Taste of Paradise

Coconut Mexican Ceviche, Home Fries; Remedies: Preparation HP

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno, Rico Hill


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000043

00:01 Have you ever wondered exactly how to prepare healthy food
00:04 that actually tastes good?
00:05 Well stay tuned while Evita Tezeno and yours truly,
00:08 Nyse Collins show you just how to do it and give you
00:11 something better, "A Taste of Paradise."
00:30 Welcome to A Taste of Paradise, my name is Evita Tezeno,
00:33 and coming from Texas, I love Tex-Mex food.
00:37 Tamale's, Nacho's, Enchilada's, I just love them.
00:43 And today we are going to make a Mexican dish that resembles
00:48 ceviche, ceviche is made with raw fish and it's added with
00:54 lemon juice to kind of "cook it".
00:56 But we are going to be using coconut today to resemble the
01:00 texture of the fish, and the recipe is:
01:40 So this is a young Tai coconut and this coconut is an
01:46 un-matured coconut, it's a young coconut, and it comes with a
01:50 green husk and when it's imported to the United States
01:54 they take the green husk off and this is what you get.
01:59 So I am going to teach you guys how to open it.
02:02 So you need a really sharp knife, and you have to cut
02:10 the husk off until you get down to the shell.
02:17 You got to take the butt of the knife and concentrate,
02:21 you don't want to be talking to a friend
02:23 or anything like that. And you want to go around
02:26 and voilĂ , you have coconut. You want to pour the meat out...
02:39 pour the water out. Sorry!
02:42 And take a spatula, or even a spoon. I have this wonderful
02:50 spatula that I use to take the meat out, and just go around
02:56 the shell like so. Stick it between the meat and the shell
03:04 and just go around until the meat comes out.
03:09 So that's how you open up a coconut.
03:12 Then after you have that done, you want to slice it in
03:18 juliennes and I am going to show you how to do julienne
03:22 bell pepper. My friend can't really say julienne so she says
03:29 juliana. But you want to cut them in small strips
03:35 that what julienne means. And you want to knuckle
03:42 your fingers so you won't cut your fingers off,
03:45 and just continue to cut them in nice small strips,
03:50 and I'm using the red bell pepper today.
03:59 are not ripe and are a little bit hard to digest,
04:04 so I use red bell peppers instead of using the green ones.
04:11 So we want to just continue to chop it up,
04:17 and what you can use is a medium red bell pepper
04:24 instead of a large one.
04:25 I think this one is kind of a large one.
04:27 You want to have them in strips, and here's the fun part.
04:34 Take the coconut meat, put it in.
04:40 You have julienne cucumbers. You have jalapeno's.
04:51 We have the red bell peppers.
04:59 We have the cilantro, and I'm going to chop up the cilantro
05:04 a little bit more. You just want it really roughly chopped.
05:15 And then we have our Oregano.
05:21 This is a very quick and easy recipe.
05:24 Our lime juice, our onions, and these are red onions,
05:33 they are not as strong as regular onions.
05:35 This is our Dulse.
05:40 We have garlic.
05:46 And I cook with garlic a lot, I prepare food with garlic...
05:51 You don't cook when you're doing raw food, you prepare.
05:54 So when you prepare food with garlic...I love garlic.
06:01 You want to mix it around a little bit.
06:03 And this is almost like a wonderful salad
06:08 because it has all the crunchy vegetables, but you still have
06:14 the softness of the coconut... and what we are going to do
06:23 is we are going to quickly chop up a few tomatoes
06:27 and cherry tomatoes seem to be a little sweeter to me
06:33 and that's why I'm using the cherry tomatoes today.
06:46 Look at all the colors. You have the green.
06:49 The red. This is very very pretty.
06:53 So now we are going to plate it.
06:57 And I tell people when they are...Oh!
07:00 I forgot. And this is a splash of coconut water.
07:04 Just a splash.
07:05 And I tell people when they are preparing food
07:10 to make sure that the food is pretty.
07:12 Even if you are cooking for yourself.
07:15 I'm going to put a little bit of salt inside too,
07:20 just to make it balance the flavor.
07:30 Now ceviche is normally served with corn chips.
07:34 So I...I think it's the third episode, third season,
07:39 I think that I made corn chips, and these are the corn chips,
07:44 this is the recipe and it should be on the website.
07:47 So I am going to take a little of the ceviche,
08:03 and here we have it.
08:07 Ceviche. This is a great dish, quick and easy if you
08:12 notice that it didn't take a really a lot of time.
08:15 The time was invested in chopping up the vegetables
08:19 but if you have some friends over, you can make this in a
08:22 very little amount of time.
08:24 This has been Evita with A Taste of Paradise,
08:28 and remember to live life fresh.
08:38 Oh ma, love me some home fries.
08:42 Yes! You' all know what I am talking about,
08:44 that good old home fries.
08:45 That stuff is amazing, we grew up on it.
08:48 Matter of fact, we had a couple reasons why we grew up on it.
08:50 1. It tasted really good. 2. We had like a million
08:53 different varieties of it. And...that was number two,
08:57 and number three is, you know, mom, she had to make ends meet
09:00 and so potatoes was like the cheapest thing around town.
09:03 So we perfected the potato. We did potato pudding,
09:08 home fries, we did potato French fries, we boiled them,
09:12 we baked them...One time it got so bad we even
09:15 froze the potatoes, added some sugar,
09:17 I won't tell you the rest.
09:19 So that's what we are going to do today,
09:20 we are going to look at how to make some good old tasty
09:23 home fries, the good way, with- out all the extra ingredients
09:26 and we have something special, we are going to do something
09:29 called a preparation HP.
09:32 Yes! I'm not talking about the computer but preparation HP,
09:35 so keep an eye on that. And we brought back our
09:38 natural remedy expert himself is Rico Hill.
09:42 Rico, what's going on?
09:44 Good to be here. Yes, glad to have you here
09:46 to help us with some of these items that we are going to
09:48 be talking about today.
09:49 The healing properties of potatoes, how to make some
09:52 good old home fries and all of that good stuff.
09:55 Now potatoes, what is the beneficial properties there?
09:59 Well, they are high in potassium and it's just one of those
10:02 vegetables that has so many different uses,
10:06 like you mentioned, growing up.
10:08 Um, you know, what could we do without a mashed potato?
10:11 Come on now. Try baked potatoes. Yes. Yes. So we want to show you
10:14 that also within a potato are some really interesting
10:19 medicinal properties that you will find in a potato so...
10:22 So one you said was the potassium.
10:23 What are some other things there?
10:25 Um, so you have the potassium is also good, they say that it is
10:29 one of the stomach's friends. Sorry, I'm sorry.
10:31 So one of the things that we use quite a bit...
10:33 A lot of times when people get sick and they actually start
10:36 vomiting and some other things, you know what I am talking
10:39 about. When it coming out one way or another.
10:41 Right. They lose electrolytes. Right. Right.
10:43 One of the ways that you can naturally restore the
10:46 electrolytes, is by actually taking the potato water.
10:50 Now that is very simple, you just put some potatoes in water
10:53 put them in a light boil, or just let it sit overnight,
10:55 or both, and basically you will have water that is full of
10:59 electrolytes and will replace those and then
11:01 you will go from feeling listless and having no strength,
11:04 and no energy to feeling better again
11:06 because you replaced your electrolytes.
11:08 But also, as you mentioned, it is good for the stomach.
11:11 When you have an upset stomach, it will settle the stomach.
11:13 Mmm, look at that. So potatoes are phenomenal,
11:15 so I want to encourage you all to enjoy them,
11:19 I mean a sweet potato, a red potato, white potato,
11:22 enjoy them. I guess there is one little thing,
11:24 if somebody has arthritis or something,
11:26 encourage them to hold off on the Irish white potatoes
11:31 because they are part of the solanine family,
11:34 but other than that, man enjoy them, they are good.
11:37 You know, they say a lot of poor countries,
11:40 they eat a lot of potatoes and the disease that many
11:43 of us are dealing with in our country are not experiencing
11:47 those countries, so there may be some beneficial properties...
11:49 There are also a couple of Olympic runners from this island
11:53 called Jamaica and they eat their ground,
11:56 the provision of the ground there, so you have the yam,
11:59 the potatoes, the sweet potatoes, Edo's or dasheen,
12:03 you know all of the different types that you have
12:05 so you are always safe with that, even some cassava,
12:08 Yucca, some people would say.
12:11 All of these are fantastic, so I hope you' all are growing some
12:14 in your back yard. It's like the Little Edo are the
12:16 easiest thing to grow and it's one of the most beneficial items
12:20 for us. But before we get into any more potato stuff,
12:23 let's go ahead...I need some... Oh my, give me some Home Fries,
12:27 it's a simple recipe that we all can enjoy. All you need is:
12:30 Five cooked potatoes, 1 Tablespoon Paprika,
12:33 1/2 teaspoon of Turmeric there, two tablespoons
12:36 of Kick'n beef-like seasoning, one tablespoon of onion powder,
12:40 two teaspoons of garlic powder, 1/4 cup of Olive Oil,
12:45 and one medium onion, with a little salt to taste.
12:49 Simple and easy, we all know it, it's easy to apply.
12:54 So what I am going to do... We just have to get that
12:56 rolling first. So we got the fire here.
12:58 You have your nice little sauce pan...
13:00 And remember what I said, those potatoes have to be
13:02 cooked no? That's right. I mean or, you can do it another way,
13:06 you can just cut them up and put them in the oven
13:07 is a simple way. that's the easiest way.
13:09 But if you are going to do it on the stove top...
13:11 You can do it raw too, but it takes a little time...
13:13 I wanted something quick and easy so I boiled the potatoes
13:16 first and then went ahead and cut them up here as you see
13:20 with the skin, and I'm just going to pour these items...
13:22 Even before I get there, hold on.
13:23 We got to have some onions in this so we got to get the
13:26 onions in the sauce pan. Yes. Yes. Yes.
13:28 We go to get a little bit of that Olive Oil to get that
13:31 going there...Really simple and easy.
13:33 We're going to stir that up a little bit...Ahhh man!
13:37 You know what would have been a nice little additional item...
13:39 We all know it, onion and garlic.
13:42 Ah, yes, where's the garlic? This recipe, we have the garlic
13:46 but it's in the garlic powder.
13:47 But let's say I didn't have garlic powder,
13:49 what could you do? You just go ahead and throw in some...
13:51 The real deal. The real deal. So don't ever have to
13:54 worry about that. So we will get this going,
13:55 but for sake of time, I'm just going to pour these potatoes,
14:00 yes, I have the skin on it, alright.
14:03 Why do you have the skin on there?
14:05 Oh man, that's where the good stuff is.
14:06 Alright. So I got a little extra nutrients, fiber, all of that
14:10 is there. Look at me making a mess in the kitchen for...
14:13 Hey enjoy yourself. Then I'm just going to add
14:15 the rest of the ingredients. We have the Paprika there.
14:19 We have the Turmeric, Nutritional Yeast Flakes. Uh. Uh. Uh.
14:22 Help me out Rico, help me out.
14:24 Alright, look at us. We just shaking it up up in here. Yes.
14:27 Alright. So we have that, this is one of the easiest things,
14:31 most tasty items that you can have on Sunday mornings...
14:35 You'll wake up and mom...Almost right away you can smell it.
14:39 Oh man, it's phenomenal.
14:40 So we got to get that going. Now you have to be just...
14:43 because these have been cooked a little bit, you don't want to
14:46 mix it too hard or too much because it is going to
14:49 break it up, you may end up with mashed potatoes up in here.
14:52 Alright, so there is a difference, but you can mix it
14:55 around...Um, I remember a long time ago, we use to go to the
14:59 store, this special store... The Deli or Diner in our area
15:04 and we used to just always order some home fries
15:07 and my mother said look, you are wasting your money,
15:09 come home and make it yourself. And so we learned from mom,
15:14 and there it is, there it is.
15:16 Alright. So what I am going to do is...
15:18 It has the oil and stuff there already,
15:20 I am going to let that sit a little bit,
15:22 and it is going to brown... I see you have that salt...
15:26 He wanted to put the extra salt into there.
15:28 Usually I wait a little while, but he said, get it going now.
15:31 Alright, so we have that... Do you have any memories of this
15:36 home fries, did your mom ever make home fries for you?
15:38 Look how beautiful that is, look at the color.
15:39 This is phenomenal. I do have memories of the same thing
15:42 growing up you know, potatoes was a staple.
15:46 You can make it so many different ways and always good.
15:49 And so this is one of the things that I want to encourage
15:52 everybody to give a try there... I'm going to put that on low
15:55 heat and get that going.
15:57 Um, let's look at some of the medicinal properties.
15:59 We have Rico in here already and so as a result
16:03 of having Rico here, we want to learn some Natural Remedies
16:06 that we can pull from this, and we use two in particular
16:09 here today. We used the potatoes and onions as well.
16:13 But first, before we get into the potatoes alright,
16:16 we going to save that one for last, it's called Preparation HP
16:18 but we going to hold on that, we are going to show you the
16:21 beneficial properties of onions. Now there are a million things
16:24 that we can do with onions no? Yeah. What sort of beneficial
16:27 properties there. Well, we talked about poultices, right?
16:29 We talked about poultices and a poultice is basically something
16:32 that you can apply directly to the body to either pull out
16:35 toxins, pull out inflammation. You know when you look in the
16:39 Bible, you see that Hezekiah actually had boils on his skin,
16:42 and God told Isaiah, go take some figs and put it on his
16:47 boils and he will live. Come on now.
16:49 So you see this is Biblical. Even the Lord uses some natural
16:52 remedies. I mean the Lord can easy for healing.
16:55 But the Lord went ahead and used a couple of things
16:57 there no? He exercised to see if he would exercise
17:01 his faith, if he would follow instructions.
17:03 You see, because sometimes when the Lord brings healing
17:05 too soon, people don't appreciate, they take that for
17:07 granted. But sometimes we have to work towards it,
17:09 and that's where the success is.
17:11 Human effort plus the vine help. That's right. That's right.
17:15 So, did He tell them to get some onion poultice?
17:18 Well, you know what? What we learned from that is the
17:22 principle of a poultice and there are lots of things that
17:25 you can do with onion. Onion will actually pull out
17:27 inflammation also. It will also pull toxins out of the body.
17:31 So applied to the skin, it will take it and a lot of our
17:34 vegetables and even our fruits, they have absorption properties
17:38 and will pull things out of the skin.
17:41 Ok. Even down to the bone. Wow! It's amazing.
17:43 So, you find that the onion made into a poultice
17:47 with Saran Wrap, wrapped around the skin in the same way
17:50 that we make different types of poultices,
17:51 will pull of inflammation, pull out toxins.
17:54 But today...But, bu, bu. there's something... Go ahead.
17:57 You trying to make an extra poultice here and he's swinging
17:58 that knife around and he's going to have to use that on me
18:01 immediately here.
18:03 So today we're going to do the onion one you were saying.
18:05 This is what we call...We don't have time to do the onion
18:08 poultice but I just kind of mentioned that.
18:10 But what we are going to do is something I call
18:12 "Onion Headphone." You ready for this?
18:14 Onion like! Nst, nst, nst, nst. Yes, with the beat box,
18:16 watch it now. Indistinct chatter. Onion headphones.
18:19 You want to listen to music, listen to the onions beat that
18:22 sound. And this is crucial... Now you mentioned that
18:25 how the onions pull out items. Maybe somebody has inflammation
18:30 or different ailments, but also, when...Why are we putting it
18:33 on the ears?
18:35 Because see a lot of times, especially with your
18:38 small children. A lot of times when they are drinking
18:39 a lot of cow's milk, a lot of cheese.
18:43 They get a little too much mucous going, and then
18:46 infection that is in the nose, ear, and throat
18:50 ends up in the ear and they have horrible earaches.
18:54 Right. So that's ENT. Ears, nose and throat. That's right.
18:56 Exactly.
18:58 So what we want to do is, we want to use the onion
19:00 to actually draw out the infection out of the ears.
19:04 Come on now, come on now. Simple right.
19:05 You take them out of the cupboard, you just take them
19:07 and place them on the ears, but before you do that,
19:10 like I said before. In the onion Nyse, is an antioxidant
19:15 called ellison. Allison, like the lady that just walked by?
19:19 No, not quite, not quite. It's spelled a little differently.
19:21 Ah. But basically it's an antioxidant, but it is released
19:26 when the onion is warmed. Ok. When it is warmed,
19:29 it is actually released and then it will do its job, right?
19:34 You all heard that. You heard that?
19:36 So what you want to do is, you want to take this
19:37 and you want to place it in the oven first
19:40 for about 15 minutes on a very low heat, something like 150.
19:45 You are not trying to cook it, you are just trying to
19:47 warm it up right? to release the medicinal properties.
19:49 Then after you have done that, you just place it on the ears...
19:53 I know this looks a little silly...Wait a second. Right?
19:55 He's over here bee-bopping, you hear the music?
19:59 Yes, yes, yes, this is my favorite song.
20:01 Amazing Grace. So what you want to do is you want to be
20:06 on the air. You want to wrap it? Alright, let's do it.
20:09 It's know it looks kind of silly but, you know,
20:12 we want to show the people how to do it.
20:13 Yeah, because we don't have the wires that's connected to it.
20:16 So here, here you go, you want me to place it here.
20:18 And right here. Yes sir. You want to hold that onion there.
20:21 Uh huh. Watch it, I don't want to mess up the curls,
20:23 I don't want to mess up the curls with the headphones.
20:25 Alright, so we put this on the ear...uh-huh and I'm going to...
20:29 You just want to wrap around? Alright, hold that, hold that.
20:32 This is serious business. Alright, hold that one there.
20:35 Now, you see, I can put it a little tighter,
20:37 I just don't want to choke him. So hold that there for a second,
20:41 Uh-oh, is your headphone not holding properly?
20:44 Let me get some more Saran Wrap. You can get some more
20:46 and basically I am just going to go ahead throughout
20:47 the rest of the show, I'm going to be listening to...
20:49 Here you go. Uh-oh. Um-hum. One more, one more.
20:54 Alright, so we got that going.
20:57 We are going to call him "Onion Head."
20:59 Alright, and then one more for the bottom to the top.
21:02 Alright, go ahead, go ahead. Alright, so here we go,
21:06 just don't choke him in the process here.
21:07 There you go. I need to let you know that I will not be able
21:12 to hear anything else the rest of the show, however...
21:15 Ha, ha, ha. This is something. Can you hear me now?
21:19 I can hear you. Yes sir! Now he's hearing things over here.
21:23 Look at that! This literally... When you call somebody
21:28 "Onion Head," I want you to think of this show
21:30 and think of Rico here as an "Onion Head..."
21:32 Anything on Taste of Paradise just to make the people laugh.
21:34 I thought you couldn't hear me, but here it is.
21:38 This is crucial for us to do here because it helps
21:41 with those problems with the inflammation...
21:42 anything your ear, nose, and throat, so this will be helpful.
21:45 A person who also has allergic, asthma attack, I'm sorry,
21:50 asthma attack. You can cut that onion and have them breathe
21:53 it in and those items there will help to open up the
21:56 respiratory system.
21:57 I was actually in one home with a family and the little child.
22:01 What was that? Oh, I'm sorry. The little child had an little
22:05 asthma attack. And what we did was we went ahead and we cut it
22:08 and we had them go ahead and breathe it in, breathe it in.
22:12 So this is one of the key... So it's expectorant's.
22:14 Yes, this is an expectorant.
22:15 So what we are going to do is we're going to go and I am going
22:18 to show you this Preparation HP, Preparation HP,
22:22 and how to prepare this (Potato Suppository.)
22:26 Yes, that's what I said, I said (Potato Suppository.)
22:30 Now, you notice it says Preparation HP, why?
22:34 Many times when we think of preparation,
22:36 we think of Preparation H. You' all know what that problem
22:39 is for when we use a little too much spices in the food.
22:42 You know, you get that little extra prescription there
22:46 from the doctor to go ahead and take care of the lower
22:48 areas, you know what I am talking about.
22:50 But this one is called Preparation HP, why?
22:53 Because we believe that the preparation of the healing
22:58 properties of potato. Did you hear me?
23:01 Something about healing properties. Healing properties.
23:03 He's healing right now. You see what happened is that
23:06 that Saran Wrap is on there right, and so it may block off
23:08 some hearing and stuff. And this is actually
23:10 very important for the children you know because
23:12 the kids sometimes it may slip off if they don't have a nice
23:14 curls going on and stuff up there. You may slip off and
23:17 then go over their nose and you know what that's going to
23:19 cause. That's why every plastic bag out there has a WARNING,
23:24 because they may suffocate on items of that nature.
23:26 So what are some things that we can use instead of Saran Wrap?
23:30 Well you could use gauze, Ace Bandages, some type of a
23:35 headband just to hold it in place, especially while they are
23:38 sleeping, so that it can work through the night,
23:39 and they can wake up refreshed with no ear aches. Yep!
23:42 And I don't see any problem with the kids...just giving them
23:46 and letting them run around all day, you know "Potato Head,"
23:49 "Onion Head," you know what I mean, and all of that
23:51 good stuff. So like Rico looks like right now, you know.
23:54 I am willing to do it so you feel better.
23:56 Look at that, this brother is sacrificing for the greater good.
23:59 Alright. So that right there, simple and easy.
24:02 And what we are going to do... My home fries are almost done
24:06 and I made a lot, it was for both of us,
24:09 but he can't hear me, I'm just going to eat it all myself.
24:11 Alright. Yes. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
24:15 And so here it is, it is pretty much done, look at this,
24:17 this thing is delicious. Let me go ahead and put that out here.
24:22 This is home fries, Oh ma, make me some home fries.
24:26 But now she doesn't have to make it for me any more,
24:28 because I can make it myself.
24:30 Krispy, ah, this is delicious. Matter of fact, it is so much
24:33 it's overflowing.
24:35 Alight. So this right here, I'm going to put that
24:37 to the side. We have our home fries that mom makes for us.
24:40 You can enjoy...Doesn't that look good?
24:43 Doesn't that look good? Yes, I'm going to go there
24:45 with you. Yes. Alright, alright. So he agrees.
24:48 And what we are going to do... There is that Preparation HP,
24:52 yes, Potato Suppository, because a lot of people have hemorrhoids
24:56 or different items. When you are eating too much spicy foods,
24:59 you know stuff starts to inflamate, inflammation.
25:02 Inflame. You didn't hear that anyway. Is starts to inflame.
25:05 You heard it. Oh my goodness. Sometimes I can hear it just
25:07 a little bit. Alright. He heard. He heard that.
25:09 It starts to inflame and so as a result, people sometimes
25:13 have problems, they can't even walk you know.
25:15 And so this is actually a big problem that you don't hear
25:18 about, but a lot of people hear about
25:20 and it's the Preparation HP.
25:22 What we are going to do is show you how to use potatoes
25:24 in a simple manner... Now let your doctor know
25:27 what you are doing, he or she is not going to be too thrilled
25:30 about it, but hey, it works, which it does, it works.
25:33 And we are going to let Rico show us how to do it.
25:35 Rico, can you hear me?
25:37 You want me to do this now?
25:38 Yes. Yes. Now. Now. Alright. So what are we going to do,
25:41 tell us? So basically you are going to take a regular potato,
25:44 just a regular potato, and you are going to just use the
25:47 regular potato...You are going to cut it up to the size
25:49 of a French Fry, ok. Uh huh.
25:51 So we are just going to cut that up really quickly here
25:54 and take another slice here, and I am going to reduce it
25:58 down to the size of your common French Fry.
26:02 Right. There you go, it looks like a French Fry. You don't
26:06 want it to be too large, but you don't want it to be
26:08 too small. Do you all see this, look at this? That's about the
26:12 size you want. This is going to be your Potato Suppository,
26:16 Suppository, can I get that right?
26:18 I think I got it right. Oh well see what happens he can't hear
26:20 and so he may not be...When you can't hear yourself,
26:22 you can't talk right. Be thankful.
26:25 So here you go, you got the size of a French Fry and
26:29 it's going to be your suppository, your Preparation HP
26:32 and I don't usually use any volunteers for this so
26:35 very quickly...This is self applied so do this at home...
26:40 This is A Taste of Paradise, we are trying to cook here,
26:43 we are not trying to apply...
26:45 You know, suppository, right? You know when things are not
26:47 coming out the way it should be, you stick one of those up
26:50 there, and things start to come out...looseners is what
26:53 they call it, alright.
26:54 This will relieve the issue of hemorrhoids.
26:57 Alright, hemorrhoids. so what do we do real quick?
27:01 You basically...let's just say this is the, you know,
27:04 the situation. Alright, that's the situation. You just insert
27:08 slowly, leave overnight. There's a hand.
27:11 We have to see that, we have to see that one more time.
27:14 One more time for us. You want to just kind of...
27:16 You don't just want to force it there, you just kind of
27:17 lie it upon the area and then you basically just
27:24 insert slowly, sleep with it overnight, and then basically
27:27 it will come out in the morning and you flush your troubles
27:30 away. Ah, you all get the point? I don't know what he's frying
27:34 over there, but something is going to fry overnight.
27:36 I know I'm trying to eat some home fries and ah.
27:39 I didn't hear that, what was that?
27:41 Yeah, don't worry about that.
27:42 But the "Onion Head" is trying to give you something else.
27:46 But hey, watch this now. Give it a try.
27:48 It's something simple and it's something easy that everybody
27:53 can apply.
27:54 But I'm going to eat me some home fries.
27:56 Oh me, oh my. Enjoy!


Revised 2017-04-20