Urban Report

The Guarded Secret

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR200006S

00:01 Have you ever had a secret that you guarded at all costs?
00:04 Well, stay tuned to meet a man
00:05 who's not only going to reveal his secret,
00:08 but he's going to share
00:09 how he gained the victory over it.
00:11 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:12 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:37 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:39 Today's program is one that is sensitive in nature
00:42 and viewer discretion is advised.
00:44 If you are a parent and you have young children,
00:46 we suggest that you watch this program first
00:49 and then determine whether or not
00:51 it is suitable for your children.
00:53 My guests today are Michael Carducci,
00:55 co-founder of Coming Out Ministries
00:57 and Harrison Umana,
00:59 one of the associate speakers of Coming Out Ministries.
01:03 Welcome to Urban Report, guys.
01:04 It's great to be here.
01:05 Thank you so much for the invitation.
01:07 Oh, you're welcome. It's great to have you here.
01:08 Mike, you're no stranger.
01:10 Harrison, this is your first time.
01:12 And we're gonna dive into your journey.
01:15 But first, I want to reintroduce Mike
01:18 to the Dare to Dream family.
01:20 And just share a little bit about your journey, Mike,
01:23 and a little bit about Coming Out Ministries?
01:24 Sure.
01:26 Coming Out Ministry started 10 years ago.
01:27 As I was coming back into Adventism
01:30 after being in the gay culture for over 20 years,
01:33 I thought surely there was some resources
01:35 for people like me.
01:37 And unfortunately, there wasn't,
01:39 but I did meet other individuals,
01:41 for other individuals
01:42 that had ministries of their own.
01:43 And we all got together in Socal California
01:46 and we decided that wow,
01:47 if you know, if one testimony is good,
01:49 then multiple testimonies has to be better.
01:51 And that's how Coming Out Ministry started.
01:54 We met Harrison in Costa Rica a few years ago
01:58 and that was an amazing opportunity,
02:02 and our ministry has gone internationally,
02:04 recognizing that this issue
02:06 isn't just related to the LGBT issue,
02:09 but all sexual immorality.
02:11 And yeah. Yeah.
02:12 And that now you said something a minute ago,
02:14 I want to rewind a little bit, because you said,
02:16 and you were in the gay culture,
02:18 how did you end up?
02:19 What was your childhood like? And what led to that?
02:21 Sure.
02:23 Well, at my earliest thoughts,
02:24 I thought that I was a girl trapped in a boy's body.
02:26 And I struggled with this identity issue,
02:29 I was surrounded by femininity.
02:31 My dad was gone a lot because he was in the Navy.
02:33 But when he was home, he was abusive, loud and angry.
02:36 And so, as I was a little boy
02:37 looking for the gender stamping of masculinity,
02:41 my dad was the example and it was frightening to me,
02:44 I didn't want to be like him. So, I chose to be like my mom.
02:46 But all of that happened before I was even conscious.
02:49 So, by the time I was conscious,
02:51 I thought I was a girl trapped in a boy's body.
02:54 So, I prayed that God would change me,
02:55 I prayed that God would make everything all right,
02:57 but that never happened.
02:59 But as I was developing,
03:00 I was desperate for the love that I needed from my dad.
03:03 And then when the kids saw my feminine mannerisms,
03:05 because I was patterning after my mom,
03:08 they would call me sissy, queer little girl.
03:10 And all of that push masculinity
03:12 even further away from me.
03:14 And so, by the time puberty came,
03:16 the sex it was a mystery for me,
03:17 wasn't women at all,
03:19 it was actually my own.
03:20 And so that became sexualized.
03:21 I didn't even know any of that
03:23 until after I was well into my 40s.
03:25 And walking in a relationship with Jesus Christ
03:27 that the Bible started to confirm science
03:30 and the two of them were going together
03:32 and opened up my eyes to what was really going on.
03:34 And some of the ways and reasons
03:36 why I ended up in the gay culture
03:38 for over 20 years.
03:39 Wow.
03:40 And so how did you end up gaining the victory?
03:44 You know, wouldn't it be great if God had a magic wand
03:46 and ping and everything is just over
03:49 and settled.
03:50 But, you know what was so,
03:52 so wonderful about Jesus as He's so patient,
03:54 and He's long suffering and he really,
03:56 I really mean that,
03:58 He suffers long in the process of me
04:00 getting that right and finding that victory.
04:02 He had to address all of the pain
04:04 and the rejection that I had gone
04:06 through all of my life beginning with my dad,
04:08 the kids in school, the identity,
04:11 confusion that I had.
04:13 And as He started to address all of that, then it's like,
04:15 you know what?
04:17 I started to resist God less. I started to see Him working.
04:20 And as I was being filled with the masculine love
04:22 that I needed from my Savior in a healthy way,
04:25 then other things started to leave,
04:26 but it was a process.
04:28 Jason, it wasn't, you know, all of a sudden,
04:30 it was gone for my convenience.
04:31 But it's amazing to submit to that process and recognize
04:35 that God promises
04:37 to finish the work that He started.
04:38 Amen, amen.
04:39 Okay, now fast forwarding to when you met Harrison,
04:43 you were invited to Costa Rica?
04:45 Our ministry was invited by GYC Costa Rica,
04:48 and I remember getting off the plane
04:50 and there's Harrison and his brother and a friend
04:53 to meet us coming off the plane
04:54 and they were showing us around the islands
04:58 or the area of Costa Rica
04:59 and it was amazing to meet Harrison.
05:02 He's such a well put together elder in his church
05:05 and a very conscientious incredibly humble,
05:08 and I had no ideas
05:11 what was really going on
05:12 behind the scenes kind of thing, but...
05:14 He looks like he never had a problem
05:16 in his life.
05:17 Look at him. He's perfect.
05:19 Exactly.
05:21 So, Harrison, what was your childhood like?
05:24 Well, I was born.
05:25 Well, first, I want to thank you
05:27 for the invitation 3ABN for bringing me here.
05:33 Really, my childhood was normal,
05:37 as the people could see,
05:39 could see that I was born in an Adventist home.
05:44 But it was not
05:45 what the people could even wait for,
05:51 for family.
05:53 Because my family, my parents,
05:55 they were always involved in many discussions,
05:59 problems where we were at home,
06:01 but when we went to church
06:05 and the different activities that we have on the church,
06:09 different child, etc, etc.
06:15 We, well, I, it was very difficult for me
06:21 because my identity as a Christian
06:25 was mixed up in a way
06:28 that when we were at the church,
06:31 I said, Well, my parents say to me,
06:34 please be quiet, be respectful.
06:37 This is the church when we were, when we get home,
06:40 it was a sort of, it used to very different.
06:44 So, your parents didn't get along at home or?
06:48 No, no,
06:49 they even have different province
06:52 before the marriage,
06:54 they came from difficult families,
06:57 broken families.
06:59 And so, they were carrying those kind of problems
07:02 to our new family.
07:05 Was there violence in your home?
07:07 Yes.
07:09 There was a time when,
07:11 when, well, my parents, most of my,
07:14 my dad, well, you know, the physical violence
07:19 and so those were words
07:24 and the kind of things towards my mom.
07:29 And so, there was a moment that I was so tired about it
07:35 even when I was a child.
07:37 Maybe you had like eight or nine years old
07:39 and I was deciding myself to not be like any one of them.
07:45 I used to say, God,
07:47 I just don't want to be like them,
07:49 I need to be different.
07:50 So how would you say
07:52 that witnessing the emotional abuse
07:55 and the verbal abuse and the physical abuse?
07:58 How did that affect you and how did you cope with it?
08:01 Well, I really, as I'm saying, I didn't want to do the same.
08:08 And I say, if I'm going to get married,
08:10 I don't want to come to a situation like this.
08:12 I don't know how to do it, but I need to be different.
08:17 But at that moment,
08:19 I started to be
08:21 a little bit away from my parents,
08:25 even was very difficult for me to say I love you
08:30 or so because everything that I saw in my home
08:35 was problems and problems and problems.
08:38 So, I say I am not receiving the love
08:43 that I really needed at the time.
08:45 So, I could not give to them
08:47 the love that a child or a son can give to them too.
08:52 So, it was difficult.
08:54 Did you have siblings or do you have siblings?
08:57 Yes. Yes, two brothers.
08:59 But did you feel the need
09:00 to be protective over your siblings?
09:03 Yes, in some cases, the most part of them.
09:08 My, well, I have two brothers.
09:12 You're the oldest, right? Yes, I'm the oldest one.
09:15 So, they kept on the room when they were discussing them,
09:21 when the things head up or weren't up,
09:26 you know,
09:28 I went there when they were discussing on
09:31 even hearing disorder.
09:33 And so I used,
09:34 I was in the middle of them
09:36 tried to avoid those kind of things.
09:39 And my brothers,
09:41 they were used to keep on the room.
09:43 So, Harrison, I'm not clear on something
09:45 and I think it's just the language,
09:47 when their discussion is different from an argument.
09:49 Right.
09:51 So, were they arguing
09:52 or were they just having a discussion?
09:56 Well, discussion.
09:57 Discussion, but then
09:59 they were starting to fight physically.
10:01 Okay. So, it sounds like an argument.
10:03 Yes, like an argument. Yeah, right.
10:04 Yes. Yeah.
10:06 And it's, and you learned, you just learned English?
10:09 Yes. How long ago.
10:10 I think we should, we should mention that too.
10:12 What, two years ago?
10:14 Two years ago. Two years ago?
10:16 Two years and a half, something like that.
10:17 Well, I hope that my Spanish one day
10:19 is like your English is.
10:21 Yeah. So, so continue.
10:23 So, as you're, you know,
10:24 you're witnessing this emotional abuse,
10:26 this physical abuse,
10:27 you're feeling the need
10:28 to protect your younger siblings
10:31 from time to time,
10:33 and you're seeing two different sets of people.
10:37 One set at church, one set at home.
10:41 And so now,
10:42 you know, the Bible says
10:44 a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
10:46 And so, now you have
10:48 kind of a double mindedness because you're nothing.
10:52 It sounds like there was a lack of stability
10:55 in the home.
10:56 And so how did that affect you going forward
11:00 in terms of sexuality or masturbation or pornography?
11:05 How, when and how did that come into play?
11:09 Well, as you said
11:11 there was not stability spiritually.
11:16 Even me being in Adventist's home
11:18 and I thought that everything was okay
11:22 with God if I participated on adventure clubs
11:26 or pathfinder clubs
11:28 or being in that children's choir
11:31 or something like that,
11:33 so I thought that everything by myself was good to God
11:37 that though having that relationship
11:42 with God
11:44 going to the school,
11:46 I remember one time with my classmates,
11:50 they were talking in the time when they nap.
11:57 So, they were talking about, one of them was talking about,
12:03 hey, guys, do you, did you practice masturbation?
12:09 Or even, did you watch pornography?
12:12 So, this is at school? Yes, at the school.
12:15 That goes to the point of why Coming Out Ministries
12:18 is so relevant to
12:20 because people are learning things at school,
12:22 in the streets, that, you know,
12:24 some parents are scared to talk about,
12:26 some churches don't touch the subject.
12:29 And so, continue
12:31 'cause that really goes to the point.
12:33 I'm really curious how old were you?
12:35 I was like 11.
12:37 Eleven years old. Eleven years old.
12:39 So that's like, what? Sixth grade?
12:41 Yeah. Yeah, sixth grade.
12:43 And then was this in a Christian school?
12:46 No, it was public school. Public school?
12:48 Okay. But still, right.
12:50 Yes. Yeah.
12:51 So it was, it was a curiosity for me.
12:56 I didn't know what he was talking about.
12:59 And so when I went to, to my home,
13:02 I just was thinking,
13:04 what did he say
13:05 that and then when he explained
13:08 a little bit of what was going on,
13:11 my parents, they didn't have, at that time,
13:15 they didn't have the confidence to talk about,
13:18 about that to us.
13:20 And so, while I fail on that curiosity,
13:25 so I tried to, to get that pornography,
13:29 and also, I experiencing the masturbation.
13:34 And so, I thought at the moment that it was a matter of men,
13:39 so I said, well, this is something normal,
13:42 this is something that should happen in a...
13:47 in our teenage years.
13:48 So, this is not a big deal.
13:50 So, you thought it was something naturally,
13:52 you know, it's interesting
13:53 how sin is kind of a downward spiral,
13:56 not kind of, it is a downward spiral
13:59 and you start with one thing,
14:01 and then it just keeps going and going
14:04 or the frequency increases.
14:06 So, you know, you were curious about it.
14:09 You tried it.
14:11 Did you continue that? Was it a frequent thing?
14:14 What happened?
14:15 Yes, it was so frequent, was so frequent.
14:18 Even it was at that kind of,
14:21 of children who make fun for those
14:26 who were not practicing those things.
14:28 It's interesting.
14:29 I've just recently heard a story of a mother son.
14:33 And she, he wanted to quit looking at pornography
14:36 and indulging in it
14:37 and he went to an Adventist school
14:39 to an academy.
14:40 But when he went back,
14:41 and he was telling his friends
14:43 that he didn't want to look at porn anymore,
14:44 they were making fun of him,
14:46 they were jeering him and they go,
14:47 you're so religious,
14:48 who do you think you are, Jesus,
14:50 and they're giving this kid a hard time
14:51 in a Christian school
14:52 because he's wanting to give up pornography.
14:54 And it's interesting because especially
14:56 coming from a Latin culture,
14:58 there's this machismo that for guys,
15:01 it's acceptable to objectify women
15:03 or to look at pornography.
15:05 It's like a rite of passage
15:06 but that also seeps into our...
15:08 That's in American culture too.
15:09 Exactly. Exactly.
15:11 Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
15:12 So, continue. Yes.
15:14 So, I was getting used to do that.
15:19 I remember one time when one of those classmate,
15:23 the, I was making fun of him.
15:26 And right now, I am understanding
15:28 what really happened at that time
15:30 because he said to me,
15:31 that that's not normal, that's not good.
15:34 That is something that we should not practice.
15:38 And it was so why is he saying that?
15:42 At that moment, I didn't understand
15:43 what he was saying.
15:45 But right now, I know that his parents,
15:48 they do care about those issues with him...
15:52 They had the discussion with him.
15:53 Right.
15:55 So, they had the right conversation to him.
16:01 And so, I now recognize and understand
16:05 that how important is that the parents
16:09 talk about these issues even at that, that age,
16:15 you know, and even it needs to be earlier
16:20 because I have seen even children of six years old
16:26 talking about sex.
16:28 And so, this is Satan is attacking a lot.
16:31 Yeah.
16:32 And it's happening earlier and earlier and earlier.
16:36 For you, did pornography end up
16:38 leading to other things sexually?
16:41 Sure.
16:43 When I was 13 years old, my parents they,
16:47 they divorced when I was that age.
16:52 I remember that the thoughts that I had was,
16:56 and I had like,
16:58 one year and a half been into pornography
17:00 and masturbation and I said to myself,
17:04 I don't want to die if,
17:05 I want to have sex with sex with a woman.
17:11 I don't want to die before that, before I die.
17:15 So, I was thinking that at that age.
17:18 So that was like on your bucket list basically.
17:20 Wow, wow. Never heard that before.
17:22 Wow. Yeah.
17:23 And so, it is something that lead me
17:28 to when it wasn't how to,
17:31 how to fail on that too
17:35 on the sexual activity,
17:39 but I was thinking
17:41 that everything was normal about it.
17:45 A few years later, I was thinking,
17:48 no, I really need to have a wife
17:51 to do those things but my mind was thinking
17:54 that the wife was also was only for that.
18:01 I wanted to get married only to get some.
18:05 Okay. Okay.
18:06 So, you didn't have the proper representation
18:10 or the proper understanding of marriage
18:12 and you didn't have that really in your home
18:15 a healthy marriage that you could witness.
18:18 That's right.
18:19 Yeah, that's, that's interesting.
18:21 That's interesting.
18:22 Let's shift gears into your career choice.
18:25 Right?
18:27 Because didn't you, did, okay,
18:28 you left the church to pursue a career in music?
18:31 Well, exactly, I left the church
18:34 because I was tired.
18:36 I was 19 years old and as I was saying to you
18:41 that I wanted to keep being part of the,
18:46 of the different activities of my church like pathfinders,
18:50 master guide of clubs and etc.
18:53 And so, I said,
18:56 why my life is only this, is only and only and only this.
19:00 So, I said, I don't want more of this,
19:03 I need to leave.
19:04 I just want to know what the world offers to me.
19:09 So I went out, I started to frequent bars,
19:12 get drunk, pairing with my friends,
19:16 but then eventually I started to have some
19:23 why I like it so much the music but this comes,
19:27 did came from my childhood even been in Adventist home
19:32 mostly what my parents they were used to,
19:36 to listen Christian and also worldly music.
19:39 So, even for that
19:41 there was not a difference for me was like,
19:44 okay, well one talks about Jesus,
19:46 the other one not but everything is okay.
19:50 So, at that moment I wanted to pursue,
19:54 to be known, to be even worship because I, at the moment
20:00 I wanted to be a DJ.
20:02 Wanted to be a DJ?
20:04 Yes, I wanted to be a DJ for electronic music
20:07 and, and so that was my desire to be,
20:14 to be worship to be
20:16 because I did not receive the love that I needed
20:19 to see from my parents.
20:21 So, I wanted to get the love
20:23 from the different people around me.
20:25 So, you were craving that attention,
20:27 that attention
20:28 that you were so desperately lacking
20:30 as a child.
20:31 And you were getting some attention,
20:33 you were making music for your friends,
20:34 you were mixing tapes.
20:36 And, yeah, so you were getting
20:37 a lot of not only attention from them
20:39 but you were good at it.
20:40 Yes.
20:42 It was, the first time it was difficult for me
20:43 because the most part of my childhood
20:46 I was quiet and, you know,
20:50 that the example or the model
20:55 of how to be, you know,
20:57 because even the people of the church
21:00 they were like,
21:02 oh, you are such a blessing for us in the church,
21:06 you are so spiritual, you are so good guy.
21:10 They thought that it was complete.
21:14 You know, like, like you say to me, like,
21:16 oh, you look so good, you look so...
21:20 Perfect. Perfect.
21:22 So spiritual
21:23 and so they thought the same bit.
21:25 So, you're living a double life.
21:28 Right. Even in my childhood.
21:30 And what point did you get tired
21:32 of leading that double life?
21:35 Well, that was when I left the church.
21:38 So, I started to be,
21:42 well, to show a little bit how it was,
21:46 what was inside of me,
21:49 but about the sexual things I kept that secret
21:52 even when it was out of the church
21:55 because I was not sexual active when it was out there.
22:01 But anyways, the pornography and masturbation was going on.
22:06 Because at the moment when I was 19,
22:08 I got my first cell phone with all internet,
22:14 you know, so I, I had well,
22:18 infinity of possibilities to get that information
22:22 Yeah, it was very accessible.
22:26 At what point did God get a hold of your life?
22:30 One time
22:32 when I returned to church again,
22:36 because I went to visit my friends one time
22:41 and the pastor,
22:42 he was preaching a sermon that really touched my heart
22:47 and he said, well, I really need to return to God.
22:52 If I keep doing what I'm doing right now,
22:55 I will not return anymore.
22:57 So, I think this is the time to do it.
23:00 So, when I return,
23:05 I still failed that what I,
23:09 what I was doing
23:10 was not right at the sight of Jesus,
23:14 that I say, Well,
23:16 anyways, and I'm human, I am sinner.
23:20 So, I think that God,
23:22 really understand that this is a weird thing
23:25 that I will keep doing until He comes.
23:30 So basically in other words,
23:31 and I just want to kind of sum up
23:33 what you're saying is that
23:34 even when you came back to God,
23:36 you still had struggles
23:38 and you started to justify those struggles,
23:41 just, you know, basically saying
23:43 that God will understand I'm a sinner,
23:45 and, you know, I'll keep doing this,
23:48 I'm still struggling,
23:49 but you know, He'll understand.
23:52 And so, continuing on with that,
23:55 like, how did you come out of that?
23:58 Yes, I met some friends on my church.
24:05 Well, not in my local church,
24:06 but different churches that they were,
24:10 they really wanted to have a relationship with God.
24:14 So that made that difference in me.
24:16 I really wanted that, I saw them how they,
24:21 how they were pursuing that.
24:23 So, I wanted to do that.
24:24 And so, when they, when they started with me
24:28 many things of the Bible
24:30 deeper that I started before.
24:35 I say not really,
24:37 this is not something that God really liked.
24:40 Yeah.
24:41 And I should do something else.
24:46 But at that moment, I didn't know how to...
24:49 Yeah. How to make that transition.
24:50 How to make it. Yeah.
24:51 And so, in my church I was having,
24:55 you know, those positions being a deacon and being,
25:00 eventually I came to be an elder.
25:04 Elder.
25:06 So, that was the moment when I knew about UAC.
25:11 And so, the UAC people really helped me about it.
25:16 I still was keeping that secret,
25:21 no one knew about that.
25:25 But I was now struggling.
25:27 I really wanted to do something,
25:29 but I didn't know how to do it.
25:30 Yeah, yeah.
25:32 I can't believe our time is almost escaping us.
25:35 How did you end up doing something about it?
25:42 Like how did you end up to the point
25:44 where it was like enough is enough?
25:47 Yes, when I met Coming Out Ministries
25:49 when they came to Costa Rica,
25:52 I really saw how they had these,
25:55 these deeper, more deeper than the other group
26:01 because for me it was so difficult
26:03 to understand that I gave could overcome that sin.
26:08 So, I say if they can have that victory, I can have it,
26:12 but how they can have it.
26:14 So, I was their driver
26:16 when they were there in Costa Rica.
26:18 So, I had plenty time to see what was their life.
26:23 Yes.
26:24 And so, keeping that relationship,
26:26 praying, studying the Bible,
26:28 but I knew that it was something else,
26:31 it was more than that.
26:33 So, at the time,
26:35 I started to have victory over it.
26:39 And praise, praise the Lord for that.
26:41 You know, it sounds like once your,
26:43 your friends had changed.
26:45 You know, they were studying the Bible more,
26:47 it kind of inspired you
26:48 to study the Bible more as well.
26:50 You met Mike and Coming Out Ministries
26:53 and you saw how they were living
26:54 and you saw what they were able to gain
26:56 the victory over through Christ
26:58 and that helped inspire you too.
27:01 Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony.
27:03 Mike, people can invite you guys
27:05 to speak at their churches.
27:08 How do they send you an email?
27:10 Yeah, ComingOutMinistries.org is our website,
27:13 they can also email us at Admin@ComingOutMinistries.org.
27:19 And we'd be happy to line that up
27:22 and to talk to them about setting up an event.
27:25 And schools, churches?
27:26 Schools, churches, pastors' retreats.
27:29 Yeah, anything,
27:30 anything that has to do with educating our young people
27:33 about the biblical sexuality
27:35 that God wants for each one of us.
27:38 There was, I, I know you're out of time
27:41 but there was this one thing that we just started doing
27:43 with grade schoolers
27:45 talking about the affirmation of gender identity
27:48 and how God created the male and female
27:50 and it's really beautiful.
27:52 That's huge. These little kids understand.
27:53 I hope people will find out more about that.
27:55 We are out of time.
27:57 Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2020-05-21