Ultimate Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000067B

00:03 Welcome back! Before the break we were
00:05 talking about first aid kits
00:06 and how we can help care for others, our family,
00:09 and our friends, and we were talking about EpiPens,
00:11 And Dr. Marcum, is there anything else we need to know
00:14 about the proper use of EpiPen.
00:15 Well, you know, one of the things I think is very useful
00:18 for high risk people.
00:19 So high risk people - who would that be?
00:21 Peanut allergies, bee allergies, that kind of thing;
00:24 or people - maybe a teacher, maybe at a school,
00:27 maybe a school nurse.
00:28 One of the things is that does require a doctor's prescription.
00:33 One of the things we notice, it doesn't take a whole lot of
00:35 training, as you saw, it's not that hard to do,
00:38 but they do have expiration dates. Okay
00:40 So this might be something that some people would like to add
00:43 to their first aid kit; others wouldn't.
00:46 So this is something good that I think we can add to our
00:49 knowledge base even if we don't have it in our kit,
00:52 it's something we need to know
00:54 about who might benefit from it. Right
00:56 Now we are talking also about cardiovascular disease, Nick.
00:59 That's right and we've had a number of questions
01:01 coming into the website...
01:03 Well let's hold off on the questions here for a second.
01:04 I just want to make sure that everyone...
01:06 on our program, we like to leave them at least two things
01:09 that they can do today that you can take with you home
01:12 that you can do something to improve your health.
01:14 And #1, realize that cardiovascular disease
01:17 is a problem and we want to meet your need...
01:20 And one of the things we talked about today is
01:22 lower fat in the diet and we get fat from animals.
01:27 So we want to get that as low as we can go,
01:29 and if you're having symptoms, you might want to consider
01:32 zero fat or as close to that. Right
01:34 And so that's negative though,
01:36 you know, a lot of people don't like negatives,
01:38 but let's focus on positives.
01:41 So what is something we can do?
01:42 Let's focus on something we can do.
01:44 GREENS! Eat more greens.
01:47 I like to eat fresh greens because it makes nitric oxide.
01:50 It helps blood vessels around the body - in the heart,
01:53 in the brain, everywhere needs better blood.
01:55 So I try to eat greens; 3 or 4 fresh greens a day.
01:58 What I do Nick, is I just take some spinach or Swiss chard,
02:02 or some type of green and I eat it - now I can eat it raw.
02:06 Now some people that need to make salads can
02:08 make some salads and put some balsamic vinaigrette.
02:11 That doesn't have much fat and just practice on doing
02:14 that and see how you feel.
02:16 If you start eating more greens and less fat,
02:19 you're going to feel better, and all of a sudden you'll say,
02:21 "Man, I do feel better! I can make another change."
02:24 And if you want to learn more, go to one of these websites
02:27 that we talked about...
02:28 You know, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.org
02:32 is an excellent site; Dr. Esselstyn has a
02:34 wonderful site; Dr. McDougall, Dr. Ornish, many of them
02:37 or they can go to our website, heartwiseministries.org
02:40 to move one step at a time to lower their chance
02:44 of having cardiovascular disease.
02:45 Now Nick, I think we're ready to go to the questions.
02:50 Yeah, we have people write in to us on our website,
02:52 and Dr. Marcum and other physicians help answer
02:54 and point people in the right direction
02:56 when it comes to their health.
02:57 And some of the questions we have today on
02:59 cardiovascular disease are pretty interesting.
03:01 One viewer writes: "Is hypertension considered
03:04 cardiovascular disease?"
03:05 Yeah well, it could be, but hypertension to me,
03:09 is a symptom.
03:11 So if a person has high blood pressure,
03:13 I want to know - why do they have high blood pressure?
03:16 You know, Nick, if I put the
03:18 EpiPen in you, your blood pressure
03:19 would go up... I'd have some high blood pressure.
03:21 And the treatment for that would be the EpiPen.
03:23 Now if we needed it to go up, that's a good thing. Sure
03:26 Some people that have chronic pain
03:28 have their blood pressure go up.
03:29 Well, would you want to give them a blood pressure pill?
03:32 Prefer not to take a pill. No, or you'd want to treat
03:34 the underlying problem. That's right
03:35 So, when we talk about high blood pressure,
03:38 it's usually what's causing the underlying problem.
03:41 Now, high blood pressure prolonged - can damage
03:44 things because it makes the arteries weaker,
03:46 it makes the heart... it's like the heart has to
03:48 pump against a lot of pressure.
03:49 And sooner or later the heart gets thick
03:51 and then it gets weak.
03:52 So they call high blood pressure "the silent killer."
03:55 But the key for high blood pressure is fine out the
03:58 reason "why is it high."
03:59 Is it diet, is it stress, is it sleep apnea, is it pain,
04:05 is it worries, some medicines can do it.
04:08 Find out the reason why, and if you can find out
04:10 the reason why and get it down,
04:12 then you're lowering your risk of damaging
04:14 these blood vessels. That's an interesting point.
04:16 You know, I think we often, and I'm sure it's valid,
04:18 that food often causes these things,
04:20 but there are so many others there that you just mentioned.
04:22 Yeah, well we talked about earlier how people that eat
04:25 high fat diets - you know, that damages nitric oxide
04:30 so the arteries don't get bigger.
04:31 In fact, one of the treatments to lower blood pressure,
04:34 if it's diet, is to move towards
04:35 a whole food, plant-based diet,
04:38 and get processed foods out of the diet.
04:40 That can lower blood pressure dramatically,
04:42 and that helps most of the people do better.
04:45 So really, the cause of blood pressure
04:47 is not a blood pressure medicine.
04:49 So the solution is not going to really be blood pressure
04:52 medicines even though there are some conditions - thyroid,
04:55 kidney, artery disease; there are some genetic
04:57 conditions that can cause high blood pressure,
04:59 but most of the ones that I see are lifestyle-related.
05:02 Just extra weight - exercise will lower blood pressure,
05:05 getting the weight off you will lower blood pressure.
05:07 Lots of things can do that.
05:09 You just mentioned "medications with cardiovascular disease,"
05:13 we have a viewer who asks: "What are the side effects
05:15 of statins and are there alternatives?"
05:17 That is a great questions and I get that very frequently.
05:21 Statins are medicines that lower
05:23 and stabilize cholesterol in the body. Okay
05:26 And what I tell people, sometimes the benefit of the
05:29 medicine is worth it.
05:31 So if a person has had unstable heart disease,
05:34 high cholesterol, strong family, history,
05:37 I say, they might benefit from a statin - if they're
05:39 not having side effects.
05:41 The most common side effects are damage to the liver,
05:43 muscle problems.
05:44 It can affect your blood sugar.
05:46 It can also even affect the brain - statin sometimes. Really
05:49 But if a person says, "Listen, I'm going to eat a really
05:52 healthy diet," and they get their cholesterol really low,
05:55 they might not need to take a statin.
05:58 So everything, Nick, we put in our body has an input.
06:02 You know, and an input can either be bad or good.
06:05 So the food you put in is either going to be bad for your
06:08 chemistry or good for your chemistry.
06:10 The thoughts are either good or they're bad.
06:12 So, the same thing with the statin - it has a benefit,
06:15 but it has a danger.
06:17 Do the benefits outweigh the risk?
06:19 And I try to ask everyone about that.
06:21 Now, several people I've had with heart disease,
06:23 they get their cholesterol down, they exercise,
06:27 they do everything right and they might not benefit
06:30 as much from a statin as someone that doesn't do anything right.
06:34 And I still want to help the person that doesn't
06:35 do anything right too, and if they're not having a
06:38 side effect, they might benefit from a statin.
06:41 Now some people, their belief system...
06:43 they believe that the medicine is hurting them. Really
06:46 So if a person has a strong belief system,
06:48 and they say, "I don't think the medicine is helping me,"
06:50 so no matter what - if they think it's hurting them,
06:53 it is hurting them. It's going to hurt them, yes.
06:54 "As a man thinketh, so he is."
06:57 And there is something called "healing beliefs,"
06:59 if you believe in something, then it has some change
07:02 in the brain chemistry and it might help.
07:05 Dr. Herbert Benson, out of Harvard, has studied
07:07 healing beliefs and he has found out that
07:09 if people believe it's hurting them, it is hurting them.
07:11 So there's a belief system that has to be thrown in
07:15 when you talk about statins as well.
07:16 So there's a place for it, but if a person will do
07:19 everything else, maybe they won't have the need for it.
07:22 Okay... Another viewer asks: "Should all people
07:25 who have had a heart attack take a blood thinner?"
07:28 Well, pretty much, I think all people that have
07:31 taken a heart attack, unless they have a side effect
07:33 which is bleeding, should be on some type of blood thinners.
07:37 The most common one is low dose baby aspirin;
07:42 depending on the situation, there are stronger ones.
07:45 You know, Plavix is a stronger one.
07:47 We have higher doses of aspirin.
07:48 But one thing I want to focus on, Nick...
07:50 A lot of people don't realize that other things
07:52 can thin out the blood too.
07:54 You mean some natural ways to thin the blood? Yes
07:55 One of the natural things is having enough water! Really?
07:58 When you get dehydrated, guess what happens
08:00 to the blood...It's thicker!
08:01 Over 80% of the blood is water,
08:03 so if you don't drink, the blood gets thicker.
08:05 STRESS will thicken the blood and make it more likely to clot.
08:10 So the more stress you're under, the more the blood thickens.
08:14 There are things like omega 3-6-9 fatty acids
08:17 which you get in foods like almonds, flax...
08:20 Those things can help thin out the blood too.
08:23 So there are other things out there...
08:25 A lot of people don't even realize this,
08:26 but tomatoes - around the tomato seed is a
08:28 chemical that can help thin out the blood a little bit too.
08:31 So if a person has had a heart attack and they're not
08:34 having a side effect, I usually have them on a
08:37 baby aspirin at least, sometimes more - because I think
08:41 the benefit outweighs the risk of that. Sure
08:44 So every individual, you talk to your doctor,
08:46 and ask him, "What's the benefit, what's the risk,
08:49 and is there anything I can do to benefit myself
08:52 so I might not need to take as much medicine?
08:54 You know, talking about benefits and risks,
08:56 when should a person consider bypass surgery?
08:59 That can be a risky surgery. Yes
09:00 And I do send people for bypass,
09:02 and it's really if a person is having lots of symptoms.
09:06 Let's say they haven't lived very healthy through the years;
09:09 let's say they can't walk up a hill because they have
09:11 lots of chest pain, lots of shortness of breath,
09:14 and we do some testing...
09:15 We do testing called, "stress test and angiograms,"
09:18 and they have blockages in many of the arteries,
09:20 well that person might benefit from having a bypass surgery
09:24 not because it fixes the problem,
09:26 but it helps them get out and do more and exercise,
09:30 and have a healthier lifestyle. Right
09:32 That's where it benefits, so at that point,
09:33 I say "there's a risk of the bypass, but the bypass
09:37 benefits probably will outweigh the risks
09:39 because it will help you feel better, do more,
09:41 and also gives an alternative blood supply to the heart.
09:44 So if they did have a heart attack,
09:45 the heart attack seems to be less as severe,
09:48 but I tell them, "It doesn't fix the problem,
09:50 it just treats the symptom."
09:52 So there's a lot of things that there's risk and rewards
09:55 and with medications, there's a lot of risks
09:57 sometimes, but there's also, I'm hearing you say there's
09:59 a lot of natural treatments.
10:01 Well you know, a lot of people don't think that a
10:03 natural remedy would be "moving." Right!
10:05 A natural remedy would be drinking water.
10:07 A natural remedy would be eating healthy foods
10:10 because they have the healing properties too,
10:12 and a lot of people don't think about that,
10:14 but I would rather have them do that than treat symptoms...
10:18 Because symptoms just... they get worse,
10:21 more medicines - we don't fix the problem.
10:23 So today, I want everyone to remember to eat more greens,
10:26 and less fat and it will keep your arteries much healthier
10:30 than if you don't do those things. Right
10:32 Well that sounds like some great advice,
10:33 and we hope that you at home have appreciated this program,
10:36 and benefit from it.
10:38 And, we also know that ultimately
10:40 our Creator has the best answers for our health,
10:42 and sometimes it takes intervention from on High
10:45 to help us become better. Absolutely! Absolutely!
10:47 So we'll be right back in just a moment
10:48 Dr. Marcum is going to lead out in prayer.
10:55 I'm so glad that we can have an "Ultimate Prescription"
10:59 with our Creator - the One that
11:01 can help us have ultimate healing.
11:04 You know, God has promised to heal us,
11:06 it's just where, when and how,
11:08 and that's such a wonderful promise.
11:10 There might be someone out there that needs a prayer
11:12 for healing today and I want this to be a part
11:14 of everyone's treatment regimen - is prayer...
11:17 turning to the Ultimate Physician for their needs.
11:20 Let's bow our heads...
11:21 Heavenly Father, There might be someone
11:24 out there that needs Your healing in a special way today.
11:28 Please touch them Father and help them experience
11:31 Your love and Your healing power...
11:33 is our humble prayer, Amen
11:35 Now don't forget, we want everyone to eat
11:39 more greens, less fat, keep your body healthy,
11:43 and keep turning to the Ultimate Physician
11:46 as a source of power and healing in your life.


Revised 2016-05-24