Thompsonville Worship Hour

The Silence of the Lamb

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor John Lomacang


Series Code: TWH

Program Code: TWH000034A

00:32 Just before we read the scripture reading,
00:34 I want to give you a little bit of background on this message.
00:40 Each day, my wife and I read our devotions together.
00:42 We read our Bible.
00:44 We read one of our favorite devotional writers,
00:50 a man by the name of Oswald Chambers.
00:54 And number of years ago I did a sermon called,
00:57 "The Silence of the Lambs" which was about prayer.
01:02 This is not the same sermon.
01:05 This is the silent of the lamb
01:07 which can be summarized in a simple question,
01:10 "What do you do
01:12 when God doesn't seem to be responding to you?"
01:17 There we were sitting on the mountaintop
01:20 in the Virgin Islands.
01:24 My brother's girlfriend arranged for us
01:28 to stay at the home of the lady she worked for.
01:31 Beautifully, the house was nestled right
01:33 on the side of a hillside overlooking.
01:37 Our eyes feasted on the beauty of St. Thomas.
01:42 But we had no electricity, no running water,
01:48 none of the necessities of life were functioning.
01:51 We were just laying on a queen sized bed,
01:54 looking out this panoramic view of the beauty of disaster,
02:01 wondering what these residents of the Virgin Islands
02:07 and all the islands of the Caribbean did
02:12 while they were waiting for relief to come.
02:17 I scheduled it so that
02:20 the generators would arrive
02:21 when we got there, but they didn't.
02:24 My brother encouraged me in a beautiful way and he said,
02:31 "Brother, I know you wanted the generators to get here
02:34 when you did and they are still not here.
02:36 They'll be coming the day you're leaving."
02:39 But I just want you to know
02:42 as I went to the different aunts
02:44 of the family and family members
02:45 that are gonna get a generator,
02:47 they all expressed
02:49 how much they are so grateful
02:51 that you even thought about us in our time of need.
02:56 Because it's going to be a long time
02:58 before we get any response from the government.
03:02 What do you do
03:04 when God seem to be silent,
03:09 or when God seems to extend His arrival by two more days?
03:14 This morning the message,
03:16 the Silence of the Lamb
03:18 is an attempt to address those questions.
03:22 Let's stand together.
03:24 I'd like to just give you a reset.
03:25 If you stand with me, we're gonna read the scripture,
03:28 reading a very short one,
03:29 but I think that you've sat so long
03:31 I want to give you a chance to breathe,
03:33 you know, when they say when the lungs are folded
03:36 and you don't get oxygen,
03:38 you get comatose
03:39 and you don't want to get that today.
03:42 John 11:6, let's read this together,
03:45 is the church ready?
03:47 The Bible says,
03:48 "So, when He heard that he was sick,
03:52 He stayed two more days
03:55 in the place where He was."
03:59 Father in heaven,
04:00 as we open Your Word this morning,
04:02 open our hearts and minds,
04:03 breathe into us
04:06 the faith we need
04:08 when God seems to be silent,
04:13 when He seems to be on a delay,
04:17 when our desire for Him to arrive
04:20 had not yet been fulfilled.
04:22 Lord, give us the faith to trust You
04:26 in the moments of Your silence.
04:29 In Jesus' name we pray.
04:31 Amen.
04:33 You may be seated.
04:37 I've learned as I have been in the Virgin Islands
04:39 and seen the disaster unfolding in so many ways.
04:42 It takes the least amount of faith to say
04:44 that Jesus is an on-time God
04:49 until you are the one waiting for Him.
04:52 It didn't take a whole lot to say
04:54 we serve an on-time God,
04:56 until your lights are not working,
04:58 and there's no water to drink, and there's no food to eat,
05:03 and your car is upside-down down a cliff,
05:06 and your home has been blown away
05:07 from the second to the third story
05:09 completely obliterated.
05:11 We saw devastation
05:13 that I didn't think as my brother said,
05:15 he said, "Take your heart pills."
05:16 I don't take heart medication, but he said,
05:19 "When you come here, take your heart pills,
05:22 you gonna be shocked by what you see."
05:25 We drove to a woman's house up the hill.
05:28 And with my drone,
05:31 she said, I'd like to get some aerial footage
05:34 so that the insurance companies can have
05:36 what they need to make an assessment of rebuilding.
05:41 And the second and third story was completely decapitated,
05:45 blown off, car blown over the cliff.
05:49 It looked like a bomb
05:50 had fallen right on her property.
05:54 And the stories go on and on.
05:56 Hotel roofs completely removed, third floor is removed,
06:00 cars turned upside down
06:01 as though they were made of paper,
06:03 poles everywhere.
06:05 And I said, "Is this how it is all the time?"
06:07 She said, "This is how it is."
06:09 So what are you guys doing about it?
06:10 We're just waiting for help,
06:14 been praying for more than a month,
06:16 waiting for help.
06:18 What do you do
06:21 when God seems to be silent
06:24 and you had hoped He would come,
06:27 but He had not yet arrived?
06:29 The story begins in John 11.
06:31 If you have your Bibles with you this morning,
06:33 go there with me.
06:34 We're gonna walk through this scenario
06:36 to see how important it is
06:38 to trust God even when He is silent.
06:45 It takes the least amount of faith to say
06:46 that Jesus is always on time
06:49 until you are the one waiting for Him.
06:53 We pick up the narrative in John 11
06:56 and we read verse 1 to verse 3.
06:59 The Bible says, "Now a certain man was sick,
07:03 Lazarus of Bethany,
07:06 the town of Mary and her sister Martha.
07:10 It was that Mary who anointed the Lord
07:12 with fragrant oil and wiped his feet
07:14 with her hair,
07:16 whose brother Lazarus, was sick.
07:21 Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying,
07:24 "Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.'"
07:31 When I read the story,
07:33 the servant of the Lord said that when the news
07:36 of Lazarus's illness reached Jesus,
07:38 Mary and Martha did not send it
07:40 with an urgent tone connected to it.
07:44 They didn't text Jesus and say,
07:47 "Respond, if you get this text."
07:49 They didn't send
07:50 a red letter saying, "Come now."
07:53 Because Mary and Martha did not feel
07:55 the need for persistence,
07:57 they considered Jesus to be the closest
08:00 of their friends.
08:05 When they called on Jesus,
08:07 they did not call on Him like others did.
08:09 This was the one that spent time in their home,
08:12 this was the one that ate with them,
08:15 and laughed with them, and talked with them.
08:17 This was the one,
08:20 the family with whom Jesus was most comfortable.
08:24 So they didn't feel the need to say,
08:26 "Come now, we need your help.
08:30 Please, if you would, just come."
08:33 These two sisters knew
08:36 that they had such a friend in Jesus
08:39 that He would come knowing
08:41 that his friend Lazarus was severely sick.
08:46 The Bible continues the story though.
08:49 In verse 4, the Bible says,
08:52 "When Jesus heard that,
08:54 He said, 'This sickness is not unto death,
08:58 but for the glory of God,
09:00 that the Son of God may be glorified through it.'"
09:04 This is not something that is gonna cause
09:07 any major impact,
09:09 this is not unto death, this is not that bad.
09:12 But when you read the narrative and you understand
09:14 what had happened prior to this,
09:16 that response caused his disciples
09:18 to further doubt his divinity because not long before this,
09:22 they'd already questioned the silence of Jesus
09:24 in reference to not visiting John the Baptist,
09:26 when he was in prison.
09:28 And even the question,
09:30 "Are you the one
09:31 or is there somebody else to come?"
09:32 When Jesus doesn't respond, could you possibly be Jesus?
09:39 Could you be the Divine One?
09:41 So to hear this again,
09:43 they begin to further question his divinity, wondering,
09:46 is He in fact the Christ,
09:49 or is there something in our mind
09:53 that may be a little off kilter to think
09:55 that he really does care.
09:58 Because He listens to the news
10:01 and He says it's not that serious.
10:06 But when you do follow the story,
10:08 you'll find that the next two verses
10:09 could severely cloud your understanding of God.
10:13 If you received a message like this
10:15 while your brother is slipping away.
10:17 Look at verse 5 and 6.
10:20 The Bible says, "Now Jesus loved Martha."
10:22 Now Jesus what?
10:24 "Loved Martha, and her sister and Lazarus."
10:30 And this is the verse on which the sermon is founded.
10:33 "So when He heard that he was sick,
10:38 He stayed two more days in the place where He was."
10:44 Now you got to get this.
10:47 Two days had already passed
10:50 and when you think about
10:51 the absolute silence in the home of Bethany,
10:53 Martha and Mary thinking
10:55 that by now Jesus would have come,
10:57 I could think of day one
10:58 they would have said to each other,
11:00 "I know He's on His way, He loves us.
11:02 I mean, this is the guy that is always at our house,
11:03 He loves us.
11:05 I know He's on His way." Day two.
11:08 Martha, "He'll be here soon."
11:11 There's got to be some reason for the delay,
11:16 but to compound it.
11:18 Verse 7 comes into the story.
11:20 Verse 7 comes into the scenario.
11:23 Verse 7 comes now
11:24 into the movie roll as it were.
11:29 "Then after this,"
11:31 after He said, let's stay two more days,
11:34 He said the following words, "Let us go to Judea again."
11:39 You've got to get the picture.
11:41 You've got to look at the setting.
11:43 Here is Lazarus slipping away in illness,
11:47 Mary and Martha says,
11:49 "Come, our brother, the one that You love,"
11:52 and they specifically said it that way,
11:54 "The one whom You love is sick, would You please come."
11:58 And Jesus says,
12:00 "Well, let's go to Judea first,"
12:02 and then He decides
12:04 to stay away for two additional days,
12:07 almost with a sense
12:08 that this is not as urgent as it needs to be.
12:12 And Mary and Martha are there waiting for Jesus
12:16 and when you think about
12:17 where they're located, they're in Bethany.
12:19 Judea is on its way to Bethany,
12:21 but the reason why the disciples did not want
12:23 Jesus to go to Judea,
12:25 but directly to Bethany
12:26 is disclosed in the very next verse.
12:29 Look at verse 8.
12:31 "The disciples said to Him,
12:32 "Rabbi, lately the Jews sought to stone You,
12:34 and You are going there again?"
12:36 But I want to say,
12:37 when I read this verse I paused and I thought to myself,
12:39 you see the emphasis is not just about
12:43 what we're going through while we wait for Jesus,
12:46 but hear me carefully.
12:47 The emphasis is what Jesus is willing to go
12:50 through just to get to us.
12:53 Because He put Himself in harm's way
12:57 just to get to Bethany.
12:59 He didn't have to go to Judea,
13:01 but He went to Judea
13:03 knowing that His life was in jeopardy there,
13:06 knowing that He could have been killed,
13:08 He could have been injured,
13:09 His disciples were fearful for their lives,
13:11 but He went through Judea knowing the circumstances,
13:16 but He did that ill-concerned about His own safety,
13:21 but more concerned by the safety
13:24 and the need of Mary and Martha.
13:27 So when you're going through stuff,
13:29 remember this,
13:31 what we're going through, hear me carefully,
13:32 is nothing compared
13:34 to what Jesus went through for us.
13:40 Every crisis we face
13:42 is based on a particular time frame.
13:46 What we're going through
13:48 is nothing compared to what Jesus went
13:50 through for us.
13:51 In times like these
13:53 we tend to minimize His sacrifice
13:54 and maximize our anxieties.
13:57 We tend to focus less on His investment
13:59 and we tend to focus more on our requirements.
14:02 I know what He's doing, but what about my needs
14:05 and I thought about that in the Virgin Islands,
14:07 while we were there walking the streets,
14:09 asking people to tell us their story.
14:12 There's a restaurant that we frequented there
14:14 in the Virgin Islands,
14:15 and I asked my brother about this place,
14:17 it's called Victor's Hideout, a Caribbean restaurant,
14:20 very good food.
14:22 You know, when you're in a place
14:24 like the Caribbean, you don't need to cook,
14:26 everything tastes like home cooked food.
14:28 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
14:31 When you go to those countries
14:32 where they really know how to cook.
14:39 I'm not talking about Paris.
14:43 I'm talking about good old Caribbean food,
14:46 seasoned like mama would cook it.
14:48 When you're there
14:50 and you remember the name of your favorite restaurant...
14:53 What happened to Victor's Hideout,
14:55 because it's perched on the hill
14:57 overlooking the bay,
14:58 glass windows all the way through the restaurant,
15:01 and I said, what happened to Victor's Hideout?
15:03 And my brother said,
15:04 well, I'm sure it sustained some kind of damage.
15:07 But he didn't tell me,
15:09 he did not prepare me for what I saw.
15:13 The roof had been ripped off of the entire restaurant.
15:17 I mean, think about a restaurant,
15:18 the width of this room, the roof is completely gone,
15:21 every window was blown out,
15:25 everything was completely devastated.
15:28 And I have some video to show you about that.
15:31 But I thought about it
15:33 when we are in moments like those,
15:36 I had a chance to talk to the owner of the restaurant.
15:40 And I said, can I see Victor?
15:43 Because I knew that he wanted pictures
15:45 for obvious reasons to see
15:47 what it looks like now and ask him
15:49 whether or not he plans on rebuilding.
15:51 And I said, Victor, what happened?
15:52 He said, you know,
15:54 the day after the restaurant was blown apart,
15:56 we were open for business.
15:59 I said, "How is that?"
16:00 He said, in the basement.
16:03 The kitchen was left intact
16:05 and we opened immediately the very next day
16:07 because our focus was that people need our help.
16:13 They gave food to the emergency responders,
16:17 to the police department,
16:18 to those whose homes were devastated.
16:20 He said, after I saw
16:21 what had happened to the restaurant,
16:23 I determined there is no way
16:24 that I'm going to rebuild in this location.
16:27 But he said,
16:28 when the people began to show up.
16:30 He said, I didn't have
16:31 the desire to go through rebuilding again,
16:33 but now I see, I've got to rebuild
16:36 because they need
16:38 this kind of service in the community.
16:41 So he's rebuilding.
16:43 But when you're in that moment,
16:44 the seeds of darkness tend to give way to misunderstanding
16:47 and we tend to think that
16:49 because help hasn't come right away
16:52 that we lean more on our anxiety
16:55 than on the investment that Jesus is on His way.
16:59 And the story is endless.
17:01 We try to go visit some of the hotels,
17:02 but they were barred, there are police everywhere,
17:04 and there are emergency responders
17:07 and there are military.
17:10 There's some places you can even get to see,
17:12 they've been so devastated.
17:17 But when you begin to embrace misunderstanding
17:20 that's why Jesus inserted verse 9 in the story.
17:24 Look at it with me.
17:26 "Jesus answered,
17:28 'Are there not twelve hours in the day?
17:31 If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble,
17:34 because he sees the light of this world.'"
17:37 In other words, if we keep our eyes on Jesus,
17:40 we won't be troubled about what we don't know.
17:43 Amen.
17:45 If you've got the light of the world,
17:47 how can you be in darkness?
17:50 He says, "If you keep your eyes fixed on the light,
17:56 you won't walk in darkness."
17:58 Look at John 8:12.
18:01 "Jesus spoke to them again, saying,
18:03 'I am the light of the world.
18:06 He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness,"
18:08 but have what?
18:10 "The light of life."
18:12 When the moment doesn't make sense,
18:15 you got to trust
18:16 that Jesus is still in control of the final outcome.
18:24 My brother and I were standing there
18:25 at the window
18:27 and he begins to talk to the guy
18:28 behind the window in a very comfortable way,
18:29 and I'm thinking, does he know?
18:31 I said, "You know him?"
18:32 "No, I don't know him,
18:33 but I know the guy standing behind him."
18:35 "Who was that guy?"
18:36 He calls him to the window, I won't mention his name
18:39 and they begin to talk about their fishing experience,
18:41 how they were out on the ocean together
18:43 and my brother caught a shark
18:44 and pulled it on board and he looked around
18:46 for his friend to help
18:47 and he was in the back of the boat
18:50 and they began to laugh together
18:51 and then this friend says, "What are you doing here?"
18:53 He says, "I'm here to pick up
18:54 some generators four generators."
18:56 And then he said to his friend, "What are you doing here?"
18:58 He said, "I'm the manager of the warehouse."
19:01 And what does that mean?
19:03 When anything arrives, I know it's here.
19:08 Can I see your paperwork?
19:10 They exchange numbers. Praise the Lord, He works.
19:13 The Lord get you in touch with those you need
19:16 in the most crisis of moments.
19:19 Gave their phone numbers to each other, and he said,
19:21 "When it gets here, you will have it."
19:27 And you need that kind of assurance
19:28 because people have taken stuff,
19:32 people are mailing things down that disappear,
19:36 never get to the people that it intended to get to.
19:39 But Jesus said, "If you follow Me,
19:41 you will not walk in darkness."
19:43 You see, when I read that text I thought about the text,
19:45 "The just shall live by faith."
19:47 The just shall live by what?
19:49 Which means, when you're following the Lord,
19:51 you don't need all the facts,
19:52 you just need to trust God that He is in charge
19:55 and He will handle the moment.
19:58 In Desire of Ages,
20:00 the Lord's servant says in page 527,
20:03 speaking about those who trust God, she says,
20:04 "The light of God's guiding Spirit
20:07 gives him a clear perception of his duty,
20:10 and leads him aright till the close of work."
20:14 In other words, when you are following God,
20:17 you don't need to be caught in anxiety.
20:19 If you simply keep your eyes on the light,
20:21 the light will guide you
20:22 because the light belongs to God,
20:24 belongs to Jesus
20:26 who is, in fact, the light of the world.
20:29 But go back to John 11 and look at verse 10.
20:34 He reiterates this even further.
20:37 John 11:10, the Bible says,
20:41 "But if one walks in the night, he stumbles,
20:44 because the light is not with him,"
20:46 which simply means
20:47 when we attempt to use the reasoning of humanity
20:50 to figure out the intellect of divinity,
20:53 we will always fall short.
20:55 Amen, Joe?
20:56 When we use human ingenuity
20:59 to try to corner divine intellectuality,
21:02 we'll always fall short
21:04 because the fact of the matter is,
21:06 the Lord doesn't have to tell us everything
21:07 that He's gonna do before He does it.
21:09 If we believe Him by faith, all we need to have is faith,
21:13 not necessarily all the facts.
21:22 That's what He said in John 10.
21:25 John 11:11.
21:28 Look at these words. Look at these words.
21:37 "These things He said, and after that He said to them,
21:41 'Our friend Lazarus sleeps,
21:45 but I go that I may wake him up.'"
21:50 If I walk on the light I won't stumble,
21:53 if I walk in the dark I will stumble.
21:56 If I trust you by faith, I don't have to worry,
21:59 but if I don't trust you by faith,
22:00 I'll always fall short of understanding
22:02 what's taken place.
22:04 Hold on to that, but now let's go see Lazarus.
22:06 Lazarus is sleeping,
22:08 but I'm gonna go that I may wake him up.
22:10 Since your mind is on the death of Lazarus
22:12 that's going to finish the scenario,
22:13 verse 12 and verse 14.
22:15 Verse 12 to verse 14.
22:17 "Then His disciples said, 'Lord if he sleeps,
22:19 he will get well.'"
22:21 If somebody is sick and they're getting rest,
22:23 praise the Lord, they will get well,
22:24 the body will recover itself.
22:27 "However, Jesus spoke of his death,
22:29 but they thought
22:31 that He was speaking about taking rest and sleep.
22:34 Then Jesus said to them plainly,"
22:36 can we say this together?
22:38 Are you ready? "Lazarus is dead."
22:46 Two more days. I know He is on His way.
22:50 There must be some reason for the delay.
22:52 Day three, I don't know what happened to Him.
22:57 Day four, nobody says anything just eye...
23:09 Just eye contact, just physical gestures,
23:13 frustrated and to add insult to injury...
23:16 to add insult to injury
23:18 a total of four days
23:22 culminate with Jesus arriving at the scene,
23:26 walking in with great confidence
23:28 into a scene
23:30 that had become paramount to death,
23:33 devastation, disappointment, grief,
23:37 and a crowd of mourners are gathered,
23:41 mourning the death of Lazarus.
23:44 And Jesus walks in,
23:46 and then there are religious leaders,
23:48 the Pharisees, believing in the resurrection,
23:50 the Sadducees not believing in the resurrection,
23:53 they're all gathered there at the home of Mary and Martha
23:57 in Bethany and Jesus walks in.
24:01 And He's met with the grief stricken statement
24:03 of the two sisters
24:05 and Martha leads the way in verse 21.
24:07 Go there quickly with me, with these words.
24:10 John 11:21, "Martha said to Jesus,
24:15 'Lord, if you had been here,
24:17 my brother would not have died.'"
24:20 And when you continue the story in verse 32,
24:21 Mary says the same thing,
24:23 "If you had been here,
24:24 my brother would not have died."
24:27 Now indulge me for a moment, because when I read this,
24:31 it takes me to the same statements
24:33 that many people have made today,
24:34 a lot of people have said that.
24:36 I've heard a lot of people say...
24:42 As Martha and Mary did, they accused Jesus
24:46 of not preventing the death of Lazarus.
24:51 And I asked you the question,
24:52 how many times have you heard people say,
24:54 "I'm not blaming Him for his death,
24:56 I'm just saying
24:57 that He could have prevented it."
25:01 Have you heard that, everyone?
25:02 "I'm not saying that Jesus is the cause,
25:05 but He could have done something."
25:08 I've been to the funerals of people who said,
25:09 "I prayed, nothing happened."
25:12 But what they did not know and I have to insert this here,
25:15 what they did not know, Tim, was this that Jesus had far,
25:20 had something far better than preventing death,
25:24 Jesus came not to prevent death,
25:27 Jesus came to defeat death.
25:32 You got to understand that.
25:35 Jesus did not come to keep the Hebrew worthies
25:37 out of the furnace,
25:39 He came to sustain them in the furnace.
25:41 He didn't come to keep Daniel out of the den,
25:43 He came to show you
25:44 that He's a big enough God to take care of us
25:47 even when we are in the den.
25:50 He didn't come to deliver the disciples from the storm,
25:52 He came to be with them in the storm.
25:55 And so often we get to that place
25:57 where I've heard family members and people say,
26:00 "He could have done something,"
26:01 and there are people that leave the church,
26:02 they walk away from God.
26:04 They're upset that He did not do something.
26:06 I didn't get the job. My deal fell through.
26:10 My house got destroyed in the hurricane.
26:12 And they wonder, why didn't God do something
26:16 to prevent all this hurt, and pain, and devastation.
26:21 After all He is God.
26:24 And by the way, do you know that that is the statement
26:26 that atheists use the most to throw at Christians.
26:30 If God really is God, why is there so much suffering,
26:34 they say.
26:35 If He really is God, why is there so much death,
26:39 and pain, and suffering in the world?
26:42 And my response is, but is there joy in the world?
26:45 Oh, yes, there is.
26:47 So that if you see that pain
26:48 is the evidence of the absence of God,
26:50 then joy must be the evidence of the presence of God.
26:58 Jesus did not come to prevent death.
27:01 Jesus came to defeat death. Amen somebody.
27:05 But now there He is,
27:06 Lazarus wrapped
27:07 in the grave clothes of his inactivity,
27:09 sealed in the tomb of finality, his hopes and dreams are dead,
27:13 and any thought of a tomorrow finally ceased.
27:19 But there is Jesus.
27:22 As I was sitting on the plane yesterday,
27:25 working on my sermon,
27:28 I didn't want to go to bed at 3 o'clock,
27:31 so I went to bed at 3:44 instead...
27:37 On the plane working on my sermon,
27:40 in the airport working on my sermon,
27:44 got to get this done.
27:45 When I got home last night,
27:48 "Oh, closer to 1 o'clock,
27:49 I said, well, I only have the last page.
27:52 I didn't know the last page
27:53 would take 2 hours and 24 minutes.
27:56 How does the last page take that long,
27:59 when the first five didn't take much time at all?
28:03 Because the Lord said don't rush
28:04 through this message, you've got to get it clearly.
28:07 You see, amid the undeserving accusations of the crowd,
28:11 Jesus is there, but He narrows His focus,
28:14 under the unceasing hail of condemnation,
28:16 Jesus remains resolute,
28:19 surrounded by satanic confusion,
28:21 nothing distracts Jesus as He walks His way
28:24 toward the crowd,
28:26 the mourners, the Pharisees, the Sadducees,
28:28 the religious doubters,
28:29 those who continually doubted
28:31 whether or not He had any power at all.
28:34 Jesus is focused, He remains resolute.
28:36 He is not distracted
28:37 by anything happening around Him.
28:39 Would to God that would describe
28:41 some of us in the midst of our difficulty,
28:46 nothing distracts us, and what does Jesus say,
28:49 I love what He says.
28:50 Look at verse 34.
28:52 What does Jesus say to the accusations,
28:54 to the condemnation, to the confusion,
28:56 what does Jesus say?
28:57 I love the words.
28:59 A short verse, but powerful verse 34,
29:01 and He said together,
29:03 "Where have you laid him?"
29:07 Where have you laid him?
29:08 There's more to the question that meets the eye.
29:13 And let me tell you what is meant by that.
29:15 Jesus could have easily come
29:17 when there was Martha and Mary alone,
29:20 there would have been no crowd,
29:21 but here's a point that came to me so clearly
29:23 as I was thinking to myself.
29:24 Why didn't He show up earlier and I know theologically,
29:28 you understand some of you're really deep,
29:30 Jesus stayed away
29:31 because there was a belief that continued to exist,
29:34 that the soul would try for four days
29:36 to get back into the body
29:38 and if it did then the person would come back to life.
29:40 That's the one reason
29:42 why Jesus stayed away for four days.
29:44 He wanted to show them
29:45 that you don't come back to life
29:47 because the soul is in charge,
29:48 you will only come back to life because I'm in charge.
29:52 That's the one reason, but there's a deeper reason.
29:58 Had Jesus showed up
30:02 when He first received the news,
30:05 there would have been no mourners,
30:08 there would have been no skeptical religious leaders.
30:11 There would have been no Pharisees, no Sadducees,
30:14 nobody there that doubted His divinity.
30:17 Mary and Martha would have been
30:18 the only ones to witness the miracle.
30:23 But get this, this is about to get deep.
30:25 Sometimes Jesus waits
30:27 until you are surrounded by your doubters for Him
30:32 to do something spectacular for you.
30:35 Sometimes Jesus waits
30:37 so that the very ones that celebrated your defeat
30:39 will be the first ones to witness your victory.
30:43 Think about that.
30:44 The ones that said, nothing is gonna happen,
30:48 and all of a sudden something far greater than
30:50 you can ever imagine happens before their eyes,
30:53 and instead of doubting now
30:55 they become the first ones to witness the victory
31:00 that Jesus brings your way
31:02 in the presence of those that doubt,
31:05 and that is why
31:06 the Psalmist David wrote these words,
31:08 "Thou prepare us a table before me
31:11 in the presence of mine enemies,
31:13 Thou anointed my head with oil, my cup," what?
31:16 "Runs over."
31:17 So Martha and Mary are there.
31:19 The Pharisees are there.
31:21 I don't believe in resurrection,
31:23 I believe in the resurrection.
31:25 He cannot do it, He can do it.
31:28 He's not divine, He is divine.
31:31 That's not the Christ, He is the Christ.
31:33 Then why don't He do something?
31:35 Show me where he is laying.
31:38 And what they did not know is this is the moment
31:41 that Jesus had been planning for a long time.
31:43 Come on, Pastor Shelton, can you say amen?
31:45 And planning this a long time,
31:46 He couldn't do this earlier
31:48 because had He done this earlier,
31:49 they would have made their minds
31:51 to get rid of Jesus a long time ago.
31:55 But this was the story
31:58 that pushed the mission of those
32:00 that sought His death.
32:02 This was the miracle that sealed the fate of Jesus.
32:08 They didn't mind that He fed the 5000.
32:10 They did not mind
32:11 that He multiplied the loaves and the fishes.
32:12 They did not mind
32:14 that He restored the sight of the blind.
32:17 They did not mind that He gave feet to those
32:20 who could not walk.
32:21 They did not mind that Jesus calmed the waves
32:25 and stilled the seas and said to the winds hush,
32:28 they didn't mind all that.
32:30 They heard what had happened.
32:31 But this was the sealing moment
32:33 that Jesus waited for to let them know that,
32:35 "You all doubted My divinity and My ability,
32:38 but this is My moment."
32:43 And we read
32:46 verse 43 to verse 44.
32:54 I went ahead of myself, verse 39.
32:59 Verse 39.
33:04 Jesus said...
33:05 What did He say?
33:07 "Take away the stone."
33:10 Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him,
33:14 'Lord by this time there is a stench,
33:18 for he had been dead four days.'"
33:21 Now, I read that and thought to myself,
33:23 did Jesus not know that?
33:26 Now, let me give you
33:28 the context of why she said that.
33:29 You see, Jesus could have said to the stone,
33:32 "Move," but what we ought to realize
33:35 is there are certain things that God calls us to do
33:38 that He's not going to do.
33:41 So when we don't do our part, He won't do His part.
33:45 He could have said to the stone,
33:46 "Be moved," He could have thought
33:48 and the stone would have moved,
33:50 but there are moments, hear me carefully,
33:52 there are moments in your life
33:53 that you fail to do what you have to do
33:57 and you fail to experience
33:58 the blessing of what Jesus will do,
34:01 which is what His responsibility is.
34:04 He's not going to do what we are called to do,
34:06 and we cannot do what He is equipped to do.
34:09 So He said,
34:10 "Roll away the stone," and instead...
34:11 instead of Martha rolling away the stone,
34:14 Satan gives a moment of discouragement,
34:16 discourages humanity
34:18 from participating with divinity
34:21 because Satan knows that when we...
34:23 Hear me carefully, when we respond
34:26 and follow the command of the Lord,
34:29 victory and blessings also follow.
34:31 Can you say amen?
34:33 When we follow the command of the Lord,
34:36 victory and blessings will naturally follow.
34:39 Roll away the stone, "By now he stinks."
34:45 I put this in the sermon, but I deleted it.
34:48 I got to add it back, I mean,
34:49 I was just impressed to add it back.
34:53 And I want to say this kindly,
34:55 but the thought came to my mind on the plane.
34:57 The only thing
34:59 that was thinking at that moment
35:01 was her inactivity to follow the command of God.
35:05 If you would just simply do what I ask,
35:08 the blessings will follow.
35:10 "If you'd simply follow My command,
35:14 the victory that you've been longing
35:15 for would be yours."
35:17 Roll away the stone.
35:20 Verse 43 to verse 44.
35:22 They finally took away the stone
35:23 and Jesus turned up the volume.
35:25 You know what?
35:27 When I read the story, I wish I had been there.
35:28 Come on, somebody say amen.
35:29 Amen.
35:31 The physically dead, bound and buried,
35:33 and his only hope is the physical resurrection.
35:35 You find verse 43,
35:36 they finally took away the stone,
35:38 and Jesus says in verse 43,
35:40 "Now when He had said these things,
35:42 He cried with a loud voice,
35:45 'Lazarus, come forth!'"
35:49 Is that what He said?
35:51 "Lazarus, come forth!"
35:54 Is that what He said?
35:56 Can I say what He said?
35:57 "Lazarus, come forth!"
36:03 Amen.
36:04 And the servant of God says, the voice of the life giver,
36:08 opened the ears of a man who had been dead
36:13 and had He not specified
36:19 by name,
36:21 the one to whom He called,
36:23 everybody in that graveyard would have come out.
36:29 Oh, that's what the Bible means
36:30 when it says the Lord himself shall descend
36:32 from heaven with a what?
36:33 Shout,
36:35 with a voice of a trumpet...
36:40 He called Lazarus.
36:42 The Bible says in verse 44,
36:44 "He who had died came out bound hand and foot
36:47 with graveclothes,
36:49 and his face was wrapped with a cloth.
36:51 Jesus said to him...
36:54 Jesus said to them,"
36:56 This is our added responsibility,
36:57 Jesus said to them, do what?
37:00 "Loose him, and let him go."
37:01 Two times in the story that Jesus asked for humanity,
37:05 humanity to participate with divinity.
37:08 Roll away the stone, lose him and let him go.
37:10 And we got to remember that
37:12 because there are things that we can do
37:14 to cause somebody else to be free.
37:17 Amen.
37:20 There're stones in some people's lives
37:22 locking them in,
37:24 stones in some people's lives barring them
37:26 from the blessings of God.
37:27 Stones that have been built
37:29 in people's lives keeping them locked
37:31 into the things that bind them.
37:33 Stones that if we were to use our effort to roll them away,
37:36 I so loved what Little Richard said
37:38 when he was here.
37:40 I just love what he said when he was here.
37:41 When you talk about the story where he had gone to a man
37:46 and he told him about his plight,
37:49 and the man had the money to help him in his need,
37:52 and he said,
37:53 "I'm going to pray for you," and he said,
37:55 "No, God sent me to you, not for you to pray for me,
37:58 but for you to help me."
38:00 Amen.
38:02 There are some folk that could help,
38:03 but they choose not to lift a finger
38:07 to roll away the stone.
38:11 When somebody is in crisis,
38:12 when somebody is in disaster, they won't even lift a finger,
38:15 they are content for that person
38:17 to be bound and immobilized.
38:23 If somebody lifts a finger and then the Lord says
38:24 to the gathered crowd, "Loose him, and let him go."
38:28 And there are those so complacent
38:30 about the condition of fallen humanity,
38:33 dead and trespasses in sin
38:35 that they wouldn't lift a finger
38:37 to help somebody become loosed and set free.
38:45 Well, now you know the story
38:46 to the Christian death is asleep.
38:49 And for those of you that understand
38:51 the topic of death, I must say this just for those
38:52 that may be listening or watching
38:53 that don't fully understand.
38:55 Death is asleep, can you say amen?
38:57 Amen.
38:58 Forty times in the Old Testament,
39:00 physical death is called sleep.
39:04 That's why at the second coming of Jesus,
39:06 He will call the saints from their dusty beds
39:08 to eternal life.
39:10 And He says to us,
39:11 "Behold I show you a mystery
39:12 we will not all sleep,
39:16 but we will all be changed."
39:20 Now, I'm gonna take you some place
39:23 that you didn't think you're gonna go.
39:30 The death and resurrection of Lazarus
39:35 is filled with remarkable parallels
39:37 to our spiritual lives.
39:39 You know, God has been working in my own heart,
39:42 in my own life, taking me deeper into my Bible.
39:46 And I wish I could say
39:48 that was true 15 years ago or 20 years ago,
39:50 or 2 years ago, or 5 years ago,
39:52 but God has taken me to a new place in my Bible.
39:56 And I'm now able to look at stories in the Bible,
39:59 and He's able now to peel back the curtain
40:01 and show me things that I never saw before.
40:06 And this was one of the stories as I was sitting on the plane
40:09 there on Delta Airlines, close to the window,
40:12 typing with my laptop, close up to me,
40:15 I kept going ooh, ooh...
40:18 And she said, what's wrong?
40:19 I said, "Oh, this is getting too deep for me."
40:24 I never saw that before.
40:26 You see, I'm talking about death.
40:29 Amen.
40:30 As literal death affects
40:32 every functioning organ of the body,
40:36 so also spiritual death, hear me carefully,
40:39 Lord, open their ears.
40:41 Hear me carefully.
40:42 As literal death affects
40:44 every functioning organ of the body,
40:47 spiritual death affects
40:49 every functioning area of our lives.
40:59 All five senses of a dead person
41:02 cease to function, and I must say
41:05 all five senses of a person spiritually dead
41:09 are affected in a parallel way.
41:15 Dead people are unresponsive, so are the spiritually dead.
41:20 Nothing moves them.
41:22 You could preach to them and they're like stones.
41:27 No one knows what I'm talking about.
41:32 Elijah knows, the prophets know,
41:34 Stephen got stoned for saying that.
41:36 How many prophets has the Father sent to you
41:40 and you stoned every one of them.
41:45 I know you gonna stone me too, but I've got to tell you
41:48 the same thing that every one of them told you,
41:51 I know, I know what it's like.
41:54 All five senses of a dead person
41:58 cease to function.
41:59 Dead people are unresponsive, nothing moves them,
42:02 God's word affects their senses.
42:05 In this way, it doesn't make sense
42:09 when it's preached.
42:10 You know why?
42:11 Because they're spiritually dead.
42:13 So why is He getting all bent out of shape over a test?
42:17 Dead people have lost their sense
42:18 also of right and wrong.
42:21 Their senses don't function.
42:24 The spiritually dead are unconscious
42:26 even of their own decaying condition, dying.
42:31 A Laodicean dying in church can't witness, have no joy.
42:37 The gospel means nothing.
42:39 The second coming of Jesus has no impact
42:41 on the way they live.
42:43 They don't care about the three angels' messages.
42:46 Who cares about that?
42:48 So what about hurricanes, and death,
42:50 and tornadoes, and nuclear weapons,
42:53 all the signs of the times couldn't budge them
42:56 because they are dead,
43:01 decaying in their own inactivity,
43:03 and satisfied to be like a walking leper,
43:08 body parts falling off and they don't even feel it,
43:11 and God is saying, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock,
43:16 if My church would hear Me, they could come out.
43:21 Amen, amen.
43:24 So I'm not concerned if you sleep in church anymore.
43:27 God said, "Forget them, they're going to sleep
43:29 because they're dead, that's what dead people do.
43:33 Lazarus was sleeping.
43:35 Everybody that's spiritually dead
43:37 is gonna asleep.
43:39 So I got past that,
43:41 I'm not gonna ask you anymore to wake up
43:43 because I now understand your condition.
43:45 Thank you, Jesus.
43:48 Sleep on, Lazarus,
43:50 until Jesus comes the second time.
43:54 You will come out to the stark reality
43:57 that you've been sleeping all this time
43:59 and the message to Laodicea has no impact on you
44:03 because you're spiritually dead.
44:04 The Word of God doesn't make sense
44:06 because dead people can't make heads or tails
44:08 out of anything that God says, until He gives them life.
44:13 He said to them, and I'm gonna hit you that
44:15 in moment, just a moment.
44:16 "He said to them, if you roll the stone away,
44:18 I could do something for them."
44:20 Now I tell you brother, the reason why God calls us
44:23 is there are some people that are dead
44:24 and trespasses in sin,
44:25 and we have the responsibility to roll the stones away.
44:29 Evangelism, sharing our faith, witnessing for Christ,
44:34 giving out a track, investing in evangelism,
44:38 going to somebody that you know
44:39 and talking to them about Jesus,
44:41 help roll their stones away,
44:45 but the spiritually dead are unconscious,
44:47 not only of their own decaying condition,
44:50 but the spiritually dead cannot be reasoned with.
44:52 Why?
44:54 Because they have no discernment,
44:55 their minds have ceased to function.
44:58 Look at Acts 28:26-27.
45:02 Acts 28:26-27.
45:04 Look at the Bible. Look at the Bible.
45:07 Powerful.
45:08 I was sitting on that plane, I thought,
45:10 Lord, why are You doing this?
45:12 He said, "John, you worry about people
45:14 sleeping in church?"
45:15 Don't worry about that anymore, stop talking about that.
45:18 They got to edit that out of the sermons,
45:19 don't mention that.
45:21 Just preach.
45:24 Let me worry about the spiritually dead.
45:27 Powerful passage.
45:29 That perfectly describes a person
45:31 in a lethargic Laodicean unconditioned,
45:35 uncaring, unmoved condition.
45:38 Acts 28:26-27, saying,
45:42 "Go to these people and say: 'Hearing you will not hear...'"
45:45 Why? Because their ears are dead,
45:47 and shall not understand.
45:49 Why? Their minds don't function.
45:51 "And seeing you will see, and not perceive," Why?
45:53 Because their eyes are closed.
45:55 "For the hearts of this people have grown dull."
45:58 That's what happens when people's hearts die,
46:00 they can't feel anymore.
46:03 "Their ears are hard of hearing,
46:05 and their eyes, they have closed,"
46:09 unconcerned, I want to be dead.
46:11 When you close your own eyes, there's only one thing worse
46:14 than having your eyes closed is closing your own eyes.
46:21 "Lest they should see with their eyes
46:24 and hear with their ears,
46:26 lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
46:29 so that I should heal them."
46:33 God wants to heal us.
46:34 Come on, somebody say amen. Amen.
46:36 God doesn't want people that have...
46:37 God is not concerned about membership.
46:41 He's concerned about fellowship.
46:43 If you walk in the light, as He is in the light,
46:46 you have fellowship with one another.
46:48 He's not concerned about
46:50 how long you've been in the church,
46:51 but He's concerned about how long you have been in Him.
46:55 Some folk are Adventist, but they ain't Christians yet.
46:59 And some people are not Adventists
47:01 and they're living with all they know.
47:03 And by the way, let me put this in context,
47:05 I am by no means
47:07 talking down to this beautiful message we have,
47:10 but I'm saying don't be a person who keeps the Sabbath
47:13 and is unconcerned about his own salvation.
47:18 The Pharisees kept the Sabbath, the Scribes kept it,
47:20 the Sadducees kept it.
47:23 When I read this text, I thought, "Lord,
47:25 that's amazing, that's amazing."
47:28 I almost ask the question as I begin to close,
47:31 can we say that Jesus has come to wake up the spiritually dead
47:35 for the same reason He came to wake up Lazarus?
47:38 Can we say that Jesus wants to wake up the spiritually dead
47:41 for the same reason He went to wake up Lazarus?
47:45 Look at Ephesians 5:14, go there with me.
47:48 Ephesians 5:14. Look at it.
47:51 Look at it. Look at it.
47:57 Remember the message is the Silence of the Lamb.
48:00 Look at it.
48:01 This is the reason why Jesus wants us to wake up.
48:04 Ephesians 5:14, "Therefore He says, 'Awake...'"
48:08 What a powerful text? Come on, what does it say?
48:11 "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead,
48:14 and Christ will give you light."
48:17 Until we respond to the invitation to wake up,
48:22 we will never be able to see the light.
48:24 Dead people don't see light.
48:26 Dead people don't have eyes.
48:28 You can shine a flashlight one quarter of an inch
48:31 from their eyes and they cannot see it,
48:32 so He says, there's so much light for my church,
48:35 but they're sleeping.
48:36 They can quote the Bible,
48:38 but they have no connection with Me.
48:40 They know the Sabbath school lesson,
48:41 the 28 fundamentals are in place,
48:44 but they need to awake from the dead,
48:46 I need to give them some light.
48:48 Why? You are the light of the world.
48:50 We can only be the light of the world
48:52 if the light of the world is living within us.
48:58 That's what the Apostle Paul says,
49:01 "Knowing the time."
49:03 Come on now, how many more disasters do there need
49:06 to be for God's people to say, "He's coming soon."
49:12 How many more murders must we hear about?
49:14 And nuclear threats, and ISIS, and bombings,
49:18 and shootings, and hurricanes, and tornadoes,
49:22 and earthquakes, and disasters.
49:25 How much more immorality must we hear
49:27 and read on the news before we wake up?
49:31 Knowing the time that now it is high time
49:35 to awake out of sleep for now, brothers and sisters,
49:39 our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
49:43 Amen.
49:47 This is not 1925.
49:50 This is 2017.
49:52 The world should have been over a long time ago,
49:55 but in his mercy somebody's got to wake up.
49:59 I want them to be in my kingdom.
50:02 "Lazarus," He is saying to the Church,
50:04 "Lazarus, come forth!"
50:08 They're saying, I'm comfortable in here.
50:11 I've got a good place to lay.
50:15 I feel good.
50:16 Being dead makes me feel good, just leave me alone.
50:20 Do not worry about anything else,
50:23 while He wants to give us light.
50:26 But let me wind up with this very important point.
50:29 The timing of the resurrection of Lazarus
50:31 has a deep spiritual meaning also.
50:34 The timing. Get it.
50:37 For two days Jesus did not talk about
50:41 the illness of Lazarus when the news came to Him.
50:43 For two days Jesus said nothing to the disciples
50:45 about the message from Martha and Mary.
50:48 For two days the House of Mary, Martha and Lazarus was tense.
50:52 For two days there were no return messages from Jesus,
50:58 no estimated time of arrival,
51:00 no sight of and no news from Jesus,
51:03 no dust in the distance signaling His approach,
51:05 no approaching crowd, noise indicating He's near us.
51:09 For two days Jesus entered a mode of silence.
51:13 For two days they had to learn to trust in Jesus
51:20 in His time of silence.
51:23 Two days.
51:29 I don't like asking questions,
51:30 but I got to ask you this morning.
51:32 Can Jesus trust you with His silence
51:35 or are you still demanding answers
51:37 according to your timing?
51:43 I need it now, Lord.
51:46 Are you busy morning because Jesus
51:48 has not yet verbally responded to your prayer?
51:55 When you don't hear from Jesus,
51:57 do you begin to doubt His divinity?
51:58 Think about it.
52:00 The silence lead you to believe that
52:02 Jesus is not as powerful as death,
52:05 but that death is more powerful than Jesus.
52:12 Just to let you know that I don't forget
52:14 the heart of the story, follow me as I close.
52:17 And who is gonna play the piano
52:18 just come and play softly.
52:19 Adam, just play softly for me...
52:21 Alex.
52:23 The most powerful part of the story
52:25 I left to the last.
52:28 John 11:23 and 26.
52:31 Look at it.
52:37 Jesus said to her, as they are dialoguing
52:39 before the stone is rolled away.
52:40 And Jesus said to her, "Your brother will rise again."
52:43 Martha said to Him, "I know that he will rise
52:46 in the resurrection at the last day."
52:49 And Jesus said to her,
52:51 "I am the resurrection and the life,
52:54 he who believes in Me though he may die,
52:59 yet shall he live, and whoever lives
53:02 and believes in Me shall never die.
53:03 Do you believe this?
53:05 The messages, there are some dead folk,
53:07 and he said, even though they are dead people
53:09 they can live,
53:11 but if you're alive and you believe in Me,
53:14 your spiritual walk with Me will never die.
53:17 Your spiritual walk with Me will never die.
53:20 Mary pushed her expectations to the last days.
53:25 Thinking that my dreams will never come to pass
53:27 until the last day.
53:28 My hopes will maybe come to pass
53:30 just before Jesus comes in the last days.
53:33 I got to say to you this morning,
53:34 don't let your ETA overshadow God's ATA.
53:37 Don't let your estimated time of arrival
53:39 overshadow God's actual time of arrival.
53:43 Two days, the blessing...
53:46 Hear me, the blessing was only two days away.
53:52 But here's the most powerful part of the sermon.
53:55 When they did not hear from Jesus,
53:58 He was working on giving them a better answer
54:01 than they prayed for.
54:04 They said, "Stop him from dying," Jesus said,
54:06 "What if I just bring him back to life,
54:08 would that be all right?"
54:09 Amen, somebody? Amen.
54:11 Stop my dream from dying,
54:13 but what if I resurrect your dreams?
54:16 What if I resurrect your hopes?
54:17 You think that there is no more time
54:19 for your dreams to come true.
54:21 What if I resurrect those dreams
54:22 that have been dead for years?
54:23 What if I restore the feelings of appreciation
54:28 that you thought was long gone and buried?
54:34 Had they fully trusted in Jesus?
54:37 Hear me carefully...
54:39 Little softer.
54:40 Had they fully trusted in Jesus?
54:43 Time would have made no difference.
54:49 That's why I'm concerned about all the prophecy people.
54:52 Oh, I love prophecy, but let me tell you some,
54:54 my brethren, I don't care when Jesus comes,
54:56 I just want to be ready.
54:58 Come on, somebody say amen. Amen.
54:59 All the chart people, two and half hours here,
55:03 15 seconds there, this empire fell,
55:06 that one rose, this fellow, that rose,
55:08 that does not matter if you don't know Jesus.
55:10 Amen.
55:12 Now what matters, it lets us know where we are,
55:14 but if you don't know Him,
55:16 you're getting close to your own death,
55:19 and you're doing nothing about it.
55:24 When Jesus is silent, you got to remember
55:27 the sign that your answer.
55:29 When Jesus is silent,
55:31 it is a sign that your answer is on the way.
55:36 Your life is about to start over.
55:37 Your dreams are about to be resurrected.
55:42 And I'm not gonna run through these last three points,
55:44 I got 3 minutes and 22 seconds.
55:48 Time.
55:50 Jesus allowed Mary and Martha to experience His silence,
55:54 not to hinder their relationship,
55:56 but to strengthen it.
55:59 Can He trust you when He's silent?
56:01 His silence was proof that He loved them.
56:05 Because He didn't come to prevent
56:06 their brother's death,
56:08 He came to resurrect their brother.
56:10 There is somebody in your family,
56:11 maybe you need to be resurrected,
56:15 maybe you've been dead so long that
56:17 you're just comfortable sleeping without Jesus.
56:21 When you cannot hear Jesus,
56:23 you will learn in hindsight
56:28 and this is the most powerful point of the message.
56:32 You will learn in hindsight that when you cannot hear Him,
56:37 He has trusted you in the most intimate way possible,
56:42 His absolute silence.
56:45 Amen. Amen.
56:50 The Lamb is only silent, to those for whom
56:55 He is planning an even bigger revelation.
57:02 I don't need to be there to prevent his death
57:05 'cause I'm gonna be there to bring him back to life.
57:09 Amen? Amen.
57:11 What's He's saying? Nothing.
57:13 He doesn't need to say anything.
57:15 If we simply trust and obey, for there is no other way
57:20 to be happy in Jesus than to what?
57:23 Trust and obey.
57:26 You got silent spots in your life right now?
57:29 You got things that have not yet been answered?
57:34 The help ain't coming as fast as you hoped it would?
57:37 The plans are not being fulfilled
57:39 as quickly as you pray they would?
57:41 All the things you invested are not coming to fruition
57:43 as you are praying they would?
57:45 Oh, don't despair my brother, my sister, my friends,
57:49 those listening and watching don't despair, why?
57:51 Because Jesus has given you the blessing
57:54 of the most intimate thing He has, silence.
57:58 He's only silent to those who He knows know Him.
58:01 That's why He chose this family.
58:03 They had an intimate connection,
58:04 He didn't need to tell them, they already knew
58:06 about all the doctrines, so He said,
58:08 "I can trust Mary and Martha," but even those who know Him
58:10 sometimes have their faith challenged
58:13 and He would do for us if we would simply trust Him
58:16 when He is silent.
58:17 He would do for us far greater than we are praying for Him
58:21 to do.
58:22 So your dreams are not dead, they're just buried,
58:25 but He's the resurrection and the life.
58:27 Your hopes are not buried,
58:30 they just have been inactive for a long time,
58:32 but He's the resurrection and the life.
58:35 So today, if you want to trust God
58:38 in the silence of your life, stand with me right now.
58:41 If you want to trust Him, when there does not seem
58:45 to be a rational reason why He's delaying,
58:49 I'm encouraging you today to trust and obey
58:52 for there's no other way,
58:55 when the moments of silence come to be happy in Jesus
59:00 than to simply say, He's got it, I'm not worried.
59:04 He'll be here when He needs to be.


Revised 2018-01-10