23 go get some food.
16:25 If I want to stay up for 48 hours,
16:26 I'm eating constantly, you're constantly nibbling by.
16:29 Drinking, you're drinking whatever you want
16:32 and you know it registers if it's like a drug or alcohol
16:36 and we'll be talking about that
16:38 but, you know, I know if I drink alcohol,
16:39 I'm going to get drunk.
16:41 So obviously what I put into my body affects my mind.
16:43 Sure.
16:44 What is it little more subtle
16:45 and what we kind of are more dismissible
16:48 as well if I eat this or that,
16:51 even though I'm not getting drunk
16:53 like I were if I drank a large amount of alcohol,
16:56 it's having an affect on my body,
16:58 therefore it's having affect on my mind.
17:00 It's intricately connected, we know,
17:02 you know, even science has at least qualified this now
17:06 or confirms this ancient idea
17:08 that the body is connected with the mind
17:11 that every single cell in the body
17:14 needs basic nutrients, needs water, needs air,
17:18 needs your vitamins and minerals
17:19 and all the other nutrients and fiber.
17:22 Every cell in the body needs it.
17:24 So the blood delivers this to every cell in the body.
17:26 But then we also know that the nervous system
17:30 is connected to virtually every over 100 trillion cells,
17:33 virtually every single cell in your body,
17:35 the nervous has this intimate connection.
17:38 So now, I have this connection between my nervous system,
17:42 my brain, my mind and the way that my body moves and thinks
17:45 and executes and the nutrients that I provide.
17:50 And so everything is intimately connected,
17:52 so obviously the things that I put into my body,
17:56 I consume if you will through any of this senses,
17:58 but especially eating and drinking
18:00 is going to have some kind of impact
18:02 for better or for worse on my mind.
18:05 And if my mind is affected
18:07 from what we discovered even to this point,
18:09 if my mind is negatively affected,
18:12 then possibly the potential exist that I can affect,
18:15 adversely affect my relationship with God.
18:18 I mean, these are at times unfathomable concepts.
18:23 That's right.
18:25 Now, Solomon, he brings out this point
18:27 in a way that is very interesting
18:29 in Proverbs the 30th Chapter.
18:31 He says right here in the 7th verse.
18:33 This is Proverbs 30:7,
18:36 it says, "Two things have I required of thee,
18:38 deny me them not before I die,
18:41 remove far from me vanity and lies,
18:44 give me neither poverty nor riches,
18:47 feed me with food convenient for me,
18:52 lest I be full, and deny thee,
18:56 and say, Who is the Lord?"
19:00 Now, here go Solomon,
19:01 he is talking about things that are being given to him.
19:05 He says, give me neither poverty nor riches
19:07 and then he says feed me with food convenient for me.
19:11 In other words, give me a sufficient amount.
19:14 Don't let me over indulge in appetite.
19:17 And he tells us what would happen if he did in verse 9.
19:20 He said, "Lest I be full, and then I would deny thee,
19:25 and say, Who is the Lord?"
19:27 And so we find that according to the Bible
19:30 that it is possible that if an individual
19:33 overindulges in appetite that it can affect their mind
19:38 that they can actually deny God
19:41 and say, who is the Lord and question His sovereignty.
19:44 And this is the reason why
19:46 God wants us to have government over appetite.
19:50 And if we don't, God's council ends.
19:53 It is a very serious thing.
19:56 It gives me no joy to read a text like this,
19:58 but it's a very serious thing
19:59 because people today are governed by appetite.
20:01 They're controlled by it
20:03 and God actually says
20:04 some very strong language in the Bible
20:06 about when individuals are controlled by appetite.
20:09 It's found in Proverbs the 23rd Chapter
20:11 right there in the first verse.
20:14 It says in Proverbs 23:1
20:16 and we're also gonna look at verse 2 and 3.
20:19 Look at what it says. Yeah.
20:21 "When thou sittest to eat with a ruler,
20:24 consider diligently what is before thee,
20:29 and put a knife to thy throat,
20:33 if thou be a man given to appetite.
20:37 Be not desirous of his dainties,
20:41 for they are deceitful meat."
20:44 God gave us appetites when He created us.
20:46 Yes.
20:48 But when God gave us appetites,
20:49 appetites were supposed to be controlled.
20:51 And when an appetite is not controlled
20:53 and it controls us
20:55 and if we allow it to control us
20:57 over and over and over again to the point it consumes us,
21:00 God says, put a knife to your throat
21:03 if you be a man given or controlled by appetite.
21:07 This is how serious God takes appetite.
21:08 Yeah.
21:10 And this is why we are having this study
21:11 because this was one of the attacks
21:14 of Nebuchadnezzar.
21:16 Indulge, go ahead
21:17 and have the best of what's laid out on my table.
21:19 I can guarantee you there was not a minimal amount,
21:21 there was a maximal amount.
21:22 And therefore, have all the wine,
21:24 have all the meat, have all the food
21:25 that you want to have.
21:27 Take as much as you want
21:28 but praise God that Daniel said no,
21:30 self-control, temperance.
21:32 Daniel said no because he knew that if I do this,
21:35 I know what it's gonna do not only to my body,
21:38 this is not just about livers and hearts
21:40 and organs of the body.
21:41 Daniel understood what this is...
21:43 How this is gonna affect his mind and his decisions
21:47 as it relates to faithfulness to God.
21:49 That's right.
21:51 So we talked about
21:52 how big of an issue is this appetite issue.
21:57 And I think there's one place that we have to go in the Bible
21:59 that shows us the magnitude of the appetite problem.
22:04 It's the very point on which Adam and Eve fell
22:06 generally speaking this appetite,
22:08 right, on the point of appetite.
22:10 So now we see
22:11 and we're gonna go to Matthew Chapter 4,
22:14 we see that Jesus Himself.
22:17 Again, He is a man now,
22:19 a mature man of 30, early 30s,
22:22 at least 30-years-old and He is baptized.
22:26 He is anointed if you will to begin His public ministry
22:28 by John the Baptist in the River Jordon.
22:30 And almost immediately
22:32 after Jesus enters this public ministry
22:35 which is very short,
22:36 you know, three and half years basically.
22:39 But as almost immediately
22:40 after He enters this public ministry officially
22:43 the Bible says that the Holy Spirit leads Him
22:46 into the wilderness.
22:48 And I'm not gonna read through all of Matthew 4,
22:50 but look at in Matthew Chapter 4
22:52 in the beginning stages and understand that
22:54 it shows us that Jesus was led by the spirit
22:57 into the wilderness
22:58 to be tempted of the devil three times.
23:02 Now the devil we've identified is Satan, fallen Lucifer,
23:06 that old serpent.
23:07 And now Jesus is led by God to go His Father,
23:12 to go out into the wilderness by Himself
23:15 and it says that He fasted for 40 days.
23:18 So He is out in the wilderness,
23:20 meaning this is like the desolate area,
23:21 the desert if you will.
23:23 There's nothing, even animals rarely venture out
23:27 into the wilderness.
23:28 So He is there by Himself and He fasts,
23:31 meaning He abstains from food,
23:34 food, physical food for 40 days, okay.
23:39 At the end of this fast, Satan comes to Him,
23:42 but Satan comes to Him
23:43 as an angel of light if you will.
23:45 Jesus does not preserve yet
23:46 at least from what we gather from the Bible story.
23:49 It is not yet perceived that it is Satan.
23:51 So this angel appears at the end of this fast period
23:55 and says, "Listen, if you are the Son of God
24:00 why don't you turn these stones into bread?"
24:03 And this is what we read from Matthew 4:4
24:06 that Jesus answered and said,
24:08 "Man, It is written,
24:09 Man shall not live by bread alone,
24:11 but by every word that proceedeth
24:12 out of the mouth of God."
24:14 The story goes on, that's the first temptation.
24:16 The story goes on to show how now Satan brings
24:19 Jesus up to the pinnacle of the temple,
24:21 the highest point on the temple,
24:23 the Herod's temple if you will and he says, hey,
24:26 the Bible also says, remember Jesus answered
24:28 He says, It is written.
24:29 And He answered with a quote from the Book of Deuteronomy.
24:31 And now Satan takes Him with another challenge and says,
24:33 well...
24:35 Oh, the Bible also says that God will protect His Messiah
24:38 if you will that He won't allow Him to die.
24:42 He says, cast yourself down.
24:44 And, you know, we can trust in the Word,
24:47 essentially again I'm paraphrasing here.
24:50 So Jesus says again, "It is written"
24:53 and so not test the Lord thy God
24:54 or put the Lord thy God to the test
24:56 and He again passes through.
24:59 The third time now Lucifer brings him to a high mountain
25:04 and shows Him,
25:05 I imagine in panoramic view all of the kingdoms,
25:09 the great kingdoms of the earth
25:10 maybe present and future who know,
25:14 but now he says,
25:17 all of these kingdoms well, I give to you Jesus
25:20 if you bow down and worship me at this time.
25:23 And Jesus now automatically identifies.
25:25 Perhaps He had earlier
25:26 but He identifies now that it's Satan.
25:28 He says, "Get thee behind me, Satan.
25:30 But I shall worship the Lord thy God,
25:31 and Him only shall I serve."
25:33 So we see now,
25:35 if we remember now and remind ourselves
25:37 of those three categories the lust of the flesh,
25:40 the lust of the eyes and the pride of life
25:43 that's highlighted in 1 John 2
25:44 that's then shown and revealed in Genesis 3:6
25:47 and the point in which Adam and Eve fell.
25:49 We see those same three categories highlighted
25:52 in this temptation in the wilderness.
25:54 The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes
25:57 and the pride of life using, trying to use...
26:02 Jesus says, needs and desires,
26:05 His physical needs, trying to penetrate through
26:07 His senses and entice Him
26:09 to violate His commitment and the will of His Father.
26:15 Jesus had to overcome this very point
26:19 in order to qualify Himself for ministry
26:22 and to go forward and finish the work
26:24 that His Father gave Him to do
26:26 eventually leading to the cross.
26:28 If appetite was not important,
26:31 then Jesus would not have to had come to overcome
26:36 on these very points where Adam and Eve fell
26:40 in order to carry out the work that God had sent Him to do.
26:44 Salvation is almost not a possibility,
26:47 If Jesus does not overcome on this point of appetite
26:51 so that He can pass through successfully
26:52 all of the various and immense unimaginable temptations
26:57 that He experiences in the future.
27:00 Yeah.
27:01 You know, this is amazing because a lot of times
27:04 people do not connect spirituality and diet.
27:08 A lot of times people feel like I can eat what I want,
27:10 when I want, how I want
27:12 and this has nothing to do with my walk with God
27:15 and whether I will enter into the experiences
27:19 that God wants me to have with Him
27:20 in His righteousness,
27:22 but here we're seeing a very different picture
27:24 as we are carefully going through the scriptures
27:26 and seeing the role of appetite in the fall
27:29 and the role of appetite even in ultimately being saved,
27:33 very powerful.
27:34 Dear friends, we know that there is no food item on earth
27:36 that can save a man.
27:38 That is not our profession, that is not our teaching,
27:40 but we do know that the actions of an individual
27:43 testifies to the experiences that they had,
27:46 and God wants us to be people of self-control
27:48 even on the point of appetite.
27:51 We thank you so much for joining us.
27:52 We're gonna go a lot deeper into these things,
27:54 but until our next session just remember Proverbs 2:6,
27:57 "The Lord gives us wisdom,
27:58 and out of His mouth comes knowledge and understanding."
28:01 God bless you.


Revised 2016-02-18