Urban Report

"Making it Through Life's Storms"

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR200020S

00:01 Are you having trouble navigating
00:02 through the storms of your life?
00:04 Well, stay tuned to meet a man that can point you
00:06 in the right direction.
00:08 My name is Yvonne Shelton,
00:10 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:34 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:37 My guest today is Pastor Ron Woolsey,
00:40 co-founder and speaker of Coming Out Ministries.
00:44 He's authored several books as a concert musician,
00:47 and is here to discuss his latest book,
00:50 "Navigating the Storms."
00:52 Welcome to Urban Report, Pastor Ron.
00:54 Let's do a fist bump.
00:56 All right.
00:57 Good to be back on the set with you.
00:58 Oh, it's so great to be with family.
01:00 Always fun.
01:01 Yeah, always fun. Thank you.
01:02 It's always great to have you because you just...
01:06 I just love what you and your team stand for
01:11 with Coming Out Ministries.
01:12 It is such a, an amazing, amazing ministry.
01:16 Tell us about Coming Out Ministries
01:18 and tell us about your journey?
01:21 Okay, there were several of us
01:24 working independently in ministry,
01:27 individually, sharing our stories
01:30 around the country in various places
01:31 around the world.
01:33 I come out of the gay culture
01:35 converted from that 29 years ago now.
01:38 I've been married 28 years.
01:41 We have children and grandchildren.
01:42 The Lord is good. Amen.
01:44 But, you know, the common myth is once gay always gay.
01:48 It only takes one person to disprove that myth.
01:51 But fortunately, I'm not the only one.
01:54 We are finding people all over the world
01:56 that have that same experience of victory in Jesus.
01:59 And several of us heard about each other.
02:02 We decided to meet up together at a camp meeting.
02:07 So Cal California 10 years ago this month,
02:10 and I was doing music there and speaking there.
02:14 And we all got together
02:15 and talked about our experiences
02:18 and how we were working in ministry individually.
02:21 And we realized, you know, we probably could make
02:24 more of an impact as a joint ministry
02:27 than we each one can individually.
02:30 So we came out of that camp meeting
02:32 as Coming Out Ministries.
02:34 Wow, what a blessing.
02:36 And since then, how long have you been together?
02:38 Ten years.
02:40 We just had a 10 year anniversary
02:43 last weekend,
02:45 we did an online retreat.
02:47 We had like 1,100 people tuning in to our program,
02:51 yeah, celebrating our 10th year anniversary.
02:53 Oh, that's beautiful, beautiful.
02:55 You know, it's so interesting to me that
02:57 in our culture today, there's so much emphasis
03:00 is being placed on you're born that way.
03:04 And if you're born that way, if you're born gay,
03:08 you can't change that,
03:09 no more than you can change your race.
03:12 And so you're telling us that that is not
03:15 a scientific assumption that that is,
03:19 that there is true that you are not born that way.
03:22 Right. That is a political assumption.
03:25 Uh-huh.
03:27 And the one reason we know that that cannot be true.
03:32 The Bible doesn't condemn anybody for their race,
03:35 or their gender, their height,
03:40 maybe their weight, you know,
03:42 but things that are unchangeable
03:44 that we're born with a genetic set
03:46 we're born with and so forth.
03:47 But God does condemn homosexuality,
03:50 among a whole list of things.
03:53 I've written it up all of the abominations
03:55 in the Bible,
03:56 and homosexuality is only one.
03:58 And, Yvonne, the very fact that He condemns it
04:01 tells me He's got an answer.
04:03 He's not going to condemn something
04:04 that He doesn't have an answer for.
04:06 That's right.
04:07 What kind of a God would He be if He points out something
04:10 that cannot be changed, and then condemns you for it?
04:13 Exactly.
04:14 And the whole idea of, you know, the abomination.
04:16 I know that there are certain people
04:19 who feel as though they are the abomination.
04:22 That's not what the Word says,
04:23 the practice is the abomination,
04:25 not the person.
04:27 Right.
04:28 And I think that, so often people feel condemned
04:33 by that and condemned by Christians
04:35 who don't know how to treat them and love.
04:39 How do you treat a person who is in the gay culture?
04:45 How do you treat them and let them know what,
04:49 you know, what this is still sin.
04:51 How do you navigate that?
04:53 Well, as a Christian, we follow Christ.
04:57 We follow His example.
04:59 And so we look in the Word, you know,
05:01 how did Jesus deal with sinners?
05:05 He mingled with them.
05:07 He never participated in their sin,
05:10 that He didn't condemn them.
05:12 He showed compassion without condemnation.
05:16 He never compromised His principles
05:18 and His behavior,
05:20 but He showed great compassion.
05:23 Several years ago, Shawn Boonstra and I
05:25 did a series together for It is Written
05:28 called "Compassion without Compromise."
05:31 And I think about the text where Jesus was talking
05:36 to Mary after she was brought to Him
05:38 because of her adultery.
05:39 And He said, "Neither do I condemn thee
05:41 as compassion.
05:43 Go and sin no more."
05:45 That's without compromise.
05:47 So good balance there.
05:49 And so we need to be the same.
05:50 If we truly love gay people and we do, and praise God,
05:54 we do because I used to be one.
05:56 And I enjoyed being loved, you know.
05:58 And if we love them, we're not going to lie to them.
06:03 We can very compassionately share the truth.
06:07 It's up to everyone to choose for themselves,
06:11 whether to follow truth or not.
06:13 But we can be loving and compassionate
06:16 and still be solidly biblical.
06:19 Yes.
06:20 It's not being fair to them,
06:24 to leave them where they are.
06:26 It's not our job to convict them.
06:30 But it's our job to share the tools for victory.
06:33 And so, the whole idea of loving people,
06:38 and you brought this out in one of our conversations
06:41 before that, how do you love people?
06:45 You love them by being honest with them,
06:48 telling them the truth.
06:50 Well, I think, Yvonne, there are two kinds of love.
06:52 There's a cheap love, which is an indulgent love,
06:55 which is, I don't want to be bothered,
06:57 I'll just love you down the Broadway to destruction.
07:01 I love you all the way,
07:02 you're still going to be destroyed but I love you.
07:05 But that's not a genuine love.
07:07 Jesus demonstrated His love
07:09 that He was willing to give His life
07:11 to save the person that He loved.
07:13 So I think Jesus' kind of love is the love that
07:17 will love people into and up along the narrow way
07:21 which leads unto eternal life,
07:23 rather than the easy,
07:26 cheap love which is love the people as they are
07:28 and leaves them there.
07:30 Yes, yes.
07:31 And that's key.
07:32 He loves us wherever we are, but He doesn't leave us there.
07:35 Right. He loves us too much to leave us in our misery.
07:38 Yes.
07:40 Thing that is we don't always know we're miserable.
07:42 If misery is all we've ever known,
07:44 that's our normal.
07:45 We may not even know we're miserable,
07:48 but Jesus says all.
07:50 Well, it's like His letter to the Laodiceans.
07:53 You think you're rich, increase in goods,
07:55 and have need of nothing.
07:57 And He says, "You don't even have any idea
08:00 how miserable you are wretched, poor, blind,
08:03 and naked, and you have no idea."
08:05 So that's the kind of love that
08:09 Jesus manifests towards us.
08:10 Yes, yes.
08:12 And in that, you bring out God's love in this book.
08:16 What inspired you to write Navigating the Storms?
08:19 And you've written other books too?
08:21 Yes. Why this one?
08:22 Well, you know, this program is called Urban Report.
08:25 Right. Right.
08:27 And so we don't have to look very far, Yvonne,
08:29 to see all of the turmoil in the urban communities today.
08:33 Correct.
08:36 We see violence and bloodshed and mayhem,
08:39 and looting and rioting.
08:41 And it's like the whole world is embroiled in the storms,
08:45 the convulsive storms of chaos, and rebellion, and confusion.
08:50 And that is also typical
08:55 of what's going on in the spiritual world,
08:58 in the social world,
09:01 and, of course, our ministry dealing so much
09:04 with the LGBT issue.
09:06 It's involved, involving the sexual world as well.
09:11 And so you notice that the name of the book is Navigating
09:15 the Storms of Contemporary Sexuality,
09:18 Identity, and Love.
09:21 And the reason for writing the book is because
09:24 there are so many voices out there
09:27 that are dealing with this issue
09:28 that are using the cheap love approach,
09:32 rather than the tough love or godly love approach.
09:37 And so we're getting mixed signals.
09:39 And we see polarization in the world,
09:42 polarization in the political world,
09:45 in the spiritual world,
09:48 in the church, and these two sides are,
09:52 well, one approach is to look at the Bible
09:55 through the lens of today's culture
09:58 and interpret it that way.
10:00 The other approach is to look at today's culture
10:03 through the lens of Scripture.
10:05 And so you see, they don't communicate very well,
10:09 because they have a different rule of faith
10:11 and practice.
10:12 And this is what we're seeing in the Christian world
10:16 is conflicting messages,
10:19 where it's easier
10:22 to just embrace the LGBT issue,
10:26 rather than confront it
10:28 the way Jesus would with compassion and love,
10:32 but without compromise.
10:34 And so, throughout the Christian world
10:36 we see these contradictory approaches,
10:40 conflicting approaches to the LGBT issue.
10:45 And as we see this literature going out,
10:49 to all the pastors and all the teachers
10:51 and seminars being conducted to train pastors and teachers
10:55 in what is now being called posture shift.
10:59 Hmm, unpack that a little bit, what's a posture shift?
11:02 Posture shift is trying to help the church
11:05 change its posture on an issue.
11:10 In other words, change its stance,
11:13 which really boils down to lowering your standards.
11:18 And I am of the opinion based,
11:21 I think, on the Word of God,
11:23 that rather than have the church change its posture,
11:27 we need to help the sinner have a change of heart.
11:31 It's a totally different approach.
11:33 One is cultural.
11:35 One is biblical.
11:36 And we're trying to approach this issue
11:39 from a biblical standpoint.
11:41 And you notice at the top of the book
11:42 that there's this little description,
11:45 guided by the Word of God,
11:47 true science and research,
11:50 and the voice of experience and reason.
11:53 There's a lot in that.
11:55 But notice, first of all, is the Word of God.
11:59 One of my favorite passages, Isaiah 1, "Come now,
12:02 God says, and let us reason together."
12:05 I love that.
12:06 He wants what He asks of us, Yvonne, is reasonable.
12:10 So that's number one.
12:12 If the science does not match the Word of God,
12:15 then the science is faulty.
12:16 But let's go back to reasoning because God wants us
12:19 to be able to talk to Him about it,
12:23 to be able to receive instruction from His Word,
12:26 which is how He can speak to us.
12:29 And so He wants us to reason it out with Him.
12:33 Yes.
12:34 Look at it logically,
12:35 not through the lens of culture.
12:37 Because feelings and emotions.
12:40 And the word that is so precious to me is together.
12:45 Let's reason together.
12:46 In other words, He will listen to our logic.
12:49 He will listen to us vent and explain and excuse
12:54 and, you know, make all of these rationales.
12:58 But He wants to be in on the conversation, too.
13:01 And if He listens to us,
13:04 then He expects us to listen to Him.
13:05 Absolutely.
13:07 And who do you think will have the best points?
13:08 He probably would like to have the last word
13:10 and I think we're wise to let Him have it.
13:13 Have that last word because, I mean He is perfect wisdom.
13:17 Yes. Yes.
13:18 He's a loving Father that created us.
13:22 He knows what is best for what He created.
13:25 Yes, He's omniscient. Yes.
13:27 So He knows everything.
13:29 And He also knows better than anyone how Satan rules.
13:33 And how he attempts to use sophistry
13:36 and everything possible to distract and destroy.
13:40 So yes, so what about the true science and research?
13:44 What have you found with science
13:47 that that kind of supports
13:50 what the Word says because the Word does not,
13:52 the Word stands on its own.
13:55 But many people will use science and say,
13:58 well, the science says da-da, da-da, da-da.
14:01 And it might be contrary to what the Word says.
14:04 How did you navigate through that?
14:06 We'll also we hear this word consensus.
14:09 Hear that all the time that the consensus
14:12 from the scientific research is so and so.
14:16 It's not a consensus, because scientists
14:21 change their positions.
14:23 With every generation,
14:24 you come up with a different position.
14:26 Science is in science, if you believe in evolution,
14:29 science is evolving, right?
14:31 Word of God is not but science is.
14:35 And when you look at scientific reports,
14:38 if you see something that contradicts the Word of God,
14:41 they need to go back to their research,
14:44 because the Word of God is going to be the rule.
14:48 And there is a lot of science
14:50 that is coming out that backs up the Word of God
14:54 and I really praise the Lord for that.
14:57 But for example, one of the myths is that
15:01 we're just born gay,
15:03 And I could have invented that myself,
15:06 but because I use that excuse for years,
15:09 but someone else came up with it
15:10 before I went into the gay world.
15:12 So back in 1985,
15:16 that myth got started with the two gentlemen
15:20 were Kirk and Madsen.
15:22 One was a psychologist and one was a politician.
15:28 So you see... And were they themselves gay?
15:30 Yes, gay politics and psychology.
15:34 And the gay movement had made so many advances
15:37 that they decided,
15:39 I mean, the political community decided
15:42 that they wanted to have legal minority status.
15:46 And the benefits that come with that.
15:49 Well, one of the three criteria
15:51 is you have to be born that way.
15:54 Well, up until then, no one really bought that.
15:58 But they decided, if we use the media,
16:01 if we say it loudly enough, long enough,
16:04 and frequently enough,
16:06 using every possible means to get it out there,
16:09 eventually it will believable, it will be believable.
16:13 And that's where we are today, because when we go out
16:16 and have seminars in churches and so forth,
16:18 this question always comes up.
16:21 What about those who are just born gay?
16:24 See, it's now become believable,
16:27 even in the church.
16:29 But it was totally, it's a hoax.
16:31 It was built upon a desire for privilege
16:34 or special treatment or special benefits, you know.
16:38 So that's just some of the research
16:39 that's touched on in here.
16:41 It's so interesting to me, Pastor Ron,
16:43 how the media has been used to promote
16:47 the idea of gay relationships being normal,
16:52 gay relationships being acceptable societally
16:57 and, you know, it's okay.
17:00 It's okay. That's what the media promotes.
17:03 It's okay.
17:04 Not only is it okay, but if you speak out against it,
17:08 not speaking out against the people themselves,
17:11 but against the practice, you become,
17:14 you know, they have a label for you homophobic,
17:16 so you don't want to talk about it being sin,
17:19 because if you talk about it as being sin,
17:22 you are labeled as being homophobic.
17:24 So they put you in this little box, if you let them.
17:27 Put you in this little box
17:28 where you don't want to say anything,
17:30 because you don't want to appear
17:31 as though you're intolerant.
17:33 And yet, you can't say anything now.
17:37 I mean, no one can say anything about anything,
17:40 because it's just being suppressed.
17:44 I know when you go to do Coming Out Ministries seminars,
17:48 you get a lot of pushback.
17:50 What kind of pushback do you get from Christians?
17:54 Well, first of all, if I were homophobic,
17:57 I wouldn't be in this ministry.
17:58 Right?
18:00 If I were afraid of homosexuality,
18:02 I wouldn't be involved in it.
18:04 If I hated the gay people, I wouldn't be involved with it.
18:08 I would just let it go.
18:11 So I came up with a better word.
18:13 I'm homoagapic.
18:15 Oh, I like that.
18:17 I love gay people. I was gay.
18:19 I know gay people. I love them.
18:20 And I want them to find the joy that I have in my salvation
18:24 for themselves.
18:26 Yes. But yes, we get pushback.
18:28 And unfortunately, Yvonne,
18:31 a lot of our pushback is from within the church.
18:34 Because of this polarization, there is,
18:39 well, I'm sure there's more than two ideologies.
18:41 But there are two conflicting ones,
18:44 in that people want to be saved in sin
18:48 rather than from sin.
18:50 So you see the contradiction, the conflict there?
18:53 And so those who want to be gay Christians,
18:57 and accept gay Christians, they want the church
19:01 to just be loving and accepting.
19:03 That's not the gospel.
19:05 The gospel is about restoring us
19:08 to what God created us to be in the first place.
19:11 It's a redemptive, transforming process.
19:16 And if we're just loved and accepted
19:18 without any conversion without any change.
19:22 Now, every Christian talks about being converted.
19:25 A lot of people say, Well, I was saved.
19:28 Yeah, and they'll tell you when they were saved.
19:31 And I have to say, from what you know,
19:33 but they were saved or they were converted.
19:36 The word converted means changed.
19:38 Every Christian that is truly converted
19:41 is truly changed.
19:43 They submit to that process.
19:45 But with the gay issue,
19:48 there is this protective hedge about the LGBT community
19:52 for some reason that they don't need to change.
19:56 They get a pass.
19:58 God loves them the way they are and where they are
20:02 the way they are, which is not true.
20:04 God loves them where they are, but not the way they are.
20:08 He hates that sin.
20:11 So we get pushback because
20:14 there are those that are protecting
20:16 the LGBT issue within the church.
20:19 They don't want to be confronted
20:21 with the sin issue that it is.
20:24 Yes.
20:25 Tell us some more about Navigating the Storms.
20:29 And what really led you
20:32 into this particular format?
20:35 Well, as a young college student,
20:38 I took up flying.
20:41 And I started out with airplanes,
20:42 but I ended up later flying hang gliders.
20:45 But on my solo cross-country flight,
20:48 I got caught in a violent storm.
20:50 And so I used that story to start off the book.
20:54 Because I've found there are so many object lessons
20:58 that we can find in life's experiences,
21:00 how I got out of this storm,
21:02 and though it threw me way off course,
21:05 I was able to reorient,
21:07 recalibrate, and fly safely to my destination.
21:11 And so that's the story that starts off the book.
21:18 But then the object lessons that I found in there
21:20 about trusting your instructor,
21:24 trusting your, excuse me,
21:26 trusting your instruction, knowing your limitations,
21:31 charting your course, using reliable equipment,
21:37 and seeking assistance, you know, air traffic control.
21:41 When you're flying, you're dependent upon
21:44 air traffic control many times.
21:46 And I think that's a wonderful illustration
21:48 about our relationship
21:50 with the Lord seeking assistance.
21:53 And so I go through all of these different steps
21:55 that I went through and apply it
21:57 to navigating the storms of contemporary sexuality,
22:01 identity and love.
22:03 Yes, it's wonderful.
22:04 And you also have a pamphlet in here.
22:09 Well, it didn't come with it.
22:11 But you also have a pamphlet that's free,
22:14 called Turbulence Ahead.
22:16 Right. Tell us about that?
22:18 Well, I...
22:20 In this little pamphlet, I address maybe seven points
22:24 that are being pushed with this issue
22:29 of trying to get the church to change its posture.
22:32 And the first one I mentioned about changing our position
22:35 rather than the sinner changing,
22:37 having a change of heart
22:40 that some of these and I know we don't have much time,
22:44 but learning to love and nurture
22:47 our gay young people.
22:49 And that's where I address the issue of what kind of love.
22:52 Do we love them down the Broadway by just pacifying,
22:56 embracing them and not showing them
22:58 that they need a savior from sin?
23:00 Or do we love them into the narrow way
23:02 that leads to life?
23:05 And another thing that is being taught
23:09 to pastors and teachers and within the church
23:11 is that it's not our responsibility
23:13 to try to change one's LGBT orientation or identity.
23:19 That's where we talk about conversion.
23:21 Everyone coming to Christ goes through conversion or change.
23:25 I like this quote,
23:27 is commentary on 2 Corinthians 5:17.
23:30 "Therefore, if any man be in Christ,
23:32 he is a new creature."
23:34 This commentary that is so beautiful
23:37 is that the new birth consists in having new motives,
23:40 new tastes, new tendencies, and a genuine conversion
23:44 changes hereditary
23:46 and cultivated tendencies to wrong.
23:48 That's what conversion is.
23:50 So we address that.
23:52 Another point that's brought out as God loves
23:55 LGBT people unconditionally.
23:59 And I have to stress the fact that God loves everyone.
24:01 He loves the lost.
24:03 Not everyone will be in the kingdom,
24:06 not everyone that says, Lord, Lord
24:09 will enter the kingdom, and that's Christians.
24:11 Yes.
24:13 Another point that is pointed out
24:15 in so much of the literature today is that
24:17 gay Christians may be deeply religious.
24:21 And, you know, I think logically,
24:23 I think if I were not a pastor, I'd probably be an attorney.
24:28 Because I like logical thinking,
24:29 I think wait a minute.
24:31 Gay Christians may be deeply religious.
24:34 Aren't pagans deeply religious?
24:36 Aren't militant Islamic extremists
24:40 deeply religious?
24:41 But is that enough?
24:43 There has to be more to it.
24:45 So we explore that.
24:48 People can choose their behaviors
24:49 but not their identity.
24:51 That is so unscriptural.
24:55 Satan wants to brand us with his identity
24:58 by identifying us by the nature of our temptations.
25:02 But Jesus was tempted in all points
25:04 like as we are yet without sin.
25:06 We don't label Jesus
25:07 by the nature of His temptations.
25:09 That's true.
25:10 We shouldn't identify ourselves.
25:13 We identify by the direction we want to go,
25:16 not the direction we pulled.
25:18 It's like in the airplane, tailwinds, headwinds,
25:22 crosswinds, violent storms,
25:23 they'll blow you all over the place.
25:25 But a pilot is not going to allow
25:27 the weather conditions
25:29 to determine his destination
25:31 or his destination will be a fatal one, right?
25:35 Yes, yes.
25:37 So anyway, those are just some of the points
25:41 that are brought out.
25:42 It's really good.
25:43 In this flyer it's very briefly,
25:45 but more so in the book, yeah.
25:47 How can people reach you?
25:49 We need to put your address up on this, on the screen,
25:53 because people want to,
25:55 I know they're going to want to get this book.
25:57 This is a book to share.
25:58 This is a book to read yourself and to share
26:03 is really, really good and so well put together.
26:06 Thank you. So well put together.
26:07 So let's put your address up on the screen.
26:10 And tell us your address please, Pastor.
26:12 All right, our address.
26:14 And for some of you
26:15 who are familiar with our ministry,
26:16 we have a new address.
26:18 It's Coming Out Ministries,
26:20 PO Box 107, In Tilly, Arkansas,
26:25 the heart of the country 72679.
26:29 Again, PO Box 107.
26:32 Tilly, Arkansas 72679.
26:35 And your website?
26:37 Yes. And our website is very easy.
26:39 It's ComingOutMinistries.org. Right.
26:44 And this book and all of our resources
26:46 are available through our website.
26:49 And people can call you as well.
26:50 Yes, if they want to call, 870-504-0173.
26:56 That's great. That's great.
26:58 Because I know people are going to want to invite you to come.
27:01 One of the things that you do is you,
27:05 you talk about victory and that's such a blessing.
27:08 Thank you so much for being with us today.
27:11 Oh, thank you for this opportunity.
27:13 Always a delight.
27:14 Well, thank you so much.
27:15 We appreciate you and all that you do
27:18 because it is not easy
27:20 to be going against the culture of the tide of the culture.
27:25 And so we thank you so much.
27:27 And we thank you for tuning in.
27:30 Order this book, support this ministry,
27:32 send them a donation.
27:34 They really need some assistance.
27:38 They need some assistance from you
27:39 because it's hard to go up against the culture.
27:44 And so they get some resistance
27:46 but, you know, the Lord is in control.
27:48 Thank you so much for being with us.
27:50 Join us next time because you know what?
27:52 It just wouldn't be the same without you.
27:56 Amen.


Revised 2020-11-09