Urban Report

Power In The Workplace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Eric Kelly


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000020

00:01 If you are working in Corporate America
00:02 and you just can't figure out how to apply
00:04 your Christianity in the workplace,
00:06 stay tuned... our guest has answers for you...
00:10 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:12 Urban Report...
00:34 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:37 My guest today is Eric Kelly...
00:40 Eric is a noted Author and Lecturer
00:42 his experience in competing in the Athletic and Corporate
00:46 arenas has given him keen insight
00:48 into human behavior he's authored 3 books,
00:51 "Pepper in the Salt Shaker: One Man's Spiritual Journey
00:55 through Corporate America,"
00:56 "The Corporate Survivor Handbook,"
00:58 and in his latest work... "Winning the Game,"
01:01 he shares interesting perspectives
01:04 on what it takes to have a great life...
01:06 as a speaker he has delivered Programs
01:08 in the United States, Europe, South America, Africa
01:11 and the Middle East...
01:13 Eric Kelly, welcome to Urban Report...
01:16 Hi Yvonne, thanks for having me thank you...
01:19 Oh sure... sure... we're glad to have you here,
01:22 tell us Eric, before we get started
01:26 talking about your books
01:27 and Corporate America
01:29 and all that... tell us a little bit about
01:30 Eric Kelly... who is Eric Kelly?
01:34 Well, a few years ago... well, maybe
01:38 more than a few years ago, I was born to a Minister
01:41 a Seventh-day Adventist Minister and I grew up a "Preacher's Kid"
01:46 A PK... most things... you were warned
01:49 about it... your parents warned you about it...
01:51 I was taught to do all the right things...
01:54 I was taught the right way, I went to Sabbath School,
01:57 I went to Church,
01:59 I remembered all my
02:01 Memory Verses for Thirteenth Sabbath
02:03 and I grew up a typical Church Kid...
02:06 but the interesting thing was,
02:09 is that I grew up...
02:10 I knew I believed... there was a God...
02:12 I believed He was there...
02:13 but I was young... I wanted to have fun...
02:16 and I can't really say that I internalized
02:18 the way that I should have... as I got older...
02:22 went to work... came out of School...
02:24 went into the workplace... and ran into
02:27 really rough situations, I met God on my knees for real,
02:32 much later on in life...
02:34 Hmmm... so, let's talk a little bit about the adolescent years,
02:42 as a "PK" because we know that PK's have certain challenges
02:47 I mean... we know... I mean... it's just not the easiest life
02:52 contrary to what some might think...
02:55 a PK has a difficult time sometimes...
02:58 what was it about your upbringing
03:01 that kind of led you away from that relationship with the Lord?
03:05 Well, the one thing that I appreciated about my parents
03:10 is they never preached at me about the Church
03:14 they always talked about Jesus, because you were a
03:19 Minister's kid, you knew more secrets
03:23 about the workings of the Church Organization
03:26 and the people in Church than probably anybody else...
03:30 you know... who was doing what, what was right...
03:33 and honestly the more that you saw...
03:36 many times you saw adults
03:39 acting in ways contrary
03:41 to what you were being taught in Sabbath School...
03:44 so it wasn't the principle...
03:46 it was that... in anything...
03:49 more is caught than taught... Ah... aha...
03:55 so, in your household... your parents were wise
03:59 and they focused on relationship
04:02 your relationship and who Jesus was...
04:05 versus just rules...
04:08 Absolutely... one of the beliefs that I was raised with
04:14 is that if you can stay connected to Christ...
04:16 which I had no concept of at that time...
04:18 but if you can stay connected to Christ...
04:21 He'll do all the rest and everything else is details
04:24 so, I still believe I have now, except that
04:27 I've learned it the hard way...
04:28 Okay... and let's talk about that hard way...
04:31 because... it's not about sensationalism
04:35 but it's actually to show people that you can
04:39 have some hard knocks, and then experience success...
04:42 many people who are in the valley of despair...
04:48 need to know...
04:50 that... that is just a temporary situation...
04:53 so, if you wouldn't mind sharing a bit of the
04:55 hard knocks with us... so that our viewers
04:57 can kind of know that... they're looking at someone
05:00 that's been through something, what did Eric Kelly go through?
05:04 One of the things that I remember first...
05:08 when you're young and you're strong...
05:11 and you're in your 20s... you believe that you can
05:15 conquer the world... Hmmm...
05:16 you believe that you're bullet-proof...
05:19 I competed in Martial Arts and loved athletics
05:23 so, I felt like pretty much I could handle almost anything,
05:27 when I went to work in Corporate America...
05:30 for a large... large Corporation I looked to see
05:34 how the people that got promoted,
05:37 the things that they did,
05:39 and I said, "Okay, I'm going to copy these folks... because
05:42 I'm smart... I'm strong... I can do
05:45 a lot of different things... I want to move up
05:47 in the Organization... " when you move up,
05:49 you make more money... there's more prestige,
05:51 and so on and so on... and so I set my hat to move up
05:55 now as many, many, many young minority employees
06:01 find out when they get to the workplace,
06:03 there are some added challenges and burdens...
06:05 and you're not going to be able to do it on your own,
06:09 there's just too much out there...
06:10 there are only two forces, in the world...
06:15 and one is the force of good, which is driven
06:19 by the blood of Jesus Christ,
06:21 and the other is the force of evil... which is driven by Satan
06:26 and all of us wake up every day giving our lives over
06:31 to one of those forces, when I got to work,
06:34 I wasn't particularly worried about turning my life
06:37 over to God everyday... I knew where He was...
06:40 I believed in Him,
06:41 but I wasn't really trying to be
06:43 a Christian... a good Christian, I wanted to have fun
06:46 and enjoy life... when I got to work...
06:49 I met people... who not only were not trying to
06:52 turn their lives over to God,
06:54 they weren't even thinking about it...
06:57 and when you run into the dark side...
07:01 you will be utterly destroyed and defeated
07:04 unless you've got the armor of God protecting you...
07:07 I got caught up in a lot of things...
07:11 I found out... at one time that I was passed over
07:14 for promotions... I looked at the people
07:16 who were being promoted, they were all friends
07:18 of whoever was in charge...
07:21 absolutely none of them looked like me
07:23 and I got to a point where I was very discouraged,
07:27 I didn't pray, however, for God to do...
07:30 His supernatural work, I fought it on my own...
07:34 Now, what was your relationship with the Lord
07:37 at that point in time, or did you have one?
07:40 I was a Churchgoer... and if I ran into you at Church,
07:45 you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference
07:48 between me and anybody else that goes to Church...
07:50 I get... "Happy Sabbath"
07:52 "Sister Yvonne, isn't God good?"
07:56 "Yes, He is... " and then I would go...
08:00 be at the party by 11:30... Yeah... yes
08:03 so, that's not... not typical...
08:07 of a lot of folks that go to Church...
08:09 what I do know is that God is going to create a...
08:14 He's going to allow...
08:15 a "Damascus Experience" to knock you off your donkey...
08:20 and you will either have to push against Him...
08:22 but you are going to learn a lesson...
08:24 somewhere in your journey... He's going to come get you...
08:28 Ah... I like that... I like that phrase...
08:30 "He's going to come get you... " He is...
08:32 Yes... yes... so how did He come get you?
08:35 Well, I got to a point where I was totally disillusioned
08:40 in fact, I went in for a "Performance Review"
08:44 and Sister Yvonne, I had worked so hard...
08:48 and I had incredible results... and I sat down with my Manager,
08:53 and my Manager said, "I can write your appraisal... "
08:59 because I was a Supervisor at that time...
09:02 he said, "I can write your appraisal... in a way that says
09:07 they were successful... because of you...
09:11 or they were successful... in spite of you... "
09:16 Wow! I was in my early 20s...
09:19 I was absolutely shattered...
09:22 I thought that if I made the numbers...
09:25 got the results... that the whole world
09:27 would fall down and worship me, and here is a boss telling me...
09:32 even though your numbers are good...
09:34 I can make it so... that it looks like they're good
09:39 in spite of whatever else you did...
09:42 that you were not the cause,
09:44 you were not the factor that made the difference...
09:46 Now, was there a personal issue between you and your Supervisor,
09:51 why was he coming off like that,
09:53 I mean, what was the motivation behind that?
09:55 I think, he was a bit naive...
09:58 we were working in an urban setting,
10:00 he was a good old country boy, he wasn't...
10:02 to say that he woke up every morning with malice
10:06 and malicious intent in his heart... probably didn't...
10:09 but he walked into a setting that he was not
10:12 terribly familiar with... and he didn't really have to
10:16 worry about it because he was the boss...
10:19 Right... right... so what happened...
10:21 how did you deal with that situation?
10:25 I found a way to feel good going home...
10:27 I had some friends that introduced me
10:30 to a couple of things... and if you are on your way home
10:33 and you partake of these little goodies...
10:35 by the time you get back to wherever it is you're going...
10:38 you feel pretty good... and whatever the stress
10:41 of that day is... it is gone...
10:43 Ah... so that was your introduction
10:46 into substance abuse... Yeah... absolutely...
10:50 I see... I see... What I now do with Memory Verses
10:53 I did with something else back then...
10:55 Okay, okay, well tell us a little bit about that...
10:59 how are you using Memory Verses
11:01 to help ease the stress of the day,
11:04 Well, when there is job stress
11:07 and so many of us
11:09 are going through job stress, except most of us
11:12 get our pay check from work... and that's how we live,
11:17 some of us weren't so wise...
11:19 make a lot of bills
11:20 on that one pay check... and that's how we live...
11:23 so, anything that threatens that...
11:26 is really... it scares us... it makes us uneasy...
11:32 doesn't feel good, so today...
11:36 if I'm faithful to business challenge...
11:38 I open up my Promise Book, and I read
11:40 that God's going to take care of me...
11:42 "I am your strength... "
11:44 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me... "
11:46 "I am your God... I will protect you... "
11:48 "Run into the arms of the Lord, He'll encircle you... "
11:53 there are so many things that I read
11:55 in the Promise Book now... that soothe me
11:59 and give me ease in my spirit,
12:01 back then... I didn't know the Word,
12:03 I wasn't reading the Word,
12:05 so I reached for...
12:06 what somebody else told me would make me feel better...
12:08 Yes, yes... and that's... it's so interesting how...
12:14 we substitute... substances for what is real
12:19 what's real... is the love of God
12:21 what's real is the guidance and compassion
12:25 and just the presence of God...
12:29 and so, you know,
12:31 but we can always find these other substitutes for it
12:34 and they never really quite work as you found out...
12:39 so how did you find out that that the substance abuse
12:43 was not the answer...
12:44 how did you find the Lord for yourself?
12:46 Well, a couple of things happened...
12:48 what I remembered most
12:51 and I'll put a plug in there for Christian education,
12:54 if I can... and anybody that went to School
12:56 with me knows... I wasn't terribly concerned
12:59 about Christian education, or if I was even a Christian...
13:02 but there are things... being programmed...
13:07 into you... even if you don't think they are
13:12 while you're in that setting... I could still remember...
13:16 some Friday nights...
13:17 in Meran Hall
13:19 when I went to Oakwood University...
13:21 where the singing would be there there would be a spiritual
13:25 atmosphere... and in the midst of my problems
13:29 I could remember... hearing
13:32 a room full of people
13:35 singing in four-part harmony... because everybody
13:38 in that entire School could sing...
13:41 "The Footprints of Jesus" Oh yes...
13:43 I could remember... all of the songs we sang...
13:48 and what it felt like to go hear someone...
13:51 you know like... Wintley Phipps sing...
13:55 and I remembered that... and even in my stupors at times,
14:01 I said, "I want to get that back"
14:04 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
14:06 I remembered my mom singing songs to me...
14:09 I remembered Memory Verses... and I remembered my dad
14:12 telling me one time, "There's no place so low...
14:17 that you can go... that God cannot come get you. "
14:21 Wow! that's beautiful... that's beautiful...
14:26 one day I called home... and I was at the bottom...
14:29 I was at the end of the string, I was done...
14:32 life was over... and I called my parents
14:35 and I said... "Folks, I am so messed up... "
14:38 and I thank God for Christian parents...
14:41 who are more loving than they are... judgmental...
14:44 because I didn't need a judge I didn't need a sermon
14:47 on what I had done...
14:48 I knew more than anybody else,
14:51 and my Dad said something to me...
14:53 that's the reason why... probably...
14:55 I can talk to you today...
14:56 the first thing he said was, "I love you... "
15:00 not... "We spent money on your education... "
15:03 not, "You've fallen so far below the standard... "
15:07 but... "I love you," the second thing he said was
15:10 "God loves you," and the third thing...
15:15 and this was so odd to me... he said,
15:17 "You are no worse than anybody else... "
15:20 Hmmm... then he hung the phone up...
15:23 then my mom told me, I think he stayed on his knees
15:26 for about four hours afterwards...
15:28 but that love is what brought me to want to know...
15:33 if he loves me... and God loves me
15:35 and I am so far away from where I should be...
15:38 then, I need to pursue this line because
15:42 if they love me like that... then God loves me more...
15:44 I think... maybe I can survive this...
15:46 Yes... yes... so... he said, he loved you, God loved you
15:53 and nobody was basically...
15:56 you're not worse than anybody else...
15:57 "Nobody is better than you" Nobody is better than you...
16:00 Nope... and so that must have given you
16:03 something to kind of hold on to
16:05 to kind of anchor yourself to... It did...
16:09 and so... did you begin reading the Word from there
16:12 what was the thought process like... after that?
16:14 I was in a spot where I couldn't go anywhere for a while
16:18 and I started reading the story of Paul...
16:22 and I actually wrote my first sermon
16:26 in a pretty rough place... and it was about
16:30 Saul being knocked off his donkey...
16:33 he actually killed followers of Christ...
16:36 and in the end... wrote much of the New Testament
16:40 Right... and I said,
16:41 "If God can turn his life around He can do something with me... "
16:44 Yes... yes... and that's one of the things
16:47 that's so encouraging about the Word...
16:49 that... again... it's not meant
16:52 it's actually meant to show
16:54 that if God can take a murderer, if He can take an adulterer,
16:58 He can take these different types of sinners...
17:01 of course He can do that for us, we're all sinners...
17:05 saved by grace... so, you know, That's true...
17:08 those stories in the Bible are really relevant today...
17:11 so you decided... we're going to fast forward
17:14 a little bit... and look at you
17:18 taking Christianity into the workplace...
17:20 what made you decide to write about the workplace?
17:23 Well, that's where I had to find God first... for myself...
17:29 Hmmm... I realized that
17:31 I wasn't the only Christian that went to work...
17:35 Were some hiding their lights under a bushel?
17:38 There were a couple of people
17:40 that you didn't necessarily know firsthand
17:44 that they were Christians when they got to the workplace.
17:47 One of my former Pastors called it
17:49 "The Christian Witness Protection Program"
17:51 You know... he said... some Christians are in the
17:55 Witness Protection Program... which is true...
17:57 so you decided
17:59 that you weren't going to be... so what did you do?
18:01 First of all... there were a couple of habits
18:04 that... when I read... made a difference...
18:07 every morning... I would get up and read...
18:10 not to be holy and impress anybody...
18:13 because nobody sees this, but I realized
18:15 that Satan is waiting for me at work...
18:18 it might be a co-worker that steals my idea...
18:21 a supervisor that thinks that they are God...
18:24 another co-worker that's stabbing me in the back
18:27 while they're taking me to lunch...
18:29 there are a million things at work...
18:31 and if I don't have the Word in me...
18:33 I'm going in there unarmed, I'm naked against some
18:36 pretty powerful evil forces...
18:38 Wow, and you know, that's such a good point,
18:41 Brother Eric, because people tend to...
18:44 kind of pooh-pooh the idea that there's evil...
18:49 there are evil forces... and they think that... you know
18:53 "Oh you are just over-reacting, it's not that deep... "
18:57 when you talk about demonic forces
19:00 the force of evil that actually is there...
19:04 just as the force of good... just as the Holy Spirit is there
19:07 the enemy is there... and like you said...
19:10 he's waiting for you in the workplace...
19:12 he'll work through a co-worker he'll work through a boss,
19:15 and if you don't arm yourself in the morning...
19:17 before you go to battle, it's like...
19:20 you're going to battle every day That's true...
19:23 so you have to arm yourself every day... every morning...
19:26 what would you say to our viewers who would say...
19:29 "I don't have time to do that in the morning"
19:32 what would you say to them?
19:33 You don't have time... not to... Come on...
19:38 here's the war, Sister Yvonne, here's the war...
19:42 the war is not about your job or your car or your house
19:46 or the material things that we are able to get
19:49 from the money we make... the war is about your soul...
19:53 Hmmm... Satan will come after you...
19:55 he'll come after you in your house,
19:58 if you and your spouse and your children
20:00 aren't getting up every morning
20:02 and asking God to be there with you,
20:04 you will turn on each other, and evil will be in your house,
20:07 at work... those other people,
20:09 if they are not getting up every day...
20:12 communing with God... they can be used
20:15 by the adversary... the war is for your soul...
20:18 and I don't want to say... "I'm scaring... "
20:20 when this whole work is done,
20:21 when every office building is done,
20:23 when every contract is made,
20:28 when every car is finished being built...
20:30 this world is going to melt... Hmmm...
20:33 and only the choices that we've made...
20:36 to be connected to Christ, will keep us...
20:39 your job is going down,
20:41 there are people that trusted their jobs...
20:42 they loved their business cards, they were important...
20:46 they were Vice Presidents and Directors...
20:48 their jobs went away... Yes...
20:50 all of a sudden... they didn't even know who they were
20:52 Yes... because their identity
20:54 was in work... it wasn't in Christ...
20:56 That is so true... and that's...
20:59 I think one of the things that you realized
21:01 and I guess they say, "Youth is wasted on the young"
21:04 because as you get older... you realize
21:07 how important...
21:09 your relationship with the Lord is
21:12 versus achievement... not that you shouldn't achieve,
21:15 because achievement is critical, I mean... you must be the best
21:18 that you can be... at whatever stage you're in
21:21 I believe that... but the most important thing
21:24 is your relationship with Christ because
21:27 that's what's going to last...
21:28 that's what is going to take you into eternity...
21:31 not how many letters are behind your name
21:33 or what positions you held, in various Organizations
21:40 it is... in the long run... when you stand before the Savior
21:46 what is your relationship with Him...
21:50 Is he going to say, "Welcome" or is he going to say,
21:53 "Depart from me, I never knew you... "
21:55 and so, what you're telling us is that...
21:58 you have made it...
22:01 a part of your daily routine...
22:04 to connect with the Savior before you go into battle...
22:08 What else should you do?
22:10 I trust God
22:13 for everything...
22:16 and that's not a "Holy Statement"
22:18 when I realized how evil it is in the workplace...
22:21 and when you understand stock options and grants
22:23 and how the Corporate world works...
22:25 there's only one thing that runs Corporate America...
22:27 that's money... that's all it is...
22:30 Hmmm... and Christ said...
22:32 "Seek ye first the kingdom... "
22:34 he said, "I'll give you the rest"
22:36 we're fighting to climb a Corporate ladder
22:39 when God wants to put many of us...
22:42 on an elevator and move us up...
22:44 I love that... okay go ahead continue... that's good...
22:50 He wants to move us up... because He wants people
22:53 in key positions that will witness for Him...
22:56 Hmmm... He wants you in that top spot
22:59 well He can only put you there,
23:02 if your focus is...
23:05 "I'm going to influence and witness for Christ... "
23:08 if your focus is just that you can floss...
23:11 and get a bigger car... and a bigger house...
23:14 He's not going to help you out with that though...
23:18 That is such a good point though
23:20 that the Lord wants us to be in these positions
23:25 where we can have more influence for Him...
23:29 Yes... it's not about us...
23:31 it's about Him... it's about helping others
23:33 to get to know Him... so that they can be saved...
23:36 so when you were in... are you still in
23:40 Corporate America... let our viewers know where you are now
23:43 I still am... I run a Consulting Practice
23:46 in fact I just finished a
23:49 Conference today that's what is behind me...
23:51 with Leaders from the Gas and Oil Industry...
23:54 because I ended up
23:56 being in that Industry for so long...
24:00 I kind of have connections there and now as a Consultant
24:03 I go in and out of Corporations, and I do consulting work
24:06 on Training, Employee Development...
24:08 Organizational Development, Succession Planning,
24:10 those types of things...
24:12 anything with Industrial-site background...
24:15 Wow! that's wonderful... so you are really...
24:18 now you're involved in the Corporate world...
24:22 but yet, you still are holding on
24:24 to your relationship with the Lord and letting
24:28 the principles that you get
24:30 and extrapolate from the Word, you are applying those
24:34 in the Workplace...
24:35 can you give us an example of how you can
24:39 utilize those principles in the workplace...
24:42 I'll give you an example... and God has blessed me
24:48 with work in so many different places...
24:50 and I had... so many influential roles,
24:52 I was going into a meeting, and I jealously guarded...
24:58 and I worked for someone who understood
25:00 that I was not going to work on Sabbath...
25:02 it wasn't going to happen...
25:03 I had no issues from this person on Sabbath...
25:09 by the way... the further up you move in an Organization,
25:13 the least pressure... you have to work on a specific day
25:17 because when you are Director or Vice President
25:19 of a Corporation... they say...
25:21 "You must accomplish this... "
25:22 then pretty much they're counting on you
25:24 to do it... your way...
25:26 so usually there may be a couple of social issues
25:29 you can always bow out of those...
25:31 but basically... at a certain level...
25:33 the Sabbath really wasn't an issue...
25:34 I had been going to work quite a few Sundays
25:37 but it wasn't an issue...
25:38 But Brother Eric, I need to say for those viewers
25:41 who don't know what Sabbath is,
25:42 it's from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday...
25:45 those hours... according to the Fourth Commandment...
25:47 the Seventh day is the Sabbath, so, I just want to make sure
25:51 that people understand
25:52 what we are talking about when we say, "The Sabbath"
25:54 we're not talking about Sunday, we're talking about Saturday,
25:56 from Sunset Friday... to Sunset Saturday...
25:59 Absolutely... Okay, all right, go ahead, sorry
26:01 and there was a measure of respect for that...
26:05 not really a lot of issues... but one day...
26:09 we were going into a meeting,
26:10 and some information had gotten out...
26:12 and he knew that we were going to be quizzed...
26:14 so, he looked at us and said,
26:16 "You're going to have to lie when you go into this meeting. "
26:20 Now, I can come to Church and I can say...
26:26 "God is good Sister Yvonne... "
26:28 I can give you all the little Church talk...
26:32 Right... but if earlier that week...
26:35 for my job's sake... whatever that is...
26:39 I lie... I am still breaking one of the Commandments
26:44 That's right... that's right... I'm going to have to
26:47 fast forward you because we only have about a minute left
26:49 so, please tell us... what did you do?
26:51 I asked God... I said, "God, I'm going to walk in here
26:54 and tell the truth... and I have no clue
26:56 what he's going to do... but there's no way
26:58 that I'm going to tell a lie" Wow!
27:01 I did tell the truth... but there was no real consequence
27:05 because it never blew up
27:06 to the level that he was expecting anyway...
27:08 Praise the Lord... see... that's...
27:11 it's so important for us to remember...
27:14 that if we just do what God says, He honors that...
27:18 even if the consequence might seem negative,
27:21 you know... God can work it all out...
27:24 thank you so much Brother Eric, you did a marvelous job...
27:27 you have to come back and talk to us again...
27:29 I'd be glad to... thank you... Thank you...
27:31 Viewers know that wherever you are
27:34 you can let your light shine for Jesus...
27:36 He wants to be a part of every aspect of your life,
27:40 why not let Him in today?
27:42 If you're not sure quite how to do it,
27:44 contact us here at 3ABN for prayer and support...
27:47 our number is on the screen...
27:49 Well, we've reached the end of another Urban Report...
27:53 Tune in next time... where we'll have another
27:56 hopefully very interesting and inspiring Program for you...
28:02 if you don't tune in... you know...
28:04 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-06-22