Urban Report

Liberating The Captives

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR210006S

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a man who pays it for behind bars.
00:04 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:06 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:31 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:33 My guest today is Lemuel Vega,
00:35 founder of Christmas Behind Bars,
00:37 and he has a compelling mission.
00:39 Welcome to Urban Report, Lemuel.
00:41 Jason, it's been an amazing week.
00:42 We've had an opportunity to work together
00:44 and there's future programs coming up and it's awesome.
00:47 Absolutely.
00:48 And I'm looking forward to getting into all of that,
00:51 but I want to start with your journey
00:52 because God has blessed you with a tremendous testimony.
00:56 Amen.
00:58 Um, so let's start with your upbringing
00:59 and maybe some things that transpired
01:01 and just take us through?
01:03 I want to tell you that Christmas Behind Bars
01:04 is an answer to a mother's prayer.
01:08 It's an answer to mother's prayer
01:09 that never got to see a change in their son's life,
01:11 but by faith they continue to pray.
01:13 And my mother, you know, I'd come home 12, 13 years old
01:17 and I'd come in, I'd be high or had been drinking.
01:19 And I check her bedroom
01:20 and she'd be on her knees with her Bible open
01:22 claiming God's promises.
01:24 You know, I said, mom, give it a break,
01:25 'cause I was on a mission
01:27 and it was for destruction in another direction.
01:30 And you know, there's young people today.
01:32 Mom tells them be home by 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock.
01:34 And they think that mom's being rude
01:38 or unkind to them.
01:39 And that's not the case.
01:40 Moms are on our side
01:42 Grandmas are on our side, you know?
01:43 And so, as a young person,
01:45 I was put in a Christian school,
01:47 you know, my mom worked hard
01:48 cleaning houses and two jobs
01:51 to put us in a Christian school.
01:53 But my heart wasn't right.
01:54 And I didn't care nothing about school.
01:56 And I gave up on school at an early age, Jason.
02:00 You know what's it look like,
02:02 if you ever seen a kid tightened his seat
02:03 in second grade with a jump rope?
02:05 Yeah. I mean, jump rope, you know?
02:06 And so, so wherever you're at in the world today,
02:09 you're struggling with education.
02:10 I just wanna encourage those people for education
02:13 because I didn't pay attention.
02:14 I can't do multiplication or long division today.
02:16 You know, I didn't learn all that,
02:18 but I do have a calculator.
02:19 So a calculator helped me figure things out.
02:21 That's right.
02:23 You know, at 13 years old I
02:24 told my mom, I said, look, I'm a teenager now.
02:26 I said I'm on my own direction, you know?
02:29 And um, between the age of 13 and 18,
02:33 how many years is that?
02:34 Five.
02:36 Five simple years,
02:37 I'm sitting in the county jail
02:39 facing 10 to 20 years in prison.
02:41 I had a lot of money
02:43 and I got the best attorney money could buy
02:45 out of Indianapolis, Indiana, a big city.
02:47 And I thought I would walk,
02:49 you know, but I got more time in prison
02:51 than my brother got with a public defender
02:54 holes in his blue jeans, long hair.
02:57 Don't give a attitude to the judge.
02:58 I don't care what you do to me, that's what my brother,
03:00 and I was going in there trying to get,
03:02 trying to escape, you know,
03:04 and I got more time
03:05 in this maximum security prison.
03:07 Oh, deed on my way to prison.
03:09 And the first words
03:10 I was shackled and handcuffed Jason
03:11 to someone I didn't even know,
03:13 my feet, my hands shackled to someone.
03:15 As we walked together into the prison,
03:17 he doing life in prison.
03:19 He doing life.
03:20 We go in the back gates
03:22 of this maximum security prison.
03:23 And the first words I heard in that prison is,
03:26 Hey boy,
03:27 I look carry my little blanket, my shoes and stuff.
03:30 You know, he said, I'll give you a shank
03:32 for that watch.
03:34 I said, what'd you say?
03:36 He said, I'll give you a shank for that watch.
03:38 And you know, and from then on and prison ain't no joke,
03:42 but I'll tell you what, the way you walk the walk
03:44 and carry yourself and God's mercy was with me.
03:47 Yes.
03:48 Because I didn't play,
03:50 I was friends on all sides of the camp.
03:52 I had friends on this side of the chow.
03:54 And on that side of the chow,
03:55 you can't tell me, I can't say what these people over here.
03:58 And so, so God blessed me through that journey in prison.
04:01 You didn't play prison politics?
04:03 Oh no, no, no, no, no, no.
04:04 I had friends everywhere and hello, how you doing?
04:07 And you know, I tried to get my GED in prison
04:11 and I couldn't.
04:12 I failed because I mean, I'm trying to study
04:14 and people back here, they're throwing stuff at you
04:16 or where you from boy and all this kind of stuff.
04:18 And I just, I just laid up in my side, quit.
04:21 I can't, I can't get it, you know?
04:23 And so I got a job
04:24 in a furniture factory in a prison, you know?
04:26 And one day I'm coming down the steps
04:28 from the upstairs,
04:29 I worked upstairs furniture factory
04:31 for and my friend worked downstairs,
04:32 I, wasn't my friend.
04:34 Then I'm coming down the stairs and he said, Vega.
04:36 He said, "What's wrong?"
04:37 I said, "What do you mean what's wrong?"
04:39 'Cause in prison, you don't tell people your problems.
04:40 I said, I said, "Why do you ask me what's wrong?"
04:43 He said, "Vega, I don't see your smile no more."
04:46 I said, "Man, these people would be talking
04:47 about taking my watch man,"
04:49 and him and me up and a bunch of funny stuff.
04:51 And he sent word.
04:53 So he was from a...
04:54 It wasn't a Christian religion.
04:56 He was from another background of faith.
04:58 And he sent word over to H cell house.
05:00 He said, "Look, y'all leave Vega alone."
05:02 And so him and all his people said,
05:04 "Look, y'all leave Vega alone."
05:06 So my life was blessed
05:09 even though I went through prison.
05:11 You know, the sad reality is, bro,
05:13 is prison don't change our life,
05:14 they can't.
05:16 They can mandate us to a cell.
05:18 They can mandate us to incarceration,
05:21 but they can't change the heart.
05:23 And God doesn't try to change.
05:24 I mean, God doesn't mandate change in our lives.
05:28 You know, He give us a free will.
05:30 You know, and so, so prison didn't change my life.
05:32 I got out of prison and I joined church
05:36 because I wanted to do what was right
05:38 just like all them people, man, they want to do what,
05:40 when they get out,
05:41 they don't want to start drinking again.
05:43 They don't want to start shooting dope again.
05:44 They really want to do good. I tested that.
05:48 And, but on our own...
05:50 That's right, and we can't do it on our own.
05:52 We can't. We can't.
05:54 You know, so I tried and I tried and I,
05:56 then I got focus on people and stuff.
05:59 They had pretty cars, they had nice clothes.
06:00 They had fancy jet boats and all this stuff.
06:04 I said, man, I know how to get stuff.
06:07 You know, and then you start going back to the city
06:09 and buying drugs
06:10 and taking them down to the police
06:11 and the police take them in for you.
06:13 The people who looked out for me,
06:14 they selling them.
06:15 They were happy that I was still their friend
06:17 when I got out.
06:19 And then with all that money,
06:21 sick, suffering, suicidal
06:24 almost to go insane or go back to prison or die.
06:28 I went to treatment.
06:30 You know, so I went to treatment
06:32 for the first time in my life.
06:33 And, Jason, I never met no one before that
06:35 everyone to quit using drugs,
06:36 I thought I was the only, the only Joe,
06:38 the only square on the block.
06:40 I thought I was the only one
06:41 that they weren't having fun no more.
06:43 But you know it, ain't no fun. That's right.
06:46 You know, I could give you a pile of dope to anybody,
06:49 a pile of dope.
06:50 And I could tell you what's going to happen.
06:52 Either you're going to run out or you're going to die.
06:55 That's the reality of that.
06:57 But with Jesus,
06:59 there's never, there's, it's always continual.
07:02 He feeds us, He waters us, He strengthened us,
07:05 He nurtures us, He encourages us.
07:07 I go to treatment
07:08 and the people with their college education,
07:10 they said, well, you need methadone
07:11 and you need an, and you need,
07:13 I'm like, look, man, I got drugs.
07:14 Okay. I'm tired, I'm sick.
07:16 I want off this trying to destruct it.
07:18 Will you help me?
07:20 They ain't got no help.
07:21 So they're trying to solve your drug problem
07:23 with more drugs?
07:24 Right. Right, right.
07:25 That's like someone got a bullet wound
07:27 and he bleeding and they say, oh, well let me get a band aid
07:29 and put that on there.
07:30 No, this dude needs surgery.
07:32 And he needs help in the surgical process
07:34 from Jesus starts in the heart.
07:36 Amen.
07:37 It starts with a decision that they want help,
07:39 they want change.
07:40 And as they pray and reach out to God
07:42 and that's what happened in my life,
07:44 35 years old in a hospital room,
07:45 I just got down on my knees
07:48 and the only prayer I prayed,
07:50 dear Jesus, please help me.
07:53 I want to quit, but I can't.
07:55 Yeah.
07:57 And that began and it was all sincerity
07:59 because I was hopeless.
08:00 And so, so that's the beauty of Christmas Behind Bars
08:03 as God took the rags of incarceration,
08:06 the hurt and the heartache of incarceration,
08:09 the loneliness of incarceration,
08:11 the pain and the guilt and the shame of incarceration.
08:14 He took it to a life surrendered by God's grace
08:18 to be able to go back
08:20 and make some little care packages
08:22 to say, bro, there's hope for your life.
08:24 Sister, girl, don't give up. God loves you.
08:26 It don't matter how far you've sunk.
08:28 It don't matter how dirty you think you is.
08:30 God will help you just as you are.
08:31 So that's what Christmas Behind Bars is about in a nutshell.
08:34 Amen.
08:35 And how did you,
08:36 so how did Christmas Behind Bars get started?
08:39 What inspired the idea?
08:40 It was the pastor's wife who come down.
08:42 It was a pastor.
08:43 A pastor came to pray with me
08:45 when I was in that hospital for drug addiction.
08:47 Doctors couldn't help me. Pastor came to pray with me.
08:49 And he told me that God helped him.
08:52 He never been incarcerated before, man,
08:54 never been in trouble, never been in prison,
08:56 a good Christian home,
08:57 Christian college and all this stuff.
08:59 But he said that when his mother died,
09:00 he got addicted to cough syrup.
09:02 Wow.
09:03 And I'm thinking, "Oh man, dude, you don't understand
09:05 what I'm going.
09:06 I'm talking drugs, I'm talking all this stuff.
09:07 You don't understand."
09:09 But out of respect, I listened to him
09:10 and he told me that
09:12 God helped him with this problem.
09:14 He prayed and he left.
09:16 And as I saw the most beautiful sunset
09:18 I'd ever seen in my life, I said,
09:19 "Man, if God can paint that somehow He can help me."
09:24 And I kneel down in that hospital room.
09:25 So the pastor came, prayed with me, inspired me,
09:28 encouraged me, directed me, left me with a thought
09:30 that God helped him, God could help me.
09:33 And it was his wife. We started going to church.
09:35 It was probably about six, eight months later
09:37 after I got out of the hospital.
09:38 I'd got a job at little grocery business.
09:40 It was a pastor's wife's idea.
09:42 One day at church, he said,
09:43 we'd like to make some care packages
09:45 for the folk down in our county jail.
09:46 I said,
09:48 "Man, that would be a great idea.
09:49 Then the inmates would really appreciate that."
09:51 And I got some granola bars and some chips and snacks
09:54 and I'd like to donate this.
09:56 And then every year it just continued to grow.
09:58 It just grew from there. It wasn't my idea.
10:00 You know, I've had the opportunity
10:02 to go into prisons with you.
10:04 Amen.
10:05 And minister and spread the gospel and everything.
10:07 And I just have to say that
10:08 it's been an incredible experience.
10:10 What Christmas Behind Bars is doing
10:13 is absolutely amazing.
10:15 Talk about what's in,
10:16 what the contents of the packages are?
10:19 They got devotional materials, the books,
10:22 3ABN has helped us donate a lot of books
10:24 for the ministry.
10:25 So they have devotional books.
10:26 They have GLOW tracts.
10:28 We're really thankful for those people
10:29 that help us donate those.
10:30 They have creation magazines.
10:32 We're thankful for those.
10:33 Granola bars, snacks, soap, deodorant, toothbrush,
10:36 toothpaste, Bibles,
10:38 used Bibles, thinking of UCards,
10:41 man, when you are in prison or jail,
10:42 you don't get your name called for mail.
10:44 You might be one out of 20 to get your name called from.
10:47 Bradley, I got a letter for him.
10:49 Man, brother, you get mail and no one get mad.
10:51 So those homemade thinking of UCards
10:53 are worth their weight in gold,
10:54 the pictures with scripture on the back of them.
10:57 They might throw everything else away.
10:58 They're not gonna throw away that picture.
11:00 On the back there's words of hope
11:01 and encouragement.
11:02 They'll take a little toothpaste
11:04 on the back of that picture
11:05 and put it up on the wall.
11:07 Wow. So it's a blessing.
11:08 Yes. Amen.
11:09 Now we've been spending
11:11 quite a bit of time together this week too.
11:13 We've also been in jail
11:15 and, but this was a little bit different.
11:17 We had a chance to go to the Benton,
11:20 Illinois, Franklin county, historic jail museum
11:24 that Robert Ray so graciously allowed us to use,
11:28 and we recorded a new program for 3ABN.
11:32 Why don't you tell us a little bit about
11:33 maybe some of the topics,
11:35 some of the illustrations and things that you're doing?
11:36 Well, the new program is analogies.
11:40 The new program is,
11:41 is things that you and I have used in prison.
11:44 Something as simple as a roll of toilet paper
11:47 and just different things,
11:49 garbage can, and trash,
11:52 and umbrellas, and mosquito net.
11:54 And so, so just different analogies of,
11:56 of practical applications,
11:58 of how Jesus will help you wherever you are.
12:01 Yeah. So just simple things.
12:03 So give us an example
12:04 and then we're going to go to a clip in a little bit,
12:06 but give us an example of like,
12:08 okay, let's say the toilet paper.
12:11 I'll let you give the example.
12:13 Okay.
12:14 So you use toilet paper, right?
12:16 It cleans up messy situations, right?
12:18 So, you know, you might have to dab or something,
12:20 you need a napkin.
12:22 But we have messy situations in our lives
12:24 and Jesus cleans that up for us.
12:25 Amen. Correct?
12:27 Now give us the example of the trash or treasure?
12:30 Well, I tell you about the toilet paper.
12:32 I want to expound on that a little bit
12:34 is I believe that 99.9% of everybody in prison
12:38 uses toilet paper on a regular basis,
12:40 probably in the world.
12:42 Amen? I would hope so.
12:43 So why do we?
12:44 Because it cleans up external messy situations.
12:46 That's right.
12:48 But God wants to come into the heart
12:49 and clean up the heart.
12:51 So the toilet paper, I'll take a little bit and,
12:53 and open my, put a little bit by my heart
12:54 and I sit, as we allow God to come in.
12:56 I said, as the internal begins to change,
13:00 the external comes into conformity
13:02 with the internal.
13:03 Yes.
13:05 So I just pray that as long as everybody uses in the,
13:07 you know, they'll think about that.
13:09 And the Holy Spirit can use that.
13:10 So simple analogies like trash,
13:13 you know, the pearl of great price,
13:14 you know, that God says,
13:16 you know, the kingdom of heaven
13:17 is like unto a pearl of great price.
13:19 When a man found it for the joy of,
13:21 he goes and sells a whole field,
13:22 he goes and buys.
13:24 So we want to let the inmates know that
13:25 there ain't nothing worse holding on to,
13:27 that Jesus is that pearl of great price,
13:29 so just simple analogies.
13:31 Yeah, which is beautiful.
13:33 We have a clip from the program
13:36 and we're going to take a look at that right now.
13:39 Amen.
13:40 Larry, would you come up here? I got a question.
13:42 Have you ever collected any trash?
13:44 Yes. I have like many people.
13:46 You have collected trash in your life.
13:48 You know, I have a trash can here.
13:51 And did you ever have anger in your life?
13:55 I had anger.
13:56 Had anger in your life.
13:57 Drugs.
13:59 You've had drug addiction? Drug addiction.
14:00 You know, so many people in prison,
14:02 out of prison suffer with drug addiction.
14:05 Alcohol.
14:06 Alcohol is another.
14:08 Shame.
14:09 Shame. Pain.
14:11 There's been a lot of things
14:12 I've done a lot of terrible things.
14:16 Well, I'm afraid I got more things
14:18 than you got trash here in my life.
14:20 And you want to get rid of that trash, right?
14:22 I do.
14:23 Let's have a word of prayer.
14:24 Dear heavenly Father,
14:26 Lord, we know we can't do it on our own.
14:27 And that's why You give the gift of Your Son, Jesus,
14:30 for all of humanity,
14:31 incarcerated, free,
14:33 but yet we're empty and alone without You.
14:37 And, Larry, you just say this prayer with me,
14:39 dear Lord, please help me.
14:41 Dear Lord, please help me.
14:42 I want to, but I can't.
14:43 I want to, but I can't.
14:45 Here's my life. Take me and use me.
14:47 Here's my life. Take me and use me.
14:50 Dear heavenly Father,
14:51 we just pray as He acknowledges you,
14:53 Lord, he's willing to surrender these things.
14:55 We just ask a special anointing and blessing
14:57 as Larry's a representation for all of the incarcerated,
15:01 all of the people outside of Your will,
15:03 the people in the free world today,
15:05 they are suffering with many, many things.
15:07 We just ask for a special blessing.
15:09 Now in Jesus' name, we pray.
15:11 Amen. Amen.
15:12 Amen.
15:14 Larry, let's get rid of the pain.
15:18 You wanna surrender that? Yes, I do.
15:20 Let's get rid of the unforgiveness.
15:24 What else would you like to surrender?
15:25 You got hate? Here, you said in your life.
15:28 The drug addiction?
15:29 The drug addiction, alcohol.
15:31 Alcoholism.
15:32 And shame, pain.
15:34 The shame and the pain. I get rid of it all.
15:36 You know, the Lord wants to replace us with joy.
15:41 He wants to give us hope.
15:44 He wants to replace us the hate with love.
15:49 He wants to continue to give us the spirit of evangelism.
15:54 He wants to continue to help us now throughout all eternity.
15:59 And He wants to use you
16:00 as a representation for all people,
16:02 because the Word of God says,
16:04 "Go ye therefore and proclaim the gospel."
16:06 He wants to use you to bring hope
16:08 to the burden.
16:09 You have a scripture today, Brother.
16:11 Absolutely.
16:12 Larry, I want to share this encouraging scripture with you
16:13 that that really made a difference for me in my life.
16:15 And this has come from 2 Corinthians 5:17.
16:19 And it says,
16:20 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
16:22 he is a new creation, old things have passed away,
16:26 behold, all things have become new."
16:29 By accepting Christ, you become a new creation.
16:33 All of those old things have passed away.
16:35 We love you and God bless you.
16:36 Thank you.
16:41 Wow. That was an amazing experience.
16:44 You know, it's been a blessing to work with the 3ABN crew.
16:46 And if people could see behind the scenes,
16:49 they'd be amazed how, what goes into the programming.
16:50 That's right.
16:51 You know, I would recommend anybody that comes to this area
16:54 to go and visit that museum.
16:56 It's really, really neat.
16:57 It has a lot of history and it's worth the trip,
17:00 so many people come.
17:02 You know, the analogy of the trash and the treasure
17:07 is we collect trash in our lives.
17:10 It can be things that will burden us down
17:12 and slow us from going forward.
17:14 And so we just take simple things like the trash
17:17 and we ask people
17:19 if they'd like to keep the trash
17:20 or if they'd like to trade it in
17:22 and they'll trade it in
17:24 because they don't want to keep trash,
17:25 it's nothing, you know?
17:26 And so we use those analogies with sin.
17:29 Do we wanna hang on to the sin?
17:30 Or do we want the fruits of the spirit,
17:32 joy, peace, hope, happiness, forgiveness.
17:36 And we can have that spirit of forgiveness
17:38 then to be more like Jesus.
17:40 So that's what we want these,
17:42 the trash and the treasures to represent.
17:45 And so just simple things
17:48 to bring hope and encouragement.
17:50 Yeah. They're simple yet profound.
17:53 I think they're very powerful analogies.
17:56 And you know, when you look at the life of Christ,
17:58 Jesus used parables all the time.
18:00 For sure.
18:01 And it really spoke to the people.
18:03 I see that you have bread and water
18:04 sitting here on the set.
18:07 Well, tell me about that? What's going on here?
18:10 Something as simple as a loaf of bread,
18:12 we try to bring the inmates,
18:14 physical, tangible food crackers for say,
18:18 you know, a handful of crackers, Jason,
18:20 and a glass of water makes you so you're not hungry at night.
18:24 So we try to bring them the tangible stuff.
18:26 But this represents the bread of life.
18:29 Jesus said, there's a scripture if you could read it.
18:31 Yes.
18:33 And this is John 6:35,
18:35 "And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life.
18:38 He who comes to Me shall never hunger,
18:41 and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."
18:44 That's the internal hunger.
18:46 That's what humanity seeks for.
18:48 We seek to fit in.
18:50 We seek a stature in society
18:53 and the cars and the house and all this stuff.
18:56 And that's not what He's talking about.
18:57 He's talking about filling the internal.
18:59 Yes.
19:01 And so when He says I'm the bread of life,
19:02 He means, He, as we,
19:04 the world around uses bread every day.
19:06 And so He used that in his day and in this day.
19:09 So as we eat and consume food,
19:11 Jesus wants us to taste and see
19:14 that what He will do
19:15 will become living realities in our life.
19:18 The water, you know, we'll drink in this water
19:20 and sure we'll thirst again.
19:22 But when we come to Jesus, we're not thirsty no more
19:26 for the broken cisterns of society.
19:28 And so wherever you are in the neighborhood,
19:31 don't feel like you got to go down
19:33 and do wrong things
19:34 to buy the new Nike shoes.
19:36 God will give us the peace that passes all understanding
19:39 with the old raggedy stuff.
19:40 Yeah.
19:41 Don't let someone condemn you or put you down
19:43 because you don't fit in with the other crowd
19:45 because Jesus,
19:47 He accepts people where they are
19:48 and He grows us inside
19:50 and He has a special mission and purpose and a journey
19:52 for each and every one of our people, you know?
19:56 Jesus said, He said,
19:57 as you've done it unto the least of these,
20:00 He said, my brethren,
20:02 Jesus said that the least of the least.
20:05 He equated them to his brethren.
20:07 So we are all family. That's right.
20:09 We're all family. Amen? That's right.
20:11 And thank God that He doesn't leave us
20:13 the way that He finds us.
20:14 And you know, as I think about the bread and water,
20:17 if you don't consume bread and water
20:20 on a daily basis.
20:21 Physically.
20:22 Yeah physically, you're, you know, you'll die.
20:24 Like if you don't eat and drink,
20:28 you will, you will die.
20:29 Come on now.
20:30 Now, if you don't read the Word,
20:32 if you don't study the Word of God,
20:33 you're gonna die spiritually.
20:34 Amen.
20:36 And so, you know, that's, that is paramount,
20:37 especially in today's society,
20:39 like we need to be studying our Word.
20:42 We need to be grounded in the Word,
20:44 because there's so much stuff pulling for our attention.
20:46 The devil know that. Oh, yeah.
20:48 The devil know that.
20:49 So if he can keep you on Facebook
20:51 and all this Twitter and Instagram
20:53 and all, he can keep us all focused on the news
20:55 and on the drama and on the virus
20:57 and all this stuff and on the economy.
20:59 So we are worried about the worry.
21:01 Let me tell you something, brother.
21:03 When people were taken out of the bondage out of Egypt,
21:06 before they left for the Promised Land,
21:08 they had to make bricks without straw.
21:09 Their life got harder as Christian people in bondage,
21:12 their life got harder,
21:14 but when they crossed through on the Red Sea
21:16 and the Jesus is coming again
21:18 and He wants to take us through,
21:19 talking about water.
21:20 Amen? Yeah, amen.
21:22 You just hit on something though.
21:23 You said when they became Chris...
21:25 So, okay, so when we become Christians,
21:26 it's just not all perfect, right?
21:29 We like, we don't,
21:30 we don't have to endure trials, huh?
21:32 Right. It gets harder. It gets harder.
21:34 Sometimes it seems like it gets harder.
21:36 But when we're just floating down the river
21:38 and it's filled with sewage and all kinds of stuff,
21:40 the devil don't care,
21:42 he'll let us float as long as we wanna float.
21:43 Yeah. You know?
21:45 But see the beautiful thing is
21:46 like, you know,
21:48 when we become Christians,
21:50 like, it doesn't mean that
21:51 everything's going to be the perfect
21:53 smooth sailing road.
21:54 The Bible says it rains on the just and unjust,
21:57 you know, but we have the purpose in our heart.
22:00 Yeah. We're serving a purpose.
22:02 We're serving someone
22:03 who wants to spend eternity with us,
22:05 Jesus. Amen.
22:06 And so it's, it's all worth it.
22:08 See, when you're going through these trials
22:09 and tribulations in the world,
22:11 you've got nobody on your side
22:13 that, you know, so you wanna be with Jesus
22:16 and He stand with us.
22:18 If He before you... Come on. Who can be against you?
22:20 Who can be against you? That's right.
22:21 And there's been opposition with Christmas Behind Bars,
22:24 brothers, you know,
22:25 as far as the going into these prisons and stuff,
22:28 there's been opposition
22:30 as far as whether it's to get product
22:32 or whether it's finances.
22:34 And so we just know,
22:36 you know, I just tell you, I'll be honest with you, man.
22:39 You know, it was freezing out cold.
22:41 It was zero degrees,
22:42 had two semi-trucks and trailers
22:44 going to the same place.
22:45 We're supposed to do a bagging tonight. Okay.
22:47 We're supposed to be there, have all set up.
22:49 The snow was awful, 13 inches of snow.
22:51 It was awful.
22:52 And I'm unloading this semi-trailer,
22:54 man, it's cold.
22:55 My fingers aren't working no more.
22:57 My fingers are numb.
22:58 And I keep bringing the pallet one at a time to the back.
23:00 So someone can offload it and my fingers were numb.
23:03 And the thought come to me, Jason,
23:05 a thought come to me.
23:06 And it was like, is this really worth it?
23:10 Oh no. Where'd that come from?
23:12 This is worth it because where do I have to go,
23:15 back to the dope house?
23:17 You know, back to prison myself,
23:18 it is worth it.
23:20 So the devil brings some crazy thoughts.
23:22 And so by God's grace,
23:23 we got those 6,000 bags done that night
23:25 just as planned.
23:27 So it is worth it.
23:28 So all I can say is we have to persevere
23:30 to endure till the end.
23:32 Amen? Amen.
23:34 What kind of opposition
23:35 or what kind of challenges have you faced
23:38 with COVID in getting into the prisons?
23:39 Well, the challenges are,
23:41 is we can't go in and evangelize face to face.
23:43 Yeah.
23:45 But we're still able to make the packages
23:46 and they have the literature in there
23:48 and the windows of heaven are still open.
23:50 The door to the prison might be closed,
23:51 but the windows of heaven,
23:53 they going in cell by cell with this devotional material.
23:56 So praise the Lord.
23:57 You know, I went to a prison.
23:59 It was in... I'm not gonna name the state.
24:01 I was supposed to be there at 7 o'clock in the morning.
24:04 And we're going to deliver packages
24:05 over 2000 packages.
24:07 I'm there at 7 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 7:30, 8 o'clock,
24:10 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 11,
24:12 I still waiting at the back gate.
24:13 I knew something was tragically wrong,
24:15 but I didn't know what it was.
24:17 And the chaplain came out and here's what he said,
24:21 "We had someone commit suicide last night."
24:23 Wow.
24:24 We had an inmate kill another inmate last night.
24:27 And we had two drug overdoses last night.
24:30 That's a rough night.
24:31 You know, and that's what he said.
24:32 That's a rough night.
24:34 I'm thinking, man, that's a rough year.
24:35 That's a rough.
24:37 So anyway, so a bad prison,
24:39 my heart was broken for those four people
24:43 that didn't receive a package.
24:44 Yeah.
24:45 I just wish somehow the chaplain would announced
24:47 that bags are coming,
24:48 Christmas Behind Bars is coming.
24:50 Because what happens is
24:51 when they announced that Christmas Behind Bars is coming
24:54 and the prison knows it.
24:56 The inmates got something to look forward to.
24:57 Yes.
24:58 The suicide watch goes down
25:01 and a lot of different things change.
25:02 The atmosphere changes,
25:04 because they're looking forward to this ministry coming
25:06 because they know they're gonna receive something.
25:09 And we as Christians, brothers,
25:11 we have been told that the Savior was gonna come.
25:15 There was propitiation for our sins,
25:16 the cross of Calvary
25:17 that Jesus would come and go there and He did.
25:19 Amen.
25:21 And now we as Christians, we have the opportunity
25:22 to look back unto the cross
25:24 and forward under the sooner return of Jesus Christ.
25:28 So we as Christians
25:29 should be diligent more now than ever.
25:31 Amen.
25:33 What are some of the needs of Christmas Behind Bars?
25:36 We need Bibles, Bibles, Bibles, Bibles, used Bibles.
25:39 If people at home have used Bibles,
25:41 they can put them in a box.
25:42 If they got new Bibles, they can put them in a box
25:44 and send them to us at Christmas Behind Bars,
25:46 financial contributions
25:47 as we continue by faith to say yes to prisons.
25:50 Nebraska called said, yes,
25:51 I just got a call this morning from a man in Texas.
25:54 He said, there's a prison in Oklahoma,
25:55 two of them that would like packages.
25:57 So financial contributions, homemade thinking of UCards,
26:01 brother, homemade cards.
26:03 The little children can make cards.
26:04 They can use glue, glitter, lays, pencil, crayon, marker.
26:07 They can use anything to make a homemade card
26:10 and we give those to the inmates
26:11 and they're worth their weight in gold.
26:12 Amen.
26:14 Well, we're gonna put up your contact information.
26:15 Okay.
26:16 So that people know how to get in touch with you,
26:18 how to send those things to your organization.
26:22 If you want to contact Christmas Behind Bars,
26:25 you can send them mail at PO Box 474,
26:29 Bluffton, Indiana 46714,
26:34 or you can visit them online
26:36 at ChristmasBehindBars.org
26:40 Send them an email at
26:41 Contact@ ChristmasBehindBars.org
26:45 or you can give them a call.
26:48 And why don't you share that number with us?
26:50 (260) 827-8835.
26:55 All right. All right. Yes.
26:57 And so hopefully our viewers will reach out
26:59 and they will support
27:01 this wonderful, wonderful organization.
27:04 And, Lemuel, give us a final thought
27:08 for somebody who hasn't accepted Christ
27:10 in their life?
27:11 For somebody that hasn't accepted Christ in your life.
27:15 I would just like to say, personally,
27:18 as you're willing,
27:19 He's able, He's not gonna force you.
27:22 He's not gonna take you to a place you don't wanna go.
27:24 It'll get better, it'll grow brighter,
27:26 it'll grow stronger,
27:28 but today's the day that you have to be willing
27:32 to taste and see that God is good.
27:36 Amen.
27:38 Taste and see that the Lord is good,
27:39 and you tasted and you saw that He is good.
27:43 And you as well. Amen.
27:45 And that's our promise to our viewers today.
27:47 That's right.
27:48 And now we're living for Him.
27:49 Thank you so much for coming on and sharing.
27:51 And we wanna thank you for joining us.
27:53 Make the decision to accept Christ today,
27:56 until next time God bless you.


Revised 2021-06-03