Urban Report

Weight Solutions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Christine Salter


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000112S

00:01 Stay tuned because you know what?
00:02 The Doctor's in the house...
00:04 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:06 Urban Report...
00:29 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:31 My guest today is Dr. Christine Salter
00:34 Director of the Center for Vibrant Health and Wellness
00:37 in St. Louis, Missouri... Welcome to Urban Report
00:40 Dr. Salter... Thank you... I'm glad to be here
00:43 it is so good to have you here, may I call you Dr. Christine?
00:46 You may... Okay... great... so...
00:48 today we're going to talk about obesity...
00:51 Yes... and so many of us...
00:55 want to lose weight
00:56 and keep it off... Right...
00:59 Okay, let me just start with... why do people gain weight
01:04 in the first place? You know there are lots of
01:06 reasons for gaining weight... you know you can say,
01:09 like a mathematical equation calories in... calories out...
01:13 if they're round about the same, there's no weight gain
01:17 or weight loss... if there are a lot more calories
01:19 in or a lot more energy in... and less out...
01:22 you're going to gain weight... but it's not all...
01:26 it's not that simple though... because... it's also about
01:30 your metabolism... and what's going on with the
01:32 metabolism... there's something called a...
01:34 like a "fat switch" Hmmm...
01:36 and so, sometimes what we do with our metabolism,
01:40 we switch that "fat switch" on, and we gain weight...
01:44 and find it hard to actually lose the weight...
01:47 now what... okay... for viewers who don't know
01:50 what metabolism is... what is metabolism?
01:53 so metabolism is the way that our body works...
01:57 it's using the energy
01:59 in the body
02:00 okay... Okay and so there's a
02:03 "fat switch" there's a switch actually that
02:05 turns on the ability
02:08 or the tendency to store fat?
02:10 tell us about that... So, it's not a physical switch
02:14 it's like "metabolic switch" it has to do with the
02:17 what we call the mitochondria in the cells... the energy...
02:20 the little organelles in the cells
02:22 and how they function...
02:23 their ability to function and how many of them are there
02:27 and the different things that we do
02:29 will change the level of those mitochondria...
02:32 so it's not just simply... calories in... calories out...
02:35 Hmmm... but calories do count...
02:38 so it's not enough to say, "Well, I'm going to eat
02:41 a thousand calories... but it's all junkie calories"
02:43 those junkie calories are going to switch on
02:46 that "fat switch" Isn't that interesting
02:49 so you could have even maybe a little less
02:52 calories but they are junkie calories
02:55 and they still can turn on the fat switch...
02:57 Absolutely... Now you hear this viewers...
02:59 you're hearing it on Urban Report...
03:01 from Dr. Salter... okay... so... what does a person
03:07 do... let's say... you just keep on gaining weight
03:12 and you're trying to eat better but you don't really know
03:15 what to do... where do you start?
03:17 So, you've really got to look at the lifestyle first...
03:22 even before you start talking about the calories
03:25 you're eating or even what you're eating...
03:27 because there's something very fundamental like...
03:29 your sleep... Hmmm...
03:31 and your stress levels...
03:33 Let's talk a little bit about about sleep...
03:35 because I don't think people really know that connection
03:38 between weight gain
03:39 and sleep deprivation...
03:41 so, let's talk a little bit about that...
03:44 Okay... so, we are... we are designed to have
03:46 round about 7 to 8 hours of sleep
03:49 so, at a certain time... not any time of the day...
03:54 okay... we're on the circadian rhythm...
03:56 okay... but on the circadian rhythm,
03:58 you know... a cycle... to do with the light...
04:02 so your body sees the light and then you know you get up
04:05 in the morning... and then go through the day
04:07 and when the sun goes down you get tired and go to sleep
04:10 it's all to do with hormones, and neurotransmitters...
04:14 okay.. so we're supposed to go to sleep before midnight
04:17 okay... we're supposed to get our sleep before midnight
04:21 and when you're sleeping, we go through different levels
04:26 of sleep and as you go into these different levels,
04:29 we get a metabolic change in hormones
04:32 that are released... and so those hormones help
04:35 with energy... so while you think you're resting
04:39 the body is working very hard, Hmmm...
04:41 and so when they looked to the studies...
04:43 they found that people who sleep less hours,
04:46 have more weight... more diabetes...
04:49 more cancer... their hormones get messed up
04:52 so one of the most fundamental things
04:53 even for hormone balancing is to see that
04:55 I get enough sleep... Wow... isn't that interesting
04:58 because so many times... you never think about
05:03 "I'm not getting enough sleep and I'm gaining weight... "
05:06 but it has to do with hormonal balance...
05:09 It's hormonal balance... exactly that's the key...
05:11 Exactly... and so what happens when you're getting tired
05:16 to go to bed... what happens... the cortisol is supposed to go
05:21 down and decrease, the melatonin is supposed to
05:24 then come up and increase... and so you get tired...
05:27 you go to sleep... but instead you're on the computer...
05:29 we're in different cities... that it's like
05:33 it's broad daylight and it's like midnight... okay
05:36 and people are walking around
05:37 so what's going to happen now,
05:39 the cortisol says,
05:40 "Oh, I'm supposed to be awake" so the cortisol then...
05:43 instead of it going down, it begins to rise...
05:45 Wow... now when cortisol is elevated...
05:48 one of its normal mechanisms to do...
05:51 is to raise blood sugar... okay... all right...
05:56 Isn't that interesting... so you're raising blood sugar
05:58 and then, eventually, you go to bed...
06:00 but now you've got these levels of blood sugar
06:01 the body says, "What do I have to do with this
06:03 because I am not going to work anywhere
06:05 I'd better lay this down as fat... "
06:06 Right... because when insulin is increased...
06:10 it helps to store fat...
06:12 It stores fat... it's a fat trigger...
06:15 Wow... Okay, so now, the cortisol is
06:17 high... insulin is high... and as it continues,
06:20 then we get into a state of what we call
06:22 "insulin resistance" it's a state of "fat storage"
06:27 and as hard as you try to say you're going to lose the weight,
06:31 and you simply keep staying up, and not getting the sleep,
06:35 you're not going to lose any weight...
06:36 you're in "insulin resistance" that weight is not coming off...
06:39 Wow... see... we can't fool the body...
06:42 Right... right... Okay...
06:44 right... isn't it amazing how
06:46 God has created these bodies!
06:49 Fabulous... I mean... we're fearfully and wonderfully made
06:51 so intricate... you know...
06:54 one thing happens here... it dominoes here...
06:57 and the body... it's not that it's...
07:00 it's just doing what you're... it's just responding
07:04 to what you're doing... Yes...
07:05 You stay up late... it says,
07:06 "I need cortisol... I need insulin... "
07:09 It's responding to you...
07:10 It's responding to what you're doing...
07:11 Wow... you see... it's responding to
07:13 what you're doing so in that setting...
07:15 just right there... if somebody would just go to bed on time...
07:19 that will be huge... as far as the weight management
07:23 Going to bed on time... Just going to bed on time...
07:27 and getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep...
07:28 I have to tell you... one of my...
07:30 I wear this bracelet... it's not a bracelet...
07:35 it's not a bracelet... so nobody gets panicked...
07:38 don't send me e-mails...
07:39 it's not a bracelet... this is a... motion...
07:43 kind of... sensor... it's an activity gauge...
07:46 it lets me know how many steps I've done that day...
07:49 how much sleep I've gotten and I said that because
07:53 my sleep levels have just really gone down a lot
07:57 because I'm thinking... or I'm relaxing...
07:59 or watching something on television,
08:01 and that keeps you awake... which then causes the hormone
08:06 so... I see now... what you're saying...
08:08 right... it really makes a lot of sense
08:11 that if we go to bed... Ellen White says this too...
08:13 that sleep before midnight, is equal to like 2 hours more
08:17 than it would... after... Absolutely... absolutely...
08:21 so, it's critical... so sleep deprivation is one thing
08:25 and you said, stress is another thing
08:27 Stress is huge... Okay... let's talk about stress
08:29 Okay... so, you know, people say, "You know I just can't get
08:31 rid of this belly fat... " Hmmm...
08:34 Right... Hmmm... hmmm...
08:36 you know, or... "Did you see this
08:37 weight gain around the waist?" and of course, that's a more
08:41 that's a more challenging type of fat...
08:43 there are different kinds of fat now...
08:46 so people... we have the obesity Right...
08:49 right... and so we talk about the "Apple Shape"
08:52 Hmmm... and then we talk the "Pear"
08:54 and we have a graphic of that... Yeah, we do have that, right,
08:58 Yeah, so let's talk about that. So look at...
09:01 see the apple shape... this is a problem right here...
09:04 see this fat... this is metabolically active
09:08 inflammatory dangerous fat... Hmmm...
09:12 that will cause heart attacks, stroke,
09:16 cancer... all kind of problems obstructive sleep apnea...
09:20 it's just sending out inflammation
09:23 that's what it's doing... it's like a little fire...
09:26 Isn't it interesting that something like fat
09:30 which we think of as just "extra pounds"
09:33 padding... right...
09:35 extra padding... extra pounds, we look at that
09:38 as being something we don't want,
09:40 but now you're telling us that not only is it unsightly...
09:44 but it's also doing something...
09:47 It's dangerous... I have another graphic
09:49 about metabolic syndrome... Oh... okay...
09:53 that shows... it shows that abdominal fat
09:56 that is actually... it's like an organ...
09:59 it's an inflammatory organ, I mean, I do blood tests
10:03 and I can tell... without even looking...
10:05 I can tell who's got the abdominal fat...
10:08 Hmmm... because you see all these
10:09 inflammatory cytokines... so you know that it's doing
10:12 a dangerous job and so that's really key
10:15 to get that metabolic syndrome...
10:19 that abdominal fat gone... which is different from the
10:21 "pear" which has got the fat on the hips...
10:24 Hmmm... little waist...
10:26 fat on the hips
10:27 well you know... you may want to lose that
10:29 just for cosmetic reasons but it does not have
10:32 the same effect as this one right here, okay...
10:35 Isn't it interesting that when you to go a physician
10:39 like yourself... they often say... that...
10:43 they measure the circumference...
10:45 Right, the waist circumference...
10:46 because that is an indicator of and it's a risk factor
10:51 for heart disease... Right, actually, that is more
10:54 of an indicator than even blood pressure...
10:56 it happens to be the number one indicator...
10:59 just measure the waist circumference...
11:01 Hmmm...
11:03 Okay, greater than 40 in men, greater than 35 in women...
11:05 increases the risk for heart disease...
11:08 Isn't that something... say that again please... Doctor
11:10 because they need to hear that...
11:11 Greater... If your waist is larger than...
11:14 40 inches in men... and 35 inches in women...
11:16 there's an increased risk for heart disease...
11:18 just take out your tape measure, you don't have to go
11:20 to the doctor... just take out your tape measure
11:23 and you know right there... that you've got an issue
11:25 and that things have to change.
11:27 That is amazing... so this fat...
11:31 that's sitting around that middle,
11:34 it is not just sitting there...
11:37 it's causing big problems... Problems...
11:39 It's dangerous... And one of the problems
11:42 that causes that...
11:44 that's what we were talking about...
11:45 that's what we're talking about stress...
11:47 because stress causes this
11:48 chronic level of cortisol... and cortisol says,
11:52 "Let's raise the blood sugar, and let's store the fat... "
11:55 "Oh, where are we going to store the fat?"
11:57 "Let's, this is where it goes" all right... so...
12:00 stress management... Hmmm... hmmm...
12:03 is key... to fat management...
12:07 we've got to deal with the stress...
12:08 and part of the stress is getting enough sleep...
12:11 right... so we get all stressed so we don't go to sleep...
12:14 That's right... Right...
12:15 That's right... But we have to... we have to...
12:17 you know in the Bible... the Bible says, you know,
12:20 was it, "The sleep of the righteous is sweet. "
12:23 Right... Hmmm... hmmm...
12:25 so, we are physiologically made to sleep...
12:27 and then, if you can't do anything about the stress,
12:30 why stress? there's no point...
12:34 so we do all this stuff... but we're not changing anything,
12:38 all we're doing is courting a bunch of inflammation
12:41 Right... and it's not changing the issue.
12:43 Right... You see... so, we have to do
12:45 that deep breathing... we have to do that relaxation,
12:49 and we have to exercise... because exercise is a way of
12:52 diminishing stress... It really is...
12:56 Right? It really is...
12:57 and I think that... again for a lot of our viewers
13:02 who might not be happy about exercising...
13:05 but there are things that you can do
13:06 but you have to find something that you like...
13:08 do what you like... like some people love to walk...
13:13 Right... Well, you know what I say...
13:16 and I used to ask about exercise but we have changed it now to
13:20 physical activity and movement, Ah...
13:23 just move... right... Come on, unpack that for us...
13:27 Right, right, you know what I'm saying...
13:28 just move... because what happens is...
13:30 studies show... if we sit all day...
13:31 people say, "You know, I hard for 2 to 3
13:34 hours at the end of the day... and I'm not losing
13:36 all this weight... " Well because you sat for 8 hours
13:38 all day... and what does the signal...
13:41 what's the body's signal? Lay down fat...
13:44 that's what the studies show... when you sit there...
13:46 it says, "You're not doing anything...
13:49 you're just sitting there... on your computer
13:51 not doing anything... "
13:52 the body says, "I'm going to lay down fat... "
13:54 You can't work that off at the end of the day...
13:57 you'll be in the gym for like 8 hours... right...
13:59 so what you do... during the day every 30 minutes to an hour,
14:03 you get up... do something... go to the bathroom...
14:06 walk downstairs... walk around the hall...
14:08 go get some water... just move...
14:11 This is so good... because so many people are stuck,
14:15 like me, in an office... a lot Right...
14:17 and when you're at that computer
14:19 or you're in a meeting or you're just sitting...
14:23 you're saying that
14:27 you're telling the body...
14:28 "Don't do anything... just store some fat...
14:30 you're not moving... " "You're not moving... store it"
14:33 Right... store it... so imagine... if you got up...
14:36 on the hour... and did 2 to 3 minutes...
14:40 that's all... that's not a lot 2 to 3 minutes...
14:43 what's 8 hours times 3 that's 24 minutes of exercise
14:46 you've done by the end of the day...
14:48 Come on now Doctor... see... Okay...
14:50 that's why you're here... Be physically active...
14:53 when I go... I travel a lot... stay in a hotel...
14:57 Hmmm... hmmm... and the last time I checked in,
15:00 and they said, "I have you on the 19th floor... "
15:03 I said, "No, I want to be able to walk the stairs...
15:06 you need to put me down lower" I said...
15:09 and he goes... "Well, I have the 4th floor. "
15:10 I said, "That's good enough"
15:12 So, I took my suitcase to the room
15:15 because it was heavy... Right...
15:16 took it to the room... after that
15:18 "Don't use the elevator again until you're leaving the hotel"
15:23 Yes... "Take the stairs... "
15:25 because in modern living... we have to force ourselves,
15:30 we've got to create the activity don't take the elevator,
15:34 don't take the escalator, take the stairs when you see it,
15:38 take the stairs... That is so true...
15:41 Right and it's so simple, you're brushing you teeth
15:43 move... when you're brushing your teeth, okay...
15:45 walking through your house... walk briskly through
15:48 the house... let's do the stuff we used to do
15:50 let's sweep... let's hang things up...
15:53 let's move... that's what gives the body activity...
15:57 but now we sit... we do the remote control...
16:00 That's true... Right... the vacuum cleaner...
16:02 whoosh... Or you have the robot...
16:04 robot instead of the vacuum cleaner right...
16:07 and we don't hang clothes on the line anymore...
16:09 I remember growing up, we were out there...
16:11 fighting with the clothes, pulling them off the line, right
16:14 now we just throw them into the dryer...
16:16 throw them in the wash, take them out,
16:18 throw them into the dryer... okay... then put them away...
16:20 Right... So activity has just been moved
16:24 right out... at the expense of technology...
16:27 Hmmm... We're not saying,
16:29 "Get rid of the technology... " but we have to be mindful
16:33 of what's happening... right... Absolutely...
16:35 we have to be mindful... so, we've got to say,
16:37 "I've got to be physically active on purpose... "
16:39 I'm taking that out from Joyce Meyer,
16:42 she says, "Be physically active on purpose... "
16:45 you got to purposely do it... you got to think that
16:47 "What can I do to be active?" you see...
16:50 That's very true... we have to be intentional...
16:53 we have to be intentional... and some people say,
16:55 "Well, you know, I can't sleep at night. "
16:56 I say, "Why can't you sleep at night?"
16:58 they say, "because I'm not so tired... "
17:00 because you haven't done anything all day...
17:01 you've just been sitting around all day...
17:03 the body is not going to want to sleep if you haven't anything
17:05 all day... right... so you've got to be
17:07 able to move... so you're tired, so you can sleep...
17:09 Right... right... right... right So, that stress management,
17:14 the sleep... being physically active...
17:19 now you start triggering those mitochondria...
17:22 Hmmm... okay, you start creaking those
17:24 mitochondria... they're saying,
17:25 "Oh, we have stuff going on here...
17:26 we've got to increase numbers here
17:28 so that we can burn some calories here... let's move it"
17:32 otherwise the less exercise you do...
17:35 the more tired you become... That is really true...
17:39 right... you say, "I'm so tired...
17:41 I don't want to do anything... " and that's how I was...
17:43 because I gained... all this weight...
17:44 when I first got married...
17:48 Let's talk about your journey a bit...
17:50 So were you really thin before you got married?
17:55 Oh yeah... I was just like... maybe like 140 or 150 pounds...
17:58 you know, slim, you know... I had my first child...
18:03 lost all the weight... right back down to...
18:06 where I could fit into those nice little outfits,
18:09 I said, "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about... "
18:11 Okay... I had my second child, oh my goodness...
18:13 I ballooned... okay...
18:15 okay... it was little harder, so I didn't quite get back down
18:18 but then, it was a stressful time in my life...
18:21 I was in Residency... so I was staying up
18:24 24 to 30 hours... long hours, so now, my metabolic switch
18:31 got changed... you see... Hmmm... hmmm...
18:35 you know, so, even though I was active...
18:37 I mean... I would run around the hospital, you know,
18:40 you're running up and down the stairs,
18:41 you don't stand at the elevators,
18:43 but my switch was changed, because my sleep was messed up
18:47 Right... right... you see... and then it continued
18:50 and when I got into private practice...
18:51 working long hours... I'd be working till midnight,
18:55 one o'clock in the morning,
18:57 and then I'd be getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning,
18:59 then I'd come home... I'd say,
19:00 "Well, I'm so busy during the day...
19:02 I don't have time to eat... I'd come home, I'm so tired,
19:04 I'm tired... but I'm hungry... Right...
19:06 so, I'm saying, "Oh, well, I got some fruit juice here... "
19:10 loaded calories... right? so it's adding insult to injury
19:14 because my insulin is already high
19:15 because my cortisol is high so now I just poured more on it
19:18 okay... and I just... I just ballooned...
19:23 I just ballooned... it was unbelievable...
19:28 Over a period of how much time?
19:30 I would say... over a 10-year period...
19:33 and then it accelerated over like a 3-5 year period...
19:37 Hmmm... I think I got some
19:38 before-and-after pictures right?
19:40 Yeah, we're going to put one up...
19:41 it was really something when I looked at myself
19:43 you see... look at this... Yes...
19:46 that was unbelievable... when I looked at myself,
19:50 I started crying... I said, "Wow, is that me?"
19:53 Hmmm... I'm like, "That couldn't be me
19:55 how could that be me?" It was me... and I'm sitting
19:59 talking to patients... like I'm talking to you
20:00 saying, "Oh, you got metabolic syndrome...
20:02 you got to lose weight you got to move...
20:04 you got to do this... " and as I'm talking to them,
20:07 I'm listening... I'm thinking "Uh... you are talking
20:09 to yourself... right?" Hmmm... hmmm...
20:11 "this is you... that you've got to change" you see...
20:14 and so then... that's when I started my journey
20:17 I was racing home so that I could get to bed on time...
20:20 right... so all my cortisol... got to get the cortisol down...
20:24 get the melatonin to come up, get to sleep...
20:27 being physically active, not eating late
20:29 and getting rid of the empty calories...
20:32 now that's really important...
20:34 Let's talk about that... You know, empty calories...
20:36 Such as...? a glass of juice...
20:39 Hmmm... like people say,
20:40 "but it's orange juice... "
20:42 Hmmm... or "it's cranberry juice... "
20:44 and orange juice... what is the orange juice
20:46 used for? to raise blood sugar
20:48 in hypoglycemics... Thank you... so why would you
20:51 drink an 8-ounce glass of orange juice?
20:52 there's no fiber in it... so, if you want the orange...
20:57 eat the orange... Right...
20:59 if you want the apple... eat the apple...
21:00 don't do the apple juice... don't do the orange juice
21:03 even in pediatrics... even in children...
21:05 we say, "Don't... give them straight juice... "
21:07 we say, "dilute it... dilute it... dilute it"
21:09 you see, so, why would we think that we can do that
21:12 and we're going to get away with it...
21:14 it's just empty calories... calories we don't need...
21:17 it's easy... a swallow... you got easily 500 calories
21:20 right there... right... and then you add to that
21:23 then people drinking sodas and then they say,
21:26 "But you know, I don't do the dark sodas...
21:29 I do the white sodas... " it doesn't matter
21:31 if it's dark or white... right they've all got 12 teaspoons
21:34 of sugar... that's going to give you a bunch of
21:37 empty calories that you don't need... right?
21:38 That's right... that's right...
21:40 and even the artificial sweeteners
21:42 Yes... they actually cause weight gain.
21:44 Yes... they have studies that show that... it actually causes
21:49 so if you think that you're getting away
21:51 with not using sugar
21:52 even if you're not...
21:54 it's the chemicals... Yes... the chemicals...
21:56 and it changes the... it's a path in the brain... okay
22:00 it's a path in the brain... also in the metabolism
22:03 and it's just not healthy for you...
22:05 Right... Again about weight gain,
22:08 there's also about toxicity... if the body is toxic,
22:11 guess where it stores toxins?
22:14 In the fat...
22:16 In the fat... so the toxins are in the fat...
22:18 Right... so the body says,
22:20 "Okay, you're all toxic... you're eating all this...
22:22 not even real stuff, not even real food... "
22:24 Right... Exactly...
22:25 so the body says, "Let me just deal with this,
22:28 let me protect this person, okay, let's just layer that on
22:31 okay, let's layer it on
22:34 because that's where the toxins are... "
22:35 that's why, if you're going to lose weight,
22:37 you got to do it in a healthy way...
22:39 Hmmm... hmmm...
22:41 so your body is detoxing at the same time...
22:43 you've got to have those green leafy vegetables...
22:45 you've got to have the fiber, your beans, your legumes,
22:48 all of those... so that it can take out those toxins
22:51 as you are shrinking down, or else you're going to be
22:54 skinny and sick... And sick... because the body
22:57 will re-absorb the toxins... Thank you...
22:59 the toxins have to come out... They've got to come out.
23:02 You know, Dr. Christine, I know some physicians that say,
23:05 "Oh you don't need to detox the body...
23:07 it naturally detoxes" no, you do need to detox
23:10 We do need to detox... We're taking in toxic air,
23:13 toxic water, toxic food, Toxic everything...
23:16 Everything... Right... right...
23:18 you know the body... it is fearfully and wonderfully made
23:20 and we've got organs of elimination
23:22 we've got the skin, we've got the lungs,
23:24 we have the kidneys, we've got to drink
23:25 and flush the kidneys...
23:27 we've got the gastrointestinal tract
23:29 we've got the liver which is fabulous...
23:30 Hmmm... hmmm... okay... but... when you have
23:33 all these toxins coming in... you have to support
23:37 that process... Hmmm...
23:39 and not keep adding to it... you know, if you're eating
23:41 chicken that's got a lot of hormones in it,
23:43 do you know what they do
23:45 to make those chickens grow so fast...
23:47 and if you're eating those chickens
23:49 You're going to grow fast... Exactly... right...
23:51 and your body has to detoxify...
23:54 I've had to take little girls off chicken...
23:57 because their menstrual cycles are being messed up...
24:00 right? Yes... yes...
24:02 and the hormone processing
24:04 happens in the level of the liver...
24:05 so we have to support the organs...
24:07 of detoxification... as we are losing the weight,
24:11 so it's a comprehensive program...
24:13 Yes... it's a comprehensive approach
24:14 you have to look at everything, and not just one thing...
24:18 And see... that is key too... because
24:21 so often we'll say, "Okay, I got to reduce calories"
24:24 "Okay, well I can't do carbs" "Okay, well I can't do gluten"
24:28 "Okay... " and so you take one thing
24:30 instead of looking at the whole picture...
24:34 and it's the whole picture...
24:36 that says, "Okay, this is your unique profile,
24:40 this is what we need to do... " and that's the kind of physician
24:44 you are... I know you are, and I think that's so incredible
24:48 because, it's unusual to see allopathic physicians
24:53 who do integrative medicine...
24:56 Well, that's what I'm about...
24:59 and I know that some people may be feeling...
25:01 "Oh, my goodness, that just seems such a lot... "
25:03 well do the best with what you've got...
25:06 Hmmm... hmmm... okay, and you start somewhere...
25:09 but you do something... okay... you say,
25:12 "Well, I can't walk 30 minutes a day... I'd be so tired... "
25:16 then you walk 5 minutes a day... but do it everyday...
25:19 Right... okay...
25:21 and if you've been going to bed at midnight...
25:23 okay, say, "Okay, well, I going to try to go to bed at 11:30"
25:26 just do something and make a change
25:29 in the right direction... if you have something
25:31 that's horizontal like this, even a little change...
25:33 like that... now you're going completely
25:35 in a different direction than if you're like this
25:37 or you're like that... so even little change
25:39 the trajectory will end up being a huge change over time...
25:43 And see that's such a good point because, I think,
25:46 people need to know that you're not expected
25:49 to do everything... cold turkey... and just...
25:52 everything perfectly right away, make some little changes
25:56 Little steps... Increase your water everyday...
25:58 right... drink a little bit more water...
26:01 Drink a little bit more water when you wake up...
26:03 so, I have bought myself a Brita Filter,
26:06 Hmmm... hmmm... you know, the one where you can
26:08 put the single bottle one, right at your bedside,
26:10 because if you know that you'll get up
26:12 and then forget about that... so, then, it's right there,
26:14 it's my reminder... "Okay, I need to have
26:17 all 22 ounces gone... by the time I move out of the bedroom
26:22 Hmmm... Right... so, I've got it
26:23 right there and I can drink that water right away...
26:25 so you got to write down your goals
26:29 and then implement it... if you just think about it,
26:32 it's hard just to think about something
26:34 Right... and implement...
26:35 you got to say, "Okay, I'm going to go to bed at this time... "
26:38 I'm going to walk for 5 minutes, okay...
26:41 okay, if you've been eating a lot of meat... you say,
26:43 "Well, maybe I'll change to fish"
26:45 you see... if you've been eating a lot of chips...
26:47 okay, you say, "Well, maybe instead of getting
26:50 a bag of chips... I might get a bag of carrots,
26:53 you see, so you make these little changes...
26:56 Yes... in that direction...
26:57 and over time... it becomes part of your habit,
27:00 we don't need to make quick weight loss,
27:02 and then bounce right back... we want it to be a lifestyle,
27:05 Exactly...
27:06 you see that's what we're looking for...
27:08 We are looking for change that's sustainable...
27:11 That's it...
27:12 Not the "flash in the pan change"
27:14 but change that's sustainable... you have been so insightful
27:19 and such a blessing... thank you so much
27:20 for being with us...
27:22 You're welcome... so happy to have been here...
27:23 I want you to do more for Dare to Dream...
27:25 You have to come back and do more for us...
27:27 I'll be happy to do that... Thank you so much...
27:29 Well, that's the end of our Program for today,
27:32 you know, Dr. Salter gave us some great tips
27:34 some great points and we can use them
27:37 and implement them, the Bible says that
27:39 we are fearfully and wonderfully made...
27:41 and that is truly, truly, so... so, make sure that you
27:46 appreciate this body that God has given you...
27:49 by taking care of it and taking these steps...
27:52 that's the end of our Program for today...
27:54 thanks so much for tuning in...
27:56 join us next time... because you know what...
27:58 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2023-11-15