Urban Report

What The Drug Companies Won't Tell You

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dr. Michael Murray


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000018

00:01 Shhh... we've got secrets today stay tuned to find out
00:05 what the drug companies won't tell you...
00:07 and your doctor doesn't know...
00:09 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:11 Urban Report...
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:38 Did you know that approximately 70 percent of patients
00:42 with chronic daily headaches suffer from
00:44 drug-induced headaches? Well, this fact and many others
00:49 are featured in the book written by today's guest
00:52 entitled, "What the Drug Companies
00:54 won't tell you and your Doctor Doesn't know"
00:57 I am so excited about today's guest...
01:00 he's the Country's most well-known Naturopathic Doctor
01:04 having authored more than 30 books
01:06 on Natural Medicine... his research into the health
01:10 benefits of proper nutrition is the foundation
01:13 for a best-selling line of vitamins and supplements
01:15 at Natural Factors... where he's the Director
01:18 of Product Development... he's a Graduate Faculty Member
01:22 and serves on the Board of Regents
01:24 of Bastyr University
01:26 in Seattle, Washington, it is my honor to introduce
01:29 my N.D. hero... Dr. Michael Murray.
01:32 Welcome to Urban Report Dr. Murray... yeah...
01:35 Thanks. I'm happy to be with you Yvonne...
01:39 It's so great to have you...
01:41 Likewise...
01:42 I have so many questions... your book... this book...
01:46 "What the Drug Companies won't tell you
01:48 and your Doctor Doesn't Know" is so full...
01:51 chock full of such valuable information...
01:54 what made you write this book... what compelled you to write it?
01:57 Well, I think we live in a Society
02:01 where people are looking for the quick fix
02:03 and we've all been manipulated by the
02:05 propaganda and marketing of the Drug Industry
02:09 and in this day and age... we're trying to treat many
02:12 health conditions that owe their origin to diet, lifestyle,
02:16 and our attitude with drugs and these bio-chemical Band Aids
02:20 in many cases end up causing more harm than good
02:23 and people need to know that there are safe and
02:26 effective natural ways to address
02:27 many of these common illnesses...
02:29 Absolutely... and just at the outset...
02:32 so that people don't misunderstand
02:35 because we have a lot of physicians who
02:37 watch this program as well... we are not bashing physicians
02:40 this is not that kind of program but what it is...
02:43 is... is an acknowledgement of the use of natural means
02:48 to acquire health... I mean... that is just...
02:51 it's such an important... important factor...
02:53 that we can use natural things to induce health...
02:57 what do you feel
02:59 is the most important thing
03:01 that the Drug Companies won't tell us...
03:03 Well, first of all... yeah, I want to echo your point
03:07 we've all had our lives touched in nearly miraculous ways
03:10 by advances in Medicine...
03:11 I don't want to throw the baby out... with the wash...
03:14 what I'm really speaking against is the irrational use of drugs
03:19 and the use of drugs first instead of utilizing the safer
03:23 and in many cases...
03:25 more effective natural approaches...
03:27 to answer your specific question the number one thing
03:29 that Drug Companies don't want us to realize is that
03:33 in dwelling within each of us is the tremendous capacity
03:36 to heal and to be healthy
03:38 and if we give our body
03:40 and our minds... the right sort of support...
03:43 we can achieve... tremendous health benefits...
03:46 Absolutely...
03:47 we believe that the way the body was created
03:51 it was created to heal itself... so when you cut yourself...
03:54 you immediately go into "healing mode"
03:56 the body goes into healing mode because it was created to do
04:01 just that... so, that's what natural medicine
04:03 is really about... and I like in your book...
04:07 the way you talk about... rational medicine...
04:10 explain that for us... if you would...
04:12 the rational approach to medicine...
04:14 Well, some of the drugs are completely irrational...
04:18 for example... if we look at the drugs
04:20 that are used in the treatment of osteoarthritis...
04:23 the major form of arthritis in America...
04:26 this condition is characterized by a wearing down
04:29 of the cartilage... and as we age...
04:32 many of us lose the ability to manufacture
04:34 sufficient levels of of cartilage components...
04:37 the drugs reduce the activity of enzymes that produce painful
04:43 and inflammatory compounds... what people don't realize
04:47 is that these same drugs also impair
04:49 the body's ability to manufacture
04:52 cartilage components so, use of these drugs is a
04:56 classic example of suppressing the symptoms
04:58 but actually promoting the progression of
05:01 the disease process... so, it's totally irrational
05:04 to use those drugs... instead, we should be utilizing
05:07 techniques and therapies that are designed
05:10 to give the body the necessary building blocks
05:13 to build... strong healthy cartilage...
05:16 that's what makes sense and the more we learn about
05:19 ourselves... the more we learn about nature...
05:22 the more we learn about our physiology and nutrition...
05:25 the more we realize how many things work...
05:29 that have been provided for us
05:31 to achieve health and maintain our health.
05:35 See, oh, see... this is just so...
05:38 you're just singing my song here...
05:41 because... if we give... again... if we provide the body
05:46 with the building blocks that it needs...
05:48 it's equipped to heal itself...
05:51 and that... that...
05:52 the whole idea of these drugs actually changing
05:57 various pathways and cutting off different things...
06:01 it's just... they're not often working with the body...
06:05 they work against the body... and that's one of the issues
06:09 that I have...
06:11 with a lot of the drug use that's going on...
06:13 what are some of the drugs
06:17 that are again...
06:20 working... some other examples of drugs...
06:23 working against the body...
06:25 in healing?
06:26 Well, the way we are trying to
06:30 address this epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes
06:32 is really kind of silly...
06:34 most often... when someone is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes,
06:39 they are immediately placed on these oral hypoglycemic drugs
06:43 now, they may need that drug for a short term...
06:47 to act as a crutch until the lifestyle and dietary measures
06:51 kick in... but most of the time...
06:53 they're not given proper advice on diet, lifestyle
06:57 and proper supplementations... so they end up becoming
07:00 over reliant on these drugs
07:02 and what we know about
07:04 these drugs that are used to lower blood-sugar levels
07:07 in Type 2 Diabetes is that they don't alter the progression
07:11 of the disease... and eventually
07:12 they stop working
07:13 so the doctor has to prescribe them... either in higher dosages
07:17 or in combination with other drugs...
07:19 and when that happens... it actually increases mortality
07:23 the reason why we want to treat Type 2 Diabetes
07:26 is that... it carries with it an increased risk
07:28 of having a heart attack... having a stroke...
07:31 or developing cancer... though when we look at the data,
07:34 when we rely on those drugs, they actually end up
07:38 putting people into the grave sooner...
07:41 so, the reason is... because we're not addressing
07:44 the underlying cause... good medicine is always about
07:47 addressing that underlying factor...
07:50 and we can't ignore... the power of our mind
07:53 the power of our beliefs... the power of our diet...
07:58 and the power of our lifestyle in influencing our health...
08:01 and that's what I'm against ignoring
08:04 and that's what conventional medicine does...
08:06 it doesn't pay enough attention to...
08:07 there's no profit in it for the drug companies...
08:10 if everybody was healthy, they'd be out of business...
08:15 Well, that is so true... you know... I've noticed...
08:17 when I go to some dinners and things
08:20 and I see people that I know have Type 2 Diabetes and
08:24 they'll eat anything they want to eat...
08:26 and then they'll think that if they pop a pill...
08:30 that that's going to change the situation...
08:32 and what you're saying... Dr. Murray is so true
08:35 that if we can get to the cause...
08:37 of the issue... meaning lifestyle changes
08:41 and that kind of thing... we make poor lifestyle choices
08:44 and then think that a pill... that there's a magic pill for it
08:48 that a pill is going to actually change the situation...
08:51 it might kind of ameliorate the symptoms...
08:55 but it is not going to address the root cause...
08:58 and that's one of the things that Naturopathic Medicine does
09:01 it identifies the root cause...
09:04 of the condition... and then... you attempt to
09:08 to make changes... what would you say...
09:11 if you're looking at... at the situation as a whole...
09:17 with the interaction between the Drug Companies
09:20 and the doctors... how would you describe that
09:24 that whole relationship... that inter-dependence?
09:28 We have a faulty system...
09:30 we have a situation where
09:33 the Drug Companies are spending most of their money on
09:35 they call it...
09:38 "Continuing Medical Education"
09:40 it's basically trying to sell their drugs
09:42 to physicians... and they also, advertise now on TV...
09:47 on the Radio... and in Print... whereas prior to 1997
09:51 that was illegal... Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
09:55 is a big problem... if I was Health Czar for a day
09:58 that's one of the first things that I would do
10:01 is to eliminate Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
10:04 the second thing I would do is
10:06 I would make research transparent
10:08 it's a sad fact that the majority of research on drugs
10:11 in the United States is conducted by
10:13 clinical research organizations
10:15 these are companies... that the drug companies
10:16 actually pay to do the research...
10:19 since the Drug Companies paid for the research,
10:21 they own it... so, then they're free to
10:24 manipulate the information, they are free to cover it up,
10:28 they own that information and they have complete rights to
10:32 dispense it any way they want...
10:33 so, a lot of times... what's happening is that
10:37 after the fact... we find out because...
10:39 these drugs are causing problems...
10:42 that the Drug Companies knew from the very get-go
10:45 that there were problems with their drugs
10:47 a case in point are the drugs like Celebrex, Vioxx and Bextra
10:52 that were developed for osteoarthritis...
10:55 these drugs killed more Americans
10:57 than we lost in the Vietnam War, these drugs killed
11:00 over 60,000 Americans, initial research just look
11:04 fabulous... but who did that research?
11:06 Well the drug companies did that research...
11:07 and they knew from the very beginning
11:10 that there were problems with these drugs
11:13 on the heart... in, I mentioned the
11:16 Type 2 Diabetes medications... Avandia...
11:20 Avandia was a drug that came to market with much value
11:23 again the initial research just looked fabulous...
11:26 but who did that research? The Drug Companies...
11:29 Who paid for that research? The Drug Companies...
11:31 Was it complete? No...
11:32 When they started doing independent studies
11:34 where they would take people with Type 2 Diabetes...
11:37 divide them into two groups give one group a placebo
11:39 and the other group... the Avandia...
11:42 the group taking the Avandia had a 64% increase
11:46 in fatal heart attacks... the U.S. Senate did a report...
11:49 they estimated that 83,000 heart attacks were caused by
11:53 these Type 2 Diabetes medication
11:56 now we have data showing that sleeping pills
12:00 are one of the biggest contributors
12:02 to premature death in America...
12:04 10 percent of our population regularly take these
12:07 Benzodiazepine and other types of sedative hypnotic drugs
12:12 and studies all around the globe there have been now...
12:16 19 very detailed studies that have evaluated
12:20 the link between taking these sleeping pills
12:23 and them... causing an early death...
12:26 My! the latest...
12:29 it's just unbelievable!
12:30 My! so, we know that insomnia is a huge problem
12:35 it's a huge problem...
12:37 well, I have a couple of questions about it...
12:39 because you've raised a couple of questions...
12:41 so, first of all with insomnia...
12:45 what would be... a naturopathic approach to helping someone
12:48 get better sleep?
12:50 Yeah, well, I just recently moved to Arizona...
12:54 prior to that I was in the Seattle area...
12:56 and in the Northwest for many years
12:58 in Seattle... I cured many people of their
13:02 incurable insomnia... just by having them
13:06 cut down on their caffeine intake...
13:09 Hmmm... hmmm... People are very sensitive
13:11 to caffeine... there are two types of insomnia
13:15 there's "sleep on-set insomnia" where people have a hard time
13:18 calming down and getting to sleep...
13:20 but the more common form of insomnia is called...
13:24 "Sleep Maintenance Insomnia" this is the form
13:27 where people are able to get to sleep...
13:30 but they wake up... 3, 4, 5, or more hours
13:32 after going to bed... and can't get back to sleep
13:35 well, we've been monitoring people's blood-sugar levels
13:40 continuously... using some new technology
13:42 and what we found is that when people are on...
13:45 what we call the blood-sugar roller coaster
13:48 and their blood-sugar levels were going up and down...
13:50 up and down... during the day...
13:51 they also experienced that at night as well...
13:54 so, any time there's a rapid drop
13:57 in our blood-sugar levels... there is a release of adrenalin
14:01 and cortisol... that wakes us up...
14:03 Ash... ah ha... and it's hard to get back
14:05 to sleep... so, for many people
14:08 the best approach to getting a better night's sleep
14:11 is to focus on their diet, and proper supplementation
14:14 to control their blood-sugar levels...
14:16 if they stabilize their blood-sugar levels
14:18 throughout the day... it will help stabilize
14:20 blood-sugar levels throughout the night...
14:22 and they'll be able to sleep continuously...
14:25 My! so... see this is so deep... who would have connected
14:28 blood-sugar levels with insomnia
14:31 I mean, like the average person is not going to think...
14:34 "Well my blood-sugar levels are up and down...
14:37 and so I can't sleep at night... "
14:38 who would have done that?
14:39 And yet... that is... that is the link...
14:42 that is a link... blood-sugar levels...
14:45 Yeah... so, for taking a
14:48 bio-chemical Band Aid...
14:50 to try to help us sleep through the night...
14:52 and that drug...
14:54 doesn't address the underlying cause
14:56 and in this case... if someone had a blood-sugar issue
14:58 and they took a sleeping pill,
15:00 a sleeping pill is not going to to impact that at all...
15:02 it's going to help put them out...
15:04 but you know what happens when you take that sleeping pill
15:07 it actually ends up disrupting normal sleep processes...
15:10 now, sleep is still largely a mystery
15:12 but I think everyone would agree that we need sleep
15:15 and that sleep is responsible for recharging us
15:18 for healing us, for regeneration...
15:21 it's very critical so if we are interfering with
15:25 our sleep processes... it's little wonder
15:27 that these sleeping pills are associated with
15:30 a 35 percent increase in developing cancer...
15:32 so, we got to look deeper,
15:35 we can't look to try to address our health concerns
15:39 first by taking a drug... we have to look at what
15:43 we can do with our diet, our lifestyle and attitude...
15:46 I'm a broken record
15:47 but hope it's one that will resonate with your listeners...
15:50 Well, you know, we as Adventist Christians...
15:54 we are very health-focused... and so, you are actually
15:59 singing our song... we know that
16:01 if we don't change lifestyle... make changes in the lifestyle,
16:07 then, what do you have?
16:09 you lead to disease
16:11 if you don't get enough rest, if you don't eat properly,
16:14 all of these things,
16:16 will cause disease,
16:18 and I think that we live in a Society
16:20 that's so quick to push a pill, and yet, lifestyle change...
16:25 is not that easy... another thing that you
16:27 talk about in the book... that I'd like to address is...
16:30 GERD and acid indigestion,
16:32 how does modern medicine approach that?
16:35 Allopathic medicine approach that...
16:37 and then, what is the difference with functional medicine?
16:41 Okay, yeah... Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder
16:44 is characterized by heartburn...
16:46 in the past we would called it indigestion...
16:49 but now they've got a fancier name for it,
16:51 and it's treated, now, with some pretty heavy-duty drugs
16:55 and what these drugs do is they block the production of acid
17:00 now... many people that have gastroesophageal Reflux
17:04 or have heartburn... have poor digestion...
17:07 and would actually benefit by taking hydrochloric acid...
17:10 when you take the drug,
17:12 to block the symptoms...
17:14 you're also blocking the digestive process...
17:17 so, you are creating... end up creating more problems
17:21 than you're really benefiting, and these drugs are
17:25 linked to an increased risk for fractures,
17:29 they're linked to nutrient deficiencies...
17:33 and they're linked to altering our gut microflora...
17:37 you know we have more more microbes growing in our
17:40 intestinal tract than we have cells in our human body...
17:43 Wow... so, yeah, so it's more
17:46 bacterial cells in our gut than there are human cells
17:49 in our body... and the type of bacteria that we have
17:52 in our intestinal cells, play a huge role
17:56 in our overall health, so, it's little wonder that
17:59 when we disrupt that flora, we disrupt our health,
18:02 so, I think there are better approaches,
18:05 if someone has indigestion, I think, most often,
18:09 they are going to respond better to digestive support,
18:13 that may mean hydrochloric acid supplementation
18:16 it may mean digested enzymes, it may mean taking some
18:19 of these probiotics to replenish our gut flora,
18:23 so it takes a little bit of detective work
18:26 but I think... in the long run the person is better off
18:29 utilizing a more rational approach
18:33 than just simply blocking their symptoms...
18:35 You know, I'd like to ask you
18:37 something else with that too, Dr. Mike,
18:39 because to... to again,
18:41 to the average person, if they're taking an antacid,
18:47 they think that they have too much HCl...
18:49 too much hydrochloric acid, but what you're saying
18:52 is they actually need more, is that what you're saying...
18:56 they actually need more acid to properly digest their food...
18:59 that... see... that seems counterintuitive doesn't it?
19:03 It does... it does... but about 80 or 90 percent of people
19:08 who have GERD have low to normal hydrochloric acid
19:14 production... so only about 10 percent really are secreting
19:18 too much acid... there are a lot of factors
19:21 to take into consideration with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder
19:25 certain foods tend to aggravate it
19:29 again, I'll pick on coffee...
19:31 it's one of the big culprits in GERD...
19:36 overeating... those two things alone are some of the
19:41 biggest contributors to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder
19:45 Wow... in the African-American Community...
19:48 there is a very high level... there's a high level of chronic
19:55 disease... such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer...
20:00 and with Hypertension for example
20:03 what are some of the suggestions that you would have
20:06 to naturally control High Blood Pressure?
20:09 You know, you brought up an audience that I would love
20:16 to be able to touch, because it's very
20:18 sad for me to see this epidemic of High Blood Pressure...
20:23 Cardiovascular Disease, many forms of Cancer
20:27 in our African American Community
20:29 I don't think they have enough heroes...
20:31 they need people out there inspiring...
20:34 hopefully, you're doing that, but it's...
20:37 I've heard that it's hard for them to make changes
20:40 to their diet and lifestyle but it really begins with diet
20:45 certain racial groups... they have a genetic predisposition
20:50 for Western diseases... High Blood Pressure,
20:53 High Cholesterol... Diabetes... Obesity...
20:56 when we look at the Polynesians,
20:59 when we look at the African Americans
21:01 when we look at the Pima Indians...
21:03 eating the typical American diet is like poison to them...
21:11 so, fried foods are a "No"
21:14 salt... too much salt... is a "No"
21:17 most African Americans with High Blood Pressure
21:20 are very salt sensitive...
21:22 so simply utilizing a potassium chloride form of salt
21:27 versus a sodium chloride form sometimes, that's enough to help
21:32 bring that blood pressure down, but the biggest contributor to
21:37 High Blood Pressure in America regardless of race or age or sex
21:42 is being overweight... so that's where we really
21:45 have to focus... we have to help people achieve
21:48 and maintain their ideal body weight...
21:50 Great... thank you... now what about Diabetes...
21:53 I know that recently you wrote a book...
21:56 you authored a book about a natural approach to diabetes
22:00 again... that is another condition that plagues
22:05 African Americans, Latinos,
22:07 lots of folks in the inner cities...
22:09 what would you say about... about Diabetes...
22:13 actually, I know that you've written a book about it
22:17 so there's a lot that you could say
22:18 but, how would you,
22:20 if you were talking to someone right now
22:23 that had Diabetes... Type 2 Diabetes...
22:25 what would you say as being some of the most
22:27 important factors involved in that?
22:29 Diabetes is a killer... when you have Diabetes...
22:34 it not only shortens your life, it significantly impairs
22:38 your quality of life... that's well known...
22:42 when you are Diabetic...
22:44 especially if you're poorly controlled...
22:46 it impacts every aspect of your life...
22:49 you don't sleep well... you don't have energy...
22:51 you get aches and pains... the quality of your life
22:54 depends upon maintaining your blood-sugar levels
22:56 within a very narrow range... Diabetes is a condition
23:02 most often... of diet and lifestyle
23:05 and you have to make changes in those areas...
23:10 you may need to take a medication
23:13 but that is like... using a crutch
23:15 or putting your arm in a sling if you hurt it,
23:17 if you keep it in that sling or you keep using those crutches
23:22 you lose... that function
23:23 and that's what happens when you rely on these drugs...
23:26 there's no way around it, if you have Type 2 Diabetes,
23:29 you have to make changes to your diet and lifestyle,
23:32 and if you can... then you can... actually...
23:36 cure and reverse your Type 2 Diabetes...
23:40 that's not stressed enough...
23:42 Yes... yes... that is so true, it's not stressed enough
23:46 that it can be cured... that word "cure"
23:49 Dr. Murray... how often do you hear that word...
23:52 just in general... "cure or heal"
23:55 how often do you hear it?
23:57 And yet... Diabetes can be reversed...
24:00 it's one of the easiest things to reverse
24:03 if the lifestyle changes are made...
24:06 Absolutely...
24:07 Now, how can you prevent Stroke and Heart Attack?
24:11 See I'm asking you all these questions...
24:13 this is the Readers Digest approach...
24:16 And again... we're going to try and point people
24:20 in the right direction... Yes...
24:22 the book is a good resource... my website is a great resource,
24:25 and a lot of it is just common sense
24:27 a lot of it... we know what we need to do...
24:30 in regards to Heart Disease and Strokes
24:33 when there's been an over-focus on lowering Cholesterol...
24:36 over 50 percent of people who have a fatal heart attack
24:39 had normal to low Cholesterol levels...
24:42 so, it's just a piece of the puzzle
24:44 and my... I don't know the right way to say it
24:49 something that really gets me going is...
24:52 is when we rely solely on trying to reduce one thing
24:58 and thinking that we have protection...
25:00 and we ignore all the other risk factors,
25:03 high Cholesterol levels are a risk factor...
25:06 but so is lack of exercise, so is High Blood Pressure,
25:10 so is Diabetes, so is being overweight...
25:14 and so is smoking... those are the major risk factors
25:17 and we have other risk factors as well...
25:19 diets that are low in antioxidants
25:22 so not getting enough fruits and vegetables
25:25 and legumes in the diet,
25:26 not taking enough antioxidant supplements
25:31 fish oils have also been shown to be protective
25:34 these other areas are often neglected
25:38 and that's a shame because... when we look at the data
25:42 with fish oils, for example, it far exceeds the significance
25:47 of Statin Drugs... in reducing the risk for having
25:50 a Heart Attack or Stroke... studies have shown
25:53 that when people are able to take about a thousand milligrams
25:56 of the Long-Chain Omega 3 fatty acids...
25:59 found in fish and fish oils,
26:02 they can get that level every day
26:04 a thousand milligrams of the Omega 3 fatty acids,
26:07 EPA and DHA... they can reduce their risk
26:10 of having a Heart Attack or Stroke
26:12 by nearly 60 percent...
26:14 Wow! wow!
26:16 Yeah, that's actually more significant
26:18 than exercise but I don't like telling people that...
26:21 because they might stop that...
26:22 Because they'll stop exercising...
26:23 Dr. Murray where did our time go our time is up...
26:26 I want to put your website up on the screen
26:28 so people can check it out...
26:31 they can order the books, they can see...
26:34 Doctor Murray. com
26:35 that is his website...
26:38 Dr. Murray, thank you so much for being with us...
26:41 I want to be there live, we have to set that up...
26:43 I want to be there live...
26:45 so that I can give you a big old hug...
26:46 Oh, I would love that... okay now, viewers you heard that
26:49 you heard Dr. Murray, now it's etched in stone...
26:52 he's going to come and he's going to come and visit
26:55 thank you so much Dr. Murray...
26:57 Oh, it's my pleasure...
26:58 One of my favorite authors, Ellen White
27:01 talks about the effects on the body of the injudicious
27:04 use of drugs... in the book, Spiritual Gifts,
27:07 she states, "I was shown that more deaths have been
27:11 caused by drug-taking... than from all other causes
27:14 combined... multitudes of drugs
27:17 have cursed the inhabitants of the earth
27:19 and have carried thousands and tens of thousands
27:21 to untimely graves... "
27:23 and in "Ministry of Healing" she states that the true
27:27 physician is an educator, he recognizes his responsibility
27:31 not only to the sick who are under his direct care,
27:33 but also to the Community in which he lives...
27:36 oh it's so important that we realize
27:39 that we can change from these poor lifestyle habits
27:44 and choices... to making healthy choices
27:47 we can make healthy choices, we can change our lifestyles,
27:52 and we can actually have health, if we seek Jesus Christ,
27:57 we can have health...
27:58 Thanks so much for being with us...
28:00 see you next time... it wouldn't be the same...
28:02 without you...


Revised 2015-06-05