Urban Report

The Secret Sin in the Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Jason Bradley (Host), Dr. John Jacob, Lance Brown


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000172A

00:01 There is a secret sin that has taken a hold of the church.
00:03 Stay tuned to find out what it is.
00:05 My name is Yvonne Lewis and I'm Jason Bradley
00:08 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:35 Hello and welcome to a special one-hour edition of Urban Report
00:38 I have my co-host, Jason Bradley, with me...
00:41 yeah... Jays...
00:43 and we have a very special guest today,
00:46 Lance Brown...
00:47 Lance is no stranger to Urban Report.
00:50 I've interviewed him on two other occasions.
00:53 He is a Lay Evangelist who is on fire for God.
00:56 Recently, I was talking to him and he mentioned the strong hold
01:00 that sexual sin has on the church,
01:02 I told him that we should do a program about this very topic.
01:06 Welcome Brother Lance.
01:08 God be praised, Sister Yvonne.
01:09 It's so good to have you here, you are a blessing.
01:13 And we also have with us via Skype, Dr. John Jacob.
01:17 He's an Author and a Psychotherapist
01:19 and he's also the host of Dare to Dream's Program,
01:22 Road to Romance, welcome Dr. Jacob.
01:25 Thank you Dr. Lewis, nice to be here.
01:28 It's so good to have you with us.
01:31 Today we're going to discuss the silent sin.
01:34 According to the National Association of Evangelicals,
01:38 80 percent of unmarried, Evangelical Christians
01:42 between ages 18 to 29
01:44 admit to having had premarital sex.
01:48 80 percent... and you know, there are some aspects
01:54 of sex and sexual addiction that many people are not aware of
01:59 so we invited Dr. Jacob in
02:01 to talk about the Chemistry of sex,
02:04 to talk about what happens in the human body
02:07 during sexual arousal,
02:09 now, some people might feel a little uncomfortable
02:12 having young children watch this program,
02:14 if you do, send them into another room
02:17 but make sure you watch
02:18 this is a critical, critical, program,
02:21 so Dr. Jacob, let's start with you
02:24 because you have some vital information
02:28 about the Chemistry of sex
02:31 and what happens to two people chemically and hormonally
02:35 when they are involved in a sexual relationship.
02:38 Tell us a bit about that.
02:40 Yes, I've heard your statistic, 80 percent, that's pretty high,
02:45 that's alarming, actually,
02:48 sexual sin... or let's just call it sexual addiction
02:53 it's like any other addiction,
02:56 basically what it means is you're better off
02:59 never having touched the stuff, you know how that goes,
03:02 never having started in the first place,
03:06 what it does to your brain is mind blowing
03:10 and difficult to recover from and as you each would know,
03:16 it requires a lot of God's grace and a lot of prayer
03:18 to reverse a situation
03:20 that didn't need to be started in the first place.
03:22 So what you're saying is...
03:24 and let me see if I'm clear on this,
03:27 what you're saying is,
03:28 "If you never begin that whole journey,
03:34 it's so much better for you"
03:36 unless it's within the context of marriage, of course.
03:39 We're not talking about the God-ordained place for sex,
03:43 we're talking about premarital or extramarital sex,
03:47 so what you're saying is,
03:48 "It's better to not start that whole thing
03:52 because once you do,
03:53 you can get very caught up into it," correct?
03:56 Yes, that's correct, scientifically speaking,
03:59 there's a difference
04:01 between the brains of a young person
04:04 that has never had sex, and one that has,
04:07 so the first time someone actually engages
04:10 in sexual intercourse, there are receptors in the brain
04:14 that open for the first time and they're opening because
04:17 they're opening to absorb the hormones,
04:20 we have about eight hormones
04:21 that are associated with dating and marriage
04:25 and so, some of those hormones
04:27 are never released and never absorbed into the body
04:30 until those receptors are open
04:32 now, once those receptors are open...
04:34 they do not close back.
04:35 so what you have is, you have the young person who
04:38 thinks to themselves, "Okay, I love this guy,
04:41 I'm going to do what he asks," you know,
04:44 "I'm just going to do this once,"
04:45 but it never works
04:47 and it doesn't work because the receptors
04:49 that open to receive the hormones
04:51 associated with that activity are the same receptors
04:55 that open to receive hormones associated with Cocaine...
04:58 Wow... Wow...
05:02 So, these hormones are addicting... very addicting,
05:06 which is why, once they start,
05:08 most of those 80 percent that you mentioned will not stop.
05:11 Now, they may have started because of love,
05:14 but here's the thing, you have no guarantee
05:17 that the person that you decided to go that far with
05:20 is going to stick with you and follow this through
05:23 to that natural progression,
05:24 doing the right thing,
05:26 getting into a committed relationship,
05:28 finally, one day... proposing to you and, you know,
05:32 walking with you up to that alter
05:33 you have no way to know that that person is going to do that
05:36 because that individual doesn't know it, themselves.
05:38 Look at what you just said,
05:40 that there is some powerful information in there,
05:45 first of all,
05:46 all of these hormones that come into play,
05:48 during that sexual act,
05:50 God gave us those to bind us to our spouse,
05:55 but... this... what you're saying is,
05:58 once that cascade starts... if it's not with your spouse,
06:02 then you are... kind of connected in a sense,
06:06 chemically to that person...
06:08 in other words... they initiate a chemical response
06:13 within the body that was not intended
06:16 for anyone other than
06:18 the person that you are married to.
06:21 Correct... Is that correct?
06:23 That's correct, and you're right,
06:25 those hormones were never created... to date...
06:28 they're not for dating, you know,
06:33 our first parents weren't given
06:35 dating opportunities if you know what I mean
06:37 they were married on the day that they were created
06:40 and they were given these hormones
06:43 for marriage, not for dating...
06:46 That's powerful, that is powerful.
06:49 So, let's talk about
06:50 some of those hormones and what they do.
06:53 Okay, so we have about eight hormones
06:55 and basically they have four main things that they do
07:00 bonding is one, blinding is another,
07:05 addicting is another,
07:08 and novelty-seeking is the fourth.
07:11 What was the fourth?
07:12 Novelty seeking...
07:14 so, they're responsible for you wanting "newness"
07:19 in a relationship, in your relationship
07:22 which is why, if we only looked at marriages
07:25 even marriages, of course, in trouble,
07:28 you know, today we're talking about the singles,
07:29 but married people are also in trouble... in part because
07:33 they neglect the novelty,
07:36 so, they say, after about nine years of marriage,
07:39 most marriages begin to run afoul
07:43 because one partner or maybe both partners
07:45 say that they're feeling bored,
07:47 so in Year Nine of marriage, boredom is the biggest complaint
07:51 not infidelity,
07:52 so the hormones that we were given were
07:55 intended for us to keep our relationships fresh
07:58 and keep our relationships alive,
07:59 now take that out of the context of marriage,
08:03 and you have two young people that are not married
08:05 and guess what the young man uses...
08:07 novelty-seeking hormone four,
08:10 they use it to keep going from flower to flower to flower
08:14 to flower and actually get addicted
08:16 to the novelty of it.
08:18 Hmmm...
08:19 So, promiscuity... you don't think that...
08:22 that novelty-seeking hormone can create infidelity or do you?
08:29 Well, it does, it does, if partners are not careful
08:33 to always keep their relationships fresh
08:35 you know, of course, stay prayed up
08:37 you've got to take all the defenses
08:40 and all the measures that you can
08:42 but a lot of relationships do just the opposite
08:45 couples do just the opposite,
08:47 "Oh, finally I have my husband
08:49 so now, I can wear my rollers... every night. "
08:51 No, no, no...
08:55 "I'm good, I'm good,
08:58 he signed on the dotted line... where can he go?
09:00 He's not going to go anywhere,
09:02 so... here are the rollers...
09:04 and here I am looking in ways
09:07 that I would never present to my friends on the outside"
09:09 and so... you get stuck in this rut
09:12 instead of keeping it fresh and exciting for your partner
09:16 and that causes some problems,
09:19 now, if you switch that as I said,
09:22 to the singles, we've actually discovered...
09:25 scientifically... we've discovered
09:27 that your body actually responds to those hormones
09:31 differently... if you are serious about the person,
09:34 that if you were just in it for a fling,
09:38 for a good time, for another notch on the belt
09:40 your body actually knows.
09:41 Wow! so how does it... what's the difference,
09:44 what's the difference in the response?
09:46 Well the difference is this, you engage... sexually
09:51 and if you did not come in with the frame of mind that
09:56 you know, "I'm really in love with this person,
09:58 this is the person that I'm interested in"
10:00 especially for men,
10:02 there's a hormone called Vasopressin
10:04 and it's sort of the opposite of Oxytocin
10:07 now, Vasopressin does the same thing that Oxytocin does
10:09 which is... it's responsible for the bonding
10:12 but here's the thing,
10:13 if you went into this
10:15 and you weren't 100 percent sure that this is the person
10:17 you wanted to spend the rest of your life with,
10:19 there is a strong possibility that right after the act,
10:22 Vasopressin causes you to feel repulsed
10:25 by the very person
10:26 that you thought you were in love with... prior to the act.
10:30 Jason, there's a
10:32 woman in the Bible... it was actually,
10:34 I can't remember her name, but it was David's daughter
10:38 her half-brother, Amnon, was in love with her
10:43 and ended up raping her and shaming her
10:48 and right after the act, immediately after the act,
10:55 all the love that he had for her... dissipated...
10:58 it was gone and he hated her, the Bible said,
11:01 and that is similar to what Doc is saying
11:04 with this hormone... that initially,
11:07 there can be a lot of love there,
11:09 but immediately, it can be gone,
11:12 that is really powerful!
11:15 So, a couple more hormones, Doc,
11:19 and then I want to bring Lance in to talk about his experience.
11:22 Okay, so some of the addiction
11:26 comes from the fact... like any addiction
11:28 that there is a reward for taking it.
11:30 If you're addicted to a substance,
11:33 your brain rewards everything you take it,
11:35 if you're addicted to sex, the sex becomes an addiction
11:39 which, very often it does, there are centers in your brain
11:42 the same receptors, and they use
11:44 certain other hormones like dopamine, norepinephrine,
11:49 and the combination of these, is powerful, it's addicting,
11:54 and it's rewarding
11:55 and its' the reward that your body seeks
11:57 over and over and over, so the problem is this,
11:59 if you attach yourself to someone
12:01 and you become sexually involved,
12:02 and your brain begins to get this reward,
12:04 your receptors are open for the first time
12:06 and then you have that
12:08 "Amnon experience" where... the brother,
12:10 as soon as he's done, he's like,
12:11 "This was a mistake... I don't really feel this way about you,"
12:13 the problem is,
12:15 you also have that last hormone, Oxytocin...
12:18 that is responsible for the bonding,
12:20 and remember it bonds us together like superglue
12:24 when God put it into Adam and Eve,
12:26 it had to be so strong
12:27 that Adam and Eve would be able to stay together
12:30 for eternity, that's how strong that glue is,
12:33 so imagine now, we, in this fallen state,
12:36 that we are in, and we still have the same glue,
12:37 it didn't change, but now we're using it
12:40 and I believe the enemy is using it in such a way
12:43 to have us bound to individuals
12:46 who really don't have our best interests at heart,
12:48 so, what happens?
12:49 You're attached to this young man
12:52 as we know, sexual intercourse produces
12:54 five times more Oxytocin... that bonding hormone,
12:57 than anything else, five times...
13:00 very, very, very strong,
13:01 so by the time you're done,
13:03 he gets this signal from his brain that tells him,
13:05 "She's not the one... " he walks away...
13:07 you're left there with a broken heart
13:09 because your heart is really still attached to his,
13:12 he's walked away with it, he has your heart with him,
13:15 and you're sitting there,
13:17 what's the big deal about that, what's the problem?
13:19 The Problem is... maybe the next person
13:21 that would show up next Saturday... next Sabbath,
13:25 right there... was the one that God had intended but guess what?
13:28 You are not available because emotionally
13:31 your heart is still with that young man
13:33 who was trifling and, you know, just took off.
13:35 So it really is Russian Roulette when young people decide
13:40 to play with sin and play with sex, in particular,
13:43 because it leaves them, I think,
13:45 in a very, very, very desperate state.
13:48 Thank you so much, that is so rich,
13:51 that's powerful, isn't it Jay?
13:53 Yeah, that sounds like the "lust hormone"
13:56 or like the hormone for one-night stands
13:59 or something like that because people get involved
14:02 and then they're gone.
14:03 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... the one-night stand...
14:05 let's talk about your testimony,
14:08 you have a very interesting journey,
14:11 share that with us if you would.
14:13 You know when Dr. John was speaking about
14:17 those hormones and things that trigger in a child's mind,
14:20 I couldn't help but in thinking about my experience,
14:23 you know, as I had shared before that when I was a child,
14:28 growing up in the rural hills of the West Indies,
14:31 there were a couple of attractions for us as children,
14:35 some of them, we would never try,
14:37 you know, I was growing up in the hills
14:39 of the West Indies in Jamaica,
14:40 and up in the hills where we were,
14:42 Marijuana grew wild
14:44 and we saw the effects of that on people,
14:46 White Rum was a product of Jamaica
14:48 because of the sugar plantations,
14:50 but we could see what happened,
14:52 but another export from Jamaica was Reggae music,
14:56 now, our house was right next to a local bar,
15:00 and they would have a lot of parties
15:03 and we would hear certain types of music,
15:04 now, a lot of people know the friendly
15:06 Bob Marley-type Reggae songs
15:08 that were being exported back then
15:10 but they didn't know some of the local,
15:13 very sexually explicit and graphic songs,
15:17 and I'll never forget when I was about four years old,
15:21 I was at my grandmother's house in the back yard
15:24 and there was a party and I heard the lyrics
15:27 of a very descriptive sexual song,
15:31 and that song...
15:33 you know they have a part of the song called the "hook"
15:35 and the hook is meant to go in and hook
15:38 and the words of that song
15:40 went in... and hooked my little child-like mind
15:43 and the devil then asked me a question,
15:46 "What would that experience be like?"
15:48 Because the song was so graphic and I pulled back at it
15:52 and just went about business,
15:54 going to church and things like that.
15:55 And how old were you at this point?
15:57 I was about four years old at that point
15:59 and the devil... as I look back now
16:04 was trying to get those...
16:06 he knew I wouldn't try the Marijuana chemicals,
16:08 I wouldn't try the White Rum chemicals,
16:11 so he knew that the body naturally manufactures
16:14 these drugs... that in the mind of a child
16:16 as Dr. John just explained, it's... like we said...
16:20 like giving the child keys to a locomotive
16:22 and telling them to drive
16:23 Hmmm...
16:24 and so... the devil couldn't get an atmosphere
16:27 for me to be able to try this
16:29 because my grandparents were...
16:30 you know my grandfather was a preacher,
16:32 my grandmother was a treasurer in the church,
16:35 we're not going to parties,
16:37 we're not going anywhere near parties,
16:39 there was no "atmosphere" being created
16:41 for that seed that was planted to grow.
16:44 So the devil does what he learned from God,
16:46 he puts us in a different atmosphere
16:48 just like Abraham was moved from the land where he was
16:52 and God said, "I have to bring you to
16:54 another land to fulfill what I want to fulfill. "
16:56 My parents called my grandparents and said,
16:59 "We want our children to come to the United States of America"
17:01 and when we got here, at that time, I was five...
17:04 and my parents had left the church,
17:07 they were with the social group who were making money
17:12 and, you know, the typical,
17:14 wanting to be with the "in crowd"
17:16 and be cool and... now,
17:18 when they went to a party,
17:20 all the kids used to be put in the little kids' room
17:23 while the parents were outside dancing and drinking
17:25 so now I was in an atmosphere that I could see
17:30 not the actual "act" being performed
17:33 but the suggestive motions of that
17:37 the seed didn't get watered with the rain,
17:40 it got watered with the dew, the "essence" of what it was
17:46 and so, having looked out into that party
17:49 and seeing the dancing and the carousing
17:51 and the sexual dancing and the moves
17:54 you know, those words got played back
17:57 and I began to...
17:59 even as a child... make the connections.
18:01 The Bible says,
18:02 "Even a little child is known by his ways"
18:05 and I went back into the children's room
18:07 and my curious little scientific mind
18:10 wanted to experiment to see,
18:12 "Hey, is this stuff true?"
18:13 And I ended up doing something in that little room
18:19 with someone my age that was just
18:21 mind-blowing to the two of us and as Dr. John explained
18:28 when those doors were opened up
18:31 and those hormones were triggered,
18:34 it was like giving Crack to a baby.
18:37 Hmmm...
18:39 And years later, it was... go get more...
18:46 get more... get more... get more...
18:48 And seeing your parents and seeing it within the home
18:55 not the act, but the suggestive acts...
18:58 And it wasn't my parents doing that,
19:01 It wasn't? Who was it?
19:03 Because my parents were Seventh-day Adventist parents
19:04 you can tell a Seventh-day Adventist at a party
19:07 because there's but so far they will go,
19:09 they just want to sometimes be there
19:10 to hang out with their friends,
19:12 so, I've never seen my parents
19:13 in those types of provocative dance and things like that,
19:18 but you had other "family friends"
19:22 who you'll call "Uncle or Aunty" who... they were never
19:24 Seventh-day Adventists they never went to church,
19:26 they drink a lot more alcohol, and they don't have any limits
19:29 placed on them because
19:30 they didn't grow up in that atmosphere.
19:33 And did you feel like it was acceptable
19:35 because you saw that?
19:37 You know, for me, it was,
19:39 "Hey, is that what grown-up people do
19:41 when they have license to do that?"
19:43 And it just gave the devil the opportunity to say,
19:47 "Hey," you know, just like he said to Eve, from you,
19:49 "God is holding out something from you,
19:51 let me show it to you" that's what happened with me
19:55 and I said, "You know what? I want to try that"
19:57 you know, and it's no different than the..
20:00 the children who end up trying alcohol
20:02 for the first time because someone made it look cool.
20:05 Someone made it look attractive
20:07 and to shorten the story a little bit,
20:10 by the time I was eight, it had grown
20:13 and I wanted to learn more, you know,
20:16 "How does this thing give so much pleasure
20:18 to myself and someone else?"
20:19 And there had been other little girls in school who... you know
20:23 their parents were watching pornographic movies,
20:25 and they were sharing it
20:26 and this was all in Elementary School.
20:28 You know, we don't think about the... well...
20:34 sometimes we do, it's covered under,
20:36 "Well, children will be children,
20:39 they're going to explore,
20:40 they're going to see what things are about
20:43 but it's okay, don't worry about it
20:45 it's all normal, it's all natural"
20:47 but what you're saying is, from a spiritual perspective,
20:52 the seeds are being planted,
20:54 those seeds of sexual activity are being planted
21:00 and the pleasures that that brings,
21:03 before a child... I mean... a child is experimenting with it
21:07 not realizing that this is not meant for children.
21:10 And it doesn't help that everywhere that you look
21:14 I mean, sex is being exploited,
21:15 so when you look at these cartoons,
21:17 you see, even the cartoons
21:20 the women on there will have... like... real curvy bodies...
21:23 Jessica Rabbit...
21:25 Yeah, that's what I was thinking about when I...
21:27 with the curvy bodies and they throw in little subtle
21:36 suggestions and now, as time progresses,
21:40 it's getting worse and worse and worse
21:44 it's like... the cartoons are geared towards adults.
21:48 Absolutely, for me it got worse
21:51 and by the time I was in third grade,
21:53 I remember there was a time when we were sent to summer camp
21:56 and there was a Camp Counselor
21:57 that snuck off with her boyfriend
21:59 and then I kind of wanted to see where did they go
22:01 and what are they doing and and I snuck around the corner
22:05 at the wrong time and saw engagement
22:08 and they were not dressed or anything like that
22:11 but they were just being so passionate... and again,
22:15 just like we, in the church, are called to show
22:20 how passionate we are about Christ... so people can say,
22:22 "What makes you look so happy when you talk about Jesus"
22:25 the devil does the same thing
22:26 because he was trained by Jesus in heaven,
22:29 so having seen them look so
22:31 passionate about what they were doing,
22:33 and I came up and they split... of course
22:35 and you know, he runs this way
22:36 and she's trying to run that way
22:38 and she turns to me and she says,
22:39 "Hey Lance... " now adults and even young adults
22:43 they think, "Children aren't perceptive,
22:46 they didn't know what it is
22:48 so let's just kind of distract them, let's not say anything,"
22:50 so she says, "Hey Lance, how are you doing?"
22:51 To distract me, come here, come here again, give me a big kiss,
22:54 and I jumped up and I grabbed her and embraced her
22:58 and gave her the same kiss that I saw her giving him.
23:01 Wow!
23:03 She was 18 years old and I was just eight...
23:05 Wow! How did she respond?
23:08 First of all, you know, it was such a shock
23:12 that I was doing this,
23:15 at first she got caught up in the moment, literally,
23:18 and after a while she realized,
23:19 "Hold on, I'm kissing an eight-year-old boy"
23:21 Wow!
23:23 And then she pulled me back and she said,
23:25 "Where did you learn that?" you know,
23:27 and I didn't say it out of my mouth
23:29 but in my mind, I said that same thing
23:31 that many children say, when parents and others
23:34 try to hide their wrongdoing
23:35 that they think the child didn't see,
23:37 in the back of my mind I said, "You just taught me"
23:39 and I jumped and walked away
23:42 but what I had just learned is now,
23:44 being the experimental child
23:46 I go and try... does it really work,
23:49 it worked with her but will it work for someone else?
23:51 And I'm doing this and I'm trying this and, you know,
23:54 woman after woman just like Brother John said,
23:57 the newness goes away, you know,
23:59 and the music says what we think
24:02 like Jay Z says, "On to the next one,
24:04 on to the next one... on to the next one,"
24:06 you know, Rapper's Delight said,
24:08 "If your girl starts acting up, then you... take her friend"
24:12 that's what the music was saying
24:14 and when I got that mixture
24:17 of the message of what the music was saying,
24:21 the videos and the shows that presented it
24:24 that glorified it, it was addicting
24:28 and then... what's church going to look like then,
24:30 you know, you have people at church
24:31 saying, "Yes, we love the Lord" but it looks so fake
24:34 and you have people at parties and other places that
24:37 you can tell when they're enjoying something to the full,
24:41 and by the time I got into the Music Industry,
24:45 forget it, now I had the money,
24:49 I had the car, I had the house,
24:52 I still had the Corporate job, so...
24:55 all the things that could feed those pleasures
24:57 to attract the girls and wine and dine them
25:00 and take them there and go to the party
25:02 and then... we also had singers and songs
25:05 and music also has a way of triggering
25:09 and creating an atmosphere, you know
25:12 if a Seventh-day Adventist girl came over to a nice house
25:16 and she's along with somebody and there is,
25:20 "Holy, holy, holy... " and it's in the middle...
25:24 broad daylight, what are the chances that
25:27 you know... but if she comes in the evening
25:30 and the sun is going down, and the lights are dimming
25:34 and back in those days we put on Teddy Pendergrass
25:37 and he starts singing "Turn off the lights... "
25:41 and all of a sudden the whole atmosphere
25:45 just changed and it's conducive for seeds that were planted
25:50 to be watered and take their effect.
25:53 That is such an interesting concept that...
25:56 that the atmosphere,
25:59 the music... changes the atmosphere,
26:03 so holy music, yes, worship music
26:07 changes the atmosphere, sexual music... changes...
26:12 so for everything that God has,
26:14 we know that the enemy has a counterfeit.
26:15 Absolutely...
26:17 Well, look at what Lucifer did in heaven
26:19 he was... over music... Hmmm... hmmm...
26:22 and so, he knows all about music
26:24 he's had plenty of time to practice,
26:27 and he's exploited that. Hmmm... hmmm...
26:30 Absolutely...
26:31 so, I want to touch on something else that Dr. John said,
26:34 when you begin to experience these different
26:39 internally-produced drugs
26:42 that addict you to this thing,
26:46 you begin to act like others who are addicted to drugs,
26:49 others who are addicted to Cocaine or whatever else.
26:53 These internally-produced hormones, right?
26:55 Lance: Correct... Yvonne: That act like a drug.
26:58 Absolutely, absolutely,
26:59 things like dopamine and serotonin
27:02 and norepinephrine, and the whole cocktail mixes...
27:05 like mixing drinks,
27:06 and when the novelty wears off and you get more,
27:11 and the novelty wears off and you get more,
27:12 it's like a Cocaine high that you can never fulfill again
27:15 and it never gets fulfilled,
27:17 and at that point, you know, women... for guys
27:23 as well as men... for...
27:24 because there are women who do that as well too...
27:26 you know... become throw-away items
27:29 and I ended up with three different baby mothers
27:35 and walking away from children, that...
27:38 "Oh, yeah, their born but... I got to go make music and... "
27:42 and the destruction that it caused was no different
27:45 than that Crack mother who leaves her baby in the house
27:50 to go out on the street... to go and get more Crack
27:54 and get more Cocaine and get more alcohol
27:56 and she's like an ostrich with her head buried in the sand
28:00 doesn't care about her children and that's why...
28:03 I don't know if he wants to touch on the effects of dopamine
28:06 but that just created that situation for me
28:12 and we didn't even touch on the spiritual side of it yet...
28:15 Let's come back,
28:17 let's come back to that in one second
28:19 Doc, can you come back in for a second?
28:21 Sure...
28:23 Because one of the things that we're looking at is
28:28 what happens when you embark upon that whole journey,
28:34 those receptors that are triggered that...
28:36 as you mentioned before
28:38 and this chemical cocktail that takes place
28:42 as you mentioned before, what would you say,
28:46 the effect of the music is hormonally,
28:50 as you're listening to music
28:52 what's happening chemically to the body?
28:55 Music acts like an accelerant, it speeds things up
29:01 and it also, as we've been told, it's a direct conduit, like,
29:08 if I wanted to explain something to you
29:10 I would have to say it to you
29:12 and then it would have to go into the auditory channels
29:14 in your brain and get processed,
29:16 music doesn't have to get processed,
29:18 it goes directly into your psyche
29:20 and prepares you like the Brother just said,
29:24 to do some things that you wouldn't have done
29:27 and now, what we're finding is that
29:29 the hormones that we talked about,
29:30 they're also... they're blinding hormones
29:34 so it actually blinds you to some things that
29:37 if you were not being blinded, you would have... awakened
29:41 and thought to yourself, "What am I doing here?"
29:43 you know like the Prodigal son you'd want to run,
29:45 but unfortunately, unfortunately,
29:48 the pre-frontal cortex of your brain,
29:51 the part right in front... right behind the forehead,
29:55 they've actually done some fMRI studies and found
29:58 that the blood flow during these times
30:00 with the music, with the intent,
30:03 because a lot of it has to do with the intent,
30:05 what are you intending to do?
30:07 What are you thinking to do?
30:08 so when you get on that road, the pre-frontal cortex
30:12 begins to get less oxygen and what that results in
30:16 is a complete drop in judgment
30:19 and a complete drop in decision making
30:22 so you find at Clubs, if you ask people
30:25 so many of the mistakes that they made
30:28 were made at clubs where there was music
30:30 where there was alcohol,
30:32 where there were half-naked bodies
30:34 all of this mix dropped their inhibitions
30:37 and also affected... judgment,
30:39 you know, so they would do things that...
30:41 when they woke up the next morning, they would think,
30:42 "How did I do that? I would never do that,"
30:44 so...
30:47 as I was listening to the brother,
30:49 I thought to myself, and you know, as a child,
30:51 there are other things called "Neuroplasticity"
30:54 I don't know if you've heard of that...
30:56 Neuroplasticity simply says that
30:58 your environment is able to shape your brain
31:00 now, we're not just talking about the receptors,
31:03 we're talking about a brain with Neurons that have been created
31:06 just for this experience that you're exposing yourself to
31:09 so that, by the time you're a teenager,
31:12 it really, really would take a miracle
31:15 to change things around
31:16 because we cannot destroy those neurons
31:18 all we can do is, we can rewrite them,
31:20 we can create neurons around them
31:22 and create a path
31:24 on top of the path that was negative
31:26 you can't really wipe them off or wipe them away,
31:28 so, we have to rewrite it which means
31:31 conversion... you know when conversion comes along,
31:33 it rewrites all the things that you had before.
31:36 There's just one other thing that I wanted to add
31:38 that concerns me a lot,
31:40 because I work in schools with middle-aged school children,
31:43 and I don't know if you guys have noticed
31:45 how much time they spend on their devices.
31:47 Every time you look at a child,
31:49 they're on their little cell phones.
31:51 If you come close to them as an adult,
31:53 for some strange reason,
31:54 they click out of whatever they were looking at,
31:56 pull the phone away, you can't see what they're doing
31:59 I am convinced that the easy access to pornography...
32:03 you can Google anything you want
32:05 and boom! you have ten sites with naked women
32:09 and this is what our children have access to.
32:12 and I've talked to some of the parents
32:14 but then... the argument is
32:15 "But he needs the internet so he can do research for school"
32:18 so the kid keeps the internet
32:20 but the parent goes to their bed at 9:00 o'clock, you know,
32:23 trying to keep the Eight Laws of Health,
32:25 and there's the kid in his room
32:27 it's 10 o'clock, it's 11 o'clock,
32:29 it's 12 o'clock, it's 1 o'clock
32:30 and he's just going from site to site to site
32:33 actually changing the structure of his brain
32:36 and preparing him to reduce his inhibitions
32:39 and do the devil's bidding.
32:40 Wow!
32:42 So that's an area, I think, we can't leave alone at all.
32:44 That's powerful.
32:46 And you know, it's the internet for these children
32:48 but for us, it was the television programs
32:50 we weren't allowed to watch
32:51 until our parents went to work late,
32:52 or the video we weren't allowed to watch that we snuck
32:55 or we were able to watch at a friend's house
32:57 whose parents forgot that it was there and...
33:00 and those things have its effect
33:02 at the same time, the whole "atmosphere" issue
33:08 you know... as... I used to be a DJ...
33:10 and.. you know... when I was in the Club
33:14 I would literally see
33:16 someone's wife walk in,
33:18 you can tell, she's married, she has a ring on
33:19 she came with her girlfriends
33:21 and you could tell she's going under some stress,
33:24 and the girlfriends are trying to take her out
33:26 so that she can relieve the stress,
33:28 and guys are asking her to dance
33:31 and she says, "No, I'm married" and things like that,
33:33 and I could, literally, as a DJ...
33:35 begin to play certain types of music
33:37 to first get her to drop her guard
33:40 relax, stop being the one to watch the pocketbooks
33:43 and get out and have some fun
33:45 and then now... the devil is doing his work...
33:48 he's planting suggestions, and the way the devil does it is
33:52 he doesn't necessarily use a lie...
33:54 he uses the truth.
33:56 Hmmm... how so?
33:58 "Listen, I know you're depressed... you look so sad,"
34:01 you hear it all the time, "You look so sad,
34:03 did you come here to stay sad
34:06 or did you come here to have fun?"
34:07 The devil, many times doesn't make statements,
34:10 he asks questions,
34:12 that's why when Jesus was dealing with
34:15 Scribes and Pharisees, who were very argumentative
34:18 He didn't make statements, He asked questions.
34:20 He would say, "What does the Scripture say?"
34:23 Because if a person is defensive,
34:26 and you don't want to give them information
34:29 for them to be defensive
34:30 you ask them a question
34:31 for them to break down their own defenses.
34:33 So the Devil got his methods of course from Jesus.
34:36 Absolutely, he was trained in heaven.
34:39 And so, asking the right questions
34:41 and then... while those questions are being asked,
34:43 the "appeal song" is being played at the Club,
34:48 and the music is suggesting to her,
34:50 "A few stolen moments... are all that we share...
34:54 you've got your family... stay with me... "
34:57 you know... "stay with me tonight"
34:59 or if, you know, "Let me hold you tight,"
35:01 by Luther Vandross...
35:03 "for only just one night, it will be all right
35:05 if only just... "
35:07 and the music now is swelling that
35:09 and before you know it,
35:10 she has left her pocketbooks and she starts...
35:13 "Oh, I'll just dance with my girlfriends"
35:15 but what she doesn't understand spiritually
35:17 is that when you dance to something
35:20 it's an act of celebration and whatever is being said
35:25 is being celebrated,
35:28 Hmmm... say that again,
35:31 that's some deep stuff.
35:32 When you dance to something it's an act of celebration
35:36 and whatever is being said is what's being celebrated.
35:40 For instance, if you had a party for your mother,
35:43 and they're playing a song that says,
35:46 "Your mother is the best woman in the world
35:47 get dancing... "
35:49 but if you have a song that says,
35:50 "Oh, your mother is so dumb, don't you all hate her... "
35:53 you're saying, "I don't agree with that"
35:54 so what do you do? You stop dancing.
35:56 I would yank that thing off the CD player.
35:58 Mom: Thank you... Son: You're welcome.
36:00 But if someone sees you still dancing to that...
36:03 they're sitting back and saying,
36:04 "Something happened that made him to not like his mother"
36:08 so, let's go back to the Club,
36:11 now a guy who is wondering
36:13 if she's willing to go home with him
36:15 is seeing her dance to a song and begin to enjoy...
36:18 she's getting caught up in the
36:21 "What if" questions that the devil asks,
36:23 "What if you did what your husband did to you?
36:26 He cheated on you, don't you deserve this,
36:29 don't you deserve better?"
36:31 The "What if?" questions.
36:32 "What if you went home with him, what if you enjoyed...?"
36:35 The "What if?" questions, the same questions
36:36 that people get privately at home in their bedroom.
36:39 What if that person that you're "weak to"
36:41 suddenly came and called you?
36:42 And, of course, the devil is going to call his demon
36:44 and say, "All right, let him call right now!"
36:46 And then they call you, and they go,
36:47 "I was just thinking about you" it's all the setup of the devil.
36:51 Now... you used to DJ,
36:54 I used to do Club Promotions, back in the day,
36:59 have you seen the Club without the lights on
37:05 and without the atmosphere,
37:07 have you seen it during the day when...
37:10 Yes, and it looks horrible.
37:12 Terrible, black and dirty and it's...
37:16 cheap looking and everything...
37:18 but at night... with those lights,
37:21 and the alcohol and all that stuff,
37:23 it's a whole 'nother world.
37:26 You know, it's... there's something else that
37:28 Dr. John talked about... about the blinding...
37:31 have you ever gone home from the club
37:34 and the next day you pick up that suit
37:36 or whatever you're wearing and smell it,
37:38 and you go, "Eeewwww... what is that?"
37:41 Well, guess what?
37:43 That's the smell of that atmosphere you were in
37:46 but you were blinded to it
37:49 because of what you were focused on... like he said,
37:52 what you were focused... what your pre-frontal cortex
37:55 or whatever he said,
37:56 was focused on going there to get
37:58 so you didn't think of all that cigarette smoke
38:01 you were inhaling and all that Marijuana smoke,
38:03 and you didn't know that
38:05 you were in that atmosphere of death
38:07 that was literally killing you with the second-hand smoke,
38:10 killing you with the alcohol, all at once,
38:12 all because you wanted to get that pleasure.
38:15 Doc, let's bring you back in to talk a little bit about
38:19 that blinding hormone because that's a powerful thing too.
38:24 You don't even see the faults of the person that you're with
38:29 because of that blinding hormone, correct?
38:32 Right, that's correct, and we have to remember that
38:35 all of these hormones were intended for good use,
38:38 a good purpose, and so,
38:40 blinding serves a really good purpose
38:43 if your intentions are... you know, pure,
38:45 you meet someone, you wouldn't want to see
38:47 all of their faults, right upfront on the first day
38:49 you would have run away, anyone of us... would...
38:52 so... God knowing that... set it up so that
38:57 you are blinded long enough
38:59 so that you could see their positives
39:00 and fall in love with that.
39:02 So the "blinding" had a purpose, but the problem is
39:05 outside of the context of marriage
39:07 and especially in the world that we live in today,
39:09 there are some things that you would want to see
39:11 but you don't... because... Serotonin...
39:13 one of the biggest blinding agents
39:15 prevents you from fully grasping... so, the person says,
39:18 "Oh, you know I snore... " and you are like...
39:20 "Oh, don't worry about that, who doesn't?"
39:24 Serotonin... Serotonin does that to you.
39:27 And then the person says,
39:28 "You know, it's one o'clock in the morning,
39:30 we've been talking for the last seven hours
39:31 don't you have to go to work in the morning?"
39:33 "Yes, but don't worry about that I stay up late all the time... "
39:37 But you don't... you go to bed at 9:00...
39:39 Serotonin does that to you, it makes you like a superman
39:43 and that's how it works, so it blinds you
39:45 and the blinding is good in that respect.
39:49 But unfortunately, it will also blind you
39:51 along with Oxytocin,
39:52 they say Oxytocin raises your level of trust,
39:54 it's one of the side effects of Oxytocin,
39:57 people who are high on Oxytocin, they trust easily,
39:59 if it's extremely high... then you're gullible
40:01 but the point is,
40:02 you're getting into a relationship
40:04 where you are getting Oxytocin to flow,
40:06 because you're either holding hands
40:07 or you're touching or you're talking,
40:09 or you're taking it a little further
40:11 and you actually... open yourself up to this individual
40:14 who might not have your best interest at heart
40:17 and that's one of the problems so you're completely blinded,
40:19 completely taken, and before you know it
40:21 he's on his way with your heart.
40:23 Hmmm... that's good stuff.
40:25 You know it's one thing when it happens in the Club
40:27 where an Adventist knows that they shouldn't be,
40:29 it's another thing when it happens in a church setting,
40:33 where they should be.
40:35 Hmmm... unpack that for us.
40:37 The Bible says that when Satan went to the church
40:42 of the Garden of Eden,
40:43 the first Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Garden of Eden,
40:45 he knew that he couldn't be obvious... like the Club...
40:50 at the Club... you know why you're there,
40:52 you know what somebody wants,
40:53 you know when they come to you, they're going to say,
40:55 "Hey, can I go home and sleep with you?"
40:57 At the Club, it's obvious... but in the church
41:00 when someone wants to be engaged in that,
41:03 they have to do what Satan did in the Garden of Eden.
41:06 The Bible says, "but the serpent was the most subtle,"
41:10 the most subtle, so the difference I've seen is
41:14 you begin to act to drop subtle hints
41:17 and why do you drop subtle hints,
41:19 because you don't want to be discovered,
41:22 you want to be fishers of men or women...
41:25 right there in the church so what do you do?
41:28 You throw a little bait and see if someone nibbles
41:30 and I've seen both men and women do it,
41:34 and we've... many people have been guilty of that
41:36 and so you'll get a situation where a brother will say,
41:41 "Hey, Sis, you're you doing, come give me a hug"
41:44 and now... the sisters in our church,
41:46 we'll talk about ladies, if a brother comes to hug you,
41:48 let them hug you... you know... here...
41:50 you're at church... you know...
41:53 where you greet-them-with-a- holy-kiss-type of thing,
41:55 but... then they tell him,
41:57 "Don't let him hug you around the waist... like this"
42:00 because, sex is more about stimulation,
42:06 sex, like drugs, is a stimulant and so...
42:11 there are different things that stimulates an individual
42:14 and one of the things that I was listening to that I don't know
42:19 that Dr. John didn't touch on yet was...
42:21 one of the areas in the brain that lights up
42:24 during sexual intercourse... are the areas that affect
42:27 emotions and long-term memory,
42:30 so a person can always go back and process... years later...
42:34 someone could be a grandma
42:36 and run into that old lover that she knew
42:38 from Junior High School...
42:39 that old feeling just comes back and goes, "boom"
42:42 and then when Michael Jackson starts playing,
42:45 "Do you remember... "
42:46 and those feelings and all the emotions with them come back
42:51 so in a church setting,
42:53 you know, the devil will give you things in small amounts,
42:57 now, I can get you to eat a cannonball,
43:00 you'll say, "I'll never eat a cannonball. "
43:03 Really? how can I get you to eat a cannonball?
43:06 Well, do you like carrot cake?
43:09 Oooooh!
43:11 Smell this carrot cake...
43:13 how does that smell?
43:14 Oh, my word...
43:16 Smells like... "I have to eat this carrot cake"
43:19 so now I just found out you love carrot cake
43:23 but you hate cannonballs so what I do is,
43:26 I grind up the cannon ball and I put it in little bits...
43:30 little untraceable bits...
43:32 little tiny bits of microscopic-almost...
43:35 iron-ball powders...
43:37 and I lace it all throughout that carrot cake...
43:38 do you think that they'll be able to discern it?
43:40 Probably not...
43:41 I give you all the carrot cake you want
43:43 and once all those things assemble...
43:45 then you've just eating a cannonball.
43:47 I just put my magnet to you
43:49 and I'm drawing you anywhere I want to take you.
43:50 Hmmm...
43:53 And in the church, those little subtleties happen.
43:57 "Hey, how're you doing?" "How are you doing?"
44:00 "Hey, happy Sabbath," "Happy Sabbath,"
44:02 you know, the looks... and the attractions
44:07 and sometimes... we...
44:10 whether male or female
44:12 provide the stimulus for sexual temptation.
44:15 What I mean... the guy on the Praise Team,
44:18 who is a young guy, he's working out,
44:20 so he wants to wear the muscled...
44:22 you know, he wants to wear the muscled shirt...
44:24 I see Sister Lewis smiling...
44:25 I know, because... I know... you know what?
44:28 I can do that smell, it's like ooooh...!
44:31 And now he's this young buff in this muscled shirt
44:35 singing on the Praise Team
44:37 and he's wearing these close-fitting pants,
44:39 and he's beginning to move, but he's singing a song
44:44 praising the Lord,
44:46 but how focused can the sisters in the front row be
44:48 when... they're saying...
44:50 "Lord, I've been waiting for a husband
44:52 and look at this man... " and all of those things,
44:55 and the devil now... could stimulate their eyes,
44:59 and it's worse now...
45:01 if, after church he has on a nice cologne,
45:03 and they hug him, they go, "ooooh!"
45:06 simulate the nasal capacities
45:08 and not guarding the avenues of the soul.
45:10 Later on... when she's home...
45:12 and all her friends are gone
45:14 and she has nothing to do,
45:16 the devil starts playing the... "What if... "
45:18 Hmmm...
45:20 And all those stimulants can now be processed
45:24 recalled back to memory...
45:26 same thing with this young gentlemen
45:29 who hugged the young lady around her waist,
45:31 and said, "Hmmm... she got a nice little shape
45:33 I didn't know she... yeah, she had on a church dress,
45:36 I couldn't tell she had this kind of shape in a church dress"
45:38 And now when he releases, the sensory areas of the brain
45:43 has recorded that for processing later...
45:45 and will play back that video tape later,
45:48 and the devil will have some edits to add in there
45:50 and some sound effects and things of that nature,
45:53 you know, and so, people in the church begin to...
45:56 to get these subtleties built up
45:59 and if they never get rid of it, it adds up to that cannonball
46:05 and after a while, they don't realize it,
46:09 "Why is this thing pulling me, where did it come from?
46:12 How can I deal with it, it's so strong,"
46:15 you know... "it's... what's happening?"
46:17 Hmmm... hmmm...
46:19 And the devil couldn't say, "well... "
46:20 they'll say... after a while they get bored
46:22 with this packaging,
46:23 and the devil will say, "No problem,
46:25 I'll provide the same thing in better packaging. "
46:30 And what do you see when you see a package
46:32 that's closed, what do you want to do?
46:33 Open it.
46:35 You want to open it and see if it looks any better
46:38 so, the devil says, "Yeah... go ahead... open it up,
46:41 ah... it's good... it's okay... "
46:43 I don't know if I should pop this thing or pull the string.
46:45 Go ahead... pop it...
46:46 Ah... see... you see that... "go ahead... pop it"
46:50 I got all caught up.
46:53 And now, he shows you...
46:55 Oh... Oh...
46:57 Let me see if I can show it out on the screen,
46:58 he shows you a delectable cake
47:02 and he says now, "smell this... "
47:05 Hmmm...
47:07 Okay, all right.
47:09 And now, how are you going to be able to say,
47:15 "You can't have that"
47:16 Hmmm...
47:18 It's like me putting this before you and saying,
47:20 "Save it till... how old are you now...
47:23 fifteen... all right...
47:26 save it till 10 or 15 years later... when you marry. "
47:29 And you've already had a little taste of it.
47:32 A little taste, a little whiff and now it's in your system.
47:34 Hmmm... hmmm...
47:36 As Dr. John says, "Unless you have something else
47:39 to displace that, it's in your system. "
47:42 And let's talk about that because we...
47:45 let's talk about the tools now to break the hold,
47:50 we've got to break this hold that's on so many people
47:54 that so many people are dealing with,
47:56 and we want you to know that if you're dealing with it,
48:00 God can fix it,
48:02 so you can start right now you don't have to say,
48:05 "Oh, I can't do it, it's too hard... "
48:08 no, God can do it you have to make the choice
48:11 let's talk about the tools now to breaking that hold.
48:15 You know, there are a couple of different ways,
48:19 the Apostle Paul says,
48:21 "Win some through love, others... win through fear"
48:25 there are two different kinds of motivators,
48:27 anyone who has children knows that
48:29 you can scare one child into stopping,
48:31 but there's another child,
48:32 you can do anything you want, you're not scaring them,
48:34 you have to love that child into stopping.
48:37 So, one... is a different type of stimulus
48:41 and so, a person that needs to understand,
48:44 "Okay, first of all, what was it
48:47 that caused me to be addicted to this thing?
48:50 I have to trace it back to the source of it
48:52 because when they're now dealing with this situation
48:57 and they're putting it before the Lord,
48:59 and the Bible says, "My people are destroyed
49:01 for lack of... knowledge... " Hmmm... hmmm...
49:03 If a person knows,
49:05 "Okay, sex deals with what stimulates you,"
49:10 they begin to know,
49:11 "Okay, what are the things that I know... stimulates me?
49:14 I need to know what stimulates me... so I know what to avoid,
49:16 if not, I have no idea"
49:18 and the other thing that I find spiritually,
49:22 now this is going to sound strange... embrace yourself,
49:25 are people who pray for forgiveness
49:29 and receive forgiveness, it's a bad thing.
49:33 Now you're looking at me like I have two heads.
49:35 Explain it.
49:36 Because it's incomplete, the Scriptures say,
49:41 "I'm the Lord, who forgives your sins
49:45 and heals all your diseases" Hmmm...
49:49 He's faithful to just...
49:50 He's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins
49:53 and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
49:55 What I find is... a lot of people say,
49:57 "Lord, forgive me," and they get the forgiveness
50:00 but they didn't say, "Heal me... "
50:03 So now they're not healed and they go back out
50:07 and commit the same thing again. Why?
50:08 They were forgiven but they weren't healed from it.
50:11 Hmmm...
50:12 And they are not thinking "healing"
50:14 so they're not looking for going towards a healing process
50:17 whether it means... talking to a doctor like Dr. John,
50:20 whether it means talking to someone close that you can trust
50:23 and I want to make a point about that,
50:25 because the Apostle Paul does say that
50:27 when those situations happen
50:30 and then counseling is happening
50:31 you have to be careful that someone is not caught up in it
50:33 and themselves become a castaway,
50:36 because to share those very intimate moments,
50:38 pull somebody in... Dr. Yvonne: Yes.
50:40 And as you begin to describe what you did and what happened,
50:44 the word takes affect and that movie
50:47 of whatever happened begins to play in your mind
50:49 and if a person is not spiritually grounded,
50:51 it can pull... the devil can use that to pull more people.
50:55 And that's how so many people get... the counsel...
51:01 the pastor sometimes with the vulnerable woman
51:06 can get... brought into a relationship
51:10 that is questionable at best,
51:14 and so, it's... we have to really think about that.
51:18 We've been having a conversation
51:21 on sexual immorality and all that,
51:24 but, I think it's important that the education
51:29 should start in the home
51:30 you know, I think that a lot of times
51:33 parents are...
51:34 they don't know how to approach the subject
51:36 they don't know how to talk about it because it's an awkward
51:39 tense subject to take to their kids
51:43 but parents, what you have to realize
51:46 is that, your kids are going to learn
51:50 one way or another, so if you're not teaching them
51:53 they're going to learn in the streets
51:54 and what the streets are going to teach them,
51:58 is about lust and how many women can you get...
52:02 Lance: But they're going to call it love.
52:04 Yes, yes and so... like you said earlier,
52:07 the devil likes to... he likes to give you mostly
52:11 truth and throwing that little bit of lie,
52:14 and that subtle, little lie, really messes you up.
52:21 Absolutely, you know another thing that...
52:23 Sister White was such a great source
52:26 in ways that we would have never thought
52:28 she said that when parents are training themselves
52:32 and their children, they need to understand
52:35 the issues of how principles work
52:39 because everything is based on a principle,
52:41 she says... so you can't expect
52:44 you're going to train a child's brain
52:47 to develop those Neurons by rewarding them
52:50 with something that's bad and saying it's good.
52:53 "Oh, you were good today,
52:55 I know you have a bunch of cavities,
52:56 but... have some candies... see, don't you love mommy,
52:59 don't you love grandma?"
53:01 you're training them with the principle that says,
53:03 "This is bad for you, but when you do good,
53:06 reward yourself with it" Hmmm...
53:08 you know, she says that
53:09 the devil is not going to come to you
53:12 this is in "Counsels on Diet and Food"
53:14 and say, "All right... well you know...
53:17 it's wrong but do it anyway... with sex"
53:19 he's going to say, "You know what?
53:22 your doctor says,
53:25 you're getting to be a little overweight
53:27 and you're beginning to have diabetes,
53:30 you know, it's not the best but it smells so good,
53:33 just reward yourself,
53:35 you know, you were good all last week on that diet,
53:37 just reward yourself with a little slice"
53:40 and she says, and in doing that,
53:43 in doing that,
53:44 the principle that you're saying to yourself is,
53:48 "I know it's wrong for me but it tastes so good"
53:50 Hmmm...
53:52 "I know it's bad for me,
53:53 but I'm going to reward myself with it"
53:56 and many times when husbands cheat on wives
54:00 and wives cheat on husbands, I've heard them say,
54:02 "You know what, I know it was wrong,
54:04 but I deserved better,
54:07 I deserved this moment. "
54:09 I've literally heard, wives and husbands say,
54:12 "I know Jesus said that this is wrong,
54:15 but I need this right now,"
54:17 and that's the atmosphere that Satan creates.
54:21 I think that applies to a lot of things
54:23 I mean... Ellen White, I'm not sure,
54:25 in which of her writings it's in,
54:27 I don't know if it's in "Adventist Home"
54:28 or "Letters to Young Lovers" or something like that
54:31 but it's about how we, as human beings,
54:34 like to justify and rationalize our sin,
54:38 because we're comfortable in our sins,
54:41 and so we try and find reasons
54:43 to make it seem like it's not so bad.
54:47 Because we want the pleasure but we don't want the guilt.
54:49 You know...
54:51 and we'll find a reason
54:55 you know, even God confessed it of us,
54:57 he said, "Behold man is become one of us knowing good and evil"
55:00 and then He said, of the antediluvians...
55:01 he said, "Listen, the thing
55:03 that they have set their mind to do,
55:05 nothing shall be impossible for them to do it. "
55:08 Hmmm...
55:09 He said, "So now, let's confound their language"
55:12 Well, guess what? If a person is decided that...
55:16 "Listen, I don't see anything wrong with this,"
55:19 they will find a way to justify it
55:22 and give every reasonable excuse,
55:24 I'm sure as a therapist, Dr. John has probably heard
55:27 many "justifications" for what's being done.
55:30 So, if someone is caught up in this stronghold,
55:34 give us a few things to do to stop it.
55:38 Number one, I'll give you three,
55:40 because I know we're wrapping up,
55:42 the physical, the mental and the spiritual,
55:43 physically... educate yourself,
55:46 get information about it,
55:50 you know, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
55:52 it's so grossly... understated and so grossly... underutilized.
55:56 Get information so you could understand
55:59 what you're dealing with you can handle something better
56:02 when you know about it and understand it,
56:04 you may see that, "Ah, these lights are here"
56:06 but if you have no idea what controls the lights,
56:08 you're trying to climb up on a ladder that you can't get on
56:11 to touch a hot light that's going to burn your hand
56:14 and then you touch it and it burns you,
56:16 "I'm not trying that again" not knowing that,
56:18 "No, you just didn't learn about it,
56:19 go to the wall and flip the switch off,"
56:21 so get educated. Hmmm... hmmm...
56:22 Mentally, also, understand those things
56:27 that affect you mentally, some of it is diet...
56:29 you know, there are certain foods that
56:32 help produce more serotonin and less serotonin
56:35 and things of that nature, but the most important thing
56:38 is the spiritual part, you have to feed on...
56:43 just like you fed on the word of Satan
56:44 that got you into that sin
56:46 and you fed on the word of Satan and your "friends"
56:49 that kept you in that sin,
56:51 you need to feed on something else
56:53 that's going to displace that word.
56:55 When the devil makes you say, "Jesus is coming soon,
56:59 this sin is too strong,
57:01 you are never going to give it up,
57:02 you might as well just keep going...
57:04 eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die,"
57:06 you got to get that Word that says,
57:08 "No, I'll never leave you or forsake you,
57:09 I am the one that will work in you. "
57:11 Get that Word in... and just be honest with God.
57:14 And don't put yourself in a position
57:17 where you can yield to temptation.
57:19 That's right.
57:21 Stay out of that atmosphere.
57:22 Yeah, don't go to that room
57:23 listening to Teddy P late at night.
57:25 That's right, that's right,
57:27 know your triggers... know your triggers,
57:29 I can't believe that
57:31 we have reached the end of another Program,
57:32 thank you so much, Brother Lance, for being with us
57:35 thank you Dr. John Jacob.
57:37 Praise God, you're welcome.
57:39 What a blessing you were,
57:40 what a blessing were, Brother Lance,
57:42 my dear Jason,
57:44 thank you so much for being with us,
57:47 and thank you...
57:48 make sure that you join us next time,
57:50 and know that God has a plan for you,
57:52 He's going to take care of it,
57:54 just turn it over to Him and trust Him.
57:56 Join us next time because you know what?
57:59 It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2016-03-15