Urban Report

Interview with Ryan Mack

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jason Bradley (Host), Yvonne Lewis, Ryan Mack


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000224A

00:01 Have you ever been so broke that it just didn't make sense?
00:04 Well, stay tuned to meet the host
00:06 of Dare to Dream's New Money Management Program.
00:08 My name is Jason Bradley
00:10 and you are watching Urban Report.
00:36 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:38 My guests today are Dr. Yvonne Lewis and Ryan Mack.
00:41 Our primary host Ryan Mack is a frequent contributor
00:44 to CNN and CNBC.
00:47 He received the top 40 under 40 Achievement award
00:49 from the Network Journal, and received Tom Joyner's
00:52 Hardest Working Financial Advisor Award
00:55 because of his efforts to empower the community
00:57 with the crucial life skills of financial literacy.
01:00 And Dr. Yvonne Lewis, the general manager
01:03 of the Dare to Dream Network
01:04 is playing a supporting role by asking questions
01:07 that represent the viewer's concerns.
01:09 I had the privilege of interviewing them
01:11 on the set of Dollars & Cents.
01:13 Let's take a look.
01:16 I'm here on the set of Dollars & Cents
01:18 with two very special people, Ryan Mack, and a woman
01:22 that is so near and dear to my heart,
01:25 she raised me, my mother, Yvonne Lewis.
01:29 So good to be here with you all.
01:31 Thank you.
01:32 Yes, yes, you're a good mom.
01:34 Thank you, honey
01:35 'cause you're sitting right next to me, right?
01:39 Now I am so excited about this program because you know,
01:42 a lot of people have, have questions about finances.
01:48 Ryan, why don't you start
01:49 by giving us a little bit of your background?
01:51 Well, I'm from Detroit, Michigan.
01:54 And, well, thank you for having me
01:56 on here first of all.
01:57 It's been a great, I think Dare to Dream
01:59 is a premiere network, worthy of support
02:02 and is on the cutting edge of solutions
02:05 which is, what I'm always proud to be a part of.
02:08 So from Detroit, Michigan,
02:10 I went to University of Michigan.
02:12 Worked for Wall Street for about six years,
02:14 started my own financial planning company,
02:17 from that I ended up going to, starting a nonprofit,
02:21 wrote a few books, I've done some CNN work,
02:25 and contributing and teaching about financial literacy.
02:28 And along the way I found out that,
02:31 that the word works
02:32 when it comes to teaching financial literacy.
02:35 And I had been exposed to it before,
02:38 I hadn't really thought about applying the Bible
02:42 to financial literacy before.
02:44 But I read a book called by Lee Jenkins
02:48 establishing a financial literacy
02:50 for African-American community based on biblical principles.
02:53 Never I consider that, I said, wow, this is something amazing.
02:57 And, but it only makes sense
02:58 because the word actually can be applied to everything.
03:03 And so, if God is a God of all alpha and omega,
03:06 then the word is,
03:08 should be applied to everything.
03:09 So, I started to really do a lot of research
03:13 and since then everything that I have taught
03:15 in financial literacy has been based on the Bible
03:18 in every venue so,
03:20 and that's what the Dollars & Cents
03:21 really is all about, so.
03:24 And what would you say about Dollars & Cents?
03:26 You know, we at Dare to Dream, we want to have solutions
03:32 as Ryan said, this is a, this is a network of solutions.
03:36 And so, what we've done is to look at what was going on
03:39 in the African-American community
03:42 and actually across the country,
03:44 across the world there are issues about money.
03:47 Money is mentioned so many times in the Bible
03:50 and we can now take this information,
03:53 these principles and apply it to everyday life,
03:57 so to me this program
03:59 along with our Take it to the Bank program
04:01 that we have with Cordell Thomas,
04:03 we again are placing these programs
04:08 at the feet of our viewers and saying, look,
04:10 these programs can help you in everyday life,
04:13 it's practical Christianity.
04:15 Absolutely.
04:16 They can help you in everyday life.
04:18 The answers are in the Word,
04:19 and one of the things I love about this program
04:21 when I'm co-hosting this program
04:23 which is why I'm here on the set with you today.
04:25 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
04:29 It gives us a real glimpse of biblical principles
04:34 and the application to our finances.
04:37 And for me, I mean, I've learned so much
04:39 from this program just sitting here
04:42 listening to what Ryan has been saying,
04:45 I've learned so much about all these different areas
04:48 financially and how the Bible is relevant
04:50 because we always talk about that on Dare to Dream
04:53 that the Bible is relevant,
04:55 and we can't just compartmentalize
04:57 and put the Bible over here and life over here.
05:00 No, Jesus wants to be a part of every facet of our lives.
05:04 And so, this program to me is just,
05:07 it's such a blessing and again it's a way for us
05:11 to get into the homes of people,
05:14 get into their hearts,
05:15 turn them to Jesus Christ
05:17 and show them the Bible is, is the answer,
05:20 it has the answer to your questions.
05:23 Amen.
05:24 Well, yeah, this is definitely a very powerful program,
05:28 very action packed with a wealth of information,
05:32 and finances again is something
05:34 that plagues a lot of communities,
05:36 plagues a lot of people
05:39 and I see you have written a book.
05:44 You need to write one on time management
05:45 because the stuff that you named,
05:48 CNN and all that stuff, writing books,
05:52 and traveling and speaking and all these things,
05:54 you should think about writing a book on time management.
05:56 Well, possibly I mean, you see the surface,
05:59 you don't see this iceberg underneath
06:01 so we all have our flaws.
06:04 We all have our shortcomings but praise God, I'm still here.
06:07 Amen.
06:08 And you know the Word of God
06:10 calls for us to be good stewards.
06:12 And that's another great thing about this program is,
06:15 is you are providing solutions,
06:17 you guys are providing practical tools.
06:20 And like you said, it is practical Christianity,
06:22 not only can I read what is found in the Word
06:27 but I can apply it to my life.
06:28 So I'm not merely professing Christianity
06:30 but living it and walking it too.
06:33 What are some of the things
06:35 that our viewers can expect in terms of some topics
06:39 that are covered?
06:41 Some, a little breakdown without giving them
06:44 the whole key to the Wall Street.
06:47 I think, well,
06:48 we have to really understand is this, right?
06:50 We are in an economic situation right now
06:54 that a lot of individuals are leaving check to Tuesday,
06:58 okay?
06:59 And for far too long we look towards our televisions
07:04 and the focus has been on what others can do for us,
07:07 okay?
07:08 We're asking of others,
07:10 we're asking of this politician,
07:11 or asking of this corporation, we're asking of that,
07:14 but far too many times are we really asking of Christ,
07:19 who gives power to us to make our own decisions,
07:22 to be empowered, to move ourselves forward.
07:24 And Christ has given us so much.
07:27 We don't have to keep asking for this
07:29 and that from everywhere else, there is one source.
07:32 And if we just continue to go to that one source,
07:34 everything will start turning out okay, but we,
07:37 I think and we neglect that, and when we, I mean,
07:40 just to be candid we've gotten through a political season now
07:43 where everyone's focus on this office and that office
07:47 and this and that,
07:48 and we're losing focus of the true sight,
07:51 isn't it right?
07:52 Christ wants us to live a life of abundance
07:55 and live abundantly.
07:56 Christ wants us to be diligent with our finances.
07:59 Christ wants us to be happy and to be content,
08:01 and to be empowered, but we're not asking,
08:05 we're not asking Christ what He wants.
08:06 We're asking the politician
08:08 of what they're wanting from us.
08:10 So it's the wrong person to be asking when we're asking
08:13 what this politician can do.
08:14 So this show really is all about getting back
08:16 to the basics of what we're supposed to do.
08:18 I'm thankful for being here, for the simple fact
08:21 that I can take the gloves off on this show
08:23 and I don't have to hide.
08:25 I don't have to try to
08:27 and we shouldn't do it in any way,
08:29 but, you know, and to be candid
08:32 and maybe this is a flaw of mine.
08:34 Sometimes you try to not be so upfront
08:37 about your love for Christ.
08:38 And what you try to,
08:39 well, maybe it's not politically correct and,
08:41 you know, there is a war on what we feel
08:45 and how we view things.
08:47 And I get to be real about how I feel about my love
08:50 and my passion for Christ and what He's done for me.
08:53 And to really just demonstrate,
08:55 topic such as how do we empower our families?
08:58 And using...
09:00 how do we budget wisely?
09:01 How do we invest?
09:03 How do we empower ourselves by getting our credit together?
09:08 How do we make sure that we can get...
09:11 make sure that I talked about budgeting before
09:13 but it's so many topics.
09:15 Unemployment. Unemployment, yes, yes.
09:16 Yeah. Just great topics.
09:18 Yes, so we try to be as comprehensive as possible.
09:21 And we try to make it where we had topics
09:24 that are that we can, that have a deep dive,
09:27 financial predators was a deep dive topic.
09:30 I really like that.
09:31 Want you to touch on that a little bit because on,
09:34 on that particular episode you talked about
09:36 how to avoid the pitfalls of these financial predators,
09:40 how they're preying on individuals?
09:41 Well, there are lot of individuals
09:43 who want us to remain ignorant.
09:45 And there are lot of individuals
09:47 who want us to, to not learn.
09:49 And they have a vested interest in keeping us in poverty.
09:53 And the bottom line is,
09:55 there's $360 billion worth of business being garnered
09:58 from check cashing, payday loans, title loans,
10:01 cash advances rental realms, rental weave stores,
10:04 we talked about rental weave stores.
10:08 I cannot but laugh every time I hear that.
10:10 Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
10:12 I know that weave is, is huge. Yes.
10:15 That's weave with the V not a D.
10:17 Okay, weave. Weave, it's huge.
10:21 But, but you can rent weave.
10:24 Yeah, you can, you can, finance weaves,
10:28 and there's an ability to essentially pay
10:32 for those individuals who can't afford their weave.
10:35 You can take out a loan and it's pretty pricey,
10:37 it could be over 200% interest in terms of that weave.
10:41 And you can pay for that weave in a, I'm not,
10:45 not going to anybody having a weave,
10:47 if you have one I know many individuals who do
10:50 but the thing is that, if you can't afford it,
10:52 you don't need to buy it.
10:54 You know, this time we go natural.
10:56 You know, this is time to be natural, you know.
10:58 And I'm not trying to tell you what to do,
11:00 what to do but maybe I am, okay?
11:04 But it's just time to be natural because we,
11:07 we have so many other things.
11:09 And our communities right now are suffering.
11:11 Yes.
11:12 The pawnshops right now are filled,
11:15 and are filled, it all depends on the month.
11:18 People are going to,
11:19 the pawnshop is a new bank in many of our communities.
11:21 Wow.
11:23 Where they will go
11:24 and they will buy a fur coat in the fall,
11:29 they'll wear it in the winter, they pawn it in,
11:32 they pawn it in the spring and then pay for it
11:34 in the summer just to do it over again,
11:36 so in a bank they've been paying for this fur coat over
11:39 and over and over, and over again.
11:42 So what we have to do is recognize
11:44 that as long as those individuals
11:46 who continue to exploit us,
11:48 and long as we don't live by the principles
11:51 that Christ has laid out for us,
11:53 then we will never get up from under the foot of those
11:57 who want to continue to make sure
11:59 that we have a vested interest
12:00 in a perpetual underclass of society being impoverished.
12:05 And our mission should be as a community not just my,
12:09 not just, not just,
12:10 our mission as a community collectively should be
12:13 how do we put these types of businesses out of business
12:17 using the principles that Christ has laid out.
12:20 If we do that, well, they'll start to recognize
12:22 that because not a black thing
12:24 or a brown thing or white thing,
12:25 it's a green thing, and they're attacking
12:28 our communities based upon what they perceive
12:30 as low credit communities,
12:32 impoverished communities,
12:34 people who are attracted to instant gratification
12:38 as opposed to delay gratification.
12:39 So all these things the word talks about
12:41 and we outlined on the show principles that the Bible says,
12:46 don't act hasty, be patient,
12:49 make sure you budget wisely
12:51 and count the cost of your tower
12:52 before you build it.
12:54 How to make sure that we can love one another and have true,
12:58 true value so that we're not influenced by marketing
13:02 to make us purchase something that we can't afford
13:04 in the first place.
13:06 So all of these things we'll be really getting
13:07 into over a long run.
13:08 You brought out some excellent tips on the marketing
13:10 and the psychology behind it.
13:12 Yes.
13:13 And I want to touch on that in just a minute.
13:16 But it's interesting when you look
13:17 and you see the different mindset,
13:19 you see how people think like you see some really,
13:22 really rich wealthy people.
13:25 And they might be in some beat up jeans,
13:27 beat up shoes and getting out of an old 80 something,
13:32 Honda Civic or Honda Accord
13:34 or something like that, something old
13:35 because they're not worried about showing their wealth.
13:38 Warren Buffett still lives in the first house he bought.
13:41 Really? Wow.
13:42 The first house he ever bought, the small house in Omaha,
13:46 still lives in the exact same house.
13:48 Little small house, not big at all,
13:50 him and his wife,
13:52 and he can afford to have a huge house,
13:55 still lives in the same house because it's not necessary,
13:58 he doesn't need it, he doesn't let society dictate
14:01 what he should have based upon his work.
14:03 And I think that's,
14:05 I think that's living Christ like to me.
14:06 Absolutely.
14:08 That $360 billion dollar price tag,
14:13 that's associated with the exploitation of the poor.
14:17 People in the inner city Appalachia, I mean,
14:20 these folks, the Bible says, you know,
14:23 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
14:25 Well, they prey on the ignorance
14:28 and that's what you were talking
14:29 about in the program,
14:31 that these businesses prey on the ignorance of the people
14:34 that live there, and so,
14:36 if you're never used to dealing with the bank,
14:38 you're going to think that I just...
14:41 all I know is going to the check cashing place.
14:44 What do I do at the bank?
14:45 I don't know, I don't have an account,
14:47 I don't know what to do,
14:48 but that's why these programs are so important,
14:51 because we need to, we need to renew our minds,
14:57 be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
15:00 And so, this information is transforming,
15:04 it's really transforming.
15:05 You know, it was, it was rich.
15:07 I mean, and you have to apply the knowledge
15:09 that you receive too.
15:11 Knowledge without application is pointless.
15:13 Right. You know, it's just like...
15:16 Just merely professing Christianity, you know,
15:18 everything that the Bible says but let,
15:21 but yet someone lives their lifestyle contrary
15:25 to what the word says.
15:26 I think knowledge without application is just vanity.
15:30 I think it's really...
15:31 We both didn't know.
15:33 That's why, that's why you're my mom.
15:34 Right.
15:36 Just think about it if you just learned something,
15:38 just for the sake of learning something without using it
15:40 to empower or to use it for the benefit of others,
15:43 it just, it's really just about vanity.
15:46 If you look at and how I learned
15:47 that really exemplified that from the Civil Rights era.
15:52 We had, you know, look at Thurgood Marshall,
15:55 one of the most brilliant attorneys
15:57 on the face of this planet,
15:59 right, and I knock on wood because...
16:00 Yeah, I know, we do it again, I know.
16:03 But, one of the most brilliant attorneys ever, right,
16:05 and but he didn't just learn about law
16:08 just we can brag about learning about law.
16:11 He learned about law, so he can integrate society.
16:13 He learned about law so he can help pass critical legislation
16:16 and help pass critical, not legislation
16:19 but judicial decisions
16:20 that will impact society for the long run.
16:23 And so as we start to really learn about the word,
16:27 mean that the God wants us, you know,
16:29 I love what obviously the words
16:30 and fine talk but must think of action and sincerity.
16:33 Faith without works is bad being alone.
16:35 So all of these things that the God wants us
16:37 to take this information and show it to the world
16:40 into the ends of the earth and to making sure
16:43 that we are applying this and using it
16:46 for the greater good of society.
16:48 Absolutely, and it's amazing to
16:51 and you know, this could be a biased opinion,
16:53 it might not me.
16:56 But it's amazing to see the information
16:58 that is being shared on this program.
17:01 I mean, this is stuff that people keep
17:03 within the community, within their community
17:05 or that rich people keep to themselves,
17:08 but it's just been shared
17:10 and you guys are equipping people with the tools,
17:15 stuff that's invaluable, invaluable information.
17:18 Praise the Lord.
17:19 What are some more things
17:20 that you have taken away from this program?
17:22 You know, for me it's...
17:26 I'm not like miss financially aware.
17:30 You know what I mean,
17:32 like the Lord has allowed me to have money
17:34 during my lifetime and I'm grateful for that.
17:38 But if I knew then what I know now
17:42 and some of the things that I've learned on this program,
17:44 I really think things would have been better for me,
17:48 like I, I had a foreclosure years ago,
17:52 had with the IRS issues I mean, all these stuff, yeah...
17:56 About that story.
17:58 Not to interrupt you but I remember being a kid
18:01 when that happened and I was telling my friends
18:03 like, yeah, we just had a foreclosure and everything.
18:06 I had no idea what I was saying...
18:08 You're right. Not a thing.
18:11 People got disappointed.
18:12 I had no idea what a foreclosure was.
18:14 Yeah, just been foreclosure looking at all of that stuff.
18:19 Yeah, you should get a foreclosure,
18:21 you know, I had no idea.
18:24 It's funny because kids don't really realize
18:27 like the seriousness of it.
18:29 But that was a really hard thing
18:33 and learning more about,
18:37 you know, I see God's hand in allowing it
18:40 because I've been went to a place that I could afford,
18:44 you know, that the Lord not just I want a place,
18:46 He provided a place that I could afford.
18:49 And I had IRS issues and all these things
18:52 and I say this,
18:54 not because I have some need to share my business
18:58 but because people are going through all of this...
19:01 It's rough times out there.
19:03 It's real and it's hard
19:04 and but people have to also know,
19:07 that if you are going through this,
19:09 if you are dealing with this that,
19:11 God does have a plan
19:13 that He's not going to leave you
19:14 during your wilderness period.
19:16 And He will bring you through,
19:18 so some of the things that I hear Ryan alluding to,
19:24 it's just, it resonates with me,
19:26 because I went through
19:27 some of those really hard times myself
19:30 and yet, I am a living testimony
19:32 that God will see you through
19:34 that He will not ever leave you or forsake you.
19:37 And then He does have a plan for your life.
19:40 And so, but these tools are,
19:43 and that's what this is with this program,
19:46 its tools to get you through these hard times.
19:51 Like for instance we talked about,
19:53 you know, the whole McDonald's, right?
19:56 Lot of individuals who protest McDonald's
19:59 for not paying $15 an hour.
20:03 Is God asking you to protest all day?
20:06 Or is God asking you to go get educated,
20:08 so you can demand higher wages.
20:11 I mean, think about it and it to me...
20:14 We can't help you. We can't help you, yeah.
20:19 To me, it's just okay,
20:21 I get it if you want to protest for higher wages that's fine,
20:24 but at the same time you're not.
20:28 The world is asking you to be angry at something.
20:31 And it's easy to be angry at something
20:33 as opposed to
20:35 go for an actual tangible solution towards something.
20:37 It's easy to be against something
20:39 to than to be for something.
20:41 So this is why is, we... Christianity just be blunt.
20:46 Christianity is being a tag
20:48 and I believe purely for the sake that
20:51 Christians believe in something greater.
20:54 They have confidence because God gives it to them.
20:57 And so when you have that confidence, right?
21:00 That confidence
21:01 you know that tomorrow is going to be a better brighter day,
21:03 so you are not worried about it.
21:05 But the world wants you to be upset about it.
21:07 The world wants you to be upset and angry.
21:10 They want you to be venomous
21:11 and they want you to be have hatred and bitterness
21:13 because and they're like, wait a minute,
21:15 why are you not as bitter as I am?
21:18 Why are you not as bitter
21:19 because I can't get from this person...
21:21 Why are you not protesting and angry
21:24 and walking and joining these,
21:27 these resistance movements and all these things,
21:29 we're going to put all these things together
21:31 because we don't want to find a job,
21:33 we want to be angry.
21:34 So why are you not doing that
21:35 and you sit back and you're calm,
21:37 and you're okay because why?
21:39 Because God is giving you and God got it under control.
21:42 And you follow on those principles,
21:44 so they must say, we're going to have to attack them.
21:46 We got to attack those principles.
21:48 We have to attack Christianity.
21:49 We got to make it very inconvenient
21:50 for them to practice it.
21:52 We have to make it where they can't,
21:54 that they'd have to be angry at me,
21:56 so Christianity has to be the one.
21:58 So we go and we turn on shows like Bill Maher,
22:01 and they start saying that
22:02 you must be a fool for believing,
22:03 you must be an idiot for believing
22:05 or having faith in something greater than you
22:08 because you're not, you're not an atheist
22:10 and you're believing and they start,
22:11 you know, chastising, snakes and trees
22:14 and apples and all those types of things
22:16 and you must be an idiot for even talking like that,
22:19 and meanwhile they're angry,
22:22 all that men are so angry.
22:23 It's true.
22:24 Why is that, you know.
22:26 And why people who have faith, who might be,
22:28 you know have faith would live under a bridge.
22:30 I've met a homeless person who was happy
22:32 living under the bridge originally
22:33 because he had faith got from up under that bridge.
22:36 But when he was living under a bridge he was happy.
22:39 He got from up under that bridge
22:40 got his own home,
22:42 start to become a successful and he was still happy.
22:45 And he was in a same state up under the bridge
22:47 than he was when he was living in the house, why?
22:49 Because of Christ, right?
22:51 Come on now, come on.
22:52 I love it. I love it.
22:53 Well, this is what the show is about, right?
22:56 This is what the show is about and I'm just...
22:59 I like to be in a place where I can be free,
23:03 take the gloves off
23:04 and just say this is what it is.
23:06 You might not like it but it's not for you
23:09 this is, this is what Christ has done,
23:10 I didn't do this,
23:12 this is not, I didn't, I didn't cause this.
23:14 Yes.
23:15 So y'all might not, you might disagree or agree with it
23:18 but this is what Christ has done for me
23:20 and we're gonna talk about it
23:21 and He's not going anywhere. Yeah.
23:23 You know, I love, oh, excuse me...
23:25 That's all right.
23:26 I was just going to say that true joy, true peace,
23:29 everything that's genuine,
23:30 that's genuinely good comes from Christ.
23:33 You know, the devil tries to manifest counterfeits,
23:36 that's what he does.
23:38 And he'll make you think that if you're rich
23:41 or you reach a certain status
23:43 or, you know, you're going to be happy.
23:46 But you can be as, as rich as,
23:49 I won't even name a name
23:51 but whoever and be miserable,
23:54 you know, you look at some of these people on TV
23:56 and they're absolutely miserable
23:58 and they're super rich
24:00 because they don't have Christ.
24:04 The thing that I was going to say
24:05 that you said, that you so eloquently stated
24:08 and I just really agree with this is,
24:12 instead of protesting about it,
24:15 take some action to change your status.
24:19 You can change your status
24:20 not just, not just,
24:22 we're not saying that people should never protest.
24:24 No, what we're saying is, take responsibility
24:28 for what you are doing for where you are.
24:31 It doesn't mean
24:33 that you're discounting institutionalized issues
24:37 and systemic issues,
24:38 that's not what we're saying.
24:40 We're saying though that you can be a...
24:45 your decision maker.
24:47 You make the decision, you make the choice
24:49 and you act on it, act on it.
24:52 Okay, what this show is about
24:54 is having an expanded conversation, okay?
24:58 This conversation for far too long
25:00 has been in a narrow lane
25:03 about who put us here,
25:06 who's the reason that we're impoverished,
25:08 we want to attack those individuals,
25:10 we must blame these people,
25:12 we must march against these individuals,
25:14 this is their fault,
25:16 we are the victims
25:18 and we have to do something
25:20 to dedicate all of our time and lives,
25:22 and dedication and energy towards fighting them.
25:24 What this program is saying, okay, fine,
25:27 that's how you want to live that do your thing,
25:30 keep protesting that's been, but expand this conversation
25:34 to include Christ,
25:36 expand this conversation to include Christ.
25:38 Christ which says, "I'm going to put some action behind it."
25:41 Protest from 9 to 10
25:46 but go to the community college from 10 to 12
25:48 to get that education.
25:50 Come on. There you go.
25:51 And then from 2 to 4
25:53 maybe you go and you mentor some child in a school
25:55 because that person needs to be exposed to something.
25:57 And maybe from 4 to 6 you start your business
25:59 or put your business plan together,
26:00 there from 6 to 8
26:02 you repent from all the time you wasted doing nothing.
26:09 But this is, this is what we have,
26:10 we have to get to the level of an expanded conversation
26:13 that gets beyond this whole blame
26:16 to why we can move ourselves forward.
26:20 Solutions.
26:21 And Christ, there is no better solution than Christ.
26:23 That's right.
26:24 Who provides us everything we need,
26:26 so then we take from that and then we...
26:28 then you find yourself not protesting.
26:30 I was talking to an individual,
26:32 who said, you know what,
26:36 and he said, and he was, he was, he was a black guy
26:38 who's living in Detroit
26:40 and he says, "I don't, I don't have time
26:42 to really protest right now because I'm running a business.
26:46 Think about that.
26:48 You know, he owned the business.
26:49 Wow.
26:51 And this is what it's about
26:52 and that, and he was a Christ believer as well.
26:55 Amen.
26:57 I'm so excited for our viewers to get a hold to this program,
27:01 to watch this program,
27:03 to find out and learn the tools
27:05 that they can apply to their everyday lives.
27:07 And to take a look in the mirror
27:09 in a God's word and apply it every day.
27:12 Thank you so much for being with us.
27:14 Thank you.
27:15 Thank you.
27:16 Thank you, my brother, I appreciate you.
27:19 Wow, you know for me the most impressive feature
27:21 of this program is the application
27:23 of biblical principles to financial success.
27:26 It really demonstrates
27:28 the relevance of the Bible to our everyday lives.
27:31 I encourage you to grab your family,
27:33 a pen and paper and watch Dollars & Cents.
27:36 And if you miss any of them,
27:38 they can be purchased from our call center
27:39 during regular business hours
27:41 or watched on demand on the mySDA TV box.
27:44 Check our Dare to Dream schedule
27:46 for airing dates and times.
27:49 Make sure that you catch this program.
27:51 If you want to be on track to financial success,
27:54 you need to watch this.
27:55 Well, we've reached the end of another program.
27:58 Join us next time and remember,
28:00 just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2017-04-20