Urban Report

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Kim Crider


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000158A

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a woman
00:02 who is making a positive contribution
00:04 to the development of our youth.
00:06 My name is Jason Bradley
00:07 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:33 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:35 My guest today is Kimberly Crider
00:37 and she is the Director of Radical Rescue,
00:39 it's so good to have you here, Kimberly.
00:41 Oh, it's great to be here, thank you.
00:43 Good, good, now tell us a little bit about "you. "
00:46 Well, I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio,
00:50 my background is, I'm a trained Social Worker,
00:54 that's my background, and I'm married,
00:57 I have a ten-year-old son and so he keeps me on my toes
01:01 so, very involved with my local church
01:04 so between ministry, home, and everything else,
01:08 I stay pretty active.
01:09 Good, good, now you brought a Kit with you,
01:12 the Sanctuary... the Radical Rescue Sanctuary Kit
01:16 let's take a look at this
01:18 and I want you to tell us what's in there.
01:20 Okay, exactly, this is Radical Rescue
01:23 and basically it is a Kit that covers five days,
01:26 it's a five-day Program to introduce children
01:30 ages 4 to 12 to the Biblical Sanctuary.
01:32 So, what I will do is,
01:34 I will show you what we have in here,
01:36 the very first thing that we have here
01:39 is a complete Program Planning Guide
01:42 so if anybody wants to introduce kids to the Sanctuary
01:46 whether it's during Vacation Bible School,
01:49 Week of Prayer, this is the Planning Guide
01:52 that you can use, we make it super easy
01:54 for people to be able to take it and use it,
01:57 I'll actually show you just real quick here
02:00 this is the Five-day Program Overview
02:03 so basically what we do is,
02:05 we give the Key Learning Concept for the day,
02:08 we give the songs to sing, we give the scripts
02:11 so people don't have to stress about,
02:12 "How am I going to tell a four-year old
02:14 about the Sanctuary?"
02:15 You have it down to a Science.
02:16 Yes, yes, we want to make it very easy for people
02:19 because a lot of times, people stress about,
02:21 "How am I going to explain,
02:23 what can be a very, very complicated subject matter,
02:26 how do you bring that down to a level of a child?"
02:30 So we provide the scripts, we provide the artwork,
02:33 there are also some instructions for Memory Verse games,
02:37 so the kids can work on memorizing the Memory Verse
02:40 as well as,
02:41 even introducing kids to the health message.
02:43 So you have it all in here,
02:45 you want to plan this five-day Program
02:47 so that's the first component,
02:49 the second component, as I alluded to earlier
02:52 is music, so we actually have a CD here
02:56 that has original songs about the Sanctuary
03:00 so kids are hearing Scriptures,
03:02 and then they're also hearing the songs
03:04 other kids are singing about the Sanctuary,
03:07 So it is being ingrained into their memory,
03:09 now, you also have this in Spanish too,
03:11 yes we do, we have it in EspaƱol
03:13 so if people want to get it in Spanish,
03:15 they have that too, but kids love these songs
03:18 because, again, they're hearing God's Word
03:21 but they're also catchy songs so kids are hearing the message
03:24 of the Sanctuary through the songs as well,
03:26 so we have that too,
03:28 now once the kids listen to those songs,
03:30 then they can sing them on their own,
03:31 we actually have the soundtrack that comes along with it
03:34 so the kids can sing the songs on their own
03:37 once they memorize the words, so we have that as well.
03:41 Then the other component...
03:42 the younger kids... during the five days
03:44 they're doing activities
03:46 where they're working with their hands
03:47 they are doing activities
03:50 that are focusing on their numbers,
03:51 their colors but it's all themed on the Sanctuary,
03:54 the older kids actually put together their own Sanctuary
03:58 so these are the graphics
04:00 of what the older kids would be using
04:02 to put together their Sanctuary
04:04 and you can see this one actually
04:07 is perforated and so sometimes we've had
04:09 people that have said, "I don't like to cut,
04:11 if I have to cut out another graphic, I'm going to die"
04:14 so, we provide these perforated
04:18 and so people can get these in bundles separately
04:20 so they don't have to worry about cutting
04:22 so these are the sanctuary graphics that come with it.
04:24 Okay.
04:26 The other component that comes with it
04:27 is a Resource Guide, we call this the R3 CD
04:30 because it has all the resources that people need
04:34 the materials that are needed to do the activities,
04:37 we're also really big on promotional materials
04:40 so if people wanted to have News Releases, they're on here,
04:43 all they have to do is just go in and change the date,
04:46 the location that's already ready for them
04:48 so with the materials on this Resource CD,
04:51 you can make as many Sanctuary Kits, materials,
04:54 anything you want,
04:55 you've got it right here and you can print from it.
04:57 That is huge. Hmmm... hmmm...
04:59 And then finally, this is just one of the
05:01 marketing materials that people can see a sample of
05:04 we have an electronic version that is on the CD
05:08 but this is just a poster
05:09 that people can put all over the Community
05:13 that they want to share
05:14 and this is available on the Resource CD
05:17 and you can personalize it
05:18 and so you can print it out as many times as you want,
05:21 so that's just an example of what's in the Kit.
05:24 Wow! that is a power-packed Kit, now, who created all this,
05:28 who is responsible for the creation of these materials?
05:32 Well, first I have to say, "God"
05:34 He's the one that orchestrated this
05:37 but it was put together by lay people
05:40 who consulted with educators, with pastors,
05:43 with musicians, and so, God just sent the people,
05:47 every component of this,
05:49 God sent the people that needed to be
05:51 involved in this... to work on this.
05:54 Wow! well, they did a wonderful job,
05:56 by the grace of God, Hmmm... hmmm...
05:58 now, we have a promotional video that we want to see,
06:02 and we want you to describe what's going on in that video.
06:06 Absolutely.
06:08 So let's take a look at that. Okay.
06:10 Take kids on an exciting 5-day rescue mission
06:11 centered in the biblical Sanctuary,
06:13 with Jesus as the Rescuer, Radical Rescue.
06:15 Okay, well you can see, this is just the artwork,
06:17 and this promotional video was actually shot in a school,
06:21 we went and we were asked to come in for Week of Prayer,
06:25 and so during the whole Week of Prayer,
06:27 we were singing songs with the kids,
06:29 we were playing games with them,
06:32 this is where they're actually singing some of the songs
06:34 during Song Service,
06:36 we had games where they were learning their Memory Verses
06:39 and so some of the games that the kids were playing
06:41 to be able to learn their Memory Verses,
06:44 one of the key components that the older kids do
06:47 like I said is put together the Sanctuary
06:49 so here the kids are putting together their own Sanctuary
06:53 you've also seen a couple of shots of the lamb
06:57 so we actually recommend bringing in a live lamb
07:00 and the kids loved it,
07:01 for some kids this was the first time
07:03 they had ever been able to touch a real live lamb
07:05 Wow! so those were just some of the
07:08 activities that took place during that Week of Prayer
07:10 at the local school. website: radicalrescue. us
07:12 Wow, wow! that is impressive,
07:15 now, how did you see the Lord leading
07:18 in the development of these materials?
07:21 Oh! God is so amazing,
07:23 He showed us, from the very beginning,
07:26 that He wanted this Program and this Kit to come to fruition
07:29 it was born a few years ago,
07:32 my family and I had been recruited
07:34 to go on a Mission Trip to the Dominical Republic
07:37 oh, actually before that,
07:38 before we went to the Dominical Republic
07:39 we were invited to go to Mexico
07:41 and we were rushing around
07:43 because we were invited three weeks before
07:45 the Program was supposed to start,
07:46 and so they said,
07:47 "Can you lead Vacation Bible School?"
07:50 So, we're rushing around trying to find a Program
07:52 that's pre-packaged, ready to go, and in Spanish,
07:55 that we could just pick up and go with it,
07:57 and we just struggled, we couldn't find something
07:59 that really helped share the Plan of Salvation
08:02 the way that we wanted to, so we went with another Program
08:05 the second year,
08:06 when we were using that same Program,
08:08 God just convicted us and said,
08:10 "Look, you may only see these children one time in your life
08:14 you need to be planting seeds for my Kingdom
08:16 in sharing the salvation message,"
08:18 so from that point, we started developing
08:20 this curriculum but we wanted confirmation from God
08:24 that He wanted it to be over the Sanctuary
08:27 and the Plan of Salvation together,
08:30 so, the third year when we were scheduled to go
08:33 to the Dominican Republic,
08:34 my sister and I flew over for a site visit
08:37 and so that's when you go over and just get everything ready
08:39 for the big trip that happens a few months later,
08:42 and so we prayed to God for two things,
08:45 we said, "God, please confirm
08:47 that you want us to do this Program
08:48 by providing a Facility large enough
08:50 for us to be able to hold the quantity of children
08:53 that we know are going to come,
08:54 and then second, please provide a live lamb. "
08:57 Well, during the course of the site visit,
09:00 we couldn't find anything,
09:01 the Facility... it would not come through,
09:04 we couldn't find a lamb and just a couple of hours
09:06 before we were to fly out,
09:08 we got a call from the church and they said,
09:10 "Come back out to the neighborhood,
09:11 we've got some good news for you"
09:13 when we got there, the local Pentecostal Church,
09:16 right up the road, loaned us their entire Facility
09:19 to use their Facility
09:22 to teach the children about the Sanctuary,
09:24 we actually have some pictures of the...
09:27 that's the Pentecostal Church there
09:29 and so, we were inside checking it out
09:31 and as soon as I stepped out of the Pentecostal Church,
09:35 I started taking some pictures
09:36 and then this gentleman just came up to me
09:39 and you can see here in the picture
09:41 he had a cart and he had a bike, I mean, a bike and a cart,
09:44 he had all these leaves and stuff
09:45 and he started asking me, "What are you doing?"
09:47 And so, we were sharing with him what we were doing
09:50 and for some reason,
09:52 I just said, "Well, what is all that for?"
09:54 and he said, "It's for my sheep"
09:55 I said, "That's for your... what?"
09:57 I had to check my Spanish, I said,
09:59 "I know, this man did not just say 'Ovejas'"
10:01 but he did, it was his sheep,
10:04 God had sent us the man who had the sheep
10:07 in the neighborhood that we needed
10:09 and as we talked with him, he started telling us,
10:13 "I never come this way, this is the exact opposite way
10:17 that I need to come"
10:18 but we knew that God had sent him
10:21 and when he went on to talk to us,
10:25 he told us that he was a former Seventh-day Adventist
10:27 who had become discouraged
10:29 and so we were able to minister to him,
10:31 to encourage him, and it was...
10:33 that was just the confirmation that we needed
10:36 for God to tell us, "You know, you need to do this"
10:39 Hmmm... hmmm... and it's amazing how
10:42 God works because you don't know how...
10:45 how it's going to come into fruition,
10:47 you don't know how it's going to come about
10:49 but all He needs is a "willing vessel"
10:51 and you were that "willing vessel"
10:54 and you got to see the miracles right before your very eyes.
10:57 Yeah, and it wasn't just that piece, it was like...
11:01 every component of the Program, He would send people,
11:05 we didn't have a lot of knowledge about
11:08 let's just say, the music, okay,
11:10 we're not musicians by trade,
11:13 but God would just give us the music
11:15 and just give us the lyrics.
11:16 I remember one day I was studying about
11:18 Jesus as our High Priest and all of a sudden
11:21 it just... this revelation like...
11:24 "We have a high priest,"
11:26 and God just gave me this tune and the lyrics
11:29 I'm scribbling to write down the lyrics
11:31 and the song just came to my head
11:34 and we would record all the songs onto a computer
11:37 because we didn't know what else to do
11:39 we couldn't score the music or anything
11:41 but we had all the music recorded and then we were like,
11:46 "Okay God, we need somebody to score this music
11:49 and to translate it into Spanish"
11:51 and as we were talking about it,
11:53 God just put the name of this lady in my head,
11:57 Adriana Perera,
11:58 I had not spoken to her in 20 years,
12:01 I had no idea, really, what was going on with her
12:04 I just sort of knew she was involved with music
12:06 20 years ago, and so when I contacted her
12:10 explained what we were trying to do
12:12 and I asked, "Is this something you could help with?"
12:14 She said, "Absolutely, this is what I do"
12:16 she writes music for orchestras and symphonies
12:19 and she just arranges music and so
12:22 she arranged all the songs, translated them all into Spanish
12:26 and just did a wonderful job with it.
12:29 So not only did God send you someone
12:32 to help you with the music,
12:33 He sent you someone who He's blessed with a tremendous gift
12:36 to help you with the music. Yes, He did.
12:39 That's amazing, now I know that usually
12:41 when you're doing something for the Lord,
12:44 Satan is angry and so I can only imagine that
12:47 there were some obstacles,
12:49 what were some of the obstacles that you faced
12:52 in developing this?
12:53 Yeah, Satan did not like what we were doing
12:56 there would be small things and major things
13:00 small things would be
13:01 when we would have group meetings,
13:03 a lot of times we would be meeting on the phone
13:05 to talk about planning this,
13:06 we would be talking about other subject matters,
13:09 the moment we start talking about this project,
13:12 we'd start having phone problems,
13:14 communication problems, Hmmm... hmmm...
13:15 so that was just one thing,
13:17 but then he would attack the people
13:18 that were associated with this project,
13:20 for instance,
13:21 when the kids were recording the music,
13:25 the CDs... the Engineer even said to us
13:27 he said, "This must be a special project
13:30 because I'm having problems that I never had with the equipment,"
13:33 because things were going wrong, just happening,
13:35 he never had a problem with...
13:37 when we went to go get the CDs duplicated,
13:40 the Company that we used,
13:42 when they started duplicating our CD,
13:45 and they called us and told us,
13:47 "When we started duplicating your CD,
13:49 the Air Compressor just went berserk"
13:51 I mean, it just shut everything down,
13:53 so they couldn't finish, I mean,
13:55 it wasn't just our project that it affected,
13:57 it affected everybody's
13:58 but it happened when they started duplicating our CDs
14:01 and even the gentleman, who was our representative,
14:04 he said, "This must be a special project
14:07 because the things that are happening in this...
14:10 this is not normal, I mean, there's something
14:12 there's something special and different about this project. "
14:15 Yeah, that's definitely not normal,
14:16 I mean, it's crazy that things just started going haywire,
14:22 so things stopped working and it's just confirmation too
14:27 that you are headed in the right direction,
14:29 if the devil is not upset,
14:31 you must not be doing something right.
14:34 That's true, we even had a gentleman,
14:37 who the Lord orchestrated
14:39 that he would be involved with us
14:41 in getting the accompaniment tracks together
14:43 and as soon as he started working on our project,
14:47 he started having problems on his job
14:49 and then there was one day
14:50 when he was supposed to dedicate a significant amount of time
14:54 to the accompaniment tracks,
14:56 and when he went to go get into his vehicle,
14:59 he said, just for some reason,
15:01 the lights went out on the Dash,
15:03 he couldn't drive, and he was like,
15:05 "Okay, something is going on here"
15:07 but Satan would attack
15:08 all the people that were associated with this project.
15:12 Yeah, and I mean, what you guys are doing
15:14 is so vitally important,
15:16 it's so important because you are reaching the youth
15:19 Satan wants to reach the youth,
15:21 we need to reach the youth for Christ,
15:23 and so what you guys are doing,
15:25 is very important and it's structured in a way that...
15:29 that it will get ingrained in their memory
15:31 that they'll enjoy doing it,
15:34 it will be fun for them and it will stick,
15:36 and it's something that they'll look forward to,
15:40 so that is truly a blessing for the children,
15:45 now, have you always been an Adventist?
15:47 I did grow up Seventh-day Adventist
15:49 but you know what I like to tell people, which is true,
15:51 "It's a daily journey," I mean there are times when
15:54 I'm having to... just daily... recommit myself to Christ
15:58 and just say, "You know God,
16:00 it doesn't matter what happened yesterday,
16:01 this is a new day," I mean,
16:03 when you think about it, it's like exercise,
16:04 which you did 20 years ago,
16:06 I mean, it may have helped then
16:09 but you still have to get up
16:11 and walk on the treadmill or whatever everyday so
16:14 I kind of equate it to that so it's definitely a daily journey.
16:17 Yes, yes, now, what other topics...
16:23 are there any other topics or anything else from the Bible
16:27 that you guys are going to develop for children?
16:31 I don't know, we're praying and just saying,
16:35 "God, what would you want us to do?"
16:36 We are continuing to add on to specific components of this,
16:42 for instance, one of the things that we have
16:44 just finished developing is...
16:47 it's like a guide to help people to build an edible Sanctuary,
16:52 so if they want to take these for even smaller kids,
16:55 you make them out graham crackers and peanut butter
16:58 just as another level of...
17:00 I might have to join that group you said, "food"
17:03 edible... I might have to join that group.
17:06 I know, but it's fun but it's teaching the kids
17:11 at the level that they are at,
17:12 and we had one church that did the "Edible Sanctuary"
17:16 and the parents just had so much fun
17:18 I mean, I don't even...
17:20 I don't even think they wanted the kids to be involved,
17:21 they were just enjoying
17:23 that particular component because they were learning
17:26 but really, that's part of what we're trying to do,
17:29 build on it and really make more materials
17:32 that would help bring this to life
17:34 and meet kids where they are.
17:36 That is beautiful,
17:37 so, what components are in the Sanctuary,
17:43 give us a little breakdown of what's in the Sanctuary
17:47 and the significance of it.
17:48 Well, the Sanctuary, in and of itself,
17:50 again, you start with the foundation of being very simple
17:54 but then it can grow in its complexity
17:58 so when you walk into the Sanctuary,
18:01 you have the Outer Court, you have the Courtyard
18:03 and you have the Alter of Burnt Sacrifice
18:05 and of course,
18:07 that's where the lamb was sacrificed in there
18:10 and then put on the alter,
18:11 but you also have the Laver in there
18:13 and that's where the priest would go and wash himself
18:15 and make sure he was clean,
18:17 so you have those components,
18:18 and then you actually go into the Holy Place
18:21 and so you got in there The Table of Shewbread,
18:24 you've got the Candlesticks, you've got the Alter of Incense
18:28 and then you've got the veil
18:30 and then you go into the Most Holy Place
18:32 where, of course, you have the Ark of the Covenant
18:34 which has the Ten Commandments, Aaron's Rod, the Manna in there,
18:38 and, of course, on top of that you have the Covering Angels
18:42 and the Shekinah Glory
18:44 and so when you start looking at each one of those pieces,
18:47 at its most basic form and even at its most complex form,
18:51 it's all about Jesus, Yes.
18:54 it's all about Jesus, every component represents Jesus
18:58 and it's the Story of Redemption,
18:59 and the Plan of Salvation,
19:01 so when you're saying, "What does it all represent?"
19:04 It's Jesus, it all is about Jesus.
19:05 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... absolutely
19:08 now, has your son...
19:09 your son participated in this Radical Rescue Sanctuary Kit,
19:15 has he done it before?
19:17 He has on several occasions, he also helped to sing the songs
19:21 because we were singing the songs at home
19:23 so, he's learned the songs, he's been singing them,
19:26 so, he was one of the people that helped to record the music,
19:31 but yes, he has done this and so we've had a good time.
19:36 That's great, now what kind of stories do you have
19:39 in regards to the kids and how well they've received it
19:44 and just... I mean, even miracle stories,
19:47 what stories do you have?
19:48 We've had stories where we're hearing from
19:51 churches that they've done this Program
19:53 and they've enjoyed it so much
19:54 that they've decided to do it again,
19:56 it's not just one of these one-time things,
19:58 you can do it time and time again
20:00 I remember personally when we went into a school,
20:05 it's the same school that we went in for the Promo Video,
20:07 and we were with the kids day after day,
20:10 we were singing songs and just having a wonderful time
20:14 and then, after that Week of Prayer,
20:16 I had to go back to that school for something
20:19 and the kids... when they saw me
20:22 and my other family members coming back,
20:24 they were so excited, they were like,
20:26 "Are we going to do the Sanctuary Program again,
20:27 are we going to do it?"
20:29 Because they just thoroughly enjoyed it,
20:31 they loved singing the songs,
20:33 they loved the games that we were playing,
20:35 but it wasn't games that we were playing
20:37 just to entertain, I mean, they were learning God's Word,
20:40 but they were having a fun time doing it
20:42 and so, just to see the kids eyes light up and to be excited
20:47 about the Sanctuary and excited about the songs
20:51 and building and being together, it was wonderful,
20:54 it was a great testimony as to the impact that the Program has.
20:58 Hmmm... hmmm... and it's great...
21:00 it's the same message but it's packaged in a format
21:03 in which kids can take it in and comprehend it
21:07 that is wonderful,
21:09 I would love to see some other topics done,
21:13 I want to see you guys do some other topics as well,
21:17 the Sanctuary is such an important message,
21:19 and with this type of format that you guys have,
21:22 I guess, been given the vision by God
21:25 on... I think that that format will be successful
21:30 in whatever topic that you feel convicted
21:35 by the Holy Spirit to do,
21:36 so I look forward to seeing some new things as well,
21:40 Well, we'll have to pray that the Lord sends
21:42 another lamb, right, as a confirmation,
21:44 if that's what He wants us to do... but we're open,
21:47 we just want to be doing God's will
21:49 because we know time is short
21:51 and we need to be reaching kids for God's kingdom.
21:54 Absolutely, so what's next for you?
21:56 You know, that's a good question,
21:58 I just follow however the Lord leads
22:00 we continue to promote this and try to get this out
22:04 to as many Communities as possible,
22:07 and I follow wherever God leads me
22:09 that's... I just have that door open
22:11 so if he leads me in a different direction
22:13 I'm open for that.
22:15 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
22:16 and what the promotion of this...
22:19 where can people get this
22:21 and how much would one of these Kits go for?
22:24 Sure, well we actually have the Kit available
22:27 in different formats for instance,
22:29 there are parents that we've heard of that are homeschooling,
22:32 and so they don't need, necessarily, the whole Kit
22:34 because they're not doing this
22:36 for an entire church full of kids,
22:40 so we do have a homeschool version,
22:43 we also have an electronic, downloadable version,
22:47 you can get the whole Kit downloadable,
22:49 you can just go to our website and so,
22:51 this is particularly of interest to individuals
22:53 that are living outside of the United States
22:55 so sometimes it's hard with the shipping
22:57 and you know there are a lot of tariffs
22:59 and things that are put on top of that
23:01 so people can go to the website
23:03 and they can actually download all the information right there,
23:06 the materials... they have immediate access to it.
23:08 And what's the website?
23:09 They can go to radicalrescue. us
23:12 Okay, radicalrescue. us
23:14 Yes, radicalrescue. us and so,
23:16 it really depends on the format
23:18 in which people are getting the Kit
23:21 so the prices vary so it just depends,
23:23 and so if people check out our website,
23:25 they can find something that's suitable to their needs
23:28 and what they want,
23:30 now, we're working to try to get the physical Kit
23:33 in some bookstores and so we're just, you know,
23:35 asking that the Lord would open up that door
23:38 because we know that there are people that
23:40 frequent different bookstores
23:42 so we're working on that but as of right now
23:44 the easiest place is to access it through our website.
23:48 Yes, that's great that you made it easily accessible
23:51 so that people can download it, people can purchase the Kit,
23:56 you can get the Kit shipped to you,
23:58 so, there are multiple different ways
24:03 and going back to the resource, the CD,
24:07 so, on the Resource CD there you can print items out
24:12 so you have unlimited amounts of copies
24:17 or... Exactly, exactly, so
24:19 you know, the materials,
24:21 for instance all the graphics for the Sanctuary are on there
24:24 so if you don't mind cutting, you can print out a thousand
24:27 of these Sanctuary Kits and have them
24:30 and all the materials, the Marketing Materials,
24:33 we have Invitation Cards on there
24:36 and so you can invite kids to the neighborhood,
24:38 you can print out as many invitation cards as you want
24:41 the Poster is on there,
24:43 so, again, as many times as you want to implement this Program,
24:46 it's on there,
24:48 just everything that you can imagine,
24:51 and the stories are there,
24:52 just everything that you would need to plan is there
24:55 you can go in and print it out as many times as you want,
24:58 there's even a Certificate of Completion on there
25:01 so kids want to...
25:02 you want to print out those certificates for the kids
25:04 it's on there as well,
25:06 so we have tried to make things
25:08 as easy and as simple as possible
25:11 so people, again, don't have to stress
25:13 about how to present this Program.
25:15 Absolutely, and it's a blessing and it will give the kids
25:19 a sense of achievement, of accomplishment,
25:21 especially when you present them with that Certificate,
25:25 so that is wonderful,
25:27 so you really got the basis covered by the grace of God,
25:31 praise the Lord.
25:33 God has been good and He...
25:34 you know, again, and we continue,
25:36 we know there will be other things
25:38 because as we've said before,
25:39 the Sanctuary is one where it starts foundational
25:43 and very simple and it can build on that.
25:45 One of the things that I can mention too
25:47 in the complete Program Planning Guide
25:50 there is a Section that follows the Bible story
25:53 so those kids that you have
25:55 that maybe a little bit more advanced
25:57 in their Bible comprehension,
25:59 there are questions that follow each Bible story
26:02 so that you can take those kids deeper
26:04 and have them look in their Bible to find the answers.
26:08 So for instance, at the last day, Day Five,
26:10 one of the questions that they ask
26:12 the more advanced kids
26:13 is, "Did the Radical Rescue Plan
26:15 end when Jesus died on the cross?"
26:18 And so, then we give some Bible verses
26:21 and so those kids that are more advanced,
26:23 can go to their Bible and be able to explain that.
26:26 Research, absolutely, absolutely.
26:29 Now what age range is this Kit for?
26:32 It starts at age four and goes to age twelve
26:35 and the activities, of course the songs
26:37 kids will appreciate at any age,
26:39 but there are some of the arts and crafts
26:42 that are more age focused so, four to six,
26:45 there are specific crafts for them
26:48 and then from ages seven to twelve,
26:50 there are crafts that they can do...
26:52 that are little bit more, you know, mature
26:54 so we've tried to include materials
26:56 that cover that whole age range from four to twelve.
27:00 Wow! and what age do you recommend that the Instructor be
27:05 what's the minimum age that you would recommend?
27:09 Well, you know, if the materials are here,
27:12 you could have teenagers that are giving the Bible Stories
27:16 because they have the scripts
27:17 and they can get dressed up if they want to, you know,
27:20 and it's also a good way to incorporate the teenagers
27:24 because then they're learning
27:25 and then they're actually feeling a part of it as well,
27:28 so it covers everybody.
27:29 Thank you so much for joining us today
27:31 and thank you for answering the calling
27:34 that God has placed on your life.
27:35 Thank you. You're welcome.
27:37 It's extremely important that we teach the youth
27:40 about Jesus and the Sanctuary message,
27:42 you know, one day these kids are going to grow up
27:45 and they are going to be our future leaders,
27:47 it's very important that we instill
27:49 Biblical principles in their lives.
27:51 Well, we've reached the end of another Program,
27:54 join us next time, and remember,
27:56 it just wouldn't be the same, without you.


Revised 2016-01-14