Urban Report

Breaking Down the Gospel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Chaplain Joe Mitchell


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000079

00:01 Do you wonder about the gospel and think that it's complicated?
00:04 Well, my guest today is going to break it down for us...
00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:10 Urban Report.
00:33 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:36 My guest today is Chaplain Joe Mitchell
00:38 author of "The Framework of the Gospel"
00:41 and Chaplain for the Shelby County Sheriff's
00:44 Department in Memphis, Tennessee
00:46 Welcome to Urban Report Chaplain Joe...
00:49 Glad to be here... glad to be here...
00:51 Okay, so, give us a little background information
00:56 on you... because our viewers need to know
00:59 a little bit about you...
01:00 Where are you from and how did you get involved
01:03 in sharing the gospel... Well, you know, I got saved
01:07 when I was very young... and... but...
01:10 how I got involved... especially if you look at
01:15 what I do... in Prison work... I was called about
01:20 a couple of years ago to come and work with
01:21 Shelby County Sheriff's Department to be a Chaplain
01:24 for the Prison... which is a... really... Detention Center...
01:28 what that means is... Pre-Trial...
01:31 before you go to Court... you are at least held
01:34 at least one month up unto 2 to 3 years
01:37 just so... we can get your case on the Docket...
01:39 and while they're there...
01:42 we have services... all types of programs for the
01:45 inmates and one of the programs is...
01:48 I'm over at the Religious Department
01:50 in which we coordinate all the services
01:52 and Chaplain for the inmates... Ah... so you're Chaplain for
01:57 women and men and juveniles as well?
02:00 At one facility which is called 201...
02:03 it's known around the Country
02:05 as a Glamour Slammer... because we are one of the
02:08 only prisons in the area or in the Nation that has
02:12 escalators... and we have some of the most modern
02:15 technology there but I'm also the Senior Chaplain...
02:18 we have another prison just for the women and juveniles
02:21 called Jail East... in the East part of Memphis... also.
02:25 All right... all right... so when did you decide
02:29 that you wanted to share the gospel?
02:32 When did you decide that that's something that you really
02:35 wanted to do... well, the first thing happened
02:39 to me... I had an experience with the Lord myself...
02:41 Well, tell us about that... I believe that... every person
02:44 should start... at that point... What was that experience...
02:47 tell us... Oh, well, well...
02:50 when I got to a point... I was out in the world...
02:54 like everybody else
02:55 and I got to a point... I got sick and tired of being
02:58 sick and tired... and I questioned...
03:02 at that time... I didn't know who the Lord was
03:04 but I said, "There's got to be more to life than this... "
03:07 and to make the long story short...
03:09 I met man who was a Christian
03:11 who was a member of the Church
03:13 and I'm a member of that... he's deceased now...
03:16 but what he said to me when I was training him
03:19 because he was hired in the Company I was working at...
03:21 he said, "If it's the Lord's will"
03:23 I had never heard anybody say that before...
03:26 and by him making that statement I began to question him about
03:33 what he believed and things of that nature...
03:36 but at the same time... God was working on me...
03:38 which I didn't know... as I look back...
03:40 He was leading me to this person...
03:42 to meet the Lord myself... Isn't it amazing
03:46 how God puts people in our path that can help us to grow?
03:51 Of course, the enemy wants to put people in our path
03:55 to lead us away from Christ... but God will send people
03:58 to us... that can help us to grow in Him...
04:01 and so, you're saying that there was this man that
04:05 talked differently from what you were used to...
04:08 when he said, "If God wills... if it's God's will... "
04:12 and you were probably thinking, "What does that have to do
04:14 with anything?" especially if you're not a
04:16 Christian... you think... "Why is somebody going to
04:18 wait and see if it is God's will?"
04:20 and so that kind of peaked your curiosity, no?
04:24 That was the beginning of my journey because
04:27 when he said that... like I said, the people that I
04:31 hung out with... didn't talk like that...
04:33 and the Foreman at the time at the job I was working at
04:38 he specifically pointed me out and he said,
04:41 he wanted me to train him... Hmmm...
04:44 and that's what I did... and that was one of the
04:47 statements that he'd made... that stood out
04:49 that I had never heard before... Wow... and so what happened
04:53 after that... how did you get on the path... from there?
04:57 Well, from that experience... he introduced me to
05:03 the Bible... about the Sabbath,
05:07 about different things in the Bible I'd never heard before
05:10 I had never read the Bible before
05:12 I didn't know anything about it,
05:14 but he had some lessons that were very easy to follow
05:17 and so, I started taking
05:19 those lessons from him
05:21 each week... going home and studying those lessons
05:23 bought me a Bible... all my friends thought
05:25 that I went crazy... I had a Bible in my hand...
05:29 I won't want to talk about my past life but they thought
05:33 I had lost my mind... but as a result of that
05:38 I was able to find Christ and come into the Church...
05:43 through that experience... That is so wonderful...
05:48 God is so faithful... because He'll just keep
05:50 working on us and lead us to Him...
05:52 and when we find these truths you know, people around you
05:57 who don't believe as you do...
05:59 can think you've lost your mind...
06:00 but you know you found it
06:02 you found your mind...
06:04 you found the mind of Christ... That's right...
06:07 so, now, you're in the Lord, you're a Chaplain...
06:10 tell us about this book about the foundation of the gospel...
06:15 What is that about? Well, let me connect something,
06:19 I had been in the Church... I'd say about 7 years...
06:22 and I felt... there was something missing...
06:26 I knew doctrine... I knew prophecy...
06:28 and all those different things but something was missing...
06:33 and what happened was... I visited another Church
06:38 and this Pastor asked me to pray for the congregation
06:44 at the Altar Prayer... and I saw something
06:47 I had never seen before... I had never experienced...
06:50 when I finished praying... the people were crying...
06:54 and I said to myself... "Lord, it's something
06:57 I'm missing... I know doctrine, I know prophecy...
07:01 I know all these things like how I should dress...
07:04 how I should eat... but there was something missing
07:07 out of my experience... and that's the thing
07:10 I went looking for... and I found that thing...
07:12 and that's what's reflected in my book...
07:15 Okay... and what is that thing, tell us...
07:18 The major component... I believe that a lot of us
07:23 are missing... when I talk about Church...
07:25 I'm talking about Christendom, is establishing a relationship
07:29 with the Lord... first... and then...
07:33 building from that standpoint... I look at it like marriage...
07:36 then I explain it... is when you get married
07:39 you don't get married... then fall in love...
07:42 you fall in love... and then you get married...
07:46 and then... in the marriage process...
07:49 you can have the car,
07:50 the home, the kids, everybody can be educated...
07:53 but, if you don't have love, what do you have?
07:56 Hmmm... and I found out...
07:59 that was the missing link, in my experience
08:02 so, I don't really tell it, I share it...
08:05 Ah, so, in other words, what you're saying
08:09 and this is so good... this is so valid because...
08:12 you know, we can teach all the doctrine we want to...
08:16 but if it's not based on love, and our relationship...
08:20 our love relationship with Jesus Christ...
08:22 what difference does it make? it's a form of Godliness...
08:27 it's a form of Godliness... That's right...
08:29 I share this with my inmates... my women, men and juveniles,
08:33 Saint John 3:19... we know 3:16...
08:36 but 3:19 says... "and this is the combination
08:40 this is our problem... men love darkness...
08:43 rather than light... because their deeds are evil
08:46 love is a factor... it's because the devil has caused us to
08:50 pervert our love... instead of loving God,
08:53 we love sin... we cannot change...
08:55 but once we get converted or transformed...
08:59 the love of Christ will take care of
09:01 everything else in our lives... I've discovered...
09:04 even in a marriage...
09:05 if you are not making the amount of money
09:08 that you need to make, or people don't have education
09:10 for their families... whatever difficulties you may have...
09:12 if you got love... you can make it...
09:15 Absolutely... so what you're telling us...
09:18 and this is an important point for our viewers to get...
09:22 is that... you could be going to Church on the right day...
09:26 you can be living the health message...
09:29 eating the right foods... you're exercising...
09:32 doing all that stuff... but if you don't have the love
09:35 of Christ in your heart... and love... for Him...
09:39 then... it really doesn't... really matter...
09:43 it's all about "works" then...
09:44 It's one of the biggest deceptions
09:47 that the devil has pulled over the Church
09:49 since the beginning of time... if you look in my book...
09:53 the first chapter deals with the paradigm shift...
09:56 I talk about Matthew the 7th Chapter verses 21 to 28
10:00 in that area... talks about the 2 houses...
10:03 the difference in the two houses is the fact
10:05 they look just alike on the outside
10:07 they even have the same problems
10:09 wind... storm and rain...
10:11 but the difference was in the foundation...
10:14 in the lives of each and every one of us...
10:16 I cannot see your foundation...
10:18 I don't know what your foundation is...
10:21 but if you have the right foundation which is Jesus,
10:25 you can make it through anything
10:27 and that's what we need to establish
10:29 in our lives...
10:31 is getting a relationship with the Lord...
10:33 Yes... so that relationship is the foundation against which
10:39 the winds can blow, the winds of life and strife
10:43 can blow... but if we are built upon that rock...
10:47 nothing can prevail against it. Well, you know, if you look
10:52 at this... I bring this out in my book in Chapter 1...
10:55 in life... if you stay in the Church or leave...
10:58 you're going to have wind, storm and rain
11:01 it's going to come... but the difference is
11:04 if you have a solid foundation, you can rebuild...
11:08 you will not lose your way, you may be discouraged,
11:12 you'll be knocked down but the foundation will keep you
11:15 in your relationship with the Lord...
11:17 so many times we throw around this word, "relationship"
11:20 basically, relationship means just spending time with God...
11:26 once you do that... the relationship will form...
11:29 it will build and it will last. You know, Chaplain Joe,
11:33 that is important too... because we do throw words around
11:38 and people want to understand... like break it down for me...
11:43 like when you say, "He's my personal Savior,"
11:45 what do you mean... when you say relationships
11:48 what do you mean... like, how can I have that relationship
11:51 and I think... you brought it out
11:53 earlier in the conversation
11:55 where you're talking about... "if you love someone...
11:58 you marry someone... after you've fallen in love
12:02 with them... " and there are certain things
12:04 that you do... when you love someone...
12:06 you spend time with them... you want to be around them...
12:09 you talk with them... you find out what they like...
12:13 and you try to give them what they like...
12:16 if they like certain foods, you try to do that...
12:19 it's about building... a relationship and if you think
12:26 about the elements in a relationship,
12:28 you're going to realize what you need to do...
12:32 to build that relationship with Christ...
12:36 That's beautiful because... when you were talking
12:39 I think about my inmates and most of the cases...
12:42 I'm in charge of about 1,200 people...
12:45 we have almost 3,000 inmates in the downtown facility
12:49 with... men's facility about a 1,000
12:51 and about 300 women... and about 30 juveniles...
12:54 and the... most of the... well, I say the majority
12:57 of the people that I talk to don't have any type of religious
13:01 experience... so I have to break down those terms
13:04 so they can understand... and when I talk about relationship
13:08 I just put T I M E... spend time with the Lord
13:11 in other words, just spend time reading,
13:13 praying, come to Church
13:15 do all those things and the relationship will form...
13:18 and I use the illustration, I say, "If you had a pit bull...
13:22 and if you're there with him... everyday...
13:23 you can take the chain off he'll walk with you...
13:25 but if you saw him about every other month...
13:27 he'll bite your leg off...
13:28 because he doesn't know you... so it's very important
13:31 that we understand and also
13:33 break those things down
13:34 for the people... even for ourselves...
13:36 to stay in the Lord... because we're not telling...
13:39 we're sharing... That's right... that's right...
13:42 and that's an important point too...
13:45 if we don't know Him for ourselves...
13:48 how can we really share him...
13:50 how can we really let anybody else know about Him...
13:54 if we don't know Him for ourselves...
13:56 and how do we get to know Him? It's by spending time
14:01 in that Word and in prayer... and making time...
14:05 you know if you are in a love relationship...
14:08 and, you know, let's say, you and your wife...
14:11 and you never spend time with her...
14:14 "Oh, honey, I don't have time right now...
14:15 oh, I can't do it right now... "
14:17 or "I can't be with you right now... "
14:18 Well, how is that showing love? but if you spend time with her
14:23 and if you try to bring the things that she loves...
14:26 then... that says... you're making an effort
14:29 to show her that you love her... and I think that's what we need
14:32 to do with Jesus... we don't do that enough...
14:35 with the Lord... and I think when you've been
14:37 in the Church for a while or if you're unchurched...
14:40 you don't... if you're in the Church...
14:42 you can just get complacent... and just think...
14:45 "Oh, I'm going to Church on Sabbath...
14:46 so I'm doing the right thing" well, it's not that...
14:50 it's about loving God... so now we've established that
14:54 that foundation is love... what goes on top of that...
14:58 according to your book... which I thought was
15:00 really an interesting, informative, very easy to read,
15:04 book... that really can bring you closer to Christ...
15:07 what's next... you've got... the foundation of love...
15:10 what's built on that? Before we leave love...
15:13 I deal with the love of Jesus in the 5th Chapter...
15:18 I believe... of my book... most people...
15:21 when we said it... would say... casually...
15:23 we really don't understand what I mean by that...
15:25 if you look at the term "Love of Jesus"
15:29 it's a preposition...
15:30 the preposition is "of"... that means... it belongs to Him
15:33 now, the Bible tells us in 1 John 4:10
15:38 we don't have that level of love then, it tells us in 1 John 4:19
15:43 We love Him because He first loved us...
15:46 the only way we can get this love that I'm talking about
15:50 you need to get Him... you cannot conjure it up...
15:54 you can't manufacture it,
15:55 you can't be with Him longer than...
15:57 you have to everyday ask Him to bring His love
16:00 because it belongs to Him... and once you get Him...
16:03 you get the person... and He brings us love
16:06 and lives out His life... through us again...
16:08 according to Galatians 2:20... so, so many times we say
16:13 these things... but the thing that we need
16:16 to understand... any time God asks us to do something...
16:18 it's always easy... and all we have to do
16:21 is receive Him... He will bring His love...
16:24 and you will surprise yourself who you can love
16:26 when Christ is in you... That's right...
16:29 you'll be surprised who you can love
16:31 and who you can pray for... if Christ is in you...
16:34 That's very true... That is so true...
16:36 so what's next... after that love...
16:38 Once we establish that... I talk about prayer,
16:42 study and witness, these are the areas
16:45 that will bring strength into your life
16:47 it's very important that we do these things
16:50 on a consistent basis... as we learn how to pray
16:54 you know what... the thing that I'm very concerned about...
16:56 individuals in a relationship I'm building with people
16:59 every day is... spending that personal time
17:02 not just to study for a sermon or for a Bible Study
17:06 but studying to infuse yourself with God and then when it's
17:12 time to give Bible Studies and all those things...
17:14 you'll be ready... but you've got to pray...
17:16 you got to study God's Word and witness...
17:19 you know... these things will come...
17:21 out of the love relationship experience...
17:23 well, you see, once you get the love relationship right,
17:27 these things will automatically come out...
17:30 you don't have to make yourself do these things anymore...
17:33 they will automatically come out of that experience...
17:35 just like you stated earlier,
17:37 once I fall in love... I'm going to take care of my home
17:39 I'm going to take care of my family...
17:40 those things... you don't have to think about
17:42 they will automatically come out if we look back at Acts 2
17:46 looking at the Pentecostal Mall those individuals were not
17:50 planning on doing evangelistic work...
17:53 they were just so full of what they had...
17:56 they didn't have business cards, they didn't have a business plan
17:58 they didn't have billboards, they didn't have a program...
18:02 they were just so full of love of Jesus and sharing it...
18:05 it turned the world upside down and that's what we need
18:08 and that's what we're lacking... it seems like we jump over that
18:11 that principle and move to the other areas...
18:16 but we need to get the love of Jesus... right in our lives
18:19 and then everything else will take care of itself...
18:23 Absolutely, again... when you are in love with someone
18:27 you want to be... in their presence...
18:29 you want them to be around... you want to learn more
18:33 about them... if you're in a new love relationship
18:38 you're asking questions... you're find out who they are
18:41 what they're about... well, we have the Word of God
18:44 that tells us who Jesus is... and what He is about
18:47 and as we get to know Him more and more...
18:51 we fall more in love with Him because of who He is...
18:54 and how He is and how He deals with people...
18:57 and it's all the in the Word, it's there for us
19:00 to get a glimpse into His personality...
19:03 so, I think that's so true... so you have the Love of Christ
19:07 as the foundation, and then you have the Prayer
19:10 and the Bible Study and Witnessing
19:12 as the next pillars and you're actually building the framework
19:17 you're building a house... Right... very true...
19:22 So, the love that we have for Christ that comes
19:25 because it's His love, as you said,
19:28 then we have the Bible Study the Witnessing and the Prayer
19:32 what comes after that? The next step is Doctrine...
19:36 now this is where we make our error...
19:39 and a lot of our Bible Studies, evangelistic crusades...
19:44 as I see... we are bringing doctrine first
19:49 before we bring the love of Jesus
19:51 I talk about it in the book... Divine Order
19:54 you know, it's an order that God has set up...
19:57 it's just like I said, you wouldn't get married
19:59 and fall in love... you'll fall in love and get married...
20:01 you have to do it... or you wouldn't have a baby
20:03 before you get married... in other words...
20:04 you have to do it in the order that...
20:05 the way God has set it up... once you explain to a person
20:10 they understand the love of Jesus
20:13 the Bible says, "If you love me, you'll keep my commandments"
20:17 but look what it says,
20:19 "If you love me... you'll keep my commandments... "
20:22 it talks about the relationship first...
20:24 then it talks about the responsibility...
20:26 it says, slash if you love me
20:29 slash you'll keep my commandments...
20:31 one of those aspects of it,
20:34 it always talks about the love first...
20:35 if we have... and then Paul says
20:37 "The love of Christ constraineth us"
20:39 no other reason... not to fill up the church
20:42 not to win souls, not to be recognized...
20:45 but because the love of Jesus constrains you...
20:49 anything you love... that's a principle...
20:51 and I've discovered that love whether it be for wrong or right
20:55 will find a way... That's right... that is right...
20:58 It will find a way... That is right...
21:01 so, we know that... as we continue...
21:05 in this Christian experience that if we're growing...
21:09 we are doing these things, you know,
21:11 Prayer, Studying and Witnessing, and then... we're just moving
21:15 forward with doctrine... we need to understand
21:19 the principles here that we are living by...
21:23 and that's what those doctrines are... correct?
21:26 You know, I like to say about Doctrine...
21:28 I don't want to throw doctrine out the window...
21:30 we need structure... Hmmm... hmmm...
21:33 I need to know... it's time to go to bed...
21:36 I need to know... I need to come out of the club,
21:38 I need to know what to eat,
21:40 I need to know what day to worship...
21:42 all those things... they work together
21:44 but you have to put them in the right order
21:46 because, you know for yourself, a person can know
21:49 all these things... and then hate everybody in the Church
21:53 it's a process
21:57 of putting it in Divine Order
21:58 now, if you are in a situation like I was...
22:01 I came in... in the Church
22:03 on Doctrine... for those years...
22:05 and really... not that I hated people
22:08 but I knew that there was something missing...
22:10 now I have the joy it's not obligation...
22:14 it's appreciation...
22:16 Come on... explain that... get into that for us...
22:19 the reason why is... I said... there's a phrase
22:23 that the Lord gave me in this book...
22:24 is... the majority of the people serve God out of obligation
22:29 they are trying to get to heaven...
22:30 they want to live right, they want to be
22:33 thought well of in the Community,
22:35 but going back to the husband and wife relationship,
22:37 if you only got a present
22:41 because he wanted to make sure you got a dinner
22:44 or a got a compliment that's the wrong motivation
22:47 but if he just buys something of the whim
22:51 because he loves his wife
22:53 that's out of appreciation...
22:55 and I believe that the Lord will love... for us
22:58 to work out of appreciation rather than the obligation...
23:02 and that's something that's addressed in
23:04 the Matthew the 7th Chapter, Jesus said,
23:07 "Why call me Lord, Lord... and do not the things that I say?"
23:10 He was talking about the individuals who had said,
23:14 "Lord did we cast out devils and did many wonderful works
23:17 and all those different things" that they were doing it...
23:19 maybe... I don't know... but out of the obligation
23:22 they were able to manifest their gifts...
23:24 but He said, "I never knew you, we never had a relationship... "
23:27 it's possible to be in a marriage
23:30 without a relationship... you can have everything in place
23:33 the good job... kids are doing well in school...
23:36 you know, money... but if you don't have the
23:39 right relationship... you still don't...
23:42 really don't have a marriage...
23:44 That's right... So, and then...
23:46 you will not enjoy it... you are there because you're
23:49 trying to win heaven when heaven is already yours...
23:51 That's right... That is right...
23:53 so, how do you go about sharing this... with the inmates
23:58 that you're working with? Well, my process is... the same
24:01 one of the things they asked me when I
24:03 first got hired... they knew I was in ministry...
24:06 What would I do different than...
24:09 what people outside the jail... and inside the jail...
24:12 I said I wouldn't do anything different
24:13 because we all need Jesus... and so what my process is...
24:17 I'm laying the foundation,
24:19 I'm teaching them about the love of Jesus,
24:23 we're engaging them so they can understand
24:25 the love of Jesus... and then sharing other things later
24:29 but the main thing... because I might not see this
24:32 inmate maybe one week or I might see in 2 years...
24:35 just because of how long they're going to be there
24:36 before they go to trial...
24:38 I want to make sure the relationship is there...
24:40 and then I support it by sending other material...
24:42 they go to another institution or they go home
24:45 but I want to make sure they have a love relationship
24:47 before they leave...
24:48 I want to insulate them and not isolate them
24:51 Hmmm... and you know, what crossed my mind as you were
24:54 talking was that so many of these people
24:58 have not had any real meaningful relationships in their lives
25:04 so they might not even understand the concept
25:08 of a really deep love relationship
25:10 so you have a real, real daunting kind of task
25:16 ahead of you because they might not even understand
25:19 how do you love somebody when they might not even love
25:22 themselves or never really experienced the love of a parent
25:27 or someone close to them... Well, that's a very good point
25:31 you made because I do deal with those issues
25:33 one of the things I try to establish with the women,
25:37 the men and the juveniles is that father- son- or daughter-
25:40 relationship... understand that God...
25:43 I say... "You may not have ever seen your earthly father
25:46 but you do have a heavenly Father"
25:47 and I go in pointing out things... what He has D O N E...
25:53 rather than what you need to do...
25:55 this is a problem we have too in presenting the gospel
25:59 and I use this example in my book
26:01 Mark the 5th Chapter... the demon-possessed man
26:04 when Jesus cast out the demons out of him in verses 18 and 19
26:09 he wanted to be with Jesus, Jesus said,
26:12 "Go home to thy friends and tell how good things
26:16 the Lord has D O N E
26:18 and had compassion for thee" he didn't need to know the Bible
26:21 he didn't need to know the 2300 days but he could tell
26:25 what God had done for him... and so, that's why I start
26:28 at that point... is understanding,
26:31 showing them what the Lord has done...
26:33 because we got to build a relationship...
26:35 if they've never known the Lord...
26:36 "I didn't know the Lord cared for me... "
26:38 I said, "The reason why you're not covered up
26:40 rather than just locked up is because God loves you... "
26:43 and I know... we're teaching it from that standpoint
26:46 showing the love of God and what He has D O N E
26:49 and what He has done and once that has been
26:53 established... the doing becomes easy...
26:57 once you fall in love with somebody... it's easy to do...
27:01 That's right... that's right... Whoever it is...
27:05 Absolutely, and it's the word of their testimony
27:08 Yeah... that is going to help
27:10 bring others... because if you know
27:13 that... if somebody says...
27:15 "I know for myself... what God has done. "
27:18 that's way more powerful than me saying,
27:22 "Well, I heard... "
27:23 no... "I know what He's done for me... "
27:26 I want to thank you Chaplain for being with us...
27:29 I can't believe our time is up, thank you so much for sharing
27:33 this information and I encourage our viewers to get your book
27:38 and to learn about the foundation of the framework
27:41 of that gospel... may God bless you
27:43 as you continue to minister for Him...
27:45 Thank you very much...
27:47 You know, sometimes we over-complicate things...
27:51 Chaplain Joe has shared the framework of the gospel
27:54 with the love of Jesus being the foundation...
27:57 upon which all is built.
27:58 Thank you for joining in... tune in next time...
28:01 it just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2015-02-12