The Midnight Cry

A Simple Step That Can Change Your Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TMC

Program Code: TMC000006A

00:14 Good evening! Very happy to welcome all of you back
00:18 again this evening. Appreciate you being here.
00:20 I'd like to say "hello" and give my greetings
00:23 to a group in Lancaster, Ohio.
00:26 Very special group there that I have met with many times.
00:29 I know they're watching, and just wanted to say "hello"
00:31 to them. We're moving off of prophecy tonight
00:37 but tomorrow night we're back.
00:40 We're back into prophecy again.
00:42 We're going to be several nights because
00:44 we're trying to just take you step by step
00:46 right down to the time in which you and I are living.
00:49 And I realize, folks, that what we're studying
00:52 is kind of heavy.
00:54 And I realize that it also kinda tugs at some people's hearts.
00:59 I understand that and I sympathize greatly.
01:02 But you wouldn't have any appreciation for me,
01:06 you wouldn't consider what I had to say
01:10 worth anything if I didn't tell you exactly what the Scripture
01:13 says. You expect that, right?
01:16 And so tomorrow night our subject is entitled
01:19 God's Jurassic Park.
01:22 God's Jurassic Park.
01:24 You and I hear about it all the time.
01:27 We've heard about all the dinosaurs and all those types
01:30 of things over the years.
01:32 But the Bible speaks of different beasts
01:35 that God has. And we're going to take a look at those beasts
01:38 tomorrow night. We're going to look at
01:40 Revelation the 11th chapter.
01:42 And in that 11th chapter of Revelation
01:45 is a beast. Very few people ever seem to recognize it
01:50 or even know that it's there.
01:51 But it's a very very important one because it affects your life
01:55 and mine in a very very definite way.
01:59 So we hope that you'll be sure to be here
02:01 tomorrow night as we talk about God's Jurassic Park.
02:05 Very very important subject.
02:08 It's going to put another one of the pieces of that puzzle
02:11 in place. You remember, I told you
02:14 as we talked about last night
02:16 that we had five of those pieces of those puzzles
02:19 in place. There were two left.
02:21 Tomorrow night we put in the sixth one.
02:23 So you don't want to miss tomorrow night.
02:26 Tonight our subject is A Simple Step That Can Change Your Life.
02:31 I'm sure that you have made
02:34 decisions in your life
02:37 which had consequences
02:39 the rest of your life.
02:41 What we're looking at tonight
02:43 is that type of thing.
02:44 Very positive
02:46 but it's a step that can definitely change your life
02:49 in a very very marked manner.
02:52 We're very happy and I'm sure you have enjoyed
02:55 Joe Pearles and the music he's brought to us.
02:59 And he's going to sing for us a very wonderful song
03:02 that I hope you'll listen to very carefully.
03:04 It's entitled Wasted Years.
03:20 Wasted years,
03:24 wasted years...
03:26 oh, how foolish
03:33 as you wander
03:37 in darkness
03:40 and fear.
03:46 Turn around,
03:49 turn around...
03:52 God is calling...
03:57 He's calling you
04:02 from a life of wasted years.
04:11 As you wander along
04:17 on life's pathway
04:23 have you lived without love
04:29 a life of tears?
04:36 Have you searched for the great
04:42 hidden meaning?
04:48 Or is your life
04:53 filled with lost, wasted years?
05:01 Wasted years, wasted years...
05:08 oh, how foolish
05:14 as you wander
05:19 in darkness
05:22 and fear.
05:28 Turn around,
05:30 turn around...
05:34 God is calling...
05:39 He's calling you
05:44 from a life of wasted years...
05:51 He's calling you
05:56 from a life
05:58 of wasted years.
06:19 Heavenly Father,
06:23 tonight as we consider
06:27 one of the steps that You want us to take,
06:32 one that makes a great difference in our lives,
06:36 we ask that you will give us the understanding that we need.
06:41 We pray, Lord, that our relationship with You
06:45 may be close.
06:47 That each one of us may desire to come to know You
06:53 in a very very special way
06:57 and that each one here tonight
07:00 may be blessed. For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen.
07:13 I'm sure that in your life
07:16 you have sometime taken a step,
07:22 made a decision, did something
07:25 that had consequences that have affected you all your life.
07:29 At least I have. Those are steps that we take
07:32 that are very very real. Let me tell you a couple
07:36 that maybe will help you understand.
07:38 Marriage. Marriage is a step that you take
07:42 that affects you all your life. Right?
07:47 Very definitely. And when we take that step
07:50 we make a commitment.
07:53 By the way, that's what those things called vows are.
07:57 That means we make a commitment.
07:59 I commit my life, and that has consequences on it...
08:04 what I do. And surprisingly, folks,
08:09 the cost of the wedding has nothing to do with it
08:14 or the length of the ceremony.
08:16 I mean, it has nothing. It's the commitment that's made
08:19 that is what counts in that marriage relationship.
08:23 And so we take that step in marriage
08:26 and it affects us all the rest of our lives.
08:29 Let me tell you another step that we take
08:32 that affects us all of our lives
08:34 and that's when you decide to have a child.
08:38 Amen! I mean, when that baby is born
08:42 your life changes. I mean radically.
08:46 I know when my kids came to that place where they
08:48 were about to have children I told them: "Understand
08:51 that from this day on life will no longer be the same. "
08:55 A definite change takes place.
08:57 Well there's something in the Bible
09:00 that it talks about a change that takes place
09:04 and it has to do with a commit- ment that you and I make.
09:07 And that has to do with our relationship with Jesus Christ.
09:11 The Bible compares it to marriage.
09:15 Did you know that?
09:17 It makes a definite comparison to marriage.
09:20 Listen to these words:
09:30 So it talks here about that relationship
09:33 and it says: "Your Maker is your husband. "
09:37 That is a relationship with Jesus Christ.
09:41 Now, when two people
09:46 enter into a relationship and they decide to get married
09:51 it changes the wife's name, right?
09:54 Well, the Bible talks about that also and it says:
10:02 So this is talking about our relationship with the Lord
10:06 and it says: "For as many of you as were... " What?
10:16 In other words, you put on Christ. That means that you
10:20 take His name.
10:22 So that step that you and I can take
10:25 that will change your life forever
10:28 is when I take the step of baptism.
10:31 'Cause baptism is a public declaration, folks,
10:37 listen carefully to me:
10:38 baptism is a public declaration of my acceptance
10:42 of Jesus Christ.
10:44 That's what baptism is.
10:45 When I'm baptized I am publicly declaring
10:49 that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior.
10:54 I have put on Christ... I have taken His name.
10:59 Unfortunately as time has passed
11:05 baptism has been practiced many many different ways.
11:10 For instance there are some that baptize with a pinch of salt.
11:17 That's how they baptize: with a pinch of salt.
11:20 There's another group that baptize with a few drops of oil.
11:26 You find that there are some groups
11:28 that baptize by the laying on of hands.
11:32 All these are different ways that baptism is practiced today.
11:36 There are some that practice what is called
11:39 the baptism of desire.
11:41 That means that all that's required is just the fact
11:44 that you desire to be baptized.
11:47 And there are some that practice baptism
11:49 they say "the baptism of the Holy Spirit"
11:52 is all that's necessary.
11:54 If you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
11:56 then you don't need water baptism.
11:58 We'll look at that tonight and see what the Scripture
12:00 says about that. Another group practices baptism by mail.
12:04 Did you know that?
12:06 Yeah, you can write in and they will baptize you by mail.
12:10 Send you a certificate of your baptism. OK?
12:13 Another group that will baptize by phone.
12:18 Picked up the paper the other day
12:20 and here was a boy... lives on the West Coast.
12:23 His grandfather lives on the East Coast.
12:26 His grandfather was a minister
12:28 and it say that his grandson called him up over the phone
12:32 and he baptized him over the telephone.
12:35 Is that possible?
12:37 Others baptize by affusion;
12:41 others that baptize by sprinkling.
12:44 So you find that there are many.
12:45 Some baptize by triune immersion.
12:48 That's three times face forward.
12:50 So when we start talking about baptism
12:53 there are many many different methods of baptism
12:57 that are practiced tonight. So what we have to do
13:00 is we have to go to God's Word
13:02 and see what the Scripture says about it.
13:04 And it tells us here in the book of Ephesians 4 and verse 4:
13:19 Now when the Scripture says one baptism, folks,
13:23 it's not talking there about... should I say...
13:29 the number of times because tonight we'll see where
13:32 some people were baptized more than once.
13:35 It's talking about the manner or the way in which
13:38 a person should be baptized.
13:40 And tonight we just found out there were quite a number
13:43 of different ways that people are baptized today.
13:47 So what we want to do is we want to go to God's Word
13:50 and we want to see what the Scripture tells us
13:52 about the manner of baptism.
14:08 Now it says very clearly that John baptized Jesus
14:11 "in Jordan. " That's a very important phrase right there
14:15 when it says: "in Jordan. "
14:24 So it says that he baptized Him in Jordan.
14:29 When I lived here in Chicago
14:32 I started to school here.
14:35 We lived over here on the corner of Harrison and Damon.
14:39 And I'm not real positive, folks...
14:41 I haven't even had a chance to even drive back there.
14:44 But the school that I went to - started school in -
14:47 I think was called Irving School.
14:51 But I remember very distinctly
14:53 that as a boy when I walked to school
14:55 there was a little man there. He was a Greek.
14:58 And he had a little cart.
15:00 And he pushed this cart around the school
15:03 and on that cart he had a waffle iron.
15:06 And he would make waffles, real brown,
15:09 and then he would take them out. And he had a brush
15:13 that he had melted butter. And he would spread melted butter
15:16 on that waffle. And then he had a flour sifter
15:19 and he would sift powdered sugar on it.
15:21 And he sold those waffles to us kids.
15:23 Ruined me... that's the only way I like waffles to this day.
15:26 OK. But on that particular cart
15:29 he also had doughnuts that he would dip
15:32 in chocolate syrup. And he sold those to us.
15:36 And we as children liked to talk to him
15:38 because he had a very thick Greek brogue, and we thought
15:42 it sounded kind of funny.
15:43 And so we liked to talk to him and we would ask him
15:46 what he did with that doughnut. And he would tell us
15:48 he "baptizoed" it.
15:51 That's what he would tell us.
15:52 You see, baptism is a Greek word.
16:04 That's what the word baptism means.
16:07 So when it says John baptized Jesus in Jordan
16:12 it means he put Him under the water.
16:15 That's what it means. He put Him, immersed Him,
16:17 under the water. That's what the word baptism represents.
16:21 That's what it means. It has a very definite meaning!
16:25 It means a great deal.
16:27 We're going to take a look at that meaning.
16:42 Now it says that John was baptizing in Aenon
16:46 near Salim because of what reason?
16:50 Much water. Now if you want to underline in your Bible
16:53 underline those words much water because it says
16:57 baptism requires much water.
17:00 That's what it requires.
17:02 You see, when I was a child and went to church
17:05 we used to sing a hymn called Roll, Jordan, Roll.
17:09 And so when I grew up I thought the Jordan River
17:12 was a great big river.
17:15 Well, when I went over to Israel I learned different.
17:19 I found that the Jordan River is kind of like the Rio Grande.
17:24 You can step across it in certain places, you see?
17:27 John was baptizing in Aenon
17:30 because there was much water there.
17:33 Baptism requires much water is what the Scripture tells us.
17:41 Acts 8 verse 35... this is probably one of the clearest
17:44 scriptures in all the Bible concerning baptism
17:49 and how it takes place. And it says:
18:02 Now Philip has taught this eunuch.
18:04 This eunuch, by the way, is the treasurer of the country
18:07 of Ethiopia. He's been up to Jerusalem to worship
18:11 because he is a believer in God.
18:14 And he's on his way back.
18:16 And the Lord has told Philip: "Go catch him. "
18:20 And Philip has gone and caught him,
18:22 and the eunuch is inviting him to ride in his chariot.
18:26 And this eunuch was reading Isaiah 51, 52,
18:32 53, about Jesus, and Philip explained that to him.
18:38 So now as they're driving down the road
18:40 watch what begins to happen here:
18:55 Now I want to ask you something: this water they found
18:58 was this a puddle? No, couldn't be a puddle
19:02 because baptism requires what? Much water.
19:05 So they got to some water.
19:07 He said: "Why can't I be baptized? "
19:24 Oh dear friend, tonight
19:27 if you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
19:34 and you haven't been baptized,
19:37 then you should step out in faith
19:40 and be baptized.
19:43 As he said to him: "I believe that Jesus Christ
19:45 IS the Son of God. " Watch what takes place here:
19:58 Who went down into the water?
20:02 Philip and the eunuch. BOTH went down into the water.
20:05 Philip didn't stand on the shore
20:07 and the eunuch get in the water.
20:10 Or the eunuch didn't stay on the shore and Philip
20:12 get in the water. They both went down in the water
20:14 and he what? Baptized him.
20:18 That meant put him under the water.
20:20 That's what it means: put him under the water.
20:23 Watch:
20:30 So it says here that he baptized him.
20:33 They came up out of the water.
20:35 That exactly how baptism is to take place, friends.
20:39 The Bible is very very clear.
20:48 Well, you say: "Does it really make any difference? "
20:54 I have people tell me: "Oh, it doesn't make any difference. "
20:57 "It really doesn't make any dif- ference how you're baptized. "
21:02 Well, let's see what the Scripture says about that.
21:28 Do you understand dear friends?
21:29 If I stand up here night after night
21:32 and I preach to you anything other than what this Book says,
21:36 what? "Let him be accursed, " it says.
21:41 In other words, as I have told you from night to night,
21:45 you must build your belief on this Book.
21:48 On the Word of God... you must stand there.
21:51 You cannot stand on what man says.
21:55 You can't stand upon what somebody's idea is.
21:58 You've got to stand on the Word of God.
22:02 You've gotta look at it; you've gotta study;
22:04 you've gotta get into it
22:06 and find out what it's talking about.
22:08 And as you read it, then you must follow it by faith.
22:13 So you and I must follow what the Scripture says.
22:17 Sure... you may have been baptized
22:23 some other way than the Scripture teaches.
22:27 But when you understand what God's Word says
22:32 then by faith you need to follow.
22:35 That's simply what it tells us.
22:38 What happened? How come we've got so many different things
22:43 being taught about baptism?
22:45 You're looking at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
22:49 If you ever go to Italy
22:52 and have the opportunity to go out and visit
22:55 the Leaning Tower of Pisa...
22:57 and by the way, did you know they're straightening it up?
23:00 I read the other day that they had straightened it
23:02 1/16 of an inch.
23:07 I don't know how long it's going to take them to get it straight
23:10 but they're trying.
23:11 Nonetheless... But if you ever go there,
23:13 friends, don't miss this building right beside
23:19 the Tower of Pisa.
23:22 You know what this is?
23:24 This is a baptistery!
23:28 It's a baptistery that dates back... way way back
23:33 in history past 800 AD.
23:36 There is not a fount in that church.
23:41 There is a pool for a person to be immersed.
23:47 This is not just a little thing.
23:50 Kind of hard to get in sometimes and see these.
23:54 But if you're persistent you can get in and you can see them.
23:57 There are many... I shouldn't say many...
24:00 there's a lot... there's a lot of baptisteries.
24:04 Not founts, folks. Baptisteries where they immersed
24:08 people in the city of Rome.
24:11 You're looking at one here.
24:14 You see the church...
24:17 the church baptized by immersion
24:22 until 1100 AD.
24:27 Listen... here's a historical statement:
24:44 I mean, not until the 1300's
24:47 did they finally accept sprinkling and pouring
24:51 as equal with immersion.
24:54 What caused the change?
24:57 What brought about this change?
25:00 Well, there's a scripture
25:03 that's found in John 3 verse 5 that says:
25:16 Now there are many honest, sincere people
25:20 who took that scripture to mean
25:23 that when it spoke of water
25:26 that was referring to baptism. And I believe it is.
25:29 And they said: "Well, if a person can't get into the
25:33 kingdom of heaven unless he's been baptized
25:35 what's going to happen
25:37 to my little baby if my baby dies
25:41 before it's old enough
25:43 or it's never been baptized? What's going to happen to it?
25:46 Will it be lost? " And so many sincere, honest
25:51 people out of a desire to make sure their child
25:55 wasn't lost began to have them baptized
25:59 and they started sprinkling to care for this problem.
26:04 That's what they did. And there's probably some of you
26:07 here who by your parents
26:11 were taken as a babe in arms and were sprinkled.
26:14 And let me say: your parents were doing what they believed
26:19 was right. And God in His kindness I'm sure
26:23 recognized that. But you...
26:27 now you must look at it in light of Scripture
26:32 and you must consider what the Scripture says
26:37 and follow what it says. What about that child?
26:41 If it is not baptized is it lost?
26:46 Well I want you to listen to a scripture.
26:50 You remember Jesus is walking down the banks of the Jordan
26:53 River. He's coming... He's approaching John
26:57 and He asks John to baptize Him.
27:02 And it says:
27:15 Now He's asked John to baptize Him.
27:17 And when He asked John to baptize Him John said:
27:20 "I'm not even worthy to untie Your shoes
27:22 let alone baptize You! "
27:25 And Jesus said: "John, suffer it to be so
27:29 to fulfill all righteousness. "
27:35 What was He talking about?
27:37 Did Jesus need to be baptized?
27:41 Did Jesus need to have His sins washed away?
27:45 Hmm? No... He never sinned.
27:49 You say: "Well, He was baptized as an example. "
27:52 Well wasn't the example of the disciples enough?
27:56 What did Jesus mean when He said: "John,
27:59 suffer it to be so to fulfill all righteousness? "
28:04 What He's talking about is that there are certain people
28:09 like the thief on the cross
28:12 never had the opportunity to be baptized.
28:16 He said: "John, I need to be baptized for him. "
28:21 "For that boy out there in the foxhole
28:24 that gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ
28:27 and never made it back home, was never baptized. "
28:30 Jesus said: "John, I need to be baptized for him. "
28:34 "For that child - that baby -
28:38 who never reaches the age of accountability, "
28:41 Jesus said, "John, I need to be baptized for that child. "
28:46 Let me tell you something: that baby is perfectly safe
28:51 in the arms of Jesus Christ.
28:54 You don't have to worry.
28:56 You see, the Bible says that you and I are to be
29:01 old enough to understand what we're doing
29:04 when we're baptized because it is a public
29:08 declaration of my acceptance of Jesus Christ.
29:13 See, that's what it is. It's a public declaration
29:16 that I have accepted Jesus Christ. So I need to be
29:18 old enough to know what I'm doing.
29:22 There are some people that say: "Well, if you receive
29:26 the baptism of the Holy Spirit... "
29:29 And by the way, you need to receive the baptism of the
29:33 Holy Spirit. If you haven't, then keep coming
29:38 'cause we're going to talk about it.
29:40 But you need to receive it, but it doesn't take the place
29:44 of water baptism, friends.
29:46 You can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
29:49 but that doesn't mean you're released from receiving
29:51 water baptism. I want you to listen:
30:03 Peter's preaching. While he's preaching the Holy Spirit
30:06 falls on these people. Now watch:
30:26 They said: "We never saw this before!
30:29 Here the Holy Spirit has been poured out on these Gentiles! "
30:33 OK.
30:54 He said: "No! We can't forbid them from being baptized!
30:58 They received the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
31:00 they need to receive water baptism. "
31:03 So dear friends, this evening if you
31:07 have never received water baptism
31:10 and you've given your heart to Jesus Christ
31:13 and you even have evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit
31:16 and you haven't been baptized by water,
31:18 the Scripture says that you should be.
31:22 Not to forbid them from being baptized by water.
31:36 There are cases in Scripture
31:39 where people were baptized more than once. OK?
31:44 Paul has made his way up to the coast of Ephesus
31:49 and there he has found some believers.
31:52 It says this about it:
32:04 So these are believers.
32:06 These are followers... they're disciples.
32:08 All right. "And he said to them... "
32:15 He said: "Did you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
32:19 when you believed? "
32:27 They said: "What are you talking about, Paul? "
32:32 "We don't know anything about any Holy Spirit. "
32:34 "What are you talking about? "
32:36 Paul gets very very serious with them. Watch:
32:53 They had been baptized by John the Baptist.
32:57 OK. This was before Pentecost.
33:00 This was before the Holy Spirit had fallen
33:02 so John wasn't aware of what was involved there.
33:06 And so it says:
33:12 He said: "He told you to repent. "
33:23 He said: "What John preached was right, it was true.
33:27 No question about it. "
33:37 So when they had learned that and they realized
33:40 that they didn't know anything about it
33:42 and he taught them then they were baptized a second time.
33:46 There are times when people need to be baptized again.
33:51 Let me share with you some times.
33:54 If you have been taught different
33:58 than the Bible teaches...
34:02 I don't mean... You know, none of us understand it perfectly.
34:05 Don't misunderstand me.
34:07 But I'm saying that if you accepted Christ
34:11 and you just didn't understand what the Scripture is teaching
34:15 and all of a sudden like those people in Ephesus
34:17 your mind is clear and it's opened up, and you see
34:21 the Word of God like you've never seen before
34:23 and you're committing your heart to Jesus Christ,
34:25 you probably need to be baptized.
34:28 Secondly,
34:30 if you were baptized as a babe,
34:33 you didn't know what you were doing.
34:36 Your parents had you baptized.
34:39 There was no commitment on your part
34:41 and as a babe you were baptized
34:44 then you probably need to be baptized again.
34:48 Also, if you didn't know what you were doing,
34:53 like in my case...
34:55 See, I was just a small boy when I was baptized first.
35:01 I didn't know what I was doing.
35:02 They just gathered all the kids up in church
35:05 and baptized us.
35:07 Didn't tell me anything... didn't say anything to me
35:10 about my relationship with Jesus Christ.
35:13 They just gathered all of us up and baptized us.
35:15 And so when I got older
35:18 and I gave my heart to Jesus Christ
35:21 I said: "Oh, no... I've got to be baptized.
35:25 This is a commitment of my life to Jesus Christ. "
35:30 Had to be baptized again.
35:33 And if you're coming back to Christ...
35:36 Now let me explain what I'm saying here, folks.
35:39 I'm not talking about if you "stumped" your toe.
35:42 That's not what I'm talking about.
35:44 I'm not talking about if the devil has breathed down
35:46 your neck and tempted you
35:48 and you did something you shouldn't have done.
35:50 That's not what I'm talking about.
35:52 I'm talking about if you gave your heart to the Lord Jesus
35:56 Christ, were baptized, you followed Him
35:59 and then you left Him.
36:01 And you've gone out and you've lived contrary to the Lord
36:04 for a number of years. You've gone the other way.
36:07 And you're coming back, and you're committing your life
36:12 to the Lord anew.
36:14 You probably should be baptized again. It's like marriage.
36:17 There's a couple. They fall in love.
36:20 They get married; they live together for a while
36:24 but they can't seem to get things worked out.
36:26 And finally they separate;
36:28 get a divorce; go their separate ways.
36:31 A number of years pass
36:33 and they begin to see one another again.
36:36 And they fall in love again and they decide they want to
36:39 live together again. They need to be what?
36:41 Married. OK... same thing.
36:44 It's a commitment of my life to Jesus Christ.
36:47 So there are times when people need to be...
36:51 need to be baptized again.
36:56 When should they be baptized?
36:59 Well, let's see if the Scripture will help us
37:01 understand when a person should be baptized.
37:11 In other words that person needs to be taught.
37:15 These people gladly received the Word of God
37:18 and they were baptized.
37:20 Now, let me clarify something.
37:23 That doesn't take a long time.
37:27 Just doesn't take a long time.
37:29 When I first went in the ministry -
37:32 a young minister - oh, I thought you had to
37:35 study with somebody for six months or a year
37:38 before you baptized them.
37:39 I can remember I was preaching
37:42 and this old gentleman came in
37:45 and had a seat. I'd never seen him before.
37:48 And when the sermon was over I was standing at the door
37:52 shaking people's hands coming out.
37:55 And I shook his hand and spoke to him, got his name.
37:57 And I said: "Appreciate you being here very much. "
38:01 He said: "Oh, I enjoyed it. " I said: "Would you mind
38:03 if I came by to visit you this week? "
38:05 He said: "Oh, no... I'd love to have you come visit me. "
38:08 So I went out to see the old gentleman.
38:10 And got out there and we visited and I said: "I've never seen
38:14 you in church before. How come you come to church? "
38:17 He said: "Oh, " he said, "when I was a young man
38:21 about 17 years old, " he said,
38:23 "I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. "
38:25 He said: "I accepted Him as my Savior. "
38:27 And he said: "I went to church every week. "
38:29 He said: "I didn't miss church. "
38:31 He said: "I was there every week. "
38:33 And he said: "I loved it! "
38:34 He said: "I looked forward to it. "
38:36 He said: "It was a great experience. "
38:38 And he said: "When I was in my 20's, early 20's, "
38:41 he said, "I started going with a young lady. "
38:43 And he said: "She didn't go to church. "
38:47 But he said: "I didn't think anything about it. "
38:49 He said: "We fell in love, "
38:51 and he said: "got married. "
38:54 And he said: "After we got married
38:56 every time I went to church when I came back we got in
39:00 a great big argument 'cause she didn't want me to go. "
39:03 And he said: "That went on every week. "
39:05 And he said: "Finally I just gave it up...
39:08 quit going to church. "
39:10 He said: "I haven't gone to church in years. "
39:14 He said: "Two weeks ago my wife died. "
39:18 He said: "I decided to come back to church. "
39:22 And in my mind, folks, I said to myself:
39:25 "This time you'll know what you're doing. "
39:27 See, that's what I said to myself.
39:29 So I said to him: "Would you like to study? "
39:32 "Oh, " he said, "I'd love to. "
39:33 I said: "I'll tell you what: I'll come out every week
39:35 and we'll have a study together. "
39:37 Now folks, I just didn't go out and study with that old
39:41 gentleman. I gave him assignments to do.
39:44 He could have gotten a degree from the Seminary.
39:47 I mean, he faithfully did those assignments
39:49 every week. And I gave him this assignment one week there
39:53 in Acts the 2nd chapter where it says that Peter preached
39:57 and 3,000 were converted in a day.
39:59 And as we were studying that he looked at me
40:01 and he said: "Brother Cox,
40:03 if Peter would have put those people through
40:05 what you put me through, there wouldn't have been 3,000. "
40:09 See? I began to understand: yes, a person needs to be taught
40:13 but that does not take a long time.
40:16 It has to do with the commitment, the surrender
40:20 of one's heart to Jesus Christ is what it has to do with.
40:24 Not only are they to be taught. It says:
40:30 They had heard the Word of God.
40:32 Secondly, a person must believe.
40:35 If you don't believe, it's not any good.
40:38 It says: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;
40:43 he that believeth not shall be damned. "
40:46 Baptism apart from belief is not any good.
40:49 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved
40:53 but he who does not believe will be condemned. "
40:56 Also, the Scripture says that you and I need to repent.
41:01 Now it says here in Acts 2:38
41:15 I want to say a word about repentance, folks.
41:19 The Scripture says that repentance is something
41:23 that God gives.
41:26 Did you hear me?
41:27 It says it's something that God gives.
41:30 I've talked to people and I've asked them:
41:32 "Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? "
41:34 And they've said: "Yes, I've given my heart
41:36 to Jesus Christ. "
41:37 And I said: "Have you been baptized? "
41:39 And they say: "No, Brother Cox, I haven't been baptized. "
41:42 I say: "Well, why haven't you been baptized? "
41:43 They said: "Well, I just don't feel bad enough. "
41:46 What are you talking about?
41:48 You know, they think that if they don't repent
41:52 in sackcloth and ashes then they shouldn't be baptized.
41:55 No, dear friends. Your responsibility,
41:58 my responsibility, is to come to Jesus Christ.
42:03 He is the One that gives repentance.
42:07 And if you'll give your heart to Him
42:09 He'll do His work in your life
42:11 and bring about repentance. That is God's work.
42:14 Your responsibility and mine is to give our hearts to Him.
42:18 OK... but He said you need to repent.
42:20 And as God brings repentance you and I need to repent.
42:24 Thirdly it says that we need to be converted.
42:37 Do you understand conversion?
42:40 Hmm? Do you understand conversion?
42:43 Let me tell you what conversion is.
42:46 You'll have to forgive the vernacular here.
42:50 I'm going to hell; I'm going to hell; I'm going to hell;
42:54 I'm going to hell.
42:55 I'm going to heaven; I'm going to heaven; I'm going to heaven.
42:59 That's conversion. Means turn around!
43:02 What it is: change my way.
43:05 That is conversion... that's what the word means.
43:08 I change the direction that I'm going.
43:12 So when I commit my heart to Jesus Christ
43:16 it means that I've changed my direction.
43:20 I have made a commitment of my life to Jesus Christ.
43:26 You see, baptism represents
43:29 the death of Jesus Christ.
43:41 So when a person is placed beneath the water
43:46 that represents the death of Jesus Christ.
43:50 Now folks, are you understanding why
43:53 sprinkling won't work?
43:55 Or a few drops of oil?
44:00 Or a pinch of salt? Won't work!
44:02 It represented the death of Jesus Christ.
44:06 That's why the person is put beneath the water.
44:10 It represents the death of Jesus Christ.
44:12 It goes on here in Romans 6 and it says:
44:23 So baptism also not only repre- sents the death of Jesus Christ
44:27 it represents the burial.
44:30 That He was placed in the tomb; the burial of Jesus Christ.
44:43 So baptism represents the death, the burial, and then
44:48 here in Romans 6 and verse 5 it says:
45:01 So as that person comes up out of the water
45:04 it represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
45:09 It does more than that.
45:12 As that individual is baptized,
45:15 as he's placed beneath the water,
45:19 it means that I have died to an old way of life.
45:26 With me?
45:28 That's conversion.
45:30 I have died to an old way of life.
45:35 No longer am I
45:39 going to walk in the old way.
45:42 I've given my heart to Jesus Christ.
45:45 Are you with me, folks?
45:48 It's like marriage.
45:52 You don't get married and keep running around with other women!
45:57 You don't do that.
46:00 If you do, you're not going to stay married long. OK?
46:05 So when I give my heart to Jesus Christ
46:08 I have died to an old way of life.
46:13 That's what it represents.
46:15 It also means that all my sins
46:20 have been buried.
46:23 See? And I come up out of the water
46:26 clean... clean in Christ Jesus.
46:31 I don't know of anything...
46:33 I don't know of anything in this life
46:37 that will give you the privilege of starting over brand new
46:41 except baptism.
46:43 Baptism lets you wipe the slate absolutely clean.
46:48 You want to see what the Scripture says about that?
47:09 Oh, He says He'll take all of your sins tonight, dear friends.
47:15 That sin that haunts you.
47:19 Maybe it's something that you did that was really very bad.
47:23 Or maybe it's just something that constantly nags you.
47:28 God says He'll take that sin,
47:31 cast it into the depths of the sea.
47:34 Marvelous!
47:38 You see, when you're baptized
47:40 the Bible says you come up clean.
47:42 You don't have one thing against you.
47:47 The Bible uses words for that.
47:49 It says that you are justified. That's what baptism represents.
47:54 It means that all your sins have been done away with.
47:58 Cast in the depths of the sea.
48:27 God says: "You've got a sin tonight
48:29 that's really bothering you, friend? "
48:32 Said: "I'll put it behind My back. "
48:35 "I'll cast it in the depths of the sea. "
48:38 "I'll remember it no more. "
48:53 "As far as the east is from the west, "
48:55 God said, "I removed all your transgressions from you. "
48:59 This is what God desires to do for you.
49:02 Wonderful! He loves you!
49:05 Baptism is simply a public declaration
49:09 of one's acceptance of Jesus Christ. How important is it?
49:14 How does God feel about it?
49:16 I want you to listen what God says about it here:
49:33 John the Baptist preached and these people heard it
49:36 and they were baptized... EVEN tax collectors.
49:40 OK? Now watch what he has to say here:
49:57 "Oh, " they said, "we don't need to be baptized. "
50:00 And they pulled their cloaks around themselves
50:04 and said: "Oh... we don't need it. "
50:07 And it says that they rejected what?
50:12 The will of God.
50:15 You see, the will of God is that you should be baptized.
50:19 That's God's will.
50:21 Dear friend, don't sit there and say:
50:25 "Well I'm not good enough. "
50:27 "The Lord won't have me. "
50:29 "I've done too many bad things in my life. "
50:34 Dear friends, God's will is that you be baptized.
50:39 That's God's will.
50:41 He said: "Listen, there aren't any sins I can't forgive. "
50:46 "I'll take them... I'll remember them no more. "
51:30 Jesus Christ came to this earth
51:35 and He died for you.
51:39 He lived a perfect life for you.
51:41 He did everything that was required for you
51:45 that you might be saved.
51:47 He did all that.
51:50 Are you not going to accept it?
51:53 "We played the flute and you didn't dance? "
51:57 "We mourned and you didn't weep. "
52:01 Are you going to let the great sacrifice of Jesus
52:05 Christ go in vain?
52:09 No, dear friend,
52:11 He made every needful thing
52:17 for your salvation.
52:19 He accomplished it that you might be saved.
52:25 The Scripture says that Saul of Tarsus
52:32 had received a commission from Ananias the high priest
52:37 to go to Damascus and arrest the Christians
52:41 and to bring them back to Jerusalem to be tried.
52:45 Taking a group of soldiers they headed for Damascus.
52:52 When they got within view of the city of Damascus
52:56 all of a sudden a great light
52:59 shone upon Saul. So strong that it knocked him to the ground.
53:03 And a voice spoke and said: "Saul, Saul...
53:06 why persecutest thou Me? "
53:09 And he said: "Who are You, Lord? "
53:12 And Jesus said: "I'm Jesus whom you persecute. "
53:17 Said: "What would You have me do, Lord? "
53:21 And He said: "Go on to Damascus.
53:24 It will be shown you what you shall do. "
53:28 Saul of Tarsus is now blind.
53:32 He can't see.
53:34 He's led by the hand to Damascus.
53:40 There in Damascus is a man by the name of Ananias.
53:46 And the Lord has spoken to Ananias and He said:
53:49 "Go to the street called Straight
53:51 and inquire for one Saul of Tarsus.
53:55 He is a chosen vessel unto Me. "
53:59 And Ananias goes there.
54:01 And the Lord has told Ananias to pray for Saul
54:04 that he might receive his sight.
54:08 Ananias goes and he finds Saul and he prays for him
54:13 and his sight is given back to him.
54:16 Now here... I mean, we're just talking a few days.
54:20 Saul of Tarsus - who is the persecutor -
54:24 Saul of Tarsus - who has fought against God
54:28 and against Jesus Christ.
54:31 Here on the road to Damascus he has come face to face
54:34 with Jesus Christ and there he's given his heart to Him.
54:40 And now the scales have fallen off his eyes
54:43 and he can see. And I want you to listen
54:47 to the words of Ananias to Saul.
55:03 "Wash away your sins. "
55:06 Tonight, dear friend,
55:08 why are you waiting?
55:11 Why are you waiting?
55:13 He said: "Rise! Be baptized. "
55:16 "Wash away your sins. "
55:21 Jesus Christ is inviting you
55:25 to take that step... to follow Him.
55:28 To have all your sins washed away.
55:32 Calling on the name of the Lord.
55:36 If you will do that,
55:39 then He will was you whiter than snow.
55:48 Lord Jesus, I long
55:53 to be perfectly whole.
56:00 I want You
56:03 forever
56:06 to live in my soul.
56:12 Break down every idol,
56:19 cast out every foe.
56:26 Now wash me
56:29 and I will be
56:33 whiter than
56:37 snow.
56:44 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
56:46 Father, we thank you
56:50 that You've made all the provisions.
56:53 That all that we have to do is to follow.
56:56 We ask, Lord, that tonight
56:59 each one of us
57:02 may rejoice in our sins forgiven,
57:06 the cleansing that Christ gives,
57:09 and that we might follow You and walk with You.
57:13 That all of us may have a place in Your kingdom.
57:16 Not because we're worthy
57:18 but because we've accepted You as our Savior.
57:21 For this we pray in Christ's name, Amen.
57:25 Don't forget tomorrow night.
57:29 Be back with us. Good night; God bless you.


Revised 2019-04-08