Urban Report

Asi 2019

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR190018A

00:01 Stay tuned
00:02 to see how ministries are implementing
00:04 innovative ways to spread the gospel.
00:05 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:07 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:32 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:34 Yvonne Shelton attended the ASI Convention
00:36 in Louisville, Kentucky.
00:38 And while there, she had the opportunity
00:40 to interview a few people from some amazing ministries.
00:44 Let's take a look.
00:46 I am here at ASI
00:48 with Torry Price from NAPS.
00:52 NAPS is an amazing, amazing ministry.
00:55 Tell us, first of all what does NAPS stand for?
00:57 Okay. NAPS.
00:59 NAPS.
01:00 It stands for the National Association
01:02 for the Prevention of Starvation.
01:05 And it kind of just talks about how the group was started,
01:08 which was providing food to people
01:09 under the bridge in Huntsville, Alabama.
01:11 Oh, so they were giving meals to people under the bridge.
01:15 That's correct.
01:17 And then it's expanded to what?
01:18 Well now, Praise Lord,
01:20 we've actually been able to start traveling
01:21 around the United States,
01:23 and we even have international work.
01:25 So we have about 13 branches around the world
01:27 in each of the countries that we visited.
01:30 And now, who is NAPS comprised of?
01:33 Okay, it used to just be college students,
01:36 but now it's, it's broadened both up and down the scale.
01:40 So we have our NAPS,
01:41 Abundant Life Academy students who,
01:43 that's in middle school or even younger,
01:46 you're looking at age ten or nine,
01:48 who are joining up with us for missions.
01:50 Oh, so this is a...
01:53 So you have
01:54 like an elementary school contingency...
01:56 Yes, right.
01:58 And it goes all the way up to college or beyond?
02:01 Through college and beyond.
02:02 We've had people on missions
02:04 in their 60s, their 70s joining with the ministry.
02:07 So you've got the young kids and the seniors.
02:09 That's right. Everybody can get involved.
02:11 That's awesome.
02:12 How long has NAPS been with us?
02:15 Okay, well NAPS started as an idea in '78.
02:18 That's when the bridge feeding started.
02:20 And then we registered and it fired up in about '93.
02:24 Wow, wow.
02:26 Tell us some of the experiences that you've had with people
02:30 that you've helped with NAPS?
02:32 Oh, wow, it's so powerful.
02:34 As you travel to the different countries.
02:36 And even in the US, when you connect with people,
02:39 and you bring them the gospel.
02:41 I can remember in a juvenile detention center,
02:43 we were doing a presentation,
02:45 and at the end the lady told us about,
02:48 she's had groups come in, but first off,
02:51 they were never so quiet and respectful
02:54 until our group was there.
02:55 And then at the end of our presentations,
02:57 we make an appeal and she said
03:00 90% of those young men
03:01 who've never had anything involving spiritual or God
03:06 took a stand for a new life in Christ.
03:08 And so, just seeing how God can use anyone
03:11 to reach people with His message,
03:12 I love that. That's tremendous.
03:14 And so what you're doing is
03:16 you're meeting people at their point of need.
03:19 They're hungry, you're feeding them...
03:20 That's right.
03:22 But you're also feeding them besides physically,
03:24 you're feeding them spiritually.
03:25 Yes. That is incredible.
03:27 That is incredible.
03:28 What would you say are some of the needs
03:31 that NAPS has right now?
03:32 Okay, well, right now, as I mentioned our school,
03:35 we actually are in need of more teachers to come in,
03:38 because the students are there.
03:40 We have the facilities, but we just need more people
03:42 who are able to come in and to teach,
03:44 whether it's agriculture, English, math,
03:47 all of those different types of subjects to help.
03:50 We have main teachers there.
03:52 But because we're a boarding academy,
03:55 they have to see them in the classroom
03:57 and then even care for them at the home which is powerful.
04:00 But that can be a weight on the teachers sometimes.
04:03 So if we're able to get more people
04:04 to help out there.
04:05 Honestly, I wasn't even aware of the boarding academy.
04:08 Oh, yes, the school is a boarding.
04:09 So you've got the middle school, right?
04:12 And then you have the boarding academy.
04:13 Right.
04:15 The middle school, the K-8 academy
04:16 is a boarding academy.
04:17 We have some day students,
04:19 but we realized that with the students,
04:21 when they come if they go back to the home environment
04:24 that can sometimes when they return back,
04:27 we have to realign with them.
04:29 But as we see when they're boarding
04:31 with the teachers, they get to get help with them.
04:34 They put them to bed at night.
04:35 We're seeing a greater impact on the students lives.
04:38 So yes, it's a boarding academy.
04:40 What do you look for
04:41 when you're interviewing someone
04:44 who wants to join NAPS?
04:46 What do you look for in that, in those candidates?
04:49 Someone who's just willing,
04:51 we do a lot of what we say on the job training.
04:54 When you come in, we teach, we train,
04:56 and then people are just,
04:58 you just have to be willing to sacrifice.
04:59 Because it's not the easiest of things,
05:01 you're not going to get the king size plush bed
05:04 that some people may be used to,
05:05 you know, you have that twin size mattress
05:08 and we're going.
05:09 So as long as they're willing,
05:10 they can be used by the Master.
05:12 Amen, what a blessing.
05:14 We thank you so much for all that you're doing.
05:16 You know, it's amazing to me when I see young people
05:19 that are really focused and dedicated
05:22 to the work of the Lord.
05:24 It's so inspiring,
05:25 because you can be doing anything else.
05:28 There's so many things that you know,
05:30 the world pulls you with, but this is a blessing.
05:33 Do you have a quick closing thought,
05:35 like, quick.
05:36 Okay, I could be very quick, just to say, you know,
05:39 wherever you are, whatever you're doing,
05:40 God can use you.
05:42 You don't have to have the big talents.
05:43 Just the willingness is all God needs.
05:45 And He can use anyone.
05:47 Amen. What's your website?
05:48 It's napsglobal.org.
05:51 N-A-P-S-G-L-O-B-A-L.org.
05:54 God bless.
05:56 It's amazing to see how God continues
05:59 to grow The NAPS organization
06:01 and how they are implementing Christ method.
06:04 Thank you Torry, for all that you're doing
06:06 for the cause of Christ.
06:07 Okay, let's see who Mrs. Shelton talk to next.
06:12 I have the privilege of standing here
06:14 with Rudy Harnish.
06:15 And Rudy is the director
06:17 of the Adventist Muslim Relations Department.
06:22 Is it a department?
06:24 With the..?
06:26 Canadian Union.
06:27 Canadian Union.
06:29 A Canadian Union in Canada.
06:30 In Canada.
06:31 And you know,
06:33 I have to tell you, Brother Rudy,
06:34 that, I have had such a,
06:38 an interest in Adventist Muslim relations.
06:42 I've been reading these books about the Muslims
06:45 in different countries in the Middle East
06:48 and how difficult it is to reach them and when you,
06:53 but God is reaching them through dreams,
06:56 Jesus is appearing in dreams.
06:59 What led you to get involved in this,
07:02 this whole movement of Adventist Muslim Relations?
07:05 We were missionaries in East Africa, Tanzania.
07:08 I recognize there were 40% of the people were Muslims.
07:12 But there was no literature geared specifically for them.
07:17 And so, you know,
07:19 they, they look at things differently.
07:22 And so unless literature
07:23 is designed specifically for them,
07:26 they usually walk away from it.
07:28 And the reason they do is,
07:30 there's some, there's multiple reasons
07:32 why they don't want to accept Christian literature,
07:34 because to them, a standard Christian
07:36 is someone who worships Mary,
07:40 who drinks alcohol, who eats pork,
07:43 and who bows down to images.
07:46 And so when they,
07:47 when you tell them you're a Christian,
07:49 that's the first thing that comes to their mind.
07:52 And so when we identify ourselves
07:53 as Seventh-day Adventist,
07:55 that takes on a whole different...
07:58 It takes just a whole different course.
08:00 I would think so.
08:01 And I would think that when you tell them
08:02 that we don't eat pork,
08:05 that, that is a kind of wake up call for them
08:10 because like, oh, Christians who don't eat pork,
08:12 Christians who don't venerate Mary.
08:14 Yeah.
08:15 I mean, that's really, that's really great.
08:17 That's right.
08:18 So you were a missionary in Tanzania?
08:21 Tanzania.
08:23 How do you approach Muslims now
08:26 when you, now that we, we do have literature,
08:29 how do you approach them?
08:31 Just the other day at the airport,
08:34 I had to take a taxi.
08:35 I recognize he's a man of color,
08:37 a little bit,
08:39 he looked Middle Eastern, so I tested it.
08:41 I said As-Salamu Alaikum,
08:43 which is Arabic for may peace be upon you.
08:46 Yes, yes.
08:47 He instantly responded Wa Alaikum Salaam.
08:50 Who are you? Are you a Muslim?
08:52 I said, "I'm a Seventh-day Adventist."
08:54 Oh, what's that?
08:56 I said, "Well, we don't eat pork."
08:58 He said, "Really?"
09:00 He said, "Do you people drink alcohol?"
09:02 I said, "No, we don't drink alcohol."
09:04 Then for the next few minutes he kept repeating this.
09:06 You are the true people of the book
09:09 that are followers of Jesus.
09:11 That came from his own words.
09:13 Yes, I've heard that, the People of the Book.
09:16 Yeah.
09:17 That Adventist can be considered
09:20 the People of the Book.
09:21 That's what the Quran says.
09:22 Now, what else does it say about that?
09:24 The Quran says that,
09:25 there's a distinction between the People of the Book
09:28 and many who have gone far astray.
09:30 But it says, "A portion are among the righteous
09:33 and it lists what they do."
09:35 And it fits Adventists perfectly.
09:37 My, my.
09:38 So what are you doing with the Muslims now?
09:41 What do you?
09:43 How are you approaching the whole situation?
09:44 Well, we'd like to,
09:46 I like to approach Muslims with the idea
09:49 of their history in Scripture,
09:51 starting with Abraham, because it's monumental.
09:54 Yes.
09:56 You know, the whole story of Ishmael,
09:58 he was driven out.
10:00 But the descendants of Ishmael
10:01 and from the other wife of Abraham, Keturah,
10:03 they went on to be involved
10:07 in some very interesting incidents
10:09 throughout Scripture like Job.
10:12 Job was not.
10:13 He was an Arab... Really?
10:15 And there's a large section of the Bible
10:17 and the Old Testament is written by Job, the Arab,
10:20 who was a faithful follower of God,
10:23 but from the other side of the family.
10:25 Here we look at people like Moses?
10:27 Where did he find asylum when the Pharaoh was after him?
10:31 He ran to Jethro the Midianite...
10:33 Midianite, right.
10:34 Again, someone from the other side of the family,
10:37 who sheltered, protected him.
10:39 Then we, you know, the grand story,
10:41 the three wise men bringing gifts
10:43 from the east to support Jesus
10:47 and His young and His family...
10:49 Yes. In Egypt.
10:50 That's tremendous.
10:51 What is your website
10:53 so that people can take a look at what you have?
10:54 The website is, is for Muslims or anybody can go there.
10:56 It's called salahallah.com.
10:59 Oh, could you spell it? Now, Sala...
11:00 Yeah, Sala means.
11:02 Few seconds left.
11:03 Okay, Sala is S-A-L-A-H-A-L-L-A-H.COM
11:09 Salahallah.com.
11:13 Thank you so very much, it's been a pleasure.
11:16 God bless.
11:18 Wow, that's definitely an interesting approach
11:20 to reaching Muslims
11:22 with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
11:24 I don't know about you,
11:25 but I'm interested in learning a little bit more about that.
11:28 Let's take a look at the next guest.
11:32 You know, it's not often
11:34 that you get to stand with a dear friend and talk
11:37 and find out what's going on.
11:40 He's doing so many great things,
11:42 and I'm so grateful to the Lord for Rico Hill,
11:45 who is the director
11:46 of programming and development for ARTV,
11:49 Adventist Review, Yay!
11:51 Exiting, right?
11:52 It's so exciting.
11:54 Rico, you know, Rico has been on,
11:56 if you watch Dare to Dream, which I know you do.
11:59 He's been on a wonderful, wonderful program for us.
12:04 Well, actually, several,
12:05 You've actually been on Urban Report.
12:08 Urban Report, 3ABN Today.
12:10 3ABN Today.
12:12 Yeah. Yes, go ahead.
12:13 All in the Family.
12:15 And then, of course, Dare to Dream Network.
12:16 Absolutely. Absolutely.
12:18 And we're just thrilled that we have him here.
12:20 Tell us what's going on with AR today.
12:24 ARTV. Yes.
12:25 So AR TV is Adventist Review Television,
12:27 and it's a part of the Adventist Review,
12:29 which is the longest running publication
12:32 in really in Adventism, for sure,
12:35 but also as a Christian publication.
12:38 So it, you know, it's come from a long history,
12:41 and we're not just a print magazine anymore.
12:45 We're now in television, and digital, and innovation.
12:48 We're developing game, games,
12:50 which is one is going to be launched at Oshkosh,
12:53 which is a game console with virtual reality that's,
12:57 you actually become David and slay Goliath.
13:01 Really cool stuff right here at our booth.
13:03 But the thing that I'm most excited
13:04 about on ARTV is,
13:06 some of the projects that we're doing.
13:08 One of them is called 14th and U.
13:09 Now I grew up in Washington DC.
13:12 And one day I was standing there
13:13 at the corner of 14th and U,
13:14 and I said, "Boy, wouldn't it be interesting
13:16 if we tried to be much more current and relevant
13:20 and talk about the things that people are talking about?"
13:22 So I go down there every week.
13:24 I do man on the street.
13:26 Love it.
13:27 Ask them what they are, you know,
13:28 what are they thinking about topics like
13:31 surveillance, gun control, gun rise, sex abuse,
13:35 sex trafficking, the scandals with the college kids
13:38 and their parents paying for them to get in.
13:41 All those things that are really
13:43 on the top of people's minds.
13:45 And then we go back to the studio
13:46 and it's discussed by Dwain Esmond,
13:48 who is of the Ellen White Estate,
13:50 and Cliff Goldstein.
13:51 Most people know him, as he does a Sabbath School.
13:54 So that's, that's a really fun project
13:55 we're doing right now.
13:56 Oh, that sounds incredible.
13:58 I've seen some of your work and I'm loving,
14:01 that it's so contemporary,
14:03 like you're not just dealing with,
14:05 you're dealing with things
14:07 that are relevant to people right here and now.
14:09 And that's what's so important.
14:11 And you're not afraid to tackle the hard subjects.
14:14 We do that at Dare to Dream too.
14:15 Because you can, God has given you this platform
14:20 and you're using it.
14:21 What's your vision for ARTV?
14:23 What are you doing?
14:24 Our vision is to really get outside of the studio,
14:28 to get out where people are,
14:30 to touch them, to engage with them,
14:32 to have conversations with them,
14:34 and then sort of bring those,
14:37 you know, those issues and those stories
14:39 back into a more spiritual narrative.
14:42 Yes.
14:43 Because that's what's missing on the news.
14:44 People will watch the news.
14:46 And I'm not saying this is a new show,
14:47 but people are, you know,
14:49 the news cycle dominates our lives.
14:51 Absolutely.
14:52 You know, and people are so caught up
14:54 and they hear the negative,
14:55 they hear that this and that and the lies and,
14:57 but they never really get to
14:59 what does the Bible say about these things?
15:00 What's the deeper bigger story?
15:03 Yes.
15:04 And we want to bring all subjects
15:05 because you know, the Bible is,
15:08 it is exceedingly broad.
15:09 Yes.
15:10 And it deals with everything
15:12 if you understand the principle.
15:13 That's right.
15:14 So we bring out those principles.
15:16 So that's the vision for us.
15:17 That's so good, Rico.
15:19 Because again, it's one thing to watch the news,
15:21 it's another thing to place it within the spiritual context...
15:24 That's right.
15:26 And that's what you guys are doing.
15:27 Oh, that's, that is so important.
15:29 But not only with our,
15:30 this weekly show that we're doing,
15:32 14th and U.
15:33 But we're also doing it with our documentaries.
15:37 Any type, we're doing it with series
15:39 where we are looking for total integration
15:42 with the magazine.
15:43 So what you see on ARTV, you also see in the magazines,
15:47 and each one is sort of playing,
15:49 you know, promoting the other.
15:50 Nice, nice.
15:52 So there's some continuity there.
15:54 We want that continuity... Yes.
15:56 Whatever the platform you can engage with us,
15:58 so that you see that we're speaking this,
16:01 you know, whatever the audience is
16:02 'cause some people just want to go through a magazine.
16:04 Yes.
16:05 Others are, you know, they're digital
16:07 and they're on demand.
16:08 So we've got ARTV On Demand.
16:10 And you know,
16:12 so we're trying to be current on all platforms.
16:14 Wonderful. How can people watch?
16:16 Go to artvnow.com or you can go to,
16:20 for your Android or your,
16:23 your Apple product you can go to
16:24 and you can see the app, download it,
16:27 and you can watch it anytime.
16:28 Love it. Thank you so much.
16:30 Thank you.
16:31 Good seeing you, Sister.
16:32 God bless you.
16:34 God bless.
16:35 That's definitely an interesting piece of history
16:38 on the origin of ARTV.
16:40 I love their focus and the innovative strategies
16:43 that they are implementing to spread the gospel
16:45 in a very relevant way.
16:47 Let's take a look at our next guest.
16:51 Hi, I'm here with Jaime Espinal.
16:54 He is the founder of Family Run Ministries
16:58 and he has an amazing, amazing testimony
17:02 that he shared with us on Urban Report some time ago.
17:07 So if you really want to watch his testimony,
17:09 go to our YouTube channel
17:11 and watch Brother Jaime Espinal 's testimony.
17:14 But what brought you to this, Brother Jaime?
17:18 What made you decide to do Family Run?
17:21 Tell us a little bit about it?
17:22 Well, yeah... You
17:24 Yes, God really brought me,
17:27 I used to be a drug dealer.
17:29 And I was in the world doing the devil's work
17:34 until God called me from there in a very mighty way
17:39 and He brought me into know His truth.
17:43 And I started working for Him
17:45 in the medical missionary work.
17:48 And that's what we're doing.
17:50 We believe that the family
17:52 as a family can do a lot full time ministry.
17:57 So that's why we have Family Run Ministry
17:59 where we train the families to do medical missionary work.
18:03 So the whole family is involved
18:05 in doing medical missionary work?
18:07 Well, yes, but not necessarily
18:09 has to be all the members of the family.
18:11 But this is different than a large institution.
18:16 We're talking their family and their family level
18:19 where will be there,
18:20 all the family members or just their spouses,
18:23 you know, working on it, but on a family level.
18:27 So we're training families
18:29 to embrace medical missionary work,
18:31 and we train them in these four areas
18:34 with the health, country living,
18:36 business and outreach.
18:38 So let's go through each one a little bit.
18:40 So with the health,
18:42 what are you doing with the families with health?
18:44 Okay, we'll train them
18:45 how to deal with different problems.
18:50 The health problems with...
18:52 Using natural remedies?
18:53 Yes, using natural remedies and also teaching them
18:57 how to have a healthy lifestyle.
19:00 Okay, okay. What about country living?
19:03 Then we teach them on organic gardening,
19:05 how to do organic gardening in very simple way
19:08 but that's just fun part.
19:10 Now what about people, like, who live in the cities?
19:13 Do you have like, like, gardening like in apartments?
19:17 Would you like terrace, terrace gardening?
19:20 Yes, yes, they can do it.
19:22 We know people that in the seventh floor,
19:24 they have their garden right there in Miami...
19:27 Nice, nice.
19:28 So it can be done. Nice, nice.
19:30 Okay, what about business?
19:31 Yes, with the ministries,
19:33 they need to be self supporting,
19:35 you know, they need to be sustainable.
19:37 And so there we teach them administration
19:40 and some principle of accounting and business
19:42 so they can have their own income generator
19:45 in order to operate and in that way,
19:47 do the Lord's work.
19:48 So you're only teaching them how to help others,
19:53 but you're teaching, you're helping them
19:56 to have another income stream.
19:57 Yes. Oh, that's a great idea.
20:00 That is a great idea.
20:02 So with the business, they, this becomes...
20:05 It's ministry, but it's also business, Right,
20:08 so they have their income generator
20:09 so they can spread the gospel.
20:11 And that bring us to the other part
20:13 of our outreach, the program,
20:16 which is getting to the people, leading them
20:20 into the Lord's plan of salvation,
20:23 so the outreach...
20:24 Ah, so evangelism outreach.
20:26 Evangelism, yes, we have a small group,
20:27 we do evangelistic campaigns,
20:30 and we work with the church and help to spread the gospel.
20:36 So all these things helps as a family,
20:38 so they can have a good environment
20:42 living in the country.
20:43 If that's the case, we teach them
20:46 how they can have their own health
20:50 and also help other people.
20:51 You see the Lord did teaching.
20:54 He did the preaching, and also He did the healing.
20:58 That's right.
20:59 And if we as a family can be doing that,
21:02 that's what He wants us to do, His work.
21:03 Nice, yes, yes.
21:06 So what you're doing is you're meeting people
21:09 at their point of need...
21:10 Yes.
21:12 You know, because people need healing,
21:14 they need information on how to do things naturally.
21:17 And then you're kind of walking them through,
21:19 you know, helping themselves and helping others...
21:22 There you go.
21:23 And leading them to Jesus. Yes.
21:25 So and that's exciting, you know, to see family
21:29 because there's a lot of families
21:30 that they are tired of just sitting
21:32 in the pews in the church,
21:34 but they want to do more than that.
21:36 But they don't know how, so we're training them.
21:39 And we have a book that will help them
21:41 how to guidelines, how to do that.
21:44 Yeah, thank you so much.
21:45 Give us your website real quick.
21:47 www.cmsmex.com.
21:53 God bless God bless.
21:54 Thank you.
21:56 Jaime is no stranger to the Dare to Dream Network.
21:59 I love the four components of Family Run Ministries,
22:03 health, country living, business and outreach.
22:07 Family Run Ministries
22:09 is mobilizing people for Christ.
22:11 Let's take a look at our final guest.
22:14 I'm here with Pastor Rich Contan...
22:17 I knew I was gonna mess up your name.
22:19 No problem. Let's say it, say it.
22:20 Constantinescue.
22:22 See, that's why I messed it up
22:23 Can't stand to text you.
22:24 Oh, that's good. That's good.
22:26 I'm just gonna call him Pastor Rich,
22:28 because that my tongue will get all tied.
22:31 Yeah.
22:32 So thank you so much for consenting
22:33 to talk to us today.
22:35 Tell us about your ministry Revival Plan.
22:37 What is that about?
22:39 Well, thank you for your ministry, by the way.
22:40 Oh, praise the Lord.
22:42 We appreciate 3ABN,
22:43 we pray and we want your support as well.
22:45 But Revival Plan is a systematic plan
22:48 to bring the Bible to God's people.
22:51 And it is based upon the Testimonies for the Church,
22:54 which God has given us to show us the path of revival.
22:57 So it's a systematic way to help people
23:00 to read the Testimonies for the Church
23:01 and to follow them,
23:02 to become better fathers and mothers in their homes,
23:05 to be better pastors, and physicians,
23:06 and whatever our occupation is.
23:09 The Testimonies for the Church
23:10 basically give us the path to revival,
23:13 see a larger message for today.
23:15 So for those who are watching, who don't know
23:18 what the Testimonies for the Church are,
23:20 explain that, would you?
23:22 Sure, the Testimonies for the Church
23:23 are a nine volume series
23:26 that were written as a compilation
23:28 but compiled by the author herself
23:31 back about 150 years ago, when our church was starting.
23:34 And they're letters of instruction
23:36 that are very practical,
23:37 they deal with all parts of theology
23:40 and practical lifestyle issues, as I mentioned before,
23:44 and they were sent to individuals, institutions,
23:47 and they have just powerful encouragement,
23:49 uplifting Jesus as well as some character correction
23:54 and talking about some things
23:56 that maybe we need to change in our lives.
23:58 Good, tell us what, and, of course,
24:00 this is kind of a rhetorical question,
24:02 but why do we need revival?
24:05 Why do you think we need revival?
24:06 That's a great question.
24:08 You know, we need the baptism
24:10 of the Holy Spirit, which is revival.
24:12 And the reason why we do
24:13 is because we're preparing to go to heaven.
24:15 Yes.
24:16 And we need the character of Jesus,
24:17 we need to be loving Christians.
24:19 I was just reading in the testimonies
24:20 about how we should never speak to our children in anger.
24:23 And we should,
24:24 we should have the character of Jesus
24:26 in all aspects where it matters most,
24:27 in our home, in the church, anywhere.
24:30 And so we need revival
24:31 because we need to be like Jesus,
24:32 represent Him to the world and be ready to go to heaven
24:34 and live with all the angels and with Jesus Himself.
24:36 Yes, yes.
24:38 What a day that will be, right?
24:39 Amen.
24:40 So tell us about the Revival Plan.
24:42 What is the plan? How does it work?
24:44 Okay, the Revival Plan is a 16 month journey.
24:49 And in the 16 months, you read 10 pages a day.
24:52 If you sign up at revivalplan.com,
24:55 you can get an email every day with 10 pages
24:58 and also the audio clip of just those 10 pages.
25:02 And so you complete it in 16 months.
25:03 It's never been done before.
25:05 The Testimonies for the Church
25:07 have been addressed, generally speaking,
25:10 but I don't know that there's ever been
25:11 a really concerted effort to thoroughly study that.
25:16 And so back in the 60's during a time
25:18 of great political upheaval,
25:20 of sexual exploration, and of civil unrest,
25:24 there was something called testimony countdown.
25:27 And that was an overview,
25:29 over 10 nights at various churches
25:31 in our denomination Takoma Park,
25:34 at the GC there was at in Keene,
25:36 Southwestern, Hinsdale, Illinois.
25:38 And so they did this testimony countdown,
25:41 but it was an overview.
25:43 It was very successful, and it brought great revival.
25:46 So this is more of an in depth.
25:47 So that's the first piece is the testimonies reading.
25:50 And then I can tell you a little bit more if you want.
25:52 Yeah, please, do, do.
25:54 So the second part,
25:55 no revival can happen without prayer.
25:57 Yes.
25:59 And so we have an initiative called Pioneer Prayer,
26:02 which is trying to restore going back
26:04 to the old paths of apostolic,
26:07 first century dedication to God.
26:10 And so also the first experience
26:13 of our pioneers as well.
26:14 So a pioneer prayer basically for the next,
26:17 I'd say 48 weeks
26:19 until the next GC session in 2020.
26:23 We're wanting people to pray every week,
26:26 in a small group for at least a half an hour
26:29 of dedicated prayer
26:30 for the General Conference session,
26:32 and also praying about our own lives and characters.
26:36 And so Pioneer Prayer
26:37 is the second initiative of Revival Plan,
26:39 where we actually take requests directly
26:41 from the testimonies themselves.
26:44 So when I read the testimonies,
26:46 I am convicted.
26:47 And so I don't want to lose hope.
26:49 So I pray and I asked God,
26:50 please help me to be a better father.
26:51 Help me to be a better husband.
26:53 Help me to be a better pastor,
26:54 a better Christian.
26:55 And so these, these requests are taken
26:58 for the next 48 weeks,
26:59 every week from the testimonies themselves.
27:01 You can sign up at revivalplan.com
27:03 Revivalplan.com, what a great plan.
27:07 Praise the Lord. We praise the Lord for it.
27:09 And thank you so much for your ministry.
27:11 Praise the Lord. Thank you. God bless you.
27:14 We are definitely in need of revival.
27:16 And I love this unique approach
27:17 that Pastor Rich's ministry is taking
27:20 that Pastor Rich's and inspire revival and reformation.
27:23 I'm a firm believer that Jesus is coming back soon.
27:26 Please make sure
27:28 you keep all of these ministries
27:29 in your prayers and consider supporting them
27:32 as they continue to spread the gospel
27:34 around the world.
27:35 Maybe God is calling you to get personally involved
27:38 with one of these ministries.
27:39 Whatever the case may be,
27:41 make sure you seek God's will for your life.
27:44 He knows you better than you know yourself
27:46 and He sees the end from the beginning.
27:48 Place all your trust in Him.
27:51 And remember, He loves you with an everlasting love.
27:56 Well, we've reached the end of another program.
27:58 Thanks for tuning in.
28:00 And remember,
28:01 it just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2019-12-19