Thompsonville Worship Hour

Fishes and Loaves

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray


Series Code: TWH

Program Code: TWH180414A

00:32 Good morning and happy Sabbath.
00:39 Turn with me if you will
00:43 to the gospel as recorded by John.
00:48 And John is a rather long book.
00:51 It got right at 70 verses, and we cannot read them all.
00:57 So we will concentrate for our lesson study
01:00 on verses 60 through 66.
01:05 Although the message really does cover
01:11 the entire book
01:14 or rather the entire chapter of John 6.
01:20 So we're in John 6:60
01:25 reading through 66.
01:28 The title of the message
01:30 as you have seen in your bulletin,
01:31 "Fishes and Loaves"
01:34 and "The Anatomy of a Blessing".
01:40 Shall we pray?
01:42 Father God,
01:44 we commend ourselves to you just now.
01:47 And ask that You would be our teacher.
01:51 Make up for the deficiencies of the human instrument
01:54 with divine grace,
01:56 so that we may hear and know and do
02:00 and understand Your will for our lives.
02:05 And we thank You, dear Father in Jesus' name.
02:08 Amen. Amen.
02:10 John 6 beginning
02:13 at verse 60, the Bible says,
02:17 "Therefore many of His disciples,
02:19 when they heard this, said, 'This is a hard saying,'"
02:24 I'm reading from the New King James.
02:27 "Who can understand it?"
02:28 I think the King James says, who can hear it?
02:31 "When Jesus knew in Himself
02:33 that His disciples complained about this,
02:37 He said to them, 'Does this offend you?
02:42 What then if you should see
02:46 the Son of Man ascend
02:49 where He was before?
02:53 It is the Spirit who gives life,
02:56 the flesh profits nothing.
03:01 The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
03:05 But there are some of you who do not believe.'
03:10 For Jesus knew from the beginning
03:12 who they were who did not believe,
03:15 and who would betray Him.'"
03:18 He always knew.
03:21 "And He said, 'Therefore I have said to you
03:24 that no one can come to Me
03:26 unless it has been granted to him by My father.'
03:31 From that time
03:33 many of His disciples went back
03:36 and walked with Him no more.'"
03:43 So John 60 is the focus
03:46 of our discussion today.
03:51 It may well be one of the most
03:53 miracle pact chapters
03:58 in the entire Book of John
04:00 if not the entire New Testament.
04:04 And these singular expressions of the power and grace of God
04:09 are responded to in the worst way possible.
04:15 You see the worst thing you can do
04:17 when God blesses you or curses you
04:19 for that matter is walk away from Him.
04:24 The rich young ruler was blessed, he walked away.
04:28 Here is a fact,
04:32 even when God allows trouble and tragedy to enter your life,
04:37 it is not an attempt of God to turn you away.
04:42 It's to get your attention.
04:46 Amen.
04:48 It's to turn you to Him and all tragedy no matter
04:54 how seemingly bad it is,
04:57 is still in this time tinged
05:00 with a little mercy.
05:04 Which is why you may lose your car
05:08 and not lose your life.
05:12 Yeah.
05:13 Because all of the things that happen to us now
05:17 have a redemptive aspect to them
05:21 because God's trying to get your attention not hurt you.
05:26 So when God is tapping on your shoulder,
05:29 the worst thing you can do is turn away from Him.
05:32 Amen. Amen.
05:34 Yeah, if He's tapping on your shoulder,
05:35 He's trying to get your attention.
05:38 And if you are not listening,
05:40 He's going to tap a little harder.
05:45 So the worst thing
05:47 you can do is turn away.
05:52 Let's go back to John 6.
05:55 The chapter begins with the feeding of the 5000,
05:59 one of the most notable true miracles
06:01 in all the Word of God.
06:04 The Bible tells us in John 6
06:07 that the feeding of the 5000
06:09 was actually the feeding of 5000 men plus women
06:14 and children.
06:15 So you can conformably say
06:17 the 5000 was really
06:19 the feeding of the 15,000 or more.
06:24 So you've got 15,000 men, women and children.
06:29 And you've got a little boy's lunch
06:32 of five barley loaves and two fishes.
06:35 Now barley was not the most appetizing meal
06:40 in Mesopotamia, Egypt.
06:42 Barley was principally used to make beer.
06:46 So we've got a little boy, five barley loaves,
06:50 two fishes
06:53 and it is clear in verse 2
06:59 that one of the reasons
07:00 you had so many people following Jesus
07:02 is because He was healing diseased people.
07:08 He crosses the Sea of Galilee,
07:11 also named the sea of Tiberius
07:12 for the Roman Emperor, Tiberius.
07:15 And by the way all four gospels,
07:17 all four gospels record this miracle.
07:20 The feeding of the 5,000 was a monumental miracle
07:25 in the life of Christ and a great PR campaign.
07:29 That and the healing of Lazarus
07:32 really kind of put this new religion on the map.
07:35 And, of course, it put Jesus
07:37 in the assassination hit list of the Pharisees.
07:42 So you've got 15,000 people sitting down
07:44 with nothing to eat,
07:46 and you've got the disciples and additional people
07:50 who had attached themselves to Jesus
07:52 because of the miracles.
07:55 You know, it became obvious, if you walk with Jesus,
07:58 Jesus will get you stuff.
08:01 If you're sick and walk with Him,
08:02 you can get healed.
08:05 So a lot of people began to attach themselves
08:09 to this new Rabbi because of the miracles.
08:14 You know, if somebody does some good for you,
08:15 you want to kind of hang around them,
08:16 maybe you can get some more good stuff.
08:20 So the crowds are growing and people are coming
08:22 because of the miracles.
08:25 Now let me give you a little sidebar,
08:27 it's a little side thing here.
08:30 Jesus says to Philip, Jesus says to Philip,
08:34 "Where are we going to get food to feed all these people?"
08:39 Now this is the Son of God asking Philip.
08:43 And Philip's response is, "You kidding?
08:48 You're Jesus, I'm Philip."
08:53 He said, "We got a little boy here
08:54 with some food
08:56 but what is that among 15,000 plus people.
09:00 It's not even worth mentioning."
09:06 Let me ask you a question.
09:07 You think Jesus ever asked a question
09:09 that He did not already know the answer to, Rosemary.
09:14 Does Jesus ask questions for information?
09:19 Is the Son of God looking to you to get advice?
09:23 I think not.
09:27 So He asked Philip,
09:29 "Where are we going to get food to fill,
09:31 feed all of these people?"
09:34 There is no record anywhere in the New Testament of Christ
09:37 asking the question purely for information.
09:43 The Bible says in verse 6 if you're in John 6:6.
09:47 He said, "He said this to test Philip."
09:54 You know God does that in a church.
09:57 God does things to test you. Did you know that?
10:01 Yeah.
10:02 God will let little things come into your life
10:04 just to test you.
10:06 Now it's not that God doesn't know
10:09 how you're going to respond.
10:11 The truth is, you don't know...
10:16 How you respond until you're tested.
10:20 You ever come to church and everything is just for you,
10:24 Sabbath School lesson is perfect, sermon is perfect,
10:28 music is perfect.
10:29 And Ellen White says,
10:31 "You become part of what she calls the spiritual heat,"
10:34 kind of starts in your ankles and works
10:35 its way all the way up
10:37 and you're just feeling good in the Lord.
10:38 You know, you're just, you're just into it.
10:42 And in the context of the spiritual heat,
10:44 you say to yourself or even out loud,
10:47 "Lord, I will never
10:49 ever sin again."
10:54 And when you say it, you mean it.
10:59 Yeah, you do.
11:01 And the Lord knows even as those words
11:04 are coming out of your mouth, you can't keep that.
11:10 That's why 1 John says, and if we sin we have a...
11:14 Because you're going to make a mistake
11:16 and God's got that taken care of.
11:18 But when you say it, you mean it.
11:21 And sometimes you don't get out of the door good.
11:27 And something happens. Amen.
11:32 Walked out the other day and I'm using a 3ABN van
11:37 because my car is in a shop
11:38 'cause it won't go any faster than 45 miles an hour
11:40 and nobody knows why.
11:43 Gordon, since you took me couple weeks ago,
11:45 it's still there.
11:50 You can't find out why.
11:52 Come out and somebody bumped a van.
12:01 Greg, it's not a big bump.
12:06 How do you see it? Got to look real close.
12:13 And I said I was never going to sin again.
12:24 Oh, you got a little bump on a van.
12:25 No.
12:31 So God allows us to be tested.
12:35 Sometimes you work next to people
12:39 who don't particularly love you.
12:45 Or you're doing a job
12:47 that you don't particularly like.
12:54 Or you're in a relationship that you got to work at.
13:00 And the Lord is testing you.
13:02 And you know what else He's doing?
13:03 He's working on your resume. Yeah.
13:07 Because sometime in the future all of that stuff
13:11 that's been percolating in your life,
13:13 you will be able to use for His glory.
13:17 I've heard people talk about it.
13:18 Why did I get that job?
13:20 Why do I have to work with that person?
13:21 Why do I have to go through that,
13:23 that particular instance in my life?
13:25 All that becomes part of your resume.
13:28 And then later on when somebody has the same set of problems
13:31 you have, you can say I know what that's like
13:35 'cause I've done that, I've been there.
13:37 And I know that God can keep you.
13:39 No experience in your life
13:42 when yielded to Christ is ever wasted.
13:45 All that stuff is part of the resume.
13:48 All that bad stuff you've gone through.
13:51 Hey, you're still standing,
13:55 still breathing, still walking, talking, thinking,
13:58 it's part of your resume
13:59 because somebody's going to need
14:01 to hear your resume,
14:02 your testimony to help them in their walk.
14:08 We're going to come back to that in just a little bit.
14:11 So God is going to test you.
14:12 And He's testing Philip,
14:15 "Where are we going to get food."
14:19 And we know it's a test
14:21 'cause in verse 6 the Bible says,
14:23 Christ already knew what He was going to do.
14:26 Amen.
14:28 Aren't you glad
14:29 that when you don't have a clue,
14:31 Christ is not clueless?
14:32 Amen. Amen.
14:34 He already knows what He's going to do,
14:36 Tracy, He knows, He knows what's He going to do.
14:40 You don't have a clue, doesn't mean He's clueless.
14:44 He knows it. That's your test, not His.
14:48 Amen. Amen.
14:49 That's your test.
14:50 He already knew what He is going to do.
14:52 He said, "Have the people sit down."
14:54 You see, as Danny likes to say, he read the back of the book.
14:59 But not only did Jesus read the back of the book,
15:01 He wrote the back of the book.
15:03 Amen.
15:04 In fact, He is the back of the book.
15:08 Amen.
15:09 Ellen White says every page is about Jesus.
15:12 So He read it, He wrote it, He is it.
15:15 He knew what He was going to do.
15:17 He knew how to solve this problem.
15:19 And He wanted the disciples
15:21 to learn to trust Him just a little bit more.
15:25 So along with the miracles, He's testing His own disciples.
15:29 Andrew said, "Here's a little boy,
15:31 he's got this little lunch, it's not worth mentioning.
15:34 His faith is fatiguing also.
15:36 The upshot is the miracle
15:39 began 5,000 men, plus women,
15:43 plus children are fed too full
15:45 what began as one basket fed 15,000 plus people
15:51 with 12 baskets left.
15:54 And I am saying, my God is able.
15:57 Amen. Now go to verse 14.
16:01 You're in John 6 and let's look at the response.
16:14 Now an evening, not 16, I want 14.
16:18 "Then those men,
16:19 when they had seen the sign that Jesus did,
16:23 said, 'This is truly the Prophet
16:26 who is come into the world.'"
16:31 Truly this is the Prophet who has come into the world.
16:36 Now that statement, ladies and gentlemen,
16:39 was made because their stomachs were full.
16:43 Amen. That's what that was all about.
16:48 He heals us, He feeds us,
16:50 He's got to be a prophet from God.
16:53 They had received a blessing from God,
16:56 and now they are willing and ready to praise Him.
17:01 Well, it's easy to praise somebody who's feeding you,
17:03 and blessing you, and healing you.
17:11 So here's my question.
17:13 I say this is a quiver of questions today.
17:18 Is serving the Lord because He blesses you,
17:21 is that true service?
17:25 Now think a second.
17:29 Is serving the Lord
17:31 because you're getting blessings from Him,
17:34 is that true service?
17:38 See, now you're scared.
17:41 You were right the first time.
17:43 It is not. It is not.
17:48 Remember, worship includes
17:52 who you worship, when you worship,
17:56 how you worship, why you worship.
17:59 Amen. Who you worship?
18:03 First Commandment and the Fourth Commandment.
18:07 When you worship? Fourth Commandment.
18:10 How you worship?
18:11 John 4:24, "Christ is seeking those to worship Him
18:15 in spirit."
18:16 And that's how you worship Him.
18:20 Why do you worship?
18:25 'Cause you're getting stuff.
18:33 We're told He loved,
18:34 we love him because He first loved us.
18:38 Colossians 1 tells us we love Him and worship Him
18:41 because He created everything and all things are His.
18:45 And that, ladies and gentlemen,
18:46 is the burden of the three angels' message.
18:48 That's why you love Him
18:49 because you're responding to His love.
18:56 So why do we serve Him? Why do we follow Him?
18:58 Peter said in Matthew 19:27,
19:03 I like this, Matthew 19:27,
19:06 "So we have left all and followed You,
19:10 therefore what shall we have?"
19:14 That's bottom line.
19:15 Lord, we've done everything for You,
19:17 what do we get out of this?
19:18 And the truth is every Christian
19:21 whether they audiblize it or not,
19:23 ask themselves that same question
19:25 somewhere in your walk with Jesus.
19:27 You do. Everybody.
19:30 Lord, what's in this for me?
19:34 And the reason I noticed
19:36 because it's asked and answered so many times in the Bible.
19:38 You may not put it that way,
19:40 but somewhere in your walk for the Lord
19:42 you've got to determine, is Jesus sufficient for you?
19:46 Amen.
19:48 You got to make that determination.
19:49 And the reason you have to do that because everybody in here
19:51 and everybody who's ever given
19:53 their heart to the Lord at one point
19:55 or another in their life determines
19:56 just how much of you, you're going to let Jesus have.
20:00 Amen. Amen.
20:02 Think about it. Yeah.
20:04 Some have said, I will do this for the Lord,
20:07 I ain't doing that.
20:09 So you draw this line in your life,
20:12 I'm going to give the Lord all,
20:14 or I'm going to give the Lord most,
20:16 or I'm going to give the Lord some,
20:17 or I'm going to live the Lord as much as is convenient for me
20:21 but everybody in the church
20:23 who has come to the Lord makes the determination
20:26 of how much you're going to give the Lord
20:29 and that determination determines
20:31 how successful you will be in the Lord.
20:34 How much the Lord can do for you,
20:36 and how much the Lord can do with you,
20:38 and how much the Lord can do through you is predicated
20:41 on how much you're going to give to the Lord.
20:44 If you give all, you get all.
20:50 So somewhere in your walk
20:52 you've already answered the question.
20:54 God knows it even if you don't.
20:57 Lord, I give everything to you.
21:00 Okay, Lord, I'm going to give you 75%,
21:04 75.5%, 80% on Sabbath.
21:09 I'd like to hold a couple percentage points for myself.
21:13 And all you're doing...
21:15 Can I use the word constipate?
21:20 You are constipating your own spiritual experience.
21:30 Yeah, the less you give, I'm sorry, the less you get.
21:35 Jim?
21:38 If you want to get all, you got to give all.
21:46 You kind of supposed to be raking it in
21:49 and not pushing it out.
21:53 So if you want to get all, you got to give all.
21:55 Christ deserves nothing less than your best.
21:59 Heaven gave you its best,
22:02 so you got to give your best in return.
22:09 What's in it for me?
22:11 Now actually that question is not motivated
22:13 by the Holy Spirit,
22:14 but God is God enough and loving enough
22:17 that He doesn't mind when you ask that question.
22:20 Amen.
22:22 That's the same spirit that move,
22:24 that move the mother of James and John to say,
22:26 "Hey, Lord, when you get to heaven,
22:28 put one of my sons on your left
22:29 and put the other one on the right."
22:31 And Christ said,
22:32 "Woman, you have no idea what you're asking."
22:36 Now if they can bear this cup
22:38 that I carry but that's not mine to give.
22:48 Serving the Lord to get stuff
22:50 is fishes and loaves religion.
22:54 Amen.
22:56 You're following Him to get fishes and loaves.
22:59 The truth is God was to be God
23:01 if He gave you absolutely positively nothing.
23:06 But since He's God, He doesn't function that way.
23:10 He just loves to give.
23:12 So if you come to Him, you will get
23:15 because that's the way God is,
23:16 it's not through any goodness of yours.
23:19 Amen. Amen.
23:21 He's going to give because God is a giver.
23:23 If He didn't withhold His son the Bible says,
23:26 why would He withhold anything else
23:28 from those who ask.
23:32 He proved His love by giving you Jesus.
23:35 So given you a house,
23:37 or a new car, or a good job,
23:41 or a nice wife,
23:45 or husband, or a girlfriend,
23:49 or internet buddy, that's light stuff.
23:54 He gave you Jesus.
23:58 Amen.
23:59 So when you say "Lord, I need a job."
24:01 You think that's hard for Him?
24:03 "Lord, I'd like to have a nice wife."
24:08 That's not hard for Him.
24:12 You know I need to say this
24:13 and I don't like to parade my wife
24:16 but first of all she's cute.
24:21 But, and we've been married,
24:23 we got married
24:25 in just about time I got here.
24:27 In the last two weeks
24:29 we kind of like fall in love
24:32 all over again.
24:36 Yeah, we got this thing now. It's pretty good.
24:41 Amen. Amen.
24:43 You know how we got it? Asked for it.
24:49 Yeah.
24:51 "Lord, we want a new thing."
24:54 Lord said, "Let Me look in my thing bag."
24:58 Brought out a new thing.
25:00 So now we have fun and at night
25:03 when she puts those ice cold feet on me,
25:05 I just praise the Lord.
25:13 Yeah. He gave you Jesus.
25:16 You think making your life pleasant
25:19 on this earth is hard work for the Lord.
25:24 He's proved His love when He gave you Christ.
25:27 So when you give all, you get all.
25:35 So the people are looking at Jesus
25:38 and they notice that a boat was missing.
25:42 And so the entourage got into boats
25:44 and frantically rode all the way over to Capernaum.
25:47 You see we're...
25:48 Most of Christ's work was done in Galilee.
25:50 You've got Bethsaida here,
25:51 you've got Capernaum here and a city of Chorazin there,
25:54 that's kind of triangle lying on its side,
25:56 all on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee.
26:01 They roll over to Capernaum and when they got there.
26:05 Let's look at Christ's response to these disciples
26:10 who were really groupies.
26:14 John 6:26, I'm reading
26:16 from the New Living Translation.
26:22 "I tell you the truth," this is Jesus speaking.
26:25 "You want to be with Me
26:27 because I fed you,
26:31 not because you understood the miraculous signs."
26:37 Amen?
26:39 You want to be with Me because your stomachs are full,
26:45 not because you understand My mission.
26:53 I'll read it from the New King James.
26:55 "Jesus answered them and said, 'Most assuredly, I say to you,
27:01 you seek Me, not because you saw the signs,
27:04 but because you ate
27:08 of the loaves and were filled.'"
27:10 You're speaking from a full stomach,
27:12 not a full heart.
27:16 By it, by the way,
27:19 have you ever asked yourself what is a blessing?
27:25 Ever said, so what's a blessing?
27:27 Can you define a blessing?
27:32 We use that word so very much.
27:34 I was blessed. It's a blessing.
27:37 Every time I think of the word blessing,
27:38 I think of Jill.
27:40 Jill is the blessing Queen.
27:45 What is a blessing?
27:49 What constitutes a blessing?
27:54 Question number one,
27:55 should we follow God for blessings?
28:01 Should we follow God to give blessings?
28:05 Should we follow God because of blessings?
28:09 Slightly different.
28:13 Number three,
28:14 can you follow the Lord
28:16 and not have blessings?
28:21 No, yes.
28:24 Can you follow the Lord
28:26 and not be blessed?
28:31 No.
28:32 In other words if we follow the Lord, can we,
28:37 should we expect blessings
28:41 in the Christian life?
28:44 Think about that.
28:46 If you're following the Lord, can you expect is the word.
28:51 Valera, blessings.
28:58 Can I expect them? Jay, can I expect them?
29:04 Chris, can you expect them?
29:09 Roberdy, can you expect them?
29:13 So I shouldn't follow Him for them
29:16 but I can expect it.
29:21 And that makes sense to you. That adds up.
29:27 Karen? Mitchell?
29:41 Should blessings be a motivating factor,
29:44 blessings in my service for the Lord?
29:47 I am going somewhere with it.
29:51 All right.
29:54 Do blessings always
29:55 make us feel good?
30:00 What?
30:04 Do blessings always make us feel good?
30:09 Well, if it doesn't make you feel good, is it a blessing?
30:15 Can you actually have a blessing
30:18 that makes you feel bad?
30:22 Jim?
30:25 It's a blessing but I feel bad.
30:34 Your minds are turning.
30:41 Can a negative experience
30:45 be a blessing?
30:47 Yes.
30:49 How can you be so sure?
30:52 Negative experience is a blessing?
30:54 Yes.
31:01 So what determines then...
31:08 if a particular experience is a blessing or not?
31:13 'Cause you're telling me is not based on feelings
31:16 'cause sometimes blessings make you feel good.
31:19 Amen.
31:20 Sometimes blessings make you feel bad.
31:22 Amen.
31:25 And it's still a blessing.
31:31 It's a blessing, Marlene, only a blessing
31:34 if you think it's a blessing.
31:39 If you acknowledge it as such.
31:41 Suppose you get a blessing, but if you say,
31:45 that's not a blessing.
31:47 Is that still a blessing?
31:54 Can Jill come over and say, it's a blessing?
32:01 So then what constitutes a blessing?
32:06 Because these disciples were blessed,
32:09 they didn't know it, they didn't acknowledge it,
32:12 and they walked away from Jesus.
32:20 I asked some people in research for this sermon this week
32:23 and I should, probably I should asked some women
32:24 but I asked all guys.
32:26 And I remember two of the males,
32:29 in fact they're sitting here in front of me
32:30 so I'll turn away from them.
32:33 I asked them,
32:35 define a blessing for me.
32:39 And Mike, they said to me,
32:41 a blessing is like when you're blessed.
32:53 You do understand you cannot use
32:55 the word in the definition of a word.
32:58 So you cannot use the word blessed
33:01 trying to define blessing.
33:03 You know that.
33:06 But no one was able to give me
33:09 a concrete definition of what a blessing is.
33:14 It's this thing,
33:19 you kind of know it
33:21 when you see it,
33:24 but there ought to be a definition.
33:27 How can we be so nebulous
33:32 about a word we use so much?
33:36 What is a blessing?
33:41 And if you don't know what a blessing is, Tim Parton,
33:45 how do you know when you're blessed?
33:48 You may be blessed and not know it.
33:50 Or you may be blessed and think it's a curse.
33:53 Or you may be cursed and think it's a blessing.
34:03 There's a story about a lady
34:05 who begged the Lord to be wealthy.
34:10 And the Lord under took to give her
34:14 the desire of her heart.
34:17 She thought she was blessed,
34:19 but she was really cursed
34:22 because from the day she got that money
34:27 she never went to church again.
34:33 True story. It's in the testimonies.
34:36 Was that a blessing?
34:41 So one of the things we have to do
34:42 when we are trying to discuss what a blessing is,
34:44 we have to look at it from ultimate realities,
34:48 not temporary things.
34:52 Now you know the New Testament was written in Greek
34:55 but it was written in Koine Greek, K-O-I-N-E,
34:58 that's as closest we can come, which means street Greek,
35:02 it's common Greek.
35:04 Luke wrote in educated Greek
35:05 but the rest of the New Testament
35:07 is pretty much common Greek, street language.
35:09 And so when you, when you use street language
35:12 to try to describe something, it can become very colorful.
35:17 So there are a lot
35:19 of definitions for blessing
35:23 and having waded my way through most of that stuff.
35:28 I took the top two,
35:29 the ones that kind of excited me the most.
35:34 Blessing means to be happy but it means more than that.
35:39 And I'm about five, seven minutes from the end.
35:42 So I'll let you know the wheels are down,
35:44 we are circling.
35:48 But the word happy only scratches the surface.
35:51 We get happy from the beatitudes,
35:53 you know, Matthew 5, happier are you.
35:55 So blessing does mean happy,
35:56 but it means a little bit more than something.
36:00 Let me toss something else at you
36:01 I found in my research.
36:02 Found this about 2 o'clock the other morning,
36:04 really cool stuff.
36:05 If you take the beatitudes, the ten beatitudes,
36:08 the last beatitude is not a beatitude per se
36:12 but it is beatitude because it is.
36:15 You can divide them up just like you divide
36:16 the Ten Commandments.
36:18 The first four beatitudes are God beatitudes,
36:19 the second six are man beatitudes.
36:22 Just like the Ten Commandments.
36:23 Really kind of interesting study.
36:25 But they all can be used,
36:27 you can use the word happy in all of them
36:29 but happy is not sufficient.
36:33 Happy is not enough
36:35 because it's a little too subjective.
36:36 This is the way or let me say it this way,
36:40 is anybody here happy all the time?
36:44 Anybody? Nobody's happy all the time.
36:48 You can have joy all the time. Yes.
36:50 Amen.
36:51 You can have joy even when you're not happy,
36:53 you know that.
36:54 Yeah. Yeah.
36:55 Yeah, you can have joy when you're not happy.
36:57 When Brother Dickens hit that dear the other night.
37:00 Were you happy? I think not.
37:04 And then wrestling with the insurance company,
37:06 you sure ain't happy.
37:12 But you can always be blessed.
37:15 The objective state of blessedness, get this.
37:19 The objective state of blessedness
37:22 has nothing to do
37:25 with your outward circumstances.
37:28 You can be poor and be blessed.
37:33 So blessedness has nothing to do
37:35 with what's going on around you.
37:39 Psalms 128:1,
37:40 "Blessed is everyone that fears the Lord,
37:42 who walks in His ways."
37:44 Had nothing to do with your social standing.
37:47 Amen? Or your life.
37:50 As it is in this temporary world.
37:53 So if you think that being blessed
37:57 is because things are good,
38:00 that's fishes and loaves thinking.
38:05 I say again, your outside circumstances
38:07 can be an absolute train wreck but you can still be blessed.
38:14 When I have prostate cancer, my doctor said,
38:18 "Well, you are lucky guy."
38:21 I said, "No, I'm blessed."
38:25 He said, "It hadn't spread
38:28 and shouldn't be a big, big deal."
38:31 "Well, praise the Lord, I'm blessed."
38:34 When I had my sixth bypass surgery,
38:37 I'm very proud of that sixth bypass surgery
38:40 because most people only do four
38:42 or three or five, I did six.
38:46 My Jewish Hersh Maniar surgeon said,
38:52 "Man, you are blessed."
38:54 I said, "You got that right."
38:57 He said, "We don't get many sixes walking in here.
39:01 Usually they get carried in."
39:03 I walked in, I want to say I walked out
39:05 but I had to go out in a wheelchair.
39:08 But I could have walked out.
39:11 And even the doctor said, "Man, you are blessed."
39:17 Forgive me, one quick story.
39:19 I have, I had a member, Sister Carolyn Antonio.
39:22 Sister Carolyn Antonio, her brother was Walter Starks,
39:25 she's too driving for the General Conference
39:27 Seventh-day Adventist.
39:28 She had to have five bypasses, mere five.
39:31 And so she said,
39:33 "Pastor, I want your face to be the last thing
39:35 I see before I go under
39:37 and the first thing I see when I wake up."
39:41 You want to see this thing?
39:42 "Yes", she said.
39:44 She said, "I don't want to hear you praying."
39:47 So they prepped her at 4 o'clock in the morning.
39:49 I lived an hour and a half away from the hospital.
39:52 And then you get
39:54 into New York City, Mount Sinai, Yvonne
39:56 and you got to try to find a parking space.
39:58 So basically I went to sleep at 11, got up at 12:30, 1:00,
40:03 drudged into the city, made circles
40:05 trying to find somebody to park, ran in there.
40:08 And I said, "Hi Sister Antonio."
40:10 And she was already a little groggy.
40:12 And I said, "You ready for this?"
40:14 And she said, "Yes, I am."
40:15 So I said, "Let's pray together."
40:17 So as we're praying, she went to sleep.
40:19 She had her first,
40:20 they had not connected the drip line yet,
40:22 they just did the first one.
40:24 The doctor came, this is a true story.
40:26 The doctor came and he looked at her chart.
40:30 He said, "Man, this woman is lucky."
40:33 Do you know Sister Carolyn Antonio right there
40:35 in front of me, that doctor,
40:37 God and everybody opened her eyes and said,"
40:39 No, I'm not lucky, I'm blessed."
40:43 Telling you the absolute truth.
40:48 I'm not lucky, I'm blessed and closed her eyes.
40:50 And the doctor got so upset, he called the anesthetist.
40:53 He said, "Get up here."
40:58 And about 10 minutes later the anesthesiologist came up.
41:02 He said, "What's the matter?"
41:03 He said, "That woman just talked to me."
41:06 And the anesthesiologist said, "Impossible."
41:09 He said, "She just spoke to me."
41:13 And the anesthesiologist said, "Well, what she said?"
41:17 And he said, "She said she was blessed."
41:19 And I was holding myself,
41:21 I was cracking up 'cause he was not laughing.
41:25 And the anesthesiologist said, "Well, I guess she is."
41:30 But they held up her procedure for 30 minutes to make sure
41:35 she was really under.
41:37 Do you think, now that's years ago,
41:38 that's in the late '80s.
41:40 You think that doctor ever forgot that experience?
41:42 That's locked in his brain.
41:46 I'm blessed.
41:58 So what does it mean to be blessed?
42:01 And I'm almost done.
42:03 What does it mean to be blessed?
42:05 You know, I have a...
42:07 Forgive me, I'm, this is not, this is not a yo-yo,
42:09 it's an object lesson.
42:13 And this is not easy, my wife will tell you,
42:15 we drove all over Southern Illinois
42:17 to get this cheap little yo-yo.
42:20 We went to Target, we went to Walmart,
42:25 we went to Toys "R" Us,
42:28 we went to General Dollar.
42:31 And I even had Daniel out on the way to St. Louis looking
42:34 for a yo-yo for me yesterday.
42:36 And I found this little cheap yo-yo at Target.
42:41 And it's such a inferior yo-yo,
42:45 I wanted to show you walk the dog and spank
42:47 the baby and cats in the cradle.
42:49 You know, rock the cradle kind of thing.
42:50 But this yo-yo is cheap, you can do anything with it.
42:53 So this is not a yo-yo, it's an object lesson.
42:55 Okay.
42:56 I'm going to do this one time and pray this little cheap,
42:58 inexpensive, nauseating little yo-yo.
43:01 And by the way and what makes it bad
43:03 is I had to buy five of them, I got five in that bag there.
43:05 So if anybody wants a cheap, nauseating little yo-yo,
43:07 you can have it
43:09 because I don't want this cheap yo-yo.
43:14 So let's see if it yo-yos. Okay, whoa, it did one time.
43:16 See if it does two. Now come on. Okay.
43:19 Now what did I do?
43:20 It went from up to down and back up.
43:22 This is the anatomy of a blessing.
43:26 Here's what a blessing is.
43:28 Well, I got to take...
43:30 Well, let me do it then I'll come back.
43:32 A blessing is favor
43:36 from God.
43:39 That work for anybody?
43:41 It's favor from God that starts with God,
43:44 comes down to you and goes right back to God.
43:48 Amen.
43:50 And if anywhere in that process it is cut off,
43:52 it is not a blessing.
43:54 A blessing has to start with God,
43:57 comes down to you and goes right back to God.
43:59 So that your blessings ought to give glory to God.
44:03 So if your blessing just comes and hangs there...
44:10 that's not a blessing.
44:12 Amen.
44:14 So if God gives you
44:18 a sum of money
44:21 and you don't return sum of that money to the Lord,
44:24 I maintain, you didn't get blessed.
44:28 Amen. Your riches perish with you.
44:31 Got to start with God, come to you, go back to God.
44:36 Amen.
44:38 That's the anatomy of a blessing.
44:41 And if it doesn't come from...
44:42 You see the devil
44:43 can kind of appear to bless you.
44:48 Look like it comes from God but it's not.
44:51 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
44:53 Yeah, double with counterfeit blessings,
44:54 that's why you got
44:56 to make sure it starts with God,
44:57 comes to you and goes right back to God.
45:00 And if it doesn't, it's not a blessing.
45:02 So what is a blessing? It is favor from God.
45:05 It is makarizo.
45:07 Now the second one, the second one
45:08 that I really like is called ephalomai.
45:14 Ephalomai.
45:16 Ephalomai, I think it's very cool
45:19 because ephalomai is the Spirit of God
45:25 that leaps upon you.
45:28 Don't you like that?
45:30 You come to church
45:32 and all of a sudden the Spirit of God
45:34 just kind of leaps on you.
45:37 You ever had that?
45:38 You know, you're reading the Bible,
45:40 and all of a sudden something just kind of leaps on you.
45:42 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
45:43 Yeah, it's ephalomai.
45:45 And what's interesting.
45:47 Do you remember the story about the seven sons of Sceva,
45:50 these vagabond Jews
45:52 who saw their disciples healing folk
45:54 and they said, "We want a little piece of that."
45:57 So they went and found this demon-possessed man
46:01 and they said,
46:02 "We adore you, come out of him
46:06 by the power of the God that Paul preaches."
46:11 Big mistake, big mistake.
46:14 You see, my God is not going to do you any goodwill.
46:20 Amen. Yeah.
46:21 Only God to do you good is your God.
46:24 Amen.
46:26 You can't live your life victorious on my God.
46:30 My God is big enough for me.
46:33 Your God, big enough for you.
46:35 What I'm saying is,
46:37 it's got to be a personal relationship.
46:38 If you're going to be victorious D,
46:40 it's got to be D's God getting D through.
46:44 Amen? Amen.
46:47 So they said, "Come out by Paul's God."
46:52 You know what happened?
46:53 The Bible says, "The men leaped on them,
46:57 beat them and left them bleeding and naked."
47:01 That's what happens when you try to mess
47:03 with the devil
47:04 and you don't have God on your side
47:05 'cause there's nothing about you
47:07 that scares the devil.
47:09 Mitchell, he's afraid of your boss.
47:14 Amen. Amen.
47:18 Now the word for the man leaping on them
47:22 is the same word for blessing.
47:25 Exact same word.
47:27 So sometimes in your life
47:29 the Holy Spirit leaps on you.
47:34 That's a blessing. That's a blessing.
47:38 Ephalomai or ephalomai.
47:42 And that's what happens.
47:45 So God is waiting to bless His people.
47:48 Now we've gone a long time.
47:50 So let me skip some of this stuff,
47:51 I want to just read this and then we'll move forward.
47:54 'Cause I have a watch on that my wife bought.
47:57 So I always wear it but it doesn't work.
48:02 This is an ode to love.
48:05 But it doesn't work
48:07 and it hasn't worked in a while.
48:08 And I can't read that thing on the wall
48:09 but I know I'm late.
48:11 So let me just read this and then we'll be done.
48:13 You have to forgive me, this was what,
48:14 I was going to preach this last week then I found out
48:16 by mistake that Johnny was preaching.
48:19 So I had a whole week to add stuff.
48:23 Should have let me preach it last week,
48:25 I'd have been shorter.
48:26 But I want to close with this because this is good stuff.
48:31 "By looking constantly to Jesus
48:34 with the eye of faith we shall be strengthened.
48:37 God will make the most precious revelations
48:40 of his hungering thirst.
48:41 Revelations 2 is hungering, thirsting people.
48:44 They will find that Christ is a personal Savior.
48:49 As they feed upon His word,
48:51 they find that it is spirit and life.
48:54 The word destroys the natural,
48:56 earthly nature and imparts a new life in Christ Jesus.
49:01 The Holy Spirit comes to a soul,
49:04 to the soul as a comforter by transforming agency,
49:09 by the transforming agency of His grace.
49:12 The image of God is reproduced in the disciple,
49:16 He becomes a new creature,
49:18 love takes the place of hatred
49:20 and the heart receives the divine similitude.
49:24 This is what it means to live by every word
49:27 that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
49:30 Let me skip down to...
49:34 Ah, here we go...
49:41 "Christ had spoken a sacred word,
49:44 eternal truth regarding the relation between Himself
49:46 and His followers.
49:48 He knew the character of those who claim to be His disciples.
49:51 And His words tested their faith.
49:55 He declared that they were to believe
49:57 and act as He was teaching.
50:01 All who received Him would partake of His nature
50:04 and be comforted, conformed to His character.
50:08 This involved the relinquishment
50:11 of their cherished ambitions.
50:14 It required a complete surrender
50:16 of themselves to Jesus.
50:18 They were called to become self-sacrificing meek
50:22 and lowly in heart.
50:24 They must walk the narrow path traveled
50:27 by the man of Calvary.
50:29 If they would share in the gift of life
50:32 and the glory of heaven.
50:35 Now here's the sad part, the test was too great.
50:39 The enthusiasm of those
50:41 who had sought to take Him by force
50:42 and make Him King grew cold.
50:45 Their discourse in the synagogue,"
50:49 this I'm sorry, "this discourse in the synagogue
50:52 they declared had opened their eyes.
50:54 Now they believed they had been deceived.
50:58 In their minds His words were a direct confession
51:01 that He was not the Messiah.
51:04 And that no earthly rewards were to be realized
51:07 in connection with Him.
51:09 They had welcomed His miracle-working power,
51:12 they were eager to be freed from the disease and suffering
51:16 but they would not come into sympathy
51:18 with His self-sacrificing life.
51:21 They didn't mind getting food, they didn't mind being fed,
51:25 they didn't mind being healed,
51:26 they didn't mind the idea
51:28 that they were going to be freed from the Romans
51:30 but this self-growth,
51:32 self-sacrificing stuff was a little more
51:35 than they wanted to deal with.
51:38 If He would not devote His power
51:41 and influence to obtaining their freedom
51:44 from the Romans,
51:46 they would have nothing to do with Him.
51:50 Jesus told them plainly, there are some of you
51:52 who do not believe, therefore I said to you,
51:55 no man can come to Me
51:56 unless it were given by the Father."
52:01 There's a lot more
52:03 but basically Christ was saying to them
52:06 and they were saying to Him.
52:08 You know, she says here in this in just a little bit,
52:10 she says, they turned their backs on Him.
52:13 This is John 6:66.
52:15 They thought that by turning their backs on Jesus publicly
52:19 that they were going to hurt Jesus.
52:23 Did you hear what I just said?
52:25 They thought their walking away
52:26 from Jesus was going to hurt Him.
52:31 And you know they were right.
52:33 Whenever you turned your back on the Lord,
52:36 it hurts Him
52:38 but it hurts you a lot more.
52:42 Yeah, the person who is going to ultimately be destroyed
52:45 is not Jesus, it's going to be you.
52:50 Amen.
52:51 So they thought by turning...
52:53 When you turn your back on the church
52:56 or on the Lord and say
52:58 "I'm not coming anymore."
52:59 When you decide to leave, you do hurt Christ
53:04 but you hurt yourself a lot more.
53:09 We are reading
53:10 in a Sabbath School lesson this week, Felix told Paul,
53:13 "You know, come back
53:15 when I have a little more convenient season."
53:17 Ellen White says that season never came.
53:19 He's a lost man
53:21 'cause his chance had passed him by.
53:24 God is giving us so many blessings.
53:28 And you may not have a million dollars in the bank,
53:32 doesn't matter.
53:33 You got Jesus. Amen.
53:36 You may not have perfect health.
53:39 There are a lot of people who I know are sitting here now
53:41 don't have perfect health but they got Jesus.
53:44 Amen.
53:46 You may not drive a brand new car
53:49 but you got Jesus.
53:51 You may not live in the finest house
53:55 but you got Jesus.
53:57 Regardless of what you have or don't have,
54:02 we all can have Jesus.
54:06 And you never know that Jesus is all you need
54:09 until Jesus is all you've got.
54:14 Amen?
54:15 Ladies and gentlemen, may I submit to you
54:17 in the worst of times you're blessed.
54:23 If you got Jesus, you're blessed.
54:26 Whether a peer soul or not, God says you're blessed.
54:32 Now what you've got to determine
54:34 is that from this day
54:35 forward come what may, I'm going to stay with Jesus.
54:40 That's the determination you got to make
54:41 because these disciples left.
54:43 And I know some people who should be here right now
54:45 who have left.
54:47 I say to you what Christ said to the 12 disciples
54:49 that that remained.
54:53 Are you too gonna leave?
54:56 You know what Peter said? Go where?
55:01 You have the words of eternal life.
55:04 You are the Savior,
55:05 we've got no place else to go.
55:10 And that's how I feel about the Lord.
55:13 I don't have no place else to go.
55:17 Just me and Irma. Me and Boo.
55:22 And we got Jesus.
55:25 It's all we need.
55:28 Now as this music is playing,
55:31 as I may not be preaching here that many more times,
55:35 I want you to pledge something with me.
55:38 If you pledged and if you can pledge
55:41 and if you will pledge to stay on Jesus' side
55:44 come what may, then come up and join me here.
55:51 See the person hadn't been born
55:53 that's going to run me out of the church.
55:55 Amen. Amen.
55:57 And I know Christ loves me. So I'm sticking with Him.
56:02 Amen? Amen.
56:06 Let's pray.
56:08 Father God,
56:11 we know the devil would like to take us out of Your hand.
56:16 But the truth is that nothing can take us out of Your hand
56:22 but our own obstinate will.
56:25 And, Lord, just now we surrender that will to You.
56:29 We ask in the name of Jesus that You would keep
56:32 that which we have committed to Your hand
56:35 until the day Jesus comes again.
56:38 Please dear Lord,
56:40 hold on to us and never let us go.
56:45 And never let us,
56:47 let go of You
56:51 until You walk us
56:54 into the city
56:57 and give us the key to our mansion.
57:02 Oh, please, dear Lord, please,
57:06 hold on to Your people
57:10 and keep them in this way.
57:14 And we thank You in Jesus' name.
57:17 Amen.


Revised 2018-05-30