True Knowledge of Self

What's Hip Hop? -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwayne Lemon, Lance Wilbur


Series Code: TKS

Program Code: TKS000027A

00:30 Hello, my name is Lance.
00:32 And I'm Dwayne.
00:33 And welcome to another episode of TKS,
00:36 a True Knowledge of Self,
00:38 where we get to know ourselves from a biblical perspective.
00:41 Lance, when we were in our last session,
00:44 we were talking real strong about very foundational things
00:48 as it relates to hip-hop culture.
00:50 Which I think was really important
00:51 because a lot of times people can talk about a subject,
00:54 but they have not properly defined it
00:56 and explain what it is and break it down,
00:58 so I think it was really good.
01:00 However I think it would be good
01:02 to reiterate certain points on it
01:03 because we were establishing the fact that number one,
01:07 when somebody thinks about hip-hop,
01:10 a lot of different thoughts can come to a person's mind
01:12 as it relates to dress, music,
01:14 the way a person talks etcetera.
01:16 So we wanted to make sure that hip-hop was not limited
01:19 as some individuals do
01:21 when it comes to our understanding of what it is.
01:23 So this way you were helping us to see that
01:26 it was actually an entire culture,
01:29 an entire culture, go ahead.
01:30 So, yeah, I mean, when people think of hip-hop,
01:33 they think it's just a musical genre.
01:34 Right.
01:35 And that's not really what it is.
01:37 It does, you know, music is part of hip-hop
01:40 but just like any other culture,
01:41 like if we thought of Italian culture or,
01:44 you know, Ethiopian culture...
01:46 African culture.
01:48 Yeah, whatever, we think of not just music.
01:50 We think of the way they dress,
01:52 the way they, you know, their hairstyle,
01:54 the way they talk,
01:55 language, all these things, so hip-hop is the same.
01:59 So those basic principles
02:02 if you will what was referred to by KRS-One
02:05 as the cornerstones of hip-hop culture,
02:08 which were peace, love, unity,
02:11 you know, and safely having fun, right?
02:14 And then those pretty much are expressed
02:17 through those elements that we talked about.
02:20 So that's the emceeing, the deejaying,
02:23 the graffiti writing, the break dancing,
02:26 the street language, the street fashion,
02:30 street entrepreneurialism
02:31 and ultimately the most important element
02:34 was referred to many times as the fifth element
02:36 because those basic four, the emceeing, deejaying,
02:39 beatboxing, break dancing and graffiti writing
02:42 are the kind of primary four elements.
02:44 The fifth element
02:46 which is most oftenly referred to as knowledge,
02:49 wisdom and understanding
02:50 or sometimes some little wordplay over standing.
02:53 So there is a call in hip-hop culture
02:58 through most of these thought leaders
02:59 and idea logs inside the culture
03:03 that there is a need
03:05 to get back to the knowledge side,
03:08 the thing that's been for God.
03:10 There's been a lot of emphasis on the rap music.
03:12 There's been a lot of emphasis on the having fun
03:15 and the party element.
03:16 But the knowledge side
03:17 is really what holds everything together.
03:19 And so there is a call to come back to this knowledge,
03:22 wisdom and understanding,
03:23 and of course that's talking about
03:25 knowledge of self ultimately.
03:27 You know, I appreciate you're sharing that
03:29 because there was a documentary that was done
03:33 or an interview really with Afrika Bambaataa
03:35 who is known as the Godfather of hip-hop.
03:37 He's much respected
03:39 in the hip-hop community and hip-hop culture.
03:41 When he was being interviewed
03:43 there was a question that was being asked
03:44 which was, you know,
03:46 what do you see in modern day hip-hop.
03:49 Now this video came out about 2005, where they were saying,
03:52 you know, what do you see in modern day hip-hop
03:55 that needs to be addressed?
03:57 And one of the things he mentioned
03:59 was what you just said,
04:00 a need to come back to the fifth element
04:02 which was the knowledge.
04:03 You know, really getting that knowledge,
04:05 wisdom and the over standing or understanding.
04:07 And that kind of makes me think,
04:10 is it then that even within the hip-hop culture,
04:14 there is not a total harmony.
04:16 There are individuals
04:17 who some of them are at one different plane
04:21 and others are at the plane, and then you have people
04:23 who are trying to bring everybody
04:25 to a certain common plane altogether.
04:27 Is this what's happening
04:29 within hip-hop culture right now.
04:30 And who are some of the key players with that?
04:31 Yeah, absolutely.
04:33 I mean, it's just like any other culture,
04:34 that's what we got a rapper minds around,
04:36 it's just like every other culture
04:37 there are people that are in,
04:40 you know, compensately or consciously
04:42 trying to advance the culture
04:43 and there's those that are kind of could care less,
04:45 have no knowledge of the culture
04:47 and just kind of living by impulse.
04:48 So yeah, there is a dividing line if you will.
04:51 There is a degree of respect for the pioneers
04:55 you know, and those thought leaders.
04:57 But at the same time those pioneers
04:59 and thought leaders aren't necessarily making,
05:01 you know, billions of dollars, most of them are millionaires.
05:05 You know, but they're not making money
05:07 like you're a platinum artist,
05:09 you're multi platinum artist are today.
05:12 So those up and coming artists
05:14 or those newly establish artists,
05:16 or those modern artists
05:17 who have kind of gotten in to hip-hop
05:20 or emerged as artists
05:22 after all of that pioneer work was done,
05:25 where people were just dismissing and corporations
05:27 didn't want to have anything to do with it.
05:29 Now corporations have embraced.
05:30 Now modern society has embraced hip-hop
05:33 so the people that come after obviously benefit
05:35 from the work of the previous culture.
05:37 But it's not always harmonious as you mentioned.
05:41 So there are some,
05:42 you know, especially the younger generation
05:45 who could care it less
05:46 or what care as one has to say or Afrika Bambaataa,
05:49 they'll respect him like
05:50 you might respect an elder perhaps.
05:53 But they don't think there is any relevance
05:55 to a lot of what we're talking about.
05:57 And, and that's also reciprocated,
06:00 so the thought leaders also look at some of these
06:02 young and upcoming artists as ignorant you know,
06:05 and as, as kind of pawns if you will of corporations
06:08 and the powers that beats or degrade
06:10 the culture and to keep,
06:12 you know, the minority population
06:14 and those truth secrets if you will to keep them down
06:18 and oppressed and chopped in this system.
06:21 So those, you know, those thought leaders
06:23 look at those guys and say they're irrelevant.
06:26 So then the thought leaders
06:28 are trying to be instruments of freedom.
06:30 They're trying to, you know, avail themselves to say,
06:33 hey, you younger generation out there,
06:35 that is just simply all about the looks
06:37 and the money and the fame and all of the stardom.
06:40 Wake up, there is something deeper, something greater
06:43 which is again this "fifth element"
06:46 of the knowledge, and the wisdom,
06:47 and over standing
06:49 which leads them to have again this knowledge of self.
06:53 Right, they believe essentially if you really look into it,
06:57 like we just, we talked about the gospel of hip-hop
06:59 in our previous episode.
07:02 They believe and when I say they,
07:05 I'm talking about these thought leaders.
07:07 They believe that hip-hop was it's...
07:13 it came from a divine origin.
07:14 Right.
07:15 They believe that the God of the universe
07:17 which they don't believe
07:18 that there is a such thing as God in the sky,
07:19 you know, a man up in the sky,
07:21 they believe that most of what we know is
07:23 religion is all false, mostly falsehoods.
07:26 But the idea that whoever the universal mother
07:29 or universal father
07:31 created and introduced hip-hop on the earth
07:35 to create unity both on the earth
07:39 and then there is a belief that
07:40 they're gonna go to other planets
07:42 and bring this cosmic unity
07:44 and they believe that hip-hop is the catalyst,
07:45 hip-hop is the medium through which unity and peace
07:49 and love and all these things
07:50 are going to be realized by humanity,
07:53 that humanity is going to kind of climb the scale of evolution
07:56 if you will through hip-hop.
07:59 And so they're looking at it as a divine institution
08:03 that is raised up at a time such as this
08:06 to bring the world together
08:09 under the banner of peace, love, unity you know,
08:11 safely having fun and all these things.
08:13 And this is what biblical Christianity
08:15 is imperative, it, it...
08:17 We have to bring this to the forefront
08:19 because this is the great commission Christ
08:21 told us to do anyhow.
08:22 In Matthew 28, He says, "Go ye therefore,
08:24 teach all nations,
08:25 and of course making disciples
08:28 and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son,
08:30 and the Holy Ghost, and then teaching them
08:31 to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you."
08:34 This is why this program exist
08:36 because unfortunately
08:38 we're seeing hip-hop culture
08:39 as one of the tools that quite honestly,
08:43 the devil is using to bring people
08:47 into a false concept of righteousness,
08:49 a false concept of knowledge
08:52 and understanding in all of these things
08:54 to eventually do what Satan wanted to do.
08:57 You see in our previous episode
08:58 we talked about it in Isaiah 14,
09:00 Satan's mission was, I will be like the Most High.
09:05 I want to be equal to Him if not above Him.
09:07 And because of that
09:09 he couldn't fulfill it in his battle
09:11 according to Revelation 12.
09:12 Revelation 12 makes it clear,
09:14 there was war in heaven between Michael and the dragon
09:16 but it says he lost.
09:17 He prevailed not and he was cast unto the earth.
09:20 So now Satan is seeking to fulfill his dream,
09:23 his desire through the medium of human beings,
09:25 the people whom Christ came to die for.
09:28 And he is using the elements of deception
09:30 and error and the mixture of truth and error
09:32 and all of these things to accomplish his goal,
09:35 and this is where our viewers need to had
09:38 a wider understanding of what really is hip-hop.
09:42 Is it just a musical form that you bob your head to
09:45 or is it a whole entire culture that ultimately is leading
09:49 to a very deep spiritual element.
09:51 And the question is, what spirit is that?
09:53 Right. How do you test that spirit?
09:54 How do you know if it's a righteous spirit
09:56 or an unrighteous spirit?
09:58 And we have to look at it like this.
10:00 I mean most people do not listen to music,
10:03 turn on the radio and listen
10:05 to whatever popular hip-hop song is out there.
10:07 And, and you know understand most of the most popular,
10:10 you know, pop songs are all hip-hop based, right?
10:13 So most people don't listen to that and say,
10:15 "Oh, this is, this has religious undertones,
10:18 there are some spiritual sides to this,
10:19 there is something deeper
10:21 that most people don't go beyond the surface.
10:22 Right.
10:23 So people would say, yeah,
10:25 you now, I like this person's music,
10:26 I like that person's music but I never really considered,
10:28 you know, what their goal and mission.
10:30 You know, it reminds me,
10:31 I remember watching a documentary
10:33 about reggae music in Rastafarianism.
10:37 And obviously Bob Marley is the iconic figure of that.
10:40 And Bob Marley was very plain in all of his dealings.
10:44 His primary function and you just go,
10:46 you can go and look it up somewhere
10:47 but he says himself in interviews
10:49 that the whole purpose for his existence in the music
10:52 that he makes was to spread Rastafarianism,
10:56 was to promote the idea
10:58 and the religious components of Rastafarianism.
11:01 There was nothing else he existed for,
11:02 he considered, or people,
11:04 some, some people consider him almost like a prophet
11:06 and that his goal was to spread Rastafarianism.
11:09 So we hear the music and we say,
11:12 oh, this is a great song or this and not realizing
11:15 that he's actually promoting a religion,
11:19 he's promoting a culture and the way of life
11:21 that in fact is diametrically opposed to Christianity.
11:26 Right, right.
11:27 And we kind of where, so what we don't want to do,
11:31 we're not being dismissive.
11:32 So we're not saying, oh, hip-hop is of the devil,
11:34 so therefore you know it's just...
11:37 There is power in hip-hop,
11:39 there is power in the music
11:41 and in the, the dancing and in the graffiti art,
11:44 in all those things there's power there.
11:46 The question is, where does the power come from?
11:48 And the power is just not of a divine origin.
11:52 It's supernatural, it is supernatural
11:54 you can't attribute it to human planning.
11:56 Right.
11:58 There is a supernatural element,
11:59 the problem is
12:00 it comes from another supernatural component
12:03 and as we identified, it comes from Satan.
12:05 It's satanic in that sense, not that it can be dismissed,
12:08 not that it shouldn't be recognized,
12:09 not that we can just ignore it.
12:11 We have to address it but it's not of God
12:15 and that is the bottom line at his very fundamental DNA
12:20 it's not of God and therefore as Christian
12:23 and as human beings we have to make a decision
12:26 whether or not we're just gonna say,
12:28 hey, I don't care I just like it
12:29 and, you know, do whatever or we're gonna say,
12:32 you know what, this might not be healthy,
12:34 this is not providing a solution
12:36 for the problems of life,
12:37 and the stresses of life, and the challenges of life.
12:40 This is not solving the problem of my,
12:42 you know, deceived heart in my,
12:44 in my crippled soul, in my grief and guilt
12:46 and worry and fear.
12:48 Hip-hop doesn't provide that.
12:50 it medicates, you know, just like many other things,
12:52 it's a form of medication
12:54 where it can help me forget you know,
12:57 "Forget about the problems and worry."
12:59 For a period of time.
13:00 Yeah, but for a period but when the lights are off
13:01 and everything is over, I'm back in that mindset
13:03 and that's where we find each other in,
13:06 you know, in our experience in hip-hop culture
13:08 you know, I'm there, I'm seeing and I'm,
13:11 you know, on the road to stardom
13:13 if you will as a middle teenager
13:17 and you're already achieving professional status
13:20 with the dancing,
13:21 and at a certain point it was not,
13:23 it didn't solve the problems over that.
13:25 And I'd add, that has to be built on
13:27 because like you said, "If I'm going on tours,
13:32 I remember times limousines pick me up
13:33 in front of my house.
13:34 You know, what I'm saying,
13:36 I'm living in Hollis Queens, New York.
13:37 And I got houses to the left, right and in front of me,
13:39 you know, we're very much entrenched right in the city.
13:42 And when the limousine
13:43 picks you up in front of your house
13:45 and everybody is coming out the house to look
13:46 and here you are walking real slow to get in your car,
13:48 you want everybody to see you.
13:50 When you're making thousands of dollars
13:52 in a month,
13:54 you know what some people make in a year,
13:55 you're making in the month.
13:56 You're on television, you're with women,
13:58 you're this, that and the other
13:59 but I'm a living example
14:00 that in the midst of all of that,
14:02 making all the money, being able to dance
14:05 and do all these things,
14:06 I knew that there was a satisfaction
14:09 that I was still seeking for that was not being supplied.
14:12 I had to keep taking the drug in,
14:14 I had to keep doing it.
14:16 And that was the thing and that's why,
14:17 you know, it's, it's always pulling at you.
14:20 Now I think it's good to pause here
14:21 because you know,
14:23 we're not, we're not trying to glorify the devil
14:25 when we talk about these things
14:26 and we're Christian network
14:28 so because of that you know, people can look at us and say,
14:30 why you're talking so much about this
14:32 which is bad or etcetera.
14:33 But I think there is a point that we're trying to do
14:35 that the Bible emphasizes.
14:36 I'm gonna give you a point in 2 Corinthians 2.
14:39 In 2 Corinthians the 2 Chapter
14:42 the Bible actually says something
14:43 that we would do well to consider.
14:45 2 Corinthians 2
14:47 and it was the Apostle Paul
14:49 as he was talking to the brethren
14:51 in the church of Corinth,
14:53 and a guy an individual in the church fell into sin
14:57 and the Apostle Paul was giving counsel
14:59 on how to strengthen him,
15:00 how to reaffirm him in the faith.
15:03 Bring him back. Yeah.
15:04 And basically here's what it says,
15:06 it says in 2 Corinthians 2:8,
15:08 I'm just picking up
15:10 in the middle of the story for time,
15:11 "Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm
15:13 your love toward Him..."
15:14 Talking about this man who is falling.
15:16 "Confirm your love toward him.
15:18 For to this end also did I write,
15:20 that I might know the proof of you,
15:21 whether ye be obedient in all things."
15:24 "To whom ye forgive any thing,
15:25 I forgive also, for if I forgave any thing,
15:29 to whom I forgave it,
15:30 for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ."
15:34 Then it says something key in verse 11.
15:36 It says, lest,
15:38 if I don't do this something is gonna happen
15:40 and here's what is says,
15:42 "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us."
15:47 And then he closes by saying,
15:49 "For we are not ignorant of his devices."
15:52 One of the reasons the Apostle Paul
15:54 had so much success in his ministry was not simply
15:57 because he knew God so well,
15:59 but he also was acquainted with Satan's devices.
16:01 He understood how Satan worked,
16:02 he knew his enemy, and this was actually taught
16:05 by none other than Jesus Himself.
16:07 You read it in Luke 14, in Luke 14,
16:10 the Bible points out really powerfully,
16:12 the very fact that Jesus was using an example of warfare
16:16 and when He used the example of warfare,
16:18 He makes a profound statement in Luke 14:31
16:21 as He's talking about the qualifications
16:23 for discipleship.
16:24 He says in Luke 14:31,
16:26 "Or what king, going to make war
16:29 against another king,
16:30 sitteth not down first, and consulteth
16:34 whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him
16:37 that cometh against him with twenty thousand?"
16:40 So Jesus, look at what He said,
16:42 it is foolish for a king
16:43 to go to war and not consider, wait a minute,
16:46 what kind of arsenal does my enemy have
16:48 so I can make sure that I have enough arsenal
16:51 to counteract whatever he's trying to bring.
16:52 It makes sense.
16:54 In Christianity, it is imperative for us
16:56 to understand our enemy.
16:58 Not that we may glorify him
17:00 but that we may understand his wiles
17:02 and that he will not get advantage over us.
17:05 One of the problems that's happening
17:06 in Christianity today is you got a lot of people
17:09 that go to church and say they love God,
17:12 say they love Jesus,
17:13 and say they believe in the Bible
17:15 as the authoritative word of God
17:16 but were literally indulged
17:18 not just in hip-hop music but hip-hop culture
17:21 and they don't understand
17:23 that this has been diabolically put together
17:25 and set up to the antichrist,
17:27 it is against the word of God, it is against Christ Himself,
17:30 and it's certainly against the Bible.
17:32 It's for these reasons that a program like this exist
17:35 where we have to say, folks,
17:36 there is a power source out there
17:38 that is teaching a false concept
17:40 called knowledge of self
17:42 and what the people need is a true knowledge of self
17:45 so they can make the right decision
17:47 and choose this day whom they will serve.
17:48 Yeah.
17:49 So as we're going through all of these concepts
17:52 and understanding this idea,
17:53 we're talking a lot about hip-hop culture
17:55 but we have to ultimately look at biblical culture.
17:58 That's right.
17:59 So we highlighted a verse or a passage
18:03 if you will in the Book of 2 Peter 1.
18:07 So I want to spend sometime, I want to walk through that,
18:10 I want to read it and we're gonna spend,
18:13 you know, sometime talking about it
18:16 because those elements
18:18 if you will in those principles,
18:21 those cornerstones of hip-hop culture
18:25 need to be addressed.
18:26 We need to look at what they're saying
18:29 and look at what the Bible is saying and seeing
18:30 how they're not in harmony...
18:32 Right.
18:33 That there is not an agreement,
18:35 you know, so people say love,
18:36 oh, it's about love and automatically is good.
18:38 Well, no, not if it's, it's, it can be a wrong kind of love.
18:42 Yeah.
18:44 Just because love is involved, it doesn't mean it's right.
18:47 Only if it's a certain kind of love,
18:49 you know, the biblical love, the genuine love.
18:52 The love of God versus the love of the world
18:55 as the Bible contrast.
18:56 And this is important because when an individual
18:59 uses this terms like love, peace, safely having fun,
19:04 all of that has to be determined.
19:05 Who decides what love is? Right.
19:08 Who decides what peace is, or what constitutes peace?
19:10 Who decides "what constitute" safely having fun
19:13 versus not having fun in the safe way?
19:15 An example, if you were to go to people today
19:17 and say repentance,
19:19 if you say to them repentance,
19:21 is that a good term or a bad term?
19:24 If anyone is at least minutely spiritually conscious,
19:27 especially towards Christianity,
19:28 they're gonna say, well, repentance is a good thing,
19:30 because repentance typically means
19:31 turning away from one thing to come in another direction
19:34 which ultimately is God's direction,
19:36 but the Bible actually says something about repentance
19:39 that would make a person think a little bit more.
19:41 Yeah. It's found in 2 Corinthians 7.
19:44 In 2 Corinthians 7,
19:46 the Bible actually says something about repentance
19:49 that I believe should cause anybody to think.
19:51 It says right here in verse 10,
19:54 "For Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation
19:57 not to be repented of:
19:59 But the sorrow of the world worketh death."
20:01 Okay.
20:02 In other words, sorrow is what makes repentance,
20:06 but there is a godly sorrow
20:08 that leads to repentance and salvation
20:10 but then there is a worldly sorrow
20:12 that leads to death.
20:13 Now a biblical character
20:14 that I believe fits the worldly sorrow
20:17 and worldly repentance was none other than Judas.
20:20 When you read Matthew 27 after he saw Jesus condemned,
20:23 the Bible says, "He repented",
20:25 or somebody should have said amen,
20:26 but when you really look at the whole story,
20:28 he repented but what was the fruit of it?
20:31 It led to death, he hung himself.
20:32 Why, because it was a worldly sorrow
20:35 that promoted this worldly a false concept of repentance.
20:39 This is what God is trying to teach us through His word.
20:41 We have to think a little bit more.
20:42 We can't just accept terms like love and peace and repentance.
20:46 We have to really qualify it, what does it mean?
20:48 How do we apply that?
20:49 And who's the one that has the right
20:51 to get the final saying what it means.
20:52 And that's the reason why we're having the studies,
20:54 we're having.
20:55 So now we're now looking at 2 Peter 1,
20:57 we're looking at God's perspective
20:59 on His elements or His pillars
21:03 when it comes to the Christian culture
21:04 in comparison of course to the elements
21:06 and pillars of hip-hop culture.
21:08 All right, so let's take a look,
21:09 2 Peter Chapter 1,
21:10 I'm gonna read verses 2 to 10.
21:13 It says, "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you
21:16 through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
21:20 according as His divine power hath
21:22 given unto us all things
21:24 that pertain unto life and godliness.
21:26 Through the knowledge of Him
21:28 that hath called us to glory and virtue:
21:31 whereby are given unto us
21:34 exceeding great and precious promises,
21:36 that by these ye might be partakers
21:39 of the divine nature,
21:41 having escaped the corruption
21:43 that is in the world through lust.
21:46 And beside this, giving all diligence,
21:48 add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge.
21:53 And to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience,
21:57 and to patience godliness,
21:59 and to godliness brotherly kindness,
22:01 and to brotherly kindness charity,
22:04 for if these things be in you, and abound, they make you
22:09 that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful
22:12 in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
22:14 but he that lacketh these things
22:16 is blind and cannot see afar off,
22:20 and hath forgotten that he was purged
22:22 from his old sins.
22:24 Wherefore the rather, brethren,
22:26 give diligence to make your calling and election sure:
22:31 for if you do these things, ye shall never fall."
22:37 There is a lot to talk about there.
22:38 What were they? This is powerful.
22:40 I mean, seriously because I'm getting excited
22:41 just going through it
22:42 because these are literally the pillars
22:45 as it relates to the Christian faith.
22:46 These are the pillars of all those elements
22:49 of what God wanted to establish in every child of God.
22:53 So that like he said, we will not fall,
22:56 those who reject this he says are blind.
22:59 The Bible says, in Matthew 5:14,
23:01 Matthew 15:14, it says,
23:03 "Let them alone, they be blind leaders of the blind.
23:06 And if the blind lead the blind,
23:08 both fall into the ditch."
23:10 Well, look at that, blindness leads to falling,
23:12 these pillars, it opens our eyes so that we don't fall.
23:16 And I mean, this is the contrast
23:18 that God is trying to present to us.
23:19 So right now there is a movement
23:22 that is promoting principles
23:25 that actually is promoting blindness
23:27 but they're saying that it's going to give sight.
23:29 Right.
23:31 And this is what God has to debunk,
23:32 this is what the Lord wants His word to make clear
23:36 and open the eyes of those who have ears to hear.
23:38 At the end of the day, Lance,
23:40 some people are gonna just say look,
23:41 I like what I like, I want what I want
23:42 and I'm gonna do what I want to do.
23:44 And there's something I've learned about God.
23:46 God loves us so much that He will respect our decisions
23:49 even when they're foolish and literally He'll do that,
23:52 He'll do everything possible to open our eyes
23:54 but if the man is stubborn, the man is stubborn.
23:56 And if you don't believe that,
23:57 you can ask a person like Belshazzar.
23:59 You know, God was trying to reach his heart
24:01 but he was a very rebellious person,
24:03 he wanted what he wanted,
24:04 and at the end of the day he did not pay attention
24:06 to the story of his father Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.
24:09 And how he went through his humbling experience,
24:11 so God had to finally write on the wall,
24:12 many, many to kill you for sin,
24:14 your days are numbered, your days up,
24:16 you are now going to die and your kingdom is gonna be
24:19 handed over to the Medes and the Persians.
24:21 So God, He's gonna do everything to save us
24:24 but if people don't want God,
24:26 He will actually respect their decision even to be lost.
24:29 But I believe as long as people have to ears to hear,
24:32 God can help us see.
24:33 There are false pillars
24:35 that are being presented through hip-hop culture,
24:38 they sound good but the problem is,
24:41 there is a way that seems right unto a man
24:42 but the end thereof are the ways of death
24:44 and God has pillars in His word
24:47 that we need to pay attention to
24:48 because they keep us from falling
24:50 and helps us enter into eternal life.
24:52 That's right.
24:54 And there is gonna, you hear,
24:55 you know, in hip-hop culture there is also,
24:57 there is always a call for objectivity.
24:59 You know, that you can't subjectively
25:01 look at culture like subjectively,
25:04 you know, comments on
25:07 or that culture by definition is subjective, right?
25:10 And, but the goal is to look at it objectively
25:13 and so these principles and those things,
25:15 the pillars and the elements is the objectivity
25:18 that helps to guide the subjectivity
25:20 that, that is associated with the culture.
25:23 But we have to accept the fact when we talk,
25:26 remember we're talking about the dependents
25:28 and the independents, you know,
25:31 accepting what the truth that God is presenting
25:33 through His word requires total dependents
25:36 of the created being, the human to the creator, God.
25:41 And when we think about objectivity,
25:46 really the only way
25:48 to look at the world to look at morally,
25:52 to look at culture objectively is from God's word.
25:58 The creator is really the only one
26:01 that can by both creation and redemption
26:05 has the authority to dictate to creation
26:09 what is right, what is wrong.
26:12 How do you do this, how do you do that?
26:14 And if we, once we step away from that
26:17 and we start consulting humanity for objectivity,
26:20 we're going to find ourselves in a real messed up situation.
26:23 Well, the truth of the matter is that
26:24 if somebody came to you and me,
26:25 I said it before and I'll say it again.
26:27 You know, if somebody came to us and say hello,
26:29 I'm deceitful above all things
26:31 and I'm desperately wicked, please accept my counsel.
26:34 You know, you and I would have enough intelligence to say,
26:36 I'm not listening to anything this person has to say,
26:38 they just told me
26:39 they're deceitful above all things
26:41 and desperately wicked.
26:42 And now they ask me to listen to their counsel,
26:44 I'm not doing it.
26:45 But the Bible tells us that all of our hearts,
26:47 all of our hearts, all of humanity,
26:49 all of our hearts
26:50 it is deceitful above all things
26:53 and it is desperately wicked.
26:54 So why would we consult our hearts
26:56 or another human's heart
26:57 to know what righteousness is?
26:59 We do not have an understanding of that naturally
27:00 or an over standing of that,
27:02 whatever term a person wants to use,
27:03 you don't have it.
27:05 So therefore we have to go to the one
27:06 that has it and that is none other than God.
27:08 Yeah.
27:09 I mean, we got to a point now
27:10 where we're once again get in towards our closing.
27:13 Friends, we know that this has been a blessing,
27:15 it's been a blessing to me just to talk about it.
27:17 And I'm very grateful for the time
27:19 that we were able to spend together.
27:21 Remember, the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17,
27:25 "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature
27:30 and old things are passed away."
27:32 When we are new creatures in Christ,
27:34 we have entered into a new culture,
27:37 that culture is called Christianity.
27:40 And this culture
27:41 is a superior culture to all other cultures
27:45 and our lives must be in harmony with this culture
27:48 if we would see the Lord face to face at last.
27:51 It is our hope and our prayer
27:52 that you've received the blessings
27:53 that God wanted to give today.
27:55 We want you to stay tuned.
27:56 Remember that we have more sessions coming up.
27:58 We're gonna dig deeper in the words of God
28:00 and until then remember Proverbs 2:6,
28:03 "That it is the Lord that gives us wisdom
28:07 and out of His mouth comes knowledge and understanding."
28:10 God bless.


Revised 2017-02-24