Taste of Paradise

Banana Bread Toast/Corn is Not So Corny

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000080

00:15 Welcome to "A Taste of Paradise".
00:17 My name is Evita Tezeno, you know I'm from the south
00:21 and we love our banana bread. But when I became a vegan
00:26 that banana bread went out the window.
00:28 But not really, I learned how to make banana bread raw.
00:33 Yes, raw banana bread. That sounds a little gross.
00:37 No, it is delicious. It's loaded with sweetness and goodness
00:43 and also pecans. I love my pecans child, love it.
00:49 You know us southern people just have to have our pecans.
00:52 Well, let's go to the recipe and let's see what is in store
00:56 for us today. The ingredients for the banana bread toast are:
01:33 So here we go. We have our raisins here and I'd like to
01:40 start off, this is our sweetner in our banana bread.
01:46 So I have the maple syrup and the water
01:50 and then I'll put the raisins in. Then I will put the salt.
01:56 Our sea salt. And we are just going to blend this up.
02:24 And if you don't have a high powered blender
02:26 maybe you need to soak your raisins first
02:29 so that will soften them up a little bit so they can
02:32 grind up a little better.
02:33 So now I have my pecans and I am just going to chop them up
02:39 real quickly. I remember growing up, we had a pecan tree
02:46 in the back yard and I just was always excited when Fall came
02:51 because I was able to have fresh pecans and my grandmother
02:58 was such a great baker and we always had fresh baked items
03:03 every Fall with the pecans that grew in the back yard.
03:06 It was such a wonderful childhood that I had.
03:10 So now we are going to put almond pulp...
03:15 Now the almond pulp comes from when you make almond milk.
03:18 This is the leftover sediment from the almonds so I keep this.
03:24 You can freeze it, also you can dehydrate it to make it
03:30 into flour but I keep it in the freezer until I get a chance to
03:34 make cookies and breads or whatever else that I make with
03:38 the almond pulp. So we have almond, the almond pulp,
03:43 cardomon and corriander. Now most banana bread
03:48 has cinnamon in it, but cinnamon is a little irritant
03:50 to your stomach, so I use a substitute of cardomon
03:54 and corriander together that makes a really nice substitute
03:59 for cinnamon. And our three ripe bananas.
04:16 I'm going to take this little part off of here.
04:18 You don't want any dark spots in our bananas.
04:29 Just mash this up.
04:40 And you can use a food processor if you want
04:42 but it is just so easy so you just mash this up together
04:46 like that, it doesn't take a lot of time.
04:52 So let me get my spoon and incorporate this real quickly.
04:58 And I have my liquid sweetner ingredients.
05:03 And if you don't like the taste of raisins you can use
05:07 dates too but the raisins make it a little sweeter
05:13 and I just love the flavor of raisins.
05:16 So you mix this ingredients up, throw in your pecans.
05:28 Now, in most banana breads there is egg and our egg
05:45 is flax seed. So you can either ground up the flax seed
05:52 in a blender or you can also grind it up in a...
05:56 if you have a little spice grinder or a coffee grinder...
05:58 this is how you get it nice and fine like this.
06:12 Now we have a mixture in... I wish you guys could smell
06:16 this, this smells incredible.
06:18 You smell the bananas and you know bananas are very good,
06:24 it's high in potassium so it's good for soreness of joints
06:29 and it also has tryptopan in it which turns into seratonin
06:37 which makes you happy. So bananas is I call it a
06:40 happy food, it makes you happy.
06:43 So I'm going to take this out of the way
06:52 and I have my trusty dehydrator.
07:00 Now dehydrator is like, I would say the raw food,
07:06 raw food oven because it pulls the moisture out instead of
07:11 baking it. It pulls the moisture out, it kind of drys the food.
07:15 So the hydrator, the bread that I am using Xcaliber,
07:19 I call it the Cadillac of the dehydrating a world.


Revised 2017-02-21