Taste of Paradise

Cranberry Pecan Torte / Cornbread & Collard Greens

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000049

00:01 Have you ever wondered
00:02 exactly how to prepare healthy food
00:04 that actually taste good.
00:05 Well, stay tuned while Evita Tezeno
00:07 and your truly Nyse Collins
00:09 show you just how to do it
00:10 and give you something better,
00:12 A Taste of Paradise.
00:30 Welcome to A Taste of Paradise.
00:32 My name is Evita Tezeno,
00:34 and you know everybody has a sweet tooth
00:37 and I am the biggest fans of sweet.
00:41 I know this friend of mine and he calls it sweet meat.
00:44 Every time he wants dessert, he says,
00:47 "Can you make me some sweet meat."
00:49 So, yes, I love dessert, and today,
00:52 I'm gonna be sharing a wonderful recipe with you.
00:55 It's a Pecan Cranberry Tart and it's creamy,
01:00 it resembles a cheesecake.
01:02 But it's a little more creamier and it's all plant based.
01:06 And let's see the recipe.
01:09 For the crust you would need:
01:25 So we're gonna use the Cuisinart today,
01:29 the processor,
01:31 and we'll start with almonds
01:33 that have been soaked and dehydrated.
01:37 And we want to grind them into a fine powder first.
02:03 Once they've have been grounded into fine powder,
02:05 you want to add your carob powder.
02:08 And we use carob
02:10 because chocolate has caffeine in it
02:16 and I...
02:18 And chocolate also is not sweet.
02:20 It's, it is bitter to the taste
02:24 and they put a lot of milk and sugar in it
02:26 to make it sweet
02:28 but carob powder is naturally sweet.
02:30 So that's why I use carob.
02:32 And then we want to add the maple syrup.
02:36 And we put a little salt in it just to balance the taste.
02:42 And then we want to process it.
02:52 And then we're gonna add our coconut oil.
03:25 And if you notice it's like a cookie dough consistency.
03:30 So we're gonna take this mixture
03:32 and I have already started one in our tart pan.
03:37 And we're gonna take the mixture
03:40 and we're just gonna pad it around
03:44 and fill up...
03:50 the tart pan.
03:53 You know desserts
03:57 that are plant based are very, very easy.
04:00 And a lot of people asked me, they said,
04:04 "I have a sweet tooth.
04:06 And I just don't want to give up my desserts."
04:09 But you don't have to.
04:11 You can have wonderful desserts
04:14 that are sugar free and they are very good for you,
04:20 like this one for instance
04:23 because of the cranberries is high in vitamin C.
04:31 So I have placed all the mixture around
04:35 the tart pan
04:37 and now we are ready for the filling.
04:41 And the recipe for the filling is:
05:10 Okay, so we're gonna start with the filling
05:14 and these are cashews
05:15 that have been soaked overnight.
05:19 And one reason why I love to soak my cashews
05:22 because it makes desserts and dishes more creamy
05:27 and we're gonna do the water,
05:33 the salt.
05:35 And I always like to put a little salt in sweet things
05:37 because it balance the flavor.
05:39 This is the lemon juice.
05:42 The lemon juice makes it have that
05:44 kind of cream cheese kind of taste.
05:49 We have agave.
05:50 If you don't want to use agave,
05:51 you can use honey or maple syrup.
05:58 And then our coconut oil,
06:04 and this coconut oil makes the dessert solidify
06:10 when it's cold.
06:18 And then we want to blend this up.
06:44 Now once it all have blended up
06:48 and this top just didn't want to come off.
06:51 We want to pour this into a bowl.
07:00 And then put the cranberries in
07:08 and then the pecans.
07:13 You guys are really gonna love this dessert.
07:15 It is sweet and tart at the same time
07:18 that what's gives it that extraordinary kind of flavor
07:25 because the tartness is from the cranberries
07:28 and then the sweet from the custard,
07:30 it's amazing.
07:33 And then you want to just gently pour.
07:37 Now this recipe recalls for a larger tart pan,
07:42 I'm using a smaller tart pan today.
07:48 And then you want to stick this into fridge.
07:51 And if you really are in a hurry
07:55 and you want to eat it now,
07:56 you can stick it in the freezer.
07:59 And it needs about maybe a good...
08:01 In the freezer you need about maybe six hours,
08:05 but in the refrigerator it needs to be overnight
08:09 and it will solidify and I made one beforehand,
08:13 so let's see.
08:20 Check this out.
08:23 This is so festive looking
08:26 and I'm telling you it's delicious.
08:28 I made one a couple of nights ago
08:31 and we devoured it.
08:34 This is been Evita with another fabulous recipe,
08:38 and remember to live life fresh.
08:48 Never Settle for Less!
08:50 Only Eat Grandma's Best.
08:51 Y'all remember when grandma used to tell you,
08:53 "Son, never settle for less!"
08:56 When you do something do the best that you can.
08:58 And so, I will start this program today
09:01 with the best apology I can.
09:03 Many years ago and seasons way before,
09:06 we made something called cornbread.
09:08 I actually call it corn rocks
09:10 because it came out so hard
09:12 like you have to eat it immediately
09:13 or else it would like hit you back,
09:15 and so I said, no, we have to do better.
09:18 We got to step it up
09:19 because I remember that still small voice,
09:21 I know it was the Holy Spirit of course,
09:23 but Grandma's saying, "Son, never settle for less,
09:26 only do the best."
09:27 And so we said, you know,
09:28 we have to search and find out
09:30 what is the best cornbread recipe
09:33 that we can use,
09:34 that we can eat, because we all love it.
09:36 Matter of fact sometime ago,
09:38 I was at a program
09:39 and they were serving this cornbread,
09:41 it was so tasty,
09:42 one of our special chefs, her name is Juanita Gonzalez,
09:45 you know, this little, little Spanish lady there
09:48 and she made it and I said, "I need this recipe."
09:51 But I'll tell you a little secret.
09:53 She gave me the other one too.
09:54 So I think she tried to sidetrack me
09:55 but anyway it was so good, it was so good.
09:58 Don't worry, she's not a grandma.
10:00 But I said,
10:01 let us try this one more time
10:02 and give people something better.
10:04 Matter of fact that recipe was so good,
10:06 we had it once a week for the next 13 weeks.
10:08 Pray for me,
10:10 I need to be tempered, I know.
10:11 But now, we're gonna share with you that.
10:13 We're gonna make some cornbread,
10:15 some good old cornbread,
10:16 and we're gonna make some collard greens,
10:18 you've got to have the greens.
10:19 And we're gonna look at some of the beneficial properties.
10:21 Matter of fact when you think of greens,
10:23 anybody think,
10:24 they only think of spinach or kale
10:26 or something of that nature,
10:27 but today we're gonna look at some good old collard greens.
10:30 So we're gonna make some good cornbread,
10:32 healthy cornbread
10:33 without the aluminum baking powder
10:36 and all of this other stuff, the good one from scratch.
10:39 And we're gonna go through this recipe
10:40 because we've got to get that in the oven
10:41 so we can get roll in.
10:43 All you need for Grandma's Best Never Settle
10:44 For Less Cornbread is:
11:10 And literally that's how easy it is.
11:14 There's no reason, no excuses we can make.
11:16 I need to put baking powder or whatever like that.
11:19 No, because that aluminum in there
11:21 as we learned over and over again
11:23 is gonna cause other problems,
11:25 that's why they have that aluminum free
11:26 but then aluminum free still has
11:28 what is known as sodium bicarbonate
11:30 which interrupts some of the digestive processes there.
11:33 So we're gonna go with the Featherweight here,
11:34 very simple, easy and tasty,
11:36 so let's get this thing moving.
11:37 What we're gonna do,
11:39 we're gonna just take our mixing bowl.
11:40 We're gonna get the other ingredients going.
11:42 You have to have,
11:43 you have to start with some cornmeal.
11:46 This is a crucial, crucial ingredient,
11:50 foundational ingredient.
11:52 So we're gonna take that cornmeal,
11:53 we're gonna poor that in, nice, simple.
11:56 Preferably if you can get organic one,
11:57 you're in good shape but work with what you have,
11:59 is that all right.
12:01 We're gonna put that flour in there as well.
12:03 We're gonna get those items slowly
12:04 but surely mixing up.
12:06 Then we're gonna take this one here,
12:10 we're gonna have some of that evaporated cane juice crystals,
12:12 this is the secret ingredient.
12:14 You didn't get the first time,
12:15 now you're gonna get it all right,
12:17 so we have the evaporated cane juice crystals there.
12:21 We're gonna add some now.
12:22 We're gonna take the salt,
12:25 make sure you put that in the above,
12:26 make sure please mix it properly
12:29 because I remember one time I was having cornbread
12:32 and I don't know what happened.
12:33 I just got a salty bite.
12:35 Yes, a salty bite
12:37 if sometimes we don't mix it properly.
12:38 So you're gonna mix
12:40 all of the dry ingredients here together,
12:42 and then we're gonna hold on a featherweight,
12:44 though we're gonna leave that one for last
12:45 because that gets, that gets rolling.
12:47 It may act like a featherweight
12:49 but it hits like a heavyweight.
12:50 Then we're gonna take some of that soy milk
12:53 or any kind of milk you have,
12:55 nut milk, rice milk or almond milk,
12:58 enjoy we're gonna mix those up
12:59 and we're gonna add that oil in there also.
13:02 This is, this is crucial this gonna give it
13:04 that nice fluffiness that we all want
13:07 and it's gonna taste amazing.
13:09 So we have the salt
13:11 and evaporated cane juice crystals.
13:13 Now this is that all crucial.
13:16 Look at this, this thing don't even want to get out.
13:17 As it is just use a spoon,
13:19 so I'm gonna go ahead and get this out of here even,
13:22 even a mixer wants to hold on to this recipe,
13:24 I don't, I don't...
13:26 Yeah, I better get it
13:27 or somebody else will, all right.
13:29 And so we're gonna add this
13:30 but we're gonna make one more
13:31 because you see it's nice and thick,
13:33 I just want to mix that up properly,
13:34 then we're gonna add that coconut milk this,
13:38 this right here, this changes it all.
13:41 We call the coconut milk, the game changer.
13:43 All right.
13:45 So we're gonna have that going.
13:46 Matter of fact
13:47 if you just take coconut milk and cornmeal,
13:50 and you put it in a pot or sauce pan
13:53 and you mix it up and you leave it there,
13:56 you mix it up and you boil it for a little while,
13:59 you can even make butter.
14:02 Yes, you can make butter from scratch here,
14:05 just by using the what?
14:06 The cornmeal and the,
14:09 and the coconut milk with a little bit of sauce,
14:11 so you can make your own butter from scratch
14:12 because you ever try to go to the store
14:14 and buy those healthy butters,
14:16 their price was healthy too.
14:18 So now you can do it yourself, all right.
14:20 So we're gonna mix those items there.
14:22 Look at that, it's looking good.
14:24 All right.
14:26 I'm shaking up the whole place here.
14:28 Oh, man, that's how that cornmeal...
14:29 Matter of fact, grandma,
14:31 her cornmeal was so good
14:33 that we were eating it before it was even done.
14:35 You know what I'm talking about, right,
14:36 where you go and you get it.
14:39 Then here it is the heavyweight that,
14:41 it's called the featherweight.
14:42 We're gonna add the featherweight to that.
14:45 And we're gonna get that going nice, look at it,
14:48 it's all up in the air
14:50 so we're gonna mix this in properly.
14:51 This is gonna give us that,
14:53 that body that we want there for the cornmeal
14:57 so, get it going nicely, whip it up there.
15:00 And all you're gonna do now is take this,
15:03 put it in a little bacon dish.
15:05 I have a nice little circular bacon dish.
15:07 We're gonna take this now, we're gonna spread up.
15:10 If you don't want to use a spray,
15:11 then just go ahead and put some little olive oil.
15:13 This is what I have,
15:14 I'm gonna work with it and put some olive oil,
15:18 or you could put some of that
15:19 maybe your homemade butter or something
15:21 or even coconut milk probably
15:23 because it has a nice good amount of oil or fats there.
15:28 Then we're gonna take this, all right.
15:30 Let me switch this up a little bit.
15:32 Now, here's the time for my spatula,
15:34 I'm just gonna pour this in nicely.
15:37 All right.
15:40 Look at this, even a bowl doesn't want to let go.
15:42 Everybody wants some of grandma's cornbread.
15:45 Oh, nice thick.
15:47 Oh, man, this is gonna be ready in no time,
15:50 and we pour that in there.
15:52 Oh, man, Thanksgiving, Christmas,
15:54 we're gonna celebrate early whatever time Easter,
15:57 I don't know, I'm not really big into the holidays
16:00 but I'll be making up holidays
16:01 so I can make some of this or invite my friends,
16:04 so they can make it for me.
16:06 I'm tired of cooking.
16:07 And we're gonna go ahead.
16:08 Now, we're gonna take this,
16:10 we're gonna put this in oven 300-350
16:12 but keep an eye on it, because it's done in no time.
16:15 So we're gonna take that and I have a nice little cool
16:18 finished product for you all and here it is.
16:22 This is how it should come out looking.
16:25 This is what I'm talking about here.
16:27 This is the cornbread that people,
16:29 I'm not gonna say, die for it,
16:30 but they would if they could.
16:32 This is very tasty delicious.
16:34 Matter of fact,
16:35 we shared it already with so many people
16:37 and they're asking for a recipe.
16:39 Just call A Taste of Paradise, they will take care of you.
16:41 We need to put it in our book or something like that
16:44 because this is a moneymaker here.
16:46 All right, so, that is your cornbread,
16:48 very simple and easy.
16:50 Can you do that or what?
16:51 A couple of ingredients and it's over.
16:53 As simple as that,
16:55 but you can just have cornbread but with cornbread alone.
16:58 I know it's good,
16:59 but we're gonna add a little extra.
17:01 We're gonna have some greens.
17:02 And what kind of greens are we talking about?
17:04 We're talking about that good old collard greens.
17:07 This here is a Southern favorite.
17:09 Everybody loves it.
17:11 Everybody wants it.
17:12 It's like, it's like
17:13 the cornbread is the left,
17:15 but then you got to get the right,
17:17 hook right there with the collard greens,
17:18 so now we're gonna make Never Settle for Less!
17:21 Grandma's Best.
17:23 Grandma's Best Never Settle for Less,
17:24 Collard greens.
17:26 All you need is about:
18:06 Woo!
18:07 Now, that was a mouthful there,
18:09 but don't worry, it's gonna be worth it all.
18:11 I know y'all are trying to write this thing down
18:13 or keep up but just follow along.
18:15 If you get it, for me this is how I learn.
18:17 I just need to watch people do it properly one time,
18:21 and by God's grace I'll learn how to do it.
18:24 You ever noticed
18:25 especially in a life of Jesus with the disciples,
18:27 they were like, "what should we do."
18:28 He's like what?
18:30 "Come follow me."
18:31 So you don't need no numbers and stuff like that,
18:32 just follow me
18:34 and I'm gonna show you how to do it.
18:35 So just try to follow, I watch others do it,
18:37 and I'm gonna try to do it myself, all right.
18:38 So we have the collard greens.
18:40 We're gonna take about two to three cups of water.
18:41 Let me get this stove running first.
18:45 All right, so I got that,
18:46 I already have the water in there.
18:48 Then I'm gonna take my about...
18:51 Let's see how much we have here.
18:53 We have about two pounds.
18:54 This is literally two pounds of collard greens
18:56 ready for you to go, and we're gonna take this,
18:58 we're gonna put this into the pot a little bit there.
19:01 And this has been washed, it says, triple wash
19:04 but sometimes I guess you can never be too sure.
19:07 So if you're unsure
19:08 then what I want to encourage you to do is
19:10 just wash it again, all right.
19:12 And I'm gonna put as much as I can in there
19:17 without making a mess.
19:18 As you know with collard greens it takes a little,
19:21 a little while there, it's gonna work its way down.
19:23 All right so for rest I'm gonna hold over here.
19:27 And here's a simple little tip
19:29 because we have to add the rest of the ingredients
19:31 so I have my coconut milk,
19:33 I have my tomatoes and all that stuff.
19:35 You see my pot,
19:36 I'm squeezed here for space on my pot,
19:38 so I'm just gonna take these items,
19:40 especially the small dry ingredients
19:43 like the onion powder, garlic powder.
19:44 I'm just gonna mix this all up in advance
19:46 before I pour it over the top there
19:49 and then we should be, we should be good.
19:51 We're gonna have the salt, all right.
19:54 And remember I said about two to three cups of water.
19:56 So I'm gonna mix all of these items in advance.
20:00 We have all of this stuff here.
20:03 All right.
20:05 We have some...
20:07 So we want the Braggs
20:08 but we'll work with what we have,
20:10 all right.
20:11 So we got that going there.
20:12 We have some nice turmeric.
20:14 Oh, turmeric is amazing.
20:15 Matter of fact turmeric is so good
20:17 especially for the ladies
20:19 that has what is known as Cox-2 or 3 inhibitor
20:21 which kind of stifles or hinders,
20:24 you know tumors and those items from growing.
20:27 You know, a lot of people dealing with fibroids
20:29 or cyst or you know
20:32 it's just all over the place and watch this,
20:33 a lot of people ask,
20:35 "What do we do about fibroids, cysts,
20:36 or tumors or whatever."
20:38 Now, did you know that fibroids
20:39 or these growths are not like some random thing
20:42 that just comes from the air and goes into ear.
20:44 You know from the air in your ear
20:46 and make its way down to the uterus
20:48 or to the stomach or something.
20:49 These are normal cells in a body
20:51 that have just overgrown.
20:53 Maybe it could be,
20:54 you know, people going through stress,
20:56 the estrogen increases a little bit.
20:58 It's just sometimes unfortunately common in ladies
21:01 as they move into their, in their,
21:03 you know, latter moments in life,
21:05 we call those tropical moments,
21:06 you know, it's not hot or cold,
21:09 it just switches up,
21:11 and one second it's a warm breeze
21:12 and they're like this,
21:14 the next second is a cold breeze
21:15 and they kind to try to warm up.
21:17 So when they move into this point there,
21:20 they show that turmeric is actually acts like
21:22 because it stifles those fibroids
21:24 or those cysts or those items from growing,
21:27 but you remember to keep with all diseases.
21:29 I'm gonna have to say it again is please try your best
21:33 if you can hold off on distress,
21:35 never settle for less,
21:37 only ask the Lord for the best, all right.
21:40 So what can you use?
21:41 Turmeric, however do not use this thing...
21:44 Some people find out turmeric is good.
21:46 So what do they do?
21:47 They go on a turmeric binge.
21:50 Turmeric in a salad, turmeric in their green.
21:53 They're drinking turmeric, taking turmeric pills.
21:55 Too much, too much I better cry.
21:57 Use it for its intended purpose
21:59 and other than that hold off on it.
22:01 And if you can check out some of our other recipes,
22:03 we've done Curry in a Hurry,
22:04 we use a little turmeric there as well.
22:07 So enough of the whole turmeric story, all right.
22:10 Here we go, we're gonna go ahead,
22:11 we're gonna mix those items up.
22:13 If you notice here,
22:14 my greens are making its way down.
22:17 So there shall be enough room to receive it, all right.
22:20 Then I'm gonna take this along.
22:23 I'm gonna put in,
22:26 but I should have put that one in first,
22:28 but this is just a all natural earth balance,
22:30 earth balance like, don't worry,
22:32 it's gonna make its way down.
22:33 I'm gonna take my onions and stuff here.
22:36 I'm gonna pour that over as well.
22:39 We're gonna mix those items up here shortly.
22:41 And then you remember,
22:43 you remember the nutritional yeast flakes,
22:47 we're gonna pour that there,
22:48 and we're gonna get our tomatoes going.
22:51 This is serious business, y'all.
22:54 I hope you are ready.
22:56 It may look a little funny,
22:58 but it's gonna and then you,
22:59 oh, man, oh man. Somebody help me here.
23:04 This is what grandma was doing
23:05 while we were outside playing around.
23:07 She was making some good food.
23:10 Then we're just gonna go ahead
23:11 and get that going there nicely, all right.
23:15 And what you want to do is
23:17 you want to cover this up a little bit.
23:19 It's gonna take a little while there,
23:20 but it actually moves quite, quite rapidly.
23:24 And in the process,
23:25 I'm just gonna clean up a little bit.
23:26 Let's talk about those, those greens.
23:28 Now when we think of greens, what do we normally think of?
23:31 We think of kale.
23:33 We probably think of broccoli.
23:35 We think of...
23:36 What are some other ones?
23:38 Spinach, all of these are excellent,
23:40 excellent, excellent.
23:41 But did you know that out of all of them,
23:45 collard greens is one of the most effective.
23:50 Most effective greens to use...
23:53 Who can guess, are you ready?
23:55 On three, one, two, three,
23:58 one of the most effective greens
23:59 at lowering your cholesterol.
24:02 Yes.
24:03 Lowering your cholesterol,
24:05 collard greens is one of the most effective.
24:06 Now, let's explain why?
24:08 Now, let me you something with all I explain and why.
24:10 When you heat that then you eat it, what it does,
24:13 it naturally by God's grace,
24:15 it binds to what is known as bile acids,
24:18 okay, what do we say bile acids.
24:21 So it binds to the bile acid.
24:23 As a result of binding to it,
24:25 it helps with the excretion of the what, Bile who?
24:29 Acid.
24:31 Now let's go back,
24:32 I don't know if you all have been paying attention.
24:33 Season one, season two, season three,
24:35 that when we went over bile, bile is not a bad thing,
24:39 bile is actually good, all right.
24:41 Bile is necessary, is stored in a gallbladder
24:43 and is excreted to breakdown what?
24:46 Who remembers to breakdown to what?
24:48 The fats, it helps to break down fats.
24:50 So as a result however you have acids
24:53 that are produced
24:54 now because collard greens binds to the bile acids,
24:58 it pulls it out of the system but let's now,
25:01 here's a trivia question of the day.
25:03 If you can get this, we have a gift for you.
25:05 I don't know what the gift is called,
25:07 A Taste of Paradise,
25:08 maybe they'll work something out
25:10 but was it a gift.
25:11 Bile is manufactured where?
25:14 In the what?
25:15 In the liver and cholesterol is necessary
25:18 for the production of bile,
25:20 so by default when you get rid of bile acids,
25:24 then you have a lower level of what in the blood?
25:27 Cholesterol.
25:30 You got quiet on me.
25:31 Yes, it's that simple.
25:33 I know y'all came to learn about the,
25:34 you know, grandmas,
25:36 you know, Never Settle for Less.
25:37 But did you know collard greens is helpful
25:40 in lowering your what?
25:42 Your cholesterol.
25:44 I'm so excited now,
25:45 because now I can enjoy it
25:47 and it's actually doing good for me.
25:49 So my greens is cooking, take a quick look at that.
25:51 That is almost,
25:53 it's on its way but I wanted to,
25:56 I wanted to share
25:57 because I know y'all are hungry,
25:59 I'm hungry.
26:00 Oh, man, that looks amazingly delicious, okay.
26:03 I wanted to share what it would look like
26:05 when it's all set and done.
26:07 This is that right there, that is your greens tasty,
26:11 delicious.
26:14 Let me get something to eat.
26:15 Man, this is amazing.
26:16 Look at that, nice, juicy, tasty.
26:19 Matter of fact, go ahead and have seconds.
26:22 I won't tell anybody
26:23 because I'm about to have seconds myself,
26:25 you know, I had to keep a little taste to close by
26:28 so we have our greens there.
26:30 Let's look at this grandma's best
26:32 Never Settle for Less Cornbread.
26:35 Here is my finished product there with the cornbread.
26:37 Whoo!
26:39 Matter of fact, who's asking for turkey now.
26:42 If you just have a good tandem,
26:44 a dynamic duo of good tasty melting in your mouth.
26:49 For matter I got to show you have this thing, look how.
26:52 Somebody check this out with me.
26:54 Look how spongy that is, look how tasty.
26:57 Man, this thing, this is not cornbread,
26:59 this is a corn cake,
27:00 I have the show this for you all
27:02 'cause the last time like I said, I apologize,
27:04 I made some corn rocks
27:06 and those things were heavy headers literally.
27:08 It hit heavy in the mouth
27:10 and you know when you have to use the restroom
27:11 but that's actually a good thing,
27:13 all right.
27:14 So you can have now cornbread and it's so tasty.
27:18 It can even dub or substitute as a cake but delicious,
27:22 healthy and tasty.
27:24 Now, when you take those two, you ready.
27:26 When you take those two, you join them up,
27:29 you get that nice sweet cornbread flavor.
27:31 Then you come back
27:32 as you know my favorite is what?
27:34 My favorite is savory food.
27:35 Then you come with that savory food
27:37 and don't worry, take those fist,
27:39 put them down and you just want to hug this food
27:42 and whoever made it for you.
27:43 You remember when grandma cooked those good foods,
27:45 what did she do, you came
27:47 and you said come and she said,
27:48 "Come sugar, give me some love."
27:49 She was talking about evaporated cane juice crystals,
27:51 I'm sure.
27:52 And as you come, and she'll give you some love
27:54 and you can enjoy.
27:56 So I don't know about you, Never Settle for Less!
27:58 Only eat Grandma's Best.


Revised 2016-10-31