Urban Report

Road 2 Romance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dr. John Jacob


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000098A

00:01 Have you met the man that we at Dare to Dream call the
00:02 Love Doctor?
00:04 Well, stay tuned to hear what he's been doing on
00:06 the Road 2 Romance.
00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you are watching Urban Report.
00:33 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:35 My guest today is Dr. John Jacob,
00:38 founding director of the Jacob Institute.
00:41 President of XY matchquest.com, author of the XY Theory,
00:47 and last but not least, host of Dare to Dream's program
00:51 Road 2 Romance.
00:52 Yeahhh! Dr. Jacob, it is so good to have you here.
00:57 Thank you for having me.
00:58 You were here before. Yes. And we about the XY theory
01:02 and I am telling you, our viewers and even our crew
01:07 were so impressed with the information that you gave
01:09 that we decided by the grace of God to do a program
01:13 called The Road 2 Romance.
01:16 And I am so excited about it because I really think that it's
01:20 going to be a blessing to our viewers.
01:22 So let's kind of go back a little bit and talk about
01:25 the XY theory because I think that will kind of lay the
01:29 foundation for what the Road 2 Romance is all about.
01:33 Sure. Tell us, what is the XY theory?
01:36 Well a few years ago, folks were complaining about having
01:41 different experiences when they are dating.
01:43 Having someone present a certain side of themselves
01:46 that was very positive.
01:48 And then they would get into the relationship and find
01:50 that they were with someone totally different.
01:53 Stranger even. Like who is this person?
01:55 And so I did some research, about 5 years' worth of research
01:58 and actually found that we have a separate personality,
02:02 a relationship personality that only emerges
02:05 when we get inside of the relationship.
02:08 So, this is so interesting to me because
02:12 in my own personal life in the past, I have seen that happen.
02:16 You are dating someone and they present one thing
02:21 and then you marry them and they present another
02:22 totally different personality, so you are telling us
02:25 that there is a way to discover this relationship personality
02:30 before...Exactly. you get married. Yes.
02:33 Tell us about the XY theory.
02:35 So before you actually get married, the person is using
02:39 what we call a social personality.
02:42 And they are not being malicious, they are not faking,
02:45 they are not really pretending, they actually have a host of
02:48 hormones that enable them to present a certain side to you
02:52 that makes them look very attractive.
02:54 Wow, so now we're talking about a chemical aspect,
02:59 a biological aspect to this relationship personality.
03:03 Tell us a little bit more about that.
03:05 So we date using the social personality,
03:07 as a matter of fact we do everything with the
03:10 social personality. It's the reason why we are able to go to
03:12 work and keep our jobs.
03:13 If the boss upsets us, we don't let him know because
03:16 we are operating under the social personality which
03:18 always does what is in our best interest.
03:20 Hah! That is so interesting.
03:23 It always does what is in our best interest.
03:27 Yes. Verses when you get into a relationship and a new
03:32 personality emerges. Right.
03:35 It's very goal oriented so if the goal is to meet you,
03:39 hopefully to court you and to marry you.
03:42 Well the social personality will make this happen.
03:45 Represent you in any light that is necessary to have this
03:49 fall for you and fall in love with you. Wow.
03:53 But the problem is, those hormones have a half-life,
03:56 they don't stay around forever.
03:58 After a little while your body gets used to them
04:00 and they disappear.
04:01 So you've heard the cliché, Love is blind,
04:03 now we know that love is really blind because there is a hormone
04:06 that actually blinds you to the faults of the person
04:08 that you are dating. Wow!
04:11 So that's why they say love is blind. Yes!
04:13 That's why you don't see who it is you are really with until
04:19 later because those hormones are now not functioning
04:21 like they were before. Exactly.
04:23 So people can find themselves in the beginning parts of a
04:28 relationship and they are maybe other people will see,
04:32 that guy is not for you, what are you doing with him?
04:36 But you don't see it. Or that girl is not the one for you,
04:40 but you are so blind because she is cute or whatever. Right.
04:42 Right. You don't see it. Right. So you are telling us that these
04:45 hormones then, they're active... Yes. At the beginning part
04:49 of the relationship and then after a while,
04:51 they just kind of die out. They die out like any other
04:54 chemical in the body, your body gets used to it
04:57 and once it gets used to it, it's ineffective
04:59 Well the social personality of course hopes that by that time
05:03 you're married. (Laughing)
05:07 If it's too late and so it's done its part,
05:11 it could go away with it's hormones and you are now in a
05:15 relationship with someone who can be a virtual stranger to you.
05:18 Wow. Is all of this operating on a sub or pre-conscious level?
05:23 Totally pre-conscious. Because the parties involved
05:27 aren't aware of it.
05:28 Now there are some folks that use a social personality
05:32 and they are a little aware that they are not presenting
05:34 the total truth. But the real truth is, to some degree
05:38 they are being pushed by their hormones to act in a certain
05:43 way, to achieve a certain goal.
05:46 And once that goal is achieved, they're either married
05:51 or they are very committed to the relationship
05:53 or someone has fallen in love and now no longer wants to
05:58 consider the possibility of walking away
06:00 even after discovering that this is not who I met
06:03 six months ago.
06:04 Wow! See, this is so important because this information,
06:09 when you can find out the relational personality,
06:14 you can find out who it is you are really with.
06:17 Right. And can you really deal with that person
06:20 on a long term basis. Exactly.
06:22 Yes. And that's what your XY theory does?
06:24 This is what XY theory is all about,
06:26 so I took about five years to develop a test
06:28 because I wanted folks to test someone before they even wasted
06:33 the six months of getting to know you, or the two years of
06:37 I'm using my hormones to fool you.
06:41 Before all of that, if you were able to give this person
06:45 a test, a test that would jump over all of this,
06:50 what some people call the honeymoon period.
06:52 You know, when you are still euphoric because you just met
06:55 and it jumps all over that and it will actually measure how
06:58 you will be when those hormones have disappeared.
07:00 Wow! This is gr...This is such...This is cutting edge
07:06 right here. Yes. It's cutting edge because you can cut
07:09 through all that other superfluous stuff
07:12 and find out who this person really is.
07:15 And you don't have to meet them, you don't have to go
07:18 on that first date or the blind date.
07:20 In fact I tell people, if you are dating on the internet,
07:22 never go on an internet date, or even start an internet
07:26 relationship without having this person take the test
07:28 because it's very simple, it takes 10 minutes,
07:30 and you will find that no matter what this person is saying to
07:33 you, you would find out what the intentions surely are
07:35 down the road, or what they are capable of doing
07:38 in a relationship.
07:39 Wow! See, can't you just see people like you know...
07:43 meeting somebody and bring a copy of the test to the first
07:46 date or something...and saying would you just take this test
07:50 for me? Just to find out just what's going on?
07:52 Well, they won't have to even bring that test
07:55 because right now we are working on an app.
07:57 Come on now...It's going to be on your phone in about
08:01 a few months and that app will allow you to...
08:04 as a matter of fact you don't even have to do much,
08:06 you can put you phone on the desk right here.
08:09 If you had your phone, you can put it right next there.
08:11 The phones will communicate and in seconds they will actually
08:14 vibrate and tell you whether you two are a match.
08:17 Oh you know what, this is too scientific for me,
08:20 this is too techno-savvy for me. Wow!
08:26 That is incredible. They are using technology for
08:28 everything else. Yes. So why not use it for dating
08:30 and save us the middle man. Take the middle man out of it,
08:34 save us the trouble of having to play Russian Roulette
08:37 because that is what we are doing? Right.
08:39 Our studies show that we have a one in four chance of finding
08:42 someone who is a perfect match. One in four.
08:44 Just a 25% chance. So there is a 75% chance
08:47 that won't. That you won't.
08:49 And low and behold when we test couples,
08:51 what we call XY couples, which simply means
08:53 one person has an X type personality
08:56 and the other has a Y type personality.
08:58 Um, just some examples, X types for instance need a lot of
09:02 communication to keep the relationship going
09:05 and Y types do not.
09:07 Y types on the other hand need space and solitude,
09:11 they process problems in a different way.
09:13 Everything about X's and Y's are very different.
09:16 X's tend to want to resolve a problem as soon as it occurs
09:20 and they want to get into detail and they want to discuss
09:23 and they want to process.
09:24 The Y types prefer to process on their own,
09:26 and then bring the solutions to you.
09:29 Umm! So if you are with some- one, you are an X type
09:34 and you want to, let's just work this out,
09:36 let's just figure out what is going on,
09:38 and they are a Y type and they want to sit and think it through
09:41 first...Conflict! Yes!
09:43 Huge conflict because you are thinking as an X type,
09:47 well, you don't really love me, you don't care about this
09:50 relationship or you would try to resolve our problems.
09:52 ...yourself, no problems. Umm, um hum.
09:54 Well, he or she is resolving the problem but in a completely
09:57 different way that is foreign to you and objectionable.
10:00 Right. Right. So the app will even actually
10:04 tell you whether or not this person has that style
10:07 of conflict resolution. Wow!
10:10 This is awesome. This is incredible,
10:13 and this is all coming out of the Jacob Research Institute?
10:17 It's coming out of the Jacob Research Institute
10:18 and in a matter of months. It is in production right now.
10:19 Yes. It's being developed right now.
10:21 That is such a blessing.
10:22 Yes. So tell us a little bit more if you would
10:25 about X's and Y's, and XY's, and those different types.
10:29 Yes. About 75 to 85% of couples that we have tested
10:34 and we have tested somewhere now in the vicinity of 1,000.
10:36 Seventy five to eighty five percent of them are what we call
10:39 XY relationships, which simply means again that one person
10:44 really needs communication to feel close, to feel bonded
10:50 and the other person actually does not.
10:53 The other person values independence and prefer that you
10:56 would allow him or her a little bit of space,
10:59 but here's the thing that we didn't know.
11:02 While I was doing all of this research, other scientists
11:04 were doing similar research, but not toward relationships,
11:08 they were applying it in different social psychology
11:12 areas. And what they found is the communication
11:15 and the intimacy that I found that couples actually needed...
11:18 they found that those very two things produce what we call
11:22 Oxytocin, it's a bonding hormone.
11:24 And when they checked every other mammal that is monogamous,
11:29 you know, one male, one female, every single one of them
11:33 had high levels of oxytocin.
11:35 Wow, look at that. You know what, when I hear
11:40 things like this, it's so reinforces my just awe of God.
11:46 Yes. Because God created this oxytocin for one man and
11:52 one woman to bond and to be monogamous.
11:57 Absolutely. That's tremendous.
11:59 So all the mammals that are monogamous have oxytocin.
12:03 And ones that do not, do not. Is that amazing?
12:07 And but now there is a cautionary...here.
12:10 So God did create Adam & Eve to be monogamous
12:13 and to help them, He gave them oxytocin
12:16 because oxytocin makes it really easy, makes it effortless.
12:19 But here's the thing, Adam & Eve were intended to live forever
12:22 so imagine the strength of the potency of that hormone
12:26 God had put inside of them to enable them to stay together
12:30 forever.
12:32 Ummm. Um hum. So after the fall,
12:35 the hormone wasn't withdrawn, we still have it,
12:38 but we find ourselves forming bonds with folks who don't have
12:43 the oxytocin that we have, but we have oxytocin that
12:46 has the power of crazy glue.
12:47 Wow. Now when you say we, what do you mean?
12:51 Any of us that are X types. Ok. Any of us, I mean anyone
12:56 that's an X type, they have high levels of oxytocin naturally
12:59 produced in their body that would allow them when they
13:02 meet someone to bond like super glue.
13:05 So X types have higher levels of oxytocin than Y types.
13:10 Yes, than Y types. And they bond differently.
13:12 So then they absolutely need communication and intimacy.
13:16 There was a time that we felt... Ok, if you met someone
13:18 and they said, you know, I don't really enjoy holding hands
13:20 and you just though, well this is who he is, this is his
13:23 personality, his disposition, whatever...and then someone else
13:26 might say, I'm just a quiet, a strong quiet type
13:29 I don't talk much. And so you talk too much for me,
13:33 in fact, I had a call just yesterday from a friend
13:35 who was dating a guy and the guy said you know,
13:38 you talk an awful lot. Whoa.
13:41 So she was slightly offended and I had to explain to her,
13:44 I said do you understand this comment is coming from
13:48 his physiology? It's not coming from meanness,
13:52 it's coming from the fact that he doesn't need as much
13:55 communication as you need and you need what you need because
13:58 it's producing hormones that bond you to him.
14:02 Is this not a red flag for her though?
14:06 Because if she needs to talk and he needs for her to shut up,
14:13 I mean Bam, you have a real source of conflict here
14:17 because that's her nature and his nature is kind of repulsed
14:22 by all the talking. Yes. So isn't that an instant red flag?
14:26 It is, but she likes him a lot. So I'm kind of supporting her
14:30 and giving her tips and techniques how to make
14:34 adjustments. So far she hasn't been making many
14:37 of the adjustments I've been suggesting, but there are
14:40 adjustments that she needs to make...Actually they both do.
14:44 Such as. Oh, very simply. Um, what actually happened
14:49 with them is he said, you talk an awful lot.
14:52 So she got a little offended and he loves her so he noticed
14:55 that, you know, maybe I shouldn't have gone there.
14:58 So now he flipped it and he says...um, when she showed...
15:03 ...so she shortens everything.
15:05 She summarizes everything, she doesn't elaborate
15:07 on anything. She, coming home from her day,
15:10 she would like to talk about her co-workers and talk about
15:13 what happened to Mary and what happened to Joe
15:15 and he's completely uninterested because Y types are not.
15:18 Their communication is functional,
15:20 it has to be functional, it has to serve some sort of an interest,
15:27 so it is not wise, don't talk.
15:30 But they have very narrow self interest...topics that they like
15:34 to talk about, their little pet topics.
15:36 So are they a little bit narcissistic?
15:39 Well, straw tale. I guess I shouldn't say that because...
15:43 Since it's a clinical trial, I don't want to say so
15:46 but they...in the book XY Theory, they actually have a
15:52 chapter where I compared Y types to some of the
15:56 characteristics with some of the people with Asperger's.
15:58 Umm. And because some of it is similar, you know
16:03 if you have autism spectrum, you have a communication disorder,
16:10 you are not very touchy feely, and also you have a rigidity
16:14 with routines. Umm. Most of them like to focus on a few
16:19 narrow things that they will obsess about.
16:21 So I made a comparison that...I am not saying that they have
16:25 Asperger's...Right. But as a comparison.
16:27 Lo and behold, someone did a study in the UK
16:31 and found that there is a comparison between folks with
16:38 autism or Asperger's and what I am describing as Y type
16:42 personality behavior and that can be discovered in the womb.
16:48 Wow. So now we can use science to actually say whether someone
16:56 has a tendency more towards X type or Y type.
16:59 From the time they are born. Amazing. You can test them
17:02 from the time...because it doesn't change.
17:04 This is genetic, it's physiological, it's who they are.
17:08 Now this isn't bad news for couples, if folks already
17:12 married as I said there, the adjustments that can be made
17:15 like my friend that I was telling you about.
17:16 She has to shorten her conversation. That's ok.
17:20 And she has to make them more functional.
17:22 Now, they're in love, right, this couple is in love? Yes.
17:25 Ok. Which is why I continue to support them.
17:27 If they weren't, or one was trifling I would say you know
17:31 you guys just need to go your separate ways.
17:32 But they're really in love and he's really trying,
17:35 so since he is trying and she says now don't shorten
17:38 your story, tell me more.
17:40 But I had to explain to her that she has to interpret
17:45 what he needs and not what he says.
17:48 Because he is saying what he needs to say to keep her.
17:53 Remember social personality. Right.
17:56 But she having tested him, she knows what he needs and what
18:00 he needs is none of that elaboration.
18:03 So even though he says, tell me more, keep it brief.
18:08 Yes. Oh, okay. This is what is wonderful about XY theory,
18:11 XY theory will tell you what your husband is thinking.
18:13 Umm. You will know what he really feels, not what he says.
18:17 Sixty six percent of men get a surprise in divorce.
18:23 I don't know if before notice, but divorce filings,
18:27 66% of the time they are filed by the woman.
18:30 Sixty six percent. Not the man. It's a myth that man go out
18:33 there and find themselves models and I want to trade up.
18:36 No, no, no. Sixty six percent of the time both in the UK
18:40 and in the US, 66% of the time is the female,
18:43 and more than half the time the man is blindsided.
18:46 He has no idea. So the man is unaware of the woman's,
18:50 the depth or the breath of her misery in the relationship?
18:54 Yes, because, remember, most of the men are Y types.
18:57 Ok. Still about 75%. So he is unaware of what she needs
19:03 to bond and only now, only in the 21st century is science
19:08 showing us that it is not optional,
19:12 it's actually physiological and absolutely necessary
19:18 for bonding. Wow. So men have to make more of an effort
19:22 to provide for the needs of their wives,
19:25 and the needs are many, they're at least fifteen of them.
19:29 So there's a whole list of them in the book,
19:31 but you have to find out which... Because like anything else,
19:34 nobody has 100%. Right. So unless they are 15,
19:37 maybe you have ten things that you need.
19:38 But I have to find out what you need because if I am
19:41 providing what you don't need, I am still not getting any
19:44 bonding off of it.
19:45 That's right, that's right. You know.
19:47 So we're speaking different love languages so to speak.
19:49 Exactly, exactly. Except they own five, they are more like
19:52 fifteen. Right. Which there are only five.
19:55 Right. But there are fifteen to worry about
19:57 and fifteen on both sides.
19:59 X's have 15 things that they need, Y's have 15 things
20:02 that they need, so that's like 30 things that you have to be
20:04 concerned about. But you don't really have to worry about it
20:06 because the test can do that for you.
20:08 Hmmm. It will tell you exactly what you need to step up
20:10 and what you need to tone down.
20:12 Kind of like a fine tuned machine, fine-tuned instrument.
20:15 For your particular relationship. Exactly.
20:19 Because one size does not fit all.
20:21 No it doesn't and that's why we created the app.
20:23 because folks were beginning to say well let me just take
20:25 the test. Well you could take the test but how do you compare
20:29 relative to this new boyfriend you have or this other person?
20:32 So every single time you meet someone, you've got to do the
20:37 phone tap thing. You've got to tap those phones and see
20:40 what is says about this particular match up,
20:42 not the one you had before. Right.
20:44 Right, but this combination. This combination...
20:46 Every time you change partners, you have a new dynamic
20:52 where the personalities are interacting in different ways
20:56 and you need to be able to figure that out, or at least
20:58 roll it over to something that can, you know. Right, right,
21:02 right. Right. But yes, the guesswork is going to be taken
21:06 out. I am absolutely certain it is going to be taken out of
21:09 relationships. If we have bad relationships from here on,
21:13 for those of us who are not married, it's simply because
21:15 we chose...We chose to choose for ourselves. Right.
21:19 Right. Right. Without the tools. Without the tools.
21:22 Because you are offering... See, that's why we call it
21:24 The Love Doctor. (Laughing) That's why you are a Love Doctor
21:28 and the host of our new program, Road 2 Romance.
21:32 Tell us a bit about how that program is structured.
21:35 Well, it's a coaching program. So we try to have three groups
21:42 on the show, on the program. We have singles, because singles
21:46 are biggest strugglers. I mean they are the ones that
21:49 have the six to one ratio in most of our churches
21:51 and they are suffering.
21:52 And so a lot of them can do some things to improve their
21:55 situation. So we have them on the program and we teach them
21:59 techniques. And then we have of course couples who are
22:02 already in it but need to be taught how to adjust
22:05 because they haven't heard before about the whole XY thing.
22:09 So simple adjustments can really fix those marriages.
22:12 And then the pre-engaged couples,
22:14 because we are finding out that couples who know what
22:17 they are getting into before they say I do,
22:19 have a 90% chance of staying together, as opposed to the 50%
22:24 chance that the world now offers.
22:25 Yeah. Look at...Look at how this could really benefit
22:30 our communities. because as you know, in our communities
22:33 we have the erosion of the family.
22:34 If we can do something, which is what the Road 2 Romance
22:37 is doing to buttress those relationships,
22:41 then we can by the grace of God make a difference.
22:44 And we are using science and technology to do that,
22:49 and the Bible of course. Of course. And that is tremendous
22:52 and on the Road 2 Romance we also have that spiritual
22:55 component which kind of ties it all together from the spiritual
22:58 perspective, so that is a blessing.
23:01 Tell us, do you need more people for the Road 2 Romance?
23:05 We do, because folks...um, when they come on the program,
23:10 it's free coaching. It would probably be $2,500 or so
23:12 if you were to do it yourself, but we need more participants.
23:17 We need more applicants. I think folks are afraid of the process
23:22 and there is nothing to be afraid of the process when,
23:24 when they see the process and they see how it works,
23:27 they will realize that it's changing lives,
23:29 it's changing marriages, and you are not coming on the show,
23:33 on the program to actually divulge personal information.
23:38 Right. No, that is not how it is at all, it's finding out
23:40 what your personality type is and you and your partner
23:44 finding out what you need to provide for each other
23:47 to sustain a life time of marriage.
23:50 And I think that is such a good point because I think people
23:52 will need to understand, this is not where this is a tell all.
23:56 Oh no, no, no. Where you telling all your personal business.
23:58 No, this is something that can give you the tools to have
24:03 a marriage that really works to beat those percentages,
24:07 those odds so to speak, of the failed relationships. Yeah.
24:11 So you are just giving tools and people are allowing
24:15 other people who have similar dynamics in their relationships
24:18 to see, this is how it works.
24:21 So if they would contact you at your website...Yes.
24:27 It's the jacobresearchinstitute.net
24:29 and it's very well optimized. As soon as you put ja
24:33 into Google, it comes up. So yes, and they can go on there
24:37 and they see where they can apply to be on the program.
24:40 That's awesome, because we need some people. We need more
24:44 applicants. We do. We do. For people to see how this works
24:48 and to help them in their relationship.
24:51 Yes. And others around the world so this would be tremendous.
24:55 Tell us what you are doing with your seminars,
24:58 I know that you go around the country and do seminars.
25:01 Yes, we've been going to mostly churches at the moment,
25:04 but sometimes we get invited to conferences.
25:07 And it has been very very exciting because it's received
25:11 well and folks are in awe and they are really surprised
25:15 because they didn't know how predetermined our compatibility
25:22 might be. So when they find out, they are very enthralled.
25:26 Um, but what has happened lately is I've had ministers who've
25:30 been asking, do you have any curriculum for ministers
25:32 so we can help our congregations?
25:34 So they can kind of do what we're doing here on
25:37 Road 2 Romance as well. So myself and a few of my
25:40 clinical friends...we have created a training program
25:44 starting this this, this year.
25:46 And we are going to various cities and training folks
25:51 to become...training both therapists, coaches,
25:55 just lay people, ministers, anyone who is interested
25:59 to become a coach.
26:00 Because what has been happening is when I do my seminars,
26:02 I live in California, so as soon as I get back to California
26:05 my phone is ringing off the hook.
26:06 This happened recently, and there were like two dozen people,
26:11 can we start a session with you right away?
26:14 Well now I'm three thousand miles away. Right. Right.
26:18 And they want something in person and we can do it by
26:20 Skype, so those who like Skype you know that works for them,
26:23 but it doesn't work for everyone.
26:24 So we came up with the idea then that we need to have
26:28 in each of our churches and in each of our cities,
26:30 we need to have XY coaches and XY therapists, XY trained
26:35 therapists so that when I am not there, they can still keep
26:38 the work going because our goal is to save marriages
26:41 and save relationships.
26:42 What a tremendous thing to do.
26:44 I mean really, when you think about it,
26:46 that is just an incredible thing to do.
26:49 So now, your efforts are replicated around the world
26:53 really, because this program is going to be shown everywhere,
26:56 by the grace of God, so your efforts can be replicated
27:00 around the world and marriages can be saved,
27:02 and relationships can be saved. That is...Thank you for making
27:07 this possible...
27:08 Oh, well we just praise the Lord.
27:09 We praise the Lord that God has given us the opportunity
27:12 to offer this platform to help relationships,
27:16 that's what we do at Dare2Dream, we want to make a difference
27:19 and we see that you have made a difference.
27:21 Thank you so much for being with us.
27:23 Continue...Thank you! working for God...
27:26 because this is ultimately going to benefit the world
27:30 and so we thank you so much.
27:31 Well, that's the end of our program for today.
27:34 You know, we found that relationships are just
27:38 so fragile and yet we've got some tools now that can make a
27:43 difference. Dr. Jacob is really working in the vineyard
27:47 to make a difference and to let people know that your
27:52 relationship can be saved with a little tweaking
27:55 and some changes that can be made and some tips...
27:58 it can be saved.
28:00 So, thanks for tuning in, join us next time
28:03 it just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2017-08-02