Thompsonville Worship Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: TWH

Program Code: TWH000039A

00:33 If you have your Bibles, go with me to John 14.
00:39 The very passage,
00:44 where Jesus was bidding farewell
00:46 to His disciples,
00:48 and the famous words that we find
00:50 in the beginning of this book is,
00:52 "Let not your heart be troubled."
00:59 He also understood that
01:01 His time of crucifixion was at hand
01:06 that His life was one of continual pursuit
01:11 of those that rejected Him,
01:14 those that denied His messiahship.
01:19 And He knew it was just a matter of moments
01:21 before His betrayers would come
01:26 to administer the final blow of arresting Him.
01:29 But He wanted to assure us
01:31 that His mission was not thwarted
01:33 and that what He was sent for was accomplished.
01:36 And so we read these words in John 14:30.
01:43 Jesus said, let's read it together,
01:46 "I will no longer talk much with you,
01:50 for the ruler of this world is coming,
01:53 and he has nothing in Me."
01:58 King James Version says the prince of this world.
02:02 Bow your heads with me
02:04 as I turn to the Lord in prayer.
02:06 Loving Father in heaven,
02:07 thank You for the privilege and opportunity,
02:10 the wonderful responsibility of communicating a message
02:16 to encourage Your people including me
02:19 that we have a God
02:22 whom the enemy never found a way in
02:27 to His life and to His heart.
02:32 And we pray now as we consider our own journey
02:37 where we stand and how we are
02:40 the focus of the enemy every moment,
02:43 every ticking of the clock,
02:46 every turn of another calendar day,
02:50 hell has an agenda for us.
02:54 We pray that as we embark on this New Year
02:58 that we would determine by Your grace
03:01 that when the ruler, the prince of this world comes,
03:05 he will find nothing in us, and I pray this in Jesus' name.
03:11 Amen.
03:15 Two years in a row,
03:19 we had our heating furnace serviced
03:24 because it would not ignite, for two years in a row.
03:29 On both service calls, we discovered that
03:35 the very thing that prevented our furnace from igniting
03:38 the year before during the cold months
03:41 was the very same thing that prevented our furnace
03:45 from igniting the following year.
03:47 Two years in a row, for same reason.
03:52 That kept it from firing up when the weather got cold
03:57 was the same reason that it would not ignite
03:59 to the following year.
04:03 As I stood over the shoulder of the servicemen
04:05 because I had tried everything I could to get it to ignite.
04:08 You know, those of us who are pseudo mechanics.
04:11 Come on, husbands, we try to fix stuff
04:14 and sometimes we ought not to try to do that
04:17 because the servicemen said, "I saw you try to fix it."
04:21 But he had the skill to do what I couldn't do,
04:23 and I stood over his shoulder
04:25 trying to gain access to his knowledge base
04:28 so that I could save myself the service fees
04:31 the following year.
04:34 And he showed me a small little seed,
04:40 small enough about a 16th of an inch wide,
04:44 small enough he said to clog a vacuum tube.
04:48 And when the vacuum tube was clogged or prevented
04:52 from allowing air to flow through it,
04:54 it wouldn't flip the switch
04:56 which would be the ignition switch
04:58 and the furnace wouldn't come on.
05:03 No ignition, no heat, no matter how expensive the furnace was,
05:09 a tiny little seed
05:13 could prevent that monstrosity from igniting.
05:17 Well, $168 later
05:22 I asked him what do I do to prevent it.
05:25 He said block the opening.
05:28 I said, "How do I do that?
05:29 Where is the opening?"
05:31 He said "Well, on the roof there is a vent
05:34 that feeds its way into this pipe
05:36 that graduates down
05:40 till it connects to this particular metal tube
05:42 that winds behind your furnace
05:44 that connects to this small rubber tube."
05:46 And on the roof,
05:51 these small seeds begin to manifest themselves
05:54 during the spring of the year
05:57 and when that tree begins to bud,
05:58 it drops these seeds from its leaves,
06:02 and in many cases, they get into that pipe,
06:05 and it takes time for the vacuum
06:07 to suck them through spring,
06:10 summer, fall, and by the winter
06:14 it's where it is, two years in a row.
06:17 It takes almost three seasons to get that tiny seed
06:21 from entrance to blockage.
06:28 And I thought about our relationship as Christians.
06:35 How when we fail to block the openings in our lives,
06:39 the seeds of trials may take months
06:43 to manifest their presence.
06:47 But eventually, they'll block the openings in our lives
06:52 and prevent us from igniting to the glory of God.
06:58 Little seeds, you never know when they get in,
07:02 the only thing you know is that
07:03 they eventually manifest themselves,
07:07 and they begin to show up, in the result in our lives
07:10 when we are no longer capable of reflecting the glory of God,
07:15 and how odd it is, how providential,
07:19 and how I would say how parabolic
07:25 that at the time of the year when we need heat the most,
07:30 is when that furnace chose not to ignite.
07:33 When we are at the pivotal places
07:36 in our walk as Christians
07:38 and we need the glory of God
07:40 to warm up our lives the most
07:42 it is often at those pivotal moments
07:44 that we discover that there is something
07:47 that has worked its way through our lives.
07:51 Week after week, day after day,
07:55 month after month,
07:57 and finally get to the place where they choke
08:01 the productivity of our Christian life,
08:04 and they are ever so small, little, little seeds.
08:11 Now I want to take my time with this morning.
08:14 Luis, I know I could only take my time but so long,
08:18 but I want to allow this to unfold in the way
08:21 that I believe God will be glorified by it.
08:24 Because what I speak of is not just the seeds in your walk,
08:29 but the seeds in my walk, the seeds in our walk,
08:35 we're all God seeds.
08:39 And they manifest themselves
08:41 at various intervals of our lives,
08:44 and we think that
08:45 they are insignificantly small when they bud,
08:48 but they show us that
08:49 they are really not insignificant
08:52 when they prevent us
08:54 from being productive Christians
08:57 at the most pivotal and needed times
09:00 in the cycle of our Christian walk with Christ.
09:06 But before you begin to blame yourself,
09:07 let me allow you that,
09:09 allow me to let you know that the story
09:12 has a twist in it
09:13 that in fact in some degree takes us off the hook
09:17 because we were, in fact, born with a nature
09:23 predisposed to allowing seeds to inhabit our lives.
09:29 Go with me to Romans 5:12.
09:34 We inherited the best that Adam could offer us.
09:39 And Romans 5:12.
09:41 I so much appreciate the Book of Romans,
09:43 anybody else?
09:45 It is a powerful book.
09:47 Every time you read it,
09:49 it's like something else was hiding,
09:50 waiting for another occasion to come out.
09:53 Romans 5:12
09:55 gives us an accurate picture of who we are,
09:58 and why we are predisposed seeds.
10:02 "Therefore, just as through," how many men,
10:05 "one man sin entered," that's the seed,
10:08 "sin entered the world,
10:10 and death through sin,
10:13 and thus death spread to all men,
10:17 because all sinned."
10:20 Notice, death, sin entered, the seed of sin
10:24 ever so insignificant when we think about it,
10:29 but very much impacting when we see its end result.
10:35 So in reality, sin is not a little thing.
10:41 Can I get an amen? Amen.
10:42 It's not a small thing.
10:44 It just appears to be small
10:45 because our nature is predisposed
10:47 to allowing the seeds to come in.
10:49 Adam opened the door, and the seed came in.
10:51 However, when you think about the seed called sin,
10:54 it even goes farther back than that of Adam.
10:57 Ezekiel 28:15, turn there with me.
11:01 The seed goes farther back
11:07 than just the Adam scenario.
11:11 Adam opened the door and the seed came in.
11:14 But notice where the seed manifested itself first.
11:18 Ezekiel 28:15, we read the Word of God.
11:22 Speaking of Lucifer,
11:24 the son of the morning,
11:25 this beautiful angel,
11:28 the Bible tells us, "You were," what?
11:34 "Perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
11:39 till iniquity was found," where?
11:43 "In you." There is the seed again.
11:46 Lucifer had a furnace
11:48 and he opened the door to the seed of self-exaltation.
11:54 He opened the seed
11:56 to one thing what God never ordained for him to have.
12:00 He opened the seed
12:02 for wanting to take the position that God
12:05 never appointed him to occupy, he opened the door,
12:09 and we wrestle with this passage
12:12 because the Bible further says in Ezekiel 28,
12:16 his heart was corrupted
12:18 for the sake of his splendor,
12:20 he was corrupted because of his beauty.
12:22 And people have said, "Well, if God knew that
12:25 his beauty was going to corrupt him,
12:26 why did God make him beautiful."
12:30 Let me tell you some, brethren,
12:32 God does not create sin.
12:38 If we take what God has so graciously given to us
12:42 in a beautiful package
12:44 and use it in the way
12:47 that our selfish hearts desire to use it,
12:50 don't blame God for a beautiful gift.
12:53 Amen somebody? Amen.
12:55 God made Lucifer to reflect the glory of divinity.
13:02 And we really wouldn't understand
13:04 the mystery of iniquity
13:06 until we get to the kingdom, the mystery of iniquity.
13:10 God doesn't create imperfection,
13:11 God did not create the circumstances
13:14 in which sin was going to naturally abound.
13:17 These things were born in Lucifer,
13:19 till iniquity was found in you,
13:22 that is in Lucifer.
13:24 You see the iniquity that was found in Lucifer,
13:27 and I want you to follow me carefully today
13:28 because this is a message that the Lord gave to me,
13:30 he packaged it very quickly and during the week
13:33 these nuggets of wisdom began to flow into my mind
13:39 and help me understand
13:41 how necessary it is for us to pay attention
13:45 to the openings in our lives.
13:49 The iniquity that was born in Lucifer
13:54 was found at the seed of his affection.
13:58 That's why I chose to put a heart.
14:01 The seed of his affection.
14:02 The heart is often the...
14:04 You know, when kids go like this
14:07 or people go like that,
14:08 they say I heart you, that means I love you,
14:11 that means it's coming from the seed of our affections.
14:13 And what affects the heart, affects the mind,
14:15 what affects the mind, affects the heart.
14:17 When the mind is fearful, the heart speeds up.
14:19 When the mind, when the eyes see something
14:22 that may challenge us physically,
14:24 it sends a signal to the mind,
14:25 the mind sends a signal to the heart,
14:27 the blood begins to pump,
14:29 we begin to get a different feeling,
14:30 the heart is very much the seed of our affections.
14:35 But we look at Lucifer and we say,
14:41 "Why would he do that?
14:44 When he was placed in such a perfect environment,
14:47 why would he mess it up?"
14:51 We often said if I could reverse
14:55 what happened, I would say to Lucifer,
14:57 you already have everything,
15:00 why are you going to mess it up?
15:03 And we think about Adam,
15:04 in the very same way we say to Adam,
15:06 "How could you trade so much for so little."
15:13 And when you think about the beginning of our own plight
15:16 both Lucifer and Adam had God's best.
15:21 You see the issue
15:25 that found a place in the heart of Adam and Lucifer
15:29 was the spark that led
15:31 to the forfeiting of God's best.
15:34 The issue were the issues of the heart.
15:37 Look at the Bible,
15:39 how it unfolds this in Isaiah 14.
15:41 Look at that very briefly.
15:43 Isaiah 14:12-14,
15:45 and I'm reading this in the King James Version
15:47 because I appreciate the way that it unfolds in verse 12.
15:51 If you have your Bibles, you can go there with me,
15:53 if not, it will appear on the screen.
15:58 But Isaiah 14:12 and although the statement
16:04 does not end with a question, it sounds like a question.
16:07 "How art thou fallen from heaven,
16:10 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
16:13 how art thou cut down to the ground,
16:15 which didst weaken the nations!"
16:18 And notice the seed of affection,
16:20 notice the very place that we all find our issues.
16:24 "For thou hast said in thine heart."
16:29 Notice all of a sudden the focus changes to self.
16:33 You got to be really careful when as a Christian
16:37 your focus all of a sudden changes to self.
16:42 "I will ascend into heaven,
16:44 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
16:46 I will sit also on the mount of the congregation,
16:49 in the farthest sides of the north.
16:52 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
16:55 I will be like the most High."
16:57 I always try to resist it, but I must say it,
17:00 Lucifer had I trouble.
17:04 And you'll discover that the seed of affection,
17:07 the heart often finds its way in the maze of mediocrity
17:12 when we begin to focus on
17:14 what we want, what we desire,
17:17 what we believe should have happened,
17:20 what we believe should not have happened.
17:22 How things were dealt with in us,
17:26 what we believe we deserve,
17:28 what we believe we do not deserve.
17:31 When I gets on the throne...
17:39 the issues of the heart
17:41 begin to manifest themselves in our own lives.
17:45 And I'd hate to say on salvation...
17:48 When you think about salvation,
17:49 our salvation is not based on the issues
17:52 taken the world by storm, and I'll say that again.
17:55 What happens in Washington D.C. does not affect my salvation.
17:59 What happens in the Middle East
18:01 whether Jerusalem, whether Israel,
18:04 whether Jerusalem becomes
18:05 the capital of the next embassy...
18:07 It doesn't really affect my life.
18:10 Whether there's a war between Korea and United States,
18:12 it will affect us in a very detrimental way,
18:16 but it does not affect my salvation.
18:19 Salvation is not affected by the storms
18:22 that have taken the world,
18:24 but salvation is affected by the issues
18:29 that take our hearts by storm.
18:32 The issues that come in un...
18:36 unexpected, unprepared
18:41 and begin to take our hearts and our lives by storm.
18:43 That's why the wise man Solomon
18:45 at the intersection of eternal laws
18:47 and eternal gain,
18:48 he talks about the issues of life.
18:49 Look at Proverbs 4:23.
18:52 Look at Proverbs 4:23,
18:54 eternal laws on one side, eternal again on the other,
18:57 he says be careful
18:59 because this is a spring
19:00 that could have so much impact in your walk with God.
19:04 He says in Proverbs 4:23, notice what he says,
19:10 he says, "Keep your heart with all diligence."
19:16 Another word for diligence is be sober,
19:19 be vigilant, examine the heart, keep it with all diligence,
19:23 put a wall around it.
19:26 "For out of it springs the" what?
19:30 "The issues of life."
19:31 The issues of life.
19:33 When I thought about this,
19:35 I said, "Lord, what wonderful way
19:37 can we illustrate the issues of life."
19:38 Because, you know, you could just mention
19:40 the issues of life, the issues of life,
19:41 the issues of life,
19:43 the issues of life, you can mention finances,
19:44 you can mention work, family, you can mention relationships,
19:48 marriage, single people,
19:50 wars, conflicts, struggles, trials,
19:52 difficulties, tribulations.
19:54 But I like to allow God to give me different pictures
19:59 so that each one of us when we leave here today,
20:02 we could remember the picture that God drew in our minds
20:05 about how important the issues of life really are.
20:08 And the Lord gave me this example.
20:10 The issues of life affect the Christian life
20:13 in the same way
20:16 diseases of the heart affects the body.
20:19 The issues of life affect the Christian life,
20:24 in the very same way diseases of the heart
20:28 affect the physical body.
20:32 Now when I thought about that,
20:36 JD, I went ahead
20:38 and started praying for some good examples.
20:44 Because when you study the life of Jesus,
20:46 He used parables.
20:48 Where if you are a farmer,
20:49 and He said the sower went forth to sow,
20:52 you cannot forget that every time you go to sow
20:55 that you remember the parables of Jesus.
20:57 If you are fishermen, you cannot forget,
21:00 He says, "I will make you fishers of men,"
21:02 you can't forget that because He took His time
21:05 to give us such a picture
21:06 that when you go to the ocean you say,
21:10 "Fishers of men."
21:12 So I said, "Lord, what do each of us have?"
21:15 What do each of us have
21:18 that I could use as an example
21:19 and illustration that we will remember in 2018,
21:23 how important it is
21:27 to keep our hearts with all diligence.
21:29 So the Lord said, "Talk about heart diseases."
21:35 Now you have to be patient with me, I'm not a doctor,
21:38 but I have done my homework.
21:41 And I believe that in these examples,
21:43 you will begin to see that
21:45 the Lord has many spiritual examples
21:47 that can help us understand
21:49 how important and how imperative it is
21:52 for us to guard our spiritual hearts,
21:55 as we are concerned about the health
21:58 of our physical hearts.
22:00 Nobody wants a bad heart.
22:04 And when you start feeling those pains
22:06 as sometimes when I'm going too fast
22:08 and moving too quickly and doing so much,
22:10 I go like this, my wife said, "What's wrong?"
22:12 I said, "Ooh, I felt the pain."
22:14 She says, "Where?" I say, "My heart."
22:17 She says, "You want me take you to Harran."
22:19 I say, "No, this is going away."
22:21 Because, hey, the issues of the heart
22:24 can take you out like that.
22:27 And medical science says
22:28 that women are less likely to have
22:30 pre-signs of a coming heart attack
22:33 than a man is.
22:35 And they also say that if the young you are,
22:38 as a male and you have a heart attack,
22:40 the less likely you are to survive it
22:43 because a person that's young and has a heart attack,
22:45 the issue is very critical.
22:49 But the older you get and have a heart attack,
22:51 the higher the chances are that you may survive it
22:54 because chances are it's something that has accumulated
22:57 through the course of time
22:59 that has eventually become an impact
23:02 to the function of your heart, like plaque, or diet,
23:05 or lack of exercise, or wrong eating habits,
23:08 or the way that you live, lifestyles,
23:10 congenital issues of your life.
23:13 So the Lord said, "Look at this list."
23:16 And I thank the Lord for the medical community
23:17 because we know more today than we knew a long time ago.
23:20 Amen, somebody?
23:22 But think about it in this way.
23:23 I chose four conditions of the heart,
23:26 let me begin with angina.
23:29 Angina, the primary cause of angina
23:33 is the accumulation of plaque in the walls of arteries,
23:38 which narrow down or restrict
23:41 the flow of blood to the heart muscles.
23:45 Spiritual angina does the same thing.
23:48 Look at this, spiritual angina does the same thing.
23:53 When we allow the issues to accumulate,
23:58 they restrict
23:59 the flow of Christ's blood to our hearts.
24:13 It gets even deeper than that.
24:16 Go to Hebrews 9:14.
24:18 Let's find out what I mean
24:20 by the flow of Christ's blood to our hearts.
24:29 Hebrews 9:14.
24:36 "When I think of the value
24:39 of the blood of Jesus being applied to my heart,
24:41 the value is inestimable."
24:45 You could never put a dollar amount
24:47 on the blood of Jesus Christ
24:48 but look at this, look at what sin tries to do,
24:53 restrict the flow
24:54 of Christ's blood to our hearts.
24:58 The apostle writes in Hebrews 9:14,
25:02 "How much more shall the blood of Christ,
25:06 who through the eternal Spirit
25:08 offered Himself without spot to God,
25:11 cleanse our conscience from dead works
25:15 to serve the living God?"
25:17 In other words, when we try to solve
25:19 the issues of our lives with our works,
25:22 what the apostle is saying to us,
25:24 if we rely on the blood of Christ,
25:27 the blood of Christ can resolve far more
25:30 than our human effort will ever be able to resolve.
25:38 I know that, I've had issues in my life,
25:40 I tried to resolve them myself.
25:43 If we try to resolve the issues of our lives
25:45 without applying the blood of Jesus Christ,
25:47 we are surrounding ourselves
25:49 and trying to cleanse our conscience with dead works
25:54 rather than trusting in the blood of the Living God.
25:59 You see, angina is an amazing disease,
26:02 I continued reading about it.
26:03 Angina symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack.
26:08 In other words, unless you get a check up,
26:10 you might think that you're having a heart attack
26:11 when you're not.
26:13 In other words,
26:16 the issues of life
26:19 are not always as critical as we think they are.
26:27 So why do we think they're critical?
26:31 Are you ready?
26:34 Because of our feelings.
26:36 What I just say? Our feelings.
26:39 Angina and heart attacks have the similar feeling,
26:43 the feeling in your chest.
26:47 When we begin to just
26:51 gauge our condition based on the feeling
26:55 rather than getting a check up,
26:59 we think we might have a heart attack
27:01 when, in fact, it's only angina.
27:05 But because we're basing it on our feelings,
27:10 we don't understand our true condition.
27:12 In other words,
27:18 the reason why we ought to get checked up
27:20 is because angina is not to be ignored
27:23 because when you ignore,
27:25 the condition of continually narrowing arteries,
27:31 the eventual outcome will be, Jim, a heart attack.
27:36 So when you have feelings in your life that you ignore,
27:40 you put them aside, you don't deal with them.
27:43 You allow them to be the focus of your life from day to day,
27:46 eventually your heart will get to the place
27:49 where you can't handle it,
27:52 and your spiritual life will self-destruct,
27:55 heart attack.
28:02 I thank the Lord for the servant of the Lord
28:05 because God gave Ellen White some beautiful insights,
28:10 and how important it is not to trust in feelings.
28:12 They're on the screen
28:14 because I think when you see it,
28:15 you can follow it better.
28:16 Listen to this, Our High Calling, page 124,
28:19 "A feeling of assurance is not to be despised,
28:22 we should praise God for it," but get this,
28:26 "but when your feelings are depressed,
28:29 do not think that God has changed.
28:32 Praise Him just as much,
28:35 because you trust in His," what?
28:37 "In His word, and not in feelings.
28:41 You have covenanted to walk by faith,
28:45 not to be controlled by feelings."
28:47 Why?
28:49 "Feelings vary with circumstances."
28:52 Do they not?
28:54 You know, people up in Michigan,
28:55 I look at the demographics,
28:56 and I'll have Mike bring the next one up in a moment.
28:58 I look at the demographics,
29:00 you know, that in places where the sun hardly shines,
29:02 the suicide rate is higher.
29:05 You know why? Because people feel depressed.
29:12 They trust their feelings.
29:15 If your heart's working, your mind's working,
29:16 you're breathing, you're walking,
29:18 you're thinking, you can eat, you can sleep,
29:20 you can function normally.
29:22 If you've got a job, you've got a car,
29:23 you've got a house, you have a place to eat,
29:24 a place to lay your head, you have a family,
29:27 you have all the necessities of life,
29:28 you are functioning,
29:29 why allow feelings
29:33 to rob you of the very present list of blessings
29:37 that anybody around the world
29:40 in less fortunate circumstances
29:43 would love to trade places with many of us.
29:49 We're in America, where America's so selfish
29:51 when you don't...
29:52 That's why I appreciate traveling sometimes.
29:54 You go to places when you say, "So where do you live?"
29:57 "In Iraq." "You live in Iraq?"
30:00 And they're happy, and they're smiling,
30:03 they don't really care about
30:05 what happens in Washington D.C. next.
30:07 I've gone places that if there's an earthquake,
30:11 they don't really care about it
30:13 because they sleep out under the stars.
30:17 If the mortgage rates go up, they don't care about it
30:19 because their houses are made of mud.
30:21 They're not worrying about what's on HBO
30:24 because they got a can
30:25 that they're rolling down the street.
30:28 And they don't go to bed with issues,
30:29 they don't worry about the next pair of shoes
30:31 because all they want is a T-shirt.
30:35 I've been in places of the world
30:37 where a T-shirt is more valuable
30:41 than a car for some people.
30:44 I remember giving a pair of socks to a young man
30:46 in Zimbabwe, and the man began to cry.
30:50 I said, "What's wrong?"
30:52 He says, "The first pair of socks I ever owed."
30:54 He's the head elder of the church there.
30:57 My wife and I sat in our room
30:58 when we went with Maranatha there.
31:00 Look at this young man...
31:03 And we went to the market, and we said, "How much?"
31:06 You know, they ask, "Do you have any T-shirts?"
31:10 They don't want your money, they want your T-shirts.
31:13 They said when you go
31:14 to this particular community next time,
31:16 you go back again, they said bring T-shirts and socks
31:19 that go farther than dollars and cents.
31:23 And here we are, got T-shirts and socks
31:27 and don't mean anything to us.
31:31 Don't allow your feelings to become the altar
31:33 on which your life takes away the blessings of God.
31:38 Here's another quotation.
31:40 I'm gonna try to move with expedition
31:41 because this is very important.
31:43 I want to get it all done today.
31:44 From the book, From the Heart, page 79,
31:47 paragraph 2, "We are not to make our feelings a test
31:50 by which to discern whether we are in
31:53 or out of favor with God,
31:56 whether they be what we consider
31:57 encouraging or not."
31:59 Some people say, "Oh, I feel good today,
32:00 I'm going to church."
32:02 You are not based whether you feel good
32:03 to go to church
32:05 or whether you feel good to serve God.
32:07 "As soon as we begin to contemplate feeling,"
32:11 what does it say?
32:12 "We are on," what? "Dangerous ground.
32:16 If we feel joyous, we are confident
32:18 we are in a favorable condition,
32:21 but when a change comes, as it will,
32:24 for circumstances will be so arranged
32:27 that feelings of depression will make the heart sad,
32:32 then we will be naturally led to doubt
32:35 that God has accepted us."
32:39 Some people say,
32:40 "I don't feel that God loves me."
32:45 You just said that, which means if your mouth could work,
32:49 you're farther ahead than a lot of other people.
32:52 Here's another one in the Book Maranatha.
32:54 One of my favorite devotions, Maranatha, page 233,
32:57 paragraph 3, "Impressions and feelings
33:00 are no sure evidence that a person
33:04 is led by the Lord.
33:06 Satan will, if he is unsuspected,
33:10 give feelings and impressions.
33:13 These are not safe guides.
33:16 All should thoroughly acquaint themselves
33:20 with the evidences of our faith,"
33:22 that's the Word of God,
33:24 "and the great study should be
33:27 how they can adorn their profession
33:31 and bear fruit to the glory of God."
33:34 Don't let feeling...
33:36 The devil will bring in feelings?
33:37 Feelings would change with the temperature.
33:40 I was up in Camp Akita the other day.
33:43 When I left up downhill it was like 18,
33:45 I went up there, it was minus 15.
33:48 I woke up and started working at minus 15 degrees.
33:56 Angie went with me to drive, and she said,
33:59 "I'll be upstairs later."
34:03 I started to go from the room downstairs.
34:05 I want to tell you that when I opened that door,
34:07 I saw a beautiful Chris winter morning,
34:10 the snow untouched,
34:12 not a footprint anywhere, beautiful.
34:15 But I took a deep breath very carefully
34:18 because when you breathe too quickly,
34:20 minus 15, your lungs know it.
34:25 Feelings change, feelings change.
34:29 That's why Jeremiah the prophet what he did.
34:31 In Jeremiah 17:9, let me move on quickly here.
34:33 He says, together,
34:35 "The heart is deceitful above all things."
34:38 The heart is what? "Deceitful above all things."
34:43 And what else?
34:44 "Desperately wicked, who can know it?"
34:49 If a tiny seed could cripple an expensive furnace
34:53 and miniscule pieces of plaque can clog the artery,
34:57 there are no such things as tiny and miniscule issues
34:59 of our lives, left unchecked,
35:01 they can weaken us as Christians.
35:07 That's why David prayed the prayer in Psalms 139.
35:10 A heart prayer, a heart prayer.
35:14 Read it with me.
35:15 "Search me, O God, and know my," what?
35:18 "Know my heart. Try me and know my," what?
35:22 "Anxieties of my thoughts.
35:23 And see if there is any wicked way," where?
35:27 "In me, and lead me
35:31 in the way everlasting."
35:35 So something wicked in you. You know what?
35:36 If there's something wicked in you
35:38 and you ask God to reveal it,
35:39 do you think He's going to reveal it?
35:41 He is going to show it to you.
35:42 You got to get ready for it because when He reveals it,
35:44 He shows us who we are.
35:46 And if we ask Him to reveal it, and He shows us who we are,
35:50 we are blessed and benefited the most when we make
35:53 the changes by His grace when God shows us.
35:57 Right now we are reading 2 Samuel together,
36:00 my wife and I, a fascinating story,
36:03 the triumphs and trials of David.
36:07 The choices that made God happy with David
36:09 and the choices that made God sick of David.
36:15 But the one thing that David had was a heart of repentance.
36:21 And when God dealt with David for his issues with Bathsheba
36:25 and their first child died.
36:28 David stopped mourning, when he washed his face
36:34 and went about business as usual.
36:37 And they said, "Your son died,
36:39 why are you not still mourning?"
36:41 I like the example,
36:42 "Why are you not still mourning?
36:44 David said, "He is dead. What am I going to do?
36:47 He can't come to me, I could go to him,
36:49 but he can't come to me.
36:51 I got work to do."
36:53 Some of us, when the Lord allows issues in our lives
36:56 to die, stop keeping them alive,
37:01 when God has already answered with a final answer,
37:07 which takes me to the second one, arrhythmia.
37:10 Arrhythmia, the primary cause of arrhythmia
37:15 typically includes damage
37:16 of the heart's electrical conductive system,
37:19 congenital or is often inherited heart defects
37:23 and other types of heart disease.
37:25 In this condition, the heart's electrical impulses
37:28 which coordinate heartbeats dysfunction
37:33 making it either be too fast, too slow,
37:37 or it starts beating erratically.
37:40 Spiritual arrhythmia is the same thing,
37:43 when our spiritual connection with God is dysfunctional
37:48 and damage to him image,
37:50 when it's dysfunctional and damaged,
37:53 we lack the power to stay in rhythm
37:57 with spiritual things.
38:00 Which means, Bible study or not, I really care less,
38:04 prayer meeting or not, I really care less.
38:06 We're out of rhythm with the spiritual things
38:08 that God has given to us to keep us in rhythm with Him.
38:13 But we are either going so fast,
38:15 we can't stop to have Bible studies,
38:16 or going too slow that Bible studies
38:18 don't really matter, or we can take it or leave it,
38:21 erratic behavior, arrhythmia.
38:27 And what happens when arrhythmia sets
38:28 in our spiritual condition lacks power,
38:31 the proof that our heart is spiritually damaged is,
38:35 watch this carefully, if your life is moving too fast
38:39 that you cannot keep up with it,
38:41 you are having spiritual arrhythmia.
38:45 Slow it down, what I say, slow it down.
38:49 If your life is so packed that you can't take time
38:52 to serve the Lord and study His Word,
38:55 you got to slow it down.
39:04 Another very telling symptom of arrhythmia
39:06 that's spiritual is also fainting,
39:09 there's people that have arrhythmia,
39:10 they could faint at any moment, they don't know
39:12 when they're going to faint, they're going to faint.
39:14 Look at Proverbs 24:10, they're going to faint,
39:16 they don't know what's going to happen,
39:18 but they're going to faint because arrhythmia
39:20 is manifesting itself in speeding up,
39:22 slowing down, erratic,
39:24 the heart is not getting the oxygen that it needs,
39:27 so they eventually faint without notice.
39:31 And look at the spiritual application,
39:33 "If you faint in the day of adversity,"
39:35 what does the Bible say?
39:37 "Your strength is," what? "Your strength is small."
39:40 If you fail when adversity comes,
39:44 it is a sign that you are out of rhythm of heaven.
39:49 Because what did Jesus pray for Peter, He said,
39:51 "The devil will sift you as wheat,
39:53 but I pray that your faith will not fail."
39:58 Trials will come, but when the trials you face
40:01 cause your faith to fail, you are out of rhythm
40:04 with the promises of God's Word.
40:09 I don't know some of you probably hear
40:10 the sermon really well while you sleep, I don't know,
40:13 I'm not bothering you anymore because you might be
40:15 suffering from arrhythmia right now, I don't know.
40:20 But the challenge with many Christians
40:22 is that we don't recognize our weakness,
40:24 we don't recognize our weakness,
40:25 we don't recognize the arrhythmia in our lives,
40:28 therefore we fail to experience the blessings, the abundance,
40:35 the gifts of God, we fail to recognize our weakness.
40:41 We fail to recognize the arrhythmias
40:43 of our spiritual life, moving too fast,
40:45 moving too slow, erratic spiritual life,
40:47 we don't really care, and the blessings of God.
40:50 We don't say, "Lord, I'm weak,
40:52 I need your help."
40:53 That's why the Apostle Paul wrote what he did
40:55 in 2 Corinthians 12:9.
40:57 Go there with me. Look at it.
40:59 "He gave a perfect diagnosis for those who recognize
41:02 the weakness of their spiritual hearts."
41:05 "And He said to me."
41:07 The Lord said to the Apostle Paul.
41:10 Come on, let's read this together.
41:11 What He say? My what?
41:13 "'My grace is sufficient for thee,
41:15 for My strength is made perfect in weakness.'
41:18 Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast
41:23 in my infirmities, that the power
41:25 of Christ may," what?
41:27 "Rest on me." Because, you know what?
41:29 When we are weak, He is strong, Amen?
41:31 Amen.
41:33 But you can't get the blessings of God, young people,
41:36 unless you recognize that you're weak.
41:38 You can't get the blessings of God, elders, deacons,
41:41 deaconesses, leaders, husbands, wives,
41:44 you can't get the blessings of God,
41:46 lest you say, "I am weak."
41:50 Can't get the blessings.
41:55 I have learned in a very real way
41:58 when you try to handle things that only God can handle,
42:01 you will mess up.
42:06 This is another powerful one, high blood pressure.
42:09 Oh, I'm almost done.
42:11 What is high blood pressure?
42:13 The blood flows through the blood vessel
42:17 at a faster pace, which leads
42:19 to an increased pressure in the arteries.
42:22 If this condition persists for a long period,
42:25 then it might damage the arteries
42:28 or other blood vessels and increase the risk
42:30 of a stroke or a heart attack.
42:33 Main causes of high blood pressure are,
42:36 are you ready?
42:37 Lifestyle changes like, what?
42:41 Excessive consumption of salt, alcohol,
42:45 lack of physical activities, and being overweight.
42:50 But look at spiritual high blood pressure,
42:53 the symptoms are similar.
42:55 When we live a life at a fast paced
42:59 for long periods of time, it damages the avenue
43:05 of communication between us and God,
43:09 you know why, because we're moving too fast
43:13 to even think about God.
43:18 Spiritually speaking, lifestyle choices
43:21 should not be ignored because...
43:23 Are you ready?
43:24 The things that you consume
43:26 will eventually consume you.
43:32 Luke 21:34, go there with me.
43:36 The Bible says, what are the first three words?
43:39 "But," do what? "Take heed to," who?
43:42 "Yourself, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing,"
43:46 that's too much partying, too much having a fun time,
43:50 "drunkenness," that's intemperance,
43:52 "and the cares of this life,
43:54 and that day come on you unexpectedly."
43:58 We as Christians must be doing everything we can
44:02 to be ready at any moment for the coming of our Lord.
44:06 We don't believe in the secret rapture,
44:08 He's not going to show up after lunch today,
44:11 but the situations of life and in the world politically,
44:14 economically, socially, militarily,
44:16 could change in the drop of a hat
44:18 without any prior notice.
44:20 And the question is, "Are we ready,
44:22 are we in pace with our God,
44:24 or are we living a life of great pressure?
44:28 And what many Christians don't understand is that
44:31 Satan uses the cares of this life
44:34 to lead us to ignore the eternal impact
44:37 of our decisions.
44:38 One of my favorite quotations,
44:40 I'm going to share with you right now
44:41 from Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers,
44:43 look at this one, and you've heard me
44:45 quote the beginning part, but from the word go,
44:47 I want you to follow carefully because from the word go,
44:50 God has given Sister White special insight
44:53 into how Satan thinks about us.
44:56 Listen to this, "As the people of God."
44:59 Testimonies to Gospel Workers and Ministers, page 472-474.
45:03 "As the people of God approach the perils of the last days,
45:06 Satan holds earnest consultation with his angels
45:11 as to the most successful plan of overthrowing their faith."
45:16 Here is the directive of hell.
45:19 "Go, make the possessors of land and money drunk
45:23 with the cares of this life.
45:25 Present the world before them in its most attractive light,
45:30 that they may lay up their treasures here,
45:33 and fix their affections upon earthly things."
45:37 The angels of darkness are saying,
45:38 "We must do our utmost to prevent those who labor
45:43 in God's cause from obtaining means to use against us.
45:49 Keep the money in our ranks."
45:50 The Devil says, "Keep the money in our demonic ranks."
45:54 "The more means they obtain, the more they will injure
45:58 our kingdom by taking from us our subjects.
46:02 Make them care more for money than for the upbuilding
46:06 of Christ's kingdom.
46:08 For we know that every selfish, covetous person will fall
46:13 under our power, and will finally," what?
46:16 "Be separated from God's people."
46:20 God has given us what He has given to us
46:21 to help the kingdom get advance.
46:24 The cares of this life affect the spiritual function
46:27 of our hearts and lead us to believe that our likes
46:29 and dislikes are more important than eternity.
46:33 What do you think internal wars come from,
46:35 contention, division among like believers, and suspicion,
46:38 these are all components and Satan's plan
46:42 to create a church that is fragmented and divided.
46:47 You know, during the time of King David,
46:49 we'll just listen to this again in Bible Lives,
46:52 we have this audio program, we listen to it together
46:53 on Sabbath mornings when we don't listen
46:55 to 3ABN music channel, plug for the music channel.
47:00 But during the reign of King David,
47:03 the Ammonites hated him and his army so passionately
47:06 that no matter what David did they always read into it,
47:11 follow me here, they read into what David did with suspicion.
47:15 Listen carefully, look at this quote,
47:17 Patriarchs and Prophets, 714, paragraph 2.
47:20 This is powerful.
47:21 That's why you have to be careful
47:23 how your mind thinks about other people.
47:24 "When Satan controls the minds of men,
47:28 he will excite envy and suspicion
47:32 which will misconstrue the very best intentions."
47:37 Has it ever happened to you?
47:39 Has somebody ever said to you? "I didn't like that."
47:41 And you said, "What are you talking about?"
47:43 And for the life of me, you cannot figure out
47:45 what they're talking about, but they are ready
47:48 to nail you to wall, am I right Luis?
47:51 He's gonna have a hard time nailing Luis to the wall,
47:53 but I'm saying.
47:54 They're ready to take you down the road
47:56 and do what they can to you
47:58 because they misconstrue the very best intentions, why?
48:03 It's not what you said, it's because Satan
48:05 was controlling their minds,
48:08 and they heard what you said
48:09 through the portals of their own likes
48:11 and dislikes and preconceived opinion
48:13 about you already.
48:17 That's why Satan knows that what takes place in me
48:20 is more important than what I profess,
48:22 that's why he focuses on keeping many of our hearts
48:26 towards one another in an avenue of suspicion.
48:29 We got to love one another. Come on, somebody say, amen.
48:31 Amen.
48:32 We got to love each other beyond our faults,
48:34 look at this quotation.
48:35 Review and Herald, May 14, 1895,
48:39 "Before passing unfavorable judgment
48:41 upon one another,
48:43 we should go to the one who we think has erred
48:47 and tell him our fears, having our own souls subdued
48:52 by the pitying love of Jesus.
48:55 It may be that some explanation can be made
49:00 that will remove our unfavorable impressions."
49:05 That means, sometimes you need to give people a chance
49:08 to explain themselves.
49:10 Before you say that I know you meant that,
49:13 I've been on the receiving end of that.
49:15 I got phone calls from people
49:16 that I had to hold the phone away,
49:18 they're cussing me out, Christians, Adventists,
49:21 here because they said I did it intentionally.
49:27 And after they cooled down, and I praise God,
49:30 "Lord, I give you the glory, I didn't unload on them
49:32 the same way they unloaded on me."
49:38 That's why Paul says, what he does,
49:41 in 2 Corinthians 13:5, look at what he says.
49:45 He says, "Examine yourselves," examine who?
49:48 "Yourselves as to whether you are in the faith.
49:52 Test," who? "Yourselves.
49:54 Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?
49:58 Unless indeed you are disqualified."
50:01 Notice in you, if Jesus is not in you,
50:05 you are disqualified.
50:09 Your service as human, it's not divine,
50:12 it's not from the heart of a Christ with compassion,
50:15 it's from the heart of a preferential person
50:17 that's arrogant and self-centered,
50:20 and that's not an individual
50:21 that's going to make it to the kingdom.
50:24 Which takes me to my last one,
50:25 and I'm going to go through this very quickly.
50:27 Heart valve problems, this condition arises
50:32 when the heart valves don't work
50:34 the way they supposed to.
50:37 Good valves ensure that blood flows unidirectional,
50:41 that means in one direction.
50:43 The blood flows in one direction,
50:45 it never goes backward.
50:48 The heart valve problem can be hereditary in nature,
50:52 it might have been developed before birth
50:54 or one might have obtained it in due course of time.
50:57 In some cases the cause of heart valve disease
51:00 remains unknown for a long period
51:04 or maybe a lifetime.
51:05 But watch this, but given time the symptoms are manifest.
51:12 Spiritual heart valve problems are the same.
51:15 Are you ready?
51:17 Christians that have
51:20 spiritual heart valve problems
51:24 don't work as they supposed to.
51:29 They take the office, but they don't work
51:32 as they supposed to.
51:46 Just like the heart you can't tell what's going on
51:49 because they look good on the surface.
51:52 But just like the heart valve problem,
51:54 the condition is hidden
51:56 behind the walls of their hearts, it's inside.
52:02 The same is true on a spiritual level,
52:03 spiritual functioning Christians,
52:06 and this is powerful,
52:07 spiritual functioning Christians
52:09 are unidirectional also,
52:12 they receive blood and they give blood.
52:15 I want this point to be very careful.
52:19 Spiritually functioning Christians give blood,
52:23 what did I just say?
52:24 They also receive blood.
52:27 They receive blood, they give blood,
52:29 what does that mean?
52:31 That means that spiritually functioning Christians
52:34 accept the fact that the blood of Jesus Christ
52:37 that forgave them can also forgive you.
52:44 They don't think that they themselves
52:45 are preferential.
52:47 They say, "If the blood of Jesus Christ
52:49 can forgive me, it could forgive you."
52:51 It's unidirectional.
52:53 The forgiveness of God does not stop with them,
52:56 but it flows through them.
53:00 This New Year, learn how to forgive one another.
53:03 Amen, somebody? Luke 6:37.
53:07 The Bible says, "Judge not, and you shall not be judged.
53:11 Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.
53:14 Forgive, and you will be forgiven."
53:18 Salvation is not just what you're in,
53:23 but salvation is what is in us,
53:27 forgiveness.
53:30 As I close, I bring out a very important point,
53:35 I go back to the scripture.
53:39 When Jesus was being pursued by the forces of darkness,
53:43 the devil, listen, the devil was disappointed
53:48 on every occasion when he came after Jesus.
53:52 Amen.
53:55 You know why?
53:56 Satan came to Jesus with a magnifying glass
54:01 to examine His fitness to be Redeemer.
54:05 And I am so glad that the results
54:07 of that examination
54:09 have been preserved for us today, Karen.
54:12 Look at John 14:30, when the devil came
54:16 to look at the life of Jesus,
54:19 look at what the Bible recorded for us today.
54:23 The Apostle John said,
54:25 "I will no longer talk much with you,"
54:27 recording the words of Jesus, Jesus said,
54:29 "I will no longer talk much with you,
54:32 for the ruler of this world is coming."
54:34 See his magnifying glass,
54:36 he's coming to check My life out,
54:38 to see what's there, he's looking at my life,
54:42 "And he has nothing in Me."
54:44 Can the church say amen?
54:46 You see if he found anything in Jesus, we'd all be lost.
54:51 If he found anything in Jesus, we'd all be lost.
54:55 So let me ask you the question as I close.
54:58 Why is what's happening so much more important
55:03 than what's happening around us?
55:04 Why is it?
55:06 My last quotation, Christ's Object Lessons,
55:08 and the devil knows this.
55:10 Christ's Object Lessons, page 69.
55:13 Look at this familiar but powerful,
55:15 very timely quote.
55:19 Let's read it together.
55:20 "Christ..." Let's read it together.
55:22 "Christ is waiting with longing desire
55:27 for the manifestation of Himself," where?
55:30 "In His church.
55:32 When the character of the Savior
55:36 shall be perfectly reproduced," where?
55:39 "In His people, then He will come to claim His own."
55:45 Amen.
55:46 So my question to you today is what's happening in you?
55:49 What's happening in you?
55:51 What does that devil still have in you?
55:53 Greed, jealousy, anger, dissatisfaction,
55:59 what does he have in you? What does he have in you?
56:04 What's causing you to feel... What's causing you to feel...
56:09 What's causing you to feel that your life is not worth it
56:13 that the Lord has abandoned you?
56:15 'Cause somehow life's circumstances
56:18 are too great for you to bear.
56:20 What's happening in you?
56:22 I pray that as the moments of probation continue
56:26 to linger for each one of us, that we will examine our lives.
56:31 And whatever the Lord finds there,
56:35 we will submit it to Him that the only thing
56:39 that can be found in us,
56:42 the only one that can be found in us is Jesus.
56:48 Amen?
56:49 Christ in you is the hope of glory.
56:52 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
56:57 May the Lord find a place in you
57:02 that the devil cannot occupy, in your entertainment,
57:05 in your Bible study, in your prayer life,
57:08 in your devotional life,
57:09 in your church attendance life,
57:10 in your Sabbath school attending life.
57:14 I still don't know why on Sabbath morning
57:17 9 o'clock is little early
57:20 and during the week 7:30 is late.
57:22 I just can't figure that one out.
57:25 If we would have more spiritual activity,
57:27 we will find the strength for the journey
57:29 that still lies ahead of us, am I right?
57:32 Am I right?
57:33 Let's make that commitment this year
57:36 that the issues of our heart
57:39 will be in the hand of the Lord who loves us,
57:41 and the only one that can create in us,
57:44 this new heart and this right spirit.


Revised 2018-05-17