Urban Report

Arthur Andrews Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur L. Andrews


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000214A

00:01 Want some inspiration and motivation?
00:03 Well, stay tuned to meet a man who's gonna take you there.
00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:08 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:34 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:37 My guest today is Arthur L Andrews,
00:39 inspirational and motivational speaker.
00:43 Arthur Andrews is an award-winning speaker,
00:46 author, trainer, and success coach.
00:48 Born and reared in Brooklyn, New York,
00:50 Arthur is a product of urban life
00:52 and has experienced first-hand
00:54 the awesome challenges of the streets.
00:57 In 1990,
00:58 Arthur began realizing goals of his own
01:01 and began his professional speaking and training career.
01:04 Since then, he's given over 1300 speeches,
01:08 many of them repeat performances.
01:11 Arthur has dedicated his expertise
01:13 to helping corporations shake off mediocrity
01:16 and maximize their unlimited potential.
01:20 But Arthur's primary focus is in evangelism.
01:23 Welcome to Urban Report, Arthur.
01:26 Thank you, Yvonne. This is exciting.
01:29 I know, I can't believe I have you with me.
01:31 I'm so happy.
01:32 Words cannot accomplish the symbol
01:34 is what I'm feeling.
01:37 You are so funny,
01:38 as our audience is going to know
01:41 within the next few minutes.
01:43 But underneath all of that, Arthur, I mean, you're funny,
01:47 and you make people laugh, and you are very insightful.
01:52 God has given you so many gifts.
01:54 But underneath all of that
01:56 is a man who has been through a lot in life.
02:00 Tell us about your upbringing.
02:03 Tell us about, you know,
02:04 where you grew up and how you grew up?
02:06 Yes, I came out of a little town called Brooklyn,
02:11 Bedford-Stuyvesant to be exact.
02:14 And could any good thing come out of Bedford-Stuyvesant?
02:18 Well, I think about Jesus of Nazareth.
02:20 Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?
02:22 I had a lady that raised me as her very own,
02:25 her name was aunt Thelma
02:26 My parents couldn't take care of me
02:28 because of extenuating circumstances.
02:31 But aunt Thelma raised me as her very own,
02:33 I didn't know the difference.
02:35 And she beat me too, just like I was her very own.
02:38 She told me, she told me one day, she said,
02:40 "Look, you run your mouth like a bell clapper.
02:42 All you do is talk. I got to go to school.
02:45 And this is the time of work, continue.
02:46 What is wrong with you?"
02:48 I said, "Nothing's wrong with me, aunt Thelma."
02:49 She said, "Look, come over here,"
02:51 she said, "if you wanna talk,
02:52 you might as well get paid for it,"
02:54 and aunt Thelma said,
02:55 "You're going to be a great elocutionist."
02:58 And she would challenged me, "Go, look it up."
03:00 And I was having great difficulty
03:03 pronouncing the word 'elocution.'
03:05 So people asked what I want to be,
03:06 I said, "I want to be an executioner."
03:08 That may help a lot.
03:10 Okay.
03:11 And I did that at programs, and they're embarrassing me.
03:14 But then Thelma took me all around Brooklyn.
03:16 To say the speech called, Take Your Place,
03:19 and the rest is really history, you know,
03:21 you treat a child the way that he is,
03:22 it only becomes worse.
03:23 But she didn't necessarily feel
03:25 what would it could be the child
03:26 because of what it should be.
03:28 Mmm, oh, I like that.
03:29 And I'm excited about that.
03:30 And I possess that she reared me
03:32 in the spirit of anger, who said that.
03:33 And, Yvonne, it's been incredible.
03:37 You know, coming out of Brooklyn, New York,
03:39 I was raised in a, not a very diverse community.
03:43 So it was very challenging for me
03:45 to get out here and start speaking,
03:47 they're just to offer you speaker for each
03:49 'cause I always just knew,
03:50 you know, I might just yell at the screen.
03:52 But the people, the people used to say to me,
03:53 "You got to calm down. What are you angry about?"
03:56 And I was angry.
03:57 But this field is so awesome,
04:01 and you just meet so many different people.
04:04 And you really get to share your faith.
04:05 Yes. Yes.
04:07 Let's go back for a second,
04:08 because we kind of missed the whole lot of area here,
04:12 so how did you avoid, the drugs, the gangs,
04:16 all of that growing up in Bed-Stuy?
04:19 How did you avoid getting involved in all that?
04:22 Structure.
04:23 And I had an uncle Jacky, I had my brother
04:26 and I knew they will kill me,
04:28 so, I really, really was...
04:33 I should say it wasn't a challenged childhood,
04:36 I had a great childhood.
04:37 But I had mentors, I had people that I looked up too, you know.
04:41 And...
04:42 You know, that is so important, Arthur,
04:44 because you just named some men
04:47 who played a pivotal role in, in you and your outlook
04:52 and that's one of the things that's missing so much
04:55 in our communities now. Yes.
04:57 It's the absence of the male mentor,
05:02 the one that can take somebody and train them.
05:03 Well, I had it truly. I had it truly.
05:05 I had uncle Conwy, then I had, you know,
05:09 well, I have my parents, my maternal parents,
05:11 then I had uncle Conwy, and then I had uncle Jacky,
05:15 who was with me till my teenage years.
05:16 So I was very gifted and blessed, you know,
05:20 not to be affected.
05:21 And she told me, I felt like the first principal,
05:24 "You're going down to stay with uncle Jacky."
05:25 I said, "Well, they don't eat meat.
05:27 They don't eat white bread,
05:30 and they don't watch television.
05:31 I'm not going."
05:33 And I had a protest
05:34 but I ended up there, and it was the best thing
05:36 that ever happened to me really.
05:37 So when did you go and live with uncle Jacky.
05:41 1973.
05:42 Wow.
05:44 It changed my life and it saved my life.
05:45 So, were you in high school? Were you in high school then?
05:47 High school.
05:48 Had dyed my hair auburn,
05:50 and a base guitar on my back,
05:52 and army fatigue jacket
05:53 when he picked me up, he said, "Lord, have mercy."
05:57 But he was patiently kind.
05:59 And sometimes, you know, your parents,
06:01 your family won't take care of you.
06:03 God will send strangers...
06:07 To pick up the slack,
06:08 and I was fortunate, Yvonne, I really was.
06:11 And then I was blessed to meet
06:12 such a wonderful person like you.
06:13 Oh! Praise the Lord, Arthur. Thank you.
06:17 Well, you've been a part of my life.
06:18 I guess, in full disclosure here,
06:20 you know, you're a family to me so...
06:23 You're my cousin, and I'm just so thankful
06:26 for what God has done in your life
06:27 because I know it's been difficult and challenging
06:32 but yet, the Lord is allowed you to rise
06:35 to every challenge and so...
06:38 Absolutely. That's a major blessing.
06:39 So you went, you stayed with uncle Jacky and aunt Joe.
06:43 Tell us the importance of that kind of a structure?
06:47 You're saying that they ate differently,
06:49 they didn't have TV.
06:51 Tell us the importance in your life of structure.
06:52 It's just the dynamics of a family life.
06:55 It's the dynamics of a man,
06:57 absolutely a young man
06:58 witnessing and seeing him love his wife.
07:01 Oh! Come on now.
07:03 I had the benefits, Yvonne.
07:04 Well, I've been married now, of 38 years.
07:07 I had the benefit of being under his tutelage
07:11 and watching him interact with my aunt Joe,
07:14 which is absolutely awesome.
07:15 What were some other things that you saw?
07:17 What's different about,
07:18 'cause I love their relationship
07:20 and anybody who knows them, Claude and Joselyn Thomas,
07:23 anybody who knows them,
07:25 knows that their relationship is just special.
07:28 What were some of the things that you saw, that you felt
07:32 you should transfer into your relationship?
07:35 Well, temperament, you know, temperament,
07:37 the way that you speak, you know, 55 % of what you say,
07:41 you say with your body,
07:42 38% is tonality and 7% words,
07:45 the least important form of communication is words.
07:49 I watched out, he interacted,
07:50 and even with the stress of feeding,
07:54 preparing for eight people eat dinner every night,
07:57 I never missed a meal.
07:58 Never was hungry,
08:00 but I knew that it was a struggle.
08:03 But he loved me.
08:04 Never put his hands on me.
08:07 But the way he spoke and in order...
08:10 Discipline and consistency.
08:13 It wasn't we had worship once
08:15 and then we didn't have worship one night,
08:17 it was consistent.
08:18 He always read,
08:20 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath,
08:21 from doing thy pleasure on my...
08:23 I mean, I grew up with that.
08:24 So it was a blessing.
08:26 I was finding it,
08:28 but once I got down into that community,
08:31 there were other people, even checks the village,
08:33 he really does.
08:34 And in the dynamics of being around uncle Tim
08:37 and Mervick Warren, and those people were friends.
08:41 They would come by, so, you know,
08:42 I never saw anything like that in Brooklyn.
08:44 I never, I never, I never experienced
08:47 someone actually sitting down and talking to you
08:50 and I think it's the way that it should be
08:51 'cause I suggest, she used to get on my nerves,
08:53 she put things on balloons that she loved me,
08:55 Jesus still loves you, all kind of things.
08:58 Seriously, I called her down to read,
09:01 nookie cookie's lady, you know, all that stuff,
09:04 that was really important to a person
09:05 who's growing up in urban New York, you know that.
09:08 A major shift in my life
09:10 and then I had the benefits
09:12 of hearing some powerful speakers
09:13 on the planet, like Henry Wright.
09:16 Heard him when I was 16, revolutionized my life.
09:21 So being in that environment
09:24 really changed the course of your life, didn't it?
09:30 Absolutely. Environment plays a big role.
09:33 Because getting away from that urban environment
09:36 and not just the fact that it's urban,
09:38 but you needed the structure and the family life that...
09:43 That's what I needed.
09:44 Uncle Jack and Aunt Joe offered you.
09:46 Absolutely, and the patience,
09:48 and listening to them praying for me,
09:51 it was incredible.
09:52 They wouldn't give up on me. Yeah.
09:54 They would continue to pray for me.
09:56 And till this day we still pray.
09:58 With the dynamics that we have,
09:59 the interactions that I have with him
10:01 to this very day.
10:02 You know, it's so, so important,
10:05 you know, he's my hero.
10:08 He is. They are incredible people.
10:10 When I was away from,
10:12 I was out of the church for several years
10:15 and while I was out there,
10:17 uncle Jack and aunt Joe would just, they just loved me.
10:20 They didn't... Absolutely.
10:21 They didn't condemn me.
10:22 I was in the music business
10:24 and, you know, and I wasn't wild and crazy,
10:27 but you don't have to be wild and crazy
10:28 to have lost your connection
10:30 and I lost my connection with the Lord
10:33 and instead of them, you know,
10:35 beating me over the head with doctrine and stuff,
10:38 they just loved me,
10:39 they told me they're praying for me,
10:41 they loved me, and they, and that was it.
10:45 I mean, I just didn't feel condemned by them
10:48 and that's so important.
10:49 And so what they offered you
10:51 was that steady, love environment.
10:55 Steady. That you could thrive in.
10:57 Absolutely.
10:59 So was it there, that you determine that you,
11:01 I mean, after aunt Thelma
11:02 wanted you to be an elocutionist,
11:04 was it in the home of uncle Jack and aunt Joe
11:08 that you decided you wanted to be a speaker,
11:11 or where did that happen?
11:13 In the beginning of the '90s,
11:14 I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
11:16 I was on a job doing,
11:18 I was just about to get fired maybe not that quick.
11:20 So, you know, I wasn't happy and I called Uncle Jacky,
11:24 I was at the age of 33.
11:27 And I called him and said, "I'm just not happy."
11:30 I said, "Can I come and live with you?"
11:32 He let me come and stay with him
11:34 to get myself established.
11:35 That was I had the call to be a motivational speaker.
11:38 I actually went down to be a dean,
11:40 but things didn't work out, we're not going to go there.
11:42 But nevertheless,
11:43 I became just excited about motivational speaker.
11:48 I really got in Les Brown.
11:50 And I said, "Man."
11:51 I said, "Boy, I think I can do that."
11:53 When I found that what he's making an offer,
11:54 I said, "The Lord is able."
11:58 Tell us about, tell us a bit about Les Brown.
12:01 Well, Les is, is a very unique gentleman,
12:03 he's very gifted.
12:06 Unrelentless.
12:07 Has been through so much,
12:09 but I've never met a man
12:11 that could bounce back like that.
12:12 I've never heard a person speak like that.
12:14 And I called him actually,
12:18 31 days,
12:20 I got his number,
12:21 someone was trying to jumping onto him,
12:23 said, "I had natural borne communications skills."
12:26 "Yeah, you're right."
12:28 And he said, "Well, come on, there's so much money,
12:29 $20 a year to speak.
12:30 I'm not going up there for $20 for Bible talk.
12:32 Are you kidding?"
12:34 And I didn't go.
12:35 But I met him at a hotel,
12:38 Guardia to be exact
12:41 and we talked and then I left.
12:43 I got his number.
12:44 But he had a number 800, CI Can.
12:49 So I called him, 800 CI Can.
12:51 And first time I called,
12:53 they said, "Listen, don't call here."
12:55 They didn't say, "Don't call here."
12:56 They said, "But you don't just pick the phone
12:58 to call Les Brown.
12:59 And does he know who you are?" I said, "No.
13:01 I said, "I'm Arthur L Andrew, but I'm hungry."
13:03 Okay, that's nice."
13:06 Day number 10.
13:08 I called again, just like I never called before.
13:11 Then they said, "Listen, sir,
13:13 we're gonna report you to the authority
13:14 'cause you're stalking Mr. Brown.
13:15 For stalking Mr. Brown."
13:17 "Mr. Brown said on his tape,
13:18 number eight, in the middle of the tape,
13:20 that you got to be hungry."
13:22 Day 28,
13:25 they hung up.
13:27 29th day, they answered the phone,
13:30 I said, I said, "It's Arthur L Andrews.
13:32 She said, "Didn't I tell you?"
13:34 and said, "I thought maybe they fired you
13:35 because of your attitude"
13:37 Day 31st,
13:40 I called up and I said "Listen, this is Arthur L Andrews.
13:43 I'm one of Les Brown's illegitimate children...
13:47 He said, "Hello, this is Les Brown,
13:48 who is this fool?"
13:51 And that's, the rest is history.
13:53 And I went to Lane Marquee, and I spoke,
13:55 5000 people gave me an opportunity,
13:57 that's why you got to be prepared for your chance,
13:59 5000 people, and I froze for 30 seconds.
14:05 Wait, your first,
14:06 your first major speaking event.
14:09 Opportunity. Opportunity he gave me.
14:12 I froze.
14:13 Was in front of 5000 people? Five thousand people.
14:15 And you froze. Lane Marqee and I froze.
14:19 And his cousin was furious.
14:21 I told you, didn't know them.
14:23 But there was a gentleman in the audience,
14:27 and he stood up and said, "Speak of your own brother."
14:29 And the rest, I just started speaking.
14:32 That's why, you know,
14:33 you got to really prepare yourself
14:35 because failure at a chance
14:36 can really make you look ridiculous.
14:38 And I was so happy that I prepared,
14:40 it was there, stored away.
14:42 But then that's all I needed was that boost,
14:44 then I started speaking of Les Brown and crazy
14:46 and I'm gonna travel with him.
14:48 Yeah.
14:50 Now look at that,
14:51 look at how God opened that door for you.
14:54 Now you said something that was very profound,
14:58 you were talking about
15:00 how you must be prepared for the opportunity.
15:03 Unpack that a little bit for us
15:05 because I want our viewers to know, to understand
15:08 that concept of being prepared.
15:10 Well, Abraham Lincoln said that,
15:11 "If I had eight hours to chop down a tree,
15:14 I would spend six and half sharpening my axe."
15:17 You must be ready, because...
15:19 And he also says, he says,
15:21 you know, "I will study and prepare,
15:22 my chance will come and then I will be ready."
15:25 It's really a terrible thing to be in front of someone
15:30 or to suggest that you're a professional
15:33 and you don't know your craft,
15:34 sharpen your skills, hone your skills,
15:38 know your craft, and speak with excellence.
15:40 And one things that I think I froze,
15:42 Oakwood College and Moran Hall,
15:44 because they will boo you off that stage.
15:47 You know, you just said,
15:48 did not appreciate mediocrity at Oakwood.
15:50 There were so many people that demanded excellence
15:53 and one of the greatest experiences I had in my life,
15:55 I read some of the greatest speakers
15:57 that walked this planet,
15:58 had walked through Aster Auditorium
16:00 back in the down, if you know Aster Auditorium
16:03 but you may be little too young for that.
16:04 Oh, you watch it. Watch it.
16:07 Aster Auditorium,
16:09 you remember asking me, you still have church?
16:11 Yeah. I remember Moran Hall.
16:13 Well, Moran Hall, but then we went to Aster Auditorium.
16:16 That was after my time.
16:18 Okay, and that was the place
16:20 that I heard some of the greatest speakers.
16:22 Walter Pearson.
16:24 And Walter Pearson was kind to me,
16:26 Somebody I remember kind to me,
16:28 he wasn't stuffy, he wasn't a high ground,
16:31 and he said, "When you become successful,
16:33 you just let that smoke last down and talk to me."
16:36 That's what he told me.
16:38 And, you know, of course, the rest is history,
16:41 really I'm just having a ball doing what I loved.
16:43 My vocation is my vacation.
16:46 Ah, I love it.
16:47 So give us a minute or two,
16:50 sample of what you would say to motivate people,
16:55 you're going to a corporate environment
17:00 and you want to motivate people.
17:03 What would... Or inspire them.
17:04 What kinds of things do you say to them?
17:07 Well, life makes one demand of every living organism.
17:10 Meaning that we must come to term the situation
17:12 that it confronts,
17:14 realizing there are two ways to meet a situation.
17:16 Sometimes you could change the situation.
17:18 Other times, you must change yourself.
17:19 But we know that change is both a process
17:22 of disruption and renewal.
17:24 You know, you will not make some choices now,
17:26 what do you want?
17:27 You know, if you had a choice
17:30 or you had the power to change your life,
17:32 what things would you change?
17:33 Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
17:38 There are things that I ask them in reference to,
17:41 are they committed and dedicated
17:43 to the purpose of something that you want to do
17:45 or something someone told you to do?
17:48 Because you really can't progress
17:49 and be the best you can,
17:51 doing something that you hate.
17:53 That's good.
17:55 Are you on a job?
17:56 Or are you in a vocation
17:58 that doesn't give you any fulfilment?
18:00 There are so many people, they did the survey,
18:03 they found that 87% of the people
18:06 don't like their jobs of what they're doing.
18:08 They're miserable.
18:10 And if you don't have a plan for your life,
18:12 someone else does.
18:14 And that's why it's important to,
18:16 let me just add this, you know,
18:18 I got to a point where I got to decide myself,
18:20 and I really want to get to this point.
18:22 And God spoke to me intuitively
18:25 and said, "I'm not gonna share my glory with you."
18:28 And that thing just knocked me,
18:30 I mean, knocked me for a loop.
18:31 Explain that?
18:33 Because that's, we need to know a bit more about that.
18:37 What do you mean by that?
18:38 Well, sometimes motivation and inspiration speaking
18:41 hinges on the borders of secular humanism.
18:45 And God is not gonna share His glory with you.
18:47 Explain that?
18:49 'Cause some people don't even know what that is,
18:50 I know what it is, but some...
18:52 He gets all the glory.
18:53 What is secular humanism?
18:55 Well, that's where there's dependence on you and my God.
18:59 Okay.
19:00 That you created this. Yes.
19:02 I, I created this.
19:05 You know, and then like for instance...
19:07 Yes, ma'am.
19:08 So was that part of your experience?
19:11 Had you reached a place in your experience
19:14 where you were leaning toward that
19:16 and God had to reign you back?
19:17 Tell us, tell us that experience.
19:19 Absolutely, absolutely.
19:21 You begin to think that you own the room
19:25 or it was because of your expertise
19:29 and your communication skills that got you this opportunity.
19:32 And then you change lives.
19:34 No, no, I don't change lives.
19:36 I'm really not the motivator.
19:38 The Lord is.
19:41 That's instinction.
19:43 What did it take to get you there?
19:47 I was standing at the New Orleans Superdome
19:51 at Louis.
19:54 And I've just spoken
19:56 and T.D. Jakes and Serita Jakes was in the audience.
19:59 And I'm telling you, I thought I was dead,
20:02 walking in a high cotton, a proud peacock,
20:06 and I was calling everybody and as I was doing it,
20:09 he said, "What does it, what does it profit a man
20:12 to gain the whole world
20:14 and lose your soul?"
20:17 I had remembered that he was the chief motivator
20:20 and he gives the assignment,
20:22 not me.
20:24 And when I began to understand, that door began to open,
20:27 but I was trying to open the doors,
20:28 I was trying to make it happen.
20:30 I want to grow up, I want to be a gospel all star.
20:32 I was at all the events
20:34 and trying to get on BET,
20:35 and trying to do this, and trying to do that.
20:37 But, Yvonne, you know, that only what you do,
20:40 it may sound corny and cliches,
20:43 but only what you do for Christ will last.
20:46 He has to be the focal point of why you do what you do?
20:49 So now I'm not trying to impress audiences,
20:52 I'm inspiring audiences.
20:54 I love it.
20:56 To be the best they possibly can be.
20:57 And my mantra everyday, when I get in the mirror,
21:00 is the mark of greatness is truly upon you.
21:02 And you must not be limited
21:03 by the short sight of you and other,
21:05 you can because you think you can,
21:07 you can because God said you can.
21:08 You're looking good, feeling good, smelling good.
21:10 You are a masterpiece of creation
21:12 because God does not pick junk
21:14 and I kiss myself on my hand.
21:18 This happened.
21:19 This brings some joy to some people.
21:21 I love that.
21:22 One day I did all of that, worked on myself,
21:24 talked to myself and, you know, life happens,
21:27 and I walked out of the door, and got on a plane,
21:30 and went to do a speech.
21:31 I stopped by, at the airport, at McDonalds
21:34 and a girl looked at me and she looked and said,
21:36 "Well, what do you want?"
21:39 I've looked at her.
21:41 What do you...
21:42 "Well, good morning, you know..."
21:44 But she was just having a bad day
21:46 and so after she served me,
21:49 after she slid the orange juice at me
21:51 and told me how much it was.
21:53 I said, "You know, you could say, thank you."
21:54 She says, "On a receipt."
21:57 Wow. What do you do with that?
21:59 Costumer service. Yeah.
22:01 But I stepped back and I said,
22:03 "You know, you're acting lot of different,
22:04 you take your medication," and she laughed.
22:07 She said "Sorry, you're communist."
22:08 I said, "No, no,
22:09 I'm just seeing that you're having a bad day,
22:11 I just want to make your day"
22:12 She said, "Actually you seem like a nice man."
22:14 She said, "Are you really... Are you...
22:16 Are you an entertainer or something, you're funny."
22:18 I said, "No, I wasn't trying to be funny."
22:21 But she said, "Sir, can I talk to you?"
22:23 I said, "Sure."
22:25 She said, "Listen, I just found out I was pregnant
22:27 and I don't know who the father is."
22:28 I said, "I'm neither, honey."
22:30 But nevertheless, you know,
22:32 sometimes what people are going through
22:34 is not about you, it's not about us,
22:36 it's about what God can do through us
22:38 or accomplishes on purpose.
22:40 And sometimes you step back and look
22:42 and if we understand
22:44 people's history will be more compassionate.
22:47 Very true, very true.
22:51 When you, wow, when you were on that stage
22:56 and, you know,
22:59 you were there with the women that losed situation
23:02 and you were feeling like, "I have finally arrived."
23:08 Is that when the Spirit of God spoke to you
23:11 and kind of reigned you back in?
23:13 After I got to the room, when I got to the suite
23:16 and I was looking out of the window,
23:18 that's when it came up onto me.
23:19 You know, God speaks intuitively,
23:21 because, you know, if He spoke out louder,
23:22 it's freaky, I would jump out of the window.
23:24 Right.
23:26 "Arthur!" I couldn't handle that.
23:28 I couldn't handle at that time.
23:30 But just intuitively.
23:32 "What does it profit a man to gain whole world..."
23:35 And I said, "To lose your family."
23:38 My uncle used to tell me something all the time.
23:40 He would ask me, "So, Arthur,
23:42 is your wife secure in your love?"
23:44 I used to get so angry, just kept little quiet.
23:47 And I would go through all of my millennial things.
23:51 He'd somewhat ask you the question again?
23:53 Is your wife secure in your love?
23:57 And I began to think about that.
23:58 What does it really profit me?
24:01 If I'd really gained the whole world
24:02 and lose my family in the process.
24:05 What am I? I'm just a successful failure.
24:08 I've got trophies, I've got all kind of things.
24:11 But I don't have my family.
24:14 So, you know, you got to go back again
24:16 and look at the things you got to go back
24:17 and smell the rose and find what's really important
24:19 and now I'm a papa.
24:21 And it's just incredible, it's a second coming,
24:23 looks just like me, my wife said,
24:24 "This is not your son," whatever.
24:28 But I love it.
24:29 And I love what I do now because I have,
24:31 I really have a purpose, not that I didn't have before.
24:34 But I was endeavored to be a star,
24:36 a super star, a celebrity.
24:39 God is a star of the show.
24:41 Yes.
24:42 You know, and allow Him...
24:44 and He promised, didn't He promised us, Yvonne?
24:46 He said, "I'll supply all your needs.
24:49 You take care of my kingdom,"
24:51 and now I'm a kingdom builder.
24:53 I'm involved in my church,
24:55 I'm now working with the Bible worker
24:58 and we're going out
24:59 and we're knocking on the doors,
25:01 can you imagine that,
25:02 we're knocking on doors.
25:04 Yeah, you look like the JW's,
25:07 we're out there,
25:08 and we're knocking on doors
25:10 and do you know we have a Tuesday night Bible study
25:12 and it is packed.
25:14 And then, 'cause the only way you're gonna build this church
25:17 it's not through music, music is wonderful.
25:19 But going and connecting with people
25:22 and then I had to ask myself
25:23 and I hope I'm not getting too spiritual here.
25:25 No, no, no, this is great.
25:28 But I'm just telling you, I'm telling you right now that,
25:30 that... The Spirit spoke to me again.
25:33 And so my wife sometimes, she thinks it's gas,
25:35 but I say, "It's not gas, it's the Spirit."
25:38 Stop.
25:39 So the Spirit spoke to me again.
25:41 Guess what He told me? What?
25:44 In the last three years,
25:46 how many people have grown under the water,
25:49 come to know Jesus Christ
25:50 because of your personal ministry?
25:52 Yvonne, I hung my head.
25:55 So He was asking you basically,
25:58 what have you done to bring souls to me?
26:02 'Cause there're people with those crowns.
26:04 Right. You're not going by yourself.
26:06 Right.
26:07 And I had to think about that.
26:09 And do you know what that promoted really within me?
26:12 What? To study.
26:14 To be able to explain what I believe in the Word of God.
26:20 And then make it very interesting.
26:22 So that it would be receptive
26:24 and you know, we were out evangelizing
26:28 and I actually say canvassing really.
26:33 And some of the guys who were basically dealing drugs,
26:39 basically setup a Bible study.
26:42 So, you know, going for the Bible...
26:44 We went to one home and the lady had a...
26:47 She was pregnant, she had a hole in her mattress,
26:50 a big hole.
26:51 When we got a mattress
26:52 and got the box string, everything.
26:56 See people, you know,
26:58 it's easier minister people,
27:00 when you're meeting temporal needs.
27:02 A man can't hear if he's hungry
27:04 and his stomach is growling,
27:06 it's hard to really hear your message.
27:07 That's right.
27:09 But they're more inclined to come to your church.
27:11 You know, just not giving handouts
27:14 but providing temporal needs, the things that they need.
27:16 So a lot of what I did has changed
27:20 in the last two or three years.
27:23 And my church has been incredible
27:25 in helping me restructure what I do.
27:28 And I'm having more impact. Oh, that's right.
27:30 People say something different about you,
27:32 I can't put my finger,
27:33 but you're just so nice and you're so calm and...
27:37 Well, I'm not trying to prove anything.
27:40 I know who I am.
27:41 There's all I can promise that
27:42 if you don't know who you are, then anyone can name you,
27:45 and everybody can name you,
27:46 you may answer to just anything.
27:48 And you know what on that? I belong to Jesus.
27:51 That is great.
27:53 And on that we have to end, I can't believe our time is up.
27:56 Thank you so much for being with us
27:58 and thank you, for joining us.
28:00 Join us next time
28:02 'cause it just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2017-02-21