Urban Report

Lifestreams Media

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Chris Lang


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000140A

00:01 Stay tuned to meet an award winning Filmmaker
00:03 with some great stories to tell.
00:05 My name is Yvonne Lewis,
00:07 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:37 My guest today is Chris Lang,
00:39 Founder, Producer and Director
00:42 of Lifestreams Media Film Production Company,
00:45 welcome to Urban Report Chris.
00:47 Thank you very much Yvonne.
00:48 It is so exciting to have you you know, our Viewers,
00:51 we kind of have on Urban Report we kind of have this theme
00:56 of God's plan for everyone I talk about it all the time
01:01 and God had and still has an amazing plan for your life
01:07 before we get into your story,
01:09 I'd like to just show a film clip that you brought to us.
01:12 Let's take a look.
01:13 Sounds great.
01:16 Lifestreams Media Production
01:23 Lifestreams Media...
01:25 My mother had a miscarriage
01:26 what she didn't know was that she'd had twins
01:31 I was that other twin, still inside her womb
01:35 now there was no ultrasound in those days
01:39 and she continued to have bleeding and discomfort
01:42 so her doctor used ringed forceps
01:45 to remove her ineffective IUD,
01:48 then he used the forceps to reach in,
01:51 grasp and remove any loose material
01:54 he could from her womb
01:56 last, he gave her five days of the drug Methergine
02:00 Methergine causes the uterus to expel remaining birth tissues
02:05 to minimize bleeding and risk of infection
02:07 but her stomach kept growing
02:10 and several doctors didn't believe
02:13 it was a normal pregnancy
02:14 so mom wanted whatever it was surgically removed.
02:19 Fortunately for me,
02:21 her OB Doctor urged her to wait
02:23 I guess you could say, I survived a miscarriage
02:27 and an abortion.
02:29 Music playing
02:38 When Mourning Breaks
02:40 Finding Hope After Miscarriage and Abortion.
02:45 Chris, you know,
02:46 the whole idea of God having a plan
02:49 God obviously had a major plan for you
02:52 and has a major plan for you.
02:55 Tell us... bring us up to date with that story
02:59 what happened after your mom realized
03:02 that she was still pregnant,
03:04 how did she react, what happened?
03:07 A lot of nightmares, Yvonne, and, of course, at that time
03:11 without having an ultrasound, no one could have known
03:16 and in fact four out of five doctors thought
03:18 that it was either cancer, a molar pregnancy
03:22 or ectopic pregnancy and any of those could be
03:25 pretty dangerous for the Mom, so that's what she was told
03:28 and the only doctor that thought
03:30 that it might be a normal pregnancy
03:32 was her OB Doctor, praise God for Dr. Richard Paul
03:35 and a couple of years ago I got an e-mail from him
03:39 and he said... I was curious if he still
03:41 remembered anything about my case,
03:43 even though it's been a couple of years.
03:46 I'm sure your case was not the norm.
03:48 It was a long e-mail
03:50 and he said he was responsible
03:53 for over 300,000 baby deliveries in his career,
03:56 and he said, your case remains unique
03:59 he remembers the first day he heard my heart beat
04:03 for the first time
04:04 and my Mom said he collapsed in the chair
04:07 next to the exam table when he heard my heart beat.
04:11 So I give God praise for life, I have so many aspects,
04:15 my parents already had three healthy children
04:16 and they couldn't afford to have any more
04:18 and that's why they agreed to have...
04:20 that she should have an IUD inserted
04:22 so, the whole thing for me... IUD to the forceps
04:26 and they're pulling out, I mean,
04:28 the average uterus is only three inches long
04:31 and at that stage of Mom's pregnancy
04:32 I was at least an inch, perhaps, or an inch and a half
04:36 there was nowhere to hide,
04:37 I should be missing arms, legs, fingers or toes
04:40 if I had have survived the pregnancy
04:42 I shouldn't be a normal delivery
04:44 so you can imagine the nightmares that mom was having
04:47 but praise the Lord I was the fourth "surprise"
04:51 in the row and so, it's been a wonderful thing
04:55 to sense that God had a purpose for my life
04:59 from a very young age,
05:00 and sometimes that's a burden,
05:02 when you know God has His hand on your life
05:04 you don't want to mess it up. Yeah.
05:06 You know, so it's like "destiny syndrome"
05:08 "we don't want to mess it up, God"
05:10 and every time
05:13 you make a mistake in life,
05:15 the devil is there to whisper and say,
05:18 "You've done too much now, and God can't use you"
05:21 so, we all have these voices that speak in our head
05:23 most of them are not our own thoughts.
05:25 That's right.
05:26 The devil can insert through our neurological pathways
05:29 thoughts that we think are our own
05:31 that's why we need the Word of God.
05:33 Absolutely.
05:35 Because the Word of God tells us the objective truth
05:37 that God loves us no matter what.
05:39 Absolutely, the only way that Satan gets to us
05:43 is through our senses, so...
05:45 but that's the way the Holy Spirit
05:47 works with us as well,
05:49 if we are in the Word as you just said,
05:52 we have truth to neutralize error.
05:55 Amen. So we know, who is who
05:58 and what's what based on the truth
06:01 of the Word of God, the "Objective Standard"
06:04 Amen. You know, people say,
06:06 "Well, your truth and my truth are two different things"
06:09 and there is one truth, everybody can't be right
06:12 there is one truth and that's the Word of God,
06:15 Amen. so, you're absolutely right,
06:17 so, this... the clip that we saw
06:19 is from "When Mourning Breaks"
06:21 is that a film that you've made?
06:23 Yes, this is one of the documentary films
06:27 that I produced... you know a lot of people, Yvonne,
06:29 say that miscarriage and abortion issues
06:32 are women's issues,
06:33 last time I checked,
06:34 it takes a guy to make a baby as well
06:37 and so people are sometimes curious
06:40 as to why would a guy do a film about pregnancy loss
06:43 so now you have a little insight
06:45 on why God would put it on my heart
06:47 to do a film to try to offer hope
06:49 to people who are hurting after they've lost a pregnancy
06:52 regardless of the cause, Yvonne, you know,
06:54 one of the things that was mind-bending
06:57 is that no one had ever done a documentary
07:00 featuring interviews about miscarriage before
07:02 there are many books on miscarriage,
07:03 the pain of miscarriage,
07:05 never had any documentaries out there prior to this film,
07:09 in addition to that there wasn't anything
07:12 that put the two types of "pregnancy loss" together
07:14 and I believe the Lord led in this because
07:17 Yvonne, you know there's politics with the abortion issue
07:20 and what this does is it actually rips
07:22 the political mask off and it shows people hurting
07:26 and one of the things I found is that
07:27 as we interview both types, couples, men, women,
07:30 different types... both types of loss,
07:32 I found that the long-term emotional impact
07:35 that happens in the aftermath could be either type
07:39 regardless of the cause can be very similar
07:41 in terms of the long-term impact on faith,
07:44 emotions and relationships, Hmmm...
07:47 so it's been a real journey.
07:49 One-third of all pregnancies
07:51 are lost every year in the United States,
07:53 two million pregnancies are due
07:56 either to one of these two types of pregnancy losses
07:58 so it's a huge ministry opportunity in churches.
08:01 That's what I was going to say, this is not just something that
08:04 affects just a few people,
08:06 this has kind of a blanket effect
08:10 and so, this is a wonderful ministry
08:13 that God's laid on your heart
08:15 and you have first-hand experience, so to speak,
08:19 with that whole area so that is tremendous.
08:22 What are some of the other films that you've made?
08:24 I did a film on single adults,
08:28 the stigma of singleness in Society where...
08:31 not just in the Christian Church,
08:32 very marriage-and-family centric
08:34 in Society as well as in the Church,
08:36 I went through a painful divorce a number of years ago,
08:40 and God met me in that broken place
08:42 and made something beautiful out of my life
08:44 and through that journey, He led me into film production
08:48 "Single Creek" actually was my first film
08:50 and it's actually giving hope to the never-married out there,
08:56 the divorced people, the widows,
08:57 the single parents who have children out of wedlock
09:00 40 percent of all pregnancies now are
09:03 babies delivered in the United States
09:06 are from single parents that are never married,
09:08 and then the person who is struggling with
09:11 same-sex attraction
09:12 who chooses to live a life of celibacy,
09:15 these are the types of voices you hear in "Single Creek"
09:18 challenging the church to see singles in a new light
09:22 while challenging the single adults themselves
09:24 to live a full life of faith through their talents for God
09:27 and to find healing in the only place
09:30 that any of us can find completion
09:33 in Christ Jesus, right? Amen.
09:34 And married people are actually surprised
09:36 when they see "Single Creek. " Really... why?
09:38 because it actually... it surprises them when they see
09:41 all of these great stories because then they're reminded
09:44 that their spouses aren't the ones that complete them
09:47 you see, it's not a film about finding the right woman,
09:50 there are a lot of dating films out there,
09:52 this is a film about becoming the right one,
09:54 Oh, come on now, come on.
09:55 that's what it is about
09:56 I love that because you really need to...
09:59 when you come into a relationship
10:01 you need to be whole,
10:03 you don't need to be a half a person
10:05 looking to be completed,
10:06 but a whole person looking for a partner.
10:09 That's right.
10:10 So, that's wonderful, I have to... I really want to...
10:14 see, I haven't had a chance to see these yet
10:16 but just from what you're telling me
10:18 and from the Clip, "When Mourning Breaks"
10:21 sounds amazing, amazing,
10:24 so, let's hear a little bit more about your story
10:27 and your journey because God has protected you
10:30 and brought you through so many things
10:33 let's just hear some of the miracle stories
10:36 that God has given you.
10:38 Well, you know, it's wonderful to serve a God
10:42 who cares about life and death matters
10:44 because as you saw, in my birth story
10:46 another story that happened to me real quick
10:49 that I'll share is I love to go to the beach,
10:53 most of us do, and this one particular day
10:56 was not a great day at the beach I was in big trouble,
11:00 you see, a hurricane had just blown through Florida
11:02 off the coast, and that's a great time to find
11:05 great big waves out on the coast
11:07 and I had just bought my own surf board
11:09 I'm a novice surfer, and I heard on a particular day
11:13 that the waves were really big out there
11:15 so I took the day off work, I went out to the coast
11:18 and sure enough when I got out there
11:20 the waves were huge, huge for Florida, that is,
11:22 nine- to ten-feet tall some of them... higher than that
11:26 so I put the board in
11:27 paddled 200 years out to the break point
11:30 and I waited for the big one,
11:31 and I remember seeing it coming on the horizon
11:35 and I knew that was it,
11:37 so I turned and I paddled as hard as I could
11:39 and before I knew it, I was on top of this mountain
11:41 of water... but there was a problem, Yvonne,
11:45 there was a strong onshore wind
11:47 that was blowing out the face of the wave
11:49 and it was too late,
11:50 I fell off my board and I fell down, down, down,
11:56 and as I was falling, I had this thought,
11:58 "this is not going to be pretty. "
12:01 We can laugh about it now
12:05 but I'm sure that when it was happening
12:08 oh, oh, oh, so, you were at the crest?
12:11 I was on the top of that wave and as I was falling,
12:14 my thought was,
12:16 "better get as big a breath as you can"
12:18 Right. "because this thing is going to
12:19 come crashing down on top of you in the trough
12:22 and sure enough, that's exactly what happened
12:25 now, I had been a lifeguard, a beach lifeguard,
12:27 I was a strong swimmer, Yvonne,
12:29 but I was no match for this force of nature
12:32 Hmmm... hmmm... I was pummeled like a ragdoll
12:35 I was being thrown over and over and over again
12:39 until I didn't know where I was.
12:41 I didn't know where was up,
12:42 where was down,
12:44 I didn't know how far under the surface of the water,
12:47 the wave had pushed me and even more importantly,
12:49 I didn't know where the bottom was
12:51 and as I tumbling in that powerful body of water,
12:55 the power of the wave started to break me
12:59 and I started having water go up my sinuses
13:02 and at that moment,
13:04 my whole life passed in front of me, Yvonne,
13:06 and I sent up a prayer to the Lord
13:08 instantly, I said, "Lord, save me
13:10 and I promise I'll do anything for you"
13:14 and as the Lord is my witness
13:16 in that very instant, my feet found the bottom.
13:21 As soon as I sent the prayer up to the Lord,
13:26 Wow! I found the bottom,
13:28 my feet touched the bottom
13:30 and with the last bit of energy I had left,
13:32 I pushed with all my might,
13:33 not knowing how far the surface was,
13:36 because I didn't know how far deep I'd gone,
13:39 and just as my nose was breaking the surface of the water,
13:42 my lungs began to expand, began to inhale,
13:45 if I hadn't broken the surface at that instant,
13:48 my lungs would have filled with water.
13:51 It reminds me of Psalm 91 verse 11 and 12
13:54 "He will give His angels charge over you,
13:57 to keep you in all your ways.
13:59 In their hands they will bear you up,
14:02 lest you dash your foot against a stone"
14:05 or in my case, "In their hands
14:07 they will bear you up lest your lungs fill with water
14:10 and you drowned. "
14:11 Wow! look at... you can see Chris, that
14:16 all along your life from before you were even born,
14:21 while you were in the womb, even till this point,
14:26 God has had His hand on you
14:28 He has brought you through... that's tremendous
14:33 the fact that you almost died, not once, but twice...
14:37 There's more...
14:39 but I think we're probably out of time
14:41 No we're not, no, we gave quite a bit of time, yeah.
14:44 One more story? Yeah, please, please,
14:46 Okay. our Viewers love stories,
14:48 our Urban Report Viewers love stories so, please...
14:51 All right, well this one is not a life and death story
14:55 I want to encourage people who are watching today
14:57 because there are a lot of people
14:59 that are having financial challenges
15:01 I'm glad the Lord cares about
15:03 all the temporal concerns that we have.
15:05 One day I got a phone call Yvonne,
15:07 from a business affiliate, I used to run a small business
15:10 before God led me into Media Ministry full time
15:13 and one day I got a call from a business affiliate
15:16 that had made a change that would affect our largest client
15:19 well, this wasn't just any client, Yvonne,
15:22 because if we lost this client,
15:23 the business would go down the toilet.
15:25 This was your main...
15:26 This was the main revenue stream
15:28 Okay, got it.
15:29 and so all day long I was fretting and praying,
15:32 praying and fretting, you know,
15:34 I'm glad God knows that we're made of mud,
15:36 we're animated mud right? Right.
15:38 Nobody here watching ever could get so fretful
15:43 but that's what I was all day
15:44 and at the end of the day I was running errands, Yvonne,
15:47 and I was impressed to stop at a convenient store
15:50 near my house and get a gallon of milk,
15:52 now, I don't drink regular milk anymore in my cereal
15:55 but during that time, I was impressed to stop
15:58 and it wasn't just an impression it was a compelling urge
16:01 so, I obeyed, I stopped, I went in, got a gallon of milk,
16:05 went to the Counter, paid the clerk a $10 bill
16:08 and she gave me change back
16:09 and I shoved it in my pocket with some coins
16:12 went home, put the milk in the fridge
16:15 and then I... like most guys at the end of a difficult day,
16:18 just hurled the change on to the kitchen counter
16:21 and as the coins were rattling and as the bills began to unfurl
16:27 I noticed there was some writing on one of the bills,
16:31 and so, I was curious and so I pressed the bill open
16:34 to see what the writing was on it,
16:36 and on the five dollar bill,
16:37 you had to kind of turn it vertically
16:40 and I don't know if the cameras can catch this
16:42 close up or not, but it says,
16:45 "Jesus told me to tell you,
16:47 He will fix it for you if you ask Him. "
16:52 Oh, this is what was on your $5 bill.
16:56 That was on the change I was given.
16:59 "Jesus will fix it for you, if you ask Him. "
17:02 "If you ask Him" and then at the bottom it says,
17:06 "God loves you no matter what"
17:09 Wow! Isn't that something?
17:11 Tell me that that wasn't a message for you
17:14 at that particular time.
17:16 I fell on my kitchen floor Yvonne and I wept
17:19 because God met me in my humanity.
17:23 Yes, and at your deepest point of need at that point.
17:27 The end of the story is that we didn't lose that client
17:30 in fact it grew... it grew to the point
17:32 where I was able to be profitable enough
17:35 to where I was able to start doing ministry
17:37 full time... and that's why I've been able to start doing
17:42 these films for the Lord.
17:44 Wow! that's incredible.
17:47 If somebody is watching this, the God of the Bible is real
17:51 He knows your name, ask Him and He will...
17:55 He will show up if you're sincere in your heart
17:59 See, people treat God like a Cosmic Santa Clause
18:02 Yes. and He won't...
18:04 we don't manipulate God, we can be used by Him
18:08 Right and I think that's really important
18:12 especially with... it's kind of the
18:13 "Name it... Claim it" kind of theory that... you know
18:17 where, "God has to move because you pushed this button"
18:21 no, no, God moves... He's God...
18:23 He's sovereign, He is the sovereign God,
18:26 so He moves when He wants to move
18:29 that doesn't mean that He doesn't have compassion
18:32 toward us, but it means that
18:34 He's in control, right? Amen
18:36 God is in control, not us
18:39 and we do... sometimes people do tend to treat God
18:42 as though He is a Cosmic Santa Clause
18:45 no, God is sovereign He's in control
18:48 and He was showing you, "I've got you"
18:51 I love that God desires to have an intimate relationship
18:55 He desperately wants to have an intimate relationship
19:00 with each person That's right.
19:01 but the question is, "How bad do we want Him?"
19:04 That's right, how bad do we want Him,
19:07 we know how badly He wants us
19:09 He died so that He can have a relationship with us
19:13 but how much do we want Him and how...
19:15 I sometimes think, Chris, you know,
19:18 we put God on the backburner,
19:21 "Well, I've got to do this, so I'll have a little worship
19:24 devotion time later" or
19:26 "Well, I really want to watch my favorite show,
19:29 so I'll get back to that" or
19:31 everything comes before God, Yeah.
19:34 and when we think about how incredible,
19:37 how faithful God has been to bring us through every situation
19:42 and yet, we just put Him on the backburner
19:45 it's like, how can we treat Him like that?
19:48 You know, so I think that
19:50 it's so important for us
19:52 to remember that the Lord wants a relationship with us
19:56 how much do we want that with Him?
20:00 I think that's a great point,
20:02 so where are you now with your Lifestream,
20:06 what's going on with Lifestream, what's your latest project?
20:09 We're excited to be working with Roger Morneau's Estate.
20:12 Roger passed away in 1998,
20:15 some of your Viewers may remember
20:16 that he was a Demon Worshipper
20:18 and became a Christian Author and Prayer Warrior
20:20 so we're excited to be able to do this three-part project
20:24 which started as a book
20:26 and as you go off into the documentary
20:28 and a feature film
20:30 which we hope to release in theatres, God willing,
20:32 in the next year or two.
20:34 It would be so nice to have some kind of balance
20:39 with what's out there, with the filth that's out there
20:43 and to have something that people can go to
20:47 that go to theatres... that can go and watch this movie
20:51 and their hearts can be turned to the Lord.
20:53 Amen. Tell us a little bit more about
20:54 Roger's life, I know he wrote
20:57 "Incredible Answers to Prayer"
20:59 what was it,
21:01 what was the turning point for him
21:03 that brought him to the Lord?
21:05 As a young lad, Roger couldn't reconcile with
21:08 teachings of his church with those of the Bible.
21:11 He was a young lad like 12 years old
21:13 and after his mother passed away,
21:15 it was the last straw for him, Yvonne,
21:18 he turned his back on God and religion completely,
21:20 he, soon after the World War II
21:24 he was invited into a Secret Society
21:26 they promised him wealth and power
21:28 and even though he was charmed by spirits and teachers
21:31 he never felt peace or joy.
21:33 So he actually was in communication
21:36 directly with spirits. Yes.
21:38 Oh... Yes, and you know, one night
21:42 after being pressed by a Satanic priest
21:45 who was part of this group, they had a "priest" and
21:48 Roger referred to him as a Satanic priest
21:50 because he was a Medium, this man,
21:53 who would facilitate the group
21:55 was pressing him to become initiated to the group
21:58 and one night he cried out,
21:59 "If there is a God in heaven who cares for me, help me"
22:03 and it was a few days later that Roger met a man of God
22:07 in the Embroidery Factory where they worked
22:09 and he ended up studying the Bible with him
22:11 and in seven days they covered 28 Bible Studies
22:14 and he was saved,
22:15 instead of giving his heart to the devil that week,
22:18 he gave his heart to Jesus.
22:19 So that was the week of decision for him, he was either... wow!
22:23 It was Halloween 1946, wow!
22:27 yeah, and you know,
22:28 there has not been a story in the 20th Century, I think,
22:32 more incredibly dramatic as Roger's conversion story and so,
22:35 we're excited about the potential
22:37 for ministry to help people understand
22:40 why truth matters today
22:41 because Roger didn't just get saved from demon worship
22:44 he got saved from deception in Christianity even
22:49 the deception of Sunday worship
22:50 and of the "State of the Dead" for example,
22:53 so this is part of the Protestant Movement
22:56 this is part of working with God side by side
22:59 to help finish it so Jesus can come.
23:01 Oh yes, oh yes, how did you...
23:04 well... I know that...
23:08 were you raised an Adventist? Hmmm... hmmm...
23:10 How did you really get to the place where
23:12 your relationship with the Lord is foundational for you?
23:17 How did you get to...
23:19 were you always walking with the Lord,
23:20 or did you go away and come back
23:22 how did you reach a place
23:24 of being settled in the Lord?
23:28 That's a great question, Yvonne, I would have to say,
23:31 I was involved in music ministry,
23:35 I was married at the time
23:37 I even had a little dog named Samson
23:39 and at that time in my life
23:41 a lot of people might have thought,
23:43 "Well, Chris Lang has it all together"
23:44 but it wasn't until I went through a divorce
23:47 that I was flat on my back emotionally, spiritually,
23:51 in many ways,
23:52 in many respects, I was lower than a carpet,
23:54 and really struggling for a couple of years
23:57 in the wilderness but God met me there
23:59 and really helped to...
24:01 helped by meeting me there,
24:05 there was a root system that went deeper, Yvonne,
24:07 because I was able to empathize
24:09 with other hurting people in a different way,
24:11 I like to tell people I learned to speak Chinese,
24:13 because you know, you can feel bad for people
24:16 when they go through something
24:17 but it's not until you go through it yourself,
24:19 that you actually can speak the language.
24:20 That's true.
24:22 And I'm the only person who's been through a divorce
24:24 in my family, we're very close,
24:26 but God knows what you're going through,
24:29 God understands, and God will meet you
24:32 if you're hurting, the Viewers out there,
24:34 if you're hurting,
24:36 you don't think anyone understands,
24:37 God will meet you there and He'll minister to your heart
24:41 in a way that no one else can,
24:42 so when you asked me,
24:44 "Where did you find your root system?"
24:45 I believe that it was through that wilderness experience
24:48 Yvonne, and God wanted me to understand
24:51 that there's only one place that I can go to find stability
24:55 and the endurance that everyone needs
24:59 to continue on that journey that you're called on
25:02 because it takes endurance like in Hebrews 11, right?
25:05 "Moses endured as seeing Him who was invisible"
25:08 and that has to be the wealth,
25:10 that can't be the world's wealth that we seek
25:13 but that wealth of the fellowship
25:15 of the Holy Spirit, Yes.
25:17 and it was through that brokenness
25:19 that I found, I said,
25:20 "Lord, I never thought that I'd say 'thank you'
25:23 for that experience that I had to go through"
25:26 Isn't it true, isn't it true, Chris, that
25:29 when you're in that wilderness period,
25:32 because I've had mine too, when you're in there,
25:34 you don't... sometimes, I know for me,
25:40 you don't really want to hear, "Oh, it's going to be okay"
25:43 I'm in this period right now
25:46 but you see the faithfulness of God
25:50 and when you come through it, when he brings you through it,
25:53 you do want to say, "Thank you"
25:56 and you do want to say, "You know what?
25:58 even though I don't want to go through that again,
26:00 it made me a better Christian because I can love Him more
26:07 because of what He did for me. "
26:09 You don't want that wilderness period
26:14 but it's through that suffering that you really find Him
26:19 because it's in that dark place that He shows Himself faithful
26:24 and when nobody else is there for you,
26:26 and when there's nothing else going on for you,
26:29 He is there and you feel Him
26:32 and He reaches out to you through the Word
26:35 through other people, through circumstances
26:38 but you know, that it's God,
26:41 that He's brought you through and you can say,
26:43 "Thank you Lord. "
26:44 "Blessed be the name of the Lord. "
26:46 Yes, yes, we're having some church up here, Chris,
26:48 that's some church up here for sure,
26:52 yeah, because when you think about the goodness of God,
26:55 and the more you've been through,
26:59 the more you appreciate who He is,
27:02 and what He's done, so, I praise the Lord for
27:06 what He's been doing in your life.
27:08 What's your website
27:10 so that people can go and check you out.
27:12 Lifestreams. org Lifestreams. org
27:16 we'll put it up on the screen and make sure that people know
27:20 how to reach you,
27:21 is there any closing thought, one sentence
27:24 that you want the Viewers to know?
27:26 Don't believe your life is average,
27:28 if you believe in Jesus Christ,
27:31 you're not the Lead Character in your story,
27:35 Jesus Christ is the Lead Character
27:38 He's the alpha and the omega of history.
27:41 Amen, thank you so much for being with us
27:44 we really appreciate it, we appreciate your story,
27:47 we appreciate your journey
27:49 and we know God's got great things in store for you
27:52 and thank you for joining us,
27:54 join us next time because you know what?
27:57 It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2015-12-07