Urban Report

Evangelist and Musical Evangelist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jason Bradley (Host), Chris Hudson, Celestine Barry


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000164A

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a woman
00:03 who has been blessed with a beautiful voice
00:05 and a man who is determined to preach the truth.
00:08 My name is Jason Bradley
00:09 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:37 I had the privilege of interviewing Christopher Hudson
00:40 on the Foundation of our Faith Set,
00:41 let's take a look.
00:42 It's great to be here today
00:46 on the Set of Foundation of our Faith
00:48 with our Speaker, Christopher Hudson,
00:50 he's also the Host of our Dare to Dream Program,
00:54 Forerunner Chronicles,
00:56 I recently received a message from a young lady
00:59 telling me to relay the message to Chris
01:02 "Keep preaching it Forerunner, keep preaching it!"
01:07 Welcome to the Program.
01:08 Thanks, I appreciate it.
01:10 No problem, so how long have you been preaching the truth?
01:13 Well, I came back into the church around 2000,
01:17 and since around 2006, the Lord has been leading me
01:20 in making these Media Productions
01:22 to get the truth out to the world.
01:24 Wow, wow, okay, so, 2000,
01:26 for our audience that doesn't know you,
01:29 share a little bit with them about your journey.
01:33 Okay, well, I grew up in the city of New York,
01:36 and at a very early age I left the church,
01:40 as many youth often do,
01:43 and I pursued a career
01:46 in the Entertainment Industry around 19
01:48 and I was able to break into the Industry,
01:50 I started out writing,
01:51 what they call "Treatments" for music videos,
01:53 so I basically wrote the storyline for music videos,
01:55 and then I got an opportunity
01:57 to start writing movie scripts and so forth,
01:59 so I did a little bit of time in the Entertainment Industry
02:02 being a Story Writer and
02:03 so I was into hip hop music and so forth
02:05 but the Lord led me out of that lifestyle,
02:08 bit by bit,
02:09 and through a lot of tug-of-war,
02:15 I finally made a surrender of my heart to the service of God,
02:19 and so, I started out actually doing this evangelistic work
02:23 living homeless in a car with another friend of mine
02:28 that I brought into the truth, while we were in the world
02:32 doing some things that we shouldn't have been doing.
02:34 Wow, wow, so you were homeless, like,
02:38 how did you get to that point, what led to that?
02:42 To the homelessness? Yes, yes.
02:44 That's a hard one,
02:48 but what led to the homelessness really was...
02:51 the Lord just allowed my faith to be tried,
02:54 if I would really be faithful to Him,
02:56 no matter what circumstances I found myself going through,
02:59 and I believe in all of these things,
03:02 He wanted me to realize that
03:03 I can't trust in the arm of flesh,
03:05 so that's me basically giving you the story
03:07 without giving you all of the story.
03:09 I got you, I got you, I got you.
03:10 But I ended up homeless, yeah.
03:12 I hear you, I hear you,
03:13 and what brought you back to the Lord?
03:14 Like I said, it was a tug-of-war with me and the Lord
03:20 for a bit of time, but what brought me back
03:22 to really wanting to serve the Lord was
03:24 in all of my backslidings and my unfaithfulness,
03:28 I saw the Lord being faithful, I saw how much He loved me
03:30 and it really became extremely apparent to me that
03:34 He was more interested in my salvation
03:37 than I was in my own salvation and then I came to the point
03:40 where I said, "Wow! if God loves me this much,
03:41 if God can be this faithful to me,
03:44 then I want to be faithful, I wan to be loyal,
03:46 so I began to pray and ask Him to give me the strength
03:48 to exercise the same type of loyalty towards Him
03:51 that He's been exercising towards me.
03:53 Absolutely, and it's interesting,
03:55 you know, God never leaves us
03:57 nor forsakes us, we leave Him.
03:59 That's true.
04:00 But He longs for us to come back to Him.
04:03 Amen, amen.
04:04 It's almost like the prodigal son,
04:06 the father celebrated him coming home,
04:09 even though he left all that, and it said,
04:12 he was "wasted his substance on unrighteous living. "
04:17 And one of the things I like the most
04:20 about that particular parable, is how,
04:23 when the son was making his way back home,
04:26 and thinking about what he was going to say to the father,
04:29 the father was looking for him
04:30 and before he could even say anything,
04:32 the Father took off his garment
04:34 and put it on him, and really, I saw from that,
04:36 for myself, personally, is that,
04:39 the Lord doesn't want to expose us,
04:41 He doesn't want everybody to see our shame,
04:43 and he wants to cover us and things like that
04:46 really warmed my heart towards God.
04:48 Absolutely, absolutely,
04:49 now you're going to be speaking for
04:51 Foundation of our Faith, what can we expect from you,
04:54 what are these messages about?
04:56 Well the messages that I'm going to be presenting
04:58 for this series, are really going to be focused
05:01 on end-time events and Bible prophecy,
05:03 there's so much going on in our world right now,
05:05 we can see with the events that took place
05:09 in the United States of America
05:10 with the passing of same-sex marriage on a Federal level,
05:14 okay, nationwide,
05:17 we can also see with the Pope getting ready to make history
05:20 by becoming the very first Pope ever
05:22 to address the Joint Houses of the US Congress,
05:24 and so many other important events happening simultaneously
05:29 that we can know for sure
05:31 that we're living during the time period
05:34 of the very, very, very last moments of time
05:37 I would like to say and so
05:38 I really want to highlight these things
05:41 so that, everyone out there can realize
05:43 that this is the time to make our calling
05:45 our election sure that we can't wait any longer.
05:48 Absolutely, absolutely, and as you're saying
05:51 the current events point to the end times
05:54 if we pay attention to the signs,
05:55 it's everywhere,
05:57 National Sunday Law is not far away,
06:00 and it's almost time to go home,
06:03 so definitely, praise the Lord, it's time to go.
06:07 Yeah, it's a beautiful thing that we can actually sit here
06:09 and during this time of peace and safety
06:12 be able to talk about these things candidly
06:14 but it's going to change very quickly
06:17 and that's something that I really want everyone out there
06:21 that is going to be watching these programs
06:23 to realize that this time of peace and safety,
06:25 it's getting ready to flee,
06:27 and so now, while we have the opportunity,
06:30 we need to make a very thorough preparation
06:32 by surrendering our hearts to Jesus Christ.
06:35 Amen, amen, now, this is a question that
06:38 people tend to wonder about, is, how do you study your Bible,
06:44 people want to know, they see these Speakers
06:47 and Presenters and Pastors and everything,
06:49 and they wonder that they have all this Biblical knowledge
06:54 they know their Bible and they make it practical
06:56 how do you study your Bible?
06:59 I guess, to be honest,
07:02 I think sometimes,
07:04 when I think of how I answer this question
07:08 when it's presented to me,
07:09 I think I'm a little bit unorthodox when it comes to that
07:11 but every morning when I wake up,
07:14 I believe that's the special time
07:15 for me to commune with the Lord.
07:17 He always desires to reveal new truths to us,
07:20 and so I pray and ask the Lord,
07:23 "Please grant me wisdom and understanding
07:27 to understand your Word so that I can know it,
07:29 I can be established in it and that you can use me
07:32 to help others come
07:33 into a saving knowledge of the truth"
07:36 and then I begin to study the Scriptures
07:38 and at times, the Spirit of God will impress
07:40 a particular point on my mind and that will begin
07:42 my real search in the Word of God
07:44 like it says in Isaiah chapter 28 verse 10,
07:47 "Precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept;
07:49 line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little:"
07:51 and so I take the basic rules and truths that I can see
07:55 that are found within the Word of God
07:57 and compare them with one another,
07:59 little from here, little from there,
08:01 as they are in connection with one another,
08:02 as the principles harmonize and yeah,
08:05 the Lord just establishes clear truths in my mind
08:09 as I study the Bible that way.
08:10 Amen, what's next for you,
08:12 what can we expect for the future?
08:16 All I want to do is
08:19 just be faithful in presenting these three angels' messages,
08:21 one project that I'm very excited about,
08:24 is the Leopard Vision documentary that I just finished
08:28 and we're going to be playing it here
08:30 on our Dare to Dream Network as well.
08:32 All right, well, tell us a little bit about that.
08:34 Well, the Lord opened the way through a series of events
08:37 for me to begin to shoot this documentary
08:40 which, I shot, the majority of it in the Vatican in Rome,
08:44 and had some very interesting situations that I passed through
08:49 while I was there as well, but the Lord was good,
08:50 He was gracious, and He kept us safe,
08:52 but this documentary
08:55 really is amplifying
08:57 the prophecies of Revelation chapter 13,
09:00 but placing them in a very current-day context
09:03 and presenting it in a fashion
09:05 that I don't think that you've seen it before,
09:07 and it will be a means by which
09:09 we can share this message with people
09:11 that have been inundated
09:12 by the Media
09:14 that has just
09:15 gotten our minds so crippled
09:18 that it's hard for us to sit down and listen to anything
09:21 of substance for longer than five minutes
09:24 yeah, so, I'm really excited about it
09:25 and I believe that it's going to be
09:27 something that the Lord can use,
09:28 to help awaken people as we move towards these
09:32 historic prophetic events
09:34 that are just going to happen, a month from now.
09:36 Yes, and you know what,
09:38 that's one of the things that I really like
09:39 about Forerunner Chronicles is that it sheds light on
09:42 all of these things that's in the Media
09:45 that's right in our faces that people just still overlook,
09:48 they don't pay much attention to,
09:50 and so I really like that about Forerunner Chronicles
09:53 and I'm looking forward to seeing this new production.
09:56 I'm excited about it too, yeah.
09:58 Tell us more about your trip to the Vatican.
10:01 Well, yeah, it's interesting how the Lord even set it all up
10:05 I was contacted by a couple
10:07 that watched a presentation that I did at a church
10:12 and it was concerning Revelation chapter 13
10:16 and they were really interested in me re-doing that presentation
10:20 in the Studio so that they could make it into
10:22 professional DVDs to be able to give it out to people
10:25 to raise... to bring about awareness,
10:28 and so I said,
10:29 "Yeah, I would be interested
10:31 in doing that that would be great"
10:32 and one morning as I was having worship,
10:35 my personal devotions with the Lord,
10:37 at the end I was impressed by the Spirit of God,
10:40 "Why don't you go to Rome to shoot this"
10:44 and I thought to myself,
10:45 "I'm not going to go to Rome to shoot this"
10:48 and it came back to me,
10:49 "Why don't you go to Rome, to shoot this presentation?"
10:51 And I thought to myself, "Why don't I go to Rome?"
10:55 and so I prayed and I said, "Lord, I'm going to do...
10:58 I'm going to use whatever I have
10:59 and then you'll provide the rest"
11:01 And as soon as I moved in the direction
11:03 of moving on that impression that the Spirit of God
11:06 laid upon my heart, God just began to open the doors
11:09 and so, we went out to Rome
11:11 and we began to film and we had a couple of guys
11:14 working with us, flying drones over the Vatican
11:17 and doing a lot of filming
11:21 while the Pope was there in the Square
11:22 and presenting this message of Revelation Chapter 13
11:25 maybe in a way that not many are familiar with
11:30 right there in the midst of the Vatican
11:33 so that the reality of the message
11:36 could be visualized as you heard it.
11:38 Now, how well was that received by the onlookers?
11:42 It was... well one thing that was powerful about it was...
11:46 and for those out there
11:50 that are interested in Street Preaching,
11:52 let me give you a good technique,
11:53 just go out there and put a camera
11:54 in front of yourself and start preaching,
11:56 people will stop to listen to you.
11:57 That's a good way...
12:00 And sure enough, people were stopping
12:02 and listening what am I talking about,
12:05 and it was very intriguing to certain individuals
12:08 we did get picked up by the Vatican Police at one point.
12:12 Was your bail expensive?
12:16 Well, thank the Lord I didn't end up going that far
12:21 because as soon as they picked us up,
12:23 and they started talking in Italian to one another,
12:28 one of the Camera men and myself...
12:29 we began to pray and ask the Lord to get us out of there,
12:31 and so, we did get out of there, thank God,
12:34 they put us out,
12:36 but we still had the footage
12:37 and that's what was most important to us
12:39 that we were able to keep the footage
12:41 that we were able to get that day,
12:43 I know the devil didn't want us to keep that footage
12:45 because I really believe that it's going to be impressive
12:46 to people and really help them to see clearly,
12:49 what the Bible is talking about and so,
12:51 I just can't say enough and I'm really excited about it
12:54 and we're hoping to shoot
12:56 more... because I don't want it to just be a singular
12:59 documentary but I want it to be a series
13:02 to continue to expound on these truths
13:04 concerning Mystery Babylon because I believe,
13:06 now is the time to open up these things
13:09 to the minds of the masses
13:10 so that as the crisis comes upon us,
13:13 people can make a very clear decision
13:15 based off of Biblical truth.
13:16 Absolutely, absolutely, it's funny
13:19 because the people at home, they don't know about
13:23 some of the things that... the devil is busy basically...
13:26 that's right... Exactly...
13:28 So he's trying to keep these message from getting out
13:30 and he throws us little curve balls here and there,
13:33 but thank God we serve a God that is
13:36 bigger, better and stronger than the devil
13:38 and we will get these messages out.
13:40 Amen, amen, amen.
13:42 So, tell us a little bit more about the Vatican
13:46 so you got out of that situation
13:48 Right. there were some people
13:50 who you had a chance to share the truth with,
13:53 they saw the camera and they were curious,
13:56 they were intrigued.
13:57 And it was an awesome privilege because
14:00 realizing that no matter where you go
14:02 God is trying to awaken people's minds to the truth
14:07 even while we were out there doing filming,
14:10 on Sabbath we attended the local Seventh-day Adventist Church
14:14 which, by the way, is only 15 minutes from the Vatican,
14:16 a 15-minute walk from the Vatican
14:18 which I find very interesting
14:20 but there were two faithful sisters there,
14:23 there was a mother and a daughter,
14:26 that are there at that local church,
14:28 that do evangelism in the area,
14:31 they put together some tracts dealing with
14:33 the Ten Commandments as God has given them,
14:35 to us in the Bible, and also how
14:37 the Papacy is responsible for changing God's Ten Commandments
14:42 and a really thorough Bible Study
14:44 that they put together in the Italian language,
14:46 and so we went out in the street with those tracts as well
14:49 as well as Great Controversies,
14:51 and we were sharing them with individuals,
14:52 sharing them with nuns, sharing them with priests,
14:55 and they're actually receiving these things,
14:57 as a matter of fact, the last Great Controversy
14:59 that I had... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
15:01 the Priests were receiving these?
15:04 That's right, the priests were receiving them,
15:06 the Lord is waking up people everywhere,
15:09 very interesting,
15:10 a part of that mother-daughter team,
15:12 there's a gentleman that used to be a part of the Mafia
15:15 that... an other gentleman, that works with them
15:18 and he gives out Great Controversies
15:22 to Bishops, to Cardinals,
15:24 they've thrown him in prison several times
15:27 but when he comes out, he still...
15:29 they're doing the work inside of the Vatican,
15:32 some place where people wouldn't even be thinking
15:35 that the work is going forward
15:36 the message is going forward
15:38 and we're talking about not a watered-down gospel,
15:40 we're talking about the full throttle three angels' messages
15:43 uncut, the straight testimony
15:45 going right into the Vatican, very powerful.
15:47 Around the world. Around the world... right.
15:49 That is amazing, that is amazing!
15:50 Well, we're definitely glad
15:52 that you made it out of that situation.
15:53 I'm glad I did... too.
15:54 That you have the opportunity to go to the Vatican
15:56 and share the three angels' message
15:58 and preach on Revelation 13 and that's very interesting
16:03 what you said about having a camera
16:05 and preaching in the streets,
16:06 because when people see the camera,
16:08 they are naturally curious to see what's going on.
16:11 Exactly. So, that, I'm sure,
16:13 we might see a lot of people doing that
16:15 in the near future, getting the Word out.
16:17 I hope so, definitely.
16:18 So, what else can we expect from you,
16:23 you're going to be preaching on end-time events,
16:25 and give us a little taste on particulars
16:32 that you're talking about.
16:34 Well, I know time is not on our side,
16:39 but I'm really going to be drawing a lot from the
16:42 books of Daniel and Revelation
16:43 during this Foundation of our Faith series
16:46 I want to highlight the very important present truths
16:50 that are right before each and every one of us
16:52 that we need to take very, very, very important note of
16:57 because I realize that we're living in a time in which,
17:01 many of us are allowing the cares of this life
17:04 to seize upon our minds and to hold our time
17:08 and our focus
17:10 and all of these things are happening
17:12 right before our face,
17:13 and because a nuclear warhead
17:15 hasn't fallen down on the ground
17:16 because nobody in our immediate family
17:18 has been gunned down on the road
17:19 or something of this nature, we're not startled,
17:22 we're not being driven to action,
17:24 we're not realizing the imminent nature
17:26 of the crisis that's right before us
17:29 and, therefore, I'm really praying that
17:31 as we go through the Bible,
17:32 and the current events, people will see
17:34 that this crisis is imminent and we need Jesus now.
17:37 Amen, and I'll tell you what,
17:39 we are looking forward to hearing the message,
17:40 thank you so much Chris. Definitely, my brother,
17:42 God bless. You too.
17:44 I also had the opportunity
17:47 to interview our Musical Evangelist,
17:49 Celestine Barry, let's check it out.
17:51 It's great to be here today with our musical evangelist,
17:57 Celestine Barry, welcome Celestine.
18:00 Thank you for having me.
18:02 No problem, so tell us a little bit about you,
18:04 tell us about your background, where are you from?
18:07 From the Philippines, and I got here in 1999.
18:14 Okay, 1999, and you are
18:18 married to Michael Barry? Yes.
18:20 You have two wonderful kids?
18:22 Yes, correct.
18:23 And one of your kids, Farrah, is extremely talented
18:27 on the piano among other instruments.
18:30 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
18:31 How long have you been singing?
18:33 I think since five-years old, I used to sing with my siblings
18:41 and all the choir and do it with my sister,
18:45 I miss that, yeah.
18:47 Oh, okay, so you used to do duets with your sister and
18:50 you've been singing since you were five.
18:52 Yes.
18:54 And when did you realize that you could really sing?
18:56 Oh! I don't know, it's just... God just...
19:02 Just blessed you with the gift, okay, okay.
19:06 Yeah, God is very good, God is really good.
19:11 And how long have you and Michael been singing
19:16 and playing the piano?
19:17 We started in 2000, when I got here in 1999
19:22 and, of course, he used to be in Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle,
19:29 so, I told him, you know what?
19:34 God put us together for a purpose.
19:38 I said that, why don't you change your
19:42 rock music into Christian music?
19:44 And then, that's how he started to write songs... Christian...
19:52 which is really the...
19:54 the tempo is still a little rocky, you know,
19:56 because you know, he's been doing that all his life,
20:00 so, finally we got our first CD in 2004
20:06 yeah, 2004, that's the, "Show me the way" CD
20:12 so we were very blessed
20:15 that God led him to write those songs
20:17 it's all originals.
20:19 Wow! so you had your first CD in 2004,
20:23 it's your original music, now I've heard him play before
20:27 and he is very talented as well,
20:29 so God has truly blessed your family with musical gift.
20:34 Now, have you always been a Christian,
20:36 have you always been an Adventist?
20:40 My parents got baptized in 1975,
20:44 that's, when I was two-years old I was born in 1973, so...
20:48 it's almost like a "born Adventist"
20:52 but not... I grew up with that.
20:56 You grew up Adventist,
20:58 and how did you and Michael meet?
21:00 Well, it's a long story but... well, in the Philippines...
21:05 back in the day, in the '90s,
21:07 we do this pen pals, you know, that's writing letters,
21:13 there was no internet at that time,
21:16 like you can find friends online but...
21:19 back then, I loved it because it's letters
21:22 you wrote back and forth and they have this magazine
21:27 so, Mike, saw my picture in the magazine,
21:31 and it's funny because
21:33 there are like... hundreds of women,
21:36 and for some reason,
21:38 I don't know why he picked my face...
21:40 that was just... it wasn't really a good picture of me
21:44 but I believe it was the Holy Spirit
21:50 who led him to pick that photo
21:55 because when he saw my hobbies,
21:59 or... of course, singing religious songs
22:02 and camping, that just attracted him
22:06 like... really, that's all?
22:07 And then, he got really interested
22:09 so he wrote me a letter and six months later, I replied,
22:14 I didn't get the letter right away because
22:17 I worked in Manila, which is far from my hometown
22:22 so my parents received his letter first... before me...
22:27 so, that's how we got to know each other
22:33 and for a couple of years we wrote back and forth.
22:37 Wow! and your parents got his letter to you... first?
22:42 Yeah, yes, his letter got to my parents first,
22:46 is that right, okay, yeah.
22:49 Okay, okay, okay.
22:50 Yeah, and then I got it,
22:53 I think a month later and then I responded to him
22:56 six months later, yeah.
22:59 Okay, and the rest is history from there.
23:01 Yes, yes, and so I...
23:03 it was really a blessing how...
23:07 how God can do things, I would have never thought
23:12 that I met a musical man because all my life
23:19 I wanted to serve the Lord, yes...
23:23 Yes and you two complement each other so very well.
23:26 Oh man! it's such a blessing, such a blessing...
23:29 What can we expect from you on Foundation of our Faith,
23:34 what songs can we expect you to be singing?
23:38 I'm going to be singing about how to be like Jesus
23:42 it's our desire to be like Jesus
23:45 and to mold into His likeness
23:47 and the other one is,
23:50 "God always makes a way when there seems to be no way"
23:54 so, it's just the perfect timing you know,
23:59 Yes, yes. Yeah, it's...
24:01 even though you get through a lot of trials in life,
24:04 but God always makes a way.
24:07 Amen and you have a duet,
24:10 you're going to be doing a duet, correct,
24:12 Yes, yes.
24:14 with our very own Pastor John Lomacang.
24:16 Yes, yes, oh boy! it's such an honor and a privilege
24:19 to finally get to sing with Pastor,
24:22 I've been bugging him for a few years,
24:25 yes, because, I love duets, I love singing duets,
24:30 and, of course, I couldn't find anyone here
24:34 so, I asked the Pastor, I'm like,
24:36 "Pastor, could we do a duet?" and this and that,
24:38 and, of course, he's so busy and finally God made that happen
24:42 I'm so glad, I'm so excited.
24:45 Well, we are excited too, he's a hard guy to catch up with
24:49 he's always busy, he's busy, busy, busy.
24:52 Yes, very busy...
24:53 So yes, we are definitely looking forward to that,
24:57 we've also had Farrah on one of our other programs
25:01 your daughter, Farrah, on one of our other programs
25:05 called, "Magnify Him" which our Viewers
25:07 should definitely check out as well,
25:09 so, you're going to be singing a duet
25:12 and then you're going to also do
25:14 three other songs for us,
25:16 so we're going to be richly blessed by your music,
25:19 and we're looking forward to it.
25:20 Oh, praise the Lord.
25:22 So, you also have a Facebook page
25:25 that I'm just now finding out about that I saw,
25:29 that you have 63,500 and something "Likes" on it.
25:32 Praise the Lord.
25:34 So you are spreading the gospel through your music
25:37 to a lot of people.
25:39 Yes and it's so exciting, we just released our first video
25:43 which is, "At the Cross"
25:45 and Brandon Armstrong did all the video and
25:50 it's such a blessing finally,
25:52 it's such a blessing to be able to share the gospel of Christ
25:57 through songs and
25:58 it's such a beautiful song that Mike wrote
26:00 when he was very ill back in 2009
26:02 and a lot of doctors thought that he was not going to make it
26:06 but, man! God is good, God is good.
26:09 Yes, yes, we spent some time in the resort together.
26:13 Yeah, that's right, that's right,
26:16 that was such a wonderful time yes.
26:19 Yeah, and when I say "the resort"
26:21 I'm talking about the hospital
26:23 it's not the resort we went on vacation
26:26 it wasn't a pleasant trip,
26:28 but, yes, there are so many prayers going up for him
26:32 and we want our Viewers to pray for him as well,
26:36 please pray for Michael Barry
26:38 Thank you so much.
26:40 and that God will
26:41 again as He often been the ultimate physician
26:46 and will bring him back to health.
26:47 Amen, amen.
26:49 So, we are excited about hearing you sing,
26:51 I can't wait to hear you sing,
26:53 and this duet is definitely going to be special
26:58 because it will be you and Pastor Lomacang,
27:03 but yes, we are looking forward to that.
27:07 I want to thank you so much for joining us.
27:11 Thank you for having me, this is such a blessing.
27:14 And you at home will be richly blessed by this music.
27:16 Praise the Lord. Thank you.
27:18 Thank you.
27:19 It's always great seeing people utilize their talents
27:24 to honor and glorify God,
27:27 the gift that God gave them, they're giving it back to God
27:30 with their praise and preaching the truth
27:32 and spreading the gospel.
27:33 Today's program is dedicated to the memory of Michael Barry
27:38 who passed away after this interview.
27:40 Michael Barry was such a wonderful person,
27:43 I gave him the nickname, "Mellow Mike"
27:46 because no matter what he was going through,
27:48 he always had such a positive and cheerful attitude.
27:53 Michael Barry was a family man
27:56 he was married to Celestine Barry
27:59 and has two children,
28:01 please keep their family in prayer.
28:04 God bless.


Revised 2016-01-27