Urban Report

City Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR190014A

00:01 Would you dedicate your wedding gifts to ministry?
00:03 Well stay tuned to meet a couple
00:05 who did just that.
00:06 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:07 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:32 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:34 My guests today are Michael Edwards
00:36 The 7th Scroll President
00:38 and his wife Joanna-Marie Edwards,
00:41 The 7th Scroll Secretary.
00:43 Welcome to Urban Report, guys.
00:44 Thank you for having us, Jason.
00:46 It's great to have you. I think I can reach you.
00:49 It's great to have you here.
00:50 You know, I've had the opportunity
00:52 and privilege of sitting down with you
00:54 on a 3ABN Today program
00:57 and just hearing a little bit about your journey
00:59 and The 7th Scroll ministry.
01:03 And I really want to introduce you guys
01:06 to our Dare to Dream viewers.
01:08 So we'll start with you.
01:10 And just tell us a little bit about your background?
01:14 I was raised in the church,
01:16 has been an Adventist my entire life.
01:19 And I got to a point in my life
01:21 where I was just finishing up college
01:24 and really looking for some guidance,
01:26 not just professionally but spiritually.
01:29 And that's where I met Joe.
01:32 I met Joe... Okay.
01:33 We met on Facebook.
01:36 I wouldn't recommend it to be a site
01:39 where you should look for a prospective mate.
01:43 But it just so happened that God allowed us
01:45 to cross paths on Facebook.
01:47 And it was a great time.
01:49 Just because we were both looking
01:51 for that guidance spiritually.
01:52 And both of us being raised in the church,
01:54 it was a perfect opportunity for us
01:57 to tap back into our roots together.
01:59 Nice. Nice.
02:00 And so how did you guys met on Facebook?
02:04 How did that take place?
02:07 We have different versions.
02:10 But my version is that I,
02:14 we don't know how we became friends
02:15 on Facebook.
02:16 I would like to think he friended me and...
02:21 And I accepted.
02:23 And I just like the status of his
02:26 and then he perused all of my pictures and...
02:32 Okay, I have to be on the lookout
02:35 for somebody likes my status
02:36 is what you're saying on Facebook
02:38 is that how it works?
02:40 I mean, I guess that's probably how it's gonna work.
02:42 Okay, okay.
02:45 And tell me a little bit about your background?
02:47 Well, I was born in Trinidad
02:49 and I came up here when I was pretty young,
02:53 about two years old.
02:54 And I've also been in the church
02:57 but you don't take God as serious,
03:02 especially when you're younger.
03:03 And so when I met Mike,
03:07 we had our own issues going on in our lives.
03:11 And, you know, we really said, "Let's get serious.
03:15 Let's start reading our Bible more.
03:17 Let's start praying more."
03:18 And that's what we did.
03:19 Nice. Nice.
03:21 And here you are married today.
03:22 Yes.
03:24 Amen.
03:25 So tell me about The 7th Scroll Ministry.
03:27 What is it all about?
03:28 And how did it get started?
03:29 All right, well, so it got started.
03:32 Kind of when Joe and I met,
03:34 we weren't officially an organization
03:36 or even a ministry
03:38 but as Joe was saying,
03:40 we were looking for that spiritual guidance.
03:42 And as we began praying and reading more,
03:45 God began giving me dreams.
03:47 And in these dreams,
03:48 He speaking to me and kind of draw me closer to Him
03:52 until one day couple months later,
03:54 I audibly heard His voice.
03:56 I'm at worship,
03:57 and at the worship table, and I'm reading my Bible
04:01 and I can hear God's voice literally telling me,
04:04 "I want you to start a bus ministry."
04:06 Wow!
04:07 And I had no idea how to start a bus ministry,
04:10 what that would look like.
04:11 So I called Joe.
04:13 And I said, "Joe, you'll never believe it.
04:14 I heard a voice tell me start a bus ministry."
04:19 So Joe was all in.
04:22 And she thought the idea was a little crazy.
04:27 I think any normal person would.
04:29 Yeah, right.
04:32 But we asked God for some real help.
04:35 And Proverbs tells us in a multitude of counselors
04:38 there's safety.
04:39 And so at church,
04:41 God put us around a beautiful support group of people
04:43 who when we shared this vision of God
04:45 audibly telling me this,
04:48 they were all on board and ready to support it.
04:50 And that's a huge blessing right there because, you know,
04:52 a lot of times you can have a vision,
04:55 but you don't have very much support in that vision.
04:57 So that's a huge blessing right there.
05:00 They were key.
05:01 And so we formed as a nonprofit organization,
05:05 and our charitable service would be the bus ministry.
05:09 And we in sharing this,
05:11 in this charitable service of this bus ministry
05:13 we'll be sharing the everlasting gospel.
05:15 And also our personal testimony on how we got to this point.
05:19 Now we have several pictures
05:20 where we're gonna show what the bus looks like.
05:23 This is a nice bus.
05:24 Right.
05:26 And then we also have,
05:28 you know, pictures with people on the bus
05:31 and everything and...
05:32 So we dedicated the bus, July 27, 2013,
05:37 our pastor then Pastor Penn
05:39 and our elder then Elder Cox pivotal
05:43 along with our church family
05:44 and kind of moving this forward.
05:47 And we are first day on the road was July 27.
05:50 Okay. Oh, 29 sorry, 2013...
05:51 Okay.
05:53 And it was a great day.
05:55 I was crying the whole time
05:57 because I couldn't believe
05:59 that something that God told me in private became so real.
06:04 And it was a blessing just...
06:06 You were seeing His will carried out in your life,
06:09 His plan that He had for you was being fulfilled.
06:12 You took that step out on faith.
06:14 Faith, it was a huge faith leap.
06:17 And it was amazing.
06:18 But before we were able to even get the bus on to the road,
06:22 God was impressing Joe and I to get married.
06:25 And we couldn't quite understand the correlation
06:27 between getting married and getting a bus on the road.
06:31 And as we would share this with our support group,
06:37 who's now our board members,
06:39 they didn't quite understand it either.
06:41 But they were under the impression
06:44 that if God is telling you to get married,
06:47 then we should follow Him.
06:49 Yes.
06:50 And, you know, 1 Samuel tells us,
06:52 "Obedience is always better than sacrifice."
06:55 So we continued down the path of marriage
06:57 and we wanted to plan more
06:59 and seek more money for wedding.
07:02 But God was really impressing us to get married.
07:05 So we invited all our family and friends.
07:08 And we told them, "Look, we're not really interested in,
07:11 you know, monetary gifts or any gifts for that matter.
07:13 Just please just come and share this moment with us.
07:15 You're just so special."
07:17 But they still showered us with gifts.
07:18 And again, we're appreciative for that
07:20 but we found out later on,
07:23 a couple months later that when we found a bus
07:26 how important it was for us
07:27 to actually get married at the time that we did
07:30 because all of the money from that bus.
07:33 I mean, sorry, from the wedding actually paid for the bus.
07:38 Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
07:39 Okay, okay, so you took the gifts,
07:43 the money that was given to you for your wedding
07:46 as wedding presents.
07:48 And you invested that into ministry for the bus?
07:53 Yeah. Wow.
07:55 Yeah. Wow.
07:56 And it was something
07:58 that we didn't really have to think twice about.
08:00 Yeah.
08:01 Joe and I was on the same page about it.
08:04 And we were just so happy that God gave us an opportunity
08:07 to give back to Him what He gave to us.
08:10 That says a lot about your dedication
08:11 to the ministry
08:13 and the calling that was placed on.
08:16 So what took place on this bus?
08:19 So on the bus, we will allow people
08:20 to come on and offer free
08:22 and on the bus we would have TVs
08:24 and we will be sharing sermons, will share heavenly music,
08:30 everything that was bringing people
08:32 back to a relationship with Christ.
08:34 We will also have lots of books, Bibles, DVDs,
08:38 tracts on the bus
08:40 that we'll be giving out to the riders as they come on.
08:42 Wow!
08:44 And we ran this bus.
08:46 If you know New York City's extremely busy.
08:48 It is. It is.
08:50 Almost 10 million residents in New York City.
08:54 And so we'll run it up and down
08:56 the busy routes in our city of Brooklyn.
08:59 And as people will come on and off,
09:01 we'll share God's Word with them.
09:03 And if they were so impressed they would leave a donation.
09:05 Wow. Wow.
09:07 So you... Wait a minute.
09:09 So I got to wrap my head around this.
09:12 So you're picking people up,
09:14 you're giving them rides and everything like that.
09:16 And if they were blessed, they would leave a donation.
09:19 Now gas prices in New York City.
09:22 Right.
09:24 Well, really gas prices anywhere now are not cheap.
09:28 But in New York City gas prices are through the roof.
09:31 They are.
09:32 And, but God saw you through? He did.
09:34 Tell me more about the bus?
09:36 So we just really had to trust God
09:37 at every point, every step,
09:40 even down to maintaining the bus.
09:42 You know, purchasing tires for the bus
09:45 was extremely expensive.
09:47 Now one tire can go for over $1,000.
09:49 We had probably about...
09:53 Six. Six to eight tires on the bus.
09:56 So it would definitely require us
09:59 to have dependence on God
10:01 that we probably didn't have before.
10:03 And just having that connection with Him
10:06 was just such a blessing for us
10:09 not just individually, but also as a team.
10:13 And so people will come on and off,
10:16 and we will just share with people the blessings
10:18 that God has given us.
10:19 Amen.
10:21 Joanna, what did your day look like?
10:24 So we woke up really early in the morning.
10:29 We had morning worship,
10:32 and then we will get on the bus for what?
10:38 Five or six hours maybe for morning rush hour.
10:43 Mike will be driving
10:45 and I'll be in the back talking to people.
10:47 We had prayer book,
10:50 and I would in person in prayer, pray with people.
10:53 And it was a blessing.
10:56 We realize that in the prayer book,
10:58 a lot of people's issues
11:00 were either financial or health related.
11:03 And so we really wanted to help in that aspect as well.
11:06 Got you. So financial or health related.
11:09 Tell you what, you have financial problems,
11:11 your health can definitely be impacted
11:13 because stress, anxiety,
11:16 you know, all kinds of things that come as a result of that.
11:20 So when you found out, you know, about these things,
11:25 what did you do?
11:26 You have this information now,
11:29 the finances and health challenges,
11:33 what did you do about it?
11:35 So we remember the Ministry of Healing,
11:38 Jesus outlines for us His method of success.
11:41 So He would mingle with the people,
11:44 understand their needs and then bade them follow Him.
11:47 We noticed that Christ's ministry
11:49 was a very practical one,
11:50 preaching, teaching, and healing.
11:52 And so, if He was going to be of help to the people,
11:56 He wouldn't just give them a theory
11:58 or some sort of abstract idea,
12:01 He would really make it practical.
12:03 And so we prayed and said,
12:05 "Lord, how can we meet the needs of the people
12:07 through health?"
12:08 You know, the bus was great in terms of helping them get
12:11 from point A to point B.
12:13 But if you're still dealing with a health challenge,
12:15 how much more impactful could the gospel be
12:18 if we can meet that health challenge for you?
12:21 So we began coming
12:22 to one of our favorite books Ministry of Healing.
12:25 And the idea of a cooking school came up.
12:28 So we were thinking.
12:30 Now, so okay, so you got the idea of a cooking school.
12:33 But I recall when I was talking to you on
12:37 or interviewing you guys on the today program
12:42 that you said something took place
12:45 that kind of steered you in that direction.
12:48 What happened?
12:50 So as we saw the cooking school
12:53 being a viable option,
12:56 we also saw that people needed food on the spot.
13:00 So we started giving out food on the bus.
13:04 And then it segued into a cooking school.
13:08 But as we had the cooking school going,
13:10 we had our Bible studies going every week,
13:13 we had the bus running full-time.
13:16 And we getting even deeper,
13:17 we're trying to get help people with their lifestyle issues.
13:20 We noticed how overwhelmed we started to feel.
13:23 And as a result,
13:25 we were praying about it, Lord help us.
13:27 We know that, you know, the harvest is plentiful,
13:30 but the laborers are few.
13:32 So, Lord, please help us some way.
13:35 And so as we were coming back from dropping some friends off,
13:38 we pulled into a gas station to refuel.
13:42 And we're right next to a gas pump,
13:45 literally ready to refuel.
13:49 And as we stopped the bus, we turned off the engine.
13:53 We could smell smoke.
13:55 Now it's snowing outside...
13:57 And we actually have before you continue,
13:59 we have a video that we're gonna put up
14:01 and describe that.
14:03 Yeah.
14:06 So we get out.
14:07 Well, before we get out, we smell the smoke.
14:10 Now how the bus was constructed,
14:11 the engine was inside of the bus.
14:14 So we lifted the hood to the engine
14:16 and a huge waft of smoke came out.
14:19 So Joe and I looked at each other,
14:21 we grabbed our coats, and we just darted off the bus,
14:27 just enough time before the bus caught a flame
14:31 and we alerted the attendant
14:34 to kind of shut off the gas valve.
14:35 Yeah.
14:37 And all we could do is just watch the bus burn.
14:39 Man! And...
14:41 That had to be kind of painful to watch here,
14:43 you know, at the beginning the inception,
14:47 you know, getting the bus tears flowing down your face
14:50 because you're excited that, you know,
14:52 God's plan has come into fruition in your life.
14:55 Now you're watching the bus, you know, in flames, on fire.
15:01 What was going through your mind at that time?
15:02 Did you have questions what, I mean?
15:06 And we were just asking why, like, what happened,
15:10 what did we miss?
15:13 But it was a blessing nonetheless.
15:16 When the firefighters actually did take the fire out,
15:21 we went on the bus and Mike's the driver seat,
15:25 my seat was not burned,
15:26 the passenger seats weren't burned.
15:29 The Bibles, books, tracts, nothing was burned.
15:32 It was literally just the front of the bus.
15:37 And so, you know, we really had to...
15:40 Thank God.
15:41 Thank God and now ask Him what to do now.
15:44 Amen.
15:45 You know, in looking at that scenario,
15:47 that situation, the fact that you were asking God like,
15:52 "Okay, well, what's next?"
15:54 Like this isn't the end of ministry.
15:57 And it's interesting that He didn't let
15:59 any of that other like the literature,
16:02 you know, the Bible, all of that stuff,
16:04 none of that burned up.
16:06 So it's not like this is an end to ministry.
16:09 Right.
16:10 This is, I've got something else for you to do.
16:12 Exactly.
16:14 And I think that was the question for us,
16:15 the most pressing question
16:16 over the next couple of weeks, even months.
16:19 We've received a lot of support from the community
16:22 and our local church,
16:23 for people who wanted us
16:25 to get right back out on the bus.
16:26 And as much as we wanted to, we had to think,
16:30 "Well, Lord, what would You want us to do?"
16:32 We understood what we wanted to do
16:35 but we wanna understand what You want us to do.
16:38 And so that took us a little bit of time
16:40 to understand where God was leading us.
16:43 And around that time, Elder Lance Wilbur from Pulse Cafe.
16:46 Okay.
16:47 He sent us Elder Ted Wilson's dissertation
16:51 on urban evangelism in New York City.
16:53 And so we comb through that dissertation,
16:56 and it was highlighting the Bible's view
16:59 and the Spirit of Prophecy's view
17:01 using Jesus example what He would do.
17:04 And we found that in New York City
17:06 health evangelism,
17:07 God wants health evangelism to be paramount.
17:10 And so as we took a step back and kind of evaluated
17:13 where God was taking us up until that point,
17:16 we could see that God was leading us
17:17 in that direction already.
17:19 Yes.
17:20 And so it wasn't the end,
17:21 it was really just the beginning.
17:23 Nice.
17:24 And so we said, "Lord, if this is just the beginning,
17:27 show us what You want us to do
17:28 and how You want us to get it done."
17:30 Wow.
17:31 And so, Joanna, and you were all on board?
17:33 Oh, yeah, I just, you know, I don't know for some reason,
17:37 I just didn't question anything.
17:38 Yeah. Yeah.
17:40 It was just, you know, we got to do it.
17:41 Yeah. Amen.
17:43 When God calls you got to go.
17:45 You got to go.
17:46 And so you made the transition
17:47 into the health and wellness area.
17:50 So now you had cooking classes.
17:52 Cooking classes.
17:54 We began helping people with
17:56 as we look through the surveys of our cooking school,
17:59 we noticed that a lot people were having lifestyle diseases,
18:01 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol.
18:04 And so while the food is a great remedy
18:08 to some of these issues,
18:10 people needed even more direct attention.
18:12 Got you.
18:14 So we began having health consultations with people,
18:16 private health consultations
18:17 to truly, really help them on this journey.
18:19 Yes.
18:21 And so, it was a blessing,
18:23 just being able to work with people one on one.
18:25 Yeah.
18:27 And so that that hands on type of experience,
18:31 you know, so these weren't hereditary.
18:34 These were kind of like
18:35 self-inflicted health problems...
18:37 Most of the time.
18:38 Due to diet and lack of exercise
18:40 and all of that stuff, huh.
18:42 Huh-huh. Yeah.
18:43 Okay, so what, when they go to the cooking class,
18:47 you know, are they cooking too?
18:49 Or are they just watching you cook
18:51 or what's going on?
18:53 Oh, they're cooking as well.
18:55 They're cooking, you know,
18:57 if you burn things we'll work it out.
19:00 But you're cooking.
19:01 You're cooking but it's also with instruction.
19:03 Got you.
19:05 And so, we think that being practical
19:07 and hands on helps you when you get back home.
19:10 And so, you know how to duplicate
19:12 what you did in the cooking school.
19:14 Okay.
19:16 So we looked at Jesus' model, how He was so practical,
19:18 so hands on.
19:20 And our thought process was, "Well, if Jesus was here,
19:22 how would He do it?"
19:24 And so we brought it to our ASI family,
19:27 who were really instrumental, so much support and mentorship
19:33 even really insight on how this would look
19:35 how we can practically set this up.
19:37 And we work with a lot of ministries,
19:39 local ministries in New York City too
19:42 that are involved in health evangelism
19:44 to kind of move this project forward.
19:46 And so we would have Heidi's Health Kitchen come in,
19:49 had Vegan Nest come in,
19:51 we had friends from Pulse Cafe come in.
19:54 And we have people all over
19:55 really chipping into reach the community.
19:57 Yeah. Yeah. I love that.
19:59 Because it wasn't like,
20:01 "Oh, this is, you know, my ministry."
20:03 This is, no, you're trying to reach souls for the kingdom.
20:06 That's it.
20:08 And so, you putting your heads together
20:09 coming together and driving the mission forward.
20:13 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
20:14 So we feel that there's strength in numbers
20:16 and if we tap into that we can have great success.
20:19 Yes, yes.
20:21 So okay, so when somebody comes to you
20:23 what type of questions do you get
20:26 or what type of issues do people present to you
20:29 like high blood pressure, diabetes?
20:32 Yeah.
20:34 High blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
20:36 Those are probably the top three.
20:37 Top three. Okay.
20:39 And then we do have some heart issues in there as well.
20:41 Okay.
20:42 And mainly these heart issues come as a result of stress.
20:46 Diet does play a role but New York City, high stress.
20:50 Yeah. Yeah, I believe it.
20:53 There's a lot of hustle and bustle
20:54 and the cost of living is high.
20:57 It's high.
20:58 And so people need to be able to de-stress.
21:01 And a lot of that comes
21:02 with just having connection with God.
21:04 Yes.
21:05 And so we in the cooking school
21:07 and in the wellness consultations that we have,
21:09 we stress to the utmost degree,
21:12 that it's deeper than just food.
21:15 It's deeper than exercise.
21:17 It's deeper than rest.
21:20 It's a connection with God.
21:21 And once people grasp that concept, it goes far,
21:26 at least in their minds.
21:27 Yeah, yeah.
21:28 And so how do people spread the word,
21:31 like how has your cooking school
21:34 and all that stuff cooking classes grown?
21:38 It's grown tremendously.
21:39 I mean, Facebook has been great.
21:41 Any social medias for sure.
21:44 It's pivotal.
21:46 You meet people on social media that you wouldn't normally be.
21:50 Obviously, we wouldn't, we wouldn't have met.
21:54 And so that helps a lot.
21:58 Church member's always so support.
22:01 It's always a blessing,
22:03 not just our own church members,
22:04 but church members just in Brooklyn
22:07 and maybe the five boroughs, they come along.
22:11 We also had a student who came,
22:15 and he was sharing it with his co-workers.
22:17 Okay.
22:18 And he happened to work at Fox 5.
22:21 And so we weren't too sure where this would end up.
22:25 So he said, "Do you mind
22:26 if I share this with my friends?"
22:28 And coming off of an experience with the bus
22:30 where in a year we will see at least a million riders.
22:34 So over the span of the cycle of the bus,
22:37 we saw over three and a half million people
22:41 coming on this bus.
22:43 Three and half million!
22:44 So we were thinking,
22:45 "Lord, how can we duplicate this level of reach,
22:48 if we're just having cooking classes."
22:50 And God was trying to get to us
22:51 that it's not so much about quantity
22:53 as it is about quality because in the cooking school,
22:56 we have more time to spend one on one on each person.
23:00 And so he told his friends at Fox.
23:02 And he said, "Well, do you mind
23:04 if they come with me to the next class?"
23:06 We said, "Sure.
23:07 We have space, bring them over."
23:09 And so he comes over the next cooking class that we have.
23:13 And they come with a crew of cameras,
23:15 and we were just surprised.
23:18 Wow. We couldn't believe it.
23:19 Yeah.
23:20 And so they did...
23:22 They ran a piece on us.
23:24 We got a lot of responses from that.
23:27 And we just showed how God can take
23:29 just one instance and magnify that.
23:31 So that so many more people can be blessed
23:33 by just hearing His Word.
23:35 Yeah.
23:36 And it's so important
23:37 that you always put your best foot forward
23:39 especially when you're working for God.
23:40 And, you know, putting that best foot for
23:42 you don't know who's in the audience,
23:44 you don't know who you're gonna meet.
23:46 This guy worked at Fox.
23:47 We had no idea.
23:49 And then, now I'm sure
23:51 that helped propel the ministry as well.
23:54 What are some of the challenges that you faced in ministry?
23:57 And either one of you can kind of pick this up.
24:00 I think for me,
24:02 for us it's been initially was time management.
24:06 Just understanding that God has given us time
24:09 for us to be stewards of.
24:10 And it's how we spend that time
24:12 that gives glory to Him as well.
24:14 I think a lot of the times we were spending in ministry,
24:17 we weren't as tapped into God as we could have been.
24:19 Yeah.
24:21 And it doesn't matter how much service you're doing.
24:23 It doesn't matter
24:25 how many people you're able to reach.
24:27 If you're connected with God yourself,
24:29 then you're wasting your time.
24:31 Yeah.
24:32 And so we met that challenge head on
24:33 by making sure that we separate from our daily schedule times
24:38 to spend with God,
24:40 personally, as well as collectively,
24:42 just because we only could be as effective as the time
24:45 that we spend with God.
24:46 Yeah, I like that because it is so important to plug in,
24:50 you know, to the source.
24:52 It's like, you know, you're driving around,
24:54 you're giving everybody else gas,
24:56 you're putting gas in everybody else's car.
24:58 You're just driving around, driving around, driving around,
25:01 you don't take time to put any gas in yours
25:03 and your tank is on E.
25:05 And you just run out,
25:07 you know, so crucial to plug in.
25:10 I like that.
25:12 Then there'll be people that,
25:13 you know, say, "But, Lord, I prophesied in your name."
25:16 Yeah, yeah. Depart from me.
25:18 I never knew you, like,
25:20 "Man, I would hate to hear those words."
25:23 I think for us it was also,
25:26 you know, people boxing us in with just the bus ministry.
25:30 Yes.
25:31 You know, God blessed us with the bus
25:33 and that was wonderful.
25:36 But as He moved us to another sector of ministry,
25:40 it was hard to or hard for a lot of people,
25:44 even ourselves to kind of let that part of it go.
25:46 Yeah.
25:48 And, you know, God is limitless.
25:50 And so we need to not give Him limitations
25:54 on our own finite minds.
25:56 Absolutely.
25:58 Absolutely.
25:59 And you said it right there like,
26:01 you know, people confined you to one thing,
26:04 but God has many different ways
26:07 that He can reach people and all of that.
26:09 So, yeah, that's beautiful.
26:11 What are some of your needs?
26:13 We definitely need prayer.
26:15 Okay.
26:16 We need prayer. We need prayer. Yes.
26:18 We just feel without us being able to have that support
26:23 when people are earnestly praying for us
26:25 and praying for the ministry at large.
26:29 Where we can only go so far.
26:31 And again, like we said,
26:32 we've seen firsthand strength in numbers.
26:35 Yeah.
26:36 So we definitely need prayer.
26:39 And I know that you told me before,
26:41 you know, when we were talking previously,
26:44 you told me, you know, we need prayer, we need prayer.
26:47 But I'm hoping that,
26:48 you know, some people will support you
26:49 financially as well
26:51 because it's not free to have ministry,
26:54 to run a ministry and all that stuff.
26:56 So I hope that some of our viewers
26:58 will support you financially as well.
27:01 I can't believe we're running low on time.
27:03 I want to put up your address so that people know
27:06 how to get in touch with you.
27:08 And why don't you read that for us?
27:10 So our address is 150 South Portland Avenue,
27:14 it's in Brooklyn, New York 11217.
27:17 You can give us a call at (347) 779-7628.
27:22 And you can reach us on our website,
27:24 The7thScroll.org.
27:26 That's a number 7thScroll.org
27:29 or you can email us at info@The7thScroll.org.
27:33 Wow.
27:34 Yeah, and we definitely want those prayers ascending.
27:37 Please, please, please.
27:39 Yes, yeah.
27:40 And do you guys ever look for volunteers or...?
27:43 Yes.
27:44 So that probably the second most important need,
27:47 workers, people who are interested
27:49 in reaching souls for the kingdom.
27:51 Absolutely.
27:52 And who are able to give up their time.
27:55 Absolutely.
27:56 Thank you so much for coming on and sharing.
27:58 Thank you so much.
28:00 And thank you.
28:01 Well, we've reached the end of another program.
28:03 Thanks for tuning in. Join us next time.
28:05 God bless.


Revised 2024-06-26