New Journey, The

The X Offender Network

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Aaron Chancy (Host), Tony Hall


Series Code: TNJ

Program Code: TNJ000006

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material may be
00:05 too candid for younger children.
00:11 Welcome to "The New Journey,"
00:12 the program where we meet real people,
00:14 with real life testimonies,
00:16 with real life working ministries for Jesus.
00:18 Today we'll meet a man that will explain
00:20 the process and steps an ex-offender can take
00:23 to have better success when getting out of prison.
00:25 We'll learn some prison definitions
00:27 and how your church can be trained
00:28 and equipped for prison ministries.
00:30 We'll also be blessed by hearing his testimony
00:33 of how God saved him.
00:35 I'm your host Aaron Chancy,
00:36 come join us on "The New Journey."
01:07 Welcome back to "The New Journey."
01:08 Today we have with us Elder Tony Hall.
01:10 Thank you for being on the program, Elder Tony Hall.
01:12 It is my pleasure to be here. Amen, amen.
01:15 We have some exciting information
01:17 that we want to delve into.
01:19 First we want to talk about your ministry,
01:20 then we'll transition into your testimony
01:23 of how God saved you.
01:25 The first question we want to talk about is,
01:27 your ministry is entitled "TheXoffender Network."
01:30 Why exactly is it called a network?
01:32 A network is where different talents,
01:36 different skills, different gifts come together
01:38 to support one another.
01:40 Throughout the state, any state,
01:42 the prison system exists from border to border.
01:45 Therefore covering the whole state,
01:47 and in order to minister to those
01:49 who are coming out of the prison,
01:51 we need to network the whole state.
01:53 'Cause a person can be released in one city
01:56 and end up living in another.
01:57 Yeah, yeah, that's true.
01:58 We develop a network so that we can reach into
02:01 all areas of that state.
02:02 That's great.
02:04 So you're pretty much working together,
02:06 like a family, so to speak.
02:07 Working together to help the ex-offender, correct?
02:10 Exactly, we become a family, a support system
02:13 to those who have made a decision
02:14 to overcome negative lifestyle,
02:17 and to change these negative lifestyles
02:18 to positive lifestyles.
02:20 So there's need to be a mentorship.
02:22 Amen.
02:23 And so we networked the mentors,
02:26 so that we can reach them wherever they are.
02:28 Okay, now your ministry is entitled TheXoffender Network.
02:32 What exactly is the definition of an Xoffender?
02:35 Well, the Xoffender is not in a dictionary at this point.
02:40 We've combined several words to make one word,
02:43 and it is "theXoffender."
02:45 TheXoffender is one who has acknowledged
02:49 offending the law of God, and the law of the land,
02:53 but no longer through regeneration desire to do so.
02:57 Okay, so they are Xoffender from offending the law of God
03:00 and the law of the Land.
03:02 It's not just one aspect you're working with,
03:04 you're working with both aspects,
03:06 the law of the land and the law of God.
03:08 That's great.
03:09 You know, you're a faith based ministry
03:11 and I noticed on your website that you have three steps
03:15 in TheXoffender Network.
03:16 Can you talk a little bit about those three steps?
03:18 Well, the first step is inside the prison.
03:21 Okay.
03:22 Uh, going inside the prison is not for everyone.
03:24 By going inside the prison,
03:26 we do what is called pre-release.
03:28 Now, you said something very interesting,
03:29 I got to stop you right there.
03:31 You said going into the prison is not for everyone.
03:33 No, it's not.
03:35 Describe a person that prison ministries
03:37 may not be for, to go inside the prison.
03:40 That one is hard. Okay.
03:42 You have to be called to go into the prison.
03:44 Be called, okay, okay.
03:45 Because the Lord may have called you to another work
03:48 but you're saying, "I want to do something else."
03:50 It's best to stay where God called you at.
03:52 Exactly. Okay.
03:53 Exactly. Okay.
03:54 So the people who go into the prison
03:56 do what we call pre-release.
03:57 Okay, pre-release.
03:59 The bible studies, the books, the information.
04:02 Our whole attitude towards the person is to help them
04:06 make a decision to overcome the negative lifestyle,
04:09 choose the positive lifestyle.
04:11 And we reinforce that.
04:13 Okay, now you mentioned Bible studies.
04:15 What kind of Bible studies do you use
04:17 as you minister to inmates?
04:19 Well, we study from the Bible. Period.
04:21 Okay, praise the Lord. From the Bible, period.
04:23 Okay.
04:24 That way we'll give them an opportunity.
04:26 I was reading in the book of Jeremiah 17:5.
04:32 And it simply says, "Cursed is the man
04:34 that trusteth in a man, and maketh flesh his arms,
04:38 and whose heart departeth from the Lord."
04:40 So if we share with the person not to trust in man,
04:44 and what man has to say as far it relate to spiritual things,
04:49 then what we're teaching then is,
04:51 to study, to show yourself a proof
04:53 when your God has a word not to be ashamed.
04:56 We're rightly divided in the word of truth.
04:58 So we stick to the Bible, as we prepare a person
05:01 to accept the word of God and change their lifestyle.
05:05 Amen. Okay. But that's the first stage.
05:07 All right, so your first stage is working with the inmate
05:11 while they're incarcerated, doing Bible studies,
05:13 studying together, things like that.
05:14 What's the second step?
05:16 The second step is in the church.
05:18 The motto for TheXoffender Network is,
05:20 we develop the Xoffender friendly home,
05:23 church and community.
05:26 So we have to go into the church
05:28 to train the members of the church
05:30 to work with the Xoffender.
05:32 And the Xoffender is a Christian.
05:34 Xoffender is one who have accepted Jesus Christ
05:36 as Lord and Savior.
05:37 While he was already incarcerated.
05:38 There's a support system inside the prison,
05:40 and those who gave up negative lifestyle inside the prison,
05:44 because they have a support system in the prison.
05:47 But when they come out of the prison,
05:48 they need a support system.
05:50 Yeah, yeah.
05:51 So the church now becomes that support system.
05:54 So what we do is a small church can do something
05:57 like maybe help with getting a birth certificate.
06:01 A social security card, or driver's license,
06:04 or help a person get to work
06:05 or get to a self support group or whatever.
06:08 It could be very minimal,
06:09 depending on the resources of the church.
06:11 Okay.
06:12 But we can go as large as developing multi-million dollar
06:15 therapeutic communities.
06:17 Wow.
06:19 Where we can actually help people overcome
06:20 negative lifestyle through social workers, through medical
06:26 and physical health providers, and also through spiritual.
06:33 Okay.
06:35 What we've decided to do is,
06:36 is work with the physical, mental,
06:38 social and spiritual man.
06:39 The complete man. That's right.
06:40 The complete man.
06:42 So you can go from any small beginning
06:45 to any large endeavor as related to helping a person
06:49 who's decided to overcome a negative lifestyle
06:52 to develop a positive lifestyle.
06:53 You know, that's interesting that you should say,
06:55 ministering to the whole man,
06:56 'cause actually read in the Bible, Luke 2:52,
06:59 it said that, "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,
07:01 and in favor with God and man."
07:03 He was a complete individual.
07:04 He was complete, mentally, physically, socially
07:06 and spiritually as well.
07:08 So your ministry is trying to minister
07:10 to an individual in his totality, correct?
07:13 Exactly. That's great, that's great.
07:14 So the first step is ministering to the inmate
07:16 while they're incarcerated.
07:17 The second step is ministering to the church family.
07:21 Exactly.
07:22 How do you, in your years of doing this work,
07:25 how have you seen that the church has reacted to this?
07:28 Well, ours is a small church in Montgomery,
07:31 Alabama, for instance.
07:33 We host what we call
07:35 a "New start celebration program."
07:37 Okay, all right.
07:38 Where we invite those in drug court,
07:41 those who are in rehabs,
07:42 and different therapeutic communities
07:45 to come to the church on Sunday afternoons,
07:48 3 o'clock.
07:49 When they show up, what we do is,
07:51 for 30 minutes, we do inspirational.
07:53 For another hour, we break up into different groups,
07:56 and we deal with and work with them,
07:58 with other social issues, physical issues, mental issues.
08:01 Amen. And their families are invited.
08:04 Wow.
08:05 We started on Mothers day a year ago or so.
08:08 And we went from one person to an average now
08:12 of 60 to 65, 70 people every Sunday
08:15 who are not a member of our church,
08:17 and probably a member of no church.
08:19 But they come there for spiritual enlightenment,
08:22 not necessarily every Sunday.
08:23 So this is one of the things we've done.
08:25 Also we work with a program in that same area
08:30 where church members, social workers,
08:33 and MBAs got together
08:35 and decided to open up a therapeutic community.
08:37 We got together,
08:39 I became the chaplain for this organization.
08:41 And now, we minister to them on the social aspects.
08:45 You know, through social work, through mental health,
08:48 through physical health, and through spiritual health.
08:50 That's a blessing. And we do it in a balanced way.
08:54 The name of it is Lifetime's Resolutions:
08:57 The Holistic Women's Center.
09:00 So we're working with the women on all four aspects,
09:04 mental, physical, social, and spiritual.
09:06 Okay. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
09:07 So we've got the first step, we've got the second step.
09:09 What's the third step to this network?
09:11 Well, the third step is the community.
09:13 Okay.
09:14 The community could be the biological family.
09:17 It could also be employers or employees.
09:21 It could also be housing, jobs and so forth.
09:25 So what we do is we help them by being a reference.
09:28 For those who've been to prison,
09:30 we go to an employer and say,
09:32 "Look, this person has the skills,
09:34 he's taken the time to develop.
09:36 Once they..."
09:37 Because they've gone through your program.
09:38 They've gone through our program,
09:40 they've gone through other programs.
09:41 Remember the ones that are in the prison
09:42 when we're doing pre-release,
09:44 we consult with the chaplaincy program, vocational program,
09:47 and the substance abuse programs in the prison.
09:50 So it is truly a network we have.
09:52 Yes, when they have taken advantage of the programs
09:55 that the state offer, and they have taken advantage
09:58 of curving their disciplinaries
10:00 and so forth and so on,
10:01 then they become eligible for our program.
10:03 So we then can legitimately be a reference for them.
10:07 So we go to the community, talk to the employers
10:09 of those who might employ them,
10:11 talk to them about their skills and what they offer
10:14 and what they can do for the company.
10:15 Okay.
10:17 And once we've done that, then the employers hire them,
10:21 but we don't stop working with them at that point.
10:23 We work with them throughout the job.
10:25 We even counsel and work with the people
10:27 who are already employed.
10:28 So you're actually involved in the person's life
10:31 for a long time from the time they're in prison.
10:33 It could be some years
10:34 that you're working with the same individual.
10:35 Exactly. That's great, that's great.
10:37 So I'm sure that could be a big impact
10:39 on an individual's life.
10:40 You know, there's a quote that says,
10:42 "It takes a whole village to raise a child."
10:45 And that's pretty interesting because
10:46 your entire network is set up just like that where
10:49 it's an entire system
10:51 that is trying to work with one individual
10:54 to help them have a better life.
10:55 That's very great.
10:57 Now, I want to ask you something
10:58 about the percentage rate,
11:00 not necessarily the percentage rate,
11:01 but do you see that when people follow these
11:04 three steps of your program,
11:06 that they have a better success rate
11:08 when they go out there to the community?
11:10 Well, recidivism seems to be the cue
11:14 for what is taking place today.
11:17 The states are collaborating,
11:19 they've been looking at what's happening
11:21 and what's working in different places around the country.
11:24 And what we see is really working today is,
11:27 when we include, not only what the prison system is doing,
11:32 'cause the prison system is really trying to
11:33 cut down on recidivism.
11:35 But everything they did so far has not worked.
11:38 So it knows that the family, the church,
11:41 and the community must be involved.
11:43 So what we're doing is just taking advantage of it.
11:46 Amen.
11:47 We know that it worked and that we know it worked
11:49 for a long time.
11:50 We haven't been invited in.
11:52 But now, we've been invited in
11:54 because we're all looking for the same success.
11:56 Okay, amen.
11:57 There are many that are not familiar with prison terms
12:00 and some of these words, you know,
12:02 as looking on your website
12:03 I noticed that you have some interesting words,
12:05 and the first one you even mentioned it a second ago,
12:07 you said "recidivism."
12:09 For those that don't understand what that word means,
12:10 can you explain a little bit?
12:12 Well, the lay man term, it is a revolving door,
12:15 people leaving the prison system
12:17 and returning to the prisons.
12:19 Okay, okay, thank you very much.
12:22 Another word that you have on your website
12:24 is "regeneration."
12:25 What exactly does regeneration mean?
12:27 Well, regeneration is used
12:29 at least four times in the Bible,
12:31 and it has the very same reason,
12:33 I mean, meaning as salvation.
12:35 Salvation. It is a born again experience.
12:37 Okay, a born again experience.
12:39 Webster's says it's a born again experience,
12:41 born anew.
12:42 Amen, amen.
12:43 Also you have a word on your website,
12:47 "jailhouse religion."
12:48 What exactly is jailhouse religion?
12:51 Well, those who volunteer, go into the prison system,
12:53 working with the chaplains in the prison system,
12:56 actually provide a religious base
12:59 or a spiritual base.
13:00 Okay.
13:02 Those who are incarcerated and take advantage of this,
13:04 they develop a spiritual base
13:07 to actually develop lifestyles, positive lifestyles.
13:11 We call it church. Okay.
13:14 All right, now when the individuals
13:16 leave the prison system
13:18 and they come back into the community,
13:20 and they talk about how they studied Bible,
13:23 and they became Christians in prison
13:24 but they go back to doing what they always have done.
13:28 We say they have jailhouse religion,
13:30 it becomes a negative.
13:32 But in actuality it's a positive.
13:34 Because jailhouse religion is a support system
13:38 that those who are incarcerated,
13:39 who choose to be Christians use to stay free
13:43 while they are in the system.
13:45 So what we have to do is replace the jailhouse religion
13:48 with our fellowship in the church with us,
13:52 therefore they'll have another support system on the outside.
13:55 Okay, amen.
13:56 You know, I remember when I was incarcerated,
13:58 the term is rampant, jailhouse religion,
14:00 and, you know, one thing about being incarcerated,
14:02 all the inmates try to figure out your information.
14:04 Everything you're doing, what crime you're here for,
14:06 what you do, things like that.
14:09 And, you know, there are some that I've noticed
14:11 that when they get incarcerated
14:13 due to being scared a little bit,
14:16 they say, "Well, okay, I'm gonna get involved
14:18 with the church group, with the Christians."
14:20 And it's not for the purpose
14:21 of wanting to change their life sometimes,
14:23 it's just kind of for a protection type thing.
14:25 So when they get out of prison,
14:27 they go right back to the same thing.
14:29 So this is the term of jailhouse religion,
14:31 a lot of time or some may even want to make changes
14:34 but, you know, the pull to doing wrong
14:36 is just so hard, and the one on the outside
14:38 looking in is saying, "That's jailhouse religion."
14:40 Even when they may be serious about it,
14:42 that's very interesting.
14:43 Thank you so much.
14:45 Also on your website, you have a term called
14:46 "A Christian Mentor."
14:48 What exactly is a "Christian Mentor?"
14:50 We know mentor to be one who sets an example.
14:54 Jesus was a mentor to 12, we know.
14:56 And those 12 became mentors to others,
14:59 maybe hundreds, and then even thousands.
15:01 Okay.
15:02 And we use Paul, Peter, John, Matthews, Luke.
15:05 We use them as mentors today, as examples.
15:08 Oh, yes.
15:09 So a mentor, a Christian mentor would be someone
15:11 who would have known this individual
15:15 while he was incarcerated,
15:16 would've known and gotten to know their family,
15:20 because we're working with them now,
15:22 during the pre-release program.
15:24 And then, when they come out of the institution,
15:26 this mentor would be the one
15:28 who meets them at the gate so to speak.
15:30 Amen, amen. That's good.
15:31 And work with them as they matriculate through,
15:34 getting a place to stay, house--
15:36 I mean, housing and jobs
15:39 and getting back with their families,
15:40 even helping them reconcile
15:42 some differences in their families
15:44 if it's at all possible, to be a good friend.
15:47 Okay, so will this Christian mentor
15:48 stay with the one individual or however many individuals
15:51 the Christian mentor may have?
15:53 Will he stay or he or she stay with that individual
15:55 for a process of time?
15:57 Well, the training will include the necessities to match.
16:01 Okay.
16:03 And sometimes you might not match properly.
16:05 Okay. And so you switch off.
16:07 Whatever it takes to find the right match
16:10 to meet the needs
16:11 because we believe in meeting the needs.
16:13 Strength meeting need is strength building on strength.
16:16 Okay.
16:18 So if a person has a need
16:19 and the person they're mentoring
16:20 have the same need, that wouldn't be a good match.
16:22 I understand.
16:23 It would have to build strength to meet the need.
16:25 Okay. So it's always monitored.
16:27 They're always having regular sessions
16:30 where we come together and reassess everything
16:33 so that we can make the proper match
16:36 so that we have a strength meeting the need.
16:38 That's great. Yeah, the ministry is great.
16:40 TheXoffender Network is great.
16:42 You know, people really do need that support system,
16:44 especially when they're getting out.
16:46 So often people get out of jail, prison,
16:48 whatever it may be, and there's nobody there.
16:51 Even while they're incarcerated,
16:52 they have no loved ones to write them,
16:54 no one to put money on their books.
16:55 There was nothing there.
16:57 So there was no support system, so when they get out,
16:59 it's kind of like, "Well, what do I do now?
17:01 I have nobody to love me."
17:02 And it's kind of like you just fall right back
17:04 into the same exact things over and again.
17:06 You know, what I want to do right now,
17:08 we're gonna come back to your ministry,
17:09 but I want to talk a little bit about your testimony.
17:11 You have a very powerful testimony.
17:13 You weren't always involved in prison ministries,
17:15 you weren't always on this side of the fence.
17:17 Tell us a little bit about your early life.
17:20 Well, I'll go back early.
17:22 I had a vision when I was 12 years old
17:24 that I was an eagle flying in the midst of eagles.
17:26 Wow.
17:28 Well, this didn't actually lead to that in my early life
17:30 because before I was 20 years old,
17:32 I was incarcerated 14 times in 8 different states.
17:36 Wow, what were some of those states
17:37 you were incarcerated in?
17:38 Well, I was incarcerated in Alabama, North Carolina,
17:42 Massachusetts, New York,
17:48 out in California, Washington State.
17:51 Wow. Wow.
17:52 What were some of the crimes that you were convicted of
17:55 in some of these different states?
17:57 Most had to do with drugs.
17:59 Drug related charges, okay.
18:00 And the procurement of drugs.
18:02 Okay, okay.
18:03 So did you, yourself sell drugs,
18:05 did you use drugs and what are some of those drugs
18:07 that you were involved?
18:09 I sold drugs and I used drugs. I OD'd on drugs three times.
18:11 It was twice that the doctors--
18:13 actually the prognosis was clinical death.
18:15 Wow. So God actually saved you.
18:18 He saved you because actually you could've been dead
18:21 from overdose, several times you could've been dead,
18:23 but the Lord saved you.
18:24 That's a testimony in itself.
18:26 Well, actually I was in New York, in Rikers Island,
18:29 getting ready to go upstate in New York.
18:30 Infamous Rikers Island.
18:32 Infamous Rikers Island,
18:35 and instead of going upstate to do some serious prison time,
18:38 'cause I never did any serious prison time...
18:40 Okay.
18:42 I was actually mandated to a rehab program,
18:46 Phoenix house, 18 months I spent in rehab.
18:48 Okay.
18:50 And it was in Rikers Island that I picked up a Bible
18:53 for the first time in my life at 20 years old.
18:55 Wow, first time in your life.
18:56 That's been several years ago, now.
18:59 And I've never put it down, never backslid,
19:02 never gave up the faith, never, you know,
19:04 just steadily going forward with the Word of God.
19:08 Now, when you first picked up that Bible, I hear,
19:10 you know, several stories of people that pick up a Bible,
19:13 especially the King James Version Bible at first
19:16 and they start reading it, they just say,
19:17 "You know, I don't understand any of the stuff
19:19 that's going on here in the Bible.
19:20 The Bible is boring, I don't understand.
19:22 I don't understand what's happening."
19:23 Did you have that same issue?
19:25 No, I believe what Jesus says,
19:27 "I didn't choose Him, He chose me."
19:29 That's powerful.
19:30 So when I picked up the Bible,
19:32 it became very plain to me.
19:33 It was very plain.
19:35 For three weeks I studied the Bible,
19:37 actually got into a heated discussion
19:39 with some Muslims, Five Percenters,
19:42 who actually were trying to recruit
19:46 some people in the cell that I was in.
19:48 I was from Alabama and they were all from New York,
19:51 so I didn't speak their language,
19:52 so I actually confronted them.
19:54 And they swore to kill me the next day.
19:58 And that's how I actually got out of Rikers Island
20:01 into a drug program because I was isolated.
20:04 And in my isolation,
20:06 a recruiter from the Phoenix House drug program
20:08 came in and then represented me in court
20:10 and I ended up going into drug rehab
20:13 rather than going to prison.
20:14 But it was through the Bible studies,
20:16 just the three weeks with the Bible.
20:17 Now, as you were younger, what were some of
20:19 the underlying factors that you noticed that
20:22 tended to lead you to start using drugs,
20:24 selling drugs, things like that?
20:26 Well, it was my environment.
20:27 Okay, what was that environment like?
20:30 Well, it was all, I had no father,
20:33 never met my father.
20:34 Okay. And had no big brother.
20:36 Okay. So the mentors...
20:38 Yeah, they came from streets. They were the streets.
20:39 The streets were my mentors. Yeah.
20:41 By the time I was 11, on my 11th birthday,
20:44 I was actually incarcerated
20:45 in juvenile court for running a bicycle ring.
20:49 Where we'd steal bikes from one side of the track
20:51 and sell them on the other side of the track,
20:53 and it was just everything around me
20:57 was a negative environment
20:59 and I just went on and on with this negative environment
21:02 until I picked up that Bible in Rikers Island,
21:04 New York at 20 years old.
21:05 Amen. What actually led you to that point at 20 years old
21:09 to want to finally make that decision
21:11 that, "You know what?
21:12 I'm sick of this, I'm tired of running,
21:14 I'm ready for the change."
21:15 I know for myself, you know, I had to hit rock bottom.
21:17 I tried changing before, but in my mind it was still,
21:20 you know, I still want to try this a little bit,
21:22 I still want to, you know, do this, experience that.
21:24 But when I hit the point of rock bottom, it was,
21:27 you know what, I'm tired of this,
21:28 I'm tired of going in that same circle,
21:30 over and over and again,
21:32 and I can't get out of this thing.
21:33 And I ended up calling on the name of Jesus
21:36 and He saved me.
21:37 What was it, the underline cause
21:39 that made you decide, "You know what,
21:41 I'm ready for change"?
21:43 Well, even when I picked up the Bible,
21:44 I wasn't serious about the Bible,
21:46 it was just something to do.
21:47 Yeah.
21:49 And, but through studying the Bible,
21:50 they labelled me the preacher.
21:52 The preacher.
21:53 And when they labelled me the preacher,
21:54 and I moved from Rikers Island to Phoenix House,
21:56 into a rehab program, where this title went with me.
21:59 So they would call me the preacher.
22:01 So even in this drug rehab program
22:03 which was completely secular program,
22:05 no religion, no anything there, I still kept with that Bible.
22:09 And I knew that if I was gonna change my lifestyle
22:12 it was gonna take more than what they were doing
22:15 in this program, the secular program.
22:17 So it was through being in this program
22:20 and remembering the vision that I had at 12 years old,
22:23 that I was an eagle flying in the midst of eagles,
22:25 I started, I said, why don't I develop my own program?
22:28 Yeah, okay.
22:29 So in order to, for me, to overcome my drug habit
22:32 and other lifestyle that I had, in order for me to do it,
22:35 I used the Bible in that program
22:38 and combined the two and I developed a program for me.
22:42 Well, it's only been for the last few years
22:44 that I actually been sharing this with other people.
22:47 I've kept all this to myself
22:48 as a personal medicine for me to stay straight,
22:52 and I've been drug-free now for 36 years.
22:55 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
22:56 It's a good feeling, isn't it? Oh, it's a good feeling.
22:57 It's a great feeling.
22:59 Matter of fact, I know no other feeling now.
23:01 But then I started sharing this concept with others,
23:05 and I've been sharing it all over the world now,
23:08 in three different countries and all over the US,
23:11 sharing this concept to help others overcome.
23:13 Amen.
23:14 What are some of those Biblical principles
23:16 that helped you overcome?
23:17 Well, first in John 15:5,
23:21 the latter part of it simply says, Jesus says,
23:24 "Without Me ye can do nothing."
23:25 Can't do anything.
23:27 Now, once you accept,
23:28 "without Me, ye can do nothing,"
23:31 without the power of God,
23:32 without faith in the power of God,
23:34 you cannot overcome anything, and you accept that,
23:37 then the second principle is, "I can do all things
23:42 through Christ who strengthens me."
23:43 Philippians 4:13. Amen. Philippians 4:13.
23:45 So between those two there's no excuse.
23:48 Okay.
23:50 Now I know that sounds very simple
23:51 but it is the hardest thing any human being can do.
23:54 Yeah, it is.
23:55 See, because planet earth is actually
23:57 a universal penal colony.
23:58 We were all born in sin, shaped in inequity.
24:00 Yeah, that's right.
24:02 All right, therefore, the first inmate
24:04 on planet earth is Satan and his demons.
24:07 Yeah. Okay. All right.
24:09 They were the first inmates with a death sentence
24:11 without the possibility of parole.
24:13 Adam and Eve was locked out of the Garden of Eden.
24:16 Therefore they became inmates on planet earth
24:19 and all of us were born in sin.
24:22 All right, shaped in inequity.
24:24 So we have to accept, number one,
24:26 we can do nothing without the power of God in our lives.
24:30 Yes.
24:31 But step two, "I can do all things through Christ
24:33 who strengthens me."
24:35 Between those two there is no excuses whatsoever.
24:38 But if by chance we do stumble, we do end up back
24:43 where we do not want to be then step three is,
24:50 1 John 1:9,
24:52 "If I confess my sins,
24:54 he is faithful and just to forgive me."
24:56 So if I recognize that God's word is right
25:00 and I'm wrong, and accept that, then God forgives me
25:04 and cleanses me from all unrighteousness
25:07 or He puts me back in right standing with Him.
25:10 So it's ABC, we accept we can do nothing without Him.
25:14 We believe we can do all things through Him.
25:16 And we confess when we make the mistake
25:19 and step out of line.
25:21 That's amazing.
25:22 And then, with that, now it takes
25:24 several different things we don't have time to discuss
25:27 to actually develop that particular concept.
25:30 But that is the basic of what we actually teach you.
25:34 So that's an ABC process. ABC, 123.
25:37 Amen, amen.
25:38 You know, what was interesting is,
25:39 in the beginning of that you said
25:41 it sounds a little simple.
25:43 But it's actually deep, because one of the hardest things
25:45 for humanity to do is believe that we need God,
25:48 or we need somebody to help us with something.
25:50 The text says we can't do anything apart from God.
25:53 So often, humanity says, "Look, I can do things.
25:56 I can do something for myself."
25:58 But in reality, humanity can't.
26:00 We can't do anything apart from God.
26:02 So though the ABC, 123 process sounds simple,
26:05 it's actually hard.
26:07 It's actually, can be difficult.
26:08 Well, actually what is happening is,
26:10 the secular world has tried everything it has,
26:13 and has failed miserably.
26:15 So the secular world is saying,
26:16 "If we're gonna get a handle on recidivism,
26:19 if we're gonna get a handle on stopping people
26:21 from returning to the prison system
26:24 and get a cure and do some kind of
26:27 a change in the spike of crime in society,
26:31 we're going to have to invite those in."
26:34 You remember the story about the young man
26:36 who was a paraplegic,
26:39 and three of his friends showed up?
26:41 One came from the department of mental health,
26:43 another came from the department of social health,
26:46 and another one came from the department of physical health.
26:49 And they did everything they could to help him.
26:51 But this young preacher showed up, and said,
26:53 "I know a man."
26:55 And when the four of them
26:57 equally balanced this young man,
27:00 took him to the rooftop, and lowered him down
27:04 to the feet of Jesus, Jesus looked up at the rooftop,
27:08 at those who had taken the risk
27:10 of cutting a hole in the roof and lowering him down.
27:14 Jesus said to them,
27:15 "Your faith has made this man whole."
27:18 Amen.
27:19 And He told the man, "Pick up your cot, and walk."
27:22 And that's what we do as the church,
27:25 when we join in with the social workers,
27:28 the mental health workers and the physical health workers.
27:32 When we join in with them, we become the ones
27:36 who take them to the feet of Jesus.
27:38 Okay, that's amazing, that's amazing.
27:39 Elder Tony Hall, wish we had more time to delve
27:41 into your testimony and more about your ministry,
27:44 it's so amazing.
27:45 Since we don't have time, can you provide
27:47 your contact information
27:48 so viewers can get in contact with you?
27:50 Yes.
27:51 I'm Tony Hall, director of TheXoffender Network.
27:55 Web address is
27:58 Phone number, you can reach us at 334-876-7093.
28:05 Thank you so much, Elder Hall, for being on our show.
28:07 Viewers, you have just heard an amazing testimony,
28:10 an amazing ministry.
28:12 You may have loved ones that are incarcerated
28:14 and want to see them succeed when they come out.
28:16 I encourage you, get into contact
28:17 with TheXoffender Network
28:19 and join us on the next "New Journey."


Revised 2015-09-28